What quality cheese is this year? Cheeses and cheese products - rating. How to fake cheese

The examination showed: 60% of the tested cheeses are counterfeit.

For reference:

Natural cheese is 100% milk. A product containing at least 50% milk fat is a cheese product. The rest can be called a “combined product”, “cheese product”, but not cheese.

The examination showed: 60% of the tested cheeses are counterfeit. Moreover, if earlier, when examining cheese and other dairy products, experts mainly identified a partial replacement of milk fat, now not a single gram of milk fat was found in any of the falsified samples. They are completely, 100%, composed of vegetable fat.

Where are retail chains looking?

How much should real cheese cost?

In order to answer this question, we contacted several dairy producers at once. A representative of the Kabosh agricultural holding told us that the minimum selling price of semi-hard cheese, popular in Russia, such as “Rossiysky” or “Poshekhonsky” from premium milk, is 410-420 rubles per kilogram. That is, in a retail chain, natural cheese made from high-quality milk will cost at least 600 rubles per kilogram.

Let's sum it up

All manufacturers of fake cheeses indicated in the labeling that their products were made in accordance with GOST!

Andrey Mosov, head of the expert direction of NP Roskontrol, doctor: “The reputation of palm oil is greatly tarnished by unscrupulous producers who use it to adulterate dairy products. However, palm oil-based milk fat substitutes are, let's say, the least evil possible. The use of modified fats for this purpose—hydrogenated sunflower and other liquid vegetable oils—is fraught with the risk of containing significant amounts of trans-fatty acid isomers in counterfeit products. As a result of numerous scientific studies, it has been proven that trans fats cause atherosclerosis and significantly increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease and heart attacks and strokes. In addition, it is believed that natural milk fat in our diet is an important source of fat-soluble vitamins A and D, which are not found in vegetable fats.”

Cheese is a fermented milk product obtained by coagulating milk protein with rennet or lactic acid bacteria, followed by processing. The high content of protein (25%), milk fat (60%), minerals with vitamins, as well as the good digestibility of these components have made it popular in a healthy diet. The taste qualities of this product played a role - in many countries (France, Italy, Holland) it is a key component of the national cuisine. Obviously, the high demand and very expensive production of cheese contributes to the spread of counterfeit cheese with the addition of foreign impurities. To obtain benefits and pleasure from consuming a product, you need to know how to determine its naturalness and quality at home or at the counter.

The dangers of eating low-quality cheese

The technology for making cheese provides it with an interesting taste and benefits, but it can also cause serious health problems. Even a real product sometimes causes disorders such as migraines, allergies, and the formation of stones in the kidneys and bile ducts, especially with constant use. Cheese made in violation of technology or improperly stored is often infected with harmful microorganisms and can cause acute food poisoning:

  • salmonellosis - infection by the Salmonella bacterium, accompanied by fever, headache, vomiting, indigestion, dehydration, and kidney failure;
  • coli infections - acute gastrointestinal disorders, meningitis in newborns caused by Escherichia coli with a high probability of irreversible damage, as well as death if left untreated;
  • brucellosis is an acute lesion of all body systems caused by the bacterium Brucella, manifested by pain in the joints, weakness, confusion, inflammation of brain tissue, etc.;
  • listeriosis is infection with the microbe Listeria, especially dangerous for pregnant women due to the increased risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, and fetal pathologies.

These diseases are most often caused by cheese made from insufficiently pasteurized milk or stored unhygienically. An uncontaminated cheese product that contains impurities can cause food allergies to preservatives and dyes, migraines, increased anxiety, and insomnia. With the introduction of retaliatory sanctions against European countries, the amount of illegally imported or counterfeit Parmesan, mozzarella, Roquefort, Maasdam and other expensive varieties has increased sharply. In such conditions, control of their quality by supervisory authorities is very difficult, which increases risks for Russian buyers.

Definition of naturalness

A wide variety of varieties and brands of cheese makes it necessary to carefully choose between real ones, prepared according to traditional recipes. Visually distinguishing a natural product from a fake one is often very difficult; an inexperienced buyer is unlikely to cope with this task. Counterfeit manufacturers have learned to give their product the external characteristics of real cheese and even imitate its taste with the help of additives - flavorings, thickeners, stabilizers, etc. If such a product is prepared in compliance with sanitary standards and is not contaminated with bacteria, it will not cause harm, but in any case In this case, this will be deceiving the buyer. Today, milk producers produce cheese products completely legally and openly. It imitates a natural product, but is not a counterfeit, but a cheaper imitation. This rule only works if the label indicates the name “cheese product” and compliance with GOST 53512-200. At the same time, some manufacturers engage in deliberate fraud, labeling products with extraneous additives as natural. In addition, natural dairy products usually cost more than their imitations (even high-quality ones) - in the case of cheese, the difference is 100-150 rubles per kg.

To recognize the presence of impurities in a purchase, it is enough to subject it to a little research, which can be done at home:

  • the release of a large amount of oily liquid when pressing the test product with your fingers indicates the presence of vegetable fats, for example, palm oil;
  • uneven and too bright color (with the exception of certain varieties) is a sure sign of excess dyes;
  • the concentration of large holes with uneven edges in the central part of the cut is characteristic of counterfeit goods;
  • the appearance of cracks where a thin slice is bent at a right angle indicates the presence of milk powder or excess vegetable fats;
  • when stored in air for a long time, the counterfeit product cracks, and noticeable drops of oil appear on its darkened surface.

Detection of a counterfeit does not automatically mean that it is harmful - it only deceives the buyer regarding its composition and price. If the product was manufactured in a modern factory in compliance with hygienic and technological standards, its use will not cause any harm to the body (in the absence of allergies to foreign components). However, you can at any time demand compensation from the seller or manufacturer for violation of your consumer rights.

Quality and safety testing

Even natural cheese can be dangerous if it does not meet quality and sanitary standards. Solid and melted varieties of this product have a certain difference in shelf life (usually 3-4 months), but in any case can spoil if improperly stored or processed. The following signs may indicate this:

  • The appearance of a white coating on the surface of hard varieties indicates the active activity of microorganisms or a violation of storage conditions;
  • The formation of clearly defined greenish, gray or black spots and stains means the development of mold in the cheese, which, with the exception of some varieties (for example, Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Dorblu) is a sign of spoilage;
  • A sharp unpleasant smell of ammonia or sour milk indicates expired milk; normally, the aroma and taste of cheese should not cause rejection (with the exception of exotic blue varieties);
  • The viscous, spreading consistency of the declared hard variety indicates that it is better not to eat it, although this is the norm for melted or soft varieties.

No one is completely immune from purchasing counterfeit or expired cheese, especially in food markets, where quality control of goods is noticeably lower. However, the buyer can significantly reduce this risk by paying close attention to what he is purchasing. Knowing the signs of counterfeiting is our main and most effective weapon against the dishonesty of individual manufacturers and sellers.

Roskontrol and Roskachestvo

The Russian quality system tested Rossiysky cheese from 30 producers using 77 quality and safety indicators. The results of the study dated January 12, 2018 can be found on the official website: https://roskachestvo.gov.ru/researches/syr-rossiyskiy/.

Roskontrol has also repeatedly checked this fermented milk product. One of the latest studies (dated 10/30/17), in which 6 samples were tested, can be found on the official website: https://roscontrol.com/journal/tests/rossiyskiy-sir-provereno-palm-net/.

And here is a fresh New Year's study https://roscontrol.com/category/produkti/molochnie_produkti/siri/

Cheese is a favorite dairy product for many. Today on the shelves you can find a huge number of different types and varieties. Import substitution has led to the fact that now consumers mainly choose Russian-made cheese products. Which cheese is the most delicious and how to distinguish them?

According to the main classification, cheeses are as follows:

  • Rennet
  • Solid
  • Soft
  • Brine
  • Fermented milk
  • Serum

As a rule, the packages indicate a fairly large percentage of fat content, which frightens those who watch their figure and adhere to the principle of a healthy lifestyle. However, the fat content of cheese cannot be considered “one to one”, because this indicator is most often indicated by the percentage of fat content in dry matter. The finished product is much more dietary. However, if this is a fundamental criterion for you, it is better to choose varieties with a reduced fat content: 10% or 17%. Such varieties are available in the lines of many major manufacturers.

When buying cheese, it is important to study the composition of this product, because if the milk fat in it is replaced by other components, this product can, at best, be called a “cheese product”. Often, manufacturers, in pursuit of cost reduction, add cheaper components rather than classic ones, but “forget” to indicate this on the label. Which cheese is really real, has good taste and does not pose a health hazard, you will learn from the results of our

The largest producers of dairy products in Russia: Wimm-Bill-Dann, Karat, Belebeevsky Dairy Plant, Hochland Rus, Yantar. The market for farm goods is growing every year, and the production of varieties that left the Russian market due to sanctions, such as Parmesan, mozzarella, Roquefort and others, is being established.

The results of all tests conducted by Roskontrol can be found in

Roskontrol recognized 60% of Russian and Belarusian cheeses as counterfeit. Why can't affordable cheeses be natural?

Updated at 17:12

Roskontrol checked the quality of 30 types of cheeses of domestic and Belarusian production, which are sold in Russian stores. 60% of them were found to be counterfeit. The quality of the cheese is only getting worse. A year ago, the findings of the inspections were more comforting, he believes Director of the expert department of the consumer union "Roskontrol" Maxim Rudakov:

— We are talking about 30 types of cheeses in most of the most popular retail chains. There, out of 30 positions, 18, that is, about 60%, contained counterfeit cheeses. The most affordable cheeses for consumers range from 250 to 350 rubles.

— Compared to last year’s research, has the situation changed somehow?

— This situation changes quite flexibly in one direction or the other, including, of course, due to seasonality: in the summer there is more milk, in the winter there is less. It’s probably not even worth comparing with last year. If you look at the last five years, there has already been a situation when the same plus or minus percentage of counterfeit products was found in the low price segment for cheese. The situation, unfortunately, does not change much. It can also be assumed that the situation with milk yield is not changing, and in the regime of counter-sanctions it is very difficult for our processors to somehow cope with this. Indeed, the consumer, as a rule, cannot distinguish falsified cheese, either by sight or taste, where milk fat is replaced. According to the latest examination, the examination showed that in general less than 1% milk fat is contained in those cheeses that are now on store shelves. It is impossible to determine this by sight or smell; only an examination can do this.

Natural cheese, according to Maxim Rudakov, should consist of 100% milk fat. A product that contains milk fat in an amount of at least 50% is a cheese product.

The Soyuzmoloko organization also agreed that there is an unreasonably large amount of counterfeit products on the cheese market in Russia. This is all connected with the same Russian-Belarusian border, says Soyuzmoloko President, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues Ayrat Khairullin:

Airat Khairullin President of Soyuzmoloko, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation“A lot was brought into the country, including Ukrainian cheese products through Belarus, a lot of European and Baltic milk powder through Belarus. We're in a mess right now. On the one hand, the price of raw milk from all producers dropped by 30%: if last year at this time premium milk cost approximately 32 rubles per liter, now agricultural enterprises cannot even sell for 22 rubles due to the fact that the dominance of “gray” imports and counterfeit products. In general, Russia has now learned how to produce high-quality milk, but cheese, if it is real cheese, made from natural milk, cannot be worth the money for which they offer today a mixture of so-called cheese products, where more expensive milk fat is replaced, for example, with palm oil . For 400 rubles you can buy natural cheese produced in regions where there is enough milk, such as, for example, Tatarstan. Today, 9% of the country’s milk is produced there, so the republic has the cheapest milk and a lot of cheese production facilities where natural cheese is made, and the price is quite affordable.”

Representatives of Roskontrol add that without exception, all product samples that are recognized as counterfeit indicate that they are made in accordance with GOST.

Non-profit partnership "Roskontrol" is an independent organization in the field of consumer rights protection, examination and quality control. It has existed since 2012 and was the first in Russia to begin monitoring the quality and safety of goods and services on the Russian market. Roskontrol openly posts all information for consumers on its website Roskontrol.RF.

We will be happy to help you improve your body health, start a healthy lifestyle and achieve results FOREVER.

What you need to know about cheese?

1. Cheese comes in different fat contents:

  • light - 15-17%
  • average - 25-27%
  • fat - 40-50%

2.The composition of an ideal cheese on the label is simple and short:

  • milk;
  • fermentation of lactic acid microorganisms;
  • rennet or other milk-clotting enzymes, but only of animal origin; salt and calcium chloride are allowed.

3. What to fear: low-quality cheese may contain milk powder, stabilizers, dyes, preservatives and other food additives, pathogenic microbes and fungi.

4. Indicator of cheese “maturity”- during the ripening process of cheese, substances and aromas accumulate, which gives a unique taste, this is an indicator of the highest quality.

5. Nutritionally- 100 g of hard cheese contains 20-35 g of protein, 30 g of fat and no carbohydrates. The ideal balance of BZHU, as you can see.

6. There are two disadvantages to cheese- SALT and FAT. What can cause swelling, cholesterol, therefore: If you are on weight loss, limit your intake of cheese, especially adding and melting cheese as a culinary additive during cooking. If you maintain weight or have no problems with being overweight at all, choose types of cheese with a minimum amount of salt: Maasdam, Emmental, Swiss, Tofu, Adyghe cheese without salt, dietary.

7. The above varieties of cheese can be included in complementary foods for children from 10 to 12 months.


8. When choosing cheese, pay attention to the packaging; if you take it in plastic containers, it must be marked PP (polypropylene), marked PS (polystyrene) is not suitable for food products, this is a violation.

1. Roskontrol:

Safe products that meet the quality: “Izbenka” Adygei cheese, “Karlov Dvor” cheese Gouda, “City of Cheese” cheese Dutch, “Laime” Tilsiter cheese, “Lion Heart” cheese, “Arla Natura” cream cheese, “ProstoSyr” Russian cheese , “Epiim” Estonian cheese, “Savushkin Product” Dutch cheese, “Thousand Lakes” cream cheese.

On the “black list” of Roskontrol, NOT recommended for use:"Archa" Edam cheese, "Narodnye Sosloviya" cheese Gouda, "Cheese Paradise" Russian cheese, "Koshkinskoye" Dutch cheese, "Syrodel" Russian cheese, "Zdravushka" Russian cheese, "Valleverde" cheese Mozzarella, "Capital of Milk" cheese Dutch , cheese “Fresh” Adygei, cheese “Slutsk cheeses” Poshekhonsky, cheese “Cheese Valley” Smetankovy, cheese “Vector” Gouda, Maasdam,

such as feta cheese “Sirtaki” Original, cheese product “Fetaksa”, “Delissir Feta”, ATTENTION - cheese “Belebeevsky” Russian, children’s cheeses “Silenok Moon”, “Silenok Solnechny”, cheese “Russian-Extra”.

There are many more “dangerous” cheeses than high-quality ones!

2. St. Petersburg public consumer organization "Public Control":

Quality compliance: Arla Natura cream cheese, Lambert cheese, Alantal cheese.

Does not match:“Gold of Europe” Gouda cheese, “Savushkin” Monastyrsky cheese, “Red Price” Dutch cheese, “Hansdorf” Tilsiter cheese.

My favorites: cheese "Thousand Lakes" - they have low-fat 15%, "Arla Natura", and emmental and Swiss - Swiss (it is only available in Metro and Auchan).

Conclusion: While there were no sanctions, the situation with cheeses was better - cheeses made according to EU standards, with real BIo and Organic labeling. From new Russian manufacturers, choose with caution.