Very beautiful DIY wooden bracelets (photo). DIY carved wood bracelet How to make a carved wooden bracelet with your own hands

Good afternoon, brain friends! I want to tell you how easy it is to make great bracelets using natural materials and a little of my own brain talent.

The idea of ​​this crafts was born when an addition to the copper pendants made earlier was needed. After the idea, the question arose regarding the material for the bracelets: leather or wood? Choose for yourself what you like, but I made it from both leather and wood.

Step 1: Wood

Step 2: Leather

Step 3: Copper Blank

So let's begin! We cut out a copper strip 1mm thick and dimensions: 5x2cm for the dog, and 5.5x4.3cm for the bird. We clean the edges of the workpiece with a file and glue a paper strip onto it with wood glue. After the glue has dried, apply a design to the glued strip.

Next, we put a nail in a small depression in the center of the future hole, this will prevent the drill from slipping, and we drill this hole. If the pattern is replete with small elements, then you can drill several holes. We clean the edges of the holes again from burrs with our brain file.

We pass a saw string into the holes of the workpiece and cut out a figure along the contour of the pattern, after that we moisten the paper with water and remove it, and then again we clean the edges with a file.

Step 4: Mounting Holes

At an equal distance from the edges, we punch holes for the rivets and drill them out, I used a 2mm drill for this, but it depends on the rivets you have. After this step, use a needle file to clear the burrs on homemade, and then using sandpaper of various grain sizes, from 600 to 1200, we polish the copper plate.

Step 5: Polish the Record

The copper blank has been ground; all that remains is to polish it, so we apply polishing paste and any in an accessible way we carry out polishing brain games. I did this on a lathe, but it could just as easily be done with a Dremel. After polishing, the record can be washed with alcohol or warm water and soap.

Step 6: Leather or Wood?

Before choosing, let's get acquainted with the technology of manufacturing a wooden base.

Step 7: Veneer Template

To make a wooden base for brain bracelet You must first make a template for bending the veneer. Based on the size of the hand and the required width of the bracelet, we make this template - a wooden ellipse on a small plywood base. My cylinder is 4cm in height with diameters of 6 and 5cm, with a long circumference of 17cm.

We attach a strap made of fabric and sewn Velcro to the template, which will allow you to tightly press the veneer to the template. I recommend covering the contact points between the veneer and the strap, the veneer and the template with a non-adhesive material or compound.

Step 8: Bend the Veneer

We cut a strip of veneer 20x4cm if it is thick, or several if it is thin, and soak it/them in warm water for 20 minutes. Next, we impregnate the veneer strips with wood glue, bend them and install them into the template, securing them tightly under the tree with a Velcro strap, and then clamp the entire structure in a vice for 2 days. After this, we remove the wooden base from the template and give it another day to dry completely.

Step 9: Sanding the Wood Base

The wooden base has dried, we proceed to fitting it to the hand. Using a grinding machine, we increase the distance between the ends of the base as necessary, sand the outside and inside, and then round off the corners and edges of the entire wooden base of the bracelet.

After sanding, apply varnish or brainwash for wood.

Step 10: Finalizing the Record

The plate is ready, and so is the base for the bracelet, so you need to fit the plate to the base, that is, bend it. To do this, we put the base on the template, apply a copper plate to the base in the place where you plan to mount it, and smoothly bend the ends with your hands. Then we secure the plate to the base with a template strap and use a wooden hammer to give the plate its final shape.

Step 11: Attaching the Plate

We take the base with the plate out of the template, check the location of the plate on the base, and at the same time polish it again and mark the centers of the mounting holes. We drill holes, insert rivets into them and adjust their ends to the desired size (3/4 of the rivet diameter), then carefully carry out the riveting process. To do this, I put a piece of fabric on the anvil so as not to damage the plate and rivet, flattened the rivet pin with a hammer, and finally sanded the rivets with a file.

Wood brain bracelet ready!

Step 12: Leather Base

To make a leather bracelet, first measure your wrist and add about 3cm to the resulting size so that it does not fit tightly and to install the fastening button. Cut the leather strip to this size homemade products. For my 16cm wrist I cut a strip 19.5cm long and 2cm wide.

Step 13: Installing the Button

At the edges of the strip we make holes for fittings and install button elements in them. The holes can be made with a drill or hole punch, and the size of the button and its design are according to your taste.

In the pictures of this brain guides you can see two leather bracelets, I just made the first one very wide, so I had to make the second one, a little narrower.

Step 14: Another way to bend the plate

First, there is no need to do it: you don’t need to put the record on the sponge and hit it, hoping that it will bend as needed!

We place a copper plate on the leather base, then on the template that we made earlier for the wooden base, mark the center and install the leather base with the plate into this template, making sure to align the centers. We wrap everything with a strap and secure it in a vice so that it presses the template, leather base and plate. Then lightly tap brain hammer give the copper plate the desired shape.

Step 15: Attaching the Plate to the Base

When the plate is bent, we mark the centers of the holes for fastening, make these holes and use brainstud We finally fix the plate on the leather strip of the bracelet. We have already covered how to rivet.

And the leather bracelet is ready!

Step 16: Finally: Caring for the Bracelets

Like any jewelry, our bracelets require care, namely, after you remove it, simply wipe the copper plate with a soft cloth, thereby removing fat and sweat from the metal. You can also wipe the bracelets with jewelry wax or car wax, which will also protect the copper from corrosion.

Good luck in brain creativity!

On beautiful photos You can look at python skin bracelets for quite a long time. But such products are incredibly expensive.

Isn't it better to show your imagination and make an elegant accessory from scrap materials with your own hands?

Many people simply throw old zippers in the trash. But they can serve faithfully for several more years. Old zippers make a fashionable and elegant bracelet. This vibrant piece of jewelry can be worn with... casual clothes, and with an evening dress.

Let's try to figure it out: how to make bracelets with your own hands if you have several old lightning bolts at your disposal? First you need to look into your wardrobe and take out old clothes. The zippers are carefully removed from it.

After this, you need to go to a special department where they sell sewing goods. In it you need to purchase inexpensive accessories used in making jewelry at home.

How to make a bracelet from unwanted lightning?

It's quite simple:

  • First, the zipper must be cut into 3 pieces of the same size. They should fit securely around the wrist area.
  • One edge of the pieces is clamped with a special fastener purchased in the department for needlewomen.
  • The pieces of the old zipper are then slowly braided into a braid.
  • After this, the second edge is fixed using a hardware fastener.
  • A secure lock is attached to the clamps. If it is not at hand, the lock is replaced with a thin satin ribbon.

A stylish accessory can be of any shade. In the handicraft departments, zippers are presented in a wide range.

You can buy a product of the desired color and make a bright bracelet from it that will perfectly match your favorite dress.

An elegant bracelet from a boring bag

To make an accessory, you need to take a bag handle, fabric scraps, and rhinestones.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • You need to cut a small piece from the handle. It should fit snugly to the wrist area without causing pain.
  • A piece from the handle of the bag is applied to the fabric flap, and the necessary measurements are taken using a pencil.
  • The piece of fabric is carefully sewn from the inside out and turned inside out. The seam remains on the inside. You need to insert a piece of the handle from the bag into it.
  • The edges of the resulting product are folded and carefully sewn together. First, rings from the bag are put on them.
  • Various materials are used to decorate the product: rhinestones, beads. If the rhinestones differ in color, you should make some interesting pattern out of them. Beads of different shades can also make a stylish and bright decoration.
  • The rings are then secured using various connecting elements. They should be taken from the handle of an old bag.

This decoration will create a complete look. It will be a great birthday gift for a friend or relative.

Beautiful bracelet made from scrap materials

A wrist bracelet can be made from multi-colored beads that differ in size. To do this, you need to stock up on a wide elastic band and strong thread:

  • Place the elastic band on your wrist and measure the required length. It shouldn't be too big. After all, if necessary, the elastic band stretches perfectly.
  • Its ends must be sewn with white threads.
  • The beads are sewn to the elastic in a random order using a needle. It is necessary to carefully distribute the beads along the entire length of the product.
  • After all the decorations have been sewn on, you need to securely fasten the edges of the product.

Bright accessories are also made from other materials. For example, a beaded bracelet looks quite attractive.

You can make a chic decoration from ordinary pins. They are purchased in a specialized department with goods for handicrafts. You can buy gold-plated pins that have a glossy surface.

You can also make a leather bracelet at home. To make it, old belts and small pieces of fabric are used. Metal buttons are usually used to secure products. When making a leather bracelet, both natural and artificial leather are used.

Photos of DIY bracelets


DIY wooden bracelet. Master Class

Master Class. How to quickly and easily make a bracelet from wooden beads

Hello, my name is Anya and I really love wooden jewelry, but even more I like making things with my own hands. Somehow, while “walking” on the Internet, I came across a store with wooden jewelry, I liked one bracelet so much that I decided to reproduce it with my own hands and posted a master class for you. So.

To make this spectacular accessory we will need:

Beads are made of wood, in my case they were painted and of two types - round (3 pieces) and square (29 pieces). Diameter 5 millimeters.

You will also need steel wire with memory (this is a special wire for making jewelry, it holds the shape of the ring perfectly)

For work we will need the following items:

Wire cutters or pliers

Detailed instructions for assembling a wooden bracelet with your own hands

1) The first thing to do is to choose a steel wire taking into account the size of the holes in the beads (I had 5mm), so I took 3mm wire, it is sold in any craft store. You can use any beads, you can take old ones, you can buy new ones, I bought beads and wire at once in one place.

2) Since we are not assembling a bracelet with an elastic band or a lock (that is, it will not be closed), it is important to select a wire with a slight shock absorption so that it springs, this will set the shape we need, and the product itself will will not deform over time. In our case, we make a bracelet in two turns. Important! It is necessary to trim the ends of the wire, but I did this after finishing assembling the product and giving it shape.

3) We bend the wire at one end, making it look like the eye of a needle, i.e. We create a retainer that will not allow our beads to fly off.

4) We begin to string your beads in alternate order, I had 2 types, but you can use 3, 4 or even 5 varieties. Everything is limited only by your imagination. The main thing is that the beads match each other, maybe like mine, maybe white and black, and so on. Every two beads give us one centimeter of the product, literally a couple of minutes and we have a ready-made bracelet.

5) After we have assembled our bracelet, we also make an eye of a needle on the second side to completely fix the beads. Important! It is very important not to move the beads too much among themselves, this will help to avoid friction between them, and, consequently, damage to the product, but will also allow it to be more mobile and flexible.

6) The remaining protruding edge of the wire must be pressed and cut in the direction you need.

7) That's it, we're great!

So in just a few minutes and one trip to the craft store we made such a stylish accessory. What about the costs? It cost me about 200 rubles to make (we had quite expensive beads in the store), almost the same wooden bracelet (albeit in 4 rows) costs 320 rubles.

Text - Anya Shirokaya

There are many ways and technologies to make beautiful and bright bracelets with your own hands. This collection is about simple techniques using scrap materials, sometimes even recycling recycled materials) For each type, I will offer a short description of the process, clarify points that are not visible from the photo.

The simplest bracelets, of course, are assembled using
You can complement these bracelets, (Use or to attach the pendant)

Fabric bracelet. We sew a ribbon from thick fabric, a thick trouser type ribbon is sewn inside for greater density, fasten the fastener, sew on various beads and connectors. For the intermediate connection, half rings made of dense wire were used, similar to those that are sewn onto the belt of a bag. It seems to me that this part could be replaced with some kind of bronze-colored connector or a wide end for ribbons. To prevent threads from being visible when embroidering, I recommend using thin transparent fishing line.

If you don’t know how to knit, you can use a piece of ready-made knitted fabric. It is glued to a thick base and the edges are hemmed. And this is the beauty in the end 😊

No less simple way. The base for the bracelet is wrapped with a knitted strip or fabric tape. Do you remember putting a nice T-shirt in the closet in case “what if it comes in handy”? Looks like her time has come.

More bracelets using the same technology. For them, they also take a ready-made base and wrap it with tape. But here the work with the tape is more organized.

Here is a very simple DIY version of the bracelet. Suitable for little girls. Made from a beautiful grosgrain ribbon and regular elastic. Literally one line on the typewriter - and the decoration for the young fashionista is ready. Take a look, everything is clear from the picture. Folded ribbon and a piece of elastic joining the edges. The elastic is needed not so much so that the jewelry sits motionless on the hand - if it is tightly fitted, it will press unpleasantly. The elastic here replaces the clasp. It stretches, the girl can easily put on or take off such a bracelet herself.

If you add decorative details... It opens up a lot of possibilities for creativity 😉

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To create such a decoration, I use thick wire or a special base for a bracelet, or simply thick thread and yarn.

Another weaving option using leather cord.

Below in the photo is a clear step-by-step description of how to make such a bracelet with your own hands. You can use different beads and leather cords of different colors. Notice how the clasp is made in an original way. This is not a carbine or a toggle, but a button (in this example, a copper-colored metal flower). The flower is threaded into a loop of cord (like a regular button). How to make a loop can be seen in the photo. Be sure to keep in mind that it must be the same size as the button: try on the loop when you tie it.

Do you know how to make a bracelet more interesting? Thread floss and thin strips of fabric into the links. And now, instead of a rough, cold metal chain, a cozy and pleasant weave appears.

That's very interesting option creating jewelry. In fact, this is an excellent way to recycle all sorts of ribbons, ropes, assorted chains and other beautiful little things that are not always clear where to put them.

Various decorative elements are attached to the clasp, and then everything is braided.

The ropes can be glued into brass ones or clamped with clamping beads. Then a clasp is attached to these ends.

Here's another simple option with chains. To attach the beads, pins are used, which are bent into a ring with round pliers.

Another simple way to make an interesting decoration with your own hands is a bracelet. To work, you need several pins and a clasp.

You can use a variety of elements to decorate jewelry. For example, fabric flowers or just beautiful details.

Flowers can also be attached to a piece of fabric (as a base). How it's done in this romantic bracelet.

You can decorate it like this.

Look, what an interesting way! The seam on the fabric bracelet is finished with a chain.

Braided Shambhala bracelets and all types of weaving in general give a large number of simple ideas. Detailed master class, how to make such bracelets with your own hands, which knots to tie and how to weave a clasp - Here is an example of a decoration with weaving.

I like that the fasteners here are made by hand. There is no need to buy anything, pick up carabiners or anything else. The fastener is woven from the same cord using the same knots.

Another option for adding economical fasteners. Here beads are used for fastening. And the bracelet itself is simple, but look how original it is. The author's master class on how to make one -.

How many weaving options🤗

But this is not the most common solution. In this weaving, nuts are used instead of beads.

Another method with nuts.

Decoration made of thick synthetic cord. Large cord - for big ones beautiful knots. How to knit these - look at the photo.

Instead of a thick cord, you can take beads and weave them in several rows - as was done in this necklace bracelet. To attach beads to a chain, you can use or.

Another beaded bracelet.

And this is a decoration for the most patient needlewomen. The bracelet is woven using macrame technique from embroidery threads.

Or here's a simple way to make a bracelet using beautiful connectors. All you need to do is select a cord, connectors and tie two knots. These nodes simultaneously hold the connector and act as a fastener. To thread the hand, they are moved along the cord, then moved back. This type of knot is called a “sliding” knot. It’s not difficult to learn - everything is shown in the picture. An additional bonus: in needlework, the ability to knit such knots will come in handy many times 😊

Another simple option for girls is using old bijou elements. The elements are simply sewn onto a cord base.

Another option is to braid metal beads with a cord. The thought began to pulse: to make beads of this shape from polymer clay :)

Here’s an interesting option for recycling accumulated scraps. Thick wire is threaded into the seam cord of old jeans. All that remains is to add a couple of beautiful beads, bend the ends of the wire - and the bracelet is ready. You can simplify the process even more. For example, use memory wire.

Instead of scraps, you can use fabric cord. Add more beads and you will get something like this. Details on how to assemble a bracelet with your own hands, as in the photo, -.

In general, memory wire is a goldmine for creative solutions. Jewelry based on it does not need a clasp. No special tools are required for work. The beads are simply strung on a wire and the ends are folded into a ring. It is better to use wire 0.6 mm thick, since stone chips, pearls and beads usually have holes smaller than 1 mm.

Here is an example of a bracelet made from scraps of memory wire. Detailed author's master class with step by step description and photo - .

Next idea. For the base, they take wooden spatulas or ice cream sticks (nowadays you can buy them in a pack at once, you don’t have to eat a box of ice cream and get a sore throat🤭). I soak the sticks in water and dry them in a glass to give them the desired shape.

Some DIY bracelet ideas are fantastic. Here is a transparent plastic cord (I can’t even imagine where they get one, maybe a dropper?). This cord is filled with dyed different colors pasta 😆 Very unusual. And spectacular, no doubt about it 😎

And here the cord is glued to the base ring for the bracelet.

A little polymer creativity. How to make a one-piece bracelet from beads. Our catalog contains very interesting large limit switches. See them in this section.

Who among us has not looked at wooden bracelets, which are sold on the shelves of many souvenir shops in resort towns? Their cost is actually very low, and even a teenager can make one for himself. There would be desire, patience and work.

The most suitable trees for bracelets are maple and acacia. Do you remember what juniper pillows smell like? Try making it from juniper, please yourself and your surroundings with a pleasant spruce aroma.

You will need a block of wood 25 cm long, 7 mm wide and high. This block must be processed as shown in the figure, we round the edges and give it the shape that you like best. Then we cut the block into 30 small ones, from which the bracelet will be made: 7*7*30mm. Figure “a” shows the markings for the bars, and “b” shows the assembly of the bars into a bracelet.

The outer edge of the bracelet must be very carefully processed and rounded, sanded with emery cloth. Drill two holes 2 mm in diameter in each piece. If you use varnish, then assemble the bracelet only after the product has dried. To assemble the bracelet, take two thin elastic bands and thread them through the holes, stringing our bars. At the end of the elastic band we tie or sew with threads. And now you know!

Wooden bracelet diagram:

Make a wooden bracelet with your own hands for yourself and your loved ones, do not skimp on time for your loved ones. Based on this basic scheme, you can fantasize and decorate your bracelet yourself. Change shape, varnish, paint, and so on.

We decorate a wooden bracelet using the decoupage technique with paints and glitter, resulting in works of art thanks to your imagination. It will also be very impressive to make such a bracelet from different breeds tree. That is, different bars from different trees. Originality is guaranteed with these bracelets: