Oil for dry hair and split ends: rules for selection and use, action. Thick hair oil folk recipes Fito thick hair oil

The cosmetics market is rich. The number of ingredients used in them is in the thousands. A large segment among components for various cosmetics is occupied by oils. There are also quite a lot of them and each one can help you solve a lot of questions and problems related to hair, while they are easy to use and affordable. But girls and women are in no hurry to buy miraculous liquids, but increasingly prefer industrial cosmetics. Why is this happening?!

There may be several reasons for this: they don’t know how to use it, they are afraid of the difficulty in rinsing off or possible problems during application, and in general, simple laziness, because it is much easier to buy some product in the store, and there are unlikely to be any patches when using it.

With oils, of course, it takes longer and is more troublesome. But it's definitely worth it. Several arguments can be given in favor:

  • The product is absolutely natural (usually does not contain harmful additives or other chemicals), unlike store-bought cosmetics, where more than half of the composition is all kinds of achievements of the chemical industry.
  • A large amount of nutrients: polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins.
  • Comprehensive hair care: nutrition, hydration, restoration, getting rid of dandruff, accelerating growth and reducing hair loss, treatment and normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Hair oils– the best thing you can imagine to replace industrial hair care products.

Types of oils (types)

Oils are divided into several groups according to the amount of fat they contain:

  • Fatty - castor, shea butter;
  • Bold - almond, sunflower and avocado oil;
  • Dry - coconut oil, grape seed oil.

Naturally fatty oils are poorly absorbed by the hair, are difficult to wash off and greatly weigh down the hair. Dry oils are the exact opposite of fatty oils.

A little about oils

Do you want beautiful, healthy, great-looking hair?! But just like that, by nature, such hair happens very rarely, but there is a way out! Oil and oil masks will help us with transformation, restoration, and even treatment. All that remains is to decide which specific oil to use and what problems it will help us solve.

The oils that we will talk about today are base oils, that is, they can act as the basis for compound masks, and for essential oils, since they cannot be used separately (too concentrated) and this way they can fully reveal their potential.

Let's take a closer look at several types of oils:


One of the most popular components for masks. Quite versatile and suitable for many. Easy to wash off, semi-greasy.

First of all, it activates growth and fights hair loss, moisturizes the scalp, disinfects and relieves inflammation.

An excellent base for masks. Bold. Vitamin E content is 20 times higher than olive oil.

Well restores damaged hair (from dyeing and curling), healing and tissue regeneration, nutrition and hydration, protective functions.


Very rich in various vitamins and microelements. It contains a particularly high concentration of vitamin F.

Excellent skin nutrition, improvement of cellular metabolism, getting rid of dandruff. Flaxseed oil is a wonderful hair growth activator and hair follicle restorer.


Like mustard itself, oil is a natural antibiotic, a fighter against dandruff, bacteria, and oily seborrhea. In general, this is a lifesaver for oily hair. An indispensable ingredient for masks and an excellent addition to your regular shampoo.

It cleanses the scalp very well of impurities and excess sebum, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, strengthens the roots and promotes the appearance of new hair. Mustard oil is a powerful natural hair growth stimulator.

Almost anyone can use it, but for people with oily hair, pure oil masks are contraindicated, but compound ones are quite suitable.

The oil is very versatile. Helps with a whole range of problems related to the scalp, metabolism, severe hair loss and even baldness, dry and brittle hair, dandruff, loss of color.

In principle, it is suitable for many, but still a little heavy for thin hair, but it is very suitable as part of masks. Difficulties in rinsing or a specific odor are no longer a problem and can be solved without consequences.

The best restorer for faded hair. It will return color, softness, silkiness, and elasticity. In addition, it will help activate growth. Deeply moisturizes and nourishes both the hair shaft and scalp.

Exotic, but already gaining popularity among many ladies. Very neutral, perfectly absorbed. One of the few that can penetrate deep into the hair and scalp. Protects well from the effects of natural processes (sun, wind). You can cook it yourself at home (quality and naturalness are guaranteed 100%).

It is very suitable for colored hair: it nourishes, protects, and perfectly moisturizes it. To increase volume.

Rare, expensive, but very useful and universal remedy. It is a little difficult to wash off, so wash with shampoo 2-3 times.

More suitable for thick or medium-density hair, but not very suitable for thin hair (due to poor rinsability). And this restores metabolism, gives shine, removes split ends and excess frizz, improves obedience (easier to style).


Applicable mainly for damaged, dry, split ends and brittle hair. And also for those who have sensitive scalp.

Gentle moisturizing, nourishing weakened hair. Returning silkiness, firmness and elasticity to strands.


Also great and helps dry and brittle strands. Eliminates split ends.

Gives softness to curls, restores shine, as well as a slight platinum tint.

The main thing that this oil is respected for is the abundance of lecithin. It treats hair from many ailments. When choosing oil, give preference to green - it is much healthier.

Tissue regeneration and good hydration are simply salvation for damaged, dry and brittle strands.

Suitable for any hair, but it is especially helpful for those with oily hair. One of the least greasy. The consistency is slightly viscous. Contains a large amount of protein, which forms a protective layer on the skin and hair.

It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, and at the same time does not weigh down the strands at all, and is very easily absorbed. Well restores hair structure. Cleanses away dirt and fat deposits.

Wheat germ oil

Dry hair is a patient for this oil. It contains a lot of helpers for saving dry hair: vitamins, essential antioxidants and acids. It is one of the most viscous and thick. It is advisable to mix with lighter oils when using.

Restores dry, brittle and split ends. Nourishes, moisturizes and gives them new life.

Thin, weak curls damaged by environmental influences - this is the oil for you. Good antioxidant. Contains quite a lot of vitamins A and E. Easy to apply, absorbs well and rinses off well.

Restoration of metabolic processes in the skin, protective functions, as well as restorative ones: the hair will shine again and become silky and soft.

Sea buckthorn

Contains a lot of vitamin A and antioxidants.

Activates growth and participates in the process of skin regeneration. Smoothes split hair areas. Strengthens roots. Works well on dry strands.


Rich in various vitamins, especially E, B2 and B3, F. Very easily absorbed, as it contains oleic acid.

It has a very multifaceted effect on the hair roots and on the hair itself: restoration, nutrition, hydration, normalization of sebum secretion, fights inflammatory processes, activates growth.


Very gentle oil. Can be added to shampoos for enrichment. Incredibly pleasant smell.

Activates hair growth. Helps colored strands maintain health and good appearance. Adds volume and thickness to hair. The curls fit well and become manageable.

And there is also corn, hemp, pumpkin, cedar, sesame and many others - the list is huge. These are truly saviors of hair and scalp, deliverers of everything related to hair, they can even regenerate the skin, improve the health of even the most “dead” hair and restore its former beauty and shine.

Rules: application

  • choose unrefined varieties of oils, since refined ones are too highly refined and almost always do not provide any benefit;
  • oils are rather short-lived products and quickly become rancid, so be sure to smell the oil - it should smell good, aromatic, not sour;
  • before use, the oil should be warm, so its nutrients will more effectively penetrate both the hair shaft and the scalp;
  • be sure to massage your scalp when applying oil or oil masks, and don’t be afraid that oily hair will become even greasy - on the contrary, it will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improve blood microcirculation in the scalp;
  • For thin hair, only dry oils can be used, since they do not weigh down the strands, and for normal and thick hair, the use of any type of oil is acceptable;
  • oil is a real salvation for dry hair;
  • oil masks should not be used too often, as there is a high probability of clogging the pores;
  • when choosing oil, try to choose only a 100% natural product without any additives (preservatives, silicone, dyes...);
  • the oil can be added to your regular shampoo or conditioner, and thereby enrich it with useful substances, while you will know exactly how much and what quality of oil is in the cosmetic product.

Oil masks for hair: application

It is better to use thick or very fatty oils not as an independent product, but as a component of a mask and in combination with lighter base oils; it is also highly recommended to enrich them with essential oils or other beneficial ingredients.

  1. Apply the mask to dry, unwashed hair: you can use your hands, but for better distribution, use a brush and apply along the partings.
  2. Before applying, comb the strands well so that there are no difficulties when distributing the mask.
  3. Keep the mask on as long as possible (many oils recommend applying it overnight).
  4. Pack your head well: plastic (or film), and wrap a towel on top (you can wear a hat).
  5. It is necessary to rinse off in two stages: first, on dry hair, without water, apply shampoo and foam - the shampoo will take away all the remaining oil, and rinse it off, and then wash your hair as usual.

Essential oils for hair have been used since the ancient world. Even then, people knew their beneficial properties, which contributed to the strengthening and growth of hair, relieved it of excess oiliness and dandruff, and made the curls vibrant and shiny. The natural components of essential oils have the most beneficial effect not only on the condition of the hair, but also have a tonic effect on the body as a whole.

Having a low molecular weight, essential compounds easily dissolve in natural oils, which serve as their basis. Concentrated essential oils cannot be used in their pure form, otherwise they can cause skin irritation and even burns. They should be added little by little, literally a few drops at a time, to an oil base or mask, and then used for hair care. Let's learn all about the benefits of natural ingredients and find out which essential oil is best for hair and how to use it correctly in home treatments.

Essential oils are volatile compounds characterized by a characteristic rich odor and taste. These are oily liquids, slightly colored or colorless, they do not dissolve in water, but they have good solubility in alcohol, ether and lipophilic substances (natural vegetable oils, waxes, fats). This feature of essential oils is widely used in the perfume and cosmetics industry.

Essential oils are formed only in plants and exhibit very strong medicinal and cosmetic properties. In essence, such oils are a highly concentrated extract from the leaves, flowers, stems, fruits or roots of a plant and represent a unique elixir that has absorbed all the vitality of an individual representative of the earth's flora.

At the same time, volatile compounds extracted from different parts of the plant differ in smell and strength of medicinal effect. So, for example, three types of essential oil are obtained from one orange tree: from orange flowers - neroli oil, from leaves (orange) - petite grain oil, and from the peel of the fruit - orange essential oil.

The essential oil is placed in a dark glass bottle, which is hermetically sealed. This is a mandatory requirement, since the components of the substance are very sensitive to light and can react with plastic. The volume of a bottle with concentrated essential oil usually does not exceed 10 ml. High-quality essential compounds should have a harmonious odor that should not be too strong. Such compositions should be stored in a dark place at a constant temperature (preferably in the refrigerator). The standard shelf life is 3 years, except for citrus essential oils, which have a shelf life of only 1 year.

Properties and composition of aromatic elixirs

All essential oils for hair contain a complex of active biological components that “awaken” the hair follicles, activate hair growth, help strengthen it and maintain the thickness of the hair. Depending on what organic substances are included in their composition, the use of essential oils for hair can solve a variety of problems and successfully fight not only dandruff, dryness or brittleness, but also make strands thicker and more voluminous.

We list the main properties of essential oils for hair:

Such a multifaceted complex effect of essential oils ensures their unique composition. It includes aromatic compounds, organic acids and alcohols, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, esters, phenols, amides, terpenoids, etc. In total, pure essential oil can contain up to 50 active components. This composition effectively tones, replenishes vitality, has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves hair condition and, when used correctly, brings undoubted benefits to the entire body.

The best essential oils for hair growth and thickness

There is a wide range of essential oils on the shelves of cosmetics stores and pharmacy counters. To navigate the variety of aromatic products and choose them according to your problem, we present an overview of the best essential oils used for hair care:

. Ylang – Ylang is undoubtedly one of the most versatile oils widely used for cosmetic purposes. Many hair products (shampoos, conditioners, masks) contain extracts based on it. To produce oil, the flowers of a plant called ylang-ylang are used. The fragrant tree grows in a tropical climate, on the coast of warm seas.

During the flowering period, large yellow or purple flowers appear on it. Yellow flowers are used to produce the popular essential oil. The composition of the oil is universal and suitable for solving various hair problems. If 3-4 drops of ylang-ylang oil are added to a balm or to a home mask, this will help cope with dandruff and stop hair loss.

The aromatic product has a pronounced softening and moisturizing effect and effectively eliminates excessive dryness of hair. The oil has a pleasant, delicate aroma that remains on the hair for a long time. After using cosmetics that contain ylang-ylang essential oil, your hair becomes smooth, shiny and manageable.

One of the most popular and best-selling oils, which has earned love and recognition due to its tonic and healing effects. The cosmetic product has unique antiseptic, antiviral and bactericidal properties, promotes the removal of toxins and stimulates metabolic processes in tissues.

The use of lemon oil in hair masks activates blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens small blood vessels, which increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles and ensures hair growth and strengthening. This oil is perfect for caring for oily hair because it reduces sebum production and helps eliminate dandruff. After using the cosmetic product, dull hair becomes vibrant and shiny, greasiness disappears and the hair looks healthy and well-groomed.

This aromatic product has powerful bactericidal, antiseptic, regenerating and healing properties. The oil has a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect, improves blood flow to the roots, enriches them with nutritional components and makes the hair strong and strong. Lavender oil is recommended to be used to treat dry and brittle strands.

To do this, just add a few drops of the product to any cosmetic product used to care for curls, and you will soon see a positive result. Lavender oil is used in the treatment of dandruff, damaged and weakened hair; it helps fight baldness, as it effectively strengthens the roots and returns vitality to the strands.

The aroma of this oil has a tonic effect, restores strength and helps eliminate stress. The cosmetic product contains menthol, therefore it has a pronounced refreshing and cooling effect. The use of cosmetics with mint essential oil helps to quickly soothe irritated scalp, strengthens hair roots, and prevents hair loss.

This effect is achieved due to the fact that when rubbed into the scalp, cosmetics containing mint essential oil have an irritating effect and promote blood flow, and with it nutrients, to the hair follicles. This activates hair growth and provides it with vital energy.

There are a lot of varieties of essential oils (more than 200), and it is impossible to list them all in one review. But you can get a better idea of ​​which oils should be used for certain hair problems:

  • For excessively dry and brittle hair, essential oils of citrus, sandalwood, rosewood, patchouli, and myrrh will help.
  • You can use geranium, chamomile, sandalwood oil.
  • To strengthen the roots and prevent hair loss, verbena, rosemary, cedar, verbena, and calamus oils are suitable.
  • You can eliminate dry or oily dandruff with essential oils of lemon balm, basil, eucalyptus, and rosemary.
  • and hair, juniper, geranium, sage, clove, and ginger oils will help.
  • For damaged, thin and weakened hair, essential oils of geranium, sandalwood, and orange will have a healing effect.
  • For sparse and poorly growing hair, essential oils are used to thicken hair, obtained from cinnamon, cloves, juniper, ylang-ylang, and fir.

Since such oils contain a high concentration of active substances, they should not be used in their pure form. They are enriched in cosmetics intended for hair care. Or they are used for a very simple but effective procedure called aroma combing.

At the same time, experts do not recommend adding essential oils to industrially produced cosmetics, since they contain many chemicals (flavors, preservatives, dyes). These components are unsafe for health and can cause allergic reactions. And since essential oils can penetrate deep into the skin and spread through the lymph and bloodstream throughout the body, they also pull these chemical components with them. Therefore, cosmetologists advise adding essential oils to homemade cosmetics, which are prepared based on natural ingredients and do not harm health.

The most effective and useful options would be to use essential compounds in homemade masks, balms or hair rinses and the aroma combing method.

Hair masks

Popular and best hair masks with essential oils are not at all difficult to prepare yourself, at home.

Dry hair needs nourishment and hydration. To prepare a nutritional mask, you will need 50 ml of natural vegetable oil as a base (olive, sesame). To it you should add 10 drops of lavender oil or 3 drops of essential oil of chamomile, ylang-ylang, rosewood, patchouli. Before application, the composition is slightly heated for better absorption, then rubbed into the scalp, the remainder is distributed over the entire length of the hair. The mask is kept for half an hour, after which it is washed off with shampoo. The procedure is recommended to be done twice a week.

Composition for oily hair. The mask contains natural jojoba oil (40 ml), in which 2 drops of bergamot, lavender and cypress are dissolved. Another option is based on the use of almond oil (40 ml), to which 2 drops of grapefruit, cedar and rosemary essential oils are added. The resulting composition is rubbed into the scalp and hair, left for 20-30 minutes, and washed off without using shampoo. The procedure should be done 1-2 times a week.

Hair rinse. Essential oils can be used to prepare effective tonic hair rinses based on non-carbonated mineral water. For normal hair, add 5 drops of rosemary to a glass of mineral water; for dry hair, use 10 drops of mint or chamomile; for oily hair, use 10 drops of lavender or sage and add an additional 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. The rinse aid prepared in this way is applied generously, left for several minutes, then washed off.

Aroma combing

Aromatic combing is one of the most popular, simple and effective procedures that quickly improves the appearance of hair. At the same time, the hair is enriched not only with unique aromatic compounds, but also with oxygen, which makes it manageable, shiny and alive.

For the procedure you will need a wooden comb with rare teeth or a massage brush made of natural bristles. The procedure is simple:

  1. Apply a few drops of essential oil (5-6) to the comb and comb the hair along the entire length. Aroma combing is recommended to be done 1-2 times a week.
  2. After the procedure, the comb should be thoroughly rinsed with hot water to remove dirt.
  3. If you comb your hair in the morning, you should use essential oils with a tonic effect (mint, citrus), if you do the procedure in the evening, it is better to use soothing cosmetics (lavender, chamomile).

Watch the video: Mask for shine and stimulating hair growth

Watch the video: How to grow long hair (fighting hair loss)

Beautiful and healthy hair is the pride of its owner, the subject of admiration for men and the envy of women. Beauty salons offer a varied range of services for those who want to get the hair of their dreams, but there are more affordable and no less effective means for achieving the desired effect at home - hair oils.

The video shows a trichologist's opinion on hair oils.

Types and benefits

The main advantage of oils is that they consist of natural ingredients. The most useful are those obtained by cold pressing. They contain proteins and fats, tannins, various vitamins, macroelements and fatty acids, which help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, making it healthier, shiny and silky.

High-quality, properly selected oil can be a real lifesaver for damaged hair. Thanks to their valuable composition, various oils strengthen and restore hair from roots to ends, help solve the problem of dandruff, itching and seborrhea, can nourish hair, moisturize it, make it easier to comb, give a healthy look and natural shine, and replace several jars of oil at once. various means on the shelves of many beauties.

They also create a thin protective film on the surface of the hair, which retains moisture deep in the shaft and protects curls during styling using hot air and high temperatures, such as a hair dryer or curling iron.

How many oils - so many effects

Despite the fact that any oil has several properties at once, for proper use it is necessary to understand what types of oils exist and what problems they can solve.

It is traditional to distinguish between basic, essential and cosmetic.

Basic or herbal- these are those oils that are used as the only component or as a basis for masks from several types of oils, various components and esters. Popular representatives of the species: unrefined coconut oil, external castor oil, burdock oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, corn oil, peach oil, almond oil. An important feature of base oils is their ability to penetrate the hair cuticle.

The better the penetrating properties, the more effective the use will be. Coconut, olive and avocado give maximum results. The rest do not have the ability to penetrate deep into the hair cuticle, but can have a healing effect, especially due to penetration into the scalp. Among them are peach, almond, flaxseed, argan and burdock oils.

The fat content of the oil is the key to its cosmetic and healing effect. Based on this quality, they distinguish between dry, semi-fat and fatty oils.

Dry obtained from cocoa beans, grapes, jojoba. Products of this type are maximally absorbed by the skin, do not weigh down the hair, and are suitable for thinning and brittle curls.

Bold– olive, almond, avocado are the most complementary remedies. Suitable for treating and nourishing various types of hair, they are an excellent base for therapeutic masks and can be washed off without any extra effort after use.

Fatty ones include, for example, argan and castor oils. Such products are good because they activate the hair follicles and have a strengthening effect on the curls, but they weigh them down and require additional effort to completely rinse off.

Aroma oils and essential oils – applied externally. They must be of natural origin, and can only be used in diluted form and can be used in small quantities in the form of a spray. Esters are produced by cold pressing of plant materials. Due to the peculiarities of the process, they retain all the natural properties of the plant and are a highly effective medicinal product. Improvement with the help of such oils is guaranteed. You should look for them on the shelves of pharmacies and stores specializing in the sale of eco-products.

Cosmetic oils of industrial origin are the fruits of the work of cosmetic companies. In the composition of such a product it is easy to detect several natural oils, both basic and aromatic or essential, and many other components, including silicones, glycerin, dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, and perfume elements. In addition to the main elements, the composition may include additional vitamins, pearlescent pigment, and protective UF filters. The primary purpose of such products is express care, nutrition and cosmetic effect, so they are distinguished by ease of use, functionality and compact packaging.

Leave-in oils in serum, spray, fluid and conditioner formats are very convenient and popular. These include products for restoring split ends, straightening curly hair and taming unruly curls, enhancing volume, adding smoothness, softness and shine, and thermal protection products. All of them have a delicate texture, are easily distributed throughout the hair, without leaving a greasy film on the hands or weighing down the strands, and give noticeable results from the very beginning of use.

Application methods

Cosmetic products are undoubtedly a lifesaver for many types of hair damage, but they must be used with caution so as not to get the effect of unwashed hair instead of luxurious curls. The main condition is to apply the product without getting on the roots. The best way is to carefully distribute the oil over clean, dried curls, focusing on the ends, then the hair will look vibrant and shiny, without heaviness and grease at the roots.

Features of choice

All oils have individual properties. Some have a complex effect, others have a local effect, some are more suitable for thin skin, others for thick skin, and others for normal skin. There are oils that need to be distributed along the length of the hair, and those that are intended for application to the scalp, there are products for natural hair, and there are products for colored or bleached hair, to protect against problematic dryness and to get rid of oily shine. The choice of the appropriate option always depends on the initial data and the desired effect.

There are as many types of oil treatments as there are types of hair.

Hair can be dense and thin, thick and sparse, prone to oiliness, dry, normal or mixed type. Each of them requires special treatment and care. Thin skin and those prone to fat are the most difficult to care for. Representatives of these types often avoid treatment with oils, fearing to use thick and dense textures for hair that is already quite oily. However, they also need hydration and nutrition; you just need to choose the right solution.

The best oil for combating oiliness is jojoba; it provides the necessary nutrition, hydration and softness. And juniper oil dries and eliminates unsightly shine at the roots. Can be used as an additive to shampoo or conditioner, or in tandem with others, such as sage oil.

Hair prone to dryness and fine hair are a little less demanding. The ideal oil for this type of curls is obtained from wheat germ. It contains essential vitamins, antioxidants, acids and microelements that will give your hair a luxurious look and saturate it with moisture. It is also suitable for those with unruly curly hair that has a porous structure.

Hair of normal type that does not require special care should choose products that provide thickness, accelerated growth and maintain its natural beauty. For example, burdock, as well as broccoli, camellia and flax oils.

Natural oils will be useful for those who like to dye and lighten their hair. They will make the new color more pigmented and expressive, and reduce the risk of drying out. And, if your hair is already damaged, you can revive it with castor oil. This product can work wonders and bring even dull, weak and lifeless curls back to life.

For problems with seborrhea, itching, dandruff, and excessive dryness, tangerine oil will help. Patchouli will save you from bacterial skin lesions, and rosewood contains the best active ingredients that act to regenerate the scalp and hair.

For those who want to grow Rapunzel's braid, the best helpers will be: traditional olive, burdock, castor, mustard, coconut, flaxseed, peach and almond, representatives of citrus fruits, mint, cornflower and tea tree.

To keep your hair strong, you should use eucalyptus, jasmine, ylang-ylang, all citrus oils, sandalwood, basil, bergamot, rosemary, and beya oil.

Burdock, almond seed oil, Iranian oil, castor oil, flaxseed oil, unrefined coconut oil, corn oil, argan oil, and wheat germ oil will help prevent split ends.

For moisturizing and against fragility, vegetable oils of peach, almond, hemp, apricot, anise are perfect, and palm, argan and sesame oils are also good.


There are about a dozen ways to use oils, which should also be chosen taking into account the condition and characteristics of the hair. Very damaged hair will benefit from ghee in overnight masks. To prepare them, the mixture of oils is preheated in a water bath and applied to the hair while warm. The procedure is carried out at night, the hair is wrapped in cotton cloth or a cap is put on. In the morning, you need to rinse your hair well with shampoo. To restore damage, the oil is applied to the roots or scalp with massaging movements, then kept under a warm towel for as long as prescribed in the recipe for a particular mask.

Positive changes will be noticeable within a few weeks if you drop a little of your favorite oil into a bottle of shampoo and hair conditioner. You can also warm a couple of drops in your palms and apply to clean, damp hair, carefully distributing it throughout the entire hair mass no closer than 5-10 centimeters to the roots. Such procedures enhance the effectiveness of cosmetics, make combing easier, protect hair from high temperatures, UF rays, disinfectants in the pool, and also allow you to treat hair with maximum comfort.

For quick results and reliable styling, you can apply a cosmetic product to your hair in the form of a spray, conditioner or serum.

Top 10 rating and reviews

Like any other product, hair oil can be of more or less quality, earning positive and negative reviews. You can buy the oil in its pure form at a pharmacy or store and experiment with the composition and proportions, or you can take a closer look at ready-made cosmetic products that have already proven themselves on the market. Including budget options that you can safely trust with your hair.

Opens the top ten Elixir Ultime from Kerastase. It’s difficult to call this product budget, but for one use you need so little that economical use on wet and dry hair justifies the price. The elixir contains four important components: oil of corn kernels, camellia and argan, and a secret ingredient - Pracaxi oil, which is developed by the brand itself. This product will nourish and heal the scalp.

Thick mustard hair oil PhytoCosmetic (Folk recipes) is sold in Fix Price stores.

In the range of PhytoCosmetic oils, in addition to mustard, I saw burdock, nettle, and pepper. Each oil has its own targeted effect on hair.
I liked (according to the description on the label) mustard oil, it has a glazing effect, gives volume and shine to the hair. The other day I bought a second portion.

Thick mustard hair oil PhytoCosmetic Folk recipes

Thick mustard hair oil PhytoCosmetic Folk recipes

A tiny plastic bucket 100/130g is filled with oil. The lid slams shut, and then it’s difficult to find the opening point, so you have to move your fingernail to find it.

Thick mustard hair oil PhytoCosmetic Folk recipes

Mustard oil is a kind of oil-based hair conditioner.
Mustard oil has a very pleasant aroma of linden and lemon - subtle and slightly spicy. This scent lasts on your hair for several hours.
The consistency is a creamy mass similar to sour cream.

Thick mustard hair oil PhytoCosmetic Folk recipes

I use this oil as a conditioner and in the same portion, I don’t even leave it on my hair for 3-5 minutes (I don’t always have time), as the instructions say.
As a result, the hair becomes denser, indeed more voluminous, and a healthy shine is present. There is no super extreme effect, but the appearance of the hair is pleasing.
This oil works for my hair. For a long time now, before washing or coloring my hair, I rub in oils and let it sit for up to 30 minutes. Mustard oil saves my time in this regard. But I noticed that mustard oil does not provide any therapeutic effect.
The effect is only after using the oil. As soon as I stop using oil, my hair returns to its normal appearance.

Natural oils are an excellent hair care product in every way. Thanks to their complex chemical composition, they amaze with their effectiveness, but at the same time they do not frighten you with their exorbitant price, and it is absolutely not difficult to find the desired bottle on sale. With the help of oils, you can literally transform your hair - make it healthier and stronger, get rid of brittleness and dryness, give it a glossy shine and nourish it with useful substances.

An excellent confirmation of the magical effect of oils can be the thick, strong, long and shining curls of Indian women - women of this country traditionally use natural oils for hair care.

Types of natural oils and rules for their selection

Natural oils are basic And ethereal. But the latter, due to their high concentration and activity, cannot be used as an independent product - only in combination with the main oil.

Based on consistency, all base oils are conventionally divided into liquid, thick and solid (which are also known as butters). All of them penetrate well into the hair follicle and hair shaft, nourishing and restoring it in all areas.

But choosing the best hair oil among hundreds of bottles is not at all easy - each of them seduces with its valuable properties, promising to show wonderful results. And if you start to feel dizzy from the assortment in a store or pharmacy, you need to pull yourself together and focus on two criteria: hair type And problem which should be eliminated.

So, for weak hair falling out the best oil is burdock. It will also cure dandruff and get rid of itchy scalp. Damaged, thin, lacking volume hair will be grateful for avocado, jojoba, argan, and cedar oils. Dry hair Coconut oil will save you, castor, mustard and St. John's wort oil will stimulate their growth, and you can add shine and silky softness with the help of corn and linseed oils.

But in fairness, it should be noted that most oils are universal and are quite capable of solving different problems and working well on hair of different types. As long as the product is of high quality, we advise you to choose unrefined, cold-pressed oils, without foreign additives in the composition. It is in this oil that all the beneficial substances are preserved.

How to use base oils for hair

Depending on the end goal, the oil is rubbed into the hair roots and scalp or distributed along the entire length of the strands.

To achieve maximum effect, before applying, a portion of the oil can be heated in a steam bath until pleasantly warm, or briefly place the container with the oil in a bowl of hot water. But if the mixture contains essential oils, you should not heat it.

After the oil mask is on your hair, for the duration of its effect it would be a good idea to wrap your head in a plastic bag and wrap it with a terry towel on top. And the process of spreading oil should be accompanied by light massage movements.

Important! Some types of oils cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so you must carefully study the contraindications before purchasing. If the oil is used for the first time, it would be a good idea to first test for an allergic reaction.

And finally, in order not to over-saturate your hair and cause it to become addictive to a particular product, be sure to take breaks, that is, use oil masks in courses.

And our rating, based on the opinions of professionals and reviews of ordinary users, will help you decide on the choice of the best base oil for hair.