Adaptation of children to living conditions in the center. Program for social rehabilitation of children with disabilities “Thread of Help. Organization and conduct of research

UDC 376.564


Dutova O.V.

The article discusses the main priority directions of social adaptation of adolescents - graduates of boarding schools and the experience of their implementation through involvement in socio-cultural activities in the conditions of the social rehabilitation center for minors "Prometheus" (St. Petersburg). The development of the social-adaptive potential of adolescents through socio-cultural activities is examined using the example of the “Family” module, which is part of the comprehensive modular program developed at the SRC.

Key words: orphanhood; prevention of deviant behavior in orphans; social adaptation program; sociocultural education; life arrangements for graduates of boarding schools.


In the article the main priority directions of social adaptation of teenagers - graduates of residential establishments and experience of their implementation by familiarizing with welfare activity in the conditions of the social and rehabilitation center for minors “Prometheus” (St. Petersburg) are considered. Development of social and adaptation potential of teenagers by means of welfare activity is considered on the example of the Family module entering into the comprehensive modular program developed in SRTsN.

Keywords: orphanhood; prevention of deviant behavior of orphans; program of social adaptation; sociocultural education; living arrangement of graduates of residential establishments.

The drastic changes in Russian society that have occurred in all spheres - economic, political, social and spiritual, along with positive changes, have revealed a number of acute social problems that directly affect the socialization of the younger generation and, first of all, the most vulnerable category of citizens, who are orphans. In modern Russia, we can state the crisis state of the family institution, which is expressed in the increase in the number of single-parent and problem families, conflicts between spouses, the abandonment of children by spouses and, as a consequence, an increase in the number of social orphans, that is, children abandoned by their parents or taken away from their parents. fulfilling their responsibilities for their upbringing.

Protecting the interests of orphans and children left without parental care has become one of the most pressing social problems in the social policy of the Russian state. The real picture of orphanhood in Russia is difficult to determine. Every year, more than half a million children of different ages are left without parental care. As before, the most common form of placement for children deprived of parental care remains their placement in residential institutions.

Every year, about a third of children who have lost parental care end up in them.

A child who has lost his parents occupies a special, truly tragic position in society, left alone with his experiences, thoughts and feelings. He is prescribed certain benefits from the state, but the orphanage resident is initially deprived of the main support - family, kinship, which is why marginalization and criminalization among orphans is growing, apoliticality and fear are increasing, and from here arises a consumerist attitude to life, fatalism, and narrowness of worldview. The lack of a unified organizational structure for the interaction of social assistance institutions and services and the inconsistency of the regulatory framework aggravate these phenomena.

The problem of social adaptation of orphans is multifaceted and is reflected in scientific research in pedagogy, psychology, social medicine, cultural studies, social work and socio-cultural activities. In Russian psychology, issues of social adaptation are given a significant place, in which the central role is occupied by the development of personality in the interaction between an adult and a child (L.S. Vygotsky, L.I. Bozhovich, M.I. Lisina, V.S. Mukhina, D.B. Elkonin and etc.). A number of psychological and pedagogical studies are devoted to the study of the developmental characteristics of children raised in residential care institutions. Modern scientific research has created the prerequisites for a comprehensive study of social orphanhood: analysis of general approaches to the rehabilitation of orphans; prevention of the increase in the number of abandoned children and early diagnosis of the causes of this phenomenon; mutual complementarity of the roles of various social partners in working with families and orphans.

An independent group of sources in the study of orphanhood problems consists of scientific research in the field of socio-cultural de-

activity, folk art, everyday culture, socio-cultural animation, cultural and leisure activities, social management and public relations, studying the mechanisms of mutual influence of culture and art on the humanization of Russian society. At the same time, the key methodological source is the position on the developing essence of socio-cultural activity.

The inclusion of orphans and adolescents in the socio-cultural system of connections and relationships, the discovery of new life prospects, real ways of successful social adaptation, the formation of basic value orientations, personality attitudes, the prevention of deviant behavior - these are the main characteristics of preventive socio-cultural activities aimed at the social adaptation of children -orphans, teenagers, graduates of boarding schools.

By the concept of social adaptation we understand the possibility of life for graduates of boarding schools in society. Social adaptation is the process of an individual’s active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment; type of interaction of an individual or social group with the social environment; the result of harmonization of relations between the subject and the social environment. The main problem of social adaptation is the ability to individually choose from the range of opportunities provided by society. Behind this ability is a developed self - the subject of understanding the world and one’s needs, building relationships and life activity.

The most important components of the social adaptation of teenage orphans are the coordination of assessments of the aspirations of children from boarding schools, their personal capabilities with the specific conditions of the region and society as a whole; identifying their goals, value orientations, abilities and opportunities for their implementation in a specific social environment. The infrastructure of St. Petersburg has developed and operates a flexible system of social protection measures that meets modern trends in the development of a large city.

institutions dealing with life support issues in this category. One of such institutions is the social rehabilitation center for minors “Prometheus” (St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution SRC “Prometheus”).

The main goals of the Prometheus Center are: social protection of orphans and children left without parental care; social adaptation and social rehabilitation, protection of life and health, moral education of orphans and children without parental care; determination, together with territorial and sectoral government bodies of St. Petersburg, local government bodies, of optimal forms of living arrangements for orphans and children left without parental care.

The data obtained on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis of SRCN students allows us to identify the main problems that require solutions and priority areas of work:

1) lack of socialization, and above all, poor mastery of the basic repertoire of family roles,

2) low level of communicative culture, which prevents the formation of socially adaptive skills,

3) personal problems that impede social adaptation,

4) social and legal illiteracy.

Developing a system of measures aimed at overcoming the difficulties and problems facing students in terms of their social adaptation is one of the main tasks of the Prometheus Center. The pupil's social adaptation program is a set of measures aimed at solving the above problems.

The most effective forms and methods of social adaptation of orphans are socio-cultural activities in the conditions of social protection, educational and other organizations, regardless

on forms of ownership. This is due to the significant rehabilitation and integration potential of socio-cultural activities, its ability to solve significant problems that are outside the scope of leisure, as well as the ability to optimize the social and integration conditions of an orphan’s life.

In order to develop the social-adaptive potential of adolescents through socio-cultural activities, the SRC has developed a comprehensive modular program that includes 10 main modules: “Family”, “Tolerance”, “Leisure”, “Culture of Behavior”, “Healthy Lifestyle”, “Career guidance and employment “Springboard”, “Patriotic education”, “Safe world”, “Socio-legal adaptation”, “Social and everyday adaptation”.

We will consider the implementation of program activities in the designated four areas, solving the corresponding pedagogical problems, where the logic of the development of adaptive potential will correspond to the internal logic of the processes of awareness, assimilation and appropriation of socio-cultural values ​​using the example of the “Family” module.

The first direction of the module “Family”: “I am a family man”, mastering the main repertoire of family roles, including social and everyday adaptation and equipping, within the framework of this module, health-saving behavior patterns. The objectives of this direction are: formation of the structure of social ideas about role relationships in the family, attitudes towards role relationships in the family, including value orientations; assessments of different life situations; reproductive prerequisites in

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SOROKINA T.N. - 2012



  • Introduction

    Man is a social being. From the first days of his life, he is surrounded by his own kind, included in various kinds of social interactions. Being a part of society, a person acquires a certain subjective experience, which becomes part of his personality.

    Socialization is the process of assimilation and subsequent active reproduction of social experience by an individual. The process of socialization is inextricably linked with communication and joint activities.

    The increase in social tension gives rise to negative processes in all layers of society. Social disadvantage is manifested in the breakdown of family relationships, family ties, the growth of neglect and vagrancy, and the commission of antisocial acts and offenses by minors.

    The consequences of the acute economic crisis of the early 90s affected the moral character of some Russian families. Their potential capabilities, life activities, value orientations and social attitudes, and attitudes towards children’s education have undergone serious changes. This has a negative impact, first of all, on children who do not receive satisfaction of the basic life needs of love, care, attention and participation from others, which leads to an increase in child homelessness. Therefore, the reality of today is the growth of single-parent and problematic families, intra-family conflicts, and the number of children - social orphans. This entails an increase in crime and homelessness among children and adolescents, an increase in drug addiction and alcoholism. The number of parents who drink and shirk their responsibilities is increasing. Many parents do not pay enough attention to their children.

    Due to the unstable mental state of children from asocial families, it is impossible to talk about the formation of motives for moral behavior and moral values ​​in them. Such children are characterized by a feeling of anxiety, uncertainty, and they lack trust in people. And before strengthening a minor’s motivation for normal life activities, it is important to ensure that he can feel emotionally safe and learn to understand himself and others. We need to help the child and teenager understand their experiences and overcome the negative consequences of previous painful experiences.

    The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that there is a continuing trend towards an increase in the number of minors who find themselves in difficult life situations. In the general system of preventing social orphanhood and child neglect, an important role is played by specialized institutions for minors, whose tasks include targeted work on the social rehabilitation of maladjusted children and adolescents.

    There is an obvious need to solve existing problems on a program-targeted basis, which explains the development of technologies for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency. The success of implementing technologies depends on how interested each performer is in solving the problem of child neglect, homelessness and delinquency, and thereby in creating a comfortable social space in our country.

    In this regard, the purpose of this course work is to consider the features of social adaptation of minors in a social rehabilitation center.

    To address the topic, a number of tasks were identified:

    ) define socialization;

    ) study the features of socialization and its stages;

    ) study the specifics of the work of the social rehabilitation center;

    ) characterize the social adaptation of minors in a rehabilitation center.

    The object of this course work is: the process of socialization of minors in a rehabilitation center.

    The subject of the study is the technology of social work with minors in a social rehabilitation center.

    The works of such authors as E.F. are devoted to the analysis of problems in dysfunctional families and the study of practical experience in working with children from dysfunctional families. Lakhova, T.N. Uspenskaya, G.M. Ivashchenko writes that the social rehabilitation of children in the conditions of the social rehabilitation Center is a complex multifaceted process, during which psychologists, educators, social workers study the child’s personality, finding out the degree of his maladaptation, the need to protect his rights, carry out psychological and mental correction of behavior, and implement his program personal development, determine the forms of his future life arrangement, T.M. Khizhaeva, A.N. Dryagina, V.V. Remezova, M.M. Plotkin analyzes social and pedagogical activities with children and emphasizes the special role of social educators and social work specialists in protecting the child from the arbitrariness of parents and providing guarantees for his protection I.F. Dementyeva considers the manifestation of deviations in minors as a direct consequence of troubles in the family. I.F.

    Chapter 1. General characteristics of socialization

    .1 Features socialization


    Socialization is a process necessary for a child to acquire skills<#"justify">Chapter 2. Features of the socialization of minors in a social rehabilitation center

    .1 Specifics of the work of the social rehabilitation center

    Social rehabilitation centers operate in accordance with the requirements of the law; they carry out targeted work to prevent neglect and juvenile delinquency, based on:

    Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency”;

    Goals of the rehabilitation center:

    preventive and rehabilitation work with disadvantaged families and children;

    development of a system of measures aimed at providing assistance to families at risk and preventing neglect and homelessness of minors.

    participation in identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions contributing to the neglect and homelessness of minors;

    providing medical, psychological, social and legal assistance to children and their families in crisis situations;

    combining the efforts of social, medical, government and public organizations to assist families in solving their problems;

    strengthening intra-family ties, harmonizing parent-child relationships, overcoming a crisis situation.

    The following specialists usually work in social rehabilitation centers: psychologist, head nurse, social work specialist, music director, pediatrician, psychiatrist, social teachers, educators.

    When organizing preventive and rehabilitation work with families, specialists are guided by the principles of timeliness, individual approach, humanism, integration of efforts and an integrated approach.

    A social rehabilitation center usually has the following divisions

    The reception department is intended for:

    carrying out primary sanitary treatment of minors;

    referral for examination and treatment to a municipal health care institution;

    studying the characteristics of personal development and behavior of minors;

    provision of primary psychological assistance to minors.

    A minor is placed in a center if:

    referrals from the social protection authority, applications from the parents of a minor;

    personal appeal of minors;

    petition or referrals from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;

    act of the operational duty officer;

    petition from an official, system or institution of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency;

    resolution of the person conducting the inquiry, investigator, prosecutor, judge in cases of detention, arrest or conviction of parents (legal representatives).

    During their stay in a social rehabilitation center, children and adolescents are enrolled in full state support (provided with food, medicines according to standards, clothing and shoes).

    Department of diagnostics and implementation of social rehabilitation programs:

    conducts social diagnostics for the purpose of further development of individual and group social rehabilitation programs, monitors their implementation, ensures the protection of the legal rights and interests of minors;

    ensures the implementation of social rehabilitation programs for minors;

    provides assistance to minors in vocational guidance and acquisition of education and specialty;

    provides comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance;

    develops individual programs for social rehabilitation of minors.

    A child admitted to the center receives medical, psychological, and pedagogical support.

    Medical rehabilitation

    Medical rehabilitation is an integral part of general rehabilitation. During rehabilitation, the pupil undergoes a course of therapeutic measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening health. A medical record is created for each child in the center, where anamnesis data, medical examination data, examination results, as well as records of consultations with specialists are entered, and a plan for receiving qualified medical care, preventive and rehabilitation measures is outlined.

    Psychological rehabilitation

    In-depth psychological diagnostics are carried out with admitted students of the center in order to study their personal characteristics, cognitive processes, psychological problems and relationship characteristics.

    Based on diagnostic results, children with psychological problems are included in correctional groups.

    Individual preventive work programs are developed and implemented for children.

    Psychological rehabilitation is also carried out through the psychological relief room. The work uses relaxation sessions, music therapy, fairy tale therapy, and elements of play therapy and art therapy.

    The main directions of individual correctional work with pupils: correction of the emotional-volitional sphere, cognitive processes, personal characteristics.

    Pedagogical rehabilitation

    Pupils of the center who have reached school age are trained according to the comprehensive secondary school program.

    Social and pedagogical rehabilitation includes the organization of leisure and pedagogical assistance, various types of activities for adolescents, support for the children's movement and its development. Corrective and developmental programs are being developed aimed at the formation of mathematical, temporal, visual-spatial concepts, and the development of graphic skills.

    The Department of Social and Legal Assistance is intended to:

    to protect the rights and legitimate interests of students;

    to assist the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in the further placement of minors living in the institution into a family, boarding school, for adoption, under guardianship (trusteeship), into a foster family, etc.

    to organize socio-psychological, pedagogical, legal preparation for the adoption of minors into a family;

    The complex process of carrying out individual work with families at risk is solved through interdepartmental coordination, which involves consolidating the forces and resources of all institutions and bodies of the system for preventing homelessness and neglect.

    All of the above mentioned subjects of prevention take part in the early identification and registration of disadvantaged families during citizens’ appeals, as a result of observations, during educational work with students and their parents, during raids, when considering cases of juvenile delinquency in order to provide assistance to early stages of family troubles. Psychological diagnostics are carried out with the parents of admitted students. Throughout the entire period, the psychologist systematically conducted individual conversations and consultations with parents, aimed at increasing their psychological knowledge and culture, developing the ability to empathize, understand the state and interests of the child, and the ability to prevent and resolve conflict situations. An individual case for working with the family is opened for each family. It includes the following documents: family social passport; agreement with family; individual family rehabilitation program; family rehabilitation card, which reflects all rehabilitation work; family examination reports.

    The main activities are:

    psychological consultations on family and childhood issues;

    solving problems of raising and educating children;

    solving personal problems;

    family crises;

    solving family problems related to educational and professional activities;

    social and legal assistance in solving a crisis situation.

    2.2 Regulatory and legal framework for the activities of a social rehabilitation center for minors

    The formation of a modern network of social service institutions for families and children in the Russian Federation began in 1993-1994. This process began with the adoption of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On measures to implement the World Declaration on ensuring the survival, protection and development of children in the 90s,” which recommended that local executive authorities create and strengthen a territorial network of institutions of a new type. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 1992 No. 543 “On measures to implement the World Declaration on ensuring the survival, protection and development of children in the 90s.” To date, a certain legislative framework for the system of social services for families and children has been formed. It includes international legislation, Russian state laws and local regulations, instructions, and techniques. International legislation on the protection of children is represented by the Charter of Childhood, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

    “Regulatory and legal protection” of social work with children is supposed to be understood as a system of social guarantees, measures and institutions legally established by the state that ensure the provision of optimal living conditions, satisfaction of needs, support of life support and activities of the child’s existence in modern living conditions, for a more complete and harmonious life. mental and physical development. Characterizing the existing regulatory framework of social service institutions for families and children, including a social rehabilitation center, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in the second half of the 90s a number of federal laws on social services were adopted, which strengthened the legal the basis for the development of social services: these are the laws of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the fundamentals of social services for the population in the Russian Federation” No. 195-FZ of November 15, 1995, the Federal Law “On the fundamentals of the system of prevention and juvenile delinquency” No. 120 of May 21, 1999, Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998. The adoption of the federal law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” contributed to the development of social rehabilitation centers for minors.

    The Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors is an educational institution of the state social protection system that provides social assistance to minors with various forms and degrees of disintegration, including children who find themselves in difficult life situations, and also accepts for temporary residence children left without parental care.

    According to current legislation, the state ensures the provision of social services to children who find themselves in difficult life situations. In turn, the Social Rehabilitation Center provides assistance to children left without parental care; children living in low-income families, who left home without permission, and who are in a socially dangerous situation; children whose parents do not fulfill their responsibilities for their upbringing, education, maintenance, negatively influence their behavior or abuse them; children who have lost their place of residence and livelihood.

    Currently, the rights of persons in a social rehabilitation center, in respect of whom individual preventive work is carried out, are regulated: minors, their parents or legal representatives, in respect of whom individual preventive work is carried out, are provided with the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the UN Convention on the rights of the child, international treaties of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 120, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    In 2000, a number of regulations were approved, developed in pursuance of the new Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”, in particular, the resolution “On the approval of model Regulations on specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation”, and “On the approval Regulations on the implementation and financing of activities related to the transportation of minors who have left their families without permission, orphanages, boarding schools, special educational and other children's institutions."

    The plan of priority measures to strengthen the prevention of homelessness and neglect of minors, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2002 No. 154, provided for the preparation of proposals to introduce changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation aimed at strengthening the responsibility of parents (legal representatives) of minors for failure to fulfill their educational responsibilities , maintenance, training of minors.

    rehabilitation center teenager socialization

    2.3 Features of the socialization of minors in a social rehabilitation center

    In a social rehabilitation center, children are offered different living conditions, a different system of relationships with people, and different value guidelines. It is clear that a child with an unstable psyche, who does not possess social and everyday skills, with a deformed system of values ​​and experience in communicating with people cannot adapt to normal life overnight, is not able to immediately master the system of requirements and norms on the basis of which life in the social center.

    The very first task of everyone who comes into contact with children and adolescents who arrive at a rehabilitation institution is to provide them with maximum support in the process of mastering a new life. This process is complex, but experience shows that the goal is achieved if a whole complex of factors works for it: a warm, home-like environment, the condescension of others, expressing love for the child and the belief that he is capable of changing for the better, personalized attention to his personality, as well as a previously unfamiliar attitude of care.

    The most important socio-pedagogical task is to give the abandoned child a new environment, new experiences, different from everything he has experienced so far. The main concern is that within the walls of the center there is something that best satisfies the interests of children and helps them develop socially significant needs.

    A teenager is an active being. His adaptation is more successful if, from the first steps of his stay in a rehabilitation center, he is placed in the position of an accomplice, a creator of new conditions for his life, and not just a consumer. It is important to give children the opportunity to create their own home. Children and teenagers are involved in the repair and refurbishment of rooms. Each child can create a “design” for their bed according to their own taste, hanging posters, drawings, etc. At first, adults do not argue with him, even if the teenager’s tastes leave much to be desired. The main thing is that the child experiences the feeling of his own home. When the child’s trust in the teacher is strengthened, it will be possible to adjust his tastes and change them for the better.

    Solitude for maladjusted children is extremely important - they relieve psychological overload, comprehend the new course of their lives, and fantasize. Cozy corners are created where you can be alone. The first steps are extremely important for a child’s adaptation. It is necessary that his entry into the center be carried out in an atmosphere of peace, without fuss and excitement.

    In a child with an autistic type of behavior, increased attention can cause a negative reaction, so the teacher should protect him, try to find something to do, and give the child the opportunity to calmly enter a new environment.

    In the life of a social rehabilitation center, a predominance of a calm, even, friendly atmosphere is necessary. It gives the teenager the opportunity to calm down, relieve tension and fear, evaluate new living conditions, and choose a line of behavior. In a group, it is important for a minor to get the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of home life. It is created by everything - the tone of communication between the teacher and the children, the presence of one’s own belongings, clothes, shoes, the opportunity to arrange a corner by one’s bed in one’s own way, and the opportunity to find a favorite place in the institution.

    A necessary condition for a child’s social adaptation is a clear distinction in the life of the center between what is permitted and what is prohibited (“possible” and “impossible”). Adolescent maladaptation is expressed in a low degree of social normativity. Understanding what life situation has led to a low level of assimilation of social norms by a teenager, one should be aware that the demands placed on him regarding the fulfillment of certain norms and routine rules must be consistent and flexible. It is necessary to exclude strict and categorical requirements from pedagogical practice. Experience shows that when a teacher tries to use his position and forces, imposes new rules of life, children not only resist, but also show aggression. This complicates the socialization of a teenager.

    The limits of leniency are defined specifically. There is no need to discourage those forms of behavior that are not dangerous for the child, do not harm him, and do not become intolerable to others. In the experience of rehabilitation institutions, there are three unconditional prohibitions: you cannot steal, you cannot offend the weak, you cannot leave the center without informing the teacher. It has been noticed that children adapt to the ban the more easily, the stronger the sincere confidence of adults in its necessity and the more consistently it is implemented.

    It was said above that social maladaptation is associated with disruption of children’s communicative activities, which is a consequence of versatile socio-psychological deprivation. Experience allows us to determine the requirements for the behavior of adults in communicating with children prone to isolation. They assume: a soft style of communication without demanding, obliging intonations, eliminating what scares the child, respecting his personal space, anticipating difficulties in mastering new living conditions and helping to overcome them. Experience shows that theatrical performances and holidays help bring a child out of a state of isolation. The child is fascinated by dramatization, he becomes more open to others.

    Opposition in communication is more common in practice. The teenager demonstrates a disregard for the rules, for any requirement, even expressed in a friendly manner. Opposition manifests itself in the form of aggression, which is characterized by impulsiveness and irritability, when a teenager relieves internal tension in aggressive forms of self-affirmation; scolds, gets into fights, beats and breaks everything that comes to hand. Adaptation of children whose communication is dominated by an oppositional or aggressive tone is quite difficult to achieve. The role of psychotherapeutic influence is great here, and the organization of group trainings is useful.

    In order to strengthen and develop normal communications among adolescents, the teacher should very carefully build everyday communication with children, excluding cruel categorical demands, focus on the positive capabilities of the child, and restore his sense of self-worth.

    The assessments that have to be given to a teenager’s actions should be especially thorough, ensuring that the assessment is adequately perceived by other children and adults. You can criticize an action, but you cannot extend your assessments to the person as a whole. You need to try to notice the positive in the child and build on it. The success of a dialogue between an adult and a child becomes real if the adult shows a desire for empathy and adheres to certain principles: listens carefully, delicately enters the world of a teenager, tries to accept him as he is, tries not to solve the problems that arise for the child, not offers ready-made solutions, but helps him distance himself, look at the problem from the outside, so that it is easier to find the best ways out of a difficult situation.

    If an adult is guided by these principles, a dialogue with a teenager is established, as evidenced by the child’s desire to initiate contact, continue communication, and the desire to make it lasting.

    The socialization of a teenager in a rehabilitation institution, his acceptance of new principles of life, new values, largely depends on how much the center will help him realize his self-worth. Therefore, rehabilitation work should be focused on restoring the child’s rights, first of all, to himself, developing his self-respect, self-esteem, and confidence in his positive capabilities.

    Awareness of one’s human value, which is necessary for a teenager, comes when the teacher begins to notice himself and draw the attention of others to the positive qualities and properties of the teenager. We are talking about individual characteristics that are clearly not striking, especially in familiar, everyday communication, but in some new circumstances unexpectedly emerge and become something of a discovery (Igor began helping the doctor treat the children’s knees, Ira herself read the first a book in your life, etc.). Noticing even the smallest things in a child, the teacher helps him appear before others and in his own eyes in a new and better light.

    When teaching children new skills, it is important for the teacher to understand that the children with whom he is dealing need emotional support and with them a lot of things need to be started from scratch. Therefore, learning is based on the following logic: an adult gives the child a model of action, creates conditions for success, supports, sympathizes in a difficult situation, looks for mistakes together with the child, and rejoices in success.

    Thus, the entire system of relations towards the child should emphasize his individuality, his personal significance for others. For example, every child should feel the attention of others to significant events in his life. Every child's birthday, his first day at school, success in any activity - it is necessary to emphasize the significance of these events.

    Children who are placed in a rehabilitation institution have not seen all this in their family, but they quickly get used to good things and they learn and follow the patterns of behavior that adults teach them. However, it should be borne in mind that such positive changes entail changes, the activation of new needs in the teenager, the satisfaction of which must be prepared. The fact is that the more actively we awaken a child’s self-awareness, a sense of self-worth, the stronger he feels the thirst for personalized love, the more often he is gnawed by the worm of doubt about how strong and sincere this love is.

    Assessments should be used very carefully to encourage children to learn. At first, it is advisable to evaluate and encourage mainly diligence and attitude towards knowledge, gradually including the knowledge and skills acquired by children in the circle of assessment.

    During classes, corrective measures should be taken to develop children's logical thinking, active vocabulary, memory, and attention.

    To develop visual and effective thinking, special attention should be paid to enriching and expanding the concrete sensory experience of children. It is advisable to bring classes, if possible, closer to the child’s social and natural environment - to conduct them in the forest, by the river, in a store, at a post office, in a museum, in a park. Such lessons help develop children's general awareness and help develop social behavior skills.

    The combination of the conditions shown above helps children and adolescents get comfortable in a new social environment, accept new rules of life and new people.

    In the process of socialization and social adaptation, pupils acquire their own individuality, because social experience is not only subjectively assimilated, but also actively processed, becoming a source of individualization of the individual. Thus, the process of social adaptation should be defined not only as actively adaptive, but as actively developmental.


    The implementation of radical socio-economic reforms required the creation of a social service system for the population, providing a wide range of social services to families and children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

    Many families today cannot meet their needs not only for clothing, food, but also for other essential items. The opportunities for children from disadvantaged families to have proper rest and spend interesting holidays are extremely limited, since today the children's and youth recreation industry is increasingly focused on paid goods and services.

    The aggravation of crisis phenomena in the economy and the increase in social tension lead to the formation of negative processes in all layers of society. Social ill-being is manifested in the breakdown of family and kinship ties, neglect, and vagrancy of children.

    In this regard, an urgent task for Russian society is to formulate a new policy for the prevention of child homelessness. The country has created a system of social institutions for maladjusted children and adolescents who find themselves in difficult life situations. This system includes: territorial centers for social assistance to families and children, carrying out preventive measures aimed at reducing deviant behavior among minors; social shelters for children and adolescents; social rehabilitation centers for helping families and children, whose task is targeted work on the social rehabilitation of minors.

    Social rehabilitation centers for minors take care of restoring the social status of children in difficult life situations.

    Almost all children staying at a social rehabilitation center have various mental disorders, are physically weakened, often chronically ill, distrustful, and withdrawn.

    The characteristics of the child population determine the content of the activities of social rehabilitation centers for minors for their socialization, the main problem of which is the restoration of a wide range of relationships between adolescents and the outside world and, above all, the family. This activity is carried out jointly by specialists from various services created within the center.

    An integrated approach to the social rehabilitation of children is based on the principles:

    identification and expert assessment of the rehabilitation potential of each child;

    identification of priority areas for rehabilitation;

    differentiated approach to the organization and implementation of rehabilitation measures;

    sequence of rehabilitation effects.

    The main activities of the social rehabilitation center for minors are: psychological and pedagogical correction of behavior, stress relief after violence or abuse; instilling age-related social and everyday skills; compensation for delays in education; medical and social rehabilitation, labor rehabilitation.

    The priority area of ​​work of the social rehabilitation center for minors is the restoration or replacement of family ties of a teenager. To achieve this, the center’s specialists work to improve the social climate in the child’s family, to find a caring family for him, and to create a family atmosphere in the institution itself.

    Thus, in its activities, the social rehabilitation center for minors is focused on carrying out comprehensive rehabilitation activities with minors and organizing work on the well-being of children. It solves important problems in reducing the number of maladjusted adolescents, helps eliminate the causes of maladjustment at the initial level, before the child’s connection with his family is broken. The social rehabilitation center holistically solves the problem of correctional and rehabilitation work, focusing it both on the child who finds himself in a difficult life situation and on his family.

    The social rehabilitation center for minors, being an integral part of the rehabilitation space, must solve the problems of child neglect and homelessness not only through its own efforts, but also in close interconnection and active cooperation of all institutions dealing with the problems of minors.


    1.E.F. Lakhova Problems of family and family policy in Russia // Social work with the family. M., 2000. No. 4. 37 p.

    2.T.N. Uspenskaya. A strong family is the basis of public well-being // Social work. M., 2002. No. 3. 30 s.

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    .Methodological manual for employees of specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation.

    .UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    .Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” No. 120 of June 24, 1999 (as amended on January 13, 2001, July 7, 2003, June 29, August 22, December 1, 29, 2004, April 22 2005, January 5, 2006, June 30, July 21, 24, December 1, 2007).

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    Similar works to - Features of social adaptation of minors in a social rehabilitation center

    The opening of a social adaptation room took place at the State Public Institution "Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors of the Vorotyn District" in the village of Krasnaya Gorka. The children's institution was visited by the head of the department for the implementation of family policy, the organization of social services for families and children, the department of family policy for families and children of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, S.A. Channova, head of the Vorotynsky district administration E.Yu. Gerasimov, Director of the State Public Institution Non-Profit Organization "Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Vorotyn District" L.N. Bragina, head of the social services sector of the USZN N.V. Savelyeva, Chairman of the District Council of Veterans L.N. Trusova. Initially, in the office of the director of the social rehabilitation center V.S. Kuznetsov, a small meeting took place. Valery Sergeevich told the distinguished guests about the program, within the framework of which the social adaptation room was opened:

    The Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, in agreement with the Fund for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations, is implementing the regional program “We are like everyone else.” Its main tasks are social support for families with children with health problems, ensuring family education and development of children in such families, preparing for independent life and developing the necessary work skills. To carry out the program's activities, rural social protection institutions that organize work on the social rehabilitation of children were allocated funds, including the State Public Institution "SRC of Vorotynsky District" in the form of a grant - 300 thousand rubles. These funds were provided for equipping the social adaptation room - purchasing furniture, equipment and materials for activities with children. The “We are like everyone else” program has been implemented at the institution since 2014. During this time, a room for classes was selected, repair work was carried out, the door was replaced, electrical wiring was installed for household appliances, and drainage and sewerage were installed. The room is an example of a modern kitchen. To replenish it with dishes, deputies of the Legislative Assembly V.A. Antipov and V.Yu. Shanin was provided with financial assistance in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. To solve the set tasks for the social and everyday adaptation of pupils, a program and educational thematic plan have been developed. Classes for children are conducted in the form of master classes, workshops, and video lessons. Initially, special attention was paid to the safe handling of household appliances. The program is aimed at 15 pupils, a subgroup of disabled children (5-7 people), and during the summer recreational period - at 30 children. Children are trained from the age of 10. Classes on cooking and table setting are provided. The content of the program also includes topics on hygiene and home cleaning, washing and ironing, etiquette in various public places, at home, and away.

    At the end of the course, children should be able to cook porridge, fry potatoes, prepare sandwiches and pastries, brew tea, set the table, use an electric stove, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, dishwasher, and microwave oven.

    Teacher G.V. Sadovnikova conducts educational and developmental classes with children, develops work skills and abilities, and teaches them to apply the acquired knowledge in independent life.

    Valery Sergeevich thanked S.A. for their help in such a necessary matter as arranging a social adaptation room. Channov, V.A. Antipova, V.Yu. Shanina, A.V. Nazarenkova, L.N. Bragin, I.A. Chuev, D.N. Polyakov, after which, accompanied by his deputy N.I. Trusovoy gave a tour of the institution. By the way, the head of the district E.Yu. Gerasimov also presented a set of porcelain dishes for the newly opened room.

    Social teacher N.I. Isaykina showed the guests an exhibition of works made by residents of the rehabilitation center. They deserve universal praise.

    Then everyone went to the social adaptation room, where teacher G.V. Sadovnikova conducted culinary classes with the children - they prepared pastries, made hot sandwiches and brewed tea, while not forgetting to wash the dishes and the kitchen table. Well done!

    The opening of such an important room for teaching children to live independently can be considered a complete success. Good reviews leave no doubt about this. We hope that now it will be easier for children who find themselves in difficult life situations to master very difficult adult activities!

    Problems of social orphanhood and adaptation of minors arouse increased interest in children with mild states of mental underdevelopment, in the conditions for their optimal integration into society. Mild states of mental underdevelopment include borderline forms of intellectual disability, including mental retardation of various origins, as well as mild mental retardation (MLR) (D.N. Isaev, 1982; V.V. Kovalev, 1995; I.A. Korobeinikov, 1997).

    Often mild states of mental underdevelopment in children are a consequence of organic pathology and pedagogical neglect.
    In this regard, the problem of studying the psychological support of children who, for one reason or another, were left without parental care, is currently particularly relevant.

    According to research, orphans do not have trust in the world around them, do not know the norms and rules of socially acceptable behavior, and do not have basic social and moral values ​​(I.A. Korobeinikov, V.S. Mukhina, M.I. Lisina, I. O.V. Dubrovina, E.O. Smirnova, A.M. Prikhozhan, N.N. Tolstykh, I.A. Tkacheva, I.A. Furmanov, N.V. Furmanova, J. Langmeier, Z. Mateichik, J. .Bowlby and others).
    At the same time, a significant group of orphans (65-77% of the total number of children in orphanages) are children with mental retardation (MDD) who need special conditions of education and upbringing (A.B. Kholmogorova, I.A. Korobeinikov , E.S. Slepovich, V.M. Slutsky, I.A. Tkacheva, U.V. Ulienkova, etc.). An unfavorable social situation contributes to the aggravation of their mental underdevelopment, leads to a lag in the formation of self-awareness, the emotional-volitional sphere, to the formation of specific mechanisms of adaptive behavior, to their discrepancy with social norms accepted in society (I.A. Korobeinikov, L.M. Shipitsyna, Zh.I. Shif, G.M. Dulnev, N.L. Kolominsky, S.G. Baikenova, etc.).

    Children in social rehabilitation centers are also susceptible to difficulties associated with social maladjustment. In particular, considering the problems of children of the State Institution SRCN “Lastochka” in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, we can identify three groups of factors: macrosocial, microsocial, personal.
    Macrosocial factors include disadvantages of a socio-economic and everyday nature.

    The microsocial factor includes an unfavorable emotional and psychological climate of families, neglect of the child’s needs, exposure to stressors from family members, violence (mental, physical, sexual). All this often leads to psychogenic disorders and neuropsychiatric diseases. A lack of communication with adults disrupts the process of socialization of a child’s personality, especially the social and personal development of children at the stages of early ontogenesis. The microsociety of a minor also includes an antisocial reference group, which can serve as a source of crime.

    The personal factor includes: low motivation for learning, school failure, negativism and distrust of adults and the world in general. For children in social rehabilitation centers, the problem of power and dominance, usually manifested in disrupted sexual behavior, remains relevant; deviant behavior, expressed in petty theft, drinking alcohol, hooliganism, vagrancy, pugnacity, affective incontinence. Pupils are often characterized by insecure behavior, expressed in inadequate self-esteem, aggression and the use of destructive defense mechanisms. Older preschool children at a social rehabilitation center have a systemic disorder in the development of all components of social competence (cognitive, emotional, behavioral). Due to insufficient communication with close adults, the formation of the image of the social “I” is also impaired, which makes it difficult for them to form a harmonious attitude towards themselves and other people.

    Health problems can be identified as a separate group. These are physical and mental disorders, often associated with factors of unfavorable heredity, as well as psychosomatic difficulties, which occupy a central place in rehabilitation.

    Prospects for solving the problems of children in social rehabilitation centers should become comprehensive with the participation of social work specialists, social educators, lawyers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and narcologists. Adaptation of minors to the conditions of society should include, along with special classes, conducting a preventive conversation, interesting and useful use of free time: playing sports, learning to work on a computer, making new friends, playing.

    One of the main places in rehabilitation is the formation of a culture of relationships between students, relationships with educators, social teachers, educational psychologists, and medical workers.

    In addition, timely and competent inclusion of the child in the system
    communicative relationships and features of social and personal development can be considered as the most important condition for optimizing the process of rehabilitation of children.

    Thus, the prospects for solving the problems of maladaptation of children in social rehabilitation centers come down to the formation of physical and mental health and social competence of pupils.

    Tarasova Ekaterina Vladimirovna teacher-psychologist at the Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors “Lastochka” in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, member of the school of young scientists at the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy.

    Adaptation of orphans addresses issues of their active adaptation to life in an orphanage or foster family. Every year the number of abandoned children is growing steadily, and this problem has become especially urgent.

    Adaptation of a child in an orphanage

    An orphanage is a state institution that is supposed to replace a child with a family until he comes of age. With the help of teachers, children learn to adapt to the social life they will enter after they turn 18.

    Social adaptation of orphans lies in their assimilation of the values ​​and norms of the society in which they live. Manifestations of adaptation lie in the interaction of children left by their parents with the outside world and in their active activities.

    When they talk about the social adaptation of orphans, this is usually understood as a complex set of pedagogical and educational measures. In fact, every child goes through this process during their development.

    Adaptation of a child in an orphanage is one of the components of social protection. It involves mastering one’s own role in the system of social relations. This is achieved by developing housekeeping, self-care, and work skills.

    The following stages of adaptation of children in the orphanage are distinguished:

    • Preparatory – from the moment of inclusion in a social group, it is associated with social diagnostics, determination of status, familiarization with the personal characteristics of the pupil;
    • Inclusion in a social group - it involves assistance in adapting to the conditions of an orphanage;
    • Mastering roles through participation in a variety of activities with the accumulation of experience, new knowledge and skills;
    • A stable adapted state, when children can solve almost any problem that arises in their natural environmental conditions.

    Adaptation of adopted children in the family

    Adaptation for adopted children is different for everyone. Factors such as:

    • Age of admission to a child's home or orphanage;
    • The presence or absence of previous experience of living in a family environment.

    The adaptation of orphans also depends on the attitude of other family members towards them. It is advisable that everyone treat the adopted child evenly, without excessive emotionality; at first it will require a lot of patience and strength. Such children tend to prefer one person, showing warm feelings towards him more than towards other family members.

    The older the age, the more difficult it is for orphans to adapt to the family. It can be especially difficult during adolescence, when the problems common to a teenager are added to the difficulties of adaptation of adopted children. At this time, such children may criticize their adoptive parents, blame them for their troubles and bad mood, and then difficulties in communicating with peers and falling in love for the first time usually arise.

    Difficulties of orphans in life

    According to statistics, only 10% of orphanage graduates successfully adapt to real life in society. 90% of them have difficulties in one or another aspect of interaction in society.

    The most common difficulties experienced by former orphans:

    • Expectation that someone will take care of them, hope for outside help;
    • Undeveloped proper attitude towards work, lack of meaningful interest in work;
    • Lack of experience with sufficient responsibility;
    • Distorted ideas about family and life in it;
    • Insufficient self-presentation skills associated with the inability to take care of one’s appearance;
    • Inability to competently and clearly express your thoughts;
    • Financial illiteracy, irresponsible attitude towards money, inability to plan your spending;
    • Legal and judicial illiteracy;
    • Information poverty of the mind due to the isolation and limited conditions of the orphanage, etc.

    Ordinary children receive all this knowledge naturally while living in a family environment. Due to insufficient self-esteem, orphans often cannot choose an educational institution to master a profession and work in low-skilled jobs. The task of teachers and foster parents is to ensure the safest and most painless adaptation of orphans.