How parents came up with and launched successful furniture brands. History of furniture creation Scenario history of furniture creation for preschoolers

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History of furniture The presentation was prepared by: teacher of the first quarter. Markhinina O.A.

The first mentions of furniture came to us from Ancient Egypt. stools, caskets, and chests decorated with ivory and natural stone were used there.

Later, beds and unique chairs appeared. Wood was used as a material.

Simple chests in houses performed three functions: unique cabinets for storing clothes and utensils, seats during the day and beds at night.

In addition to wood, bronze and colored marble were used: tabletops decorated with mosaics, and massive benches made of natural stone talked about the wealth of their owners

Furniture for common people was less expensive, but still quite comfortable.

A real breakthrough for furniture making was the invention of a two-handed saw, which made it possible to obtain thin boards

As a result, light and durable products appeared - tables on four legs, chests

Four Poster Beds

The first upholstered furniture appeared in the castles of the European nobility. At first, chairs and sofas were simply covered with fabric, then horsehair began to be used as padding, sheep wool and even swan's down

Over time, new styles appeared in architecture, soft poufs and a sofa without a back - a sofa.

Simple cabinets were modified depending on their main purpose, and this is how secretaries appeared

Sideboards (cupboard)

Shelving (a row of shelves in several tiers)

Russian furniture was simple and functional. A mandatory attribute of any Russian hut were chests, stools and, of course, benches - wide, long benches without backs. During the day they were used for sitting, at night - for sleeping, instead of beds

in the royal residences the furniture was much more elegant, but at the same time it lacked excessive luxury and pretentiousness

Oak or Karelian birch was used as wood, and silk was used for upholstery.

Tall bookcases had doors with glass inserts, behind which books were clearly visible

Buffets with glass inserts where elegant dishes were visible

Thank you for your attention.

Software tasks:
1. Identify and expand children’s knowledge about different furniture;
the material from which it is made; upholstery: fabric, leather;
the history of the origin of furniture and its use by humans.
2. Introduce the professions of people involved in
furniture manufacturing; develop the ability to compare, find
signs of similarities and differences, establish causally
investigative connections between objects and materials,
generalize and draw conclusions.
3. Expand your vocabulary with new words.
Vocabulary: lumberjack, timber carrier, designer, joiner, assembler, carpenter,
upholstery, fabric, furniture factory, tabletop.

Game: “Name the extra object”




A long time ago, people lived in caves. Escaping from
rain and cold, they lit fires and warmed themselves
fire. What do you think people used to relax on?
(Children's answers: on the floor, on the ground, on the stones)

The hunters, returning with their prey, sat down to rest on
fallen tree.

The tree is not damp, not cold, but still not
comfortable, the tree swings, rolls, you can get a splinter
Then the person began to think about what furniture could be made from? Stones
cold, sharp, rough, strong, wood pleasant to the touch,
warm, strong, you can plan it and it will become smooth, into it
The nail drives in well.
A man chose wood to make furniture because it is good

Do you know what professions people participate in?
furniture making?
The designer comes up with furniture. Makes drawings.

Lumberjacks prepare logs for manufacturing

At a furniture factory, carpenters and joiners cut
parts and glue them together.

A carpenter

And furniture assemblers help quickly and efficiently
assemble large furniture.

Where can I get furniture?
Children's answers: in the store. What parts does the table consist of?

What rooms are there in your house? (Hallway,
living room, bedroom, kitchen, children's room). Let's consider
living room furniture.

Hallway furniture.

Furniture (continued)

Introduction to history.

Lesson plan.

  • 1. Origin of the bed.
  • 2. Origin of the table.
  • 3. Furniture styles.
  • 4. Material for making furniture.
  • 5.Modern furniture in different styles.
Origin of the bed. Why does a person need a bed?

First of all, for sleep, because we spend a third of our lives sleeping and, apparently, the question of what to sleep on was one of the first to worry our distant ancestors

Origin of the bed. Bed - the same as bed (old)

  • The inventive Egyptians who invented different types furniture, they created the first bed, which had a very simple design. It was a wooden frame covered with ropes or straps, located between two carved animals. Mattresses were placed on top of it, but they did not use pillows; they preferred special supports for the head, on which it was cooler to sleep.
  • Already the Egyptians, in addition to beds for sleeping, had so-called day or ceremonial boxes for receiving guests. They were so high that it was possible to climb them only with the help of a special bench. It was then that the expression “climb to the bed” appeared, which had a literal meaning. Egyptian beds, similar to hippopotamuses, cheetahs, cows and snakes, not only lifted a person above the ground, but also seemed to protect the sleeper.

Origin of the bed.

  • The Greeks and Romans loved to spend most time in a reclining state. Therefore, three beds were usually placed around the dining table (each for three people). The men reclined on them (“Greeked”), and the women sat on chairs.
In those days, the whole family slept in the same bed, and, in addition, guided by the laws of hospitality, the owners could accommodate friends or pleasant guests with them.
  • It is curious that the names of the parts of the bed: “headboard”, “back”, “legs”, which arose due to its resemblance to animals, have been preserved from ancient times to the present day.




Medieval period

The bed becomes a symbol of prosperity and evidence of the good taste of its owner. Only a rich lord in the Middle Ages had an individual bed.

Origin of the table.

  • The word "TABLE" is of ancient Russian origin.
  • Previously, its meaning was somewhat different: seat, throne.
The ancient Greeks invented the round table. He leaned on animal paws. Stone table - according to legend, the judgment seat of the ancient Karelians
  • In the Middle Ages there were three main types of tables:
  • Special tables for writing classes
  • Large and small tables for different purposes
  • Feasting
Changing fashion for furniture Romanov style (10th-12th centuries) Rough primitive furniture. The most common furniture is a chest. The chairs are unupholstered and covered with a thick layer of paint. Straight backs, chiseled legs. Later, wood carvings were added (stylized leaves, mystical animals, geometric patterns.) The tables are very simple. Most often this is a removable board on two sawhorses. Wrought iron overlays.

Goats - a stand in the form of a beam on legs knocked together with a cross.

Gothic(12-16 centuries) Gothic style furniture is elegant and simple, its decor consists of various architectural details, columns, spiers, turrets, etc. At the same time, the wardrobe we all loved appeared - before that, clothes were stored in chests and chests. First in its simplest incarnation, later with glass doors and separate shelves, taking on the guise of both a bookcase and a cabinet-bureau. Renaissance (Revival) Furniture is decorated thoroughly and richly with columns in an antique style. The ornament is also based on antique designs, but becomes more sophisticated. Seating furniture becomes more varied: a three-legged chair, a folding chair, a simple four-legged chair and, from this, a type of leather upholstered chair that evolved from it. There are mainly two types of tables. The first is rectangular with a thick tabletop and two to four legs, similar to ancient Roman marble tables. The second is single-support with round, hexagonal or octagonal tabletops. Do not forget that all these “progressive” forms of furniture were found only among fairly wealthy citizens. The poorer people still used the same board placed on the trestle.

Antique – relating to the history and culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Baroque (16th – 18th centuries) Baroque is an Italian word and in translation is synonymous with the word “bizarre”. Lush decoration, unusual ceremonial forms. A characteristic novelty of the Baroque is the bent leg. Tortoise shell, ivory, copper and brass, and gilded bronze are used for decoration. Rococo (1st half of the 18th century) The inspiration for Rococo was the Italian Meissonnier, in whose works bizarre asymmetrical forms first appeared.

  • The carefree life of secular salons was centered around women. Purely feminine pieces of furniture appear. This is a secretary standing on high legs with an inclined folding board and many secret compartments; cardboard box (cabinet for papers); toilet with folding mirror and a variety of bedside tables. They begin to use mahogany.
Empire Empire translated means “empire”. Empire style furniture was not nearly as comfortable. Comfort was deliberately sacrificed for the sake of majestic forms. Again eagles, lions and “animal paws” of legs.

But the main strangeness of the Empire style interior was given by the mirrors, of which there were an unusually large number. In addition to the usual places - above the fireplace, between the windows - they appeared above the beds, on the door wings, and hid near the floor between the legs of the furniture.

Art Nouveau (19th – early 20th century) Modernism means “modern”. Art Nouveau elements - smooth lines, patterns and decorations with images of plants. The art of Japan had a great influence. Material for making furniture. Beech Maple Mahogany Yew.

  • Alder

Walnut Renaissance Baroque Rococo Empire Modern Homework

  • Draw the interior of the room in one style
  • Find the history of one of the modern household items

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Furniture 2015

Kindergarten "Alenka", branch of MBDOU "Golden Cockerel". The village of Novobataysk, Kagalnitsky district. Educator: Konovalova S.A. middle group.

Program objectives: 1. Identify and expand children’s knowledge about different furniture; the material from which it is made; upholstery: fabric, leather; the history of the origin of furniture and its use by humans. 2. To introduce the professions of people involved in the manufacture of furniture; develop the ability to compare, find signs of similarity and difference, establish cause and effect relationships between objects and materials, generalize and draw conclusions. 3. Expand your vocabulary with new words. Vocabulary: lumberjack, timber carrier, designer, joiner, assembler, carpenter, upholstery, fabric, furniture factory, tabletop.

Game: “Name the extra object”

A long time ago, people lived in caves. To escape the rain and cold, they lit fires and warmed themselves by the fire. What do you think people used to relax on? (Children's answers: on the floor, on the ground, on the stones)

The hunters, returning with their prey, sat down to rest on a fallen tree.

The tree is not damp, not cold, but still not comfortable, the tree sways, rolls, a splinter can be planted. Then the person began to think about what furniture could be made from? The stones are cold, sharp, rough, strong, the wood is pleasant to the touch, warm, strong, you can plan it and it will become smooth, you can drive a nail into it well. Man chose wood to make furniture because it lends itself well to processing.

Do you know what professions people are involved in making furniture? The designer comes up with furniture. Makes drawings.

Lumberjacks harvest logs to make furniture.

At a furniture factory, carpenters and joiners cut out parts and glue them together.

Carpenter Joiner

And furniture assemblers help to assemble large-sized furniture efficiently and quickly.

Where can I get furniture? Children's answers: in the store.

Look how much furniture there is!

What parts does the table consist of?

What rooms are there in your house? (Hallway, living room, bedroom, kitchen, children's room). Consider living room furniture.

Hallway furniture.

Bedroom furniture.

Furniture for children's room

Furniture is items made primarily of wood, glass or plastic. Furniture can be covered with leather, leatherette, fabric.

Glass furniture

Plastic furniture

Wooden furniture

Furniture upholstered in leather

Furniture covered with leatherette

Furniture covered with fabric

Didactic game “Say kindly - say the opposite” Wardrobe - cabinet chair - high chair old - new heavy - light ancient - modern, fashionable large - small. Guys, what did we talk about today? What new did you learn? What furniture would you choose for your apartment?

Thank you for your attention!!!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes


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H which came first - the bed or the chair? Did the furniture immediately have the look we are used to?

To answer these questions, we will have to go back in time, visit the homes of representatives of civilizations of different nations, see what furniture items our ancestors used and how the situation has changed from ancient times to the present day.

First Furniture

Man's first pieces of furniture were a bed and a shelf. Reed wicker shelves and drawers still make up the main furniture in poor homes in rural China. In some places they even sleep on wicker mats, but in our area there is little pleasure in sleeping on the floor, except perhaps in the summer. Therefore, the desire to raise the sleeping place higher is completely justified.

For a long time, the main type of bed in the north of present-day Europe was a wide board on legs - a bench, and one of the first furniture products - beds - were in the Mediterranean countries. This is partly due to a harsher climate than in our time. But I think the main reason for the popularity of beds was the abundance of poisonous insects and snakes. These living creatures, like rats in colder climes, made sleeping on the floor not only uncomfortable, but also unsafe.

Increased wealth required a reliable place to store both valuables and everyday items. The first example of cabinet furniture - wooden - became such a storage box.

Chests turned out to be such a successful invention that even the wardrobe and sideboard for dishes that appeared on its basis did not immediately supplant their ancestor.

Chests were widely used until the mid-twentieth century. And even now, the “classic” chest with a lid that opens upward can be seen not only in old country houses, but also in increasingly popular retro-style interiors.

Cushioned furniture

Lie on hard ground wooden surface the benches, even if covered with fabric or skins, seemed inconvenient even to our much more unpretentious ancestors.

The hard boards of the beds were lined with hay. And to prevent it from spreading, they filled bags with it - mattresses, which became the ancestors of pillows and mattresses. The mattresses were placed on the bed or used as an independent bed.

In places with an abundance of poultry and wild birds, dry grass was replaced with more elastic and durable fluff. Cotton-cultivating eastern countries used cotton wool for stuffing, and livestock breeders used wool.

Small pillows stuffed with wool, cotton wool or horsehair began to be used for the seats of chairs and ottomans.

The industry of the 18th century managed to establish mass production of spring steels that did not lose their original shape during prolonged deformation. It was then that beds with a pliable mesh instead of a rigid plane appeared, as well as spring mattresses, seats for armchairs and chairs.

In the 20th century, polymer chemistry enriched the furniture industry with synthetic fillings. In particular, a real revolution was made by foam rubber (soft polyurethane foam), invented in the forties. For more than twenty years it has been the main material for upholstered furniture and has given birth to an entire furniture style.

Since the late sixties, artificial fibers began to be used for padding, of which polyester fibers that retain their shape well (sintepon, etc.) are popular for furniture.

Sofas and armchairs

If a bed, chair, table were common household items in any home, then sofas and armchairs have long been a luxury item. Occupying significant space in the room, they served only for relaxation and, for example, in the house of a peasant of Pushkin’s times, even a wealthy one, they looked alien.

We are no longer surprised by “smart” furniture that adapts to the owner’s desired temperature, gives him a massage or checks his health.

What else can we expect from beds, tables and wardrobes? As they say - we'll see!

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