Test to check lung function. Do you have healthy lungs? An easy way to check. we are in social networks

Fluorography is classified as a screening research method. It is mainly carried out to identify tuberculosis and cancer in the early stages.

Diseases, as is known, affect lung tissue and are disguised as ARVI and influenza.

They do not make themselves known for a long time due to the absence of nerve endings in the lungs. As a result, tissue destruction occurs painless.

Why is fluorography performed?

One of the ways to detect tuberculosis or lung cancer is fluorography. Based on this, the doctor prescribes effective therapy to overcome the disease.

But the prognosis for the treatment of diseases in the final stages is not optimistic. This means you need to undergo fluorography once a year.

More often it is not required - the effect of X-rays on the body leads to the emergence of various pathologies.

Which of the two possible types should you prefer?

Recently, patients have the opportunity to choose between the long-established film examination and the new digital examination. The latter, being more modern, has several undeniable advantages over the old method:

  1. Received digital data available At once for studying on the monitor.
  2. Research result can be printed or transmitted over the network.
  3. Digital diagnostics does not require the purchase of reagents or film to print data.

How to check the lungs and bronchi besides fluorography

Are there other options to check? The answer is yes, x-rays and computed tomography.

X-ray as a response to fluorography

X-ray is an alternative to fluorography. It does not require any special preparation. A patient undergoing radiography simply needs to remove his hair, remove metal jewelry and synthetic clothing, stand on a stand in front of the machine, take a deep breath and hold his breath. The image obtained will reflect the condition of the lungs on film.

When reading the image, the doctor will create an examination protocol and indicate in it the type of exposure and radiation dose.

Attention! The radiologist's conclusion is just a description of the data obtained in the image. This not a diagnosis, since x-rays cannot reflect all the subtleties of anatomical structures. Therefore, there are cases when radiography does not give an accurate picture.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed a CT scan (computed tomography). This is another analogue of fluorography.

CT scan

To perform a CT scan (computed tomography), a tomograph that emits X-rays is used. The latter, reaching the internal organ at different angles, fall on special sensitive sensors, which transform the received data into images. The device processes them so that the doctor ultimately has a complete and clear picture of the patient’s health status.

Photo 1. Computed tomography is performed using a special device - a tomograph, which emits X-rays.

CT scanning does not require special preparation. Using a large circle-shaped scanner, the problem part of the body is exposed to radiation. During the diagnosis, the patient lies down, and the device displays layer-by-layer images of the diseased organ on the screen.

Important! X-rays used in CT scans are not toxic to the body. However, only a doctor prescribes the study!

Using CT:

  • research any area of ​​the body, not amenable to X-ray study;
  • are watching for the condition of the heart, kidneys, spleen, liver and lungs;
  • identify stage of the disease to prescribe further treatment;
  • deny or confirm the existence tuberculosis, oncology, infections;
  • control the treatment process.

Patients for whom computed tomography is not indicated include:

  • massive patients ( 120 kg or more);
  • pregnant and lactating woman's breasts;
  • children underage 12 years;
  • sick diabetes;
  • suffering from liver and kidney diseases.

Claustrophobia and severe pain, as well as the inability to lie down for a long time, do not allow patients to be prescribed a CT scan.

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When are X-rays and CT scans used?

X-rays are prescribed if the patient:

  1. has complaints about chest pain;
  2. needs refutation (or confirmation) of the presence tuberculosis, pneumonia or oncology;
  3. suffers from heart failure.

The doctor, if he has a picture in his hands, can see:

  • changes that have occurred in structure of soft tissues of organs;
  • cyst and tumor;
  • a cavity filled with air;
  • emphysema and pneumothorax;
  • deformation of blood vessels;
  • deformation of the lung walls;
  • cancer cell growth;
  • pneumonia, cancer, tuberculosis.

Attention! X-rays are not prescribed for patients in serious condition and pregnant women.


It is also not indicated for patients:

  • with work impairment thyroid gland;
  • having problems with liver and kidney function;
  • With heart failure;
  • with poor tolerance iodine;
  • having an active form tuberculosis;
  • those suffering decompensated diabetes mellitus.

The rest can be examined once a year - no more often because radiation is harmful to health. Significant amounts of radiation can change the structure of the blood and trigger the process of premature aging. The consequences depend on which organ was studied, as well as the dose of radiation. For example, exposure to X-rays on the genitals generally leads to infertility, while exposure to blood leads to blood diseases.

To examine the lungs, specialists can prescribe any of the indicated diagnostic methods (CT,). When prescribing any of these research methods, the doctor takes into account such nuances as: duration of the procedure, indications, contraindications, which is better visualized by each of the diagnostics. It is difficult to say unequivocally which is better than CT or MRI. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the differences in the principle of their operation, advantages/disadvantages, indications/contraindications.

The main difference between computer diagnostics and magnetic resonance diagnostics is the operating principle:

  • provides informative images of the lungs thanks to nuclear magnetic resonance of hydrogen atoms. There is no radiation exposure to the body.
  • CT scans of the lungs use X-rays. X-ray radiation passes through tissue, providing doctors with images in specific sections.

CT and MRI are used for different purposes:

  • CT scans are more often used to examine bone structures.
  • MRI ideally visualizes soft tissues and blood vessels.

There is a difference between the diagnostic methods under consideration and in the pricing policy:

  • MRI is more expensive due to the high cost of the tomograph itself. It is chosen by patients who do not want to receive radiation exposure to the body.
  • CT is cheaper, so CT scanners are used in most public health institutions.

For many patients, the timing of the procedure also plays an important role in the study of body systems. The difference in the duration of MRI and CT of the lungs is significant:

  • A computed tomography scan of the lungs takes only 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Magnetic tomography of lung tissue is performed over 1 – 1.5 hours.

Advantages and disadvantages of MRI and CT for examining the lungs

The specialist decides which diagnostic to choose, MRI or CT of the lungs. Computed tomography of the lungs is performed using x-rays. To obtain a complete picture of the developing pathology, doctors study a series of images of given sections. A diagnostic procedure such as CT makes it possible to visualize in detail all segments, sections of the lung tissue and bronchi.

The advantages of examining the lungs using a computed tomograph are:

  1. Obtaining images of spiral sections. The doctor can change the viewing angle at his discretion. CT images of the lungs are digitally presented as three-dimensional images.
  2. Speed ​​of the procedure. This point is considered decisive if the patient has internal bleeding.
  3. Ability to detect internal bleeding and hematomas.

Computed tomography is used to easily, quickly detect damage that a patient has suffered as a result of trauma (broken ribs, abnormal lung structure, bleeding).

The disadvantages of CT are:

  1. Harm to health caused by X-rays.
  2. Possibility to carry out the procedure a limited number of times.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the respiratory system is considered an absolutely safe diagnostic method. Instead of X-rays, a strong electromagnetic field is used to take pictures of the lungs. MRI provides doctors with high-quality 3D images.

Magnetic resonance imaging has its advantages over CT:

  1. The ability to detect pathological processes at the cellular level. Therefore, this diagnostic method is used to detect cancer and tuberculosis.
  2. Opportunity because of its harmlessness.

Disadvantages include:

  1. Poor quality of images of hollow organs. They come out blurry.
  2. Duration of the procedure. It takes approximately 1.5 hours.
  3. Poor quality of images of an organ that is in constant motion.
  4. A large list of contraindications for the procedure.

The attending physician decides which diagnostic method to choose. Thanks to CT, chronic diseases and respiratory injuries can be seen, but more complex pathologies are examined using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner.

Indications and contraindications

Regular fluorography can sometimes give results that raise suspicion among the doctor. In this case, he may refer the patient for a more detailed examination of the lungs (CT, MRI).

Diagnostic methods such as CT and MRI are equally considered effective in diagnosing the following pathologies:

  • atelectasis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • pneumofibrosis;
  • lung sequestration;
  • pulmonary vascular abnormalities;
  • pulmonary nodes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary artery aneurysm;
  • pulmonary failure (acute, chronic);
  • pulmonary vascular abnormalities;
  • mesothelioma;
  • vasculitis;
  • clarification of the stage of cancer;
  • arteriovenous malformations;
  • pleural effusion of unspecified etiology.

CT and MRI are almost equally effective in diagnosing inflammatory processes and tuberculosis. But if internal bleeding is suspected, preference should be given to CT, and to diagnose neoplasms it is better to use MRI. Below we will consider cases when it is better to perform MRI or CT.

In what cases is MRI of the lungs and bronchi prescribed?

A doctor may prescribe an MRI of the lungs and bronchi in the following cases:

  • differential diagnosis of mediastinal oncology;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • assessment of respiratory function;
  • differential diagnosis of atelectasis, tumors;
  • pulmonary circulation disorders (hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, embolism);
  • suspicion of oncology, likelihood of metastasis to the mediastinal organs;
  • chronic pleurisy;
  • enlargement of intrathoracic nodes;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of the operation performed;
  • suspected tuberculosis;
  • inflammatory processes that provoke lung damage;
  • preparation for surgery.

MRI also clearly shows bronchial wall thickening and dilatation of the central bronchi.

When to choose computed tomography

CT of the lungs and bronchi is more effective than MRI in diagnosing the following pathologies:

  • interstitial lung disease;
  • pulmonary nodes;
  • emphysema.

This diagnosis is considered the main one in the study of cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis in adults. CT has better spatial resolution and is able to show morphology in more detail than MRI.

Due to limitations in the resolution of the magnetic resonance imaging scanner, specialists cannot clearly examine the small vessels of the respiratory tract (3rd, 4th generation). Therefore, CT is used in the diagnosis of the smallest vessels.

A CT scan of the lungs is done when other diagnostic methods do not provide specialists with a clear picture of the pathology. You should check your lungs using CT if you suspect:

  • metastases;
  • inflammation of the pleura;
  • internal bleeding;
  • pneumonia;
  • accumulation of fluid inside the pleural cavity;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • emphysema;
  • tuberculosis;
  • injuries, soft tissue ruptures;
  • arterial aneurysm;
  • neoplasms;
  • foreign body inside the cavity of the lungs, bronchi, small bronchioles.

Contraindications for diagnostics

MRI and CT have a number of general and individual contraindications. General contraindications for diagnosis are:

  • pregnancy (this condition is considered a relative contraindication for MRI);
  • claustrophobia;
  • (this item is considered a relative contraindication. If necessary, the child is given a sedative so that he lies motionless, then a suitable diagnosis of the lungs is carried out);
  • mental disorders;
  • individual restrictions.

CT scan of the lungs is also contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. The patient is taking medications that are incompatible with x-ray exposure.
  2. Weight more than 150 kg.
  3. A pathological condition manifested in impaired hematopoietic function.

Contraindications for magnetic resonance imaging are significantly different:

  1. Presence of metal implants. Performing the procedure on patients with metal pins, plates on the skeleton, or hearing aids may affect the diagnostic results (MRI data will be false). In addition, performing magnetic tomography in the presence of an electrical pacemaker or heart pacemaker is dangerous for human life. These nuances do not have a significant impact on the CT results.
  2. Attacks of uncontrollable coughing.
  3. Weight more than 130 kg.
  4. having metallic inclusions.
  5. Thyroid diseases.
  6. Diseases of the epidermis.

Comparison of examination costs

MRI of the lungs is not a cheap procedure. Its cost is much higher than CT, radiography, and fluorography. In Moscow, the average price for lung diagnostics using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner is 6,000 rubles. The cost of the procedure is influenced by many factors (the rating of the clinic where the diagnosis is carried out, the equipment used, the qualifications of the specialist, the scope of the task, the use of a contrast agent).

The cost of CT is much lower. In Moscow, computer diagnostics of the lungs can be done for 3,500 rubles and more. The cost of the procedure depends on the above factors, as well as the need for recording to disk and building a three-dimensional model.


It is difficult to say which of the modern diagnostic methods is better for examining the lungs. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.

MRI does not show the condition of tissues that are in constant motion well enough. But when studying functional changes in hemodynamics, perfusion, assessing pulmonary ventilation, and their work, it is better to use magnetic resonance imaging.

Computed tomography is considered more informative in examining the hollow structures of the lungs and assessing the condition of small vessels of the respiratory tract, but its results in the study of neoplasms are inferior to MRI data.

The choice of lung diagnostic method should be left to specialists.

Sometimes people are bothered by a cough or chest pain, but they do not know how to check the bronchi and lungs. First of all, you need to see a doctor and he will suggest the best method and examine the patient.

There are many ways to examine the bronchi and lungs. You can take a picture in which all structures and formations, suspicious tumors or foci of inflammation will be clearly visible.

The bronchi can be examined from the inside using special devices, and lung tissue can be taken for histological examination. In addition, you can study the function of the bronchi using medications.

Among the methods for examining the respiratory system are the following:

  • X-ray, CT and MRI.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • Study of external respiration function.
  • Biopsy.

X-ray, CT and MRI

These three methods are combined in that the doctor receives a visual picture of the lungs and bronchi. Any pathology is reflected in the picture. So, pneumonia on an x-ray looks like a darkening, and calcifications look like white lesions.

An X-ray is not always highly informative, but it allows one to suspect a certain pathology and establish a preliminary diagnosis. This method is used as a screening method to detect tuberculosis and lung cancer. In addition to fluorography, computer and magnetic resonance imaging are widely used.

CT implies a fairly high radiation dose to the body, however, the accuracy of this method is high. MRI is safer and is even more informative than computed tomography.

A significant disadvantage of this modern diagnostic method is its high cost.


Bronchoscopy, or bronchofibroscopy, is an examination of the bronchial tree from the inside using an endoscope. This method is invasive and is performed under anesthesia. Since the procedure is often difficult to tolerate by the patient, it is performed according to strict indications.

So bronchoscopy is necessary for the following pathologies:

  • Foreign body of the bronchus, especially in children.
  • Neoplasm.
  • Severe form of bronchiectasis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Hemoptysis, unspecified.

Such a study is called diagnostic. However, there is also therapeutic bronchofibroscopy, in which pus is removed from the bronchial tree, bleeding is stopped, and obstruction is eliminated.

Examination of the bronchopulmonary system with an endoscope is a highly informative method, and its diagnostic value is great. However, the human factor should also be taken into account when performing this procedure. The result of bronchoscopy largely depends on the qualifications of the doctor.

Pulmonary function test

Examination of the function of external respiration allows you to check the performance of the bronchi and lungs. There is nothing complicated about this procedure for the patient. At the doctor's command, he inhales and exhales air. These volumes are taken into account, and then the required parameters are calculated.

Deviation from the norm indicates the following pathologies:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Emphysema.

The use of brochodilators when assessing respiratory function is important. These are drugs that quickly dilate the bronchi.

If the volumes of inhaled and exhaled air increase sharply, we are talking about bronchial asthma. This pathology is extremely common among both adult patients and children. And it is characterized by bronchospasm, which is easily eliminated by bronchodilators.

If after inhalation of the drug the indicators change slightly, we are probably talking about organic damage to the bronchi - COPD.


The visual picture does not always allow one to immediately establish a diagnosis. And even bronchofibroscopy may turn out to be uninformative. To determine what pathology is present - a malignant or benign tumor, polyp, infiltrate - it is necessary to conduct a histological examination of the suspicious area.

For this purpose, a biopsy is performed. A biopsy can be taken during bronchofibroscopy.

In addition, lung tissue for examination can be obtained by inserting a special needle through the chest. This method is called percutaneous needle biopsy.

Although a biopsy is not a very traumatic procedure, various complications are possible when it is performed:

  • Lung damage.
  • Infection.
  • Bleeding.

That is why this method is not used routinely, but only for strict indications. It is most often used when cancer of the respiratory system is suspected. The resulting tissue is then examined by histologists and a final diagnosis is made.

Biopsy is the most accurate method; the percentage of errors when performing it is small. However, there is always a risk of capturing an area of ​​healthy tissue instead of the affected one, so this procedure is also not without its drawbacks.

There are various ways to check the lungs and bronchi. Choosing the optimal one is the task of the attending physician during a clinical examination.

Pleurisy, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, pneumonia, malignant neoplasms - this is not a complete list of respiratory tract diseases.

If you are worried about difficulty breathing, a lingering cough, wheezing, heaviness in the chest, or you are a long-time smoker, you should examine your lungs and bronchi.

Read about how and where to check your lungs in Moscow for free, what types of diagnostics exist, and about the events held in the capital during Pulmonary Health Days.

Where to check your lungs in Moscow for free

You can examine the respiratory system in any city clinic if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Make an appointment with a therapist, and he will prescribe the necessary test for you or give you a referral to a pulmonologist - a specialist who deals with diseases of the respiratory tract.

Most often, after examining the patient, traditional fluorography or radiography (X-ray) is prescribed. More modern and accurate tests are computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These methods are usually prescribed by doctors to finally confirm the diagnosis and obtain more accurate information about the condition of the respiratory organs, lymphoid tissue and blood vessels.

If you are concerned about a persistent cough, fever, fatigue, hemoptysis, weight loss, visit a TB doctor at the TB dispensary closest to your home.

New lung examination program in Moscow

From February 1, 2017, smokers can be examined for free: a new program for diagnosing lung diseases, developed by the Scientific and Production Center for Medical Radiology of the city Department of Health, has launched in Moscow.

The examination is carried out using low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) and is intended for the early detection of lung cancer and other diseases in patients at risk.

The following persons are recommended to take part in the program and undergo low-dose CT:

  • over 55 years old
  • smokers who smoked one pack every day for 30 years, as well as patients who quit smoking less than 15 years ago
  • patients who have not had a lung CT scan in the past year

You can get a referral for a lung test free of charge under your compulsory medical insurance policy under this program from a therapist in the city clinic to which you are assigned. LDCT is carried out by radiology specialists in the following medical organizations:

  • Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for the Fight against Tuberculosis (branch) – Rechnikov Street, 25
  • Diagnostic center No. 5 branch No. 5 – Pskovskaya street, house 11/2
  • Diagnostic center No. 212 – Solntsevsky Prospekt, building 11A
  • Clinic No. 2 – Fruktovaya street, building 12
  • Clinic No. 5 – Daev Lane, building 3
  • Clinic No. 12 – Academician Komarova Street, building 5, building 1
  • Clinic No. 36 – Novomaryinskaya street, building 2
  • Clinic No. 45 – 5th Voikovsky proezd, building 12
  • Clinic No. 109 – Guryanova street, building 4, building 3
  • Polyclinic No. 170 – Podolsky cadets street, building 2, building 2
  • Clinic No. 180 – Uvarovsky Lane, building 4

Low-dose computed tomography is approved for clinical examination and screening examinations - the radiation dose is only 1 mSv and is comparable to the radiation dose from radiography. At the same time, the LDCT method is more accurate and allows the detection of respiratory tract diseases at an earlier stage.

Free examination of the lungs and bronchi as part of the promotion

Promotions are regularly held in Moscow where you can have your lungs examined for free.

Every year the “Lung Health Day” campaign is held, dedicated to the World Day against Chronic Obstructive Disease (COPD). During the campaign, pulmonologists see patients at various city sites.

Last year, for example, everyone was examined for free in a mobile laboratory in Sokolniki Park, and the year before - in Gorky Park.

During the campaign period, Open Days are also held at clinics and health centers in Moscow. With a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy, you can get checked and get advice from specialists in respiratory diseases, and undergo an examination to identify obstructive diseases, including such common ones as chronic bronchitis.

Types of respiratory tract diagnostics

To make a diagnosis, doctors use the following methods:

Hardware methods– diagnostics of the chest organs is carried out using medical equipment: fluorographic and X-ray machines, computer and magnetic resonance imaging

Functional methods– provide information about the functioning of the patient’s respiratory organs: spirography, pulse oximetry, spirometry, pneumotachometry, oximetry and others

Visual methods- allow you to examine the trachea, bronchi, pleural cavity: laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, mediastinoscopy

Laboratory methods– biomaterials are examined: sputum analysis allows us to identify pathogens, their sensitivity to antibiotics, and malignant cells. Blood gas analysis will help you find out the pH of the blood, the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in red blood cells, the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide

Of course, these are not all types of diagnostics used. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may prescribe one or more types of tests.

Periodic examination of the lungs is extremely important to identify possible pathological processes. Due to the fact that any person is surrounded by negative factors: poor ecology, the presence of various chemical additives in food, abuse of bad habits, the protective functions of the human body decrease, which leads to a significant increase in the number of pulmonary diseases.

When do you need to check your bronchi and lungs?

Nowadays, there are a huge number of different informative research methods that make it possible to identify pathology at the initial stage. You should seek medical advice and subsequent examination of the lung tissue and bronchi in the following cases:

  • with prolonged cough of unknown origin;
  • in case of persistent shortness of breath;
  • for pain and discomfort in the chest area;
  • with hemoptysis and other signs of inflammation;
  • in case of severe sternum injuries;
  • at a high, difficult to control temperature, which is typical for an abscess of lung tissue or sepsis;
  • with the formation of sputum without signs of a cold (in the absence of inflammatory reactions of the body);
  • for prevention purposes.

Respiratory tract diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of the respiratory tract is carried out using laboratory and instrumental methods. Common methods include:

Laboratory and instrumental examination methods are divided into main and auxiliary. The main group of studies includes methods that involve x-ray radiation, for example, fluorography and radiography. The list of auxiliary studies includes: sputum examination, computed and linear tomography, bronchoscopy, laryngoscopy, etc.

Methods of X-ray examination

Currently, X-ray examinations are classified according to the type of imaging hardware used. In other words, division occurs according to the X-ray receiver used, which includes X-ray film, electron-optical X-ray converter, fluorescent screen and others.

Fluorography research is actively used for prevention purposes. The examination of the internal organs of the chest is based on transferring a shadow image from a fluorescent screen to a special film. According to the format, photographs come in small, medium and large frames (100x100 mm).

X-ray examination is characterized by obtaining a fixed image of the area under study in the X-ray radiation spectrum on X-ray photographic film or a digital detector using the reverse negative principle. The advantages of this examination include good quality and high detail of the image, as well as low radiation exposure. Disadvantages include a long period of data processing and the inability to observe pathology over time.

The display of X-rays on a fluorescent monitor using the principle of direct negative is called fluoroscopy. This method allows you to carefully examine the structure of the lung, check its contractility or stretching, the presence of displacement, as well as other functional features.

Ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound of the lung tissue and bronchial tract is considered one of the most harmless informative studies, which allows you to determine the current state of the respiratory system and identify its functionality. Due to the fact that ultrasound waves are not able to penetrate the alveoli, the use of this examination is limited. In addition, the result of the study may be negatively affected by increased airiness of the lung tissue and the formation of acoustic shadows.

CT and MRI of the bronchi and lungs

CT and MRI provide detailed three-dimensional images of the lungs with incisions of several millimeters. The examination data are based on the action of radio waves (MRI) or x-rays (CT) in combination with computer software.

Unfortunately, these diagnostic procedures have a number of limitations and contraindications, which include the following factors:

  • renal or liver failure;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy;
  • too much body weight;
  • taking beta blockers;
  • ferromagnetic implants and structures.


Endoscopic examination is characterized by the introduction of special optical devices (fiberscopes) into the respiratory system. In most cases, the examination takes place through the larynx, and in some situations, doctors resort to laparoscopy. The entire operation to study the condition of the respiratory tract takes place using sleeping pills. The subject is constantly under the control of an anesthesiologist and does not experience pain or discomfort either during the procedure or after its completion.


Bronchoscopic examination of the lungs is one of the key methods of visual inspection of the respiratory tract, which is possible through a thin fiber-optic probe inserted into the patient's mouth or nose. This examination allows you to examine in detail the lungs, trachea, as well as small and segmental bronchi from the inside. In addition, bronchoscopy provides an opportunity to clarify the diagnosis or take its morphological confirmation.

Other diagnostic methods

Modern medicine makes it possible to carry out additional diagnostics of the lungs using various specialized methods. For example, if respiratory tract cancer is suspected, a biopsy is performed. This procedure involves removing a small amount of lung tissue and examining it in detail under a microscope.

Pleural puncture is prescribed by the attending physician if there is a suspicion of damage to the pleura by a malignant tumor. The procedure for this test of the lungs is carried out by taking a sample of the lining and studying it for cancer markers.

What can the examination show?

Diagnostic results depend on the lung examination method prescribed by the doctor. X-ray computed tomography can detect the presence of an aneurysm, impaired patency of the vascular system and other pathological processes in the pleura and lung tissue. Using SCT with the introduction of contrast, the current state of the mediastinal lymph nodes can be determined.

The images obtained during MRI clearly display cysts and other neoplasms, as well as their size and exact location. After bronchoscopy, the attending physician makes a conclusion about the condition of the main, segmental and lobar bronchi, and intersegmental septa.