Creative abilities: features and development. Development of a child’s creative abilities How a child’s creative abilities are manifested

Our world needs creators, and these are not necessarily artists, architects or writers. Creative ideas are embodied in the ability to find a solution in a hopeless situation, improve things and find new uses for them, put forward philosophical concepts that change the worldview. And you can lay the foundation for all this right now by helping your child in search of creative self-expression. What methods exist today for developing creative abilities in children, and at what age are they relevant? Let's try to find the answer.

What is considered creative ability?

As mentioned above, creativity is not limited to drawing, singing or sculpting skills. Their asset is much broader, it includes the following skills:

  • the desire to explore the world and make discoveries;
  • ability to use acquired knowledge in practice, invention;
  • the desire to see the unusual in everyday objects;
  • imagination and fantasy;
  • showing initiative;
  • intuition;
  • lively activity of the mind.

All these concepts find concrete expression. For example, children learn to notice the beauty of nature and architecture and embody this in their creations, find new uses for things, invent words, draw, imagine themselves as heroes of their favorite books, write stories, dance and sing. And it is important for parents not to extinguish the sparks of these manifestations, because they reveal the potential of the child’s giftedness.

Creativity and age

The first inclinations of a creative approach appear in a child very early. Even an independent attempt to get out of bed, quietly reach for a phone accidentally forgotten on the table, or draw on the wallpaper is also a kind of creative act. After all, the child actively explores the environment, finds a use for its objects, sets goals and goes towards them in his own unconventional way. The development of children's creative abilities changes with age:

  • 2-5 years. During this period, the basic foundation of the personality is laid, and therefore creative abilities develop most intensively. This stage is characterized by increased curiosity, selective and effective memory, which is based on early speech and abstract thinking, perseverance in achieving goals and increased concentration, vivid imagination, developed sense of justice, extreme emotional sensitivity. The baby experiences a strong need for knowledge and actively responds to any methods of creative development.
  • 6-10 years. This is a critical period associated with the transition to school education. Creative activity in this period largely depends on the conditions of learning and communication. It is characterized by the fact that children are aimed at finding the unknown on their own.
  • 11-14 years old. A period during which the child not only asks questions, he puts forward hypotheses and conducts research. At this time, the range of interests may narrow, but the depth of analysis reaches new content. By the end of this period, the child raises the problem of finding the meaning of life and existing phenomena, predicts the future, talks about man’s place in the Universe, and becomes able to independently set problems for himself and find solutions.

You can develop children's creative abilities at any stage. Even adults sometimes resort to art therapy methods and discover innovative and inventive talents that help them find a non-standard approach to solving problems. And yet, we suggest focusing on the first stage: it is important not to miss the moment and develop a “creative streak” at a very early age, because the impressions of this period will leave vivid memories for a lifetime.

Development methods

The techniques for developing creative abilities in children that we will list are familiar to many parents; in fact, this is a curriculum for kindergarten classes. However, we must not forget that at an early stage of development you lay down basic ideas about the world that will form the basis of the child’s personality traits and character traits. The child’s personality develops continuously, and not from case to case, so the task of parents is to create and constantly maintain an environment that will encourage creativity. This can be done using the following methods:

  • Conversations about the world around us. Discuss with your child everything that is happening around (at home, in kindergarten on the playground, on public transport), tell him about the animals and plants that you meet on the way or live in your area, explain the meaning of natural phenomena.
  • Educational games. Give preference to toys that are not only age-appropriate, but also allow for multiple uses, for example, construction sets, mosaics, balls, dishes.
  • Art. Buy a large album, paints, brushes, pencils and markers. Show your child how to draw a circle, square, sun and clouds. Read books about how a drawing is created and try to pass this knowledge on to your child.
  • Modeling. Start your lessons by sculpting balls and sausages, then move on to more complex objects and compositions.
  • Reading. Spend at least half an hour a day reading. These can be fairy tales, adventure stories, poems. You can read books based on roles, act out skits, creating an impromptu home theater.
  • Listening to music. Sing lullabies to your child, let him listen to children's songs and classic works, even if they seem difficult. Discuss with your child what the sounds of the melodies are like.

Exercises to develop creative thinking

When your child is old enough and aware of the names and properties of surrounding objects, you can move from general methods to specific exercises. Who knows, maybe they will spur you to develop creative thinking.

If as a child you loved to draw houses, imagining yourself as an architect, now it will not be difficult for you to get into the role. You are an architect's client, you need to build a house. Write on a piece of paper the words that should be reflected in the project. For example, a shoe, a mirror, a ball. How will this be reflected in the drawing that the child has to complete: a house in the shape of a shoe, a mirror instead of a roof, furniture in the shape of balls? Or maybe something even more interesting?

Playing with names will bring a lot of fun to both you and your child. To do this, you just need to imagine that you are the editors of a newspaper or magazine and are preparing material for the front page. You need to come up with a catchy title about everything that comes along the way. If your child suddenly wants to become a journalist, this will be an extremely useful experience.

Another exercise is to take an ordinary object, such as a ballpoint pen, and find creative uses for it. Use it to make an arrow for a bow, a support for a tree, or a small telescope. However, perhaps if you take it apart into parts, you can find even more applications.

The “find a way out of the situation” game is a practical method for developing creative thinking. Give your child a daily task, such as what to do if a shoe breaks while walking, but you can’t go barefoot and there are no workshops nearby. What means can be used to solve the problem? For example, wrap the sole with a scarf, glue it to chewing gum, or tear it off completely. And such situations can be invented endlessly.

The development of creative abilities in children is an important process in the formation of a harmonious personality. Therefore, parents should pay due attention to him.

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The ability to be creative and create something new has always been highly valued in society. And it is not surprising, since people who have this gift are unique generators of the development of human civilization. But creativity also has subjective value. A person endowed with them creates the most comfortable conditions for existence, transforms the world, adapting it to his needs and interests.

It would seem that everything is simple: you need to actively develop these abilities. However, humanity has been struggling for hundreds of years with the question of what is the secret of creativity, what makes a person a creator.

Before we talk about creativity, let's first understand what abilities are in general.

  • There are general abilities needed in different areas, e.g.
  • And there are special ones associated only with one specific activity. For example, a musician, singer and composer need an ear for music, and a high sensitivity to color discrimination is needed by a painter.

The basis of abilities are innate, natural inclinations, but abilities are manifested and developed in activity. To learn to draw well, you need to master painting, drawing, composition, etc., to achieve success in sports, you need to engage in this sport. Otherwise, in no way, the inclinations themselves will not become abilities, much less turn into.

But how is creativity related to all this, since this is not a special type of activity, but rather its level, and a creative gift can manifest itself in any area of ​​life?

Structure of creative abilities

The totality of creative abilities and their active manifestation in the life of an individual is called creativity. It has a complex structure that includes both general and special abilities.

General level of creativity

Like any other abilities, creative ones are associated with psychophysiological inclinations, that is, the characteristics of the human nervous system: the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain, the high speed of nervous processes, the stability and strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition.

But they are not limited to innate qualities and are not a special gift received by us from nature or sent from above. The basis of creativity is the development and active, persistent activity of a person.

The main area in which creative abilities are manifested is the intellectual sphere. A creative person is characterized by a special, different from the standard, including logical. Various researchers call this thinking unconventional or lateral (E. de Bono), divergent (J. Guilford), radiant (T. Buzan), critical (D. Halpern) or simply creative.

J. Guilford, a famous psychologist and creativity researcher, was one of the first to describe the unique type of mental activity inherent in creative people. He called it divergent thinking, that is, directed in different directions, and it differs from convergent (unidirectional), which includes both deduction and induction. The main feature of divergent thinking is that it is focused not on searching for one single correct solution, but on identifying multiple ways to solve a problem. The same feature is noted by E. de Bono, T. Buzan, and Ya. A. Ponomarev.

Creative thinking - what is it?

They studied throughout the 20th century, and a whole range of features of the mental activity of people who are characterized by this type of thinking was identified.

  • Flexibility of thinking, that is, not only the ability to quickly switch from one problem to another, but also the ability to abandon ineffective solutions and look for new ways and approaches.
  • Shifting focus is a person’s ability to look at an object, situation or problem from an unexpected angle, from a different angle. This makes it possible to consider some new properties, features, details that are invisible with a “direct” look.
  • Reliance on the image. Unlike standard logical and algorithmic thinking, creative thinking is figurative in nature. A new original idea, plan, project is born as a bright three-dimensional image, only at the development stage acquiring words, formulas and diagrams. It is not for nothing that the center of creative abilities is located in the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for working with images.
  • Associativity. The ability to quickly establish connections and associations between the task at hand and information stored in memory is an important feature of the mental activity of creative people. The creative brain resembles a powerful computer, all of whose systems constantly exchange impulses carrying information.

Although creative thinking is often opposed to logical thinking, they do not exclude each other, but complement each other. It is impossible to do without logical thinking at the stage of checking the solution found, implementing the plan, finalizing the project, etc. If rational logical thinking is undeveloped, then the plan, even the most ingenious one, most often remains at the level of an idea.

Creativity and Intelligence

When talking about a person’s ability to think, they most often mean. If the connection between intelligence and the development of logical thinking is the most direct, then the same cannot be said about creative potential.

According to the standard intelligence quotient (IQ) test, people who score less than 100 (below average) are not creative, but high intelligence does not guarantee creativity. The most creatively gifted people are in the range from 110 to 130 points. Among individuals with an IQ above 130, creatives are found, but not often. Excessive rationalism of intellectuals interferes with the manifestation of creativity. Therefore, along with the IQ, the creativity quotient (Cr) was also introduced, and, accordingly, tests were developed to determine it.

Special abilities in creativity

The presence of general abilities in creative activity ensures the novelty and originality of its product, but without special abilities it is impossible to achieve mastery. It is not enough to come up with an original plot for a book; you also need to be able to present it literary, build a composition, and create realistic images of the characters. The artist must embody the image born in the imagination in the material, which is impossible without mastering the technique and skills of visual activity, and the development of a scientific and technical invention presupposes mastery of the basics of the exact sciences, knowledge in the field of mechanics, physics, chemistry, etc.

Creativity has not only a spiritual, mental, but also a practical side. Therefore, creativity also includes applied, special abilities that develop first at the reproductive (reproducing) level. A person, under the guidance of a teacher or independently, masters specific methods and techniques of activity that were developed before him. For example, he learns notation, masters playing a musical instrument or art technique, studies mathematics, the rules of algorithmic thinking, etc. And only after mastering the basics of a specific activity, developing the necessary skills and gaining knowledge, can a person move to the level of creativity, that is create your own original product.

Special abilities are needed for a creative person to become a master, and his activity (any activity at that) to become art. The absence or underdevelopment of special abilities often leads to the fact that creativity is not satisfied, and creative potential, even quite high, remains unrealized.

How to determine if you have creative abilities

All people have a predisposition to creativity, however, creative potential, as well as the level of creativity, is different for everyone. Moreover, placed in certain strict conditions (for example, while performing a task), a person can use creative methods, but then not use them either in professional or everyday life and not feel any need for creativity. Such a person can hardly be called a creative person.

In order to determine the presence and degree of development of creative abilities, there are many test methods developed by psychologists. However, in order to adequately evaluate the result obtained using these methods, you need to have knowledge in the field of psychology. But there are a number of criteria by which everyone can assess their own level of creativity and decide how much they need to develop their creative abilities.

Levels of intellectual and creative activity

Creativity presupposes a high level of intellectual and creative activity, that is, not only the ability for mental activity, but also the need for it, independent use of creative thinking techniques without pressure from others.

There are 3 levels of such activity:

  • Stimulating and productive. A person at this level conscientiously solves the tasks assigned to him and tries to achieve good results. But he does this under the influence of external stimuli (an order, a task from above, the need to earn money, etc.). He lacks cognitive interest, passion for work and internal incentives. In his activities, he uses ready-made solutions and methods. This level does not exclude some random original solutions and findings, but having used the method he found once, a person subsequently does not go beyond its scope.
  • Heuristic level. It assumes a person’s ability to make discoveries empirically, through experience, often reducing to trial and error. In his activities, the individual relies on a reliable, proven method, but tries to refine it and improve it. He values ​​this improved method as a personal achievement and a source of pride. Any found interesting, original idea, someone else’s idea becomes an impetus, a stimulus for mental activity. The result of such activity can be very interesting and useful inventions. After all, man invented the airplane by watching birds.
  • The creative level involves not only active intellectual activity and problem solving at a theoretical level. Its main difference is the ability and need to identify and formulate problems. People at this level are able to notice details, see internal contradictions and pose questions. Moreover, they love to do this, possessing a kind of “research itch” when a new interesting problem arises and forces them to postpone activities that have already begun.

Despite the fact that the creative level is considered the highest, the most productive and valuable for society is the heuristic one. Moreover, the most effective is the work of a team in which there are people of all three types: the creative gives birth to ideas, poses problems, the heuristic refines them, adapts them to reality, and the practitioner brings them to life.

Parameters of creative talent

J. Guilford, who created the theory of divergent thinking, identified several indicators of the level of creative talent and productivity.

  • Ability to pose problems.
  • Productivity of thinking, which is expressed in the generation of a large number of ideas.
  • Semantic flexibility of thinking is the rapid switching of mental activity from one problem to another and the inclusion of knowledge from different areas into the thought process.
  • Originality of thinking is the ability to find non-standard solutions, generate original images and ideas, and see the unusual in the ordinary.
  • The ability to change the purpose of an object, improve it by adding details.

To the characteristics identified by J. Guilford, another important indicator was later added: ease and speed of thinking. The speed of finding a solution is no less, and sometimes more important, than its originality.

How to develop creativity

It is better to start developing creative abilities in childhood, when the need for creativity is very strong. Remember with what delight children perceive everything new, how they enjoy new toys, activities, walks in unfamiliar places. Children are open to the world and, like a sponge, absorb knowledge. Their psyche is very flexible and plastic; they do not yet have stereotypes or standards on the basis of which the thinking of adults is built. And the main tools of children’s mental activity are images. That is, there are all the prerequisites and opportunities for the effective development of creative abilities. This process is especially successful if adults encourage children to express their creativity and organize joint activities and games themselves.

As for adults, in this case it is also possible to increase the level of creativity, make professional activity more creative, or find an opportunity to realize your need for creativity in some kind of art, hobby or hobby.

The main thing for an adult is precisely the presence of a need, since people often complain that God deprived them of talent, but do nothing to find an area in which their personality could be realized. But if you realize the need to develop your potential, then there is such an opportunity.

Any abilities develop through activity and require mastery of skills, that is, training. Considering that creative abilities are primarily a set of qualities and properties of thinking, it is the thinking abilities that need to be trained.

Entire trainings have been developed specifically for the development of creativity and thinking, and exercises from them can be performed independently, especially since they often resemble an exciting game.

Exercise “Chain of Associations”

Associative thinking plays an important role in creativity, but it is most often involuntary, spontaneous, so you need to learn to manage it. Here is one of the exercises to develop the skills of consciously working with associations.

  1. Take a piece of paper and a pen.
  2. Choose a word. The choice should be arbitrary; you can simply open the dictionary on the first page you come across.
  3. As soon as you read the word, immediately “catch” the first association for it in your head and write it down.
  4. Next, write down the next association in the column, but for the written word, and so on.

Make sure that the associations are consistent, for each new word, and not for the previous or the very first. When there are 15-20 of them in a column, stop and carefully read what you got. Pay attention to what sphere, area of ​​reality these associations belong to. Is this one area or several? For example, the word “hat” may have associations: head - hair - hairstyle - comb - beauty, etc. In this case, all associations are in the same semantic field, you could not get out of the narrow circle, jump over stereotypical thinking.

And here is another example: hat - head - mayor - thought - thinking - interest - reading - lessons, etc. There is an associative connection, but thinking is constantly changing its direction, entering new areas and areas. Undoubtedly, the second case indicates a more creative approach.

When performing this exercise, achieve similar transitions, but do not think about the birth of associations for too long, because the process should be involuntary. The game with associations can be played in a group, competing to see who will have more associations and more original transitions over a certain period of time.

Exercise “Universal object”

This exercise helps develop a whole range of qualities: originality of thought, semantic flexibility, imaginative thinking and imagination.

  1. Imagine some simple object, for example, a pencil, a pot lid, a spoon, a box of matches, etc.
  2. Having chosen an item, think about how it can be used, other than its intended purpose. Try to find as many uses as possible and try to keep them original.

For example, a lid from a saucepan can be used as a shield, as a percussion instrument, as a basis for a beautiful panel, as a tray, as a window in the absence of one, as a hat, as an umbrella, as a carnival mask if you drill holes in it for the eyes... Can you continue?

Just like the first exercise, this can be done in a group, giving it the form of a competition. If the group is large enough, for example, a class, then you can offer to name the new functions of the object in turn. The player who cannot come up with a new one is eliminated. And in the end, the most creative ones will remain.

These are just examples of exercises. Try to come up with such games yourself, and this will also be good training.

Today, everyone is well aware that high professional results are achieved by creative people - those who have had their own point of view since childhood and were not afraid to express it, demonstrating a new, non-standard approach to the situation. The sooner we begin to develop a child’s creative approach to everything, the more successful he will be in life. Our article will tell you where to start.

What is creativity?

Creative skills- this is a combination of personal qualities that presupposes the presence of a property that makes the product of the activity performed new and original, thereby increasing its effectiveness. In other words, creativity lies in the ability to find new original solutions to any problems.

Creative abilities of preschool children

Preschool age is the best period for nurturing a creative personality. It is during this period of life that the formation and development of personal qualities takes place, and on their basis - abilities and inclinations. In kindergarten, a preschooler can develop creatively through various types of activities, primarily gaming, as well as productive, communicative and others. A variety of educational and stimulating games are designed to reveal the creative potential of the baby.

Conditions for successful talent development

It should be remembered that the child’s talents will develop if the following conditions are met:

  • early start of creative education
  • free choice of activity
  • variety of activities
  • favorable development environment
  • maintaining the child’s constant interest in creative activities.

“Did you know that every person has creative abilities? Take it for granted and develop them!”

Early Childhood Development

Early development ideas are very popular today. Mothers began to realize that the sooner they start doing creative work with their child, the smarter he will be than his peers. To do this, you can visit early development centers with your child, read psychological and pedagogical literature, and learn about various methods of education on the Internet. The easiest way is to create a creative atmosphere at home.

Methods for developing children's creative abilities

1. Introduce creative moments into your daily life!
Involve your child in different household chores. Make pies - give your child a piece of dough and let him create his own product. How interesting it will be to sculpt a figurine and then (with the help of mom!) bake it! Cleaning, repairs, cooking, caring for flowers - children will be happy to do household chores together with adults. In the process, they will engage in new and exciting activities, often playing, and therefore developing a creative approach to business! Do everything together! Children love to do something interesting with mom and dad!

2. Create “masterpieces” with your child from a variety of materials!
This will help develop creative thinking and fine motor skills. For example, create a winter nightscape using glue and salt. Draw a random design with glue on a black sheet of paper, and then sprinkle the paper with salt - you get “snow”. Shake off the excess and see that the winter landscape is ready. If you use different cereals, you will be able to create multi-colored creations, which will bring great pleasure from such a game to both you and your baby! The resulting “masterpiece” will be a pleasant gift for relatives or an important element of the family gallery.

3. Communicate with nature more often!
The environment around us has everything for the development of a child’s creativity. Teach him to observe natural phenomena, compare, analyze, reflect... While walking, fantasize what clouds or silhouettes of trees look like. It is known that Leonardo da Vinci used this method when searching for ideas. The environment around us has everything for the development of a child’s creativity. Teach him to observe natural phenomena, compare, analyze, reflect... While walking, fantasize what clouds or silhouettes of trees look like. It is known that Leonardo da Vinci used this method when searching for ideas. The development of a child’s creative view of the world is facilitated by making crafts from natural materials: leaves, seeds, cones, chestnuts, shells, sea pebbles, sand. This method will very quickly give positive results, which will be expressed in the child’s desire for knowledge, the development of creative and logical thinking.

4. Don't forget about speech development!
In order for a child to learn to express his ideas verbally, it is important to develop his speech. Come up with fairy tales together with your child, create new heroes, compose continuations of existing fairy tales, move heroes from one fairy tale to another. Give your child words and ask them to find a rhyme for them, write poems and songs. It is useful to play various associative games, where the baby will be asked to find a connection between two unrelated objects, words, and make up a story with them, which can be provided with illustrations! A good continuation of this fascinating story could be a game based on this, where amazing adventures await the heroes.

Developing creativity through play

Play as the main way of activity of preschool children influences the formation of personality, including creativity. Develop your baby by playing with him. A child’s arsenal should include educational games, toys, construction sets, mosaics, coloring books, and applications.

Have fun with your baby with these exciting games and activities:

1. “Funny pictures” Draw geometric shapes on paper and invite your child to “transform” them into something new. It can be anything: the sun, a flower, a doll, etc.

2. “Guess!” Place any item in a box with a lid and ask your child to guess what is there. Let the child think: ask questions, fantasize, build a logical chain.

3. “Good and bad” Parents name an object or phenomenon, and the child must think about its positive and negative qualities. For example, snow: it’s good that you can go sledding, but it’s bad that you can catch a cold. Stove: the good thing is that you can cook food, the bad thing is that you can get burned.

4. "Words" Whether you are traveling on public transport, standing in line with your baby, or walking – don’t waste your time, play “Words”! Say any word and invite the little inventor to choose antonyms for it (words with opposite meanings): cold - hot, cheerful - sad; synonyms (close in meaning): good - excellent, deceive - lie, etc.

5. "Unusual use of an item" Encourage your child to find unusual ways to use the most common objects. Limitless imagination is welcome here! For example, you can not only pour compote into a jug, but also put flowers there, etc. Let him come up with an unusual way to use a spoon, chair, nail and other objects! Don't be lazy, come up with various logic puzzles! By the way, this is a great opportunity to develop your logical thinking. Replenish your supply of puzzles from specialized literature or the World Wide Web.

6. “What if?” Invite your child to develop a topic: what would happen if suddenly, for example, everyone became Lilliputians or animals began to talk like humans?

Ideas for the creative development of a child

Home puppet theater. The development of creativity will also be facilitated by home puppet theater performances, which can be arranged during weekends and family holidays. Finger puppets and “parsleys”, hand-sewn toys for the theater, original decorations will create a relaxed atmosphere that will positively influence the flight of your child’s imagination! And the approval of family members and guests present at the performance will demonstrate to the child how wonderful it is to express himself creatively and to fantasize!

Drawing. The first experiments in fine arts can begin when the baby is barely 6 months old. At this age, children use their palms instead of a brush - this is called “finger painting,” which refers to early development techniques. Today it is very popular. Place your baby on a high chair with a table, tie an apron, put a piece of paper and let him dip his fingers in the paints! See what unusual pictures you will get! This will not only bring pleasure to you and your child, but will help him learn more about the colors, textures and properties of objects. And working with your fingers will stimulate the activity of the little artist’s brain! When the baby grows up, provide him with all the means for drawing: albums, felt-tip pens, pencils, watercolors and gouache, brushes. Show your child how to hold a pencil and brush correctly and use different paints. In the process of drawing, the child will learn colors, remember geometric shapes and shapes of objects, and after a while will delight with landscapes and portraits!

"This is interesting! The outstanding teacher Vasily Sukhomlinsky wrote that the child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers, meaning that the nerve endings responsible for the functioning of the brain are located there. Therefore, finger painting and sculpting will stimulate your baby’s brain development!”

Modeling. Sculpting is very useful, because it stimulates the nerve endings of the fingertips, develops the child’s fine motor skills, creative thinking and imagination. Buy high-quality non-toxic plasticine, special mass or clay for modeling - and let your baby roll balls, sausages and rings! Don’t limit your imagination – you can even learn how to make paintings or fairy-tale characters using the modeling technique!
Application. Teach your child to cut out shapes. Having previously explained the rules of work, give the child scissors: with your help, let him cut out the drawing along the contour and then paste it on the cardboard. You can start with a simple applique of geometric shapes or use a ready-made applique kit.
Reading. Read to your child every day, no less than 30 minutes a day. Poems, fairy tales, stories, riddles and sayings - all this will bring joy to the baby and will have a beneficial effect on the development of memory. When your child grows up, be sure to sign up for a children's library. A good book develops imagination, imagination, and has a positive effect on speech development.

Music. A variety of music (children's songs, classics for children) should be included for the child from early childhood. Music wonderfully develops hearing, memory, creative thinking, helping to become a creative person. Sing songs with your baby and encourage his first dance moves. If you notice how easily your child remembers and reproduces a melody, you can safely send him to a music school.

Video revealing the secret of regular successful creative activities with a child

Enjoy your creative success!

"Advice. Rejoice with your child in his creative endeavors! Approval of creativity is important for a child, because it strengthens his faith in his own strength.”

Seeing how adults with a smile encourage the artistic experiments of a little creator, the child will strive to create again and again. A positive image will be fixed in the child’s mind that doing something with your own hands, inventing, creating is good. The baby will be active, proactive, resourceful, will strive to learn new things and improve acquired skills.
Don't scold your child if he gets dirty or ruins something. Cover the child's workspace with newspapers or polyethylene, and put on an apron for the child. At the end of work or play, do the cleaning together with your child: labor education is also an important point!
It is creative individuals who make real professionals, good managers, and charismatic leaders. The ability to consider a problem in a non-standard way, to have several options for solving it, is formed in childhood, and the sooner parents understand the importance of the child’s creative development, the more successful a person he will be!

Natalia Bobkova
Development of creative abilities in children

Consultation for parents.

« Development of creative abilities in children» .

There are different ways to live in life,

It is possible in sorrow and in joy.

Eat on time, drink on time,

Do nasty things on time.

Or maybe so:

Get up at dawn

And, thinking about a miracle,

Reach the sun with your bare hand

And give it to people.

For many years, people have been thinking about how to raise creative personality? What is the secret of success? What is it creation?

Creation- a process of activity that creates qualitatively new material or spiritual values. The main criterion that distinguishes creation- this is the uniqueness of its result. A person can be called creative if he's doing well developed imagination and fantasy, he capable of invention, finding non-standard solutions in various situations.

Imagination is the highest mental function, inherent only to humans, which allows you to create new images by processing previous experience. It can be recreating - when the image of an object is created according to its description, and creative- when completely new images are born.

Creativity is creativity, readiness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking.

Creative potential is inherent in a child from birth and develops as he grows older. A child’s natural talent manifests itself quite early, but the extent to which it will develop creative potential, largely depends on the family. Family can develop or ruin a child’s creative abilities. Therefore, the formation creative personality, one of the most important tasks of education.

Usually parents focus on the baby’s speech, thinking and memory, while forgetting about creativity and imagination. Of course, no one argues that all three of these points are very important for a child, but completely creativity cannot be excluded. His development must necessarily go in step with all other directions and this is necessary for every child. And let him not become a successful actor or famous singer in the future, but he will have creative approach to solving certain life problems. And this will help him become an interesting person, as well as a person who will capable overcome the difficulties encountered along the way. And if the baby has even the slightest Creative skills, then it will be much easier for him to study, work and build relationships with others.

Creative Personality traits begin to manifest themselves at an early age. And as soon as they are noticed by young parents, they need to immediately pick up this baton and start working with the child. Each period is characterized by its own characteristics in development of children's creative potential:

1–2 years: someone moves beautifully to the music, accurately capturing its rhythm; some create their own paintings; others like to be the center of attention - that’s what they need develop children's creative abilities according to their interests and natural inclinations;

3–4 years: peak creative activity of kids, and even if it seems to you that the baby has nothing special, this is still not a reason to quit classes - on the contrary, you need to turn to exercises and games as much and as often as possible, developing creativity;

5–6 years: classes are complicated by new tasks, preparing the preschooler for the further learning process and developing his imagination, imagination, talents.

The main role in preschool age in the process development of creative abilities in children parents play directly. Often, many parents dream of seeing their child creative personality, but at the same time they themselves are not such and do not even strive to change anything in themselves. Can't be grown creative personality without changing your own usual way of life. Live brightly and richly, constantly develop and improve yourself. This atmosphere is very has a fruitful effect on the development of a creative personality. And if the parents have certain creative abilities, then this is just perfect - it can turn out to be a wonderful family creative tandem. Well, if by the will of fate, creativity is far from your strong point, then it’s not a problem and you shouldn’t be upset in this case. You can still help your beloved child. The main thing is to have a great desire and relevant knowledge in this area of ​​the issue.

1. The world around us

Joint discussion with the child about what is happening around him on the street, at home, in transport;

Stories about animals and plants;

Explanation of elementary processes occurring around;

Answers to everything your child might be interested in questions: why, how, why and where.

2. Educational games

Buy tabletops for children educational games;

They should have a lot of useful, not entertainment toys;

They must be appropriate for their age;

Mosaics and constructors are the best option.

3. Drawing

Often Creative skills children develop in visual arts, so they should always have high-quality, comfortable, bright pencils, paints, and felt-tip pens on hand;

Do not skimp on paper for this matter;

Never scold your baby for having painted walls and stains with paint. clothes: maybe this is the one creative chaos;

First, study colors, then get acquainted with geometric shapes, show how a drawing is created, and then just watch the results.

Modeling develops small fingers, children's creativity+ besides, it allows them to show all their wild imagination;

At first, let it be the simplest balls, flatbreads, sausages, rings;

After this, they will begin to sculpt more complex figures themselves;

Plasticine should be bright and soft.

Books should be selected according to age and interests;

Try to introduce your child to different genres works: fairy tales, stories, poems;

Take your little ones to the library;

The book gives flights of fancy and opens up enormous possibilities for children's imagination, develops creativity;

Immediately act out scenes from books, read by role, because creative potential can also be revealed through theatrical activity: This method is usually liked by children of any age.

From infancy, let your baby listen to classical music and children's songs;

Sing him lullabies as much as possible;

This develops memory and imaginative thinking.

Develop children's creative abilities It is necessary not from time to time, but everywhere and always. Parents must create for their child an environment that will contribute to its development: provide him with tools (paints, plasticine, construction sets, etc., praise him for success and patience in achieving certain results. Adults should, within reason, give free rein to children’s imagination and not restrain his creative activity.

Creative the process is a real miracle - children reveal their unique capabilities and experience the joy that creation brings them. This is where they start to feel the benefits. creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving a goal, and not an obstacle, as in creativity, and in all aspects of their lives. Children are better inspire: "IN creativity There is no right way, there is no wrong way, there is only your own way.”

Remember that a lot depends on you, on whoever is next to your child at the entrance to the complex and diverse world of beauty.

Let creation will bring joy to you and your children!

Natalia Bobkova
Development of creative abilities in children

Consultation for parents.

« Development of creative abilities in children» .

There are different ways to live in life,

It is possible in sorrow and in joy.

Eat on time, drink on time,

Do nasty things on time.

Or maybe so:

Get up at dawn

And, thinking about a miracle,

Reach the sun with your bare hand

And give it to people.

For many years, people have been thinking about how to raise creative personality? What is the secret of success? What is it creation?

Creation- a process of activity that creates qualitatively new material or spiritual values. The main criterion that distinguishes creation- this is the uniqueness of its result. A person can be called creative if he's doing well developed imagination and fantasy, he capable of invention, finding non-standard solutions in various situations.

Imagination is the highest mental function, inherent only to humans, which allows you to create new images by processing previous experience. It can be recreating - when the image of an object is created according to its description, and creative- when completely new images are born.

Creativity is creativity, readiness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking.

Creative potential is inherent in a child from birth and develops as he grows older. A child’s natural talent manifests itself quite early, but the extent to which it will develop creative potential, largely depends on the family. Family can develop or ruin a child’s creative abilities. Therefore, the formation creative personality, one of the most important tasks of education.

Usually parents focus on the baby’s speech, thinking and memory, while forgetting about creativity and imagination. Of course, no one argues that all three of these points are very important for a child, but completely creativity cannot be excluded. His development must necessarily go in step with all other directions and this is necessary for every child. And let him not become a successful actor or famous singer in the future, but he will have creative approach to solving certain life problems. And this will help him become an interesting person, as well as a person who will capable overcome the difficulties encountered along the way. And if the baby has even the slightest Creative skills, then it will be much easier for him to study, work and build relationships with others.

Creative Personality traits begin to manifest themselves at an early age. And as soon as they are noticed by young parents, they need to immediately pick up this baton and start working with the child. Each period is characterized by its own characteristics in development of children's creative potential:

1–2 years: someone moves beautifully to the music, accurately capturing its rhythm; some create their own paintings; others like to be the center of attention - that’s what they need develop children's creative abilities according to their interests and natural inclinations;

3–4 years: peak creative activity of kids, and even if it seems to you that the baby has nothing special, this is still not a reason to quit classes - on the contrary, you need to turn to exercises and games as much and as often as possible, developing creativity;

5–6 years: classes are complicated by new tasks, preparing the preschooler for the further learning process and developing his imagination, imagination, talents.

The main role in preschool age in the process development of creative abilities in children parents play directly. Often, many parents dream of seeing their child creative personality, but at the same time they themselves are not such and do not even strive to change anything in themselves. Can't be grown creative personality without changing your own usual way of life. Live brightly and richly, constantly develop and improve yourself. This atmosphere is very has a fruitful effect on the development of a creative personality. And if the parents have certain creative abilities, then this is just perfect - it can turn out to be a wonderful family creative tandem. Well, if by the will of fate, creativity is far from your strong point, then it’s not a problem and you shouldn’t be upset in this case. You can still help your beloved child. The main thing is to have a great desire and relevant knowledge in this area of ​​the issue.

1. The world around us

Joint discussion with the child about what is happening around him on the street, at home, in transport;

Stories about animals and plants;

Explanation of elementary processes occurring around;

Answers to everything your child might be interested in questions: why, how, why and where.

2. Educational games

Buy tabletops for children educational games;

They should have a lot of useful, not entertainment toys;

They must be appropriate for their age;

Mosaics and constructors are the best option.

3. Drawing

Often Creative skills children develop in visual arts, so they should always have high-quality, comfortable, bright pencils, paints, and felt-tip pens on hand;

Do not skimp on paper for this matter;

Never scold your baby for having painted walls and stains with paint. clothes: maybe this is the one creative chaos;

First, study colors, then get acquainted with geometric shapes, show how a drawing is created, and then just watch the results.

Modeling develops small fingers, children's creativity+ besides, it allows them to show all their wild imagination;

At first, let it be the simplest balls, flatbreads, sausages, rings;

After this, they will begin to sculpt more complex figures themselves;

Plasticine should be bright and soft.

Books should be selected according to age and interests;

Try to introduce your child to different genres works: fairy tales, stories, poems;

Take your little ones to the library;

The book gives flights of fancy and opens up enormous possibilities for children's imagination, develops creativity;

Immediately act out scenes from books, read by role, because creative potential can also be revealed through theatrical activity: This method is usually liked by children of any age.

From infancy, let your baby listen to classical music and children's songs;

Sing him lullabies as much as possible;

This develops memory and imaginative thinking.

Develop children's creative abilities It is necessary not from time to time, but everywhere and always. Parents must create for their child an environment that will contribute to its development: provide him with tools (paints, plasticine, construction sets, etc., praise him for success and patience in achieving certain results. Adults should, within reason, give free rein to children’s imagination and not restrain his creative activity.

Creative the process is a real miracle - children reveal their unique capabilities and experience the joy that creation brings them. This is where they start to feel the benefits. creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving a goal, and not an obstacle, as in creativity, and in all aspects of their lives. Children are better inspire: "IN creativity There is no right way, there is no wrong way, there is only your own way.”

Remember that a lot depends on you, on whoever is next to your child at the entrance to the complex and diverse world of beauty.

Let creation will bring joy to you and your children!