Homemade mask with gelatin. Which is better: Botox or gelatin? Indications and contraindications for use

Gelatin is a universal component for a variety of cosmetics. In essence, it is collagen, i.e. bone fat, which is processed in a special way.

Collagen is a vital component for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. It nourishes the skin, helps get rid of facial wrinkles and blackheads. In turn, the gelatin mask binds collagen to excess oils, impurities and old facial skin cells. All this dirt is removed when the mask is removed from the skin.

Recipes for masks with gelatin

#1: Let's look at the simplest and at the same time popular gelatin face mask with milk for blackheads.

Action: Removes blackheads from the face, cleanses and tightens the skin.


  • Gelatin – 2 teaspoons;
  • Milk of any fat content – ​​3 teaspoons.

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve gelatin in 3 teaspoons milk in a small bowl;
  2. Mix thoroughly;
  3. Heat the bowl with the mixture in the microwave for 10 - 15 seconds;
  4. Remove the bowl from the microwave and begin applying immediately.

How to apply:

Apply a thick layer to the skin using a cotton pad or sponge. Leave for 20 minutes. Then remove it like a film mask.
Important: this procedure itself is very painful, to brighten it up a little - first apply a rich cream to your face.
A milk-gelatin mask is used once every three days. If red spots appear on the skin, then the interval should be increased to once a week.

Photos before and after using a gelatin face mask with milk:

I have also prepared a video instruction for you preparations from gelatin.

#2: Gelatin mask for dry skin. This option is similar to a mask with milk, but here you need to mix gelatin and chamomile decoction. This is a good way to clear dry skin from blackheads. Pour warm chamomile tea over the powder and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Photo: girl takes off gelatin face mask

#3: Gelatin face mask for acne. Compound:

  • gelatin powder;
  • spoiled milk;
  • wheat or oat flour.

Mix everything thoroughly, apply it like a scrub in a circular motion, and leave for 30 minutes. Afterwards, be sure to smear the dermis with nourishing cream.

#4: Purifying Gelatin Face Mask with Honey. A very effective recipe is a mask with honey, milk and gelatin. This option is universal. This product not only clears the face of acne, but also has a tightening effect.

To prepare the mixture, you need to knead the following mass: liquid flower honey (to achieve this state of the bee product, you need to heat it over low heat or a very hot water bath). Now mix sour milk and gelatin powder into honey.

You need to apply it quickly, otherwise the mass will harden and become just “stone”. Apply a thick layer, rinse after 20 minutes. If the dermis is very susceptible to pimples and blackheads, then you can extend the session a little - up to 30 minutes. Don't forget about the cream.

This product makes an excellent lifting film mask. Take a chicken egg, separate the yolk from the white and mix it with gelatin. Heat in a water bath and apply to problem areas. Avoid the area around the eyes. It is advisable to remove it with film, but if it is very painful, you can wash it off with warm water.

#5: Gelatin Anti-Wrinkle Face Mask for Mature Skin. A good option to refresh earthy-colored, oily skin and get rid of wrinkles is a gelatin mask with cucumber juice. Grate one unpeeled vegetable or simply put it in a juicer. For 1 teaspoon of gelatin you will need two tablespoons of juice, mix, leave for 5-10 minutes to swell, and then apply to the skin. Pay special attention to the nasolabial triangle and the central frontal area. Wash off after 15 minutes.

#6: Gelatin face mask with a firming effect. In order to nourish aging facial skin with vitamins, use a firming gelatin mask with cream and banana. Compound:

  • one ripe banana;
  • a sachet of product;
  • a spoonful of cream for aging skin.

Mix everything and smear it on your face. You need to wash it off after 30 minutes. It must be done every three days.

Photo – Gelatin film

#7: Gelatin mask with glycerin for face. A very effective gelatin face mask is made from glycerin. The recipe is as follows: one ampoule of glycerin (can be bought at the store), must be mixed with a spoonful of milk and powder, after 5 minutes, when the mass becomes more voluminous, apply it to the dermis and leave for 20 minutes. This method will save very dry and sensitive skin in winter from peeling, chapping and microcracks.

The same remedy is useful for using on rough areas: elbows, knees or fingertips. We recommend steaming first, so the beneficial substances will penetrate deep into the epidermis faster.

#8: Apple Juice and Castor Oil Gelatin Mask. Designed for people who have lost their healthy skin color. All components in this recipe are aimed at nourishing and saturating the dermis with vitamins and minerals. You need to mix two tablespoons of fresh juice, a bag of powder and five drops of castor oil. We heat it for steam, apply it to problem areas, with regular use, the face will become a pleasant pink shade and the skin will feel velvety to the touch.

#9: Gelatin mask against enlarged pores and blackheads. You need oatmeal, powder and orange juice. Mix everything and spread. The mixture will rid the pores of sebum and dust, and the orange will help eliminate red spots after abrasive cleansing.

#10: Lemon Gelatin Whitening Face Mask. You need to prepare two tablespoons of lemon juice and one of powder, mix everything and leave to stand for a while. Apply for 30 minutes, do it regularly and apply moisturizer after the procedure.

To avoid red spots from gelatin, never forget to lubricate your skin with cream. In addition, strictly ensure that no allergic reactions occur. At the slightest sign (rash, itching), stop using this technique. This is a sure sign of intolerance in the body.

#11: Consider the recipe for another popular gelatin face mask with activated charcoal.

Action: effectively cleanses facial pores of various toxins, fights acne. This mask can be used at least once a month.


  • activated carbon – 1 tablet;
  • gelatin – 2 teaspoons;
  • water – 3-4 teaspoons.


  1. Grind the activated carbon tablet to a powder;
  2. Mix this powder with gelatin in a bowl;
  3. Now add water to the bowl and mix the whole mixture;
  4. Place the bowl with the contents in the microwave or other container with hot water until the gelatin dissolves.

How to apply

  1. Pre-prepare your facial skin. Wash and dry it;
  2. Using a cotton pad, apply a slightly hot (but not scorching) mask to problem areas;
  3. Keep it until it dries;
  4. Begin gently rolling the mask from the edges to the center until you remove it completely.
  5. Rinse your face with warm water (not hot);
  6. Apply moisturizer.


Gelatin powder is equally beneficial for both young skin and those over 40 years old. The product has the following beneficial properties:

  • tightens and rejuvenates the skin;
  • helps clear problem areas from blackheads and pimples;
  • moisturizes the face;
  • saturates the dermis with useful substances, including polyunsaturated vitamins and minerals.

Many of us know about the benefits of gelatin masks for hair, but few people realize the miraculous benefits of such face masks. Yes, yes, it is gelatin, with which we usually cook jelly or add it to confectionery to create jelly, that is perfectly suitable for our skin. After all, this is the best facial care product to restore and even rejuvenate the skin. A mask with gelatin is very easy to prepare at home without spending a lot of time and money. Its undoubted advantage is its naturalness and ability to whiten, cleanse and refresh the skin without harm to health.

What are the benefits of gelatin face masks?

The thing is that gelatin is made from animal connective tissue. That is, gelatin essentially contains natural split collagen. Which, in turn, is protein - the most important building element for our skin cells. Collagen makes our skin elastic and firm. Unfortunately, with age, these properties become less and less noticeable. After 30 years, the skin begins to produce an insufficient amount of collagen, wrinkles appear on the face and the skin becomes drier. Various ultra-modern anti-aging and anti-aging creams help us fight this phenomenon, but even they sometimes do not give the desired effect. Because they contain collagen in the form of huge molecules, due to which they cannot penetrate deep into the skin. And in gelatin, collagen is in a split form and therefore penetrates deep into the skin, retaining its restorative ability for a long time.

Gelatin masks have a smoothing and tightening effect. And they can even lighten age-related pigmentation and freckles. They also perfectly help get rid of sebum, dirt and blackheads. Such masks are usually popular among girls and women over 25 years old. Among other things, gelatin-based home remedies for the face help get rid of the following unpleasant phenomena on the skin:

  • blackheads and enlarged pores;
  • sallow and gray complexion;
  • oily skin;
  • not a clear facial contour.

Gelatin masks are good because they are useful for both dry and oily skin. They are also ideal for combination skin types, moisturizing dry areas and absorbing excess oil in other areas. But along with this, masks with gelatin have some contraindications. They should not be used for any inflammatory processes on the skin, for example, severe acne. And if there are open lesions on the skin, be it scratches or cuts, it is better to refuse such a mask.

Rules for using face masks with gelatin

To make the mask easy to apply to the skin, gelatin is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:6. That is, for example, we take 6 teaspoons of warm boiled water (not hot!) and pour 1 teaspoon of regular edible gelatin into it. Next, you need to wait a little time for the gelatin granules to dissolve in water, about 20-30 minutes. Then the resulting mixture is heated over low heat until completely dissolved and a homogeneous mass is formed. A microwave is also suitable for heating the mixture; 10 seconds at full power will be enough. Thus, the main component for various types of masks with gelatin is obtained.

A cooled but still warm mask is applied to a previously cleansed face. The most convenient way to do this is with a brush, moving with massage movements from bottom to top. Apply the mask evenly, distributing the mixture over the entire face, not forgetting the neck and even the décolleté area. After all, the skin of the neck, as a rule, first of all reveals a woman’s age and, like the skin of the face, is in great need of constant care. You should only avoid the areas near the eyes, as the skin there is very delicate and thin.

The exposure time of such masks depends on the rate of hardening of the resulting mixture, usually about 20-25 minutes. To achieve the greatest effect, we advise you to relax as much as possible during this procedure. For example, lie down and listen to your favorite music or just be in a calm environment so that nothing disturbs your peace. It is advisable to avoid unnecessary emotions at this time, so that the skin and muscles of the face rest from facial actions and remain motionless.

How to properly wash off a gelatin mask?

Depending on what effect you want to achieve with the help of a miraculous gelatin mask, there are several ways to “remove” it from your face. If your goal was to cleanse your face of blackheads, then the mask is literally removed from the skin very slowly and carefully. It is very important that the mask is completely frozen, then it can be easily removed from the bottom up, from the chin to the forehead. The same method of removing a mask from the face is used to eliminate excess oily skin.

For all other cases, the option of washing off the mask is more suitable. There are several ways to soak a face mask with water:

  • Use a damp towel previously dipped in warm water. You should gradually blot your face with a towel until the mixture is completely washed off the skin.
  • Use cotton pads. They are moistened with water or milk for dry skin and kefir for oily skin. Also gradually soak the skin until the mask is completely removed.
  • Another interesting option is to hold your face above the steam, having first poured hot boiled water into a wide container. With this method, the pores on the face open well, thereby achieving the maximum effect from the skin cleansing procedure. When the mask melts under the influence of steam, you need to rinse your face with warm water.

After the procedure for washing off the mask is completed, you should rinse your face with cool water to tighten the pores and apply a facial moisturizer to the skin.

You will learn even more useful tips and secrets on using and preparing gelatin masks from the video

The most popular and effective gelatin face masks

Mask with gelatin and cucumber juice with whitening effect

With several applications, it noticeably brightens the skin, eliminating pronounced freckles and age spots. Two applications per week are allowed. Suitable for any skin type.


  • 1 teaspoon gelatin,
  • 6-8 teaspoons of cucumber juice (grate fresh cucumbers and squeeze).

The basic mixture of water and gelatin is diluted with the required amount of cucumber juice. Apply the mask to the face, avoiding areas around the eyes. After leaving it for 20-25 minutes, wash it off with warm boiled water.

Nourishing mask for dry skin

This recipe allows you to give the skin smoothness, softness and elasticity. The gelatin mixture nourishes and moisturizes dry skin well.


  • 1 teaspoon gelatin,
  • 1 teaspoon butter.


Gelatin dissolved in water is mixed well with butter until a homogeneous mass is formed. The composition is evenly applied to the face and neck. To enhance the moisturizing effect, rinse off using a cotton pad soaked in warm milk. The option of rinsing with warm water is also suitable.

With activated carbon for blackheads

Perhaps the most popular mask that allows you to get rid of unpleasant blackheads on your face painlessly and without expensive salon procedures.


  • 1 tablet of activated carbon,
  • 1 teaspoon gelatin.


A mixture of base prepared from water and gelatin is mixed with pre-crushed activated carbon. Apply to the problem area of ​​the skin. Wait 20-25 minutes until the mixture hardens completely and remove the mask carefully, but in one motion, from bottom to top.

Another effective recipe for a gelatin face mask against blackheads and an interesting video review

Gelatin mask to improve skin color

Our skin is constantly exposed to harmful environmental factors and very often takes on a not very healthy appearance and color. A mask with gelatin and honey helps cope with this problem remarkably.


  • 1 tablespoon gelatin,
  • 1 tablespoon glycerin,
  • 1 tablespoon honey,
  • 2 tablespoons of water.


To prepare such a mask, you need to pour the required amount of glycerin with water in a separate container. Then mix it with the previously prepared gelatin base mixture and add honey. To better dissolve honey and glycerin, the mixture is heated in a water bath until smooth. Apply the mask to clean and preferably steamed skin. After the mask hardens, after about 20-25, wash it off with warm water.

Recipe for a mask with a rejuvenating effect

By making such masks at least once a week for a month, you will be pleasantly surprised. Because your skin will become perfectly clean, even and smooth. Gelatin masks can easily replace expensive creams with a lifting effect and any anti-aging procedures.

What is a gelatin face mask, and why gelatin? Let's find out in this article.

A woman's face is her calling card. Every day, the skin of the face is exposed to the influence of decorative cosmetics, the food we eat, frost or ultraviolet rays. It reflects the image and rhythm of our life, and also demonstrates the internal state or mood, because the face is an external reflection of our psychological health. Unfortunately, facial skin is a sign of age, which forces women to spend enough time on their face every day to feel confident and attractive every morning.

In order to take care of the skin of the face, maintain its tone and health, there are certain procedures that together give only positive results:

  1. Regular cleansing
  2. Protection from cold and ultraviolet radiation
  3. Drinking regime
  4. Food consumed
  5. Healthy lifestyle
  6. Skin hydration
  7. Skin nutrition
  8. Cosmetology procedures
  9. Home care

One of the most effective methods to maintain facial skin tone is home care, including various masks. A decisive and effective method that has a comprehensive effect on many problems of the epidermis is gelatin face mask. This will be discussed further.

Benefits and effects of gelatin

Gelatin is a natural product obtained from connective tissue. The basis of this product is hydrolyzed protein - collagen, which is responsible for the moisture content, elasticity, strength, and firmness of the dermis. Protein deficiency in the dermis is the main cause of aging and wilting of your skin.

The split collagen molecules contained in food protein jelly easily penetrate the layers of the dermis and increase the level of “youth” protein. In addition to collagen, gelatin saturates the skin with beneficial microelements and amino acids.

A gelatin mask can eliminate the following imperfections in problem skin:

  • uneven complexion;
  • gravitational ptosis and uneven facial oval;
  • sagging skin;
  • dryness;
  • comedones and acne;
  • keratosis is a layer of dead cells.

Benefits of gelatin masks

One of the main advantages of gelatin masks is the cost, which is significantly different from expensive creams or masks containing collagen. The cosmetic effect of the mask prevails over the effectiveness of creams, which contain larger collagen molecules, and this complicates their entry and penetration into the dermis. Another advantage of gelatin masks is their versatility. Despite the complex effect on cells, the effect of the mask depends on additional ingredients added to the composition.

A gelatin face mask, the incredible effect of which will certainly appear after its use, plays a special role for women who are accustomed to immediately seeing and feeling changes in the condition of their skin.

Making a mask is a simple and quick process at home. Edible gelatin can be purchased in several additive forms, as powder, granules or in the form of plates. When choosing gelatin, you need to pay attention to the absence of other food additives and dyes; gelatin should not have a pronounced color or odor.

Gelatin must be mixed with any liquid, which can be water, juice, milk, decoctions, in a ratio of 1:5-8 (for example, 1 teaspoon of gelatin to 2-3 tablespoons of water). When using gelatin sheets, it must be taken into account that 1 teaspoon of gelatin is equal to 2-3 gelatin sheets.

It is better to choose a liquid for a mask, taking into account the type of skin:

  • dry – milk;
  • problematic - herbal decoction;
  • fatty – juice + herbal infusion;
  • any skin type – slightly warm water or cucumber juice.

Within 30-50 minutes, the gelatin will absorb liquid and swell. After swelling, the gelatin must be completely dissolved in a water bath, without bringing to a boil. After which you can add additional components for the mask that affect certain problems. When the gelatin mass has cooled to the optimal temperature, it is ready for use.


Watch several videos that will tell you about the benefits of such masks, as well as how to create them.

Gelatin masks are excellent homemade cosmetics for nutrition and... This is a very effective way to rejuvenate and slow down the aging process of the epidermis. For the desired result, gelatin masks are recommended to be used 1-2 times a week.

Before applying the mask, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed. You can use foam, scrub, tonic, steam bath and other skin cleansers.

A light, soothing 10-15 minutes will have a positive effect on the final effect of the procedure.

The jelly mask is applied to the face, including the neck and décolleté, but avoiding the thin and delicate area around the eyes. For application it is more convenient to use a sponge or brush.

After applying the jelly mask, you need to lie down, be sure to relax your facial muscles, avoiding facial expressions, this will affect the effectiveness of gelatin, which initially tightens and tightens the skin. The mask is applied for about 20-30 minutes until completely dry.

A frozen mask cannot be pulled off independently or the dried gelatin should be torn off; To remove it, you need to steam your face again using warm water, immersing yourself in a container with prepared water. It is recommended to wash off the mask initially with warm water or a sponge moistened with warm water, then with cool water. The contrast of the water will give a feeling of freshness and tone to the facial muscles. Contrasting washes will improve the effect of the procedure and have a beneficial effect on cells.

To remove the mask, you can use warm milk, yogurt, or kefir instead of water. It is recommended to carry out the procedure before bedtime and secure it with cream.

Recipes: nutrition and hydration

Gelatin masks are distinguished by their versatility and wide range of effects on skin problems. A gelatin face mask at home, depending on the components added to it, will have a cleansing, nourishing, restorative or vitaminizing effect on the skin.

Popular types of gelatin masks:
  1. For cooking classic version A mixture of gelatin and water is used. This simple mask will have a lifting and toning effect. A gelatin-based mask with the addition of activated carbon will help cleanse your face of comedones. has the unique property of absorbing dirt and negative substances that contaminate pores.
  2. For jelly mask with charcoal You will need to dilute the gelatin with water, freshly squeezed juice, milk, melt it after 30-40 minutes, and add two crushed tablets of black activated carbon to the melted mass. The effect will be enhanced if you take a steam bath before the procedure, thoroughly steaming your facial skin.
  3. Gelatin mask with vitamins and aloe Maximum vitamins the cells, saturating the skin with important microelements. Add 5 drops of vitamin A and E to the gelatin base, melted in a water bath (they can be purchased at the pharmacy). Add 1 teaspoon each of aloe and peach oil.
  4. Gelatin cleansing mask with vitamins, oils, flour or flakes also very useful. Its base consists of 1 teaspoon of gelatin and 1 tbsp. spoons of kefir (if) or milk (if). Add half a tbsp to the mixture. tablespoons flour or (already crushed), 1 teaspoon aloe vera. Additionally, you can add a few drops of vitamins A and E, as well as 2-3 drops of olive oil and grape seed oil.
  5. Gelatin vitaminizing mask with honey and lemon juice It is prepared mainly with water or milk. Add 1 teaspoon of honey (melted) and half a tbsp to the base. spoons of juice. The mask is applied for an average of 15 minutes and washed off. It is recommended to consolidate the procedure with tonic and nourishing cream. Also see.
  6. Fruit mask saturates with vitamins, evens out color, refreshes and tones the skin. Add puree from any fruits and berries (melon, strawberry, apricot, peach, mango, raspberry, pear, orange, grapes) to the prepared base of the jelly mask. Fruit vitamin mask can be used several times a week.
  7. Sour milk mask perfectly cleanses and moisturizes the skin, normalizing the functioning of cells and sebaceous glands. Add 1 tbsp to the base of the mask from one teaspoon of gelatin and one tablespoon of water. a spoonful of sour milk and half a teaspoon of flour. Apply moisturizing cream to well-cleaned skin, and apply a jelly mask evenly over the cream.
  8. Herbal gelatin mask works well against acne and has a positive effect on acne-prone skin (See). It is recommended to add a teaspoon of decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, etc. to the gel. To combat acne, you can add a few drops of vitamin C.
  9. Orange mask has nourishing and moisturizing effects, making the skin soft and attractive. The gelatin base is filled with fresh orange juice. For one procedure you need: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated gelatin and one orange. In addition to the juice, you can also add the pulp itself to the mask.
  10. Gelatin mask with cucumber- An excellent product for whitening age spots and evening out complexion. To the gel base of 1 teaspoon of gelatin and 5 teaspoons of water (decoction), you need to add chopped or grated fresh cucumber pulp (half a tablespoon).
  11. With avocado- An excellent helper for excessively dry skin types. For 1 teaspoon of gelatin and 5 of the same spoons of water or milk, you will need 5 teaspoons of avocado pulp, which can also be crushed into a puree.
  12. Curd mask also very useful. Cottage cheese, combining its influence with the functions of gelatin, well moisturizes and nourishes the skin. For the base, use 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of gelatin and 2 of the same spoons of milk. After dissolving the gelatin completely, you need to add 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese to the mixture.
To rejuvenate aging skin there are the following masks:

  1. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of milk with one tablespoon of gelatin. Melt the mixture over low heat. Add a beaten chicken egg to the milk jelly mixture. The product is applied to the face and neck.

  1. Add banana pulp to the milk gelatin mass heated in a water bath and mix well (the banana can be finely chopped or prepared as banana puree).
  1. Butter mask
    One teaspoon of butter is added to the melted gelatin mass. The butter must be melted into the jelly base. Apply the cooled mask for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to wash off the mask with warm milk or kefir.
  1. Mask based on herbal decoction with egg white
    Gelatin needs to be poured with herbal decoction, wait 30 minutes, dissolve the base in a water bath and add 1 beaten egg white. You can also add 1 tablespoon to the mixture. It is recommended to apply to the face, neck and décolleté area.

These recipes can be combined and modified to avoid individual allergens. In addition to the listed compositions, the ingredients of a face mask with gelatin may vary, since there are a lot of products to combat imperfections and aging skin cells.

Among the many factors influencing the inhibition of the aging processes of dermal cells, gelatin is the most important and necessary. Gelatin face mask provides unique opportunities to maintain youth, beauty and health of your skin. In order to be beautiful and well-groomed, do not forget to take care of your skin, nourish it, moisturize it and cleanse it well. Choose only eco-friendly cosmetics, or better yet, use natural products that will make your skin radiant, fresh and attractive just as well as branded masks. Your diet, daily routine, physical activity and stress also have a huge impact on the skin. Lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of yourself, and you will always look your best.

Many women practicing home cosmetology procedures have no idea that a gelatin face mask will help save money on expensive services such as lifting.

Facial skin care does not have to be carried out with the help of professionals, expensive cosmetics or special equipment. At home, tightened skin can be achieved thanks to edible gelatin, which is in every housewife's kitchen cabinet.

Gelatin and its benefits for the face

Every woman knows how to use gelatin for its intended purpose, but not everyone knows how it can be useful for female beauty. To open the eyes of lovers of home cosmetic self-care a little, you need to understand the advantages of the gelatin product.

Benefits of gelatin for the epidermis:

  1. The presence of collagen in the product allows the skin to regain elasticity, restore lost facial contours, the skin will become elastic again, shallow wrinkles will disappear and the face will shine with beauty again.
  2. For problem skin, a gelatin face mask will work to your advantage: eliminating acne and impurities in the pores will provide the face with the greatest attractiveness.
  3. For oily skin, gelatin will perform the function of establishing the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. A moisturizing gelatin face mask will serve well for dry skin types.
  5. The skin nourishment from such a procedure will come in handy for any woman who takes care of herself in a cozy home atmosphere.
  6. Your complexion will look much better because... pigment spots will become lighter and will not be noticeable.

Each woman will decide for herself whether a gelatin face mask is useful, drawing her own conclusions, because... Each procedure tends to affect the body in one way or another. Although 90% of women note the absolute benefits of gelatin for their facial skin, there are also dissatisfied individuals who do not see any noticeable advantages in this procedure.

In most cases, the gelatin composition has an overall positive effect. A natural composition prepared for home cosmetology will allow the female sex to be absolutely confident that negative consequences have a minimal chance of occurring.

When trying any new cosmetic products or procedures, it would be a good idea to get the opinion of professionals. Cosmetologists are ambivalent about home beauty recipes, but there are some options for home procedures that inspire confidence even among qualified beauty specialists.

Most cosmetologists have no doubt about a gelatin face mask. There is evidence that this product has been tested in laboratories to determine its effect on human skin. The results of the checks yielded the following conclusions:

  • safety confirmation;
  • the effectiveness and benefits of the gelatin face mask have also been confirmed;
  • with regular practice of a home procedure using gelatin, you can even eliminate freckles from the skin (if someone hates them).

A face mask with gelatin for rejuvenation is also very effective, according to experts: the elimination of fine wrinkles can be achieved with the constant use of such a composition for beauty.

Important! For girls over 25 years old, cosmetologists advise using a gelatin composition to prevent premature wrinkles.

The overall assessment of qualified specialists can be reduced not only to the maximum score, but also to absolute recommendations for the use of the jelly mask. It is only necessary to add the required components suitable for a certain type of face and to achieve the desired results.

Cosmetic procedures always have both indications for use and contraindications. Masks, creams and other favorite facial recipes that women make on their own at home do not avoid these issues. The gelatin face mask also has conditions under which it can or cannot be used.


  • the presence of age spots on the face;
  • age-related skin changes;
  • presence of a double chin;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • oily or dry facial skin types;
  • the presence of unpleasant blackheads due to enlarged pores.

Knowing that effective face masks with gelatin are allowed, you can safely start using them, but before that, study in detail all the recipes for their preparation and choose the one that is suitable for a particular case. You can choose gelatin-based face masks that will eliminate acne or choose a recipe that will tighten aging facial skin.

But despite all the permitted conditions for using masks, there are also contraindications to the procedure:

  • allergic reaction to the product in any form (redness, rashes, itching, etc.);
  • open wounds, recent scars, skin irritation;
  • ulcers on the face;
  • neoplasms.

If a woman has at least one of the above points, then the gelatin composition is strictly prohibited for her.

To avoid any complications on the epidermis, it is worth consulting with a competent specialist who will definitely tell you about the possibility of using a gelatin mask in a particular case.

Items that permit or prohibit the procedure must be known. And this applies not only to homemade beauty recipes, but to all procedures (including those carried out in a salon or studio), so that you can calmly decide to carry out them without worrying about the result.

Many female representatives make the unforgivable mistake of expecting an effective result after the first use of a particular procedure. There may be visible changes, but not completely. Almost always, a whole course of procedures is required for a visible result.

You need to start with how long it takes for the face mask to harden on your face, turning into jelly. It takes about half an hour for the face to fix, thanks to the components of the mass.

Advice! After applying the composition to your face, you need to completely relax (preferably in a horizontal position) to exclude the possibility of any facial movements of the facial muscles. Talking, smiling, laughing during the procedure is also not recommended.

A mask with gelatin is applied to the face twice a week. If the procedure is performed less frequently, then the expected effect may not be seen. If the composition is applied more than a couple of times, it can cause irreparable harm to health, which no one wants to have.

The entire course of procedures can last differently: from one month or more. The maximum allowed period for applying masks with gelatin is five months. When to stop with home cosmetology, everyone decides for themselves. As soon as it becomes clear that the result is satisfactory, the procedures are stopped immediately.

A jelly face mask can consist of different components, it depends on what final goals are being pursued. But the main ingredient will undoubtedly be gelatin. How to make a gelatin face mask will be discussed later in the article, but the method of preparing the base of the mask is discussed in this paragraph.

Not all women who want to try homemade cosmetology recipes on themselves know how to prepare a gelatin face mask. In fact, no one will discover anything complicated or new in this process. Even a novice housewife can dilute gelatin for a mask.

The process of preparing the basis for the procedure:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of gelatin from a bag with cold water (or other required liquid required by the recipe) in the amount of half a glass.
  2. Wait until the gelatin absorbs all the liquid. This usually takes about half an hour, but the duration may vary depending on the type of gelatin used for preparation.
  3. The swollen gelatin must be brought to a liquid state in a water bath. You can also use a microwave. Cool.

Gelatin face masks are prepared on this basis; the remaining necessary ingredients are added to the liquid component. In this case, the base should not cool down completely; it should be just tolerable to the skin.

Having dealt with preparing the base, you can deal with the next question: how to make a gelatin face mask to achieve a specific goal. The answer will be discussed in the next subtitle of the article.

A gelatin face mask at home requires certain components. But what ingredients should be in a mask to cleanse the skin, rejuvenate it, or get another desired result?

Gelatin-based face masks at home have many recipe options:

  • The recipe for a gelatin face mask combined with activated carbon can be used for different skin types. Oily and combination skin types will need to dilute gelatin in juice (apple or orange), dry skin types will need to dilute the component in milk. Activated carbon in the amount of two tablets should be crushed between two spoons and added to the mass. After mixing well, the consistency is ready for use. This cleansing face mask with gelatin will get rid of blackheads and other pore impurities;
  • anti-aging face masks at home can consist of different components. A gelatin face mask may require additional products: egg and milk. To prepare a useful composition, you need to pour a tablespoon of gelatin with a couple of the same spoons of milk and bring the gelatin over the fire until completely dissolved. In a separate bowl, beat the egg until foam forms, then add to the gelatin. The mixture is ready. It is better to apply it not only on the face, but also on the neck, because... it can restore facial contour;
  • A gelatin face mask can also have a moisturizing effect; for this you will need: a gelatin base, a tablespoon of glycerin and a beaten egg white. After mixing all the products, the mixture will be ready for application;
  • A gelatin mask for oily skin also has its own recipe: to do this, add five tablespoons of water to a tablespoon of gelatin, heat until dissolved, and cool to a tolerable temperature for the skin. Add a small spoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of sour cream with a minimum percentage of fat content to the gelatin base.

The most effective masks that have overwhelmingly positive reviews are described above. But at home, masks with gelatin for the face are not limited only to the recipes provided; there is a huge choice of them, which a woman must make on her own, based on her preferences.

Gelatin masks are very useful and effective for almost any facial skin. In order not to interfere with the active positive effect on the skin, you need to carefully choose a recipe for preparing the composition.

Unfortunately, signs of aging on the face appear after 30 years. To get rid of them and restore youth and elasticity to the skin, it is not necessary to visit beauty salons and undergo expensive procedures, which often have side effects. There are recipes for face masks that are easy to make at home using organic ingredients, such as gelatin.

Effect on the skin

Some consider Botox a panacea for wrinkles in the face and neck. Indeed, Botox injections can significantly smooth out wrinkles and make them less noticeable. But, besides the fact that such a procedure is not cheap, it can harm the body, since botulinum is poisonous. The injection of the drug into the small facial muscles reduces their motor activity, gradually turning the face into a frozen mask.

Thanks to its extraordinary lifting effect, noticeable after the first use, a rejuvenating gelatin mask is indispensable for women whose faces show signs of age-related changes (wrinkles, sagging, age-related pigmentation).

The main cause of aging and sagging skin is a lack of collagen, the deficiency of which occurs with age. Cosmetic products, even the most expensive ones, contain collagen in the form of large molecules that are not able to penetrate deep into the skin. Edible gelatin contains natural collagen of animal origin in a split form, which is completely absorbed by skin cells and has a complex effect on it:

  • Promotes natural production of elastin and collagen fibers. The skin becomes tightened and elastic, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, deep wrinkles become less noticeable, the facial contour acquires clear outlines.
  • Activates metabolic processes in the skin. Thanks to the saturation of skin cells with vitamins and oxygen, the complexion improves, minor rashes and inflammation disappear, and the epidermis layer is evened out.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A gelatin mask eliminates oily skin, tones, and gives a feeling of freshness.

Rules for preparing masks

To prepare the mask, ordinary food gelatin in powder or plates is used. Three gelatin sheets are equivalent to approximately 1 tsp. powder. Choose a product without color or odor, this indicates its quality.

Soak the gelatin in warm boiled water, milk, juice or other liquid in a ratio of 1:5 (1 part gelatin to 5 parts liquid) for 30 minutes until it swells. Then heat the mixture over low heat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The slightly warm, cooled liquid will become the basis for preparing masks.

Gelatin plates are prepared slightly differently. Soak them in cold water for 10 minutes, then wring out and place in a water bath until dissolved without adding liquid.

Apply the mask to previously cleansed skin. This can be done with a scrub, steam bath or tonic.

The mask is applied to the face, with the exception of the area around the eyes, neck and décolleté. The mass should always be applied in one direction – from bottom to top.

Cosmetologists do not recommend making a gelatin mask more than once a week due to the rapid and pronounced effect. The course of anti-aging masks is 6-8 procedures, after which a 2-3 month break should be taken.

To achieve the desired effect, the face must be completely relaxed. Therefore, try not to talk or smile during the procedure.

The effect of the mask is limited to its complete drying. Usually this is 20-25 minutes.

Many people find it difficult to remove the mask, since if you wet it with running water, it will stick to the skin even more. To prevent this from happening, soak a cosmetic sponge in any dairy product and blot the mask with it. After 1-2 minutes, the gelatin will swell and the mask can be easily removed. Gently pick up the bottom edges and remove from bottom to top.

To quickly remove the mask, you need to first moisten it with any dairy product - the gelatin will swell and come off in a matter of seconds

Then you can rinse your face with cold water - contrasting washes are also good for the skin. Then apply your usual cream to the skin.


There are many options for preparing anti-aging face masks. After trying various recipes, everyone will choose the one that suits their skin type.

Classic with flour and sour milk

Add 1 teaspoon of wheat flour (for oily skin) or ground oatmeal (for dry skin) to the gelatin base and mix. Then add 1 tbsp to the mixture. a spoonful of sour milk or kefir. If you have dry skin, replace the fermented milk product with regular milk. The mask perfectly nourishes and softens mature skin, improves complexion.

Anti-aging with fruit puree

The mask has a pronounced rejuvenating effect: it tightens and improves skin elasticity, improves facial contours. Most recipes recommend using banana as it is suitable for all skin types. But it can be replaced with other fruits depending on your skin type:

  • for dry conditions – melon, apricot, persimmon, avocado;
  • for oily skin – pear, strawberry, raspberry, grapefruit, red currant;
  • for normal and combined - orange, grapes, peach, kiwi.

Make a puree from a medium-sized ripe banana or other fruit and add it to the warm gelatin base. The fruits must be thoroughly ground to ensure that the mask is free of lumps. First make sure that the fruit does not cause you an allergic reaction.

Lifting with glycerin

Glycerin absorbs moisture from the air and fills it with micro-wrinkles of the skin, which is very important for aging skin that loses natural moisture. Therefore, a gelatin mask with the addition of glycerin has an excellent tightening effect. To prepare it, while heating the gelatin in a steam bath, add 1 teaspoon each of glycerin and honey to better dissolve the components.

Whitening with cucumber juice

Cucumber juice has a tonic, whitening, softening and moisturizing effect. This mask is suitable for all skin types. Grind a fresh medium-sized cucumber using a grater or blender and squeeze out the juice. Dissolve the gelatin in the resulting cucumber juice; you can add 2 teaspoons of green tea to the mixture. When the cooled mass begins to thicken, apply it to your face with a brush in 2 layers.

Pore ​​tightening mask with activated carbon

Regular activated charcoal in combination with gelatin will help clear your face of blackheads and pimples. Grind the coal tablet and add it to the prepared gelatin mass. The mask is applied only to problem areas of the face. As a rule, this is the T-zone (nose, forehead, chin). Gelatin mask with charcoal is not recommended if you have rosacea.

The versatility of gelatin masks lies in the fact that, depending on the components, they can solve various cosmetic problems: fight wrinkles, blackheads, whiten and rejuvenate facial skin.

Milk anti-wrinkle mask

The rejuvenating effect of the gelatin mask will increase if gelatin is dissolved not in water, but in milk. Beat the egg white into the slightly cooled mixture and mix thoroughly. The consistency of the mask will be quite viscous, so it will be convenient to apply it to the face using a wooden or plastic cosmetic spatula.

Universal mask with cottage cheese

If you want to not only tighten your facial skin, but soften and moisturize it, prepare a gelatin mask with the addition of homemade cottage cheese. Thoroughly rub 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese and add it to the gelatin base prepared with milk. To enrich your skin with vitamins, add 1 tbsp to the mask. a spoonful of freshly squeezed juice (orange, apple, grape). If the mask turns out to be very thick, add a little warm milk.

Video: gelatin masks


The use of a gelatin face mask has a number of contraindications, ignoring which can only harm the skin. You should not apply a mask in the following cases:

  • for excessively dry skin, since the tightening effect of the mask can cause peeling;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes (pimples, acne) requiring preliminary treatment;
  • in case of damage to the skin (microcracks, postoperative sutures, wounds), penetration of which by active substances can cause irritation;
  • to eliminate crow's feet around the eyes.