Mass of women: dystopia. Does sexual abuse exist in Russian women's prisons? The whole truth about the harsh rules in the colonies. What they do with beautiful girls in prison.

The relationships between women serving sentences in prisons differ quite seriously from those prevailing in men's prisons. There is almost no struggle for leadership here. In each cell there is a ward, and she has assistants. They have a number of privileges. So, the eldest sleeps in a “clearing” - a bed that does not have a second tier. Her responsibilities include maintaining order, training new recruits, and so on.

The woman who has the greatest authority can become the eldest, the one who has served a sentence for a long time and knows all the rules, a repeat offender, or chosen as a leader by her fellow inmates.

The woman with the greatest authority can become the eldest in her cell // Photo:

“When I got into the cell, they took me to the eldest - the old gypsy Bella. She showed me where I would sleep and told me about the procedures. Bella generally did not get involved in any conflicts, but if necessary, she could hit her in the face with an iron mug, and those quarreling would instantly calm down.” recalls one of the former prisoners.

"Zechki" are divided into families. They do this on their own, finding friends with similar interests. Members of such “families” support each other, celebrate holidays together, cook, give each other gifts, intercede, and so on.

In order not to create unnecessary problems for themselves, prison officials try to distribute women among cells so that they end up “with their own”. That is, accountants sit with accountants, “collective farm women” with “collective farm women,” and so on. The only exceptions are accomplices. They must be seated in different cells.

In women's colonies, who a woman was before she went to prison is of great importance. In addition, attention is drawn to what kind of food she eats - her own or prison food, how often she has visitors, what place she occupied in society when she was free, and so on. But at the same time, the girl’s personality also plays an important role.

In women's colonies, it is of great importance who a woman was before she went to prison // Photo:

Conflicts and love

As a rule, conflicts in women's prisons and colonies do not lead to a fight, but end in a raised voice. But if a fight does break out, it is usually particularly cruel. Without a compelling reason, prisoners try not to enter into conflict, since the culprit will most likely be quickly identified and severely punished, as well as everyone else.

But as for love, the information here is quite contradictory. In most cases, romantic relationships are started by girls who end up in prison not for the first time - “second-timers.” Women in a couple support each other. If they suddenly find themselves in different cells, they will do everything to reunite. Usually, inmates and older are normal towards lesbian couples and do not create any obstacles for them. The administration often adheres to the same policy.

Romantic relationships are started by girls who end up in prison not for the first time // Photo:

At the same time, love relationships between prisoners and pre-trial detention center or prison employees of the opposite sex are not uncommon. Girls agree to have sex with law enforcement officers for the sake of certain privileges, as well as to make their life in the “zone” easier and more enjoyable.

“The best thing is to become the opera’s mistress. Many people strive for this” - a former prisoner told reporters.


Women's prisons often host a variety of concerts, events, and even real beauty contests. Typically, prisoners are happy to take part in them, since it allows them to take their mind off work and feel part of society.

“Some even manage to do their hair, manicure, and pedicure in their cells. It really lifts your spirits,” a former prisoner shares her memories.

A special position in a women's prison or colony is occupied by women who are there with children. Many of these children were born in captivity. Conditions are created for women in labor so that they can care for the child. Upon reaching the age of three, the baby is given to the prisoner’s relatives. If they are not there, then the baby is sent to an orphanage.

Despite the fact that women's prisons are considered fairly quiet places, and the fair sex commit fewer violent crimes, there is a lot of cruelty in the women's “zone.” Those who are imprisoned for infanticide are considered the lowest caste. They are humiliated and beaten in every possible way. Those who enjoy greater benefits than others or are about to be released are also treated harshly.

There are six women’s colonies in Kazakhstan, the total number of women and girls serving sentences as of August 1 of this year is 2901. The women’s correctional colony UG-157/11 in the city of Atyrau opened three years ago, with a total of 234 prisoners from four regions. Vox Populi correspondents visited the women's colony to tell and show readers how they live in the correctional colony and who they are - women whom the court deprived of their freedom.

1. All women’s colonies in the country are general regime, except for the colony in Karaganda, where “walkers” (prison slang) are kept - women who have been repeatedly convicted

2. Twice a day, convicts gather on the parade ground for inspection. Absence is considered a gross violation, for which you can be sent to a punishment cell. Such a note in the personal file is undesirable, as it affects parole and transfer to a settlement colony

3. After the check, all women go to their workplaces or squads. White scarves are a mandatory part of the uniform

4. The conditions of stay in UG-157/11 are as close as possible to a standard women's dormitory. Five squads, each containing approximately 50 women, are housed in their own blocks. In each block, in addition to the bedrooms, there is a common teahouse, a storeroom, and a guest room. There is a common bathhouse, laundry and ironing room

5. Four women live in each room. According to the charter, they have no right to sit or lie down on the bed from nine in the morning to seven in the evening. It's austere here and smells of bleach

6. Each detachment has its own foreman, an authoritative person who knows how to eliminate internal conflict situations and maintain peaceful coexistence among several dozen women with a difficult fate and character. Brigadiers of detachments or, more simply put, “bugs” are people with untouchable authority. The foreman has a deputy, an orderly (sanitary troika), a foreman-orderly, assistants responsible for the storeroom, the kitchen, the teahouse and the leisure and sports section (SDS)

7. In the relaxation room, prisoners can be alone with themselves. Three psychologists constantly monitor the well-being of prisoners. Each convict receives an individual approach. In the zone, the emotional state of women is extremely unstable

8. In the evenings, women gather in front of the TV. They watch news and TV series, the most popular being Turkish. It should be noted that the smooth life of the colony largely depends on the attitude of the convicted women themselves. The paintings on the walls were done by the prisoners themselves.

9. Kapterka. One convict was released today. The employees escorted her to the station. The head of the zone contacted the Aktobe Center for Adaptation and Rehabilitation of Convicts and asked for help with accommodation and employment. Despite loud laughter and joy, the liberated woman feels anxiety and notes of fear: “How will everything turn out in the wild?”

10. The most popular product in the zone is payphone cards. Prisoners may not see their loved ones for years, since many women’s families live in neighboring regions, and it is not always financially possible to come for a long-term visit. And that’s why they keep in touch via phone. But there is a limit to such conversations. Every convicted person has the right to 15 minutes of telephone conversation per day

11. Convicts are completely supported by the state. In addition, they have transmissions from relatives. They can buy everything they need at a local store once a month. Cigarettes are second in importance. Almost everyone smokes, regardless of age and position. They don’t quit here, they start smoking here. There is no other way to calm down

12. Here, in the zone, there is a special atmosphere - sincerity or falsehood is immediately determined. Women stick together in “families”; family members are not offended. The head of the family is the queen, the rest are princesses

13. The sauna block works almost every day. The administration met the prisoners halfway and allowed them to equip a shower room in the detachments themselves

15. Washing and ironing units are well equipped

16. Medical unit. Almost every second woman has serious illnesses

17. Hall of the quarantine block on the second floor. Now only one woman is undergoing adaptation. After arriving at the facility, the prisoner spends 15 days in the quarantine department. Psychologists, doctors, and the educational department immediately begin working with her, after which she is transferred to one of the units on a normal regime, where she remains for six months. It differs from the facilitated one in that meetings take place once every three months. In the light mode there are more privileges - permission for monthly broadcasts, a visit lasting up to 3 days every two months, there are incentive meetings and broadcasts

18. Despite the spacious dining room, each squad enters at its own time

20. When we were filming in the dining room, one woman, leaving, shouted: “Come more often, they will feed us better,” and another added: “The food is normal, you can’t please everyone here and they bring us parcels, you’ve seen the full refrigerators?”

21. The smell of fresh bread goes far beyond the bakery. In colony UG-157/11 they bake the best bread among all zones of the country

22. The chief baker, Ira, also worked in a bakery when she was free. Baking bread is her calling

23. According to the baker, the secret of delicious bread is in good first-grade flour from the Kostanay region and in the humane, conscientious attitude of the bakers

24. Ira and her six assistants hand over 1,000 rolls of bread per shift, providing for their own and the neighboring men’s colony

25. Baker is one of the most prestigious and paid jobs in the colony. The chief baker receives 23,000 tenge

26. Every second woman has a debt to the state - claims, state fees, legal costs. Therefore, many people are interested in getting paid work. The administration is constantly working on the issue of employment among convicts; of all prisoners, only 60 women work. They plan to open a fish shop in the colony soon

27. There is a small sewing workshop for 34 women, in which clothes are sewn for prisoners in male colonies. They also do not refuse third-party orders: overalls for hospitals, for oil companies. In addition, there are detachments of household service workers with a salary of 21,000 tenge - kitchen workers, janitors, team leaders, bath and laundry workers, librarians

28. There is a college at the correctional facility that provides training in such specialties as seamstress-cutter, pastry chef, cook, and hairdresser. This year, 87 convicts were awarded diplomas

29. The prison library is constantly updated, there is an agreement on this with the state library

30. The demand for books is high - almost everyone reads, mostly fiction

31. A few books on religious topics. This year, 60 women initially kept the fast, but due to the hot summer (air conditioning and fans are not allowed), only 30 remained fasting

32. In the colony there is a sports and leisure section (SRL), which includes a library, acrobatics courses and, of course, the organization of cultural events. This institution hosts the best and most costumed concerts among all zones

33. The foreman of the first detachment Bibigul, which includes the SSD, admits that a lot of effort was invested to achieve such a level of the show. The administration willingly meets halfway, gives the opportunity to train, allocates money, provides training videos

36. Prisoners make costumes and decorations with their own hands; they can sew ball gowns from ribbons and pieces

37. In the evenings they play the intellectual game “Field of Miracles”

38. In the SSD there are several girls whose sports and dance abilities meet the requirements of the section

39. Olga - physical trainer (organizer of physical education work) and dance director of the SSD, age - 32 years. Article 259 – drugs.

She served more than seven years. There are 2 years and 10 months left until the call. He doesn’t like to talk about his personal life. In another institution she was a persistent offender, so she was not granted parole. Here, in UG - 166/11 - she is the right person, a master - golden hands: an electrician, a carpenter and a specialist in welding and installation work. I learned all this in the zone

40. In addition, Olga successfully leads the acrobatics section

41. Katya does acrobatics and dancing at SSD. Age 32 years. Article 259 – drugs. Term – 11 years, served 4 years 4 months.

In Aktau, where she lived, she had her own small clothing store. She and her friend often flew to Turkey to buy goods. Then I decided to bring ecstasy tablets, not for sale, but for personal use. Now her two daughters are left in the care of their 63-year-old retired mother. The last time she saw them was two and a half years ago; the mother does not have the opportunity to bring her daughters on a long-term date. Now she only sees in photographs how her daughters are growing up. Katya clearly understood that not a single pleasure in life is worth exchanging for the opportunity to raise her own children. In three years, she hopes to be granted parole. After her term ends, she wants to devote herself to her daughters. In the colony, correspondence with convicted men is not uncommon. But Katya no longer wants to start a relationship. There, in freedom, everything is simpler. A person loved you, loved you, and then stopped loving you, but this disappointment is difficult to bear even in freedom. And here, in the zone, even with the howling of a wolf, there is nothing to cover the emptiness. Therefore, she suppressed all feminine feelings in herself and dreams only of seeing her children more often - at least once every six months

42. The approximate age of the colony administration employees is from 20 to 30 years. The team is 90% female; as a rule, the majority are unmarried. Constantly being busy at work does not allow many people to take care of their personal lives.

43. Head of the detachment Botagoz Nurkhanova, 28 years old. It has been working since the opening of the colony.

“When I first came to work here, I thought: “What am I doing here?” It was really scary,” says Botagoz. “The turning point happened when I had to provide moral support to one prisoner. Then you realize that they are ordinary women who just need understanding

44. Prisoners address Botagoz with the word “mother”, which is how all squad leaders are symbolically called. Of all the administration employees, the detachment chiefs are closest to the prisoners. Together with the foreman, he coordinates and monitors compliance with the regime. Communication between “mothers” and prisoners in this zone is primarily of a human nature. The broken female fate of some prisoners evokes sympathy and understanding among their guards. Over time, you practically have to live with the problems of your charges, write their characteristics, and present them in court. “Moms” are the link between convicts and senior officers

45. The administration petitions and writes positive characteristics for convicts with exemplary behavior. But, nevertheless, the last word always remains with the judge. Many do not go through the courts, there are enough reasons for this: outstanding debts, absence or vice versa, a large number of incentives, short term of imprisonment, serious criminal records. The most common judicial response is: “How is it different from other convicts?”

46. ​​The main articles under which women end up here: 259 - sale, storage and distribution of drugs, 177 - fraud and 96 - domestic murder, and much less often, infanticide

47. In the photograph is a copy of an SMS from the partner of one of the convicts; he sent these messages to her on the day of the trial. The girl took the blame for her boyfriend on herself, at first she acted as an accomplice. As a result, he serves 5 years for apartment fraud. The convict admits her guilt, but while in prison she is trying to get the person who pushed her to commit fraud to go to prison.

48. Prisoners have the right to visits: short-term visits for two or four hours and long-term visits for three days. There is also the opportunity to see convicts on an open day

49. The controller in the inspection and visiting room (KDS) Gulim Kushenova accepts documents from a man who came for a long-term date with his wife

“Most often they visit convicts – Kazakh women,” says Gulim. – They come with children and relatives. Bring food, clothes, cleaning supplies

50. At the entrance to the women’s colony there is a stand with photographs of things prohibited for transfer.

51. The hall of the meeting place is a room without a hint of gloom. All furniture - cabinets, tables - is made right there, without leaving the area. Visitors and convicts are provided with all the conditions for a long visit: a separate room, a kitchen, a hall, a shower.

52. Nina Petrovna, age 61 years. Article 259 – drugs. Duration: 10 years. Served 1 year and six months.

Her husband and granddaughter came to see her for the first time in a year and a half. She has proven herself to be exceptionally good in the zone. She underwent several heart surgeries. There is no hope of leaving the colony alive. There were suicide attempts

53. “My son is serving a sentence under the same article,” says Nina Petrovna. “After the DEA officers began beating him during the investigation, I began to write numerous complaints and statements to stop the bullying. They threatened me that if I didn’t stop, I would soon also end up behind bars. I continued writing and soon the police “accidentally” found several grams of heroin on my bed... That’s how I ended up here. I tried to kill myself, but they stopped me. No, don’t think about it, the conditions here and the attitude of the administration are normal, but it’s psychologically difficult for me

54. Raima, age 40 years. Article 259 - drugs. Term 10 years, served 3 years and 2 months.

“Nine years ago my husband died,” says Raima. – I was left with three small children, my youngest daughter was 8 months old, her parents are retired. I was the only breadwinner in the family. A few years later I got together with a man. He helped with money and with housework - we had our own cattle. Then I decided to expand the grocery store. I sold the store and started construction, but did not receive the promised bank loan. So I was left without business and income. She began selling fruit in the yard, and meanwhile her partner started selling heroin. My roommate was given 10 years of strict regime, I was imprisoned for complicity

55. “I was able to visit my mother for the second time in three years,” says Alima, Raima’s eldest daughter. — As soon as my contract with the company ended, I immediately brought the younger ones for a long-term date with my mother

56. Alima works as a defect manager in a furniture store. With a salary of 60,000 tenge, Alima is now the only breadwinner for the family. She recently prepared her younger brother and sister for school and bought clothes and stationery. She wants to return to Aktyubinsk to be closer to her family and visit her mother more often. Alima is worried about her mother’s health - her vision rapidly deteriorated in the zone - it became minus twenty, and tuberculosis was also discovered. She answers questions about her personal life evasively; she decided not to be friends or get married until her mother is free

57. This year, the transfer of those convicted of especially serious crimes to colony settlements was cancelled. Mothers of many children who have committed domestic murder or women forced into drug trafficking will serve their entire sentence away from their children, who are often in the care of elderly grandparents or in orphanages. So they are most likely to be paroled after serving 2/3 of the term

58. Vera, age 30 years. Article 96 – murder. Term 6 years, served 2 years, 9 months.

She got married and gave birth to daughters. They lived happily and well, but soon her husband began to abuse her, and for seven years she endured his difficult character. The daughters, seeing their drunken father, immediately went to bed, they were so afraid of him. The husband, when intoxicated, was extremely cruel, he could grab his daughters or Vera and slam his head against the wall, hit him with any object that came to his hand. He threatened me with an axe, kicked me, and kicked me out of the house. He even beat his relatives - he raised his hand against his mother. It all ended with a knife to the heart. Moreover, Vera does not remember how it happened, she wants to remember under hypnosis. The children were left in the care of their sick mother. The injured party has no claims. Vera wrote to the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General, filed a petition to the President - all to no avail.

59. Nadezhda, age 24 years. Article 96 – murder. Term 11 years, served 3 years, 1 month.

She lived and worked as a nanny in Astana, studying to become an accountant. Then, due to financial difficulties, she moved to a small village in the Aktobe region. One day we were walking with friends, decided to continue the fun and went home to a new acquaintance - a man of retirement age. In the morning, when everyone fell asleep, he began to pester her and raped her. Being extremely intoxicated, she became very frightened, began to resist, grabbed a knife from the table and struck ten times. She called the police herself. She admitted her guilt sincerely. During the investigation, I found out that I was pregnant. She decided to leave, now her son is 2 years old. He was taken in and raised by his unemployed mother, who does not have the opportunity to come for a long-term visit. Nadezhda often talks to her son on the phone; he addresses her by name and thinks that she is his sister. She works in the zone as a seamstress-cutter. Having paid off all claims, he sends the money he earned home. He repents and knows that he deserves punishment. Hopes to be transferred to a colony-settlement at his place of residence

60. Mahabbat, age 22 years. Article 180 – accessory to rape. The term was 6 years of strict regime, given the age of the convicted person, she was transferred to general security. She served three years.

I was walking in the evening with a friend in a noisy company. After some time, heavily intoxicated, she left, but her friend remained - the result was gang rape. Besides her, 5 people are involved in the case. Mahabbat was accused of pimping for forcibly taking the victim out of the house. The victim later gave birth to a daughter and sent her to an orphanage. Mahabbat dreams of becoming a photographer

61. Marina. 41 years old. Article 96 - domestic murder. Duration – 6 years. Served 3 years, 3 months.

They gave me a short term because the injured party had no complaints. We lived with our second husband for ten years. He drank constantly, did not work, and beat her and the children. And during the next scandal, Marina took two knives and stabbed him simultaneously in the heart and liver. He died on the spot. Marina’s two children, her son is 17 years old and her daughter is 11 years old, live with her brother and daughter-in-law

62. Tamara, 32 years old. Article 96 – murder. Term - 9 years, served 7 years.

The husband drank and abused for seven years. One day a drunk arrived and a quarrel broke out. She was standing with her one-year-old son in her arms, he hit her and hit her son in the ear. The shell of the ear burst, blood sprayed onto the wall. Then Tamara grabbed a knife and plunged it into her husband’s heart. Her parents received guardianship over her three children - daughters 12 and 5 years old, and a son 3 years old. I haven't seen my children for the last two years. For the sake of incentives, he works as a dishwasher in a canteen, wants to get parole

63. Zarina acrobat SSD. Age 25 years. Article 96 – murder. Duration - 8 years. Served 4 years.

A pupil of the Aktobe orphanage. I was first “closed” at the age of 17. I wanted to earn money by transporting drugs to Russia. She served there for three years. When she was free, she fell in love with a guy and started dating him. At his birthday party, he accidentally killed his neighbor in a fight while drinking alcohol. She came out of the bathroom, and in the room there was already a corpse lying in a pool of blood. The guy shouted at her to run away, but she didn’t do it, she decided to be with him to the end. Then the police and ambulance arrived. She made a sincere confession. She took all the blame upon herself, her beloved asked - so he told her, women get a shorter sentence, and I’ll wait for you... But the last time she saw him was in the courtroom. In the colony, she acquired the skills of a seamstress-machine operator and a mechanic/adjuster. She also dances at a local club and is the best acrobat. Now she has only one dream left - to visit Paris and look at the Eiffel Tower.

Criminal behavior is a social construct that develops in a certain historical and cultural environment. Society normalizes male crime more than female crime. There are approximately five times fewer women prisoners than men. Of course, both of them look like something that violates the social order. I make quotation marks with my hands, because for a man it still looks like a continuation of a masculine, somewhat cruel and aggressive beginning. And women in patriarchal regimes are credited with weakness, softness, and pliability. It is clear that these are all stereotypes, but they really influence society.

Women prisoners do not necessarily have dysfunctional parents, but may have special situations related to alcohol, drugs, divorce, or a new cohabitation mother or father. One way or another, there is an emphasis on relationships with the mother - they can be very complex.

Nowadays it is mostly women who are imprisoned for drugs. We were told stories about so-called test purchases. This is a common way to get out of a difficult situation using law enforcement agencies. Many crimes are related to domestic violence. Very often this is a response to violence from a man: father, stepfather, cohabitant, partner, husband. We were often told about events at school that became a sharp turn in the lives of women. As a rule, this is associated with violence, sometimes rape, some kind of injustice. As a result, circumstances developed in such a way that the person could not resist them and committed a crime. We have not encountered any situations with deliberate aggression or a desire to injure someone.

Recently, cases of economic crimes have become more frequent. After the protest events - speeches, rallies, arrests - the range of crimes and punishments expanded, we know about cases of detention and sentences for participation in protests. In no way do I undertake to judge or interpret issues related to the legality or illegality of such detentions and terms. I’m just noting that this is a new phenomenon for Russia. History with Pussy Riot gave impetus to special attention to cases of protest activism, especially women's. And of course - to the conditions of detention of women in colonies and special regimes and the everyday life of women on the verge of physical survival and psychological pressure. True, in my opinion, there were no fundamental changes in the colonies after this. Except that a year and a half ago there was a large-scale trial with the top of the Federal Penitentiary Service regarding corruption and abuse. If any changes occur in the system, they are of a political nature.

The body of a condemned woman. Medicine, obstetrics, hygiene

In the codes and practices regulating detention in pre-trial detention centers and colonies, there is no understanding of the differences between women and men. On the one hand, a woman who is imprisoned is subjected to greater stigmatization in public opinion - as having violated not only the law, but also violated the “natural” order of women’s destiny. On the other hand, within the framework of the punishment system, she is denied the realization of her “femininity”, when her body, physiology, and special practices turn out to be completely insignificant; rather, on the contrary, they serve as a kind of additional mechanism of humiliation and punishment for a “double” crime. The maintenance of a woman is no different from the maintenance of a man. At least nowhere are rules written down that take into account the peculiarities of female physiology. The gender of the criminal is not important.

Medicine in the colonies is of an extremely low level. The biggest problem is teeth. Women told us that they recognized each other on the street, without having shared prison experience, because ordinary people simply do not have such bad teeth. If teeth hurt, they are very rarely treated. Usually they are torn.

Gynecology is perceived as an additional punishment for women, as a reminder of how unworthy a woman is. Help is very bad. Women are brought to an extreme state where hospitalization is already necessary. Doctors work in the best traditions of Soviet gynecology, when certain manipulations with the female body can be used and perceived as a special punishment for “pleasure.” This is repressive medicine.

Drug addiction is treated simply by quitting. For a person who wants to get rid of it, the conditions there are suitable - complete isolation. These are, of course, terrible withdrawal symptoms, but women told us that getting rid of addiction is the only advantage of imprisonment, no matter how strange it may sound. Of course, you can buy drugs in colonies, but they are not available to everyone. This is a question of money, connections, relations with the administration and place in the hierarchy.

There are no medical secrets observed there. If a prisoner has HIV or tuberculosis, everyone probably knows about it. For example, HIV-positive people must be transported separately. There is a slight HIV-phobia there, because people are disconnected from up-to-date medical information. Certain fears exist.

We were told stories of women giving birth in the colony. There are special compartments or barracks for pregnant women. After giving birth, they spend a short time with the children, and then the babies are separated. I know that this is a very difficult and traumatic situation for women, because there is not much time allocated to be with the child. Children may be desired, but sometimes it’s the other way around - some get pregnant on purpose to get relaxation of the regime.

The colony store sells sanitary pads, and the woman must buy them herself. This is also a valuable resource. They are exchanged for something, sometimes improvised means are used instead. The worst abuse is when bed linen gets dirty due to menstruation, and women are obliged to wash it themselves. This is often unbearably difficult. Interestingly, in prisons, bed linen must be white, so stains are immediately noticeable.

It is incredibly difficult to wash yourself in a colony. There is a shower, which is allowed once a week. There are also washrooms where you can do your laundry at the same time. There are certain schedules for this. The most disadvantaged are the “mushrooms”, that is, the poor who have no relatives, no money, and who are forced to help other, more status women - wash, clean, help them cook. Of course, “mushrooms” have the least time for personal hygiene. This turns out to be virtually impossible. As a rule, foremen have the right to exclusive use of the same washing room.

“Mushrooms”, “wool”, “peas”. Hierarchy of the women's area

“Mushrooms” are the lowest level in the hierarchy. These are, as a rule, those who have been sitting for a long time, do not get warm, were homeless in the past, drank a lot - or rural women with a low level of education.

In women's colonies there are "thieves", who can be orderlies and foremen. These are people who are somehow connected with their superiors or have a certain weight in their eyes. Therefore they have privileges.

The whole horror is not even that you find yourself in a situation of complete isolation, because practically no one visits women. The main thing is that you can never be alone, in silence, with yourself. You have neither the time nor the opportunity. No internal or external space. For example, a sleeping place. Where a person sleeps depends on his place in the hierarchy. The women managed to make something like small rooms - they set up four bunk beds and curtained them with sheets, isolating them from others. Although you shouldn't cover your beds with sheets, they do for a while. The most prestigious places are near the wall and in the corner. At least on one side, you find yourself isolated from someone else and can simply turn to the wall and not see anyone.

"Wool" are those who "warm themselves." Those to whom rich relatives or some friends, girlfriends, or “sponsors” make donations. It often happens that rich relatives buy equipment for the colony. "Wool" has a resource.

“Activists” are those who make money on parole. There can be two attitudes towards them. If the men's colonies are divided into red (where the administration is in charge) and black (where power belongs to criminal authorities), then in the women's colonies we did not find this, nor a clearly defined system of concepts. In the black men's colony, activists are not liked very much, because going on parole is not according to the “concepts”. You cannot do public work or work at all. It's humiliating for them. A real thief cannot do this. Women still have a more neutral position towards this.

“Peas” are the youngest, young animals.

“Mushrooms” and “peas” are used whenever possible. It's different in different situations. They do some kind of support work, service, for example, cleaning, washing, cleaning toilets, and so on. For this they receive protection, things like cigarettes, coffee and tea, and they may simply not be beaten.

Killing a child is highly condemned. Among our informants we came across one such story. This woman was extremely reserved. She simply chose this position for herself: she did not communicate with anyone, did not enter into coalitions, and behaved as aloof as possible. The situation there was quite complicated. We never took a position of justification or condemnation, nor did we find out whether the verdict was fair. Nevertheless, with this woman there was a feeling that she was shielding her partner. It was unintentional murder.

Love and sex in prison

In women's colonies, homosexuality is generally less stigmatized than in men's colonies. In men's, this is treated as a serious crime, since it is a violation of the main principle of patriarchy. Public opinion has always allowed homosexuality for women. It was stereotypically seen as something frivolous and temporary. This idea was reflected in prison life. In a men's colony, homosexuality is the most severe stigma. Prisoners who enter into intimate relationships are not even second-class people, but fifth-class people. They are ignored, you cannot eat, drink, or share anything with them. This is not the case in a women's colony.

Another distinctive feature of the women's colony is very intense communication, incredibly simple. This is almost the only practice available to them; they do nothing else. Men are not all working yet, but women are working and talking. Moreover, everything is in plain sight. According to formal laws, this is prohibited, but almost everyone knows about love stories, including the administration. Often employees manipulate this.

Homosexuality can be situational, or it can be more serious when a woman identifies herself as a lesbian even before the colony. Situational appears due to loneliness and isolation. Girls who look like boys are highly valued in the colony. In order to gain status, avoid bullying, or be able to keep warm, some of them begin to behave deliberately masculine. We were told about the proceedings when such a woman was brought to light, establishing her biography. On the one hand, it's a little funny, but on the other hand, it's a significant moment of identity. Sincerity is one of the most valuable qualities there. If a person lies about the past, it will be hard for him in both male and female spaces.

Often women create pseudo-family couples, mostly two by two. However, they will not necessarily be in a romantic relationship. That's not the question here. This is a situation of forced cohabitation of people with different characters and biographies. In any case, even if there is no sex and romantic feelings, people need an emotional connection, otherwise the couple will not work. A colony is a very aggressive environment, so having some kind of support is simply necessary. In addition, the “family girls” share programs with each other. If one of them is free earlier, she will make parcels for her friend. This is a form of protection and arrangement of everyday life, and, perhaps, a certain inclination of a woman to live together. A person needs to argue with someone, grumble at someone, tell someone how things are at work, ask someone to leave a cigarette, drink coffee together. This is bringing meaning to existence: when you live not only for yourself, but also help someone.

Women sometimes use sexual violence to demonstrate power and humiliation, but this is not as common as in the men's colony. More often, in order to put a person in his place, it is not sexual violence that is practiced, but physical violence. There are also a lot of squabbles and fights, even within families and couples.

Romances between prisoners and colony staff are perceived as heroic, but here we need to understand that we are in the space of their narratives and understanding of what happened to them. For example, stories about men working in a colony may be assessed differently.

Treating such a romance as heroic, even if the woman experienced humiliation, may be a desire to normalize her story. Such intimacy cannot be considered completely voluntary, because the prison officer obviously has more power than the female prisoner. But stories with female security guards are more about victory, restoration of justice. Especially when the guard begins to take care of or help the prisoner. But there are also nuances here, because this can be a story of betrayal and exploitation. Proximity is a resource, alas.

In a prison, a colony, in unfreedom, all the systems of relations and mechanisms of power that exist in a free society are taken to the extreme, and look brighter and more prominent. Our everyday desires for understanding, separation, meaning, intimacy, justice also work within a closed institution. In both cases we can observe sincerity, commercialism, the struggle for power and resources, and so on.

Administration, labor and protest. Why do women return to the colony?

In women's colonies there are fewer conflicts with the administration than in men's and juvenile colonies. Not because a woman is more loyal and calm, but because in life they have been taught patience, endurance, and, sad as it may be, submission. Despite the fact that there have been many activist stories, women who find themselves in a situation of such suppression, stigma and isolation have difficulty adapting - not everyone is able to resist. Although there were some attempts to work with the administration through authorities and thieves. Conflicts were resolved not through strikes, but through conversations.

This is also why women work 12 hours a day. In addition, if a woman is told that the quality of her work determines whether she can get parole or get additional visits from relatives, she will work. This is also influenced by the absence of the thieves’ law, in which work is considered humiliation. For women, on the contrary, work helps them distract themselves and help them cope with the slow passage of time. But it really is incredibly complex. Prisoners sew quilted jackets, clothes, overcoats for military units, household units, for the same colonies. Production is harmful, so work is bad for the lungs and greatly spoils health. If you don't do the work, you'll be fined. Some people succeed, some don't.

Another way of socialization is through cosmetics. Putting on makeup in a colony is a challenge, albeit a small one. In any closed system, they are always looking for ways for symbolic protest: you can push your cap to the back of your head, or leave one button unbuttoned. As demobilization approaches, a person quietly begins to take liberties. At the same time, clothing and appearance in prison are precisely one of the most important methods of disciplining the body. It should be closed and look as it should within the framework of this establishment. Everyone should be similar to each other. You need to look good to remind yourself of a free life. To forget at least for a second that they are sitting.

There are different neutralization techniques that can help you cope with the past. This is a denial of responsibility, for example, when they say: society is to blame for everything; denial of the existence of damage, denial of the existence of a victim; condemnation of those who judge; appeal to higher authorities. These techniques are needed to justify oneself and explain why this happened to a person. Convicts strive to normalize their situation and thus get out - at least illusory - of stigma, a position of exclusion. If the defense system is not built, then the person simply turns into a vegetable, does not react to anything, stops taking care of himself, and remains silent. This can ultimately result in a serious mental health problem or even suicide.

The lack of a normal system of adaptation and resocialization leads to the fact that it is difficult for a person to find a job, provide for himself financially, and get housing. Often women go out and find themselves on the street because their families have discharged them, their husbands have divorced, their children have been sent to an orphanage, and so on. They do not have the material base to hold out and survive. In addition, they are pressured by society’s attitude: they are reluctant to hire, and there are bans on a number of professions. Of course, family influences adaptation. Women more often wait for their men to come out of prison, and husbands, as a rule, find new families. As a result, a person finds himself in circumstances in which he has nowhere to live, nothing to eat, but at the same time he has certain abilities and experience, which seems to suggest “listen, it’s not a problem at all, now you’ll have ten thousand in an hour, let us solve this and you will stop.” The whole system is aimed at ensuring that people return to the colony.

Elena Omelchenko - Doctor of Sociological Sciences, teacher at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, author of several studies on Russian colonies, scientific editor of the collective monograph “Before and after prison. Women's stories." One of these stories is on Mediazona.

When it comes to people serving sentences, then most often they are men who have committed crimes.

However, women's prisons in Russia exist anyway Certain orders and laws reign. Since among women there are also violators of the law, they should be kept in special colonies, living according to established standards.

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So how many women's prisons are there in Russia and where are they located?


In Russia there are 35 colonies for women. 60 thousand prisoners are serving their sentences there.

This is approximately five percent of the total number of prisoners throughout the country.

The list of colonies is very small and they are located not in every region. Therefore, many people have to serve their sentence in another city or region, that is, far from their home.

List and location of them

Correctional colonies are located in different regions of the Russian Federation. Each of them has its own characteristics.

There are those that include women's areas with a children's home.

These include the following correctional institutions:

  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Samara;
  • Moscow region;
  • Kemerovo region;
  • Vladimir region;
  • Krasnodar and Khabarovsk Territories;
  • Mordovia;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Sverdlovsk region.

For minors

Correctional colonies for persons who have not reached the age of majority, exist in Russia.

About 21 thousand young girls are serving their sentences there.

One and a half thousand girls were placed in educational colonies. One of these colonies is located in Bryansk on Komarova street 30.

Maximum security colonies

Life imprisonment zones

Because the prisoners imprisoned for murder and other serious crimes, communication between them occurs in a raised voice, which can lead to conflicts.

Mordovia, where three women’s zones are located, is considered one of the most difficult places to serve a sentence.

These prisons have harsh treatment, strict regimes and poor food. Uniforms are not always issued, and sometimes not in full.

List of correctional institutions in Mordovia comprises:

  1. IK-13, located in the village of Partsa.
  2. IK-14 in the village of Partsa.
  3. IK-2 in the village of Yavas.

Many highlight Pre-trial detention center No. 6 in Moscow as one of the worst places to imprison women. The fact is that the cells are overcrowded and there are often not enough sleeping places (see photo).

Therefore, prisoners sleep under beds or on the floor. In addition, there is a problem of cockroaches and unsanitary conditions, since the shower is not provided for daily toileting.

Many end up in the cell healthy, but come out with syphilis or tuberculosis, since medical care is not provided in full.

How do women live in the zone? Find out in this video:

Women's prison is not a sanatorium, so you need to live there according to established rules.

The living conditions of prisoners depend on how often her relatives make deliveries to her, and also on whether she knows how to negotiate with her cellmates or not.

Basic living conditions for prisoners boil down to the following factors:

  1. The cells are large and can accommodate 40-60 people.
  2. For sleeping there are double beds.
  3. Only one bed can be without a second shelf: it is intended for the “elder”, popularly called the “glade”.
  4. Outside the cell there is a shower and a kitchen: the time for washing is unlimited, but you can actually perform the actions of washing clothes only on certain days.
  5. Duty is a mandatory part of living in a cell; only those who spend many years in places of detention can refuse it; if the cleaning is not completed, then as punishment the girl will be on duty outside of the schedule.

Daily regime

According to the established schedule women wake up at 6 am. Then they have one hour to carry out hygiene procedures, and at 7:00 they must line up in front of the industrial zone. The work schedule lasts in each zone individually.

If some areas are in order involves working 12 hours with one hour break for lunch, then in others there is a “two in two” schedule.

However, such a schedule is rarely found in prisons.

Women are encouraged make a day's work, since without it the entire squad may be punished.

In addition to sewing, which is very common in places of detention, women do cleaning, washing dishes and cooking. Sometimes colonies have bakeries where prisoners also work.

Sometimes women hold competitions, stage plays and perform other entertainment events.

No one forces them to participate in such activities, but due to the lack of emotions, they independently decide to cheer up.


Despite the fact that the diet of prisoners considered balanced, he is meager and poor. Many colonies are unwilling to purchase high quality products, which often affects women's health.

If a woman has wealthy relatives, then she does not eat in a common dining room, but prepares her own food.


The colony administration has a certain employment task convicted woman.

This takes into account her age and work skills.

Working convicts have the right to vacation, which represents 12 days and is not paid. For minor girls, as well as women over 55 years of age, the number of days of leave required has been increased to eighteen.

It is noted that women They take their work more seriously than men. A small percentage of convicts do not want to work.

To add variety to monotonous everyday life, the prison administration often introduces new crafts in the sewing workshops, such as lace weaving or knitting.


Main free time convict women educate about small chores and performing tasks for personal needs. Many of them write letters to loved ones, while others participate in amateur performances.

Many women, while serving their sentences, become imbued with faith and help perform religious rituals.

Recently, not only correspondence in paper form has become more frequent, but also computers and telephone communications.


In addition to work and leisure, prisoners receive education.

They are provided primary and vocational education.

It is received in cases where the convicted person did not have a profession before or did not have time to graduate from high school.

Prisoners' attitudes toward education are taken into account when determining their correction. Women over 55 years of age undergo vocational training upon request.

Visiting relatives

The types of meetings with convicted persons, as well as their number, are determined by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The type of correctional institution and internal regulations are of great importance. A convicted person has the right to two types of visits within a correctional institution:

  • short-term, which last 4 hours;
  • up to three days with accommodation on the territory of the correctional institution.

The head of the correctional institution independently determines the procedure and place of the meeting.

In a general regime correctional colony, it is permissible to have 6 short-term and 4 long-term visits. In a strict regime, only 2 short-term and the same number of long-term visits are allowed.

Transfer of things and products

Every person serving a sentence in prison provided with a minimum set of things necessary for living. However, their quality leaves much to be desired, so transfers of things from relatives and friends are allowed.

You can transfer the following types of things:

  1. Socks, T-shirts and underwear.
  2. Towel and bed linen.
  3. Sports suit.
  4. Shoes: sneakers or shower slippers.
  5. Items related to personal hygiene: napkins, toilet paper, sanitary pads, and combs.
  6. Dishes, including those made of plastic and aluminum.
  7. Writing paper, a set of pens with blue and black refills, as well as photographs, but no more than three.

Forbidden transfer items of khaki color and camouflage.


In prisons where children's homes are open, there are maternity wards. These institutions help women serving time.

In accordance with the law, these institutions must be designed so that the children living in them feel comfortable. A convicted mother has the right to communicate with her own child if she has free time from work. They are allowed to live together.

After the child turns three years old, then, with the consent of the mother, he is given to his closest relatives. Otherwise, he will be sent to a state institution for education.

The device of the child is that the woman is provided fifteen days vacation. In the future, the administration will provide the mother with the same leave to visit the baby.

In case if mother is serving less than three years, then the child can be left in the orphanage and the woman will take him immediately after his release.

However, this right is granted only if all rules are followed and behavior is impeccable.

About motherhood in women's prisons in this video:

Right to parole

Parole means conditional early release. In other words, this is a situation in which a person serving a sentence leaves prison early. This means that the woman has changed her behavior for the better and can count on parole:

  • if the judicial authority made such a decision based on the available facts;
  • the damage from the crime was partially compensated.

Many women believe that after parole a person becomes completely free. This decision means parole, that is, the main requirement is compliance with the law.

The following obligations may arise by court decision::

  1. Get treatment for alcohol or drug addiction.
  2. Complete your studies or get a job.
  3. Refuse to visit places determined by the court in the verdict.
  4. Do not change your place of work, study or residence.

The following information is required to release a woman::

  • positive opinion of the administration of the correctional institution;
  • information about behavior, compliance with conditions of stay in prison, participation in activities, as well as attitude towards studies.

Prison is a scary experience for many women to go through. Principle of discipline designed to influence a woman’s behavior and encourage her to abandon her usual lifestyle.

However, it is necessary to comply with the disciplinary rules and internal regulations established by the administration, so that in the future there's a chance to improve or be released on parole.

One day in a women's colony:

Author of the article -

Every year in our country the number of crimes committed by women increases. At the same time, the number is growing. Next, we offer a look at how the life of prisoners in women’s prisons works.

The daily routine is the main document in all correctional institutions
Here is a standard day for prisoners using the example of the Mozhaisk women's colony (IK-5 - Moscow region).

Women's colonies are not divided by type of regime into general, "strict" or special. Everyone sits here together - murderers and petty thieves, drug addicts and major dealers, former law enforcement officers and women who have been hiding from justice for decades.

Most of the convicts work in the clothing industry. They sew into uniforms for the Federal Penitentiary Service and the police. Sometimes, in an effort to escape the everyday routine, they sew women’s dresses

These women will definitely not disappear in the wild!

And this is footage from a women’s colony in Atyrau (Kazakhstan)

Prisoners are participating in the 28 Loops project, in which they knit clothes for premature babies from perinatal centers. Women know that something knitted by their hands can save the life of a small child. Many prisoners say they see it as atonement for past sins.

As for leisure, women’s colonies host both sporting events and concerts with discos.

The heads of the colonies believe that women should remain women in the zone. Then they go out into the world, and the task of the correctional institution is to teach them to be full members of society. Therefore, all appropriate conditions are created for them, and women are punished for sloppiness.

There are even beauty contests held in women's colonies.

Another feature of women’s colonies is that some of them contain children born in captivity.

Special conditions are created for prisoners with children, and the regime is also relaxed. At three years old, children are transferred either to relatives or to an orphanage.

Prison is a scary place. Just look how much suffering is in those eyes...
Ekaterina, 28 years old. Crime related to drug trafficking, sentence 4 years 6 months, served 4 years.

Tatyana, 54 years old, was convicted of a crime related to drug trafficking. Of the total sentence of 4 years and 3 months, she served 2 years and is in a rehabilitation center in a colony.

Yana, 28 years old. Convicted of a crime related to drug trafficking, sentence of 5 years 6 months, served 2 years.

Anna, 25 years old. Crime related to drug trafficking, sentence 8 years 1 month, served 4 months.

Anastasia, 26 years old. Convicted of murder to 6 years in prison, served 3 years.