Using mumiyo for stretch marks on the skin, recipes and benefits. Recipes for cream with mumiyo for stretch marks on video. Video: about the beneficial properties of mumiyo

The healing properties of the Altai mumiyo have been known for a long time; thanks to its unique composition, it has secured the title effective method cures for many diseases. Incredibly, it has recently become actively used in the cosmetic field, and many experts have recognized mumiyo as an effective remedy for eliminating stretch marks.

During her life, every woman is faced with a lot of factors that cause the appearance of unsightly red or purple stripes on the body (which gradually turn white) or, as they are also called in everyday life, stretch marks (striae). Diets, sudden weight changes, genetic predisposition, building muscle mass, pregnancy and childbirth, adolescence, taking corticosteroids, hormonal imbalance - all this provokes inflammatory phenomena in the skin, which lead to thinning of the epidermis and dermis and a decrease or complete disappearance of the number of elastin fibers in the center of inflammation. As a result, ruptures occur inside the tissues, which, when healed, are replaced by connective tissue.

Since stretch marks are scar tissue (skin atrophy), they do not grow hair and do not darken in the sun (do not tan). From a cosmetic point of view, this defect is quite unpleasant, so most women prefer to get rid of them immediately. But this is where the real difficulties arise, because stretch marks are quite difficult to remove. There are a variety of methods for removing them (laser, mesotherapy, cosmetic creams, massages, ozone therapy, peelings, etc.). However, the result of efforts largely depends on the timeliness of the start of the fight against them. Old stretch marks can be made less noticeable by smoothing the surface of the skin, but you won’t be able to get rid of them completely. But those who “acquired” their stretch marks recently (up to six months) have every chance of completely eliminating them.

The effect of mumiyo on stretch marks.
To eliminate old stretch marks, it is important to restore lost elastin fibers. To prevent the appearance of new stripes, a strong anti-inflammatory agent is needed. It is the mummy that meets all these requirements; it has the most powerful healing properties, stimulating the process of cell restoration. The effect of using mumiyo in the treatment of stretch marks cannot be compared with any salon procedure, in addition, many of them are painful and traumatic (exposure to acids, laser resurfacing, etc.). In addition to combating stretch marks, mumiyo saturates the skin with important nutrients, maintaining its beauty.

It should be noted that mumiyo is a natural and absolutely safe product, therefore it has no contraindications for use. Thanks to its strong regenerative properties, the use of mumiyo triggers the body’s recovery mechanisms. The beneficial components included in its composition penetrate into damaged areas of the dermis and normalize blood circulation in them. To ensure that the quality and properties of the mumiyo are preserved during the cleaning process, high-quality equipment and equipment are used, as well as temperatures not exceeding 390 C.

As I noted earlier, it is necessary to treat stretch marks immediately after they occur. It is when the stretch marks are pinkish-violet and have not acquired a light shade that they are easily eliminated. With white stripes, the situation is different; the treatment process is longer and more complex. But with constant use, mumiyo solves this problem too. When breastfeeding After giving birth, it is recommended that the baby begin to fight the hated stripes after the end of lactation. Shilajit is also an excellent preventive measure, especially during adolescence and pregnancy. Its regular use increases the elasticity and strength of skin fibers, thereby preventing the occurrence of stretch marks.

How to use mumiyo in the fight against stretch marks?
Shilajit is used for stretch marks in combination with cream. To prepare the composition you will need approximately two to four grams of natural mummy. Let me make a reservation right away: it is useless to use mummy in tablets, since most of the substances are present in them in minimal quantities. So, the mummy should be poured with a teaspoon of warm boiled water and kneaded thoroughly until completely dissolved. Next, add one tube of rich baby cream to this mixture (without the addition of string or chamomile). Again, mix the composition thoroughly until smooth and use as directed every day, preferably at night, after taking a shower or warm bath. It is important to rub this cream with massaging movements into the areas affected by stretch marks. It is advisable to store it in a separate jar with a lid in the refrigerator.

For better effect, you can add to this composition any suitable product for combating stretch marks and cellulite. essential oil(five to seven drops). Oils of orange, rosemary, jojoba, mint, neroli, lavender, rose, and sweet almond are considered effective. In the process of using such a product, stretch marks begin to decrease in size, their depth and relief change, and the color intensity also decreases.

Despite the absence of side effects and contraindications, before using mumiyo, do an allergy test. Apply a small amount of the composition to the area of ​​the skin in the elbow area (on the inside). If after a few minutes you experience irritation or any other negative reaction, then you should stop using the product.

It is worth noting that in each specific case the effect of using the product will be individual. Some will notice results within a month, while others will wait two months for changes. Everything is purely individual and depends on the characteristics of the skin, the “age” of stretch marks, etc. The main thing in this matter is regularity and patience. After achieving the result, that is, eliminating stretch marks, the cream is recommended to be used for preventive purposes. As we know, prevention is the best treatment.

Shilajit is a remedy that can help reduce stretch marks. The article contains recipes for products containing this substance, especially for home use.

Striae (stretch marks) for a woman are a real disaster. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of them completely without surgery. But mummy will help make ugly stripes on the skin less noticeable.

Does mummy help with stretch marks? Photos before and after

Since recently much emphasis has been placed on traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment, experts are studying the medicinal, cosmetic and restorative practices of many peoples using various natural ingredients for treatment.

They are non-traditional because they are used not in official, traditional medicine, but in folk medicine, which is called non-traditional or alternative. And since alternative medicine methods have been used by people for decades, or even hundreds, of years, we can say that they are traditional in the treatment of many diseases.

IMPORTANT: The use of mumiyo is one of these methods of treatment, common among the peoples of the Caucasus, Central Asia, India, Nepal, Mongolia and other regions. Mumiyo concentrates a complex of organic and inorganic substances rich in various minerals and organic acids

Externally, mumiyo is a resin-like substance of various shades, from brown to brown-black and black. Its consistency is refractory, the surface is uneven and hard. The substance dissolves well in water. Mumiyo is formed with the participation of rocks, microorganisms and waste products of plants, soil, animals, primarily bats. Has a specific smell.

Due to the high concentration of organic substances in the mummy, taking into account its positive and effective regenerative properties, it is used for various medical purposes, including to eliminate such an obvious problem as stretch marks:

  • stretch marks become pale and invisible
  • deep furrows on the skin go away
  • the skin is evened out and becomes smoother, thanks to its active cell regeneration

How to use mumiyo for stretch marks?

You can use mumiyo for stretch marks in the form of:

  • cream
  • cream with tablets
  • masks and wraps
  • oils
  • body lotions

Preparations with mumiyo can be bought at the pharmacy in ready-to-use form, or you can prepare them yourself at home.

Cream with mummy tablets for stretch marks

In pharmacies, mumiyo is sold in the form of tablets. To use it to get rid of stretch marks, mummy tablets are dissolved either in water or added to the cream.

Cream with mumiyo for stretch marks step by step.

There are a few rules to remember:

  • Shilajit dissolves well in water
  • it cannot be dissolved in alcohol
  • the water should not be hot
  • water must be distilled or boiled

Of course, mummy tablets undergo technological processing, so it loses some of its healing properties. At the same time, in the same technological process it is saturated with other useful properties. However, many people prefer natural raw materials mumiyo, on the basis of which cream can also be made.

How to prepare cream with mummy tablets?

RECIPE: Striae cream

You need: mumiyo – 2 tablets, cream – 50 g.

  • Prepare a tube of any cream for the skin of the face or body; it is advisable to take baby cream. If it is an anti-cellulite cream, then the effect is expected to be double. As an option, body milk is also suitable.
    Cream is squeezed into a pre-prepared container.
  • Dissolve 2 mummy tablets in a teaspoon of water and pour the resulting solution into a container with cream. Stir until a homogeneous and uniform mass is obtained.
  • The mixture is then placed in a glass or ceramic jar or other container and placed in the refrigerator.

  • This mass should be rubbed into problem areas with stretch marks. Shilajit in combination with massage is an excellent way to keep the skin smooth and elastic.
  • It is advisable to carry out the procedure daily (but at least twice a week) for three or more months until the desired result is obtained.
  • You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the resulting mass to eliminate the specific smell of mumiyo and make the massage procedure more pleasant

IMPORTANT: The mixture should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Video: with instructions for preparing mummy cream

Masks and wraps with mumiyo for stretch marks

RECIPE: Mask with mumiyo

To make a mask with mumiyo, you need to take about 4 g of raw material or 2 - 3 tablets and keep it in a water bath for 3 - 4 minutes.

The mummy melted in this way is applied to the prepared gauze. The areas of skin on which the mummy will be applied must first be lubricated with cream or body milk.

The gauze is applied to the body, fixed in a convenient way and left there for several hours, possibly overnight. After removing the mask, you can take a shower.

Oil and mumiyo for stretch marks

Essential oil in combination with mumiyo will have a multiple effect on the body and the body as a whole:

  • will help in the fight against stretch marks and cellulite
  • saturates with a complex of nutrients and vitamins
  • will make procedures with mumiyo more enjoyable

You should also mix mumiyo and essential oil for use as a massage product or for wraps and compresses using cream or body milk.

RECIPE: Mumiyo with essential oil

Shilajit tablets ground into powder or mumiyo substance previously dissolved in water are first mixed with the cream, to which 9-10 drops of essential oil are then added.
Proportion – 2 mummy tablets per tube of cream.

You can prepare a massage cream for rubbing with mumiyo.
RECIPE: Massage cream with mumiyo

You will need olive or rose oil. For 2 mummy tablets crushed to a powdery state, prepare the same volume of oil as the volume of cream in tubes (as in previous recipes), this is approximately 60 - 80 g. This mixture should be applied to problem areas with massage rubbing movements.

Remedy for old stretch marks with mumiyo

  • Newly appeared stretch marks are pink, and old ones are pale. There are also those that have left furrows on the body.
    Old stretch marks are more difficult to get rid of than new ones. To do this, use more effective products with mumiyo, namely scrubs
  • Of course, with the current wide choice cosmetics You can ask around at the pharmacy for ready-made forms based on mumiyo
  • Knowing how effective this product is, you can purchase such a scrub. Or you can cook it yourself using natural ingredients at hand.

A scrub with coffee and mumiyo is a remedy for old stretch marks.

RECIPE: Scrub for stretch marks
Take 50 g of ground coffee (you can use coffee grounds). Coffee is needed for dispersion. Grind 2 tablets of mumiyo into powder and steam it in a water bath. Mix everything with 1 tablespoon of honey and a few drops of citrus essential oil. Mix everything thoroughly.
IN clean skin rub the resulting mass either with a hard washcloth or a massage brush. Rub until everything except the coffee is absorbed into the skin.
Afterwards you can take a shower.
Instead of coffee, you can also effectively use Cambrian blue clay or Dead Sea salt for benefits and beauty. Scrubs based on them are also an excellent remedy for both new and old stretch marks.

What is the best mummy for stretch marks?

It is difficult to determine which mummy is better. The main thing is to be sure that this is a natural mummy.

IMPORTANT: Natural mummy is completely dissolved in pure distilled or free water. If there is a precipitate or cloudiness during dissolution, there are some additional impurities in the substance

The appearance of stretch marks spoils even an elegant figure, because they appear not only after sudden change weight or pregnancy, but they overtake athletes and those who like to actively engage in physical exercise. Therefore, let's consider the most effective remedy in the fight against stretch marks - natural mumiyo.

Mumiyo is mined in the mountains in the form of a resinous substance, which is subsequently purified from sand and rock particles. It has many synonyms - “tears of the gods”, “stone blood”, “mountain resin”, but they all speak about the healing properties of this product. The composition combines hundreds of materials of mineral and animal origin, among which the most valuable are:

  • organic acids;
  • wax and resins;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • aluminum.

This rich composition has a biostimulating effect, supports the human immune system, restores damaged tissue and suppresses mutational transformations. This action restores connective tissue, which is deformed and transformed into striae.

Which mumiyo should I buy?

In pharmacies, this drug is sold in the form of ready-made creams, ointments, tablets and solutions. To get the maximum benefit from it, you should take tablets or solutions with a dispenser, since mumiyo loses its healing properties when in contact with oxygen. Please note that only a natural product will be effective against stretch marks. A counterfeit, which is easy to get from street distributors, will have zero effect and is a waste of money.

There is a universal method that allows you to distinguish a genuine mummy from a counterfeit one. To do this, add 0.1 g of mumiyo to 5 ml of filtered water and wait until completely dissolved.

  1. If you drop diluted alkali into the resulting mixture, its color will not change.
  2. When a solution of acids is added to it, a brownish precipitate is observed at the bottom.

Ready-made creams

Shilajit-based creams are purchased both in pharmacies and in the cosmetic departments of specialized stores. But such products are more expensive than an identical composition prepared by yourself. It is also worth noting that this organomineral product loses its healing properties upon prolonged contact with oxygen, so over time the tube of cream will become less effective than at the beginning of use.

For those who are too lazy to prepare mummy cream on their own, we recommend the following products that have received best reviews from women who used them:

  • cream against stretch marks Mumio Organics;
  • cream against stretch marks “Mummy Altai”;
  • ointment self made“Cream based on wax with the addition of mumiyo”;
  • massage cream “Biolit”;
  • Mirra cream with mumiyo against stretch marks.

With regular use, these products have shown positive dynamics in the condition of even old stretch marks. The cost of each of them is close – 400–500 rubles.

Homemade cream for stretch marks

At home, single portions of a cosmetic product are prepared, so it is effective to use mumiyo for stretch marks in home-made creams. Just calculate the required portion taking into account the problem area, so that the composition is not left over for next time.

To do this, 1 tablet of an organic product is dissolved in a small amount of water in a ceramic or glassware. 70-100 g of anti-cellulite cream, anti-stretch marks or baby cream are added to the mixture, mixed and immediately go into the shower for preparatory procedures.

The components of the cream will be better absorbed into the skin if you first take a contrast shower to tone the skin, and then clean it with a scrub and a rough brush or washcloth. Such manipulations will not only cleanse the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis, but will also increase blood circulation in problem areas for rapid absorption and assimilation of beneficial substances from the cream.

When using homemade cream, you need to know one of its features: mumiyo has a very bad smell, which remains on the body after using the miracle cure. Therefore, to give this procedure pleasant notes and smooth out the aroma, it is recommended to add 5 drops of no more than three selected essential oils to the homemade cream.

What oils are combined with mumiyo?

The best way to neutralize the specific smell of mumiyo is with oil:

  • rosewood, it relieves irritation and can heal wounds;
  • any citrus oil, they tone the skin and get rid of cellulite;
  • grape seeds, which is considered an ideal skin moisturizer;
  • ylang-ylang – a natural aphrodisiac with an antiseptic effect;
  • peppermint oil, it has soothing and softening properties.

But there are oils that enhance the unpleasant aroma of mummy-based cream: lavender, bergamot and coffee. Despite their positive effects on the skin, they should be avoided to prevent the cream from smelling too pungent.

Scrub for stretch marks

Shilajit for stretch marks in the cream gives a visible result only in the case of fresh depressions in the skin that have a bluish or reddish color. But if the stretch marks have a “long history”, are white in color, and wide in size, then strict measures will be required.

A scrub with the addition of mumiyo helps smooth out the skin and make even old stretch marks invisible. To get it, mix:

  1. 5 g ground coffee.
  2. 5 g softened mummy.
  3. 5 ml filtered water.
  4. 5 drops orange or eucalyptus oil.
  5. 150 g of anti-cellulite cream or store-bought anti-stretch mark product.

This composition is applied to areas with stretch marks using pressing movements, massaged for 5-10 minutes, then left without rinsing for another 10 minutes. When time passes, the composition is washed off with cool water, the body is rubbed with a hard towel or brush and cream with mumiyo for stretch marks is applied. Such harsh measures should be used no more than twice a week, as the skin needs to be given time to recover.

Old stretch marks require a careful approach, when the cosmetic composition provides the skin with maximum nutritional components. For these purposes, it is better to do wraps with a simultaneous peeling effect. To prepare the active cream for wrapping, mix:

  1. 5 g mummy.
  2. Add a little water to make the organic product mushy.
  3. 3 capsules of aspirin.
  4. 50 g of Boro-plus ointment.

The last component is necessary for the formation of a greasy film, which will make the process of penetration of nutrients into the skin faster. Aspirin will instantly exfoliate the keratinized cells of the epidermis, due to which the components of the mummy will begin to act directly on the subcutaneous layers. You can use this recipe every other day, smearing the areas with stretch marks with the prepared mixture, wrapping them in cling film and wrapping them in a blanket for 2 hours.

Another effective recipe against striae:

  1. 5 g mummy.
  2. Spoon of water.
  3. 30 g Dead Sea salt.
  4. 30 g Cambrian clay.

Use the composition in the same way as in the previous recipe.

For mumiyo to really help against stretch marks, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. To achieve visible results, procedures must be carried out daily for 1-2 months. The skin will begin to change positive side only after 6-7 procedures, you shouldn’t expect any changes earlier.
  2. To completely get rid of unfortunate stretch marks, it is recommended to begin their treatment in the early stages - in the first months after they appear on the skin.
  3. The skin will better perceive and absorb the components of creams if it is first steamed in a hot bath, shower or bath, and then treated with a rough scrub (for example, with coffee and sea salt).
  4. To improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer and improve the perception of the cream, it is recommended to rub it in with a hard washcloth.
  5. When the skin has completely absorbed the cream, you can treat problem areas with massage rollers.
  6. If dark stains remain on clothes from mumiyo, they can be easily washed off in water with lemon juice using laundry soap.
  7. Marks on the skin of the body and hands can be washed off with lemon juice or any makeup remover.

Can pregnant women use it?

More than three decades of research on “mountain wax” have led to evidence that its components do not have a negative effect on either the pregnant woman’s body or the developing fetus. Therefore, mumiyo can be used in small concentrations as part of baby cream. But during lactation you should not apply this composition to the chest area.

The drug is not allergenic, but it would be useful to check the body’s reaction to its active substances. But it is better to consult your doctor before deciding to use such a product during pregnancy.

Stretch marks are the insidious enemies of any woman, they appear easily and are in no hurry to disappear. There are many modern means that help fight this scourge. Most of them are made on the basis of mumiyo. This substance is perfect for skin care, maintaining its youth and elasticity. But you can use mumiyo for stretch marks on your own: you just need to include it in a regular cream. It will turn out great inexpensive remedy, helping to get rid of the problem.

What is mumiyo and what is it used for?

Shilajit is a mixture of natural components, which is the result of a reaction rock with organic resin. The substance is found in grottoes and caves at an altitude of 2000-3500 meters. Here, mumiyo is mined in the Altai Mountains. The accumulation of this substance is especially large where pikas live, the bats, squirrels, wild pigeons. Shilajit also loves the proximity of certain plants: rose hips, juniper, lichen, mint, thyme, wormwood and others. Taken together, these organic substances make up the mummy. Used in medicine and cosmetology.

Treatment of stretch marks

Recently, the use of a substance for deep stretch marks has become increasingly popular. To do this, you must prepare the medicinal mixture yourself. For the effect to be especially noticeable, treatment should begin no later than six months after the appearance of stretch marks. It is best to start getting rid of this defect immediately after it appears. Don't wait until stretch marks begin to discolor, becoming more transparent than normal skin. Continue until these defects become clear.

Using mumiyo for stretch marks, you will speed up the restoration of skin cells. This substance has a strong healing effect and improves regeneration. When used correctly, the skin becomes elastic and softer. The product is recommended to be used for preventive purposes. This helps make the skin more elastic and prevent the appearance of stretch marks, which is especially important for pregnant women. The substance is safe and hypoallergenic, but to rule out irritation it is necessary to test how your skin reacts to this mummy.

Recipe for making cream at home (with photo)

To get an effective healing remedy, you need to prepare the cream yourself. You can find all the necessary ingredients at home or at your nearest pharmacy. Shilajit in tablets can also be used as a base; it’s easier to dilute, but it’s better if it’s a natural substance. We will need:

  • mummy in tablets or natural;
  • children's, regular body or anti-cellulite cream;
  • warm water.

So, let's begin:

  • In a non-metallic container, dilute 1 tablet or 3-4 grams of natural substance with 3-4 ml of warm water. For this it is better to use plastic or glass plates.
  • Stir well so that there is no sediment or undissolved pieces left. To do this, also use ceramic or wooden spoons that are neutral to the ingredients. The proportion of the finished product to the mummy solution is approximately 1 to 10. As a result, you should get about 70-80 ml. finished mass.
  • Add baby cream. It is better if it is a fatty composition with an oily structure. Instead of baby milk, any fatty milk, body milk or anti-cellulite agent. You can also mix 2-3 different creams in small quantities. Your regular body care product is best and is guaranteed not to cause any allergic reactions.
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous creamy mass. It is best to prepare a new portion of this substance before each use. If this is not possible, then the product should be stored in the refrigerator using non-metallic containers, such as an empty jar. The shelf life of the resulting mass is short - only a few days.

A few more secrets: by adding crushed berry seeds or mineral salt to this mass, you will turn the composition into a scrub - an excellent tool for cleansing the skin and removing dead particles. Ground coffee is also suitable for this role, helping to slightly neutralize the unpleasant odor. If you are going to cook mumiyo at home for the first time, this may raise many questions. To prepare the product yourself without any hassle, watch the video:

How to apply the product correctly

Apply the finished product to the problem area. To do this, use massage movements to first gently spread the product onto the skin, and then rub it more vigorously. Try using some massage techniques to help achieve better results. Application methods are different and vary depending on what part of the body the product is applied to:

  • the limbs are usually rubbed towards the heart;
  • The stomach and chest are massaged in a clockwise circular motion;
  • the waist warms up from the hip to the chest.

It is convenient to wash off the product with plain water. If application by hand is difficult, it is recommended to use a massage roller. Using an anti-cellulite product as a base, you can get rid of two problems at the same time. The main thing is not to forget to apply the cream daily and intensively massage problem areas. A systematic approach and perseverance are the main helpers in the fight against the enemies of your figure.

How to muffle an unpleasant odor

Since homemade cream has an unpleasant odor, apply it better evening. Overnight, this aroma will disappear, and you can wash off any remaining residue with plain water. To ensure that the product has a pleasant aroma, during its preparation add 3-4 drops of aromatic oil, which has an anti-inflammatory soothing effect. Citrus, mint, and rose almond oils are best. Some extracts are best avoided because the unpleasant odor of the shilajit may increase. These are coffee, lavender and bergamot oils.

Wrap masks

In addition to the cream, try making wrapping masks yourself, which are used for the prevention and treatment of cellulite and stretch marks. To prepare the mask you will need:

  • blue clay,
  • olive oil,
  • essential oil (citrus oil is best),
  • mummy in tablets or natural,
  • warm water.

The process of preparing a mask is simple and straightforward:

  1. First you need to dissolve the mumiyo in warm water in a proportion of 10 grams per 100 ml. Make sure that the substance is completely mixed, leaving no small particles.
  2. Next, add the remaining ingredients and stir them thoroughly.
  3. You should get a paste-like mixture, which should be applied to problem areas of the body. This remedy will also give results in the fight against cellulite.
  4. Apply the mask to skin that has been thoroughly cleansed with a scrub, then wrap this area of ​​the body in cling film and cover with a blanket.

The procedure lasts at least 30 minutes or a little more. After this, the film is removed and the mask is washed off with plain water. A contrast shower will help consolidate the result. The mask should not be applied too often - once every one to two weeks is enough. Also, you should not use the mask if you have skin diseases, irritation, or allergic reactions. Any doubt is a reason to postpone the procedure.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

According to the instructions, using mumiyo for stretch marks is not dangerous during pregnancy. However, if you want to overcome stretch marks on your stomach, it is better to postpone the use of the product until the postpartum period, because massaging your stomach while expecting a baby is prohibited. But the product is convenient to use when getting rid of stretch marks on the legs and thighs. Try not to overuse such creams. It is ideal if you consult your doctor before using them.

Shilajit-based masks are contraindicated during pregnancy. Also apply these products very carefully to the breast area during lactation. The fact is that there is a high risk of its penetration into breast milk. In addition, the unpleasant smell of the substance can spoil the baby’s appetite. It should also be abandoned aromatic oils which can cause allergies in a newborn.

Prevention of stretch marks

In order not to spend a lot of effort fighting stretch marks, it is much easier to take measures to prevent them. To do this, you need to regularly (1-2 times a week) apply creams with mummy to the most problematic areas. This will help make your skin elastic, smooth, velvety and allow you to forget about problems with stretch marks and cellulite. Pay special attention to this issue during pregnancy, when the possibility of stretch marks is especially high.

Photos before and after use

The effectiveness of the product largely depends on how early you started using it. You will see the best results if you start using creams with this substance in the first weeks after the appearance of stretch marks. In just a month or two they will become much paler and more inconspicuous. The product with mumiyo also helps with old stretch marks, but the result will not be so noticeable. Here are just a few examples of the effectiveness of using such a cream.

Stretch marks on the body can affect both women and men. The reasons why they appear may be different. Women often develop stretch marks during pregnancy. The most “favorite” places for stretch marks are: stomach, thighs, buttocks. Cosmetologists recommend using mumiyo against stretch marks.

Treatments with this natural product are the most effective and efficient. After the second or third procedure, no one will have a question: does mummy help with stretch marks? The answer will be visually visible.

Stretch marks look like white and pink scars and cause a lot of problems for beauties. They don't give in ultraviolet rays and look like “white crows” on a tanned body.

Before you begin procedures to eliminate unsightly scars, it is necessary to establish the cause of their appearance, which can be completely different:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • rapid growth in adolescents;
  • rapid weight gain and loss;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • water balance disturbance;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • sedentary lifestyle, bad habits;
  • heredity.

Stretch marks can also appear in athletes as a result of intense training, especially on the inside of the arms.

The scars first take on a pink tint, the skin on them is thinner compared to other areas of the body, and if left untreated, the stretch marks will fade and will be much more difficult to remove. Scarring white They are called “old”, they become this color after about a year and a half.

By their nature, stretch marks on the skin are microtraumas on the body. For various reasons, the skin cannot stretch, loses elasticity and is injured from the inside. The body itself tries to heal the tear, filling the injured area with connective tissue, which is externally different from other areas of the skin.

Action of mumiyo

The bee product sufficiently possesses all the necessary beneficial and medicinal properties, capable of eliminating unsightly scars on the body.

Has the following healing effects on the skin:

  • normalizes subcutaneous fat metabolism;
  • helps even out skin tone;
  • reduces the depth and length of scars;
  • increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, saturates it with all the necessary vitamins and elements.

When applying products for stretch marks based on mumiyo to problem areas of the skin, positive influence the drug is applied not only to the superficial, but also to the deep layers of the skin, and the damaged dermis is restored much faster.


The process of treating stretch marks is quite labor-intensive; you can get rid of scars only with regular and long-term treatment. Very deep and “old” scars can only be eliminated with the help of plastic surgery, so the more correct way to maintain the beauty of the body is preventive measures, which include simple measures:

  • drink at least two liters of water a day (pure water, not tea, coffee or compote), always maintain optimal water balance in the body;
  • use nourishing and moisturizing creams, balms, milk;
  • If possible, exclude smoked meats and various preservatives from the diet;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • consume vitamins, macro and microelements necessary for the body (zinc, copper, vitamins C, B5, E);
  • consume enough protein, which helps restore skin tissue and prevent ruptures;
  • constantly monitor your weight, periodically “sit down” on therapeutic diets (the most effective and safe is);
  • take the course periodically.

Good preventive measures against stretch marks are, which helps stimulate blood circulation in the body, and. To prevent stretch marks, you need to make it a rule to carry out exfoliating procedures using scrubs once a week and take contrasting water procedures at least every other day.

It is necessary to think about the prevention of stretch marks even in adolescence, when weight can change dramatically, hormonal changes and rapid growth of a young body occur. After all, it is always easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it for a long time.

Basic rules for using mumiyo

For those who decide to get rid of unsightly scars at home, the first thing you need to do is be patient. Visible results will appear only after a month’s course of treatment procedures.

To ensure that time and effort are not wasted, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of cosmetologists on the use of cosmetics based on mumiyo:

  • procedures must be taken regularly twice a day (morning and evening) for one to two months;
  • to prepare a mask or cream, you need to use only natural and fresh products, purchase mumiyo only from trusted sellers or at a pharmacy;
  • When buying a product in factory packaging, you must pay attention to the expiration date; it is advisable to take mumiyo with a short shelf life; the longer the bee product is stored, the lower its effectiveness, since during industrial processing, preservation and storage the natural product loses most its healing properties;
  • It is advisable to crush mumiyo in tablets into powder for more complete and rapid dissolution of the drug in water;
  • try to prepare a cosmetic product for stretch marks only in a volume designed for one procedure; it is not recommended to use the home remedy again, since the prepared composition for future use will not bring the desired result (under the influence of air, the mummy loses some of its beneficial properties);
  • Store the remaining healing mixtures in a dark glass container in the refrigerator, but no more than 2-3 days;
  • Use ceramic or glass dishes to prepare masks and creams.

It is not difficult to follow all these simple rules; of course, it will require both time and effort, but the result will be definitely positive.

Recipes for medicinal cosmetics prepared at home

High-quality cosmetics for stretch marks containing mumiyo can be bought at a pharmacy or in a store, but their cost will be higher than average. When buying ready-made cosmetics, you cannot know for sure whether it will suit you, whether it will have the desired effect, or whether it will cause an allergy.

Advantage home cosmetics the fact that it is prepared according to an individual recipe, it contains only those natural products that will benefit and not harm the body. The effect of such masks and creams will be no worse than industrial ones, and they will cost your wallet several times less.

Any cream for stretch marks with mumiyo has a short shelf life, so if the product is packaged in a beautiful glass package with a shelf life of up to a year, you shouldn’t expect the desired results from such cosmetics. With constant contact of such a cream with air and skin, its use period will be a maximum of 2 weeks, after which you can simply throw away the jar with the remains, because there will be nothing useful or medicinal in it.

Homemade cosmetics, prepared independently at home, do not need shelf life restrictions, since they are prepared in volumes necessary for one, maximum 3 procedures.

Balm with baby cream

  • mumiyo - 2–4 g;
  • purified (boiled) water - 1 tsp;
  • baby cream - 50–70 g.

Dissolve the mummy in water; if tablets are used, they must first be crushed into powder. Add baby cream to the solution, stir the ointment until smooth. It is advisable to prepare the balm for one or two procedures. Store leftover product in the refrigerator in a glass container for no longer than 2-3 days.

The resulting cream with mumiyo for stretch marks is recommended to be applied in a thin layer to the area of ​​stretch marks every morning and evening for two to three months. The balm is best absorbed into cleansed and steamed skin. Rub it in with light circular movements, leave on the skin for at least 3-4 hours, after which rinse off the residue with warm water.

Coffee scrub against “old” stretch marks

  • Shilajit powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground coffee - 1 teaspoon;
  • essential oil (preferably orange) - 5–6 drops;
  • warm boiled water - 1 teaspoon;
  • cream suitable for your skin type (can be anti-cellulite) - a sufficient amount to bind the components of the mask.

To prepare a cosmetic product, you should dissolve the mummy powder in water, add ground coffee, essential oil, and mix everything thoroughly. Combine the mass with enough cream to form a medium-viscosity substance.

Before starting the procedure, problem areas must be steamed. The mask should be applied with intense massage movements to the scar area for 5–7 minutes. Leave the scrub on the body for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

The mask has a scrubbing effect and is effective against “old”, deep stretch marks. Recommended course 1-2 times a week for 2-3 months.

Sea buckthorn oil and mumiyo

  • Shilajit powder - 1 part;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 2 parts;
  • warm boiled water - 1 teaspoon.

Dissolve the bee product powder in water, add to the oil, mix the oil mixture thoroughly until smooth. Rub the product into problem areas with light circular movements. The duration of the procedure is 3–4 hours, after which the remaining oil should be washed off with warm water.

Sea buckthorn oil complements the healing effects of mumiyo: improves metabolism, accelerates the healing of microtraumas on the skin, stimulates the process of tissue regeneration. Cosmetics based on sea ​​buckthorn oil and bee product not only effectively fights scars, but nourishes and softens the skin, eliminates excessive sweating, and eliminates calluses.

The frequency of procedures is 1–2 times a week for 1–2 months.

Clay mask

  • mumiyo - 5 g;
  • warm boiled water - 50 ml.;
  • vegetable or olive oil - 100 ml;
  • blue clay - 150 g.

Dissolve the mummy in warm water, add all other ingredients and stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

Apply the finished mask to problem areas of previously cleansed (preferably steamed) skin and cover with cellophane. The duration of the procedure, depending on the depth and age of the stretch marks, is from 2 to 3 hours. It is recommended to finish the procedure with a contrast shower.

The procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a week for 2-3 months.

Mask with cooling effect

  • mumiyo - 3 tablets;
  • warm boiled water - 1–2 teaspoons;
  • baby cream - 50 g;
  • essential oil (preferably mint) - 10 drops.

Crush the tablets into powder and dissolve in water. Add cream and oil to the solution, mix the mixture thoroughly, transfer to a glass container, and store in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

Use the mask daily, rubbing it into the stretch marks with gentle massage movements, for 1–2 months.

Essential oil eliminates the unpleasant odor of bee products and gives a pleasant cooling sensation when using the product.

Water solution

  • boiled water - 100 ml;
  • Shilajit powder - 10 g.

Dissolve the mummy in water, moisten a cotton pad with the solution, apply to problem areas, and leave until completely dry. To get the best results from the procedure, first cleanse the body with a scrub, lotion or milk. To increase blood flow and speed up metabolic processes in the upper layers of the skin, it is advisable to do a light warming massage.

Treatment of stretch marks should be comprehensive: it is advisable to combine procedures with masks and creams with wraps, massage and water treatments.

Contraindications and side effects, interactions with other drugs

Despite the fact that mumiyo is the safest drug, the natural product has several contraindications - these are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • tumor formations;
  • hypertension;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • Elderly people should use mumiyo with caution.

When taking procedures using mumiyo, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Before starting treatment with a bee product, it is necessary to exclude all possible health risks, and if in doubt, be sure to consult a doctor.

The only one side effect when using cosmetics made from mumiyo, this is the appearance of spots on the skin after applying a cream or mask. This problem can be easily eliminated using makeup remover or lemon juice diluted with water.

Shilajit can be taken simultaneously with other medications, with the exception of medications containing euphilin.

Regular use of mumiyo in the treatment of stretch marks can smooth out even deep scars. The only rule that must be strictly followed is a systematic approach to the problem. As they say: “Beauty requires sacrifice,” therefore, in the struggle for beautiful body you will have to sacrifice free time, some favorite activities, meetings with loved ones and friends, but all these “sacrifices” will not be in vain, and even very wonderful!