How to learn to drink alcoholic drinks in moderation. Alcohol consumption limits. How to find your measure

The permissible amount of alcohol for each person is individual, it depends on the following factors:

  • Physical characteristics.
  • State of human health.
  • Weather.
  • Mental state.

According to experts, the maximum permissible amount of alcohol in a person’s blood is no more than five ppm (pr), and translated into milligrams - 2.25, a large dose is fatal. However, these figures are calculated using average values; in fact, for one person a dose of 2.00 pr is tolerable, but for another it is fraught with severe poisoning.

The main ways that will help you learn to drink alcohol in moderation and prevent severe intoxication or a severe hangover in the morning are as follows:

Plans for a weekday evening or weekend must be thought out in advance, observing the following rules:

If a person takes medications, then it is necessary to find out in advance whether they are compatible with alcoholic beverages.

When drinking alcoholic beverages, you should try to drink as much pure mineral water without gas as possible, which will help prevent general dehydration of the body, so the risk of overdoing it on alcohol becomes minimal. The type of alcoholic beverages also affects the rate of intoxication of a person; you should not mix different alcoholic cocktails or consume them in large quantities, since very often such cocktails have a specific taste, which makes it difficult to independently determine the alcohol strength.

Participation in various drinking games (for example, who can drink the most) and tastings should be avoided, as in most cases this leads to the total amount of alcohol exceeding the permissible limit for a person. If an event involving alcohol consumption is taking place at someone's home, then first of all it is necessary to get to know all the participants (before drinking alcohol). It is advisable to establish especially close contact with the owners of the house, since if something happens they can provide a person with various small services: give medicine, call a taxi.

If a person drinks alcohol in public places (bars, clubs, restaurants), then it is necessary to determine in advance all the exits and entrances. The situation in such establishments can change dramatically, so knowing all the exits can often save a person’s life.

Often in companies, a person who drinks little or avoids drinking alcohol altogether is asked various tricky questions, and alcohol is poured almost by force. In such a case, it is better not to enter into conflict, but to pour yourself mineral water or Coca-Cola - those around you will be sure that this is alcohol and will leave the person alone.

In large companies, it is necessary to keep an eye on your glass at all times, since very often at large-scale events people confuse them and a person can drink a large amount of someone else’s vodka or cognac, mix alcoholic drinks of varying strength, which can lead to the most unexpected consequences.

To learn to drink alcohol in moderation and prevent the onset of hangover symptoms, you need to use methods that allow you to not get drunk quickly and maintain your sanity and well-being. Most of them are based on human physiology or on the basics of chemical science:

If alcohol intoxication nevertheless occurs, then it is advisable to stop all drinking of alcohol for at least two hours, otherwise severe intoxication of the person’s body is guaranteed.

In particular, you should abruptly stop drinking alcohol if a person feels slightly nauseous; in this case, it is advisable to find a quiet place and lie down for thirty to forty minutes. During this time, the urge to vomit will become much less and there will be no risk of choking on vomit. However, if the urge to vomit is too strong, then it is advisable to vomit - this will help remove excess alcohol and cleanse the intestines of alcohol breakdown products.

Learning to drink alcohol in moderation is not difficult: if you follow all the rules and recommendations given above, then drinking alcohol will not only not lead to alcohol addiction and severe intoxication, but will also allow a person to communicate in a company more relaxed.

People say, “he knows how to drink” or “he doesn’t know how to drink.” But what does it mean? Most often, the ability to drink means that a person knows how to stop drinking before he reaches the state of a cattle. And, unfortunately, not everyone can do this. Well, let's learn.

Know your limits

First of all, you need to imagine how much alcohol your body can take before you turn into a pig. It is important to remember that everyone’s body is individual. Here we give rather roughly average dosages. They can vary depending on age, gender and even race. Refine your measure experimentally.

If we drink 2-4 ml of vodka per 1 kg of body weight, we will experience a slight degree of intoxication. Your muscles will relax and your mood will improve. It will seem to us that we are unusually dexterous and witty. In reality, this most likely will not be the case, but it is not difficult to control yourself in this state.

A dose of 5-7 ml of vodka per 1 kg of body weight is already an average degree of intoxication. At this moment, aggression emerges from the depths of the subconscious, emotions from personal experiences intensify. The instinct of self-preservation weakens. It's already difficult to control yourself. The next morning, slight memory lapses are possible.

If you drink 8 ml of vodka per 1 kg of body weight or more, it will be severe intoxication. It is characterized by slurred speech, inability to logical thinking and coherent expression of thought. There is a high probability of uncontrolled aggression and emotional breakdowns.

Doses over 15 ml per kilogram can be fatal.

Step on the scale, remember the multiplication table and draw conclusions. In theory, you need to stop already at the stage of moderate intoxication. That is, for a man weighing 70 kg, half a liter of vodka is the “horizon” beyond which disgusting behavior awaits him.

Some dosage thresholds

You will experience a hangover at dosages above 3.5 ml of vodka per kilogram of body weight.

For a man weighing 70 kg, brain damage will be caused with a dose of only 60 ml of vodka per day. Damage to the liver begins at a dosage of 285 ml of vodka per day.

When drinking 400 ml of vodka, the liver will fully recover in 8 days.

According to WHO, to develop alcohol dependence, it is enough to consume 150 ml of alcoholic beverages with a strength of over 25% per week.

Psychology of drunkenness

An important component in the “ability to drink” is fortitude. You need moral fortitude and constant clear awareness of the state of your body. If you have problems with this, you need to prepare for an alcoholic event in advance.

The following exercise will help you. A day before the feast, mentally imagine the scale of intoxication. On this scale, imagine how you will look at a certain stage of intoxication. Imagine appearance, speech, behavior. It is important to achieve clear visual images. Place these images on a scale from left to right from minor intoxication to loss of consciousness and alcoholic coma.

Choose for yourself the image farthest to the right that you consider acceptable for yourself. That is, everything that appears on the mental scale to the left of this line is “you can continue drinking,” and to the right is “you’ve already drunk too much.” Imagine how you will feel in this state, remember these sensations. This will be our limit of acceptable intoxication.

12 hours before the start of the feast, imagine this scale again and hold it in your head, go through in detail all the stages of intoxication that you have identified for yourself. Recreate in your head your limits of acceptable intoxication. You will need to reproduce the scale and limit in your mind again immediately before drinking alcohol.

During the feast, after each glass, evaluate your condition and compare it with your mental scale. When you realize that the next drink will put you on the border of acceptable intoxication, stop drinking immediately. Now everything you drink after this point will be unnecessary.

If you drink alcohol, it is important to drink in moderation and stay within your alcohol tolerance level. Otherwise, you could harm your friends, family, and be in mortal danger. If you want to learn to drink in moderation, whether you're at a bar, at a party, or any other place where people drink, then you need to plan your vacation, know your limit, and be able to recognize and avoid dangerous situations. If you want to learn how to enjoy alcohol instead of letting it control you, just follow these steps.

Plan your entertainment

1. Drink with your friends. If you want to drink in moderation, then first of all you shouldn't drink alone or with people you don't really know or don't trust enough. If you're on holiday alone with no one to look after you, you can get into all sorts of trouble without anyone even knowing that anything is wrong. Whether you're heading to a party or hitting the bars, always try to drink with people you like and trust.

Don't drink with people who encourage drinking or look down on you because you don't drink or are "behind" on how much you drink. You should be comfortable drinking at your own pace.

Don't go on holiday with people who have a habit of running off with someone they just met at a bar or simply disappearing in the middle of the evening. Have fun with people you can rely on.

2. Organize a “partnership” with at least one of your friends. When you're hanging out with friends, at least one of them should know their limit or not drink much at all and be willing to keep an eye on you and tell you when you think you've had enough. Sometimes you can push yourself far beyond your limits, being too stubborn to admit it, and your friend can let you know when it's time to take to the water.

This friend can tell you when you've had enough, keep you from driving, and be willing to drive you home if you're having a rough night.

Don’t abuse “partnership” - if you constantly act as the fifth wheel in the cart, no one will want to relax with you. You should be able to look after your friend while he looks after you.

3. Know your limits. Above all, know yourself and your own boundaries. It won't take you long to find out how little or how much alcohol you can tolerate, as each body is unique in its ability to metabolize alcohol. Listen to your body and respond in a way that nourishes it, not saturates it. If you're drinking for the first time, do it with close friends in the comfort of your own or their homes to avoid social overload. This will help you get a feel for what you can and cannot handle.

You can set fairly specific boundaries. Your limit could be “four glasses of wine in six hours,” “four beers per night,” or “two cocktails per night” (depending on what’s in them). Make your choice before you leave the house, this way it will be easier for you to stick to it throughout the evening.

If this is your first drinking holiday, it's important to choose a steady, slow pace so you can get to know your alcohol tolerance level.

4. Know how you will return home. If you're going to relax with friends, you should know in advance exactly how you'll get home. There are several options: the simplest is to enlist the help of a sober driver, if you have a person who will give up alcohol that evening and take you home safe and sound. You can also get home by bus or other means public transport or just call a taxi, or walk if you live close enough to the bar. Any of these plans will do.

What you shouldn't do is drive your car to a bar and hope that one of your friends can drive you home, or drive there in the car of a friend who's going to drink heavily, hoping that someone else can pick up the car later. .

If you cannot drive or do not have access to a vehicle, regardless of the circumstances, never get into a car driven by someone who has had too much to drink.

Never get into a car with a stranger if you are drunk. Alcohol affects your feelings and judgment. Get her or his phone number and wait until you're sober before deciding to continue dating.

Even if you're desperate to get home, it's better to pay for a taxi or call a trusted friend to pick you up than to get into the car of a drunk friend or stranger simply because it's more convenient.

Never drive drunk. Don't drive a car, even if you're slightly tipsy. Just one drink per hour can put you over the legal driving limit. Even if you think you "feel fine," your blood alcohol level may indicate otherwise.

5. You can only drink if you have reached the age of majority. In the US this means 21 years old, in other countries around the world this age can generally range from 16 to 18 years old. You should not use a fake ID or drink on campus if you are under 21. Unless you are ready to deal with the legal consequences. If you break the law, your parents will have to bear the responsibility.

6. Don't drink if you're not in the best mood. Alcohol is a depressant, so if you're already angry, upset, or simply unstable, it's likely to make you feel even worse. Although you may think that drinking will help you have fun and forget about all your problems, in fact, it will only make your condition worse. You might initially feel relaxed and relieved after the first drink or two, but you'll end up in a much worse mood than when you started.

You should make a rule about drinking only when you are happy, not when you want to get rid of your sadness.

Never use drinking as a way to cope with your problems. You must be sober to do this.

Don't go on vacation or have drinks with someone you're angry at. Alcohol will release your anger, but it will be much better if you resolve your conflicts while in a clear mind.

7. Don't drink on an empty stomach. You will feel the effects of alcohol much faster and increase the likelihood of nausea. Almost any food is better than no food at all, but you should try to eat more healthy food, rich in carbohydrates and protein, which will help you metabolize alcohol instead of just eating fruit or salad. By eating before leaving the house, you will prevent yourself from exceeding your limit very quickly.

If you go to a bar and realize you haven't eaten in a while, order some food and have a quick bite before you start drinking. Don't worry if it's a little inconvenient or keeps you from drinking for a short time. It's worth it.

8. Consult your doctor to find out if your medications and alcohol can be combined. If you are taking medication, talk to your doctor to see if you can drink alcohol. This depends on the medication, so make sure that alcohol will not cause side effects before you start drinking.

9. Don't drink if you haven't had enough sleep. If you're surviving on two or three hours of sleep, you'd better lie down in the hayloft than drink. Alcohol will have a much more intense effect on you if you are already feeling woozy, tired, and out of control of your thoughts and body because you are exhausted.

You may have been up all night studying for an exam and you're dying to celebrate with your friends, but you should put it off for another day until you're well rested.

Don't think that taking a huge dose of caffeine by sipping three cups of coffee or swallowing energy drink, will improve your business. In fact, mixing large quantity caffeine and alcohol will significantly worsen your well-being and can be very dangerous to your health.

Control the amount you drink

1. Stay hydrated. Alcohol dehydrates and flushes vitamins and minerals from your body. Drink mineral water or lemonade to replenish lost vitamins.

Alternating between soft and alcoholic drinks is a good policy. So there is one serving of water for every serving of alcohol. It is always preferable to drink more soft drinks.

2. Know what you're drinking. While it's sometimes tempting to try something new, like Sex on the Beach or a beer you've never had before, find out the alcohol content of the drink before you stock up. You may not always be able to determine the alcoholic strength of your drink due to sweeteners, milk, cream or other fillers. In addition, your body's reaction to an unfamiliar drink may be to intoxicate you more quickly than from your usual drink.

Some cocktail ingredients may raise your blood alcohol level faster than others, depending on your weight. High alcohol tolerance, contrary to popular belief, will not lead to a lower BAC.

Beer is indeed a safer drink than a cocktail, but you should know its alcohol level before drinking. Although many drinks contain 4-5% alcohol, some beers can have 8-9% alcohol or more.

3. Don't drink more than one drink per hour. If you want to drink in moderation, you should not break this rule. “One drink” means one 0.33 liter bottle of beer, one 140 gram glass of wine or one 40 gram shot of 40% alcohol per hour. It may be difficult for you to stick to this limit when your friends drink much more, but it's the most safe way. Sipping a glass of beer or wine will take longer than knocking back a glass, and thus the alcohol won't go to your head right away.

People often drink more than one drink per hour simply because they have nowhere to put their hands and become fidgety or nervous when they are not holding a drink. If this applies to you, simply drink water or lemonade in between drinks so you always have something to hold in your hands.

4. Watch your pace. When you drink, it's important to keep a steady pace. The effects of alcohol may take some time to appear. You might feel okay to have another drink in a couple of minutes, but keep in mind that you probably just haven't felt the effects of the alcohol yet. Chew on something or drink some water to let the drinks flow through your body.

5. Avoid drinking games. While games like Bullshit, Kings, Beer Pong, and Flip Cup can be a great way to pass the time at a party and make new friends you won't remember anyway, these activities encourage excessive drinking and are guaranteed to will make you forget where you are in just a few minutes.

You can play these games by discreetly pouring out the alcohol you "should" drink or passing it to your sober friend.

Avoid dangerous situations

1. Get used to your surroundings. If you come to a house party, get to know the owners of the house and its amenities. Find out where the bathroom is located. Find a secluded place and leave your shoes or coat there (but under no circumstances your bag or wallet). If you feel like you're losing control, quickly make an excuse (“I left my phone in my coat pocket!”) and go to that private place to calm down and/or empty your drinks. If you need to go home, find your hosts and ask them to call a taxi or arrange for a sober guest to take you home.

If you are relaxing in a public place, pay attention to the location of the exits upon arrival. You should do this instinctively in case of an emergency, such as a fire, to determine the nearest exit point in advance. It is also useful to know where the nearest taxi rank or public transport stop is. Don't make life difficult for yourself, always have an exit strategy with you.

Make sure you know by heart how to get home. If you drink to the point of blackout, your instinct of self-preservation will weaken as your inhibitions increase, and you can easily get lost. If you don't know how to get home, you probably shouldn't drink.

2. Avoid peer pressure. Always remember that you drink for pleasure and fun, not for show. The whole point of drinking is to enjoy the drink, enjoy the campaign and feel free. You don't have to "catch up" with others or participate in stupid competitions that can ruin the evening and even friendships. If you're hanging out with people who encourage you to drink more even when you don't want to, then you're hanging out with the wrong people.

If you want people to stop pestering you about why you drink so little, hold a lemonade or cola with a slice of lemon in your hand. That way, others will think it's drinking and leave you alone. This is a good short term solution; The long-term solution is to stay away from people who put unwanted pressure on you.

3. Stop drinking if you start to feel drunk. Symptoms of intoxication include a feeling of loss of control over your thoughts, blurred vision, slurred speech and difficulty maintaining balance.

4. Stop drinking if you feel sick. While this is generally true, it's obviously important to stop drinking alcohol even if you feel "better" after throwing up. Nausea is a signal that your body can’t process the amount of alcohol you drink, and rejection is your body’s last line of defense coming into play. At this point you've really overdone it and now is the time to focus on your health rather than having fun.

If you feel the urge to vomit, you should go to the bathroom and do so. Nausea is your body's attempt to get rid of excess alcohol. You shouldn't induce vomiting, but you shouldn't hold it back either.

5. Lie on your side if you feel sick. If you've vomited, think you might throw up, or just feel terrible, you should lie on your side to avoid choking on your vomit while lying on your back. Place a bucket near your mouth in case you want to vomit. If you find yourself in this unpleasant state, don't try to get home on your own - stay overnight with a trusted friend who can look after you when you need help.

If you feel sick, have a headache, or don't feel well, tell others. You should be supervised by a responsible person in case you develop alcohol poisoning and need to urgently health care.

If you see someone else vomiting while lying down, take care to turn that person onto their side.

6. Don't make any sexual decisions while you're drinking. While you may think that alcohol will give you a little liquid courage to finally talk or hook up with your crush, in reality, it can complicate your decision-making process and cause you to do something that you will deeply regret later. You can flirt a little, get a girl's or guy's phone number and continue the conversation when you're sober, but you shouldn't bring home someone you just met or even made out at a bar - it's not commendable behavior and you won't be proud yourself later.

7. Don't accept drinks from strangers. If you go to a party and someone immediately offers you a drink, don't accept it unless you see it being prepared or taken for you so you know exactly what's in it. If a person is simply taking a beer out of the refrigerator then everything is fine, but if he disappears from the kitchen and comes back with a "mystery drink", it could contain alcohol or even drugs. Then you will find yourself in the very center of a very dangerous situation.

You don't have to rudely refuse the drink. Just be honest in your judgment. It's better to appear unfriendly than to be in danger.

8. Don't leave your drink unattended. Your drink should always be in your hand, or at least within your line of sight, whether you're at a party or at a bar. If you set your drink down and walk away, someone might mistake it for yours, or you might even mistakenly take a stronger drink, thinking it's yours.

If you're going to the bathroom, ask a close friend to hold your drink or take it with you. This will help you avoid other people's manipulations with your drink.


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And if you want to tell fortunes on your hand, then after visiting the bar - this is not the best option, because the lines of the hand will constantly move and terribly irritate you and make you laugh... If you really want to find out something, then it’s better to be sober.

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