Universal real gains 1.7 is enough. Real Gains from Universal Nutrition: description and composition. High quality carbohydrates

Excessive quantity and low quality of carbohydrates contained in sports nutrition can only cause harm to the athlete’s body. These nutrients, of course, perform their important function - they serve as a source of energy for the body. At the same time, their excess is deposited in tissue cells in the form of fat, which is an undesirable phenomenon for an athlete. Athletes strive to make their muscles stronger, so they do not need excess body weight.

Considering this need for people involved in sports, Universal Nutrition has excluded from its new product Real Gains low-quality carbohydrates and reduced their quantity as much as possible. Now there are exactly as many carbohydrates in this as the body needs to replenish the calories expended. The product has become widely popular among athletes also because it contains a unique combination of high-quality proteins - whey protein and. For better and most complete absorption of nutrients, the manufacturer of the product included dietary fiber in it. On the one hand, they help moderate appetite, on the other, they take all the beneficial substances from the mixture without leaving a trace. The complex sports supplement has virtually no disadvantages. Amino acids easily dissolve in water and are completely absorbed.

Let us once again recall the composition of the product:

  • Squirrels. Two types of proteins - fast and slow - are broken down in the gastrointestinal tract at different rates, so even taking one serving of gainer per day solves the problem of their deficiency. Fast protein is whey protein isolate. It quickly releases its amino acids to the body. Slow protein is micellar casein, which “releases” valuable nutrients gradually.
  • Healthy fats– linseed oil, as well as those having average length triglyceride chains. They are not deposited in cells, are easily burned, and quickly fill the deficient body with energy.
  • Carbohydrates. The natural polysaccharide inulin is added to the gainer. Its function in the presented product is to help in the absorption of all the substances of the nutritional complex. It is involved in creating a favorable environment in the intestines, in which each protein molecule is used for its intended purpose.
  • Complex carbonates– the ideal amount in one serving of the product. They help improve muscle nutrition and increase their mass. Considered a rich source of energy. They have various effects on the body: antacid, adsorbent, astringent.

The protein complex dissolves perfectly in water with simple stirring. This is a product with a first-class composition of amino acids, healthy fats and high-quality carbohydrates. Ingestion of a concentrated drink containing a huge amount of useful substances into the body can cause intestinal upset, cramps and stomach pain. Helps prevent these phenomena inulin. Muscles, receiving such care from Real Gains, become strong and resilient much faster. Triglycerides and flaxseed oil promote the production of hormones, which are also necessary for the athlete to maintain the volume of muscle tissue.

Build your body, make it the way you would like it to be - this is the task of Real Gains. Take it according to the instructions, not forgetting about a balanced diet and a competent training program. All this will be the impetus for your rapid success in weightlifting, bodybuilding and other sports.

A unique muscle building matrix filled to the brim with extreme energy and created especially for you, dear bodybuilders who train in a ruthless hardcore style. This is Real Gains! The product is loaded with beneficial nutrients, but the content of not always desirable components is reduced to a minimum. In short, maximum calories, maximum protein, maximum fiber, maximum essential fatty acids and maximum taste. And as little as possible.

Do you want to gain muscle mass? To get to your cherished goal in the shortest and correct way, you will have to sharply limit the proportion of saturated fats in your diet and increase your intake of protein, which is contained in sufficient quantities in each serving of Real Gains. You can rest assured that we have loaded the gainer with high-quality micellar casein, because we do not skimp on the main thing. We're sure you won't do this either. The Real Gains protein complex has an impeccable amino acid profile and is completely dissolved in liquid, so you don't need a blender.

  • 52 g of protein per serving
  • 600 calories per shaker
  • Whey protein, micellar casein, beneficial fatty acid and fiber
  • Low sugar content
  • Completely dissolves in a regular shaker

Each gainer serving contains complex carbohydrates, which will first provide you with energy during a grueling training session, and after training will provide fuel for the processes of recovery and muscle growth. We've enriched Real Gains with inulin, a unique plant fiber that aids digestion and increases the bioavailability of the proteins, carbohydrates and essential lipids you need to get big and then stay there. Real Gains contains flaxseed oil and medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), which enhance the production of anabolic hormones and strengthen cell membranes, promoting muscle growth and providing daily nutritional requirements. And of course, Real Gains should be used in combination with a balanced diet and relentless hardcore training!

Mode of application

Take one serving between main meals and before going to bed. Thanks to its rich and balanced composition, you can reduce the serving size by half and take the gainer 2-3 times a day. For best results, use a shaker and dilute the product in 450-500 ml of liquid.


Keep out of the reach of children; Consult a professional before starting a diet or exercise program.


Do not use as the sole source of calories and nutrients.

Composition of Real Gains

Calories Fats Cholesterol Sodium Potassium Carbohydrates Squirrels Vitamin A Vitamin C Calcium Iron Riboflavin Phosphorus Iodine Magnesium Manganese Chloride (per 100 g protein) L-Alanine L-Arginine L-Aspartic acid L-Cystine L-Glutamic acid L-Glutamine L-Glycine L-Histidine L-Isoleucine L-Leucine L-Lysine L-Methionine L-Phenylalanine L-Proline L-Serine L-Threonine L-Tryptophan- L-Tyrosine L-Valine
Serving Size: 3.5 scoops (155g)
Contents per serving% RSN
Calories from fat54
6 g9%
Saturated fats4 g14%
Trans fats0 g
96 mg32%
276 mg12%
748 mg21%
84 g28%
Cellulose5 g19%
Simple carbohydrates7 g
53 g106%
4.77 g
2.32 g
10.44 g
2.45 g
11.98 g
4.64 g
1.8 g
1.93 g
6.06 g
10.69 g
8.89 g
2.06 g
3.35 g
5.41 g
4.64 g
6.31 g
1.67 g
2.96 g
5.67 g
Other Ingredients
Maltodextrin, Natural Protein Complex™ [Whey Concentrate (Milk), Micellar Casein, Whey Protein Isolate], Cocoa, Inulin, MCT, Calcium Caseinate, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Lecithin (Soy), Chocolate, Salt, Flaxseed Oil, Sucralose, Acesulfame potassium

Real Gains gainer from Universal, an excellent high-protein gainer (with a protein content of approximately 34%, against the usual 20-25% in classic high-carbohydrate gainers), with a simple and high-quality composition: whey concentrate and isolate, micellar casein as a protein component; maltodextrin – as a carbohydrate component; A little healthy fats and fiber. In general, just healthy and nutritious food in an easily digestible form, nothing extra.

Translation of the description and method of use (in free presentation, very approximately, but I think I got the gist):

WHO WE ARE: Universal Nutrition has been at the forefront of the world's nutritional supplements for bodybuilders and strength athletes since 1977. As time passes, some ideals never go out of style. Honesty. Integrity. Respect. We defend these values ​​and built our business on them.

WHAT IS IT: Real Gaines is a “pure” high-protein gainer containing fast and slow protein in the form of whey concentrate and isolate in combination with micellar casein. Real Gaines contains complex carbohydrates as the main source of calories. Real Gaines also contains healthy fats in the form of MCTs (my note: Medium Chain Triglycerides), EFAs (my note: I don't know what this stands for, but the ingredients include flaxseed powder, i.e. a source of omega fats) and dietary fiber in the form of inulin.

HOW WE COMMIT TO THIS: The content is exactly as described on the label and will help you achieve your goals. We are proud of this and embody it in every product we produce. Our word is reliable.

DOSAGE: Use one serving between meals and before bed. You can also use it instead of one of your meals a day. Mix 3.5 scoops with 12-16 oz (360-480 ml) liquid. This formula is very concentrated, and given its nutritional value, you may find it wise to use half a serving, two to three times per day. For better mixing, use a blender or shaker.

Also, on the can there is a solid paragraph with warnings (WARNING) such as: Do not use by persons under 18 years of age. Please consult your physician before using this product. Please do not use this product if you have or are susceptible to the following diseases: diabetes, asthma, depression,..., glaucoma..., high blood pressure..., etc. Do not use by pregnant women. Do not exceed the dose, etc. etc.. I won’t translate everything verbatim, since this is not related specifically to this product, but simply, as Dr. Bykov said in the “interns”: “America is a country of criminals and lawyers,” respectively, it’s simple legal troubles of the manufacturer (as on some English-language websites on the topic of fitness, at the end of the description, for example, of the technique of performing an exercise, there is a warning like: we are not responsible for how you use this information, and that you can foolishly harm yourself there - completely your fault). But the gainer itself is just food, and for healthy people, in fact, other than individual intolerance to individual components, there should be no contraindications.

Serving Size 3.5 scoops (155 g)

Kilocalories - 602

kilocalories from fat - 54

Total fat - 6 g

saturated fat - 3 g

Cholesterol - 97 mg

Sodium - 277 mg

Potassium - 708 mg

Total carbohydrates - 84 g

fiber - 5 g

sugar - 7 g

Protein - 53 g

INGREDIENTS: Maltodextrin, protein complex (ultrafiltered whey concentrate (milk), micellar casein, whey protein isolate), cocoa powder, inulin, MCT, calcium caseinate, natural and artificial flavors, lecithin (soy), chocolate flavor (sulfites), chloride sodium, flaxseed powder, sucralose, acesulfame potassium. Made to GMP standards on equipment that also processes milk, soy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and wheat.

So, the “official” serving is 155 grams, contains 53 g of protein (34%), 84 g of carbohydrates (55%), 6 g of fat (4%), 602 kcal. (all these parameters may vary slightly depending on the taste of the gainer, and I gave this for the chocolate flavor).

I used about 100 grams of powder per 300 milliliters of milk 1.5-2.5%. This is approximately 40 g of protein, 70 g of carbohydrates and 10 g of fat, 530 kcal. (including nutrients and calories from milk).

I ate a lot of this gainer, and achieved a lot with its help in training, but still, probably, for those who by nature have a very asthenic body constitution, a high-carbohydrate gainer like Juice muscle 2544 and the like (which I switched to at one time and achieved even greater results in training).

I consider Real Gains to be an ideal source of additional calories and protein for people with an initially normal physique and metabolism who are seriously involved in gaining muscle mass.

The calculation here is the simplest and most understandable: with such a high protein content for a gainer, a 100 gram serving of powder will contain approximately 34 grams of protein, 55 g of carbohydrates, 4 g of fat, and only 392 kcal. (any protein-carbohydrate powder in an amount of 100 g will have approximately the same calorie content, regardless of the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates, since proteins and carbohydrates provide the same amount: 1 g = 4 kcal).

It would seem that nothing prevents you from increasing the amount of powder to 150-200 grams per dose - then there will be enough calories, only then there will be 50-70 grams of protein per serving, which is actually too much for a one-time dose (this is hardly advisable, since how hardly all the protein can be absorbed).

Therefore, when it comes to the maximum number of calories in each serving, classic high-carbohydrate gainers are better suited, since 150-200 g of powder contain the same amount of protein as this gainer in 100 grams.

In general, taking a whole serving (155 grams) of this gainer (with 50+ grams of protein in each serving), in my opinion, is the prerogative of professional bodybuilders weighing under 150 kg, in the off-season, but an ordinary person is more likely to have problems with absorption protein, which will be beneficial, and 1/2 or 2/3 of a serving provides few calories (but if you eat a lot of regular food as the main source of calories, then there is no problem, you can successfully use this gainer).

High-protein gainers are often positioned as “for building pure muscle mass without fat,” which is only partly true - a lot depends on the constitution of the body, the metabolism of each individual person, and not just on the food product.

So, a person with a normal body constitution, an average or slow metabolism, if he starts taking classic high-carbohydrate gainers at 150-200 g per serving (as an addition to regular food - like any gainers are taken), will soon become like a sumo wrestler. To prevent this from happening, but to recruit predominantly muscle mass, just protein powders or a high-protein gainer would be appropriate here.

On the other hand, an ectomorph with a fast metabolism, just protein powder or a high-protein gainer may not give him anything, since in this case, in order to move the weight off a dead point, you really need a lot of additional calories.

The taste of this gainer is the least sweet of all that I have ever tried (that is, it is of course sweet like all gainers, but less than others), the entire carbohydrate component of this gainer is maltodextrin (glucose polymers), no simple sugars in the composition, and given the absence of a cloying sweetness of taste and flatulence after its use, we can assume that maltodextrin is quite high quality and really has a low GI, which other branded, much more expensive gainers often cannot boast of (for example, I’ll say that I tried another popular high-protein gainer – Pro Complex Gainer from Optimum Nutrition, and I categorically did not like it due to its cloyingly sweet taste and increased gas formation after taking it).

Tastes like chocolate and vanilla are nothing special - just mediocre, but strawberry (strawberry ice cream) and cookies and cream (cookies & cream) are really very tasty (strawberry also contains strawberry scraps - with cold milk it’s simply the best the taste of a protein-carbohydrate cocktail that I have ever tried) (but that was two years ago, when I was constantly eating bags of this gainer, I hope nothing has changed in the worst side in terms of tastes).

Mixes just fine in a shaker - no excessive foam or lumps.

The only drawback that slightly spoils the impression is the strange, difficult to dissolve white lumps that are sometimes visible at the bottom of the shaker in chocolate and vanilla flavors. I don’t think this is anything “criminal”, just unpleasant. Actually, for this misunderstanding, I reduced the rating of this gainer to 4x.

Another thing that is of course unimportant, but also not a plus for this gainer, is an incomprehensible measuring stick. It's small, like protein. And the “official” portion of 3.5 scoops is a rather strange decision by the manufacturer. When I ate bags of this gainer, I immediately threw away the included measuring cup and replaced it with a more suitable one (from another gainer).

Regarding the price: many sports nutrition products have risen in price with the fall of the ruble, but unevenly - some by two times, some by one and a half times, some at first by two times, and then slightly decreased in price and stabilized. This gainer, a negative example in this regard, has almost doubled in price and remains at this price, which, frankly, is unacceptable for those who constantly bought it at a normal price (not only financially, but also psychologically - buy the product is twice as expensive as usual, and knowing that there are no objective reasons for this related to production, but only some obscure fluctuations in the exchange rate - this is a burden not only on the pocket, but also on the psyche).

ADDED 08/22/2016

After a more than three-year break from using this gainer (I ate others), I decided to take it again, a 3.2 kg bag with the “cookies and cream” flavor - the price seemed to have dropped a little for it (at least in some stores) after doubled after the collapse of the ruble. So, the contents of the bag had nothing in common with what I ate several years ago. Firstly, in addition to pieces of cookies (cookie crumbs) of black color, which is normal and natural for the taste of “cookies & cream”, there were about the same number of reddish lumps of crumbs of unknown origin light color, What is this? If the cookie crumbs are hard and sweet in taste, then the red crumbs turned out to be soft, bitter, and when crushed with your fingers, they resemble lime or chalk. The powder mixes very poorly - at first it clumps, and you need to shake the shaker for several minutes to more or less dissolve, the taste is not expressed and there is an extraneous aftertaste (which is not surprising given the number of strange red clumps that taste bitter, which after mixing the powder form a reddish suspension at the bottom of the shaker colors). Did I get a fake? You can’t tell from the packaging, everything seems to be fine - it’s the same as it was a few years ago. And in fact, I am sure that it is not a fake - in the bag there was a small booklet, sealed in a plastic bag (this is a “trick” of this manufacturer, and it was always the same in the bags of this gainer when I ate it all the time). The situation is reminiscent of the one I had with the Muscle Juice 2600 Revolution gainer, after which I stopped trusting Ultimate Nutrition products, and now Universal Nutrition is on my black list of companies that from time to time screw up the quality of their products.

Didn't change my positive feedback and a rating for this gainer, but I considered it my duty to make this note so as not to mislead anyone - not everything is so perfect with this manufacturer, in fact it turns out that even knowing the product, every time we buy it again, we are buying a “pig in a poke” . And this is true with the products of the world’s oldest brand, let alone the domestic “underproducers” that have appeared in abundance in Lately, for which problems often begin already with the packaging - either confusion in the description, spelling and arithmetic errors, no detailed composition, no specifications or production address, etc. and so on. – it is often unclear where, from what, and according to what standards/norms the product was made, and what is inside with this approach to business... So you buy the manufacturer’s products, it would seem that there is nowhere more reliable, and this is what sometimes happens... It’s a shame, a shame.


Continuation of the epic. The strange thing is that these strange lumps of orange-red color are present in very large quantities and evenly - just like baked crumbs. As if this is how it should be, and they should be there (even though they weren’t there a few years ago). Therefore, I decided to ask a question on universalusa - maybe something was added to the composition without changing the description of the composition on the packaging. I sent a clearly formulated question in good English (I asked my sister, who speaks perfect English, to translate and edit) more than a week ago - no answer, no hello. While all this was going on, I ate more than half the bag without finishing it completely - most of these lumps did not dissolve, remaining at the bottom, and if you do not finish them, “savoring” them on the tongue, then their bitter taste is not strongly felt in the cocktail - you can drink it. I didn’t add a photo of these lumps, since now there is no way to take a clear photo, and a cloudy one won’t give the correct picture - I described everything in sufficient detail in words. It also doesn’t seem to cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract - except for those that are caused psychologically - drinking is unpleasant. If I ever get a response from the manufacturer (which is unlikely - I waited 10 days, but now I’m not waiting anymore), I’m no longer interested - I threw away the rest, and I’m completely disappointed in this company - I’ll hardly ever again , I’ll take her products in principle, and not just this gainer.

P.S. I did not change my main positive review and rating, because it described my old experience with this gainer - when everything was in order, and I got a lot of benefit from it. My new experience - unsuccessful, is described in these additions. Both this and that took place - I described everything as it is. What conclusions to draw and whether to purchase personal experience with this product – everyone decides for themselves. I hope my experience was useful.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

Place in : out of competition ()
Date of: 2018-11-05 Views: 4 799 Grade: 5.0

Detailed composition

My mark

Unique advantages:
  • 25% BCAA in the protein component.
  • Low fat and sugar content.


Like all other gainers, this gainer is needed for the following purposes:
  1. Increase in total caloric intake.
  2. Increased muscle mass.
  3. Accelerate recovery.
  4. Height .
  5. Replacing regular food in cases where you can’t eat.
In addition to the above, you need to take into account that this gainer belongs to the high-protein category. That is, these are gainers with 30% protein or more. This means that it will promote muscle growth to a greater extent and fat growth to a lesser extent. But at the same time, it will also be more expensive than its low-protein counterparts.

How to use

Here are the basic admission rules:
  • Regardless of the number of workouts, it is better to take it every day.
  • Take 1-2 times a day (depending on how many kcal you want to get from the gainer). 1 time in the morning, and the other in the afternoon.
  • It is better to take immediately after training and/or between meals. But not at the same time as the main meal.
  • It is better to dilute with milk. Possibly with water. The amount of liquid is a matter of taste and does not matter.
  • You can add creatine, BCAAs, protein, and, in general, anything you want to the gainer.
  • To obtain an effect, the duration of use must be at least a month.
  • The maximum duration of treatment is unlimited. This means that you can use it for the rest of your life without interruption.
Dosage for 1 dose:
  • Weighing up to 60 kg, 30-40 grams at a time.
  • Weighing up to 80 kg, 40-50 grams at a time.
  • Weighing up to 100 kg, 50-60 grams at a time.
  • With a weight of more than 100 kg, 60-70 gamma at a time.
Naturally, all dosages are indicated very roughly. And in many ways they depend on your general activity, the number of workouts, the number of gainer intakes, how much you are undereating from regular food, etc. You decide on the exact portion. Attention! Do not be fooled by the dosage indicated by the manufacturer. Most manufacturers deliberately overestimate it. I think this is done so that you eat it faster and buy a new one.

An extremely powerful mass gainer, created specifically for hardcore workouts in the gym. The product contains more of what an athlete needs: more calories, protein, healthy fats, dietary fiber and less of what is not needed: sugar, bad fats, etc.

The motto of the product: “the whole mass - in one bottle!”

Gainer Real Gains contains two types of the best protein: fast - whey protein and slow - micellar casein that is on the market. The protein matrix has a premium amino acid profile that turns into liquid without the need for a blender. Large amounts of complex carbohydrates are an integral part of fueling muscles, which is why they are also included in each serving of the product. These "energy stations" support muscles throughout an intense training program.

The gainer also contains inulin and dietary fiber, which help (in full) absorb all the proteins, carbohydrates and fats you need to get big. Inulin, in turn, is a prebiotic, i.e. it helps improve digestion and helps create the right conditions in the intestines for maximum absorption of nutrients, which is necessary when consumed large quantity calories. MCT complex and flaxseed oil help produce hormones, protect cell membranes, and help you easily obtain energy from fat.

Benefits of Real Gains:

  • unique formula for weight gain;
  • protein matrix of whey and micellar casein;
  • inulin content and linseed oil;
  • 52 grams of protein, 600 calories per serving;
  • low sugar content;
  • easy dissolution.

Nutritional value/s ingredients:

Practical significance: what problems does the additive solve?

Real Gains allows:

  1. gain extreme weight for people of thin build;
  2. build more dense muscles without an extra gram of fat;
  3. increase the energy level of the workout and its intensity;
  4. significantly increase the calorie content of the diet without straining the stomach;
  5. nourish muscles for a long time.

How to take Real Gains?

Dilute 3.5 scoops in 400-450 ml of water or milk. Consume one serving between meals and before bed. Can also be used as a replacement for one meal per day. Due to its high concentration, the gainer can be taken 2-3 times a day at a dosage of 1/2 serving at a time.

Unbiased opinion

If you are serious about weight gain and are focused on... best quality product, then Real Gains- This is your choice. The gainer is aimed at bodybuilding enthusiasts and professional athletes who want to get better results in the form of gaining quality mass.

Place your order right now by simply adding the product to your cart and start growing by leaps and bounds, good luck!