Cardigan Asian Spikelet or Chinchilla. MK, description of knitting. Asian spikelet knitted and crocheted: various options Features of the voluminous braid motif

One of the most fashionable patterns in knitting and crocheting is the Asian Spikelet. Otherwise, it is sometimes called the “Asian braid”. It gained its unprecedented popularity thanks to its simplicity of execution, beauty of form and the ability to embody the creative ideas of the master. Any products made using this technique turn out to be extremely interesting - voluminous, soft, textured. They look especially impressive on models.

In this article we will talk about the features of the Asian spikelet knitting pattern. Having learned how to perform this element, you can easily create unique wardrobe items: lush scarves, voluminous cardigans, stylish stoles, hats and sweaters. We hope everything works out for you! Good luck!

Features of the voluminous braid motif

Let's look at the basics of performing a tune. Knitting an Asian braid does not require an advanced level of knitting skills, but you need to know the basic elements. You need to be able to perform knit and purl stitches, since it is from them that it is formed. The knitting pattern for an Asian spikelet is based on a multiple (usually four or six) number of stitches, and the edge stitches are always taken into account when calculating. A special feature of the element is its cross-knitting, because the spikelets are located vertically in the fabric. A voluminous braid is formed gradually, from one spikelet to another, which are knitted one after another.

We make a pattern using the "Asian Spikelet" technique: knitting pattern, master class.

To work, we will need any yarn and knitting needles of a suitable size. The knitting pattern for the "Asian Spikelet" is shown in the following figure.

We cast on a multiple of four loops (for a small test sample, 36 loops are enough).

First, we knit “preparatory rows”: remove the edge stitch and knit the first row with knit stitches, and the second row with purl stitches.

Next, we proceed to create the first element of the braid. Remove the edge stitch and knit up to the eighth stitch inclusive. We remove the first loop, perform eight facial loops and make a turn. Again we transfer the first loop to the right knitting needle and knit the second row purl. Next, we continue to knit only these eight loops in turning rows, not forgetting to simply remove the first one each time. We perform fourteen rows. We knit the fifteenth row like this: remove the edge, knit the first section, and then remove four more loops from the left knitting needle, knitting them also with knits.

We continue to complete the “Asian Spikelet” sample

We make a turn and begin to create the second element of our spikelet. We remove the first loop, purl from the second to the eighth loop, do not touch the remaining four. And then we continue to knit these eight loops of the second element by analogy with the first until the fourteenth row. We get the second section of the braid. Using the same principle, we gradually perform all the elements until the end of the loops. Having made the last section, add the fifteenth row with knits and get a finished half of an Asian spikelet on the right needle.

The knitting pattern for the second part of the braid is not too different from the first. We turn the knitting and perform four complete rows, the first of them purl. Having knitted the last row with stockinette stitch, we turn the sample over and start all over again, only from the wrong side.

Again we take eight loops and knit from them the first wedge fourteen rows high. Then the second, third and so on, according to exactly the same principle as the first half of our part. Having knitted all the spikelets, we knit the fifteenth row to the end, throwing all the loops onto the right knitting needle. Next, we knit a couple of rows - front and back.

Our Asian spikelet is ready! The knitting pattern and master class are not too complicated, right? All we have to do is close the loops. To do this, you can choose any convenient method.

How to crochet a voluminous braid

Let's look at another method of making voluminous braids, this time not with knitting needles, but with crochet. Of course, the pattern will differ greatly from the one made with knitting needles, but it also turns out beautiful, voluminous, and knits much easier and faster. For work we will need a crochet thread and a hook.

We start knitting with a chain of twenty-three air loops. We skip the first three, they will become lifting ones. We knit twenty double crochets. Again we cast on three air loops, knit five double crochets into the stitches of the first row.

We collect a chain of twenty air loops. In the fifth stitch from the end we knit one double crochet. We perform four more double crochets.

We begin to carefully form an Asian spikelet. The crochet pattern is as follows: we hook and pull the loops from the bottom up, one after the other. The result is a voluminous braid. Such an element will decorate any product, adding originality to it.

We knit a sample and calculate the number of loops to cast on.
Average data: collar - 27 spikelets -112 loops (mine - 28 - 122 loops)
shelf/back - 24 spikelets - 100 loops (my 25 - 104 loops)
armhole - 17 spikelets - 72 loops (mine - 18 - 76 loops)
sleeve - outer - 20 spikelets - 84 loops, inner - 14 spikelets - 60 loops.
The collar is sewn in half at the end. You can knit it separately from the carcass, then sew it on by folding it in half.


For such a cardigan, the following set of loops is proposed: half the loops are cast on with the bottom color, the other half with the top color. I made my life easier and knitted the first rows with a thread of the same color, because the collar will be hemmed and the cast-on row will not be visible.

A gradient of two shades of the same color looks good, then you can knit half (or slightly less/more) of the spikelets in one color, and the rest in another, without mixing the threads with each other.
The easiest way to knit a gradient is to do it on the wrong side.
Here is a photo from user soja from Osinka
The broaches are made very carefully, you can immediately see how good the gradient looks, connected by each color separately.

I knit without broaches as follows: when we have finished 14 rows of the spikelet (8/14) and go through these 8 loops for the last time... here I knit only 4 loops from them, then I put the thread that I will no longer use (it’s yellow) aside ! and knit the remaining 4 loops with only 2 threads (I knit in 3 folds).
Then I pick up 4 more loops for the new spikelet, while picking up the thread from the previous row (which I also put aside then). There are 3 threads in use again, and a transition has been made.

When all the spikelets are knitted, you can stitch the “bent” center of the spikelets along the shoulder and sleeve lines with stockinette stitch.

Then all that remains is to sew the side and shoulder seams, sew in the sleeve and the cardigan is ready!

Attention, it is not always possible to correctly determine the number of loops from the sample (since under its own rather small weight the fabric stretches down and it is difficult to calculate this stretch). This is what happened to me. Then I separately knitted the missing spikelets and carefully sewed them up to the existing ones, since this is a collar and it will fold in half, the place of stitching will not be noticeable!

My knitting: 9-ply bobbin yarn (1600/100), 6 knitting needles.
The knitting of the spikelet begins at the top, so we knit with the top color (who has a gradient)

Having reached the end, we knit 4 rows of stockinette stitch, then knitting goes from bottom to top (on the wrong side)!

And closer

General view of half of the product

This is what it looks like in the process: the armhole is already visible.

When I tied the carcass and tried it on, it turned out that it had stretched out a lot: from 62 cm to 90 cm! Consequently, the volume of the braids is lost, which means that the spikelets need to be tightened with additional thread.

The weight of the carcass was 700 g.
This is what it looks like in the product.

I pulled the spikelets up - walked the needle down (to the middle of the product only) and back up so that it was not very noticeable. You can't see anything from the inside; you can see the threads on the outside.

I sewed the shoulder seams, the middle of the collar, and sewed the collar to the back.

Then she folded the collar and sewed it with a needle into the MIDDLE of the spikelet!!! - I liked it better this way than sewing it in half.

Then I cast on loops for the sleeves. Attention: the sleeves of many girls turned out (with all the calculations and finished carcasses) to be 1 spikelet shorter than we would like, so take into account this effect.

I knitted one sleeve, but it seemed too narrow to me, I should have knitted it 8/16. I didn’t have enough strength to knit and I decided to make a vest, especially since I realized that my yarn was not for this cardigan.

Crochet the armhole with single crochets. In the future, this will be needed to beautifully sew on the cardigan sleeve.

Pattern "Asian spikelet" and products made from it

11 rubles - knit these 6 stitches and another 3 stitches. No further, turn the work around

12 r.-6 purl. Turn the work. Knit only 10 r. on these 6 loops.

So knit 10 rows on every 6 loops, taking 3 sts from those already knitted and 3 sts from the next ones on the left knitting needle. So until the end of the row.

Then repeat everything described, but start knitting on the wrong side of the work. loops to change direction. Etc.

Cardigan Asian Spikelet or Chinchilla. MK, knitting description

Here is such a wonderful warm cardigan, which was given the simple name Chinchilla. It really looks like this animal, thanks to the Asian spikelet pattern with which it is connected.

Let's start knitting this almost fur coat.

You will need:

Thick bulky yarn 1.5-2 kg. (options: Lanagold 800 in 4 threads, Lanagold fine, Angora Real, Angora Gold, Angora Ram, etc.),
knitting needles No. 5.5 or 6 (preferably circular, but straight ones are also possible).

We knit the fabric with an “Asian spikelet” pattern.

Our spikelet will consist of two “grains”: the first looks down, the second goes up. Between the grains, knit 4 rows in stockinette stitch!
For small sizes I recommend a spikelet of 6/12 (6 loops per 12 rows), for medium sizes: 8/14, for large sizes - 8/16.
Attention: For 8/14(16) spikelets, the set of loops is a multiple of 4, pick up not 3 (as in the video), but 4 loops. We remove the first loop as an edge loop.


Knitting proceeds vertically: from the collar through the body to the second collar.

In total, you will need to knit 9 full spikelets for the carcass, which can be knitted either as a whole fabric or in separate parts (after stitching, they will prevent the product from stretching down too much). The choice is yours! Also 2 spikelets for the sleeves.


We knit a sample and calculate the number of loops to cast on.
Average data: collar - 27 spikelets -112 loops (mine - 28 - 122 loops)
shelf/back - 24 spikelets - 100 loops (mine 25 - 104 loops)
armhole - 17 spikelets - 72 loops (mine - 18 - 76 loops)
sleeve - outer - 20 spikelets - 84 loops, inner - 14 spikelets - 60 loops.
The collar is sewn in half at the end. You can knit it separately from the carcass, then sew it on by folding it in half.


For such a cardigan, the following set of loops is proposed: half the loops are cast on with the bottom color, the other half with the top color. I made my life easier and knitted the first rows with a thread of the same color, because the collar will be hemmed and the cast-on row will not be visible.

A gradient of two shades of the same color looks good, then you can knit half (or slightly less/more) of the spikelets in one color, and the rest in another, without mixing the threads with each other.
The easiest way to knit a gradient is to do it on the wrong side.
Here is a photo from user soja from Osinka

The broaches are made very carefully, you can immediately see how good the gradient looks, connected by each color separately.

I knit without broaches as follows: when we have finished 14 rows of the spikelet (8/14) and go through these 8 loops for the last time... here I knit only 4 loops from them, then a thread that I will no longer use (this is yellow) - I’m postponing! and knit the remaining 4 loops with only 2 threads (I knit in 3 folds).
Then I pick up 4 more loops for the new spikelet, while picking up the thread from the previous row (which I also put aside then). There are 3 threads in use again, and a transition has been made.

When all the spikelets are knitted, you can stitch the “bent” center of the spikelets along the shoulder and sleeve lines with stockinette stitch.
Then all that remains is to sew the side and shoulder seams, sew in the sleeve and the cardigan is ready!

Attention, it is not always possible to correctly determine the number of loops from the sample (since under its own rather small weight the fabric stretches down and it is difficult to calculate this stretch). This is what happened to me. Then I separately knitted the missing spikelets and carefully sewed them up to the existing ones, since this is a collar and it will fold in half, the place of stitching will not be noticeable!

My knitting: 9-ply bobbin yarn (1600/100), 6 knitting needles.
The knitting of the spikelet begins at the top, so we knit with the top color (who has a gradient)

Having reached the end, we knit 4 rows of stockinette stitch, then knitting goes from bottom to top (on the wrong side)!
And closer

General view of half of the product

This is what it looks like in the process: the armhole is already visible.

When I tied the carcass and tried it on, it turned out that it had stretched out a lot: from 62 cm to 90 cm! Consequently, the volume of the braids is lost, which means that the spikelets need to be tightened with additional thread.
Carcass weight was 700 g
This is what it looks like in the product.

I pulled the spikelets up - walked the needle down (to the middle of the product only) and back up so that it was not very noticeable. You can't see anything from the inside; you can see the threads on the outside.

I sewed the shoulder seams, the middle of the collar, and sewed the collar to the back.

Then she folded the collar and sewed it with a needle into the MIDDLE of the spikelet!!! - I liked it better than sewing it in half.
Then I cast on loops for the sleeves. Attention: the sleeves of many girls turned out (with all the calculations and finished carcasses) to be 1 spikelet shorter than we would like, so take into account this effect.

I knitted one sleeve, but it seemed too narrow to me, I should have knitted it 8/16. I didn’t have enough strength to knit and I decided to make a vest, especially since I realized that my yarn was not for this cardigan.

I crocheted the armhole and did not hem the collar.

Author of MK - vasha-nata

Pullover with Asian spikelet pattern.

The “Asian spikelet” pattern and step-by-step instructions for its implementation

The number of stitches in the cast-on row corresponds to the length of the main pullover fabric and should be: 6.

Chrome. loops are included in this number, do not cast on separately

So knit only these 6 stitches. Total 10 rows

11 rubles - knit these 6 stitches and another 3 stitches. No further, turn the work around

12 r.-6 p. Turn the work around. Knit for only 10 rubles. on these 6 loops.
So knit 10 rows on every 6 loops, taking 3 sts from those already knitted and 3 sts from the next ones on the left knitting needle. So until the end of the row.

After that 2 rubles. front or back. iron.

Then repeat everything described, but start knitting on the wrong side of the work. loops to change direction. Etc.

Main canvas: rectangle without decreases/increases.
Bottom elastic 2/2.
Finished product size: 37cm (18 fragments) / 78cm (15 braids).
Bottom elastic height: 13 cm, neck elastic 3 cm.
Cast on the loops as a help. thread, at the end of the work, finish with aux. thread. Connect the beginning and end rows with a knitted seam.
Connect the resulting rectangle with its short sides into a “pipe”. Sew one edge to the bottom elastic. At the same time, leave the armholes free.
From the side of the neck, sew the fabric to the elastic band only with the convex sections of the wavy edge, aligning them closely with each other. The concave sections of the edge remain unsewn, forming “drops”.

Things knitted with your own hands bring moral satisfaction and pleasure when worn. Products that are distinguished by originality and uniqueness, unusual patterns and complex combinations are especially expensive. One of the unusual and at the same time popular patterns among knitters is the Asian spikelet: this pattern not only looks rich, but is also suitable for making various things - from a simple scarf to an original formal dress.

Things knitted with your own hands bring moral satisfaction and pleasure when worn.

Knitting an Asian spikelet with knitting needles is not difficult; experienced knitters can easily cope with the task; beginner knitters will also be able to cope with this task if they correctly follow the pattern and description of knitting this pattern.

Before starting work on knitting the pattern, cast on the number of loops corresponding to the height or length of the finished fabric. Experienced craftswomen pay attention to the fact that the total number of loops should be a multiple of six plus a pair of edge loops.

  1. In the first row, knit the first 6 stitches, after which the work is immediately turned over without knitting the rest.
  2. On the wrong side, 6 loops are knitted purlwise; work this way 10 times: you get a stockinette stitch.
  3. From the 11th row, knit 6 loops with knit stitches and add the next 3 from the cast-on stitch, turn the product.
  4. In the 12th row, 6 loops are knitted with purl stitches, after which they are turned over, in this way the next 10 stages are completed using the front stitch.
  5. Shift 3 stitches to the end of the row, knit a couple of rows in stockinette stitch on all stitches.
  6. Turning the work to the wrong side, repeat from the first, but in the opposite direction.

In this way, the ear is knitted to the desired width of the product, after which the loops are closed. Watch the knitting video tutorial below.

Asian spikelet for beginners (video)

Asian crochet spikelet: master class

A master class on crocheting a beautiful pattern called the Asian spikelet is considered even simpler than making patterns with knitting needles. You can knit a simple product using a hook, crochet threads and the ability to make a simple double crochet. With this pattern you will get a very beautiful women's jacket. Below, see the step-by-step lessons on how to knit such patterns.

To start working, you should cast on 20 chain stitches and knit a row with double crochets, then all the work will be done with this knitting stitch.

  1. Make three chain stitches, 2 double crochets in the corresponding stitches of the bottom row, then cast on 25 chain stitches and attach this chain to the penultimate stitch of the bottom row.
  2. From an air loop, a row is knitted with double crochets, without missing a single loop.
  3. The motif is repeated for 7 rows, after which a braid is tied from the strips into a spikelet, hooking the bottom strip to the top with a hook.

You can knit a simple product using a hook

Depending on which product the craftswoman chooses for knitting, the knitting motif is repeated: for a scarf you will need an amount corresponding to the size of the knitted product.

How to knit a sweater or cardigan with an Asian spikelet pattern: description

The neat spikelet pattern is ideal for making a warm cardigan. Some craftswomen call this product “chinchilla”, since in appearance and heat-saving properties such a jacket resembles the fur of a gentle animal.

We knit such a product from any thick and bulky yarn with knitting needles from 5 to 6 numbers to choose from. Depending on the size, knitting is planned: medium - 8 by 14, large - 8 by 16. For miniature ladies, it is enough to make 6 loops by 12.

The description of the knitting process involves making the product from the collar through the fabric to the second collar.

  1. For the collar, 112 loops are knitted, you get 27 spikelets according to the traditional pattern.
  2. For the front and back, cast on 100 loops, thus obtaining 24 spikelets; for the armhole, 72 loops are prepared - 17 spikelets.
  3. The sleeves are knitted from 84 loops - 20 spikelets.

The neat spikelet pattern is ideal for making a warm cardigan

After all the parts are knitted, shoulder seams are made, both sides of the collar are sewn and sewn to the neck. You can leave this cardigan as a vest, but you can add sleeves to the knitting by sewing them first. Experienced craftswomen do not recommend steaming or washing the finished parts of the product before sewing, as the effect of the finished cardigan will be lost in this case.

Asian spikelet: knitting a hat

Knitting a headdress with an Asian spikelet is considered easy for both experienced knitters and beginner knitters. Most craftswomen prefer to make such a product from two fabrics, one of which is knitted according to the standard spike pattern. The hat is knitted from the main fabric, the pattern for which is selected individually; a simple elastic band will do.

  1. The main fabric begins to be knitted from the corner, from three loops, knitting a base of a rectangular shape and a height equal to the height of the intended hat, and the length corresponds to the circumference of the head.
  2. Separately, a strip is knitted in length equal to the circumference of the head using an Asian spikelet pattern.
  3. Using a hook, sew the pigtail to the bottom of the main fabric.

Knitting a headdress with an Asian spikelet is considered simple for both experienced knitters and beginner knitters.

The top of the product can be carefully pulled off - you will get a beautiful spiral in that case. If the main fabric is knitted with a standard elastic band.

Scarf-snood with Asian spikelets

A scarf-snood knitted with an Asian spikelet is distinguished by its originality and practicality, especially if the pattern is knitted with a spikelet in the central part of the product.

To create an original scarf you should stock up on:

  • yarn for knitting;
  • knitting needles No. 3;
  • pin for a scarf or shawl.

A snood scarf knitted with an Asian spikelet is original and practical.

To get started, cast on 50 stitches on the knitting needles.

  1. The first row is knitted entirely with knit stitches, starting from the second row the sequence is calculated: 12 knit stitches/26 purl stitches/12 knit stitches.
  2. From 3 to 8 rows repeat the first and second, after which in the 9th row 12 loops are knitted, 26 are closed and 12 are knitted.
  3. In the 10th row, 12 knit stitches are knitted, 26 are cast on in a braid row, and the next 12 loops are knitted with knit stitches.
  4. The pattern is repeated from rows 1 to 10 until the length of the product is 152 centimeters, after which all loops are closed.
  5. In the middle part, an “Asian spikelet” is woven, pulling stripe by stripe from below with a finger, fixing the loop.
  6. The last loop is secured with a scarf clip.

You can not braid the spikelet - in this case, the finished product will not lose its originality and uniqueness, it will look unusual and unique.

How to knit an Arabic spikelet

An interesting variant of spikelet patterns is the Arabic spikelet. In this way you can knit a pullover, jacket, vest - any product will look interesting and unusual.

The ornament itself is not much different from the Asian twin, only it is advisable to use airy yarn for it - in this case, the finished product will resemble oriental motifs.

  1. The first row consists of six knit stitches. Starting from the 2nd row, only these loops are knitted in stockinette stitch, not forgetting to turn the work over.
  2. After 10 knitted rows, three loops are added, after which the work is turned and 10 rows are knitted according to the original pattern.
  3. Having finished knitting half of the motif, knit a couple of rows in the sequence of front - back rows.
  4. After this, a second patterned line is knitted, taking into account the need for mirror reflection.

You can knit as many spikelet strips as you need for your work, and the pattern will look like a neat and even spikelet.

How to knit a Chinese spikelet

The Chinese version of the spikelet looks neat and is easy to knit, making it suitable for small items.

  1. The first and third rows are knitted the same way: a pair of purl stitches, 3 knit stitches, a pair of purl stitches. The second and fourth rows follow the pattern.
  2. In the 5th row, 2 purl stitches are knitted; before the knit stitches, from the second row, but located 4 rows lower, a long loop is pulled out, putting it on the right knitting needle. Knit 3 knit stitches, then pull out a loop from the same one as before, knit a pair purlwise and repeat with rapport.
  3. In the 6th row, the pattern is passed according to the pattern; the elongated loop is simply removed without knitting.
  4. Then they pass, repeating knitting from the 5th row, even rows are knitted according to the pattern.

The product turns out to be delicate and at the same time dense, which will allow you to use this pattern for making children's things.