How to make a mirror ball. We arrange a disco at home: do-it-yourself disco ball

Disco is a fun, joyful and festive event for all people, not only for young people, but also for mature ones.

Many middle-aged men and women remember well the discos of their youth - invariably cheerful, noisy, with their favorite music. And, of course, absolutely indispensable for a disco under the ceiling. Many would like to return to the old days during the holidays and have fun as before. And there are many who want to show the main entertainment of their youth to the younger generation. Only the most important component - a disco ball - can now not be found in every club, and the organization ("disco of the eighties") will cost a lot for those who want to shake up the old days.

But in order to have fun with your loved ones, you don’t have to go to a club. You can arrange such a disco in your own home, in the office, and at school (of course, during non-working and non-school hours). This requires volunteer assistants and a little imagination.

In this article, those who want to bring back the past will learn how to make a disco ball with their own hands in a couple of hours from scrap materials. It's so simple that even a child can do it.

So, for this craft you will need:

1. Mirror or old CDs.

3. Glass cutter.

5. Liquid nails.

6. Newspapers.

7. Balloon ik.

First of all, you need to inflate the balloon (it must be round) and tie it tightly so that it does not deflate under any circumstances.

After the preparatory activities, papier-mâché is made. There are two possible options here.

First, you can prepare a paste. To do this, you need to bring water to a boil (five parts) and mix it with flour (one fourth part), diluted in one part of water. This mixture should cook for a couple of minutes and cool.

Secondly, you can do it easier and mix regular PVA glue with water.

The next step is cutting newspapers (or any other soft paper, not magazines) into strips. They need to be moistened, but not very much, in glue, then applied to the inflated ball. An important nuance - it must be completely dry.

The number of layers of paper is not limited: the more there are, the stronger the disco ball.

Next you need to wait for the papier-mâché to dry. At this stage, you can pierce the ball and pull it out, but in this case there is no need to tie it with fishing line - it should be secured to a dried frame, and even when gluing it, you must leave a hole.

After this, you need to prepare the most important element - a mirror or disk (or you can combine them). The material must be cut into small squares - no more than a square centimeter. This is done using a glass cutter. You need to be careful here - the mirror pieces are very sharp, and therefore the work surface needs to be covered with a cloth.

And the last stage is gluing the squares onto the surface of the ball and hanging it.

By constructing such a decorative element, you can prove that a good party is possible at home, and no modern light music for a disco is needed!

6 CDs, thin wire 2m, screwdriver, thin drill, wire cutters, glue gun, garland 6-7m

Download the template

We mark the disks.

Drill holes according to the markings.

Now we connect the disks with a wire (we do this on fabric so that the disk is less scratched). We try to twist it more tightly so that the ball does not move around later. I first do everything from the inside (although if you do it from the outside, then it’s not visible anyway, but I don’t like it that way), the last three knots have to be knitted from the outside, and the tip is carefully bent inward.

The base is ready.

Now comes the fun part! We warm up the pistol. We think in advance about how to arrange the colors on the ball. This time I took 6 different colors. On the old one I have three colors and I made them in pairs. Whoever likes it. The gun has warmed up, place scissors and garlands nearby. I glue at 10 points - where the wire is and between. From experience, it’s more convenient for me to smear and glue two points at a time, maybe you’re more dexterous and can get three or four at once))))

We make sure that everything matches the intended color combination, otherwise you can get carried away))))

When we glue everything around the perimeter, we begin to work on the centers. You can do it like mine, in a contrasting color, you can do it the same, or you can take small ones Christmas balls and paste them in the center

We make a rope (a string, wrap it in a garland, or several strings) and solemnly take it to show our children, husbands, parents. With a wide satisfied smile, we listen to their oohs and aahs, and praise ourselves -beloved)))))

Many of us remember the times when disco music ruled the dance floors. An integral element of those times was the mirror disco ball. If you remember and love this time, try making a disco ball in your apartment.

Materials and tools

  • Mirror
  • Glass cutter
  • Ruler
  • Newspapers
  • Paste

Any glue suitable for attaching a mirror to a papier-mâché form will do; I suggest glue for ceiling tiles.


First you need to decide on the size of your ball. There are no restrictions here, only the amount of material used and time.

Be sure to prepare the room for working with glass. During work, small mirror shavings will definitely appear - cover the floor with newspapers, cover the interior items with suitable material.

Choose a mirror, preferably a thin one (any mirror will do, but a thin one is easier to cut). Using a glass cutter, the mirror is cut into squares measuring approximately 1 cm by 1 cm.

Cutting the mirror

  1. The mirror is placed on a flat, hard surface. Next, a ruler is applied to it, along which the mirror is cut into long strips (cut from the front side).
  2. The finished strips are divided into squares of 1 cm by 1 cm in a similar way.
  3. After this, the squares are carefully knocked out from the back of the mirror with a glass cutter.

Tip: When dividing the mirror into small squares, mark several squares at once, it will be faster.

Making the base (ball)

The ball will be made from.

  1. Preparing the paste. There are many recipes, personally I used the following. Boil 5 parts of water, pour into it ¼ part of flour diluted in one part of cold water, boil for 2 minutes.
  2. Inflate the balloon of the required size (it is important that the balloon itself is round).
  3. Cut paper (preferably newspaper) into strips.
  4. We begin to glue paper soaked in paste onto the dry ball (you don’t need to wet the paper too much, it will take a long time to dry). Make as many layers as possible, let the layers dry, and apply the next ones. The ball should be strong enough to hold the mirror on itself.
  5. After waiting for the paper to dry, pierce the inner ball and remove it.
  6. The base is ready.

Final stage

  1. We make fasteners with which the ball will be attached to the desired surface. For this purpose, you need to wrap the ball in several places with a nylon rope (imagine the ball as a globe and wrap it with rope along the meridians and the equator). All threads must be coated with glue, and at the top of the head, the threads must be collected into one bundle, which will become the fastener. Options with fastening according to the principle of Christmas tree decorations, using wire, are also possible.
  2. We hang the ball on the mount (so that it is convenient for you to work with it).
  3. We glue the ball with mirror squares using glue (I suggest glue for ceiling tiles) - we start from the “top” of the ball. Paste in horizontal rows. Try to place the mirror pieces as close to each other as possible - the amount of light reflected from the ball and appearance decorations.

We hang the ball in the place you need, spin it, shine the light on it and turn on the hits of the 80s! The disco begins!

If you often organize holidays at home, and there is dancing at them, then you undoubtedly need to learn how to make a disco ball with your own hands from disks. This craft will decorate your dance floor, it will become an integral part of the disco and, by the way, it’s very easy to make. Usually professional dance balls are made from mirror or plastic squares, but I came up with the idea of ​​making them from CDs, this is a practical material, especially since they are already starting to go out of fashion. You will not need too much material, and you will only need to buy a foam ball.

The time spent on such a homemade project is about twenty to forty minutes, depending on who you are. I also advise you to use a glue gun, which is a must-have for a person who loves to create crafts.

Let's prepare about five disks, it all depends on the size you want to make. You can take any discs, since only the honor that shines is important to us.

We cut or even break the disks into small, neat pieces. We use scissors for this. It is advisable to make squares.

This is a bunch of shiny pieces we get. It was only recently that we made a ball from solid disks, but today we are already creating it from broken ones.

You will need to buy a foam ball; it is very easy and convenient to glue our parts onto it.

We insert a toothpick in the center of the ball, with its help we can hold the ball when we glue the pieces.

And in the end we do the main work. We arrange the pieces in such a way that they lie correctly in relation to each other, it’s like a mosaic.

When everything is finished, we hook the rope to a toothpick, which we also glue, or you can put the rope under several pieces of the disk and glue them in the same way.

In practice, it turns out that it is shiny and beautiful; at a disco, you can hang it right in front of a spotlight or light bulb, so it will reflect the rays and create beauty.

I hope it won’t be difficult for you to create this craft, especially since it is quite interesting and necessary for those who decide to do it. Remember that when the work is finished, the ball needs to be put down to dry. Also, fasten the rope more securely, otherwise it will be a shame if it breaks and our creation falls.

You can make a disco ball the size you need. To do this, select a balloon made of dense rubber so that when inflated it has a round shape. Balls made of thin and soft rubber may not withstand the papier-mâché process and burst.

As a basis for the mirror ball, you can use a large plastic New Year's ball or a foam blank.

To create a reflective surface you need a thin mirror and a plastic glass cutter. It is convenient to use leftover materials saved after renovation. If they are not available, use old CDs. They are easier to work with, but they will reflect light worse.

Making a disco ball

Inflate the balloon to the desired size. Tear the newspapers into small pieces and place them in one bowl, and tear plain white paper into the second bowl. You can use the option with b/w and color newspaper. This is done so that when pasting, you can better see the alternation of layers, and the ball has a round rather than oval shape.

Cover the table with plastic wrap. Coat the ball with Vaseline or other rich cream. Lay out its surface with paper strips slightly overlapping each other, coating them with PVA glue. Apply a second layer of paper of a different color. Do 5 or 6 layers this way and leave the ball to dry.

Instead of PVA glue, you can use wallpaper glue or cook starch or flour paste.

If you plan to cover the ball with cut pieces of mirror, then make 10 more paper layers. The base will become stronger, otherwise a heavy mirror can damage it. For mirror plastic or pieces of CDs, three more layers will be enough. When the papier-mâché is completely dry, poke a hole in the balloon and pull it out.

To cut a mirror into pieces, place it on the table and use a glass cutter to cut it using a ruler, first into strips and then into small squares. Cut CDs with scissors.

To prevent the discs from cracking, heat the blades of the scissors over the fire of a candle or over a burner.

Pierce the papier-mâché ball all the way through with a large needle with thick fishing line, bringing the needle out, pierce the ball again from the pole side. Tie both ends of the fishing line at the top. This will be the mirror ball mount. Seal the hole in the papier-mâché that was left at the top through which you pulled out the balloon and inserted the needle.

Using a hot glue gun or other clear adhesive, create a mirror finish on the ball. Place the prepared material, cut into pieces, in even rows on the ball, close to each other. Start laying on top. When the product is dry, you can hang it from the ceiling and, shining a bright light on it, spin it with your hands.

Make it beautiful mirror ball for a party you can do it yourself from old CDs.

You will need

  • Round balloon, old newspapers, PVA glue, needle, fishing line, glue brush, greasy cream, old CDs, scissors.


Tear the newspapers into 2-3 centimeter pieces. Pour some water, add PVA glue and soak the pieces of paper.

Lubricate the ball with rich cream. Glue pieces of paper onto the ball, applying glue if necessary. Once the first layer has dried a little, apply the second layer. Repeat several times.

When the paper balloon is completely dry, pierce the balloon with a needle and remove it through the hole at the tip.

Cut the discs into small squares with scissors. Thread the line along the resulting ball.

Cover the ball with disk pieces, starting from the middle. Try not to leave empty spaces. Leave the ball to dry thoroughly.

Hang the disco ball indoors, turn off the lights and point a flashlight or beam of light at it.

Video on the topic


  • DIY mirror ball

A shiny ball, releasing thousands of light reflections, can be seen at most discos. It was invented in the seventies of the twentieth century by fans of a musical movement called “Glam rock”.

How did the mirror ball come about?

At the same time, everything “cosmic” came into fashion. Shiny fabrics from which clothes were made, sleek interiors reminiscent of spaceships, unusual hairstyles and accessories. Glam rock artists led this fashion wave, their costumes often adorned with hundreds of tiny foil sequins. During concerts under the spotlights, such clothes reflected thousands of sparks, creating a stunning effect.

The clubs where such concerts took place were also decorated in the appropriate style with a variety of mirror toys. The darkness of the hall and unexpected flashes gave the audience the feeling that they were in space.

Over time, small mirror toys were transformed into mirror disco balls. They were hung in the center of the hall, with light guns aimed at the ball with small beam scattering coefficients. The light in such guns was focused using lenses. The ball itself was spinning with the help of a small electric motor, casting bright reflections of light on the walls. Taking into account the general space theme, this effect evoked associations with the rotation of the galaxy.

Glam rock had a direct influence on the formation of the Disco style.

This invention quickly gained popularity among the public. Mirror balls decorated most clubs and discos in as soon as possible. They fully corresponded to the era of the seventies - futuristic, cosmic, dreamy.

One of the founders of glam rock is the British singer and musician David Bowie.

Romance of lighting

In the Soviet Union, many high school students made such balls from globes and parts of kaleidoscopes. Nowadays, a disco ball can be bought anywhere for little money, if, of course, there is a desire to recreate the unique light atmosphere of the seventies at home or in a club. Disco balls do not carry any payload; they are ineffective as the main source of lighting. This is just a way to diversify the surrounding space and lift the mood of yourself and your guests.

To buy a disco ball, you first need to decide on the power of the light source or light gun, and only then choose the ball itself. For small rooms, halogen lamps can be used as a light source. The diameter of the main light spot from the light source should be equal to the diameter of the mirror ball. This allows you to get the perfect amount of light highlights. You can work on matching the diameters by changing the distance between the ball and the light gun. However, it is worth considering that the source is best placed almost close to the ball. To create a more impressive effect, you can place several mirror balls in the room.