Facial massage with a wooden spoon. Facial massage with spoons at home. What is the procedure

Good day everyone! Despite the simplicity of the “Tool,” this massage method improves blood supply to our skin and promotes lymphatic drainage, making facial contours clearer and muscles more elastic. Regularly performing such a massage gives a lasting and long-lasting effect... For the massage you will need ordinary stainless steel spoons: For the face - tea or dessert.

For the neck, décolleté, abdomen, back and thighs. For massage, use your favorite cream or beauty oil, I use almond or apricot as they are great for my combination skin. Before the procedure, thoroughly clean and moisturize your face; massage should only be done with the convex side of a spoon, in circular, rotational and wave-like movements with moderate pressure.

The massage session lasts at least 10 minutes. So: massage is performed only along massage lines, with little effort, in order to avoid the risk of bruising. We tighten the skin of the eyelids: after cooling the spoon in water, apply it several times to the upper eyelid, then apply it to the lower eyelid the same number of times. This will help get rid of bags and swelling under the eyes and give tone.

A warm spoon will help reduce wrinkles under the eyes: lubricate the area under the eyes with cream or oil, apply a warm spoon to the bridge of the nose and move it in a circular motion towards the temples, repeat 10 times. To control sagging skin on the neck and double chin: circular movements with warm spoons from the base of the neck to the chin, 10-12 repetitions. Elimination of nasolabial folds: move the spoons with rotational movements from the lips to the ears, repeat 10-12 times. Inflate your necks and tap the spoons on the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, as if playing a drum 10-15 times.

To improve the overall tone of the facial skin: apply spoons, alternating between cold and warm... ) Spoons are also used to massage various parts of the body: the inner thighs, abdomen, back and problem areas of the arms. This type of massage can easily be done on your own, at home...

All the best to you. Be healthy and beautiful!!!

The founder of facial massage with spoons is a cosmetologist from Germany, Rene Koch. This classic version of massage is popular among European, Chinese and Japanese women. Recently, Russian ladies have also become interested in the technique of performing rejuvenating massage with spoons. To perform the procedure you will need dessert spoons.


The essence of the procedure is that the back of the spoon acts on the skin, facilitating the penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the skin. Metal is an excellent conductor of both cold and heat. This helps activate metabolism, fat cells break down, swelling goes away, and muscles are toned.

And the use of nourishing creams and oils, when interacting with spoons, penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, which allows it to receive all the necessary beneficial minerals and substances. The result is an improvement in the condition of the facial skin.

There are two massage options.

  • Cold. Touching cold metal to the skin helps reduce inflammation and swelling. Unpleasant dark circles and bags under the eyes disappear. Coolness restores the elasticity of the skin.
  • Warm. The touch of warm metal to the skin allows you to get rid of fine wrinkles, tighten the skin in the neck area and get rid of a double chin. The facial contour becomes clearer.

The benefits and results of massage with spoons are obvious:
Firstly, this massage procedure improves blood circulation and improves the general condition of blood vessels.
Secondly, all excess fluid is removed from the tissues.
Thirdly, the facial muscles are strengthened, which allows you to look fresher and younger.

Indications for use

  • swollen face
  • Bags under the eyes,
  • Wrinkles,
  • Pronounced nasolabial folds,
  • Deterioration of complexion.


  • Diseases of the ENT organs,
  • Inflammations on the skin of the face,
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system,
  • Cuperosis,
  • Colds,
  • Herpes.


To perform a massage you will need approximately 20 minutes of free time. 2 teaspoons and 2 dessert spoons. It is considered a plus if the spoons are made of silver. Of course, conventional devices will also work, but the result will take longer to achieve. Why is silver better? The answer is simple. Silver is an excellent antioxidant. In addition, you should prepare 2 bowls of water - cold and warm. It would be a good idea to add a few ice cubes to cold water. Instead of plain water, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, nettle. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the dry mixture and let it brew for a while. Herbs have a more beneficial effect on the skin, so if you have the opportunity to brew herbs, it is better to use it. You can also brew green tea, which has a calming effect and removes toxins.

You need an oil that suits your individual skin type - olive, flaxseed, almond or just vegetable oil. The oil should be at room temperature. It can be replaced with rich cream or honey. Honey is an excellent remover of toxins. The spoon should glide over the skin easily, without effort, so as not to stretch the skin.

As before starting any massage, the facial skin should be thoroughly cleansed. You should wash with water, you can apply a light scrub or peeling. Dry with a soft towel. Apply cream, honey or oil to your face. If desired, these cosmetics can be applied directly to the spoon before starting the massage. Before doing this, the spoons must be disinfected with alcohol.

Cosmetologists advise massage in the morning and strictly along massage lines:

  • The bridge of the nose is whiskey.
  • The inner corner of the eye is the outer corner. In a circular motion.
  • Wings of the nose – cheeks – temples.
  • The base of the neck is the chin.

The procedure should be carried out with the back (back) side of the spoon with soft, sliding movements. The spoons should be held with slight pressure. Each exercise should be repeated 3 times. After completion, any exercise always ends with the same action, the so-called final step. The spoon must be drawn from the ear to the neck and to the collarbone, thereby draining the lymph along the line of the main lymph flow.


Elimination of edema: This massage technique is performed with spoons previously dipped into a bowl of cold broth or water. The devices must be applied to the eyelids for 3 seconds. Put away. The procedure is repeated 5 times. This technique allows you to tighten the skin around the eyes, making your look open and fresh.

Eliminating circles and bags: This technique involves the use of 2 cold spoons, which must be placed at the inner corners of the eyes. Using wave-like movements, move to the temporal lobes. Press the temples 3 times, lightly. Then move to the eyelids using similar movements. Hold for 3 seconds. The procedure should be repeated 3 times.

Eliminating crow's feet: This massage technique will eliminate facial wrinkles and tighten the skin. You will need 4 spoons. Some are warm, some are cold. An essential cosmetic product is anti-wrinkle cream. Place warm spoons with cream applied to them at the outer corners of the eyes. After making 3 circular movements, move to the temples. Hold for 3 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Then perform similar movements once with cold spoons. Complete 3 approaches.

Elimination of wrinkles on the forehead: There are two methods to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead. You need to arm yourself with 2 warm spoons and 2 cold ones.
Method 1. Lubricate a warm spoon with oil, cream or honey and apply to the base of the eyebrows. Using circular movements, bring them to your temples. Repeat 10 times.
Method 2. Place two warm spoons on the center of the forehead and at the same time lead to the temporal lobes, making zigzag movements. When the spoons are on your temples, press them 6 times. Repeat the procedure with cold utensils.

Elimination of wrinkles between eyebrows: You need 1 cold spoon, 1 warm spoon. The procedure begins with a warm one. It should be applied to the area between the eyebrows and pressed 6 times. Then move it up your forehead to your hairline. Similar manipulations with a cold spoon. Do 3 approaches.

In order to remove wrinkles between the eyebrows at home, there are many other ways.

Smoothing nasolabial folds: nasolabial folds are smoothed out with an exercise called the “drum”. To do this, take two warm spoons and tap them in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. First on one side, then on the other. 10 times. To achieve the best effect, it is better to perform the exercise with puffed out cheeks.

Neck massage: lubricate a warm spoon with cream, honey or oil and move, rotating, from the base of the neck to the chin.

General toning facial massage with spoons: the technique for performing it is extremely simple. You just need to apply warm and cold spoons to different areas of the facial skin. Apply one at a time. This massage will refresh the skin and relieve fatigue.

You can finish the self-massage by alternately applying warm and cold spoons to different areas of the face. After this, wash your face with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Massage with spoons should be carried out depending on the condition of the face. If the skin is young and wrinkles are just beginning to appear, then the procedure should be performed 2-3 times a week. For mature skin, massage is recommended every other day. If a person requires urgent toning, self-massage should be performed daily. If the purpose of the massage is to relieve swelling, it can be done every day.
The massage course is approximately 10-15 sessions.

Massage with spoons has a positive result that is noticeable to the naked eye after just 4 procedures. The skin looks noticeably younger, tighter, the color is healthy and radiant.

Video of facial massage with spoons

A woman's dream is to look young at any time in her life. Regular exercise and a healthy diet maintain a beautiful figure, but age-related changes are noticeable on the face. Supportive procedures are used to improve skin elasticity. Massage with spoons is an original, but at the same time effective and easy way to change the condition of the skin for the better. Beauty salons have implemented the procedure into the program. But talented girls can easily learn this craft at home.

After thirty, the skin loses its elasticity, the tissue cover weakens, age-related changes, nasolabial folds and jowls become noticeable. Proper massage with spoons is an ideal remedy against wrinkles.

The massage is simple. There are different types: cold, hot, complex. For the procedure, get ordinary soup spoons, ideally silver ones; base and essential oils.

Why massage with a spoon

To perform the procedure, you do not need to leave home and spend time and money in expensive salons. Easy to learn on your own. Facial massage with spoons helps remove excess fluid and improves blood circulation in the skin tissues. Provides natural elasticity, reduces the depth of wrinkles and helps restore facial contours. The procedure is performed daily, ten minutes, the results are noticeable in a short time. With proper daily use of the technique, rejuvenation is noticeable after 10-12 sessions.

The spoon procedure is not only effective, but also easy to use, alternating between different methods as needed.

  • The cold technique requires a few tablespoons, a glass of cold water and warm oil. To keep the water cold, add ice cubes to the glass. Use any oil - olive, calendula, flax seed or sunflower.
  • For hot technology you will need a spoon, a container of warm water, and essential oils.
  • Complex massage is performed alternately with a cold and hot spoon. Prepare for the procedure - two containers, one with cold water, the other with hot; a few spoons and a base.

Massage the face and neck with a warm spoon

For the base: 100 grams of olive or other oil (burdock, apricot, grape, peach seeds, flaxseed) add to 2-3 drops of oil. The skin loves esters of lemon balm, rose, mint, chamomile, and lavender.

The spoon is kept in hot water; wipe dry; dip the convex side into the base.

When starting the procedure, move clockwise. Gently but confidently massage the forehead, cheeks and areas with unnecessary folds. Particular care and tenderness is exercised when working with the skin around the eyes. Finish with the face and move on to the neck, movements are light and delicate.

The starting point prepares the skin for massage: spoons are placed between the eyebrows. During movement, they are spread in different directions along the forehead line, to the temples, to the edge of hair growth.

Next points: from the wings of the nose, draw with a spoon, to the top of the ear, then from the chin to the earlobe and under the jawline, ending in the ear area on the other side of the head. We do it one time at a time.

To remove wrinkles from the forehead movements are performed from the eyebrows to the hair and to the sides to the temples. The point between the eyebrows is massaged.

Remove crow's feet. From the bridge of the nose along the upper eyelid, to the edge of the eye and making a circle under the eyes, they return back.

To remove nasolabial folds. From the wings of the nose to the temples, from the tips of the mouth to the temples and from the extreme points of the chin in the same direction.

For wrinkles on the neck begin moving the spoons from the bottom of the neck to the chin.

Below is a video that shows massage techniques for beginners.

Massage with a warm spoon promotes blood flow, thereby strengthening the upper layers of the skin. If you carry out the procedure regularly, at first daily, and then two or three times a week, age-related changes will decrease, the skin will acquire a blush and a beautiful velvety tint.

Instructions for cold massage

A cold spoon is designed to treat circles and bags under the eyes. To do this, before the procedure, the instrument is cooled in finely crushed ice.

Remove makeup from the face and apply moisturizer. Two tablespoons are disinfected in alcohol and soaked in ice water. The cooled massage instrument is applied to the upper eyelid and held for several seconds. The second spoon is used for the lower eyelid area. The procedure reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Dip a cold spoon into warm oil and begin the massage. The cutlery is moved along the massage lines, pressing lightly on the skin. The technique is the same as for the hot procedure (video below).

If the spoon does not glide across the surface of the skin, use more oil base. The massage takes about ten minutes.

The first procedure lasts 1-2 minutes, the same amount is added every day. After 10 days, the procedure will take 10 minutes. With the correct technique, you can feel the relaxation of the facial muscles immediately after the first use.

Jowls and nasolabial folds are formed from constantly tense muscles; a cold spoon helps them relax. Constant use of the original technique helps not only to get rid of wrinkles on the skin and sagging cheeks, but also to feel a pleasant feeling of relief from tension in the face.

Complex massage technique

An integrated approach helps to get rid of various problems in one procedure - remove dark circles under the eyes, relax muscles, remove wrinkles. Perform massage with silver or regular spoons at home. The morning hours are chosen for the procedure. Spending 10-15 minutes before work will relax your facial muscles and ensure a good mood for the whole day.

The massage technique is simple: stroking, rubbing and patting with a spoon. The procedure is performed with the round part of the cutlery. The spoon technique works like a flat iron, gently stroking and smoothing the skin. Regularity of the procedure ensures smoothing of wrinkles, restoration of elasticity of the epidermis, and restoration of shine to the eyes.

Hot and cold spoon

A warm spoon helps to cope with a double chin, tightens the skin on the neck, and helps get rid of crow's feet around the eyes. Effective for removing facial wrinkles. Useful for the oval of the face, restores the rounded shape, removes jowls.

A cold silver spoon removes irritation, soothes, restores velvety and matte skin. Cold metal restores firmness and elasticity, removes bags under the eyes, and relieves irritation from insect bites.

The secret of combined massage

Silver spoons bring benefits during massage; they have a positive effect on skin cells. Manipulations with cold and hot metal stimulate nerve endings - the skin comes to life and returns to normal. Under the influence of different temperatures, essential, vegetable oils, serums, creams are absorbed deeper and faster into the epidermis. Alternating hot and cold spoons revitalizes, saturates, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Combined massage with spoons has a positive effect on the appearance of the face. The procedure reduces swelling - removes excess fluid under the skin, improves blood and lymph circulation, and maintains a rejuvenating effect.


In the video above, it is noticeable that the arsenal of movements within the manipulations is extensive, and the execution technique is simple. There is nothing complicated in the technology for beginners; the main thing is to perform movements in the right direction, along the massage lines.


  • gentle friction;
  • pushing;
  • circular movements counterclockwise and vice versa.

To perform the procedure at home you will need:

  • Dessert or tablespoons, ideally silver, but cupronickel or steel are suitable;
  • a bowl of cold water;
  • container with warm (50 degrees);
  • heated vegetable oil;
  • honey or moisturizer.

Instead of water, use cold and hot herbal infusion.

Replace sunflower oil:

  • sesame, almond - for oily skin;
  • lavender - for sensitive;
  • peach, apricot, olive - for dry.

Execution technique

Before starting the procedure, cleanse the skin of cosmetics, dirt and dead cells. Moisturize the face with cream and apply honey. Distribute the honey with a hot spoon - stroke your face along the massage lines. The beneficial substances of honey and moisturizer, with a contrast massage, penetrate deeply into the tissue and improve the result in a short time.

Combined massage with spoons is considered advanced, so before use, it is advisable to learn the basics of the procedure. It is performed with small circular movements using spoons of different temperatures.

Place spoons into cold and hot infusions of medicinal herbs. Before starting the massage, check the temperature of the heated instrument to avoid burns. If everything is in order, proceed to the procedure.

Massage along these lines will help reduce age-related changes

Smooth out nasolabial folds

Perform the exercise on both sides of the face at once. Use two hot spoons in turn, then two cold ones. Small circular movements are carried out from the wings of the nose along the line of the cheek, to the temporal region, without lifting the spoons from the skin. They go down to the collarbone area. When driving away the lymph, spoons are carried out from the ear to the collarbone. The first time they manipulate hot and then cold spoons - 3-4 approaches.

The second exercise is performed using the technology of the first. From the corners of the mouth, move the spoons in a circular motion to the earlobe and again down to the collarbone. Repeat 3-4 times.

Tighten the facial contour

Two spoons of different temperatures are connected together with their convex sides. They are applied to the lower jaw, so that one is at the top and the other is at the bottom. Start from the middle of the chin and move in small circular movements along the jaw to the ear. Lymph is driven from the ear down to the collarbone. Repeat 3-4 times, first on one side of the face, then on the other.

Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

Using small circular movements, with light pressure, a hot spoon crushes the muscles along the bridge of the nose, then moves to the tip of the nose and massages for a few seconds, moving up the bridge of the nose to the point between the eyebrows. Change the spoon to a cold one and perform the movements from the beginning. Apply 3-4 approaches.

To increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, perform the massage movements suggested in the paragraph on hot massage, but use a contrasting technique.

To look younger than your real age, you don’t have to visit a beauty salon and use expensive cosmetic products; you just need to master the spoon massage technique, which many women have already appreciated.

Massage with spoons

It is a massage practice common in Europe, Japan, and China. In the Celestial Empire, this procedure is carried out with devices that have a different shape from standard spoons. The popularity of this massage, proposed as a healing and rejuvenating procedure by the German doctor Rene Koch, lies in its simplicity and ease of learning.

Massage with spoons has the following positive effects:

  • relieves puffiness and dark circles;
  • reduces the severity of nasolabial folds;
  • tightens the oval and contour of the face;
  • rejuvenates and tones the epidermis;
  • removes excess fluid and improves blood circulation.

The effectiveness of the procedure is due to the use of warm and cold spoons. Cooled devices relieve swelling and inflammation, while warm ones eliminate a network of fine wrinkles and a double chin, giving the facial contour a clear outline. The ability of metal to maintain temperature and certain movements carried out by spoons stimulate nerve endings, which causes a rejuvenating effect.

What is needed for a spoon massage?

Accessibility is the main advantage of this type of massage. To conduct a session, you only need a few items:

  1. Two dessert spoons or teaspoons. It is better to take silver ones, which demonstrate antioxidant effects. If silver is not available, cupronickel will do. It is permissible to use steel appliances, but the effect will be much less pronounced.
  2. Containers with cold and hot water. They are needed to heat and cool spoons. It is better to use not just water, but chamomile infusion or green tea. To keep the decoction (water, tea) cold, put ice cubes in it.
  3. Cream or oil. If preference is given to the latter, then for dry skin take flax or jojoba oil, for oily and combination skin - almond, sesame or hazelnut, and for normal skin - peach, olive, apricot.

Oils or cream can be applied both to the skin and to a spoon. You can use natural flower honey. The main thing is to first conduct an allergy test.

Preparing for the session

When all the necessary tools and resources are ready, you should allocate at least 20 minutes to the procedure in your morning schedule. In the morning, the skin is most susceptible to any manipulation. It is imperative to take into account the fact that the spoons used for massage should serve only this purpose. To avoid infection, devices are sterilized. Each spoon is dipped in alcohol both before and after the session, wrapped in clean gauze and put away.

The skin is thoroughly cleansed before the massage. Makeup removal is not included in the preparatory steps, except in situations where it is postponed to the evening due to lack of time. For the first time, be sure to carefully monitor the temperature of the devices, especially hot ones. Otherwise you may get burned. In subsequent sessions, this need will simply disappear, as an understanding will come of what temperature of the liquid is most comfortable.

Spoon massage technique for face

Contains several exercises. Each is designed to solve a specific problem. They can be used individually or in combination. It all depends on the condition of the skin and expectations from the procedure.

Against crow's feet

An excellent exercise against facial wrinkles. It tightens the epidermis. It requires the mandatory use of not only spoons, but also an age cream that matches your skin type. A properly selected product will enhance the achieved effect.

Heated spoons are applied to the outer corners of the eyes. The devices are moved in a circular motion to the temporal region. Hold for two to four seconds. This action is repeated exactly three times. Further, similar manipulations are performed using cold spoons, but only once.

Against puffiness of the eyelids

Perfectly eliminates swelling of the eyes and drooping eyelids, and also tightens the skin in this area. It should be taken into account that this exercise is not recommended when there are rashes or redness on the skin.

You can get rid of swelling only with the help of cold spoons. Do not use hot ones. Apply the spoons three or four times for a few seconds, and then remove them. It is advisable to do the procedure separately, that is, first for the upper eyelids, and then for the lower ones.

For bags and circles under the eyes

The exercise tightens and tones the skin around the eyes, eliminates signs of fatigue that appear in circles and bags, and makes the look clear and fresh.

A couple of chilled spoons are placed on the inner corners of the eyes. The devices are moved to the temples, making wave-like movements. Press three times on the temporal bones. You can't use force. The pressure should be light. In a wave-like movement they move to the ears. Hold for four to seven seconds, return to the starting point and stop a little again. These movements are repeated three times.

For wrinkles between eyebrows

The habit of frowning leads to the formation of characteristic folds between the eyebrow arches. This exercise allows you to make it more invisible or prevent the appearance of wrinkles in this area.

Hot spoons are applied to the space between the eyebrows. Do six presses. They rise up the forehead. Repeat the same action, but with a cold spoon. At least three repetitions must be done.

Smoothing wrinkles on the forehead

There are three exercises to help get rid of small and larger wrinkles covering the forehead. They can be used independently of each other or together for maximum effect.

Option 1

A hot spoon is lubricated with oil and applied to the base of the eyebrow arches. Using circular movements, move the devices to the very temples. Repeat the exercise at least ten times.

Option 2

One heated spoon is applied to the temples, making three circular movements, drawing a spiral. Bring the device along the surface of the forehead to the opposite temple and again “outline” the spiral “pattern”. Take a second hot spoon and repeat the whole action again, but moving on the other side.

Option 3

A couple of hot spoons are placed to the center of the forehead, and, moving at the same time, they bring the utensils to the temples, drawing a kind of zigzag in different directions. When they reach the temporal lobes, press these points six times. Do a similar action, but using cold spoons.

Against nasolabial folds

Even shallow wrinkles in the folds between the nose and lips age you literally by ten years. They make the facial expression sad and gloomy, and the person looks much older than his real age. You can get rid of this flaw using one of three massage exercises with spoons, which are done individually or in combination.

Option 1

A heated spoon is applied to the area above the upper lip and moved in a spiral motion along the surface of the cheeks to the earlobe. Repeat this manipulation, but from the lower lip. This action is performed at least five times.

Option 2

Anti-aging cream, that is, against wrinkles, is applied to a heated spoon. The mouth is opened as if pronouncing the letter “o”. The device is applied to the wing of the nose, brought in a circular motion to the lips, and returned to the starting point. Repeat the same manipulation on the other side. You can use two spoons at once. The exercise is done three times.

Option 3

Cheeks puff out. Without applying any force, they are hit with ten blows. The manipulation is repeated four times. The main thing is to change the cooled spoon to a heated one after each pass.

For pink blush

The exercise returns a natural rosy and healthy tint to the cheeks. This allows you to literally look younger, since it is the blush that rejuvenates and revitalizes your appearance.

The spoon is dipped into the heated oil and passed along four lines:

  1. from the chin to the earlobes;
  2. from the upper lip to the ears;
  3. from the nose to the temporal lobe;
  4. from the chin to the cheekbones, and then to the temples.

The entire cycle is repeated ten or more times, immersing the device in the oil when it is completely absorbed.

For double chin and wrinkles on the neck

Allows you to eliminate sagging and sagging necks, which reveal true age even without wrinkles on the face. The exercise is also recommended as a preventive measure.

Lubricate a warm spoon with cosmetic oil or cream. The product must be taken according to your skin type. Otherwise the result will be minimal. Making rotational movements, they rise from the bottom of the neck to the chin. The action is repeated at least three times.

Course duration

The effectiveness of spoon massage is comparable only to the use of expensive anti-aging cosmetic products. This is only true when sessions are performed daily. The results do not become noticeable immediately, but only after 2-3 weeks. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

The above complex takes from 10 to 20 minutes. Repeating each exercise up to 3 times allows you to enhance the positive impact you receive. If there is not enough time, then on weekdays you can do one at a time, and on weekends - several cycles. The main thing is that massage should be performed every day.


Spoon massage is an excellent means of prolonging youth and preserving beauty. You just need to find 10-20 minutes in your schedule for your loved one, and in just half a month you can enjoy your own reflection.

Spoon facial massage is known for its ease of implementation and good results. Universal equipment will allow you to do the procedure at home, and beauty salons carry it out professionally. What makes the technique so popular? Read about this in our article.

History of massage with spoons

Since childhood, the famous cosmetologist Rene Koch observed his mother’s behavior during bruises: she applied cutlery to the damaged areas, then the skin smoothed out and excessive pigmentation disappeared. This method later became Dr. Koch's patented technology, and his achievement contributed to personal care procedures. Natural facial skin tightening with a spoon and changes in the décolleté area have become available. Problem areas with cellulite are treated, the contours of the face become clear, the oval and cheekbones stand out. The long history has preserved the basic technology, which has been improved over time by specialists.

The originality of the method lies in its unusual tools. Chinese massage uses special devices, while Japanese and European methods involve the use of ordinary dessert spoons. With their help, lymphatic drainage massage of the face is performed, nerve endings are stimulated, and the regeneration process is activated.

The massage is carried out at home or in a beauty salon; points that are actively involved in facial movements are worked out. The effect is enhanced by temperature contrast and the addition of care products. Facial massage with silver spoons and essential oils create an amazing combination.

Massage effect and indications

The main emphasis is on skin rejuvenation; upon completion of the course, it becomes elastic and soft. There is an outflow of excess lymph, the facial muscles warm up and become toned. Due to improved blood circulation, the supply of useful microelements begins, the skin is moisturized, acquires a healthy shade, and the tissue is strengthened. Changes also affect other areas:

  • helps against wrinkles by relaxing muscles in active areas;
  • The loose skin of the cheeks and chin keeps its shape and returns to tone;
  • Gets rid of bags under the eyes, the outline of the eyelids acquire a pleasant, uniform color;
  • Other areas of the body will help get rid of cellulite;
  • An integrated approach will give maximum effect in the fight for youth and beauty.


Before the session, you should protect yourself and familiarize yourself with the conditions that are prohibitions for the procedure. First of all this:

  • Mechanical damage to the skin: you need to wait until scratches or wounds heal;
  • Cuperosis and herpes also interfere with obtaining the desired result, as do colds and problems with the organs of the ENT system;
  • The lymphatic system must function without interruption, otherwise facial massage with spoons at home can lead to failure and increased blood pressure.

Otherwise, there are no precautions for starting the session; if you feel unwell during the session, a pause is made.

You don't have to buy expensive drugs or tools.

  1. Depending on the technique, you will need two or four tablespoons; when you have enough skills, it is better to alternate them with dessert and tea spoons. The devices are washed and treated with an antiseptic along with the surface of the skin.
  2. If you do a contrast massage with hot or cold spoons, two bowls of water of different temperatures will come in handy.
  3. Sometimes, instead of water, a decoction of nettle and chamomile is used.
  4. Vegetable oil or nourishing cream helps the devices glide easily, the skin is moisturized and enriched with minerals.
  5. Prepare napkins or a towel in advance to wipe off any remaining product.

Execution rules, diagram

It is important that during the course the dishes are used only for this purpose. When performed correctly, excess fluid comes out of the skin, which eliminates swelling.

  • The face is cleaned, when the spoons are ready, the session begins;
  • Massage lines are worked out, the degree of pressure is adjusted;
  • The movements resemble a semicircle in the air: a line is drawn from the nose to the temples, and from the lower part of the forehead - in all directions from bottom to top.

With each movement, the skin tightens and the desired contour is drawn.

A massage would be helpful silver spoons. If the material of the instruments is silver, the surface will be enriched with antioxidants, and nutrients will penetrate deep into the skin. Stainless steel is also suitable, the main conditions are cleanliness of the instruments and an accurate diagram.

Basic method

Standard technology is performed using stroking, tapping and pressing movements. They are performed with a medium degree of pressure; it is important to avoid deformation of the dermis and excessive pressure.

  1. The procedure begins with the area around the eyes, after several strokes on one side - everything is repeated symmetrically on the other;
  2. Then draw lines from top to bottom from the ear, tension is relieved;
  3. Next, the bridge of the nose and forehead area are involved, lines extend from the nasolabial folds to the side;
  4. Finally they start on the neck and décolleté. The first session will last about five minutes, the next one will increase slightly.

The devices are immersed in a cold mixture: water or herbal decoction with ice. This technique works with pigmentation (reduces bruising, constricts blood vessels), improves skin tone, swelling of the eyelids, dark circles under the eyes and near the nose go away. The cold surface relieves irritation and soothes the skin. In the morning, such a massage invigorates and tones. It is important to maintain an average temperature; if the instruments are icy, there is a risk of chilling the nerves and causing herpes.

About the benefits and harms of cold in skin care, read the article on the website about.

During therapy with hot spoons, the pores are steamed and become susceptible to the effects. The sculpture is created independently: outlines, contour. After dipping into warm water or tincture, check the temperature, smooth out wrinkles in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

You need to monitor the water temperature and immediately wipe your face dry after the procedure, otherwise the water will quickly cool down and the massage will lose effectiveness.

Often open, these areas require equal care. The neck and décolleté are more voluminous areas; the pattern involves movements from the chin to the ears, then down. They should not be completely relaxed, a little tone is needed, then the skin will be taut, making it easy to work with. In these places you only need warm utensils, it is better to add olive oil.

For the nasolabial triangle

The structure can naturally change due to active facial expressions, this can be corrected with natural plastic surgery. The movements must be synchronous, both hands work simultaneously. There will be a start at the wings of the nose, then smooth lines smooth out the cheeks. Now we go lower, the area above the lip easily falls, then the corners of the mouth lead to the neck, ears, down to the collarbone.

Japanese massage with spoons for swelling

Special effleurage actively removes excess water from the tissues and swelling goes away. It is important to carry out the procedure in the summer heat, when a lot of liquid is consumed. The technology is easy to learn from videos.

Lymphatic drainage massage with spoons in Korean

The next method is enhanced stretching of the skin in the desired direction. Sometimes Asians use porcelain spoons.

Those who are faced with this non-standard technique will not be able to stop: the simplicity, benefits, reviews and results advocate in favor of the procedure with spoons. Among the advantages are:

  • Fast execution;
  • Lack of expensive funds;
  • Natural plasticity;
  • Possibility to do at home.

After getting acquainted with the opinions of those who have already completed the course, it becomes clear whether facial massage with a spoon helps women against wrinkles or not. And the best way to find out is to try it yourself. Are you ready to rejuvenate your skin using the products at hand?