Face mask with biogold. Anti-wrinkle collagen mask for aging skin with biogold and Argan stem cells, Beauty Style Beauty style. Effects of using the Beauty Style oxygen mask with biogold

The golden face mask has a thousand-year history. The tradition of using precious metals to preserve youth came from Egypt. One of the queen’s favorite procedures is available to everyone today. Luxurious shine, flawless color, deep hydration, provides cosmetic care with gold ions.

Benefits and composition of gold masks

The magical procedure is universally applicable. Take care of cleansing the young dermis, hide age-related changes, restore elasticity mature skin. The range of cosmetic products is quite wide; everyone can try the amazing effects of gold. But you can achieve the desired effect after completing a course of gold procedures.

  • colloidal gold – activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which slows down over the years, restores renewal processes, smoothes wrinkles, and has antioxidant properties;
  • collagen – provides hydration, maintains firmness and elasticity of the skin, allows you to restore the contour, softens the skin;
  • hyaluronic acid – maintains water balance, forms a protective barrier, protecting against adverse environmental factors;
  • extracts of fruits and plants – tone the skin, saturate it with vitamins, a complex of minerals, improve blood flow and oxygen respiration;
  • Vitamin E – gives the skin youth, helps smooth out wrinkles, restore tone.

Benefits of use:

  1. The facial contour is restored.
  2. Provides deep cleansing and removal of toxins.
  3. Activation of intracellular processes.
  4. The color and structure of the skin improves.
  5. Lightening pigmentation.
  6. Relieves inflammation, tightens pores.


It is not recommended to use for diseases of the thyroid gland, during pregnancy, lactation. It is worth refusing the caring procedure if you are individually intolerant, have wounds, cracks, or burns. Not used for dermatological diseases, significant foci of inflammation. Be sure to test the composition before application; apply fabric ones to the surface of the cheek for 5 minutes.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


Caring procedures with gold can be carried out at home or trusted to professionals. To solve various aesthetic problems, you will need to choose a suitable mask.

  1. Fabric - is a base, with ready-made slits for the eyelids, nose, and mouth area. Impregnated with a composition containing collagen, as well as other substances to restore skin condition. They have moisturizing properties and help improve the color and structure of the dermis.
  2. An alginate mask with gold is sold in powder form and has a pronounced lifting effect. 24 carat gold is used, and vitamins and plant extracts are often included in the composition. Used to care for all skin types, including problematic skin prone to rashes.
  3. Gold foil masks are used to maintain freshness, whiten, and prevent wrinkles. Cosmetic lotions and gels are applied to the face, and the surface is covered with thin sheets of gold. A greenhouse effect is created, allowing to accelerate the processes of intracellular metabolism.

Review of popular gold masks

Fabric mask with gold and snail secretion Elizavecca instantly improves skin condition. The Korean lifting mask contains 24 carat gold, which provides nutrition, hydration, and accelerates cell regeneration. The active component removes toxins, oxidants, and restores oxygen respiration. Snail secretion helps smooth out wrinkles, fruit extracts tone and improve color. You can buy a sachet (25 g) for 85 rubles.

Useful video: Review and application of Elizavecca Milkypiggy with 24 karat gold powder

Fabric face mask with gold Pure Smile universal for all skin types. Effectively restores hydrobalance, stimulates renewal processes, copes with dryness and a feeling of tightness. A Japanese mask with biogold has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out and pigmentation is whitened. The formula contains collagen, hyaluronic acid, purslane extract, enriching cells with valuable vitamins and minerals. Price 23 ml - 115 rub.

Golden face mask " 24K Active Gold Whitening Soft Mask Gold Powder"helps to care for the aging dermis. The unique formula contains gold powder, bioactive gold, propolis and plant extracts. The Thai mask provides deep nutrition and restoration of skin elasticity. Lymphatic drainage improves, pores narrow, and the skin acquires a healthy, even color. Recommended for correcting the first age-related changes after 30 years. Cost 50 gr. – 220 rub.

Placental-collagen mask Golden placenta for face, neck, eyelids DIZAO– contains colloidal gold and hyaluronic acid. Thanks to the active components of the Chinese mask, it improves appearance, the structure of the integument after the first application. Deep nutrition, hydration is necessary when exposed to low temperatures, UV protection. As a result of using 2-level cosmetic care, the face looks fresh and the oval contour is restored. You can buy it for 130 rubles, the package contains a fabric base and serum with hyaluronic acid.

Interesting video: Golden mask from Kaprielle 24K Gold Mask

Interesting video: Gold Collagen Peel of Mask

Homemade mask recipes

To prepare effective cosmetic masks you can use natural ingredients. Provide hydration, nutrition, stimulate renewal processes. For professional rejuvenation it is worth using effective recipes, protecting the skin from adverse environmental factors.


To combat age spots and improve the structure, a recipe with turmeric is used. The spice stimulates the synthesis of collagen, honey, as part of the mask, tones, saturates with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to regular use, it is easy to cope with signs of fatigue and the first wrinkles.


  • 10 gr. honey;
  • 10 gr. shea butter

Combine turmeric with ginger, add honey, nourishing oil. Clean your face and steam with a compress. Apply a thick layer, avoiding the eyelids and lips, leave for half an hour. Remove residues with a damp sponge, repeat 1-2 times a week.


An effective mask will help you cope with peeling and restore hydrobalance. You can use colloidal gold at home, providing your skin with professional care. The procedure will activate collagen synthesis, narrow pores, and soften the skin.


  • 1 gr. colloidal gold;

Dilute gelatin crystals with warm green tea, add gold powder to the swollen mass. Heat almond oil in a water bath and add to the base. To apply the mask, use a flat, wide brush and place a damp compress on top. The mask lasts for half an hour, then carefully remove. It is recommended to use after 30 years at least 2 times a month.


A homemade alginate mask will provide a pronounced lifting effect, smooth out wrinkles, and restore turgor. It will strengthen thin capillaries, refresh color, and saturate cells with vitamins and minerals. The biogold content will allow you to restore the processes of intracellular metabolism and stop age-related changes.

How to use it correctly

It is important not only to choose the right face mask with gold, the method of application also matters. Regular skin care will help keep your skin fresh and velvety.

Rules of application:

  • be sure to thoroughly carry out the cleansing stage; for deep nutrition and hydration, peeling will be required;
  • the best time for fabric and alginate gold masks is late evening, at night, after the procedure, be sure to apply a cream with collagen or hyaluron;
  • when using alginate compositions, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions to obtain an ideal plastic mass;
  • keep for 20 minutes to half an hour;
  • To obtain the desired results, use courses of 8 to 10 sessions.

Instructions for use

Secrets lan collagen mask with biogold for the skin around the eyes 8.0 instructions for use


Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, Grape Seed Oil, Gold, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, Licorice Extract, Green Tea Extract, Plum Extract, Aqua.


Masks made from natural pressed collagen are a gift from nature and new technologies. The components contained in the mask gradually dissolve, penetrate through the pores into the deep layers of the skin, giving the skin additional elasticity, nutrition, improving microcirculation, providing a healing effect, improving the appearance of the skin. Thanks to its particularly tight fit and thermal effect, more than 97% of the nutrients contained in the mask are absorbed into the skin. After use, no additional cleansing of the face is required, which allows the active substances to remain on the surface of the skin longer, increasing the effectiveness of the procedure. Crystalline collagen is an active participant in the process of tissue restoration and stimulates the renewal of the skin's own collagen. Crystalline collagen molecules are so small that they can penetrate the intercellular space and reach the deep layers of the skin. Biogold – product latest developments in the field of nanotechnology. A unique property of biogold is its ability to ensure maximum penetration of active components of cosmetics into the dermis, enhancing the effect of the ingredients cosmetics. Hyaluronic acid is used as a component of cosmetics and as a material for “youth injections”. It normalizes the water balance of the skin, helps maintain skin elasticity and eliminate wrinkles, and fights free radicals.

2 pieces (slices) for one-time use

Selling Features

Without a license


The mask contains active biogold, herbal ingredients and collagen complex. Instantly moisturizes and regenerates the skin around the eyes, removes signs of fatigue, smoothes wrinkles, reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Thanks to collagen synthesis, the elasticity and firmness of the skin around the eyes increases.


Individual intolerance

Mode of application


1. Clean your face and eyes thoroughly with warm water.

2. Open the foil package and place collagen slices under your eyes.

3. Leave for 20-30 minutes. 4. Rinse with water. 5. Use 2-3 times a week.

Cautions: 1. Do not reuse masks. 2. Do not use the mask for wounds, inflammation, or eczema. 3. Discontinue use if any skin irritation occurs. 4. For sensitive facial skin, do a skin sensitivity test before use

❕ Please note that masks are sold exclusively in packs of 4 pcs.


Recommended for lack of moisture, age-related pigmentation, dull and uneven complexion and for the prevention of premature aging. Each mask is individually packaged and designed for one-time use.


The mask has a toning and tightening effect, moisturizes the skin, slows down the aging process, and neutralizes free radicals. The active components of the mask help reduce the depth of wrinkles and intensity age spots, improve complexion and fill the skin with inner radiance.

Active components:

Liquorice extract) has a softening, anti-inflammatory and skin brightening effect, activates metabolic processes, stimulates regeneration processes.

Baikal skullcap extract stimulates regeneration processes, has a slight brightening, soothing and anti-rosacea effect, improves complexion. Increases skin tone and turgor, protects against environmental factors.

Argan extract (meristem cells) slows down the aging process and neutralizes free radicals, helps reduce the depth of wrinkles. Stimulates regeneration processes, has a soothing and moisturizing effect, gives the skin softness and elasticity. Argan stem cells restore the energy potential of skin cells, have a stimulating effect on fibroblasts, increasing collagen production.

Collagen helps strengthen connective tissue and has a pronounced moisturizing effect, improves skin turgor and smoothes out a network of fine wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid moisturizes, retains moisture and maintains an optimal level of hydration, tones and improves skin structure. Slows down the process of withering, neutralizes the negative effects of external factors.

Rose extract perfectly soothes, moisturizes, has a tonic effect, helps reduce irritation and discomfort, and gives a feeling of freshness.

Trehalose– a disaccharide that is a unique source of moisture and energy for cells. Even with severe lack of moisture, trehalose provides universal protection of cell membranes and intense hydration.

Biogold. The main effect of biogold is, first of all, to enhance the effectiveness of other components of the cosmetic product. Also, biogold creates a thin invisible protective film on the skin that prevents moisture loss, which allows, in combination with moisturizing components, to achieve a long-lasting hydration effect. Biogold has antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory effects, which improves the appearance, color and tone of the skin.

Mode of application:

Cleanse your skin of makeup and impurities using make-up remover foam with argan stem cells and toning lotion with argan stem cells. Carefully remove the mask from the packaging and place it on your face, starting from the forehead. Smooth out the mask and press it to your face. Exposure time is 20-30 minutes, after which carefully remove the mask, massage to absorb the remaining solution and apply a firming anti-aging cream with argan stem cells.
Frequency of use: 2 – 3 times a week.

! To enhance the tonic effect, it is recommended to place the mask in the refrigerator for a few minutes immediately before use.

Package: Each mask is in a separate sachet.

550 R.

Withered and dull facial skin needs careful care and comprehensive hydration. A one-step BOTO mask for the face, neck and eyelids with biogold from the Dizao Natural series can restore your face to its natural beauty without visiting a salon. After just one use, you will feel the rejuvenating and moisturizing effect of the mask.

BOTOmask with biogold provides muscle relaxation of facial muscles due to the action of signal peptides, which initiate the process of collagen regeneration in the deep layers of the skin. This provides instant skin tightening and facial contour correction. A napkin richly soaked in gentle serum ensures maximum contact with the skin of the face and neck.

Not available


Form: face, neck, eyelids

  • Special shape of face mask designed by Dizao
  • The mask ideally covers all problem areas around the lips (purse-string wrinkles), eyes (crow's feet), chin and neck
  • Elastic pattern comfortably adapts to the shape of your face
  • Additional eyelid petals can be used both under the eyes and on top of the eyelids.
  • The mask completely covers the chin and neck area

Biogold is a colloidal form of the well-known precious metal. Thanks to special treatment (electrolysis), gold ions are transferred into crystal clear water. After application to the skin, biogold serves as an ideal conductor for the active components of the Dizao mask and triggers active regeneration of dermal cells.

  • Contour facelift
  • Disappearance of deep age wrinkles
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Return of natural elasticity

Active components transform your skin like magic:

  • Biogold
  • Concentrate of three types of hyaluronic acid
  • Complex of peptides for deep muscle relaxation
  • Marine collagen
  • Ginkgo biloba relic plant extract
  • Complex of vitamins B, C, E

Mode of application :

  • Cleanse your face
  • Apply the mask so that it completely covers the face, neck and eyelids
  • Enjoy a pleasant, relaxing beauty session for 15 minutes
  • Remove the mask and wash your face with water


Weight 0.5kg

For nutrition and moisture, whitening, anti-aging. Increases blood circulation and skin metabolism. The skin becomes brighter, firmer and more elastic. Transparent technology using plant collagen, vitamin E, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, gold powder, arbutin. After opening the foil package and removing the plastic liner, use the mask immediately for best results.

24K Gold Collagen Crystal Facial Mask Anti-aging Whitening Moisturizing Skin Care.

Additional Description:

Main natural ingredients mineral gold, hyaluronic acid, rose oil, collagen and Beta Glucan help stimulate collagen production, improve elastin and hydrate skin, increase moisture saturation levels by 92%, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while the mask is also packed with antioxidants and skin loving natural ingredients. such as Irish moss, betaine, licorice root extract and olive oil to replenish, renew, rejuvenate and nourish the skin. This exquisite combination of ingredients uses anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant and skin softening properties that have been associated with beauty skin care for centuries. Endorsed by skin care experts, doctors and beauty experts for their quality and effectiveness, GOLDEN Gold Face Masks have been featured on national television as the "Hollywood Facial" and have been recognized as " The best mask for the face" daytime television award. With the added convenience of a one-part gel mask, no mess, no mixing, no cracking, simply place the cool, refreshing gel mask on your face for at least 30 minutes. The masks have a reputation following them and are used as a treatment in top spas and salons around the world.


(see tab) .

Net and packaging:

1 mask measuring 20 cm by 17 cm. Packed in foil vacuum packaging.

English name:

24K Anti-aging Moisturizing Collagen Crystal Face Mask Care - GOLDEN.


In the morning or evening - on clean face, open the package and take the folded mask from the package. Leave the mask on your face for 10-30 minutes, then remove. The remaining lotion after the mask: do not rinse, but rub into the skin with gentle massage movements. The mask can be used once a week for one month, and you will see how your face is intensely moisturized and glows with youth. Instructions: Place the mask on your face and align the holes in the mask with your eyes. Hold the middle of your eyes, adjust the position of your eyes and mouth at the same time, and then smooth the mask starting from the tip of your nose.


. Do not use: on affected skin areas such as cuts, etc.


When ordering more than 6 pieces at a time, a wholesale discount applies. (See also the additional description tab).


Crystal, Thailand.

Ingredients on the product packaging:

Compound Active Ingredients
Aqua: Rosa Damascena (Rose) Flower Water: Soluble Collagen: Chondrus Crispus Powder (Irish Moss): Betaine: Propylene Glycol: Glycerin: Allantoin: Sodium Hyualuronate: Rosa Damascena (Rose Otto) Flower Oil: Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate (Licorice Extract): Mica : Olive Oil Peg-7 Esters: Beta-Glucan: Polysorbate 20: Gold: Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891): Iron Oxide (CI 77491): Phenoxyethanol. Aqua: Rosa Damascena (Rose) Flower Water: Soluble Collagen: Chondrus Crispus Powder (Irish Moss): Betaine: Propylene Glycol: Glycerin: Allantoin: Sodium Hyualuronate: Rosa Damascena (Rose Otto) Flower Oil: Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate (Licorice Extract): Mica : Olive Oil Peg-7 Esters: Beta-Glucan: Polysorbate 20: Gold: Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891): Iron Oxide (CI 77491): Phenoxyethanol..
Aqua: Rose Damascena (Rose) Flower Water: Soluble Collagen: Crystal Powder (Irish Moss): Betaine: Propylene Glycol: Glycerin: Allantoin: Sodium Hyaluronate: Rose Damascena (Rose Otto); oilseed oil: dipotassium glycyrrhizate (licorice extract): Olive oil Peg-7 Esters: Beta-glucan: Polysorbate 20: gold: titanium dioxide (CI 77891): iron oxide (CI 77491): phenoxyethanol..

Extra options

Size 21.00cm x 0.30cm x 17.00cm.

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