Happy anniversary to a physician (doctor, doctor). Congratulations from Doctor Aibolit Congratulations on the Day of the Medical Worker to the narcologist

Category: Congratulations » Congratulations on Doctor's Day » To the narcologist

Narcology- a branch of medicine that studies the manifestations of chronic alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse, developing methods for their prevention and treatment. Narcology has emerged as an independent medical science relatively recently. Back in the first half of the twentieth century, all issues related to drug and alcohol addiction were considered in the field of psychology. And only in the late seventies and early eighties of the last century, narcology was identified as an independent science. Over its short life, narcology has been able to identify some methods, approaches and drugs that are actively used today to effectively overcome addictions different types. And drug addiction didn’t stop there. Scientists - narcologists continue their research, developing and raising this area of ​​medicine to the proper level.

You drive the disease out of us with medicines,
With their secrets, sometimes with their deceits.
But you return the joy of good health,
You don’t leave us alone with the disease.

Your patient is sometimes unpleasant,
But you are in a hurry to help anyway,
After all, duty does not distinguish the colors of spots,
Who is at the top and who has gone to the bottom.

How can I not believe you? How not to listen
If you, our righteous one,
Heal the body by influencing the soul -
Doctor's aerobatics!?

Health worker, your holiday has come,
I found my addressee.
Congratulations. It's a pity the holiday will pass
And he knocks with a timid hand.

We are grateful to the team of your department!
You have done a miracle for our entire family.
We can say that life has been returned,
Our relative's health was saved!

The work of a narcologist is very difficult.
He wants to save many people from drugs,
Many people become addicted to pills,
Or there is a great desire to take a dose.

Happy Doctor's Day, I congratulate you,
I thank you and glorify you
Your work, which gives us health,
Instilling hope in us!

Congratulations on Medical Worker's Day,
And today we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that your thoughts are like your robes,
The guys were clean and white.

Doctor from God - such a comparison,
There is no better one and it is impossible to choose,
A doctor from God will prescribe treatment,
You can always trust in everything!

We hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary,
And from the bottom of our hearts we want to wish you,
In life there is always the fulfillment of desires,
Happiness, good luck and don’t get tired!

Happy anniversary to you, good doctor,
We congratulate the whole crowd,
We wish you love and happiness,
And always be yourself
Always with a smile and patience
You continue to treat us,
Have a good mood,
We wish you many years to live!

Ace of medicine, savior of people's health, happy anniversary to you. I sincerely wish you never to lose heart and not lose your excellent shape, to always be cheerful at your post and ready for a successful fight against illnesses. May you have enough confidence and optimism for brave work, may everything in your life be safe, okay and simply wonderful.

You are a doctor. This is your destiny.
Everyone knows your skill.
Fight for human lives
Every day is difficult.

And your anniversary we must
Let me bow at your feet now.
We really, really need you.
May your life last long.

We wish you happiness, warmth,
Health and bright journey.
To make your life easier,
So that there is less anxiety in her.

The doctor is a sacred calling,
You carry it proudly
Give your patients your heart
You give without reserve.

On your anniversary I wish you
May you be healthy, doctor,
Smiled, believed in a miracle
And he loved his job.

We all know, friend, and remember,
How responsible is your work?
If you have health problems,
They always come to you.

You will advise and help
Everyone will overcome the disease,
We wish you too
Our friend, doctor, don't get sick.

On our anniversary we raise
A glass of wine for you,
We wish only the best
Let's drink to our health!

You treat uncles, you treat aunts,
Hernia and alcoholism -
The most important job
You've been doing it all your life.

If someone gets sick,
After all, you care:
From cholera with gonorrhea
How many lives have been saved?

And with great love
We wanted on our anniversary
Wish you good health -
Live to be a hundred or more years old.

Congratulations! At this hour
We decided to praise you together,
After all, you are with us
Great doctor - just what you need!

You are not a doctor, just a treasure -
There is not an iota of doubt
We wish you a hundredfold
Be happier on your birthday!

You religiously help many people,
Sometimes you even forget about yourself.
You are still treating patients for their illnesses,
On weekends, the whole neighborhood comes to see you.

But today is a special day for many.
After all, the doctor’s holiday is a holy anniversary.
You celebrate it with your relatives, with your family,
The calendar reminded you of him.

And on the anniversary day I want to say:
Put out the big candle in the cake,
At the same time, make a wish,
And let it, when fulfilled, fly to heaven!

To carry out holy service is your destiny
For the welfare of the people.
Apparently, the Lord told you so
Granting signs from the sky.
Let it never become a heavy burden
The fact that the Hippocratic oath was taken!
Well, today accept congratulations
Happy birthday and happy anniversary!

We remember this phrase from childhood:
"To be like a shoemaker without boots."
Therefore, we wish immediately
You can be as healthy as God.

So that all diseases remain away
They always bypassed you
You were wise and cheerful,
And life was happy.

For the sick to be healed,
We wish you a Happy Anniversary.
So that everything you achieve,
It could be fulfilled soon.

About mental health
It is very difficult to reason -
Psychiatrists "livestock"
It just started to increase!

We haven't gotten any healthier
In the hard times of change,
Sadness brought down everyone
And losses from betrayal.

The crisis also contributed
Seriously brought into our lives!
Market to recent adherents
It was a nerve-wracking experience!

And with a villain sticker
Had a hand here.
Can you heal us all?
Since there is already a disease in the soul!

Prevention will help
If everything is going well in life.
If nothing worries us -
Then we will find health!

Let our souls not gnaw
Bitter thoughts in the night.
There will be less falsehood in life,
There will be no need for doctors! ©

Congratulations to psychiatrists

I am enthusiastic doctors,
Thankful from the bottom of my heart!
I know there are many things for the sick
You work for pennies!


May your salaries grow
And the money bag itself
I'll give it to psychiatrists!
Here's a hundred grams for this! ©

Congratulations to the psychologist

We will tell the psychologist
About unfulfilled dreams.
He will show like twice two
That our fear was in vain.

We describe all the suffering
Heaps of complexes and stress,
All insults, punishments
Let's talk about sex.

And we'll tell you about a strange dream,
Restless and bad.
After listening to everything, he will prove
That any of us is a hero!

After these outpourings
My soul is light again.
No doubt he understands
We are a psychologist deeply.

We trust all secrets
We are the only one for him.
And we wish you good health
On Psychologist's Day for him.

Let them bloom on a rainy day
There are flowers on his soul!
Only happiness awaits the psychologist,
And dreams come true! ©

Health Day in a Mental Hospital

Orderlies, orderlies!
Stop eating your bread for nothing!
Health Day is something!
Enough work for you now!

Where can I get vodka? Lemonade
We don't need it on health day!
Let us all be crazy in the hospital,
Let's drink to your health!

Celebrating Health Day!
Well, what about love?
Where is Lady Hamilton? —
Everyone hears “Nelson” groan...

And “Napoleon” with “Einstein”
So loaded with port wine,
That they lay in the same bed -
Now you can’t turn them over! ©

Health day in a mental hospital!
Patients in a line
They crawl out into the garden together
Today it’s two hours straight!

Finally the chambers are empty!
The Aesculapians are so happy!
Patients don't make noise
Today it’s two hours straight!

We wish psychiatrists
May you be healthy tomorrow
Everyone who walks there in a row
Today it’s two hours straight! ©

Let your ears today
They only hear songs
Let your nose smell today
The smell is interesting
Let it spread down your throat
A wonderful aroma,
Bright taste rewarded
Vintage wines.
Sinusitis and tonsillitis,
And other nasty things
Let them not stick for no reason,
They don't bring dirty tricks!


Don't let your knees shake
Hands don't shake
Let your teeth not chatter
From ideological boredom.

Let the work interest
Every day brings
Let progress come
In the matter of money.

May the big family
Pleases with love.
And I still wish
Nervous health!


You, sister, are at work -
White angel, top class,
Better than the kindest aunt
Look at us tenderly.

Even if you are an evil vixen,
I would still call you
An incomparable queen.
After all, your holiday has come!

Let tenderness not leave
You, beaming on your face,
Easing our suffering
From injections... and in general.

Expert in narcology

The patient is sometimes unpleasant to you,
But you are in a hurry to help anyway,
After all, duty does not distinguish the colors of spots,
Who is at the top and who has gone to the bottom.

I will express my wish as follows:
Let your skills and efforts
Not only are everyone taken out of binge drinking,
But they put their fruits in the wallet.


I wish you for life
Meet fewer nervous ladies
Don't get angry in vain and don't shout,
It’s better to keep quiet.
And your authority will be
Like a stone, it lasts for hundreds of years,
And this... what's his name... sclerosis
Don't let anyone pry into your life!


Your work is so delicate
And so complicated at the same time,
That there are not even words yet,
To talk about it.
Let your glory carry you
Through the life of the ocean,
May luck find you
And everything goes according to plan!


I wish you, doctor
Every success,
May the cold not be enough
Your sleep will be sound,
May your kidneys be healthy
They will be filled to the brim,
And make sand out of you
Never crumbles!


Meet you at the clinic
Somehow I don’t want to
But I won't promise
I'd better just keep quiet.
May it be a worthy reward
Will definitely find you
It is very necessary to believe in happiness,
And it won't let you down!


May you be in a good mood
Work will meet you,
Let him give you a smile
Someone grateful
Let them help you go
On a straight road
Direct gaze, straight tongue
And straight legs!


Congratulations to you
The most sincere
They come out from under your hands
The bites are magical.
May wonderful smiles
Gives you the mood
And medical errors
They will disappear as a phenomenon.

Sketch "Good Doctor Aibolit"
Props: robe, jar, enema, listening ear, aspirin. The song "Men in White Coats" is playing in the background.
I am the good doctor Aibolit,
Poor drunken old man!
The birthday boy will pour me 100 grams,
I'll give him a pill.

I'll do an inspection right now,
I'll just find a listener
Knock-knock-knock - heart beats
I want to check out.
He takes out the listening device, and instead of it there is a wire with a plug at the end, looks at it and says
Oh my god I forgot
That I drank the listener.

For some reason my eye began to squint,
Isn't it time for us to do it again?
If you give me 100 grams,
I'll give you a massage.

You value your health
Put a heating pad to your ear
If you pour me 100 grams
I'll give it to you.

Do your ears hear well?
So pour it quickly.
And you’ll catch a cold while partying,
Then you’ll put the jars on overnight
If you pour me 100 grams
I'll give it to you.

Clinton has a girlfriend
Monica Lewinsky,
And our deputies
medical enema!
If you pour me 100 grams
I'll give it to you!

Doctor Aibolit is ready
Report diagnosis:
Our birthday boy is healthy
Let him live in joy!

Congratulations from Doctor Aibolit

Presenter: The circle of our guests is growing today. And I hope the birthday girl is only happy about this. After all, her hospitality is widely known outside this house.
(Siren soundtrack " ambulance" They quickly run into the room: Doctor Aibolit, a nurse (a man in disguise) with a suitcase in his hands, two mouse nurses (children can play their role). Everyone lines up in a semicircle to greet guests.)
Doctor Aibolit: We heard about the anniversary a long time ago
And the ambulance arrived immediately.
I will introduce myself as my upbringing dictates.
Before you is the good doctor Aibolit.
There are two nurses next to me.
We call them “little mice” in the ambulance.
I have an intern.
Meet the nurse!
Nurse: Things got really busy today.
But they managed to get the vaccine.
So that the table in front of us does not double.
Now we will give the guests an injection.

(The nurse takes two syringes out of the suitcase and hands them to the Mice. They, in turn, fill the syringes with juice or lemonade and inject a few drops into the mouth of each guest.)
Nurse: We need a double dose already.
So that prose fits better onto poetry.
(The mice are served by the medical staff, not forgetting about themselves.)
Doctor Aibolit: You, grandma, are like God’s dandelion,
Always fresh and pretty.
Now let's look into our suitcase.
To support your image today.
For the disease, we will exclude all causes.
When will we prescribe these vitamins?
(The nurse takes vitamins from the suitcase and hands them to the birthday girl.)
So that you surprise the whole world with your health.
Take this magical elixir from us.

(The nurse hands over the elixir purchased at the pharmacy.)
I'm sure you'll dance hopak.
When you get five star cognac.
(The mice bring a souvenir inflatable bottle of cognac from another room.)
Doctor Aibolit: We make an accurate diagnosis.
It's called an anniversary.
There was an urgent visit to you.
So welcome guests!
(Continuation of the feast.)


Dear friends! Today you are visiting central television! The TV company “Pale Vid”, together with the Ministry of Health, presents you with a festive and educational show “I’ll tell you a secret!”, the sponsor of the program is the funniest doctor - Doctor Aibolit! He will now introduce his patients to you!
(Dr. Aibolit comes out in a cap and gown and several of his patients, it is advisable that they appearance corresponded to the content of the verse that he will sing)


There are a lot of newfangled ones these days
There are a lot of doctors,
I advise people
You should listen to the doctors!
They'll tell you a secret,
How to maintain health
An example will show you
How completely happy to be!

(patients sing their verses in turn):

I'll tell you a secret,
I don't look at the fat
I'd rather be on vitamins
I'll sit for natural ones!

I'll tell you a secret,
I am sitting in a yoga pose
So sometimes I intertwine my legs,
That I can’t untie it!

I'll tell you a secret,
I'm on a diet
Then I dip a cracker in the tea,
Then I gnaw the bones!

I'll tell you a secret,
I don't shiver from the cold,
I jump into an ice hole in winter,
Like a walrus!

I'll tell you a secret,
I don't go on diets
Because with your weight
I appreciate it endlessly!

I'll tell you a secret,
I am friends with foreign countries,
In Turkey itself recently
I got a massage!

I'll tell you a secret,
I keep my muscles toned
I push my Chevrolet
No gas to the garage!

I'll tell you a secret,
I don't watch TV
That's why I feel
Like a bespectacled person, I don’t walk!

I'll tell you a secret,
I don't go to work!
When I eat the last gingerbread,
I'll tell you first!

I'll tell you a secret,
At night I eat cheese
Because in the body
I have normal calcium levels!

I'll tell you a secret,
I hold my chest like a wheel,
I try to be an optimist
I find joy in life!

I'll tell you a secret,
I hold my tail like a carrot,
Because in gardening
I find a hobby!

Let's tell you a secret,
What would be nice is 100 grams
We'll pour for all the recipes,
What did we tell you!

Congratulations from Dr. Barmaley

(The “doctor” comes out, wearing a white coat, an enema hanging around his neck, a mask on his ear, a suitcase in his hand, a cardboard thermometer in his pocket, vials...) - Who is not healthy here, who has a stomach ache? The Good Doctor came to your anniversary... Barmaley? No, of course, Aibolit! I hope none of you are hurt? Where is ___ the patient? Let’s see if he’s healthy or not?! (Puts a thermometer on the hero of the day.) Stand up, turn your shoulders, and pull your stomach in. Bend over, rise up, and spin around in place. Exhale sharper, inhale deeper, your pulse is not bad at all! And now, together with me, start running in place. Let's stretch our arms forward, open our mouth wide. Normal stool, temperature, colorful figure. You are healthy, patient. In general, there are no pathologies. But out of respect for you, I’ll still give you the recipe: I forbid you to get sick, to get angry, to frown, to grow old. Have sex more often, swim in an ice hole in winter. Well, when spring comes, then run to the garden. Exercise there with a shovel, sunbathe, don’t be shy. And forget about the pharmacy, visit the disco. Dancing is the best vitamin for neuroses and sore throats. Take this infusion 100 grams for health! (hands out bubbles). In order to live to be a hundred years old, you have to pour it for the guests too!