A statement about handmade gifts. It’s better not to give it, but don’t feel bad about it afterwards! "in books

The most modest gift can delight, but provided that the donor’s resources are also small. However, a wealthy person should give a little more than prudence dictates. He who does not give too much gives too little. (A. Maurois)
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Every gift, no matter how small, becomes a great gift if you give it with love. (W. Walcott)
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A gift chosen with love is immediately recognizable by the desire to guess the taste of the recipient, by the originality of the idea, and by the very manner of presenting the gift. (A. Maurois)
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Give generously only when you know what you are giving to someone good. (Cato)

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Accept gifts only from people who have the right to give them. (F. Arno)
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Long hope is sweeter than a quick surprise. (I. Richter)
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He who gives his heart as a gift will never refuse to give money as a gift. (T. Fuller)
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A gift presented with a smile is doubly valuable. (T. Fuller)
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He who knows how to give, knows how to live. (French proverb)
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One who has flowers in his hands cannot do anything bad. (V. Soloukhin)
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Gifts, like good advice, bring joy to the giver. (E. Herriot)
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Nothing fuels a wife's suspicions more than an unexpected gift from her husband. (Unknown author)
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A book is the best gift, but a gift is better than a book. (Zhanna Golonogova)
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Having come to the conviction that “there is nothing in the world that would be worthy of her!”, the man offers himself. (S. Tracy)
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It’s nice to be remembered, but it’s often cheaper to be forgotten. (F. Hubbard)
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Friendship is built on small gifts, love is built on big gifts. (Ya. Ipokhorskaya)
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Why is it so difficult to buy a gift that looks worth what it actually cost? (Ya. Ipokhorskaya)
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Birthday gifts fall into two categories: those we don't like and those we don't receive. (Unknown author)
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The perfect gift for the man who has everything is a woman who knows what to do with it all. (Unknown author)
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The best gift for a golden wedding is a scene of jealousy. (Unknown author)
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If you liked the gift, it means you gave away part of your soul. (Japanese wisdom)
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A compliment is like a piece of jewelry: it testifies not only to the merits of the recipient, but also to the taste of the giver. (P. Godin)
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A gift shop is a place where there are a lot of gifts and where you are horrified at the thought of being given one of them. (Unknown author)
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Should a gentleman remove the price from a gift if he makes the gift in money? (K. Melikhan)
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Gifts are received by those who have something to give. (B. Brzezinski)
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Buy gifts that are a little more expensive than you can afford. (A. Maurois)
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Every gift from a friend is a wish for happiness. (R. Bach
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When a person retires and can afford not to keep track of time, his colleagues give him a watch. (R. Sherriff)
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Perhaps the cheapest way to cure a man from drunkenness is to give him a car (R. Podlevsky)
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There are three types of gifts: expensive, not so expensive, and a book. (Unknown author)
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Give your girlfriends the same perfume as your wives. Wives have an exceptional sense of smell. (Nadine Rothschild)
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Useful gifts are best. Let's say I give him handkerchiefs, and he gives me a mink coat. (B. Bardo)
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You should not give a woman anything that she cannot wear in the evening. (Unknown author)
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Name days are organized so that our friends can get rid of unnecessary things that they received on their own name days. (Unknown author)

Grandma, why are you going to refuse me? - I don’t know, maybe the way to the church.

Every gift is in line (that is, it will be remembered by the giver).

Where there are gifts, there are gifts.

A gift is not a purchase: they do not criticize, but praise.

The gift of the gift awaits.

Gifts are not taken back.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

A free strap is better than a purchased strap.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Gifts blind even the wise.

They give - they don’t take back.

They give - they don’t reproach.

If they give, take, but if they hit, run.

At home there is no hunger, but the gift is dear.

It’s not a gift that’s precious, it’s attention that’s precious.

An unsolicited gift is precious.

Expensive egg for the big day.

Expensive egg for Christ's Day.

An expensive gift obliges.

If a woman gives herself for money, then she is far from a gift!

A woman is the only gift that wraps itself.

A swan feather was sent a thousand miles away: an easy gift, but precious attention.

And the camel is a gift, and the button is a gift

And a small gift is not a waste.

And a small gift is not a waste.

The property goes not into a ring, but into a pile (it is not saved, but squandered; it goes to the son).

Those who are scolded are not given anything.

Whom you love, you give, but you don’t love, and you won’t accept from him.

Whom I love, I give.

The godfather is not nice - and the gifts are hateful.

It’s better not to give, and then don’t blame me.

Accept little things, but give them big things (with a treat, a gift).

Your gift is not dear to me, your love is dear to me.

There is no inheritance for escheat. Lost to the world.

They don't complain about the gift.

Come on, God, it’s not good for us.

A gift is not precious, but love is precious.

If your godfather doesn't like you - and the gifts aren't nice

Don’t drink, godfather, free wine: it will come more expensive than what you bought (you have to drink it).

It's not the gift that's nice, it's the attention.

An enemy gives - he thinks evil.

From mother a heating pad, from father a little bit of scraps, and that was almost a gift.

From the sweet kumanka there is a shard and a patch, and that’s a gift.

From someone who is not nice, the gift is hateful.

My grandmother refused me rosaries, ladders, and armrests.

Gave me a look and was glad.

He gave me a ring and took away my heart.

He gave a gift - a candle stub.

If you give it to Paris, you'll buy one left.

Gifts make your eyes pop.

They give gifts - they see gifts.

Gifts love gifts.

Gifts love gifts. The gift of the gift awaits.

Accept gifts and give back.

A gift is not a gift.

Offer a golden apple on a silver platter (i.e., a good gift or news).

The recipient of the gift does not express dissatisfaction.

Reproach is a gift from friends

A friendly face is an additional gift.

For the sake of a dear friend and an earring from my ear.

The poor guy went broke: he bought a copper ring for the girl.

With whom you shower (gifts), you will reckon with.

What they give, they do not reproach.

Rather than reproach, it is better not to give.

What is not nice to us is in the censer.

To please the heart, it doesn’t matter whether the gift is small or big

Tobacco is good for nothing, but if you buy it with money it’s green.

I am often asked if my friends and acquaintances are offended that I get rid of the things they gave me. Although this happens quite rarely (usually from strangers), I am interested in exploring this phenomenon. Moreover, no matter how happy I was at the moment of receiving the gift, it is not a fact that I will want to keep it forever. And now I sometimes think that I am read by people who gave me this or that thing, and I decide that for now I will not write about it, so as not to offend them. But the further I go, the less I understand what’s offensive about this at all?..

Moreover, now are times when there are gift shops! Times when everyone has everything, and you have to be more and more sophisticated and inventive in order to come up with some nice present. Times when it’s not customary to show up to many events empty-handed, it’s not customary to make things, it’s not customary to hand over what’s yours, only BUYING is held in high esteem, spending money on maintaining relationships, although is this really necessary?

Over the years of our lives, we have been given so many ideas about how it is accepted and not accepted to act, and these ideas, which, by the way, are ingrained very deeply, of course, for the time being, simplify existence in society, but when they complicate relationships with myself and those around me space, I prefer to reconsider ideas rather than increase space :)

I immediately remembered 5 proverbs about gifts that are no longer particularly relevant in our era of abundance:

To give is not to get tired, but it would be possible. You know, it happens: “I saw it and immediately thought about you!” Great, I'm glad you thought of me, but how well did you think? What will I do with it after I smile at your attention? You may not get tired of giving, but taking it and looking for a place/use/application for it is a lot of work. At the same time, a person who is generous with gifts also increases his self-esteem, he is such a great guy, he gives, shares with the world, and makes his friends happy. Although basically this is just an increase in the level of entropy in the lives of these same friends.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth. Well, in front of the donor, maybe they don’t look. But then you need to know who you are harnessing :) Besides, HORSES have been rarely given as gifts in recent years, but “horses” can be examined carefully. But it seems awkward to admit that what you were given is not exactly what you wanted, or even to make it clear that you didn’t want anything at all. And it’s even worse to be known as an ungrateful person who doesn’t know how to accept gifts. But what’s wrong with the fact that you provide yourself with what you need? Has it ever happened to you that already at the moment of donation you said that this is not your thing at all, and it is better to return it to the store or give it to someone else?

Gifts are not given. And now, you have mastered the previous two proverbs well, you are sitting, a closet full of gifts, nowhere to put them. And then there seems to be an occasion - someone’s birthday. And probably the person will like what you, in general, don’t really need, and you don’t need to spend money on a new gift, but then in your head a red light reproachfully lights up from nowhere, the programmed “Gifts are not given”, and you either think it over a hundred times, If the giver, the recipient or someone they know finds out about such a brutal act of yours, you decide not to risk it and rush off to look for some other “real” new gift. (Which, in turn, globally looks like overconsumption, provoking overproduction! But this is a completely different story, which few people think about, trying not to tarnish their reputation.)

Gifts love gifts. Another trap. It seems like he’s somehow arranged everything that was given to him on the mezzanine, when the thought begins to wander through his head: “They gave me so much stuff, how expensive, and how confused they were, and what am I doing? I also urgently need to come up with something and give them something, no less worthy, or better yet something more expensive, so that they can see that I am grateful to them.” Well, or similar thoughts. And the “complex ritual of exchanging gifts” begins. It is important to remember that you can leave the game at any time. These are just things.

The godfather is not nice - and the gifts are hateful. To hell with gifts, if the “godmother” is not nice, maybe you should just cut down on communication? For example, just one day resolutely refuse her gifts? Here, by the way, we must keep in mind that often this delusion (that you owe something in return for a gift even to someone you don’t like) is used by manipulators, which Robert Chaldili wrote about in detail and very comprehensively in an excellent textbook on resistance to manipulation "The Psychology of Influence". So, one day I got rid of a large number of hateful gifts from one very unpleasant person, even though they were expensive gifts, by simply throwing them in a bucket so that they wouldn’t flash, wouldn’t remind me and would no longer have any power over me.

But not all proverbs are equally outdated; there is one that expresses a concept that is very valuable to me:

A gift is not precious, but love is precious. No matter how many times, from all corners, banners and we are called to identify ourselves with these beautiful, stylish things, with such laconic design and relaxed lifestyle that these things suggest, we have one basic knowledge: we are not our things! This means our relationship is not a relationship around things. I would like to have enough directness of consciousness and an environment ready enough to hear:

“I love you, I’m cool that you came to visit me, and return this material evidence of our relationship to where you got it.”
“I won’t give you anything because I respect your space and your decision to live with less stuff.”
“Don’t give me anything for my birthday, and if you still have nowhere to put the money, transfer a little, for example, to this organization(link to the charity project you support)"
« I'm glad that you think about me when you travel, next time just send me a text message :) »

How would you feel if you saw among 365 things what you gave me?

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  • - After a thunderstorm, a bucket. After bad weather, sunshine. Wed. It won’t all be raining in the sky... maybe the sun will shine through!.... Markevich. A quarter of a century ago. I, 9. Wed. Auf Regen folgt Sonnenschein. Seb. Franck. Sprichwerter. 1541.2, 104. Cf. Post nubila Phoebus...

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  • - See Grief -...

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  • - See TRUE -...

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    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TALK -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See HELP -...

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  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - several...

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    Nothing binds us to a woman more than the expensive gifts we gave her.
    Unknown American author

    The look is hypocritical, the smile lies, but jewelry never deceives.
    Delphine de Girardin

    A woman loves with her ears, and her ears love diamonds.
    Tamara Kleiman

    The most beautiful children are born after visiting jewelry shops.
    Gennady Malkin

    Give a woman the whole world, and the first thing she will do is get rid of you.
    Arkady Davidovich

    Birthday gifts fall into two categories: those we don't like and those we don't receive.

    Why is it so difficult to buy a gift that looks worth what it actually cost?
    Yanina Ipohorskaya

    Edouard Herriot

    Gifts are received by those who have something to give.
    Bogdan Brzezinski

    It’s nice to be remembered, but it’s often cheaper to be forgotten.
    Frank Hubbard

    A purchased chicken is cheaper than a donated one.

    A book is the best gift, but a gift is better than a book.
    Zhanna Golonogova

    Money is the best gift. Everything else costs too much.

    Friendship is built on small gifts, love is built on big gifts.
    Yanina Ipohorskaya

    An ideal gift: an item that a woman can exchange in a store even a month later.

    Having come to the conviction that “there is nothing in the world that would be worthy of her!”, the man offers himself.
    Spencer Tracy

    Both people and gods are captivated by a good gift.

    How poorly our friends know us can sometimes be judged by the gifts we receive from them.
    Sigmund Graff

    Gift Shop: A place that sells things you wouldn't want as a gift.
    From the “Dictionary of Unreliable Definitions” by L. Levinson

    Choosing a gift for your wife's birthday is usually more difficult than choosing the wife herself.

    People rarely think alike except when choosing wedding gifts.

    For gifts, a combination of great moderation and the smallest expenses is suitable. And who can we tell that gifts should be luxurious? Poor people? But they are not able to receive them. Rich? But they don't need to receive them.

    Money is a gift that fits everyone in size.
    William Randolph Hearst

    A person who does not accept a rich gift is richer than the one who gives it.

    They usually steal what is needed and give what is not needed.
    Konstantin Melikhan

    People rarely read books that are given to them.
    Samuel Johnson

    Often, the more expensive the gift, the cheaper the intentions.
    Gerlind Fischer-Diehl

    He would give her a lot so that she would love him not for what he gave her.
    Karl Kraus

    Nothing binds us to a woman more than the expensive gifts we give her.
    Unknown author

    The best gift for a person who has everything is a security alarm.

    Gifts, like good advice, bring joy to the giver.
    Eduard Herriot

    We willingly accept everything that is presented out of a feeling of love, because it is the same as receiving a gift from ourselves; but we reject the gift of someone who considers himself entitled to be a benefactor.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Be indifferent when accepting anything! Show honor by accepting, that’s what I advise those who have nothing to give.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

    There are gifts, the receipt of which obliges the recipient to repay the giver a hundredfold: thus, gifting as such does not exist.
    Maurice Blanchot

    When you receive a gift from life, see if there is a price on it.
    Sergey Balashov

    In childhood, every new day is a godsend; in old age, every new day is a gift.
    Ilya Shevelev

    A gift is given to a person in order to bring him closer, and alms are given in order to get rid of him.
    Jewish saying

    The greatest value is the time given to us.
    Valery Mironov