How vital and essential medicines are purchased. We work with vital drug registers List of vital drugs on

On October 23, 2017, Prime Minister Medvedev signed a government order that approved a list of vital and essential drugs for medical use for 2018, as well as three more similar lists of drugs. All four of these lists have been expanded in comparison with the lists in force in 2017. The Order comes into force on January 1, 2018. In our article you can familiarize yourself with the complete list of vital drugs for 2018 included in the list, and also download the list if necessary.

List of vital drugs for 2018

  • List of vital and essential drugs - in 2018, this list includes 60 drugs that were not on it before, as well as 8 new forms of those drugs that were on the list in 2017.
  • The list of drugs that are prescribed by decision of medical commissions to certain categories of citizens has been supplemented since 2018 with 25 new drugs, as well as 2 new forms of drugs already on this list.
  • The list of medications intended for patients with especially serious diseases (the list of diseases is provided) has been supplemented with 3 new medications since 2018.
  • The minimum medications required to provide medical care are supplemented by 3 medications that are not included in this list in 2017.

Let us remind you that the list of vital drugs is updated annually, the other three lists can be updated once every three years.

The 2018 list appeared relatively early compared to the 2017 list, which appeared in last days 2016 – December 28.

As Deputy Prime Minister of the Social Block Olga Golodets noted during a government meeting on October 23, the existence of a list of essential drugs helps regulate prices for these drugs in pharmacies. That is why the expansion of the list, which since 2018 includes many breakthrough drugs that increase the effectiveness of treating certain diseases, is for good. The cost of these drugs will be relatively affordable, which would not have been the case without their inclusion on the 2018 list.

You can view all four lists of medications in full in the form below (to navigate, use the arrows in the upper or lower left corner, to change the scale, use the “+” and “-“ buttons). If you need to download the list, save the document as .

The first of the four lists is the most voluminous, and it is necessary for state regulation of prices for medicines in Russian pharmacies. Of course, the cost of medicines in pharmacies in our country is often perceived as very high, but without government regulation, many medicines would cost a fortune. At the same time, it is also worth remembering that the economy does not tolerate strict restrictions, so attempts to regulate prices so that drugs would cost very little would quickly lead to a shortage of these drugs. The way the government regulates prices in Russia is generally quite competent.

The remaining three lists generally pursue the same goal of state regulation of the cost of medicines, but they are more narrowly focused and are intended to provide medicines to certain groups of the population or individual patients with rare serious diseases.

The updated list of vital and essential drugs was supplemented with 60 new drugs. True, one of them can only be called new conditionally. Last year's list included the INN N-carbamoylmethyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidone in two forms: tablets and film-coated tablets. In the 2018 list, the chemical structural name of the active substance N-carbamoylmethyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidone was replaced by the INN name phenylpiracetam. The lekforms remained unchanged. Among the new products in the 2018 Vital and Essential Drugs list most antitumor drugs comprise 22 INNs (Table 1).

Six drugs will leave the list of vital and essential drugs

Six drugs from last year’s VED list were not included in the new list (Table 2). Among those excluded from the list are two items - systemic antiviral drugs for HIV treatment, one hypoglycemic drug, and one anti-asthmatic drug. The list of exceptions also included the antitumor drug monoclonal antibodies in combinations and estradiol.

VED formulations: plus 20 and minus 17 positions

In the updated list of Vital and Essential Drugs, the Government included 20 new formulations, one each for 19 INNs and two for bosentan (Table 3). Eight of the 20 lekforms are injectable, 11 are oral, including two with prolonged release (valproic acid granules and fenspiride tablets). Dexamethasone received a new formulation - an implant for intravitreal administration.

The government excluded from the list of Vital and Essential Drugs one form for 17 INNs (Table 4). The new list, in particular, does not include fentanyl sublingual tablets, tramadol oral drops, or ritonavir soft capsules. Extended-release nitroglycerin capsules are also excluded from the new list.

Minimum assortment - minimal changes

The Government added amlodipine tablets and fluconazole capsules to the list of the minimum assortment for pharmacies of industrial and finished dosage forms. In addition, for the INN oseltamivir, the oral suspension was excluded from the list, leaving only the “capsule” form. An alternative has emerged for atorvastatin tablets. Pharmacies can choose to include film-coated tablets or film-coated tablets in their minimum range. Changes in the minimum assortment do not apply to pharmacies, kiosks and individual entrepreneurs. For them the list remained the same.

Table 1. New drugs that will be included in the list of vital and essential drugs in 2018

ATX code INN Lekforms Trade names
Drugs for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and metabolic disorders
A05BA succinic acid meglumine inosine methionine nicotinamide Solution for infusion Remaxol
A07EC Mesalazine Rectal suppositories; Rectal suspension; enteric-coated tablets; enteric film-coated tablets; extended-release tablets; extended-release tablets, enteric-coated Ulkolfri, Pentaxa, Mezavant, Salofalk, Asakol, Kansalazin, Mesakol, Samezil
A16AX Eliglustat Capsules Cerestel
Drugs for treatment diabetes mellitus
A10BX Empagliflozin Jardines
Lixisenatide Lyxumia
Hemostatic medications
B02BX Eltrombopag Film-coated tablets Revolade
Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system
C09DX Valsartan sacubitril Film-coated tablets Inresto, Uperio
Hypolipedic drugs
C10AX Alirocumab Solution for subcutaneous administration Praluent
C10AX Evolocumab Solution for subcutaneous administration Repata
Systemic hormonal drugs, except sex hormones and insulins
H01CB Lanreotide Gel for subcutaneous administration of prolonged action Somatulin, Somatulin Autogel
H05BX Etelcalcetide Solution for intravenous administration Parsabiv
Systemic antibacterial drugs
J01XA Telavantzin Vibative
J01XX Daptomycin Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for infusion Kubitsin
Tedizolid Lyophilisate for the preparation of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion; Film-coated tablets Sivextro
Systemic antiviral drugs
J05A Dasabuvir; ombitasvir paritaprevir ritonavir Tablets set Viqueira Pak
J05AE Narlaprevir Film-coated tablets Arlansa, Narlaprevir
J05AX Daclatasvir Daklinza
Dolutegravir Tivicay
Maraviroc Celzentry
Antineoplastic drugs
L01CD Cabazitaxel Jevtana
L01XC Brentuximab vedotin Adcetris
Trastuzumab emtansine Kadcyla
Nivolumab Concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion Opdivo
Obinutuzumab Gaziva
Panitumumab Vectibix
Pembrolizumab Keytruda
Pertuzumab Perjeta
L01XE Afatinib Film-coated tablets Giotrif
Pazopanib Votrient
Regorafenib Stivarga
Trametinib Mekinist
Dabrafenib Capsules Rafinlar, Tafinlar
Crizotinib Xalkori
Nintedanib Soft capsules Vargatef
Ruxolitinib Pills Jakavi
L01XX Aflibercept Concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion Zaltrap
Solution for intraocular administration Eilea
Vismodegib Capsules Erivedge
Carfilzomib Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for infusion Kyprolis
Tumor necrosis factor alpha-1 (thymosin recombinant) Refnot
L02BB Enzalutamide Capsules Xtandi
L02BX Degarelix Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration Firmagon
Drugs with immunostimulating effects
L03AB Peginterferon beta-1a Solution for subcutaneous administration Plegridy
Drugs with immunosuppressive effects
L04AA Alemtuzumab Concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion Lemtrada, Campas
Apremilast Film-coated tablets Otezla
Vedolizumab Lyophilisate for the preparation of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion Entyvio
Tofacitinib Film-coated tablets Jaquinus
L04AC Canakinumab Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration Ilaris
Secukinumab Lyophilisate for preparing a solution for subcutaneous administration; solution for subcutaneous administration Cosentics
L04AX Pirfenidone Capsules Esbriet
Anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs
M01AE Dexketoprofen Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration Dexalgin, Ketodexal, Flamadex
Local anesthetics
N01BB Levobupivacaine Injection Hirocaine
Drugs for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system
N07XX Dimethyl fumarate Enteric capsules Tekfidera
Tetrabenazine Pills Normokinestin
Drugs for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system
R03AK Vilanterol fluticasone furoate Dosed powder for inhalation Relvar Ellipta
R03AL Glycopyrronium bromide indacaterol Capsules with powder for inhalation Ultibro Breezhaler
Olodaterol tiotropium bromide Dosed solution for inhalation Spiolto Respimat
R07AA Beractant Suspension for endotracheal administration Survanta
Ophthalmic drugs
S01EE Tafluprost Eye drops Taflotan, Taflotan multi
Other drugs
V03AE Complex of β-iron(III) oxyhydroxide, sucrose and starch Chewable tablets Velforo 500

Table 2. Drugs that were excluded from the 2018 VED list

INN Lekforms Trade names
Rosiglitazone Film-coated tablets Avandia
Estradiol Estrofem
Indinavir Capsules Crixivan
Nelfinavir Powder for oral administration Viracept, Nelfinavir
Pertuzumab trastuzumab [kit] Kit: concentrate for preparing a solution for infusion, lyophilisate for preparing a concentrate for preparing a solution for infusion Beyodime
Zafirlukast Film-coated tablets Akolat

Table 3. Drugs for which the number of lekforms will increase in 2018

INN New lekforms
Pancreatin Enteric granules
Potassium and magnesium aspartate Concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Bosentan Dispersible tablets; film-coated tablets
Somatropin Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection
Dexamethasone Implant for intravitreal insertion
Rifampicin Film-coated tablets
Isoniazid rifampicin
Didanosine Powder for solution for oral administration
Raltegravir Chewable tablets
Methotrexate Solution for subcutaneous administration
Doxorubicin Concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Abatacept Lyophilisate for the preparation of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion
Buprenorphine Injection
Valproic acid Extended release granules
Perampanel Film-coated tablets
Choline alphoscerate Solution for infusion and intramuscular administration
Fenspiride Extended-release film-coated tablets
Tocilizumab Solution for subcutaneous administration
Yomeprol Injection

Table 4. Drugs for which there will be fewer dosage forms in 2018

INN Lecforms that were excluded
Drotaverine Film-coated tablets
Ademetionine Enteric film-coated tablets
Blood clotting factor VIII Lyophilisate for the preparation of a dispersion for intravenous administration with prolonged release
Nitroglycerine Extended release capsules
Co-trimoxazole Film-coated tablets
Tobramycin Eye ointment
Capreomycin Lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration
Ritonavir Soft capsules
Oseltamivir Powder for suspension for oral administration
Umifenovir Film-coated tablets
Vincristine Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for intravenous administration
Fentanyl Sublingual tablets
Tramadol Drops for oral administration
Amantadine Capsules
Olanzapine Powder for the preparation of suspension for intramuscular administration
Risperidone Pills
Cromoglicic acid Solution for inhalation

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved the list of vital and essential drugs for medical use (VED) for 2018. The corresponding order, prepared by the Ministry of Health, was published on the Government website on October 23.

Government Order No. 2323 r dated October 23, 2017 approved lists of vital and essential drugs, drugs prescribed by decision of the medical commission, drugs from the “7 nosologies” program, as well as a list of the minimum range of drugs.

Summary table of new INNs included in the list of VEDs for 2018

INN Dosage form
Drugs for the treatment of liver and biliary tract diseases
Succinic acid + meglumine + inosine + methionine + nicotinamide r/r for infusions
Antidiarrheal, intestinal anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs
Mesalazine suppositories, suspension, tablets
Medicines for the treatment of diabetes mellitus
Empagliflozin pills
Other drugs for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders
Eliglustat capsules
Eltrombopag pills
Drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system
Valsartan + sacubitril pills
Lipid-lowering drugs
Alirocumab r/r for subcutaneous administration
Evolocumab r/r for subcutaneous administration
Hormones of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus and their analogues
Lanreotide gel for subcutaneous administration prolong. actions
Antibacterial drugs for systemic use
Daptomycin lyophilisate for preparing solution for infusion
Tedizolid tablets, lyophilisate for the preparation of concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Antiviral drugs for systemic use
Dasabuvir; ombitasvir + paritaprevir + ritonavir tablets set
Narlaprevir pills
Daclatasvir pills
Dolutegravir pills
Antitumor drugs
Brentuximab vedotin
Nivolumab concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Obinutuzumab concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Panitumumab concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Pembrolizumab concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Pertuzumab concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Trastuzumab emtansine lyophilisate for the preparation of concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Afatinib pills
Dabrafenib capsules
Crizotinib capsules
Nintedanib soft capsules
Pazopanib pills
Regorafenib pills
Ruxolitinib pills
Trametinib pills
Aflibercept concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Vismodegib capsules
Carfilzomib lyophilisate for preparing solution for infusion
Tumor necrosis factor alpha-1 [thymosin recombinant]*
Antitumor hormonal drugs
Enzalutamide capsules
Degarelix lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration
Peginterferon beta-1a r/r for subcutaneous administration
Alemtuzumab concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Apremilast pills
Vedolizumab lyophilisate for the preparation of concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion
Tofacitinib pills
Canakinumab lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for subcutaneous administration
Secukinumab lyophilisate for preparing a solution for subcutaneous administration;
solution for subcutaneous administration
Pirfenidone capsules
Anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs
Dexketoprofen r/r for intravenous and intramuscular administration
Levobupivacaine injection
Perampanel pills
Dimethyl fumarate enteric capsules
Tetrabenazine pills
Drugs for the treatment of obstructive airway diseases
Vilanterol + fluticasone furoate dosed powder for inhalation
Glycopyrronium bromide + indacaterol capsules with powder for inhalation
Olodaterol + tiotropium bromide dosed solution for inhalation
Other drugs for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system
Beractant suspension for endotracheal administration
Drugs for the treatment of eye diseases
Tafluprost eye drops
Aflibercept solution for intraocular administration
Other remedies
Complex of b-iron(III) oxyhydroxide, sucrose and starch chewable tablets
Yomeprol injection

Materials about Vital and Essential Drugs and other lists:

The anti-smoking plan originally contained a section on providing medical care for smokers who want to get rid of the bad habit. In particular, one of the items in this section was the inclusion of drugs for the treatment of addiction and withdrawal symptoms in the list of vital and essential drugs...

According to the Ministry of Economic Development, re-registration of drugs under the new rules may require 140 billion rubles. Negative review the bill was published in early February on the Portal of draft normative acts...

According to the established procedure, lists of vital and essential drugs must be published annually, but changes are not made to them every year. Last year they weren’t there, but this year they were introduced, which is already attracting special attention to the news...

So, let’s consider what this class of drugs is, what regulatory legal documents are regulated and what are the features of such a purchase. We’ll also tell you where to look at the list of Vital and Essential Drugs for 2019.

First, you need to define the basic terms used when purchasing medicines. 61-FZ dated 04/12/2010 gives basic concepts. Medicines are substances or their combinations that come into contact with the human body, used for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases, and rehabilitation. There can be two types:

  • pharmaceutical substances (one or more active substances intended for the manufacture of drugs and which determine their effectiveness);
  • medications, or drugs (used for prevention, diagnosis or treatment).

The latter come in several forms, they differ in the method of administration: solution, tablet, powder and others.

Any drug has either an international nonproprietary name (INN) - a name recommended by the World Health Organization, or a generic name - a name in the absence of an INN. In this case, the manufacturer must also assign a trade name. For example, ibuprofen is an INN, and the following trade names are found on sale: Mig (produced by Berlin-Chemie), Nurofen (from Reckitt-Benchiser), Next (produced by OTCPharm). Various manufacturers assign different trade names to drugs with the same active ingredient in order to identify the drug from a specific developer.

The state register of all registered drugs is maintained by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the official website.

Where to find the 2019 Vital and Essential Drugs list

In order to meet the priority healthcare needs, prevention and treatment of diseases, including those prevailing in the structure of morbidity in the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health maintains a list of so-called special drugs - VED. It is approved annually. Below you can download the updated list of vital and essential drugs for 2019.

Since 2012 the list is called vital drugs and not vital drugs, i.e. drugs, rather than the broader concept of drugs. And, although both abbreviations are still in use today, it is important to remember that the second option is not entirely correct.

You can download the list of Vital and Essential Drugs for 2019 (approved by Order No. 2738-r dated December 10, 2018) on various pharmaceutical websites, however, in order to obtain reliable information, it is more advisable to use the Government Order.

Download the list of vital and essential drugs for 2019 for free

Features of Vital and Essential Drugs procurement

The specifics of ordering this category of drugs deserve special attention:

1. Additional reasons for the rejection of participants: the maximum price of vital and essential drugs is not registered or the proposed price exceeds their maximum selling price under the conditions specified in clause 2, part 10, article 31.
2. Mandatory indication in the documentation of INNs (in their absence, chemical group names), and when conducting a request for proposals for procurement by decision of the medical commission for one patient during the treatment period, the documentation may contain a trade name.
3. Approved Rules for the formation of a list of medicines, the purchase of which is carried out in accordance with their trade names (Resolution No. 1086 dated November 28, 2013), but the list has not yet been created.
4. Restrictions on the purchase of drugs of foreign origin in accordance with Resolution No. 1289 of November 30, 2015.