You can wash dishes without detergent in the dishwasher. How to clean a dishwasher? Dishwasher instructions How to wash pots in the dishwasher

The use of modern household appliances allows housewives to spend a minimum of time on laundry, cooking and washing dishes. Devices require a certain amount of electricity, but now manufacturers are making its use quite small. Using a dishwasher allows you to save a lot on water consumption. If washing dishes by hand requires sixty liters for six sets of cutlery, then washing cutlery in a machine will require four times less water. You can also save on detergents.

Why it makes sense to give up chemistry:

  1. Not just any, but special chemical detergents are suitable for the dishwasher.
  2. The devices should be washed after they have been previously cleaned of large contaminants.
  3. Each product contains chemicals that do not have a very beneficial effect on the human body.
  4. To wash dishes well, you have to additionally use special rinse aids.
  5. Natural folk remedies will be very inexpensive and will not cause any harm to health.

A few rules on how to use your car economically and environmentally

  1. The unit should be loaded as much as possible so that water consumption is optimal.
  2. Residues of food can be removed with a napkin before placing cutlery in the dishwasher.
  3. Dishes should be cleaned immediately after use to make them easier to clean.
  4. It is advisable to use energy-saving programs that allow you to wash your appliances in the best way.
  5. It is better to use natural folk remedies for the dishwasher rather than chemical ones.

Home Remedies

Let's look at ways you can wash your appliances without chemicals. All of them are quite accessible at home.

Dry mustard

It is an absolutely natural substance and makes cleaning dishes effective even without chemicals. Before loading dirty utensils into the dishwasher compartment, you should first lightly moisten very greasy, dirty surfaces and cover them with a layer of mustard powder, as shown in the photo. According to reviews, dry mustard is almost the most effective cleaning agent.

Baking soda

It is a very good way to remove grease, burnt marks and heavy stains on dishes without chemicals. Instead of a tablet or other detergent, add baking soda to the dishwasher. First, soda must be mixed with powdered borax in a ratio of 1 to 1. Consumer reviews only for using this recipe.

Laundry soap

Without detergent in the dishwasher, utensils can also be easily washed by preparing a special liquid from laundry soap. To do this, you will need a little laundry soap, grated into shavings, about 25 g. You should add half a liter of hot water, four tablespoons of glycerin and one spoon of alcohol or vodka. The resulting liquid effectively cleans dishes without harm to health.

In addition, there are folk remedies made from ash, salt or crushed charcoal. With their use in the dishwasher, glassware - glasses, shot glasses, glass forms - acquires an excellent shine.

According to reviews from consumers who took the risk of using folk remedies to wash heavily soiled cutlery, environmentally friendly and safe formulations remove the most stubborn grease and dirt no less effectively than chemicals.

  1. It is not recommended to use washing powder to wash even the smoothest dishes. The powder will still linger in the microscopic pores of the plates, and it will not be possible to wash it off.
  2. Plates or cups do not need to be stacked so that water can flow onto all surfaces of the appliance.
  3. Without chemicals, the process of washing cutlery is much cheaper. Traditional recipes are perfect if you don’t have the necessary dishwasher tablets on hand.
  4. If the devices are very dirty and you couldn’t wash them in time, you can load part of the required number of sets into the baskets and turn on pre-soaking. Then add a natural product and turn on the wash.

Folk recipes and remedies prepared at home are no worse than chemical detergents, and in addition are completely harmless to humans. Their use does not harm either the appliances themselves or the dishwasher. Such compositions are easily washed off and leave no traces.

The first mechanized dishwasher went on sale in 1886. American Josephine Cochrane said to herself “I am a woman, not a dishwasher!” (more precisely: “If nobody else is going to invent a dishwashing machine, I’ll do it myself!”) and invented the dishwasher.

In the 1950s, compact dishwashers suitable for home use began to be sold. Since then, this household appliance has been a typical “resident” in American kitchens, along with a refrigerator or coffee maker.

In our country, dishwashers have long been considered an unaffordable luxury. But in recent years, more and more people are realizing their advantages (saving time, quality of washing).

From this article you will learn how to properly wash dishes in a dishwasher, as well as what to do to ensure that the appliance serves you for many years.

Dishwashers come in floor-standing (free-standing or built-in) and countertop (compact) types. Floor-standing dishwashers are also divided into “narrow” (45 cm wide, for 9-13 sets) and “full-size” (60 cm wide, for 7-16 sets).

A set is a set of dishes for one person (tureen, flat plate, saucer, mug, cutlery).

In addition, dishwashers differ in operating modes, type of load, efficiency of water and electricity consumption and other parameters.

But regardless of the brand of dishwasher, there are general rules for its operation. Let's get acquainted with the main ones.

Rule No. 1 – Place dishes inside the machine correctly

As a rule, modern dishwashers are equipped with 2 baskets for loading dishes. The lower one is intended for large items (pots, pans, large dishes). The top one is for tableware (plates, cups, etc.). Spoons, forks, knives and other cutlery are usually placed in a special tray that comes with the machine or is sold separately.

To optimally place dishes inside the machine, start loading from the lower basket. Place large plates on the edges, small ones closer to the center. There, in the middle, place a tray with cutlery (if there is none, still put the forks and spoons in the center).

The dishes should not interfere with the rotation of the machine's rocker arms. Therefore, do not place pans and other items with long handles vertically.

Water in the dishwasher is usually supplied from the bottom up, so place hollow items (mugs, plates, cups) upside down. Do not lay them on their sides - water and detergent will remain. In addition, it is not recommended to stack objects on top of each other.

Do not overload the machine. And if the dishes are very dirty, then it is better to place the plates not in each cell of the basket, but every other.

But the most important thing to remember is which dishes can be washed in the dishwasher and which cannot.

What should not be washed in the dishwasher:

  • old cracked or glued dishes;
  • wooden objects (cutting boards, knives with wooden handles, etc.);
  • objects made of rusting steel, copper and tin;
  • non-heat-resistant dishes (glass and plastic).
  • silver and aluminum items (or only using special detergents and washing programs);
  • crystal dishes (or only with special products and gentle washing modes);
  • earthenware (if the detergent and washing program are selected incorrectly, the glaze and designs may fade).

At the end of the wash cycle, wait 10-15 minutes for the dishes to cool. If you take out the dishes right away, you can get burned. In addition, hot dishes break more easily.

Do not use the dishwasher as a washing machine. Do not wash kitchen towels, sponges or other utensils in it.

Rule No. 2 – choose the right washing mode

A standard dishwasher cycle includes pre-wash (rinsing off food residues with cold water), wash (directly washing with hot water using detergent), rinse (rinsing off detergent) and drying.

In addition, in dishwashers there are such programs as intensive washing (very high tº - up to 75 degrees), a program for fragile dishes (water tº - from 30 to 40 degrees), quick wash (when you need to rinse the dishes after liquid food and immediately after meals) and others.

The program you choose (washing time and temperature) must correspond to the type of dishes and the degree of soiling.

In addition, dishwashers of the middle and highest price categories have a “pre-soak” function. But it is much easier and more economical to manually clean off dried-on food residues from them before loading the plates into the machine. The same thing with “burnt” pots and pans.

Rule #3 – Use the right detergents

Dishwashers use special detergents.

Do not use regular dishwashing gels and powders.

Dishwasher detergents can be divided into two types - powder and tablets.

Powders are more common. On average, its consumption per 1 dishwasher cycle is 25-30 grams.

Tablets are considered more convenient. They are single-layer, multi-layer and combined. The latter are considered the most practical, as they combine detergent components, rinse aid and regenerating salt. If your car model allows for the use of such products, you will not have to buy three different substances.

The consumption of tablets is approximately 1 tablet per 1 cycle.

Based on their properties, dishwashing detergents can be divided into strongly alkaline and weakly alkaline (usually with enzymes). Enzymes are biological enzyme additives that break down proteins, fats and polysaccharides that make up contaminants. Enzyme products are usually used to wash fragile dishes.

Bigger doesn't mean cleaner. Use as much detergent as directed in the instructions.

In addition, unless there are special instructions on the packaging, you should not wash fragile or silverware with it.

In addition to detergent, to use your dishwasher effectively, you need rinse aid. It removes detergent residue, adds shine to dishes and helps them dry quickly. Rinse aid consumption is approximately 0.5-0.7 liters for 10-12 cycles.

Rule No. 4 – watch the water hardness

The cleanliness of dishes washed in the dishwasher also depends on the hardness of the water. Hard water leaves white streaks on dishes.

In most cases, water softening is required for the machine to function properly. For this, regenerating salt is used. Usually the capacity for it in cars is quite large - 1-2 kg. It lasts long enough.

In addition, lime from hard water settles on the heating elements of the machine, which can cause damage. Therefore, salt is also necessary to protect the device.

Rule #5 – Take care of your dishwasher

Any technique loves care. Dishwashers are no exception. If you want your machine to serve you for a long time, follow these recommendations.

Clean the filter from time to time (washed-out food residues settle on it). Also wash the dish baskets regularly (they are usually easy to remove).

Use additional dishwasher care products. So, every 15-20 cycles it is recommended to use a degreaser (powder or gel product). It helps remove accumulated grease from the inside of the machine.

Also, give your car “prevention” 2-4 times a year. To do this, you can use a special product or regular citric acid. Pour anti-scale into the dispenser and turn on the unloaded machine on a standard cycle.

Finally, at least once a week, wipe the dishwasher with a damp cloth, inside and out, not forgetting the door seal.

Many users who have already bought a dishwasher often wonder what can be washed in the dishwasher and what cannot.

The fact is that, despite all the capabilities of modern dishwashers, some types of kitchen utensils can harm the mechanisms. And there is simply no point in washing some things in the dishwasher, since due to the design features, the quality of washing can be very poor.
Also, a dishwasher can damage the tableware items themselves.

Icons on dishes allowing washing in the dishwasher.

The dishwasher manufacturers themselves often come to help our housewives by placing a “dishwasher safe” symbol or the opposite “dishwasher safe” symbol on the dishes. But such insignia can be found on expensive imported dishes. Such warning signs appear very rarely on dishes from domestic manufacturers. By tradition, we’ll immediately look at what you can’t wash and why.

The “dishwasher safe” icon looks like this.

The “not dishwasher safe” icon is like this.

Before washing dishes in the dishwasher, be sure to read the instructions for the machine itself and check the dishes. Perhaps there are symbols on the dishes themselves.

All manufacturers and experts believe that the following should not be washed in a dishwasher under any circumstances:

  • Wooden kitchen items. Cutting boards, wooden spatulas, spoons. Also, items that have wooden inserts and decorative elements should not be washed in the machine. Wood does not tolerate temperature changes, and most of all, it does not tolerate sudden increases in humidity. This causes the wood to swell and crack. The varnish will peel off. And glued elements may fall off after the first wash. The glue loses its properties due to temperature and moisture.
  • Crystal Do not tolerate automatic washing. Most types of crystal deteriorate greatly if washed at temperatures above 50 degrees. This can cause it to become covered with small cracks, fade, and change color and transparency. It is allowed to wash crystal only in those machines that have a separate program for this. It is better to wash crystal by hand and immediately wipe it with a waffle towel.
  • Silver Cannot be washed in a dishwasher such as a Bosch. Expensive silver cutlery generally has poor contact with cutlery made from other types of metal. The fact is that water partially dissolves any metal. This happens at the molecular level. A person will not feel it, and the silver spoons will immediately darken or become covered with an unpleasant coating. Chemical cleaning will also have to be done. You cannot wash silver in the PPM.
  • Decor items(regardless of purpose). Any decorative items are not initially intended for normal use. Therefore, wear-resistant materials are not used in their manufacture. Therefore, washing them in the dishwasher may damage them.
  • Thermos Do not wash in the dishwasher. The thermos has a capricious design and if its thermal insulation gains moisture, the thermos will deteriorate. It should only be washed by hand.
  • Kitchen knives do not tolerate automatic washing and prolonged exposure to high temperatures. If you need to disinfect a knife, it is better to pour plenty of boiling water from a kettle on it or use a disinfectant. But don't put it in a dishwasher like a bosch.
  • Pans such as Tefal with a non-stick ceramic coating cannot be washed in the dishwasher! Otherwise, you risk damaging the pans; over time, the coating will become thinner or may bubble. Many people complain: “I washed the Tefal frying pan in the dishwasher, and now everything sticks to the bottom!”
  • Cast iron pans, cast iron cookware, and cast iron grates need to be washed by hand. In the dishwasher, cast iron loses its appearance and may begin to rust. If the frying pan is rusty, it will rust constantly. Cast iron tends to become covered with a thin film of fat from food. This preserves it. This film cannot be washed off by hand, but the dishwasher can easily remove it, and after the dishwasher the surface of the cast iron will remain unprotected.
  • Wash aluminum cookware Can't go in the dishwasher. Aluminum saucepans and milk jugs may develop an unpleasant white coating.
  • Meat grinder knives and mesh may begin to rust after being placed in the dishwasher. After the first wash, the white knives from the meat grinder will immediately turn black (this is oxidation). Don't be surprised that the meat grinder or duckling turns black. The blackened meat grinder will then have to be cleaned with an abrasive.
  • On copper products Unsightly dark spots appear after automatic washing. Gradually the entire surface of the product will darken. This is also oxidation and can only be removed by polishing.
  • Multicooker reservoirs It is strictly prohibited to wash in the dishwasher. Detergent and hot water can damage the coating of the internal cavity and render the part unusable.
  • Baking trays have a bad effect on the drains and filters of the machine. If the pan itself is not damaged, the dishwasher itself will be.
  • You cannot wash various strainers, graters and other small things in the machine. Contaminants are not washed out of them, and the sharpened elements of the grater are dulled.
  • Porcelain and bone china with gold-tone inserts may be damaged. The golden elements from automatic washing become dull and are subsequently completely washed away.

Now that we have figured out what cannot be washed in the dishwasher, let’s look at what can be washed there.

What dishes can be washed in the dishwasher?

But not everything is so sad for the hostess. What dishes can be safely washed in the dishwasher:

  • Ceramic pieces of services (those without decorative inserts). If there is a design on a ceramic plate that was made by firing, then there is nothing to be afraid of, it will not peel off. But if the ornament is applied on top of a burnt surface, then it will peel off in the dishwasher.
  • Food-grade plastic dishes, food containers, and silicone baking molds can be safely washed. They endure any test. A food container without a lid will clean well.
  • Items made of ordinary glass can easily withstand automatic washing. Soviet “crystal” also easily withstands washing in the dishwasher. It is only important to ensure that objects do not touch, otherwise damage may occur.
  • Cutlery made from stainless food steel can easily be washed. You can also wash cupronickel spoons and forks. They can withstand both detergent and temperature.
  • Porcelain without a pattern can be washed in the dishwasher. Porcelain without a pattern can easily withstand automatic washing with detergent. If there is a drawing and it is under the glaze, then you don’t have to worry about it. If the design is made on top of the glaze (very rare), then it cannot be washed in the dishwasher. As a rule, the manufacturer of porcelain dishes puts the necessary symbol on the bottom to determine whether it is possible or not.
  • Pans can only be washed if they have the appropriate symbol on them.
  • Any enamel cookware can be washed in the dishwasher. If we wash and clean such dishes by hand, there is a greater risk of erasing the enamel than in PPM.
  • Stainless steel and cupronickel dishes are allowed to be washed. Cupronickel washes well in PPM.

There is a separate issue regarding washing pots. What should I do and can I wash my pots in the dishwasher? Yes, of course it is possible. But there are a number of restrictions:

  1. If glass pans (fireproof glass) can be washed without any restrictions, as long as they do not come into contact with other objects in the machine.
  2. Stainless steel pots can be easily washed in a washing machine.
  3. does not tolerate aggressive chemicals. But, if after washing the aluminum pan you immediately rinse and wipe dry, then there will be no problems. It is best to wipe with a waffle towel; it has light polishing properties.
  4. Under no circumstances should pots with burnt food be placed in the dishwasher. Firstly, it will not wash properly, and secondly, it severely clogs the drainage of the dishwasher.
  5. Often, users break the rule not only about what can be washed in the machine, but how to wash it. Manufacturers of dishes and machines believe, for example, that a kettle cannot be washed in the dishwasher. But many users wash it in the car.
  6. What to do if there is scale on the walls of the kettle? It cannot be washed in the dishwasher. In general, you should not let the scale absorb the detergent, otherwise you won’t be able to boil drinking water in it later. You will have to deal with descaling. Also, if the kettle has a filler hole that is too small, the machine will not wash it inside as it should. Therefore, in such cases, one must be guided by common sense and logic. Just see if water can physically get into all the cavities of the kettle.
  7. It's the same with meat grinders. Meat grinder, a complex (geometrically) device. The machine is not able to properly water all its cavities. Therefore, as a rule, the meat grinder is washed by hand - this will be more effective.
  8. An electric meat grinder should not be placed in a machine at all. Well, unless the electric drive is removable and can be left outside.
  9. If you washed the meat grinder in the dishwasher, check it again and if it didn’t wash well, the remaining dirt must be removed manually.
  10. It is generally recommended to wash the thermos manually, regardless of the type of design. Some types of thermoses do not tolerate automatic washing at all, and some simply lose their attractive appearance.
  11. Cast iron cookware and kitchen items are very capricious. It is also better to wash them by hand with a weak detergent solution.
  12. How to wash a blender that contains vegetables in the dishwasher? We remove the pulp, disassemble it, and wash only the plastic bowl; the rest of the parts are washed by hand.
  13. Is dishwasher detergent harmful to dishes? No, the Bosch, Veko, Ariston machine always cleaned soap suds well.
  14. Washing knives in the dishwasher is prohibited. In addition to the fact that you can accidentally poke the sharp end into the wall of the tank, thereby damaging the anti-corrosion coating, the knives themselves also lose their sharpness.

In each specific case, you need to make a decision individually. Whether or not you can wash this or that item in the dishwasher.

On video: how to properly load a dishwasher.

This material will be useful not only to those who have already installed an automatic assistant at home, but also to those who are just planning to purchase a dishwasher. We've put together 5 top tips for using a home machine, and also given several reasons why you should buy a sink if you haven't already.

Place dishes carefully

Modern dishwashers have several baskets for loading dishes, which allow you to conveniently and neatly arrange items inside the machine. As a rule, the lower tier is used for plates, bowls and trays, where a special tray for cutlery can also be placed. Cups, pots and other large items can be conveniently placed at the top. To understand why exactly this or that compartment was created, carefully read the instructions - there is always an image with the correct way to load dishes.

Choose the right mode

Modern dishwashers offer the user to choose from several modes, a certain combination of washing time and temperature. This could be environmentally friendly, intensive washing or suitable for fragile dishes. Remember that the mode should always correspond to the type of dishes and the degree of soiling. This determines how good the end result will be.

Don't skimp on detergents

Properly selected and high-quality products are the key to not only cleanliness, but also the durability of your dishwasher. If your machine needs detergent, rinse aid and regenerating salt, then you will need to always have all three products with you, and if the machine is “tailored” for universal tablets that combine all three at once, then you should not try to feed it with powders.

Don't forget about water quality

Water hardness is an important factor in the correct operation of the dishwasher. Most often it will need to be softened with special salts. You will not need to top them up as often, but it will be important to do this at the first request of the machine.

Pros of a dishwasher

  1. Saving money. It is a well-known fact that when washing dishes by hand, many times more water is wasted than when using a machine, which means that utility bills at the end of the month will again not please you. In the first case, the consumption is about 30 to 60 liters of water per half hour, in the second - no more than 15 liters. Budget savings are obvious.
  2. Save time. What's the best way to spend 30 minutes: washing cups, plates and forks or watching a new episode of your favorite TV series? It seems the answer is obvious. In half an hour, the dishwasher will have time to wash every appliance in your home and save you from the feeling of wasted time.
  3. Additional work surface. Owners of small kitchens will confirm that a functional work surface is always a big plus. In addition to its main advantages, a dishwasher can be proud of the fact that it can quite comfortably accommodate a rack for storing dishes, a small microwave oven, a bread bin, a bowl of fruit - or anything. In addition, this technological achievement can be built into your kitchen ensemble.
  4. Absolute purity. No matter what detergents you use and no matter how well you get rid of congealed grease from pans, you are unlikely to be able to and will disinfect every washed spoon. At the same time, the dishwasher does this. And he does it every time, ridding the dishes of pathogenic microbes. This is especially important for families with children to know.

There is no need to prove the advantages of having a dishwasher in the kitchen - they are obvious. Those who have already acquired this unit or are seriously thinking about purchasing it should remember that a dishwasher is not a magician. And he can’t do miracles. This article will discuss what and how to wash in the dishwasher.

Dishwashers: washing according to the rules

First, it is necessary to emphasize that each dishwasher model has its own characteristics, which you can (and should!) understand by carefully studying the instructions. However, there are general rules, as well as some tricks that are typical for the vast majority of such devices.

Before downloading

To ensure that the dishes are crystal clean after washing in the machine, and the dishwasher itself enjoys long, uninterrupted operation, it is worth performing several simple operations that precede the washing procedure in the machine. All food residues from the plates must be cleaned, otherwise these particles can clog the filters, which will reduce the efficiency of washing, and may subsequently lead to machine breakdown. For the same purpose, it is better to briefly soak pots and pans in water if there are dried or burnt food residues on them. Most dishwashers have a special pre-wash or soak program. It is designed specifically to combat such contaminants and is a short (10 x 15 minutes) washing cycle in cold, less often in hot water. Pre-washing of pans and pots is carried out before the final reloading of the machine with less dirty plates and cups and, in principle, is intended to replace manual soaking. However, if the dishes are very dirty, it is better to combine both, just in case. When the contamination is moderate, especially economical users can achieve some reduction in energy consumption by manually soaking the dishes. However, in this case there is another piece of advice: don’t buy a dishwasher at all, because then the savings will be 100%

Up and down

The dirtiest dishes are always placed in the lower basket: this is where the water jets have the greatest power. Pots, frying pans and their lids are usually placed in it, as well as bowls and components of various appliances that “inhabit” the kitchen (meat grinders, food processors or mixers). Flat trays and lids are best placed on the sides of the basket; Place bowls and pots in the center upside down and at an angle to ensure free circulation and drainage of water. It is better to place knives, forks, spoons, and cutting parts of food processors in a special container with the sharp parts down. It is important to ensure that the dishes do not interfere with the rotation of the water sprayers.

Cups, plates, and other small and fragile items are placed in the upper basket. Glasses and cups are often provided with special holders that ensure their stability during the washing process. Under no circumstances should deep containers be placed inside each other: the machine simply will not be able to rinse them. You should also ensure that lightweight cookware will not be moved or damaged by strong water jets.

Selecting a program

The height of the upper basket in modern dishwashers, as a rule, is adjustable, which allows you to wash dishes of different sizes in the same cycle. However, remember that when loading both small, relatively clean dishes and large, more heavily soiled items into the machine, you need to carefully select the washing temperature. For such a “combined” download, it is better to stick to a regular or economical program. The first, as a rule, is called “everyday wash” or “auto” and consists of a fairly long wash at a temperature of about 60°C, two rinses (in cold and hot water) and drying, if provided for in the model. The economical program includes one or two pre-washes in cold water, a long wash at 50°C, a very hot rinse and drying. For heavily soiled, large and fairly durable dishes, the “intensive” washing mode is suitable. It includes a pre-wash in warm water, then a main wash in very hot water, up to three rinses and drying. But for fragile objects: glasses, glasses, cups made of thin porcelain or glass, this mode is not suitable. For such dishes, many modern models have a special gentle washing program. In this case, washing is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 55 ° C, rinsing first in warm, then in hot water. The choice of washing program also depends on whether you use powdered detergents or a 3-in-1 tablet.

Many dishwashers have a half load function. When using it, only the upper basket is filled with dishes, and the machine uses less water, electricity, as well as detergent, salt and rinse aid. Some particularly “smart” units have an automatic load recognition system. In this case, you won’t have to rack your brains about choosing a more economical mode: the dishwasher itself will “weigh” everything and “save” in accordance with the amount of dishes loaded.

Not everything is suitable!

Unfortunately, not everything can be washed in the dishwasher. Thus, plastic utensils must be marked that they are intended for hot foods, otherwise the plastic may not withstand the temperature at which machine washing is carried out. Do not wash earthenware and porcelain dishes that have been glued in the dishwasher. It is also better not to wash painted earthenware or porcelain in the dishwasher: the design may fade.

Crystal and thin glass require especially careful handling. Many manufacturers do not recommend washing real crystal containing lead impurities in the dishwasher at all. Washing is allowed only in some units from individual manufacturers. The model should provide very gentle washing. For example, Miele dishwashers are famous for this. The fact is that crystal, which contains lead (now it is mainly products from the Czech Republic) is very fragile. It is also worth remembering that hot water causes crystal to darken and become cloudy. The same can be said about artistic glass products, which are distinguished by their particular subtlety and complexity of shapes. They can simply be damaged by sufficiently powerful jets of water passing through the sprayer.

In addition to the above-mentioned dishes, products made of rusting steel, cutlery with mother-of-pearl, horn and wooden inserts, and wooden cutting boards are also not subject to machine washing.

Separately, it is necessary to say about antique dishes and silverware. Old enamel and decorative trim generally do not withstand the concentrated detergents used in dishwashers. In principle, you can wash silverware in the dishwasher, but only if you follow certain rules:

  • To avoid the appearance of stains on silverware and its darkening, silver items should be washed separately from all others, excluding the contact of silver with other metals;
  • Silverware should be washed immediately after use, avoiding prolonged contact with aggressive substances found in some types of food. Products containing acids and oils (vinegar, juices, sour vegetables, mustard, eggs, olives and black olives) are especially dangerous for the appearance of silverware;
  • To protect against oxidation and make silver utensils shine, you need to periodically use specialized care products for silver and other non-ferrous metals.
  • Antique silver with a patina should not be washed in the dishwasher.

    Upon completion of work

    After the machine has finished working (this will be indicated by a sound signal, a “beam on the floor”, the number “0” or the word “end” on the display), do not rush to unload it immediately; let both the machine and the dishes cool down. Remember that by opening the dishwasher right away, you risk getting burned by hot steam, and hot dishes are more fragile. It is better to unload the lower basket first. This way, drops of water that could remain on items from the upper basket will not fall on the dishes in it.

    If something is wrong: problems and solutions

    One of the most common problems is dissatisfaction with the washing result. There may be several reasons: a lack of detergent in the machine dispenser, a discrepancy between the selected program and the type of dishes and degree of contamination, interference caused by incorrectly placed dishes to the water sprayers, and finally, clogging of the machine filters with food residues.

    Another common problem is the presence of whitish spots and smudges on the dishes after washing. This may mean that there is not enough rinse aid in the machine or the lid of the regenerating salt container is not tightly closed.

    Finally, a little trick: the now popular “3 in 1” dishwasher tablets (combining detergent, salt and rinse aid) often do not have time to dissolve during shortened washing cycles. Therefore, it is better to use them for regular long-term programs that include soaking and several rinses.

    By carefully following the recommendations given in this article, as well as acquiring the necessary experience in handling a dishwasher, you will learn to cope with possible problems that arise during its operation. As a last resort, unwashed dishes can be left in the machine for another cycle. In the end, while the unit is “correcting errors,” you can do something else: spend time with your loved ones or work. Indeed, with the frantic pace of today's life, lack of time is a serious problem for many. It is the few additional free hours per week that appear when using a dishwasher that, in our opinion, is the main advantage of purchasing it. Naturally, in symbiosis with clean dishes. A dishwasher is not a luxury, but a means of saving your time, of course, if you use it correctly.

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