Thai facial massage at home. How to do a massage for wrinkles at home. Against crow's feet

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Despite modern cosmetology developing at a rapid pace with its magical procedures and miraculous remedies, every woman understands all its shortcomings. In this regard, I really want to pamper my skin with something natural and natural, but the food products from which you can make homemade masks also contain the same notorious “chemistry” - the scourge of our time. However, there is a way out of this seemingly dead-end situation: to rejuvenate your skin, try mastering Japanese facial massage from Tanaka Yukuko, a talented stylist from the land of the rising sun. Judging by the reviews of ordinary people who have already tried it, and experienced cosmetologists, it is worth spending time on it.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Injections are a thing of the past! The anti-wrinkle remedy is 37 times stronger than Botox...

A little history of Japanese massage

Actually Japanese face massage Asahi (a name that sounds very beautiful when translated as “morning sun massage”) is an old and effective way to regain youth. The technique of its implementation has been honed over centuries, its effectiveness has been proven by a large number of the most enthusiastic reviews. In our time, it was revived by Tanaka Yukuko, a popular Japanese stylist.

For your information!

She was taught the basic nuances of massage by her own grandmother, although Tanaka herself brought it to perfection.

She published all her work, experience, and observations in a book published in 2007 - “Facial Massage.” If you want to fully master this technique, you should find this publication and study it.

Mechanism of action on the skin

The Japanese Zogan facial massage (another name for this technique) has a truly wonderful effect if performed correctly and regularly. What is the secret of the rejuvenation that is so easy to achieve with its help? The thing is that with proper stimulation of the right points, skin cells seem to awaken from sleep and begin to work in full force. Here's how it happens:

  • the deepest tissues are targeted, unlike standard techniques, when light stroking movements along massage lines do not affect the underlying tissues, and they remain indifferent;
  • Another significant difference between Japanese massage and European techniques is that it is performed not with the tips of the fingers, as we are all accustomed to, but with the whole palm;
  • a detoxification effect occurs: movements within the Japanese massage are made along the lymphatic vessels, focusing in the areas where the lymph nodes are located;
  • it improves lymph outflow;
  • toxins are actively removed;
  • the muscles of the facial part of the head are toned and strengthened;
  • the oval of the face acquires clearer contours;
  • the severity of wrinkles is significantly reduced;
  • the appearance and color of the skin noticeably improves.


The process of Japanese massage involves skin, muscles, connective tissue and even (surprisingly!) the bones of the skull.

This is the effect that the Japanese Asahi-Zogan facial massage has, the art of which can be mastered by every woman whose dream is to stop time and slow down, as far as possible, the aging processes occurring with her skin. Since the body’s lymphatic system, which is very important for human health, is involved in the process, you need to keep in mind the indications and contraindications for carrying out such a powerful massage.

Coconut oil is considered the best oil for caring for sensitive skin.

For crow's feet and puffiness - simple cosmetics for home care of the skin around the eyes.

Indications for Japanese massage

Keep in mind that Japanese facial massage Tsogan cannot be done by everyone and not at all ages. Since it has a targeted effect, you need to know in what cases cosmetologists recommend doing it. It will actually have an effect on the skin in the following cases:

  • if you wake up every morning with swelling on the face: they indicate that your lymphatic system is not functioning correctly, and Japanese Tanaka facial massage normalizes it and promotes the outflow of fluid;
  • with facial contours blurred with age when the oval is spoiled by jowls, a double chin and other saggy folds;
  • When complexion has an unhealthy tint: yellowish or gray, for example;
  • considered the most effective Japanese facial massage for wrinkles, and from any - both facial and age-related.

Judging by the reviews, Japanese facial massage allows you to look 10 years younger if you do everything in accordance with the recommendations. By normalizing the lymphatic system, it slows down the aging process. Accordingly, there are fewer wrinkles, and jowls tighten, and the condition of the skin improves significantly.

Usually no one complains about the results, because they become noticeable a couple of weeks after the first procedure. However, they can only be achieved by those who take into account not only the indications, but also the contraindications for Japanese massage.

About contraindications

Before you deal with age-related changes affecting your skin, please note that rejuvenating Japanese facial massage has the following contraindications:

  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • pharyngitis;
  • ENT pathologies;
  • skin rashes of any kind on the face;
  • ARVI;
  • rosacea;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • thin, sensitive skin.

Due to its powerful effect on the body's lymphatic system, Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage may aggravate the course of these diseases, cause a number of side effects and not give the desired results. In order not to be disappointed in this rejuvenation technique, be sure to adhere to these contraindications. If your health is fine, you can begin to master the technique of performing this amazing massage.

Tips for beginning massage therapists

Describing Japanese facial massage in her book, Yukuko Tanaka described in detail how, under what conditions and even in what mood it should be performed. Every little thing matters. If we summarize all her useful tips and recommendations for those who want to master the technique of performing Japanese rejuvenating massage, we get the following postulates.

  1. All manipulations must be done exclusively on clean skin. Therefore, wash your face before the procedure, remove all remnants of decorative cosmetics with any cleanser.
  2. The facial skin at the time of the massage should be absolutely dry. If there is any moisture left on it after washing, blot it with a cosmetic napkin.
  3. The greatest effect can be achieved if you clean the pores with a scrub beforehand. This must be done at least once a week.
  4. Study where the lymphatic vessels and nodes are located on the face and neck, so that you can skillfully influence them during a massage. This is the main condition for its effectiveness.
  5. Each movement must be done in a strict direction created specifically for it.
  6. The pressure applied when manipulating with your fingers should be noticeable, but not painful.
  7. The back should be straight during the Japanese Zogan massage. It is better to do it sitting or standing. But if you cannot keep your posture straight, it is better to lie down.
  8. The massage time is from 10 to 15 minutes.
  9. Before the procedure, your face and hands should be lubricated with a special massage cream. Don't forget to check for allergies.

If you follow the advice of Tanaka Yukuko and regularly perform Japanese facial massage competently and competently, the results will not take long to arrive. These helpful tips will help you make the procedure effective and as beneficial as possible. Don't forget to study the location of lymph nodes and vessels on the face.

Lymphatic map of the face

Before practicing Japanese Zogan massage, you will have to carefully study the anatomical atlas, which describes in detail the localization of lymphatic vessels and nodes on the face. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to fulfill the prerequisite for proper massage - normalization of lymph flow. Lymph nodes are located on the face and neck in the following places:

  1. Around the ears.
  2. Behind the ears.
  3. On the back of the head.
  4. On the lower jaw.
  5. Under the tongue.
  6. In the corners of the lower jaw.
  7. On the neck.

When working with these points, according to Japanese massage from Yukuko Tanaka, you need to be extremely careful. If all movements have sufficient pressure, then in these places it must be weakened. This also applies to the basic rules of the Japanese Asahi massage technique, which is designed to make even mature, wrinkled skin, which has been touched by inexorable years, young and beautiful.

Asahi massage technique

To master the correct execution of the Asahi massage, it is best to watch the training video in advance, read the detailed description of each movement again, practice, and then practice. If you have any doubts, you can make an appointment with a master for the first session and during the massage carefully monitor the manipulation of his skillful, professional hands. This will help you understand many aspects of the procedure.

  • Finishing movement

Oddly enough, you need to start by mastering the final movement, which will complete any Asahi exercise. Here's how it's done:

  1. Using 3 fingers (middle, index, ring) of both hands, press (lightly) on a point located near the very shells of the ears - in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.
  2. Pressing should be done not with your fingertips, but with the entire length, while pressing your fingers tightly to your face.
  3. The duration of pressure should be approximately 2 seconds.
  4. After this, smoothly go down to the collarbones, but do not change the intensity of the pressure.

This movement is the main one in Japanese Zorgan massage, so you should definitely master it one of the first.

Press 3 fingers (middle, index, ring) of both hands tightly to the center of the forehead. After 3 seconds, smoothly move them to the temples, without stopping the pressure. Near your temples, turn your palms 90°C, move them down, and perform the final exercise.

  • Eyes

Use the pads of your middle fingers to touch the outer corners of your eyes, slide without pressure to the inner corners, resting on the bridge of your nose - this will be the point of beauty (stay there for 3 seconds). Increase the pressure and move your fingers in a circle below the eyebrows, where the very edge of the eye socket is located. Stop at the outer corners and press there for 3 seconds. Release the pressure and return to the inner corner, following along the lower eyelid. Increase the pressure, return along the lower eye socket to the outer corner, hold the point, pressing lightly. Make the finishing move.

  • Lips

Place the ring and middle fingers in the center of the chin, press and hold. Move your fingers around your lips with intense pressure. Complete the movement at the very center above the upper lip, and hold the pressure at this point for several seconds.

Place your middle fingers near the wings of your nose in the depressions, make 5 sliding, smooth movements from bottom to top, then back. Attach your ring finger, intensively rub the back of your nose, move towards your cheeks.

  • Lower face

Press your three middle fingers firmly to the center of your chin. Without releasing pressure, move towards the eyes, while bending around the corners of the mouth. Fix near your eyes for 3 seconds, turn your palms, spread them towards your temples.

  • Cheeks

Place your elbows and palms together in front of you. Open your hands with your palms up, placing the bases of your palms on your lips. Lift them towards your nostrils with force, cover your cheeks with your palms. Hold for 3 seconds. Place your palms towards your temples with pressure.

These are the basics of Japanese facial massage Asahi-Zogan Yukuko Tanaka, which should be mastered by everyone who dreams of prolonging the youth of their skin and at least somehow slowing down the aging process. It will justify the time spent on it and will definitely please you with its rejuvenating effect. With it, it is possible even at age to be without a single wrinkle and surprise everyone with an even tone of elastic, firm skin.

One of the most important enemies in female beauty are wrinkles. There is a lot of discussion going on about this issue all the time. Women are trying various tricks to solve it, and one of these tricks is facial massage for wrinkles. To achieve the desired effect, such a massage must occur using special techniques and certain conditions. So, after reading this article we will learn all about anti-wrinkle massage and how to do it correctly at home. To begin, we advise you to refer to the contents of the article to quickly jump to the necessary information. Although, we recommend reading the entire article, as complete knowledge will help prevent mistakes.

  • Benefit and effect
  • Indications and contraindications
  • How to do facial massage against wrinkles
  • Other execution techniques
  • Video
  • Reviews

So we looked in the mirror and discovered unfortunate wrinkles and decide that we simply need to fight them. It is important to know that no matter how effective a facial massage is for wrinkles, we cannot remove them! We can try to reduce their visibility on the face and, most importantly, make as much progress as possible to ensure that they appear less and less often. Thus, our goal is not to remove wrinkles (this is impossible), but to slow down their appearance.

During the massage, some processes begin to occur, which we will try to briefly describe:

  • one of the main effects is proper blood circulation and the desire for normal metabolic processes;
  • the second and visible effect is skin tone, since after massaging the skin begins to tighten and ceases to be saggy;
  • puffiness of the facial skin goes away, which allows you to get a fresher look;
  • One of the pleasant bonuses can be getting rid of acne. Sometimes this happens if the rash is caused by small capillaries close to the skin;
  • the contours of the face begin to take on a distinct, more collected appearance, which makes the face slimmer;
  • relaxation and smoothing of the skin by relieving tension from the skin.

In order for anti-wrinkle massage to be effective at home, it must be performed seriously and regularly. It is regularity that will allow you to achieve results that you can brag about.

Indications and contraindications

Most women believe that such massages should be done after 30 or 40 years, already when wrinkles on the face begin to flourish. However, this is absolutely not true. It is necessary to use this massage technique as early as possible in order to prevent problems from arising.

In addition to positive effects, you can also get negative ones. This is due to the fact that for some girls such manipulations are simply not recommended.

Contraindicated if:

  • large moles on the face;
  • open wounds and injuries;
  • any inflammatory processes;
  • herpes;
  • hemophilia;
  • warts

Also read about honey facial massage for wrinkles.

How to do facial massage against wrinkles

Now all that remains is to figure out how to properly do an anti-wrinkle massage at home. To perform effectively, you need to acquire the skills of a special technique, which implies knowledge of some simple movements.

Preparatory work:

  1. First you need to carry out preparatory work in the form of a hot herbal compress, which will prepare your facial skin for further work.
  2. Hair must be tucked under a cap or secured securely, thereby preventing it from getting under your fingers during the massage.
  3. To avoid infection, you must thoroughly clean your hands, including under your nails.
  4. Before you start, it would be useful to use a special oil or cream. It is important to check the oil in advance for any allergic reactions to it.

Anti-wrinkle massage technique

The picture shows the anti-wrinkle facial massage lines that you need to follow when doing the exercises.

In order for the massage to bring only benefits, it must be performed along certain lines along which the lymph moves. Otherwise, the entire action will only produce negative consequences in the form of sagging skin and the appearance of new wrinkles. See the massage lines in the picture.

  • from the center of the forehead above the bridge of the nose to the centers of the temples (eyebrow line);
  • from the center point under the lower lip to the earlobes;
  • from the central point above the upper lip to the centers of the temples;
  • from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ears;
  • from the center of the chin to the earlobes;
  • from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones (lower eyelid);
  • from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer (upper eyelid).


  1. Forehead. Place your fingers over your brow ridges so that they touch in the middle of your forehead. Move your fingers to your temples with tension, and return with almost no tension. These manipulations help against vertical wrinkles on the surface of the forehead.
  2. Temple. Using pressing movements of your index fingers, massage the temple area. These movements normalize the metabolic processes of the skin. Working with this point is recommended for massage when moving from one part of the face to another.
  3. Lips. Using your index and middle fingers, press several times on the indentations at the edge of the nostrils under the nose. Thus, we protect the face from the appearance of nasolabial folds and the formation of clogged pores.
    After this, place your index fingers above and below your lips. Using light pressure, massage the area.
  4. Cheeks. We begin massaging the cheeks by lightly tapping with our fingertips. After this, we continue with arched strokes from lips to ears. We do the same by puffing out our cheeks.
  5. Eyes. Eyelid massage is performed by light tapping, and then light stroking from the nose to the temples.
  6. Ears and neck. It is also recommended to perform a light massage of the ears and neck when massaging the face. For the ears, use your index finger and thumb. Use them to rub your earlobe, and then the shell, making massage movements. Neck massage is performed with fingers from the collarbone to the neck.
  7. Completion. Finish the anti-wrinkle facial massage by lightly moving your fingertips over the entire face.

Important! Facial massage for wrinkles at home creates an inspiring and inspiring effect. Therefore, against this background, anti-aging face masks would be an excellent continuation. This will give you a mood, and, therefore, increase your results!

Massage video

The video shows how to perform facial massage exercises for wrinkles on your own.

Other techniques

The most famous anti-wrinkle massage techniques are:

  1. Japanese massage Asahi Zogan. This is one of the most popular types of facial massage for wrinkles and it is worth talking about this type separately in a large and complete article. We recommend that you follow the link at the beginning of this paragraph to learn about Japanese massage Asahi Tsogan.
  2. Shiatsu massage- This is an anti-wrinkle acupressure massage that came to us from Japan. On the face, as well as on the whole body, there are special points responsible for certain organs. This massage will be extremely effective, the main thing is to know exactly where these points are located in order to influence them correctly. Our face contains 20 points, when exposed to which expression wrinkles can be eliminated. By pressing on all these points, our skin is stimulated, thereby getting rid of unnecessary folds. If your skin turns red after pressing, do not be alarmed, this means that blood circulation has accelerated in the skin, promoting cell regeneration.
    • point between the eyebrows;
    • points located along the edge of the lower jaw;
    • dots along the upper edge of the eye sockets;
    • a bone fossa, which is located a centimeter below the top of the cheekbone;
    • lateral bony fossae of the nose (above the nostrils).
  3. Thai facial massage. The essence of this massage is, first of all, to restore the energy of the body. It serves as a source of physical comfort and will help calm the psyche and nervous system. This is one of the oldest methods that helps rejuvenate the skin, tone it and preserve its beauty. If you want to eliminate wrinkles, get rid of scars or stretch marks, Thai massage is the best helper in this case. As a means of combating headaches, relieving stress or regulating blood pressure, this is also an excellent method. If you want to fully enjoy this massage, it is better to contact a specialist.
  4. Chinese facial massage. Chinese massage is similar in technique to Thai massage, where skin rejuvenation occurs by pressing on active points. Cream and oil are necessary attributes of this process.
    1. To begin with, after cleansing, apply cream or oil to your face.
    2. The massage is performed only with warm palms. To do this, rub your hands for a while until they become hot.
    3. Then we apply our warmed palms to the skin of the face. We hold them like this for several minutes, while rotating our eyes, blinking frequently, then rotating our eyes again.
    4. Close your eyes and use circular movements, without pressing too hard, to massage your nose. Don't forget about the wings of the nose. And you can stretch your cheeks with light blows of your fingertips.
    5. We finish the procedure by running the fingers of both hands from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

    Chinese facial massage, video:

  5. Facial massage with a spoon.Massage with spoons is the easiest and most convenient way to eliminate hated wrinkles and puffiness under the eyes. Two spoons and a cup of water are the only things you need. To get rid of puffiness under the eyes, you need to take a cup of cold water and dip two spoons into it. Apply the already cooled spoons to your eyes. Keep them until they warm up, then cool them again. We perform this procedure alternately with the lower and upper eyelids. We do it five times.
    Massage with warm spoons.
    In this case, use cream or oil for dry skin, kefir for oily skin.
    1. We begin the massage by pressing a heated spoon on the forehead and moving it from the middle of the forehead to the temples. If there are also wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, press it there with a warm spoon.
    2. We eliminate wrinkles around the eyes by massaging the lower and upper eyelids from the nose towards the temples. You can also apply a spoon to the wrinkles near the eyes.
    3. Next, we draw spoons along massage lines from the middle of the nose, from the tip of the nose and from the corners of the mouth to the temples.
    4. You can smooth out the folds above the upper lip by applying a heated spoon to the area and lightly massaging.
    5. The next direction is from the middle of the chin to the ears.
    6. Don't forget about the neck. We apply warm spoons to the neck area, near the collarbone and lead to the chin. At the end of the procedure, wipe your face. This massage is very effective if you carry out a course of ten procedures.

    This video will help you master this technique correctly:

  6. Facial gymnastics. It’s great to alternate this type of prevention with massage, since in this case we don’t even touch the face.
    1. We raise our eyebrows, tense our muscles, pause and lower.
    2. We make a tube with our lips and lift it up and down and turn it to the sides. After this we make rotational movements.
    3. We inflate our cheeks strongly and press down with our hands.
    4. Press your upper lip to your teeth and try to move it up and down. Repeat the same with the lower lip.
    5. Pull your lips forward in an “O” shape.


So, now we know how to do facial massage against wrinkles at home using popular techniques. Such procedures should be performed regularly. However, there is no need to press hard or make uncomfortable manipulations when performing movements! All activities should bring pleasure and satisfaction, as well as give a good mood.

Hello, dear ones. I offer you an overview: the best facial massage techniques at home. Any woman does not want to put up with the appearance of wrinkles and tries with all her might to prolong her youth. And facial massage, of which there are a huge number, can help her with this.

The most complex ones, for example, medical or Spanish facial massage, are performed by specialists in beauty salons. And in this article we will show you several simple varieties that can be done at home, by yourself.

1. Universal facial massage

Let's start with the simplest and most accessible. This is a classic 5-minute facial massage.

Classic massage for sagging skin can be performed by both adult women and young girls. If girls start performing massage procedures as early as possible, they will delay skin aging by many years. All actions are carried out along massage lines.

The technique of performing such a massage is well described.

here 2. Japanese facial massage Asahi

Looking at Japanese women, we are always surprised at how young they look. We too can have a toned face if we perform a magical Japanese massage. Tsogan was revived by Yukuko Tanaki, a Japanese beauty expert. It is also known as “Asahi massage” or Zogan.

A simple self-massage will take only 3 minutes a day, but will give a rejuvenating effect:

  • wrinkles will decrease;
  • the oval of the face will tighten;
  • the skin will become firm, smooth and elastic. You will look 10 years younger.

It is necessary to stroke the skin in the direction of the lymph nodes towards the center from the periphery. Do not press, do not massage the knots, just stroke with little effort.

3. Based on the experience of Chinese women

Chinese facial massage, which is performed at home, will help restore your former attractiveness. It is based on 4 exercises that must be repeated 10 times.

  1. Using the pads of your index fingers, press twice on your temples. After massaging the following points, we will return to this point each time.
  2. Place your fingers above your eyebrows so that they touch in the center of your forehead. With force, move from the center of the forehead to the temples, back without tension. This way you can remove wrinkles on your forehead.
  3. The following movement will help remove nasolabial folds: place the middle and index fingers to the indentations at the edge of the nostrils and press firmly on this area 5 times.
  4. Place one index finger horizontally above the upper lip, and the second under the lower lip. We apply pressure to ensure complete relaxation of the entire body.

4. Facial massage for wrinkles with spoons

Let's see how Chinese women use a spoon to rejuvenate themselves. To carry out the procedure, you need to make a chamomile decoction, take olive oil, and one part of the decoction should be cold and the other hot. We do all the techniques 10 times.

  1. Dip a spoon into the cold broth and apply it alternately to the lower and upper eyelids.
  2. We move along the furrows on the forehead in a circular motion with a spoon greased with oil.
  3. Smooth the skin under the chin with hot spoons lubricated with oil, moving from the base of the neck to the chin.
  4. The following technique will help remove nasolabial folds: puff out your cheeks, stroke the folds, then tap with spoons; expression wrinkles can be removed by simply stroking with a hot spoon clockwise, then back. The session ends with stroking with a cold spoon in the same directions.

5. Pinch facial massage for wrinkles

Best known pinch massage according to Jacquet, which is usually performed in a salon. But there are also simple techniques that can be done at home.

6. Banks to help

A vacuum session is considered one of the most effective anti-aging procedures.

It can get rid of bruises, puffiness under the eyes, smooth out wrinkles, remove scars, congestive spots.

Features of the vacuum procedure

There are two types of technology: kinetic and static.

In kinetic therapy, the procedure is carried out with oils that are lubricated on the skin to make it easier to move the sucked jar along the lymph flow.

With the static technique, the cups are simply placed on the problem area of ​​the skin and then removed. This type of procedure is best done in a salon. At home, you can use a special massager purchased at a pharmacy.

7. Facial lymphatic drainage

If you perform a lymphatic drainage session at home, you can forget about enlarged pores, drooping corners of the lips, stagnant fluid in the tissues, and age-related wrinkles.

To perform the procedure, you first need to thoroughly study the technique and the location of the lymph nodes on the face so as not to cause harm. Watch a detailed video lesson with Margarita Levchenko on how to perform the movements correctly.

8. Point massage

The technique, or acupressure, is no less popular. When performing Shiatsu correctly:

  • muscle tone is maintained;
  • Sagging cheeks are not allowed;
  • performance increases.

9. Oriental youth treatments

There is a growing passion for oriental healing techniques, including Thai massage.

Will the Thai technique help get rid of wrinkles around the mouth, around the eyes, congestion, inflammation, and acquire tightened skin and a blooming appearance?

Of course, it will help if the sessions are carried out regularly. In addition, you will forget about insomnia, muscle fatigue, chronic fatigue, and unhealthy appearance.

10. Honey treatments

It turns out that miraculous sessions with honey on the face can be performed at home. At the same time, do not forget to treat the décolleté area.

This delicacy can work real miracles on your face. Don’t forget, honey can be harmful if you have dilated blood vessels on the face or allergies to this product.

Youth charge for the face

We have already said more than once how simple gymnastics for the face. Do simple exercises every day, then you will forget about “crow’s feet” and folds around the mouth.

  1. Press your fingertips on the outer corners of your eyes, pull them to the sides, close your eyes, and make 15 rotations with your eyes in each direction.
  2. Take air into your mouth and roll it around inside your mouth 15 times in each direction. Simple, but effective!

Dear readers! You have learned many more new techniques to prolong your youth. We didn't say anything about hardware facial massage, which is becoming increasingly popular. Hardware massage is carried out in salons, and another article will be devoted to this topic.

Subscribe to my blog so as not to miss an interesting topic, tell your friends, and you will always have useful tips at hand.

Yukuko Tanaka is a name known to millions of women around the world. Tanaka is a Japanese woman who taught women to rejuvenate themselves through facial massage. The great cosmetologist and stylist Yukuko developed a Japanese anti-aging massage technique called Zogan. At 60 years old, the stylist looked at most 40. For Russian ladies, this massage is also known as the Asahi massage.

History of origin

Yukuko Tanaka received her massage skills from her grandmother. But it was brought to perfection by the cosmetologist herself, by studying the relationship between the skin and muscles, lymph glands and bones. In 2007, Tanaka also became a writer who gave women a book called “Facial Massage.” The book is a real panacea for ladies in the fight against wrinkles and other problems of the oval face.

The essence of Japanese massage is the effect on the skin, muscles and bones of the skull through the areas where the lymph nodes are located. The result is the outflow of lymph from the face, due to which toxins are eliminated and muscles are strengthened. This helps reduce wrinkles, improve skin color, and give the oval of the face clear contours.

In addition, the problem of most ladies – double chin – is solved. And those suffering from facial swelling will forget about the signs of facial aging.

Asahi massage is performed using light force. But this does not mean that a lot of effort should be made to complete it. You only need to apply a little pressure on your face. It must be carried out especially carefully in the area where the lymph nodes are located. During the massage, a woman should not feel pain. Such unpleasant sensations are a signal that the massage technique is being performed incorrectly.

Tsogan is not the only type of skin treatment that was invented in Japan. Many women are also interested in facial massage using the Shiatsu technique and massage using the Kobido technique - which also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the face.


Like all types of massage Zogan (Tsogan) has contraindications:

  1. Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  2. Diseases of the ENT organs.
  3. Cuperosis.
  4. Colds.
  5. Rashes on the skin of the face.

It is also important to know that when performing such a massage there is a high probability of losing weight in the face. Girls who already have a thin face and sunken cheeks need to approach the procedure with all responsibility and care. For them, it is better to massage only the upper part of the face.

If for some reason you do not dare try this type of massage, then you can pay attention to other equally effective types, for example, snail facial massage, cryomassage of the face and others. In addition, gymnastics for rejuvenating the face and neck has an extremely beneficial effect on skin tone.


Indications for Asahi massage are:

  1. Prevention of wrinkles.
  2. Maintaining skin tone.
  3. The appearance of a double chin.
  4. The appearance of swelling on the face.
  5. Excess subcutaneous fat.

When performing a Zogan massage, it is important not to forget about age:

  • For 20-year-old girls, the basis of the procedure is neutral techniques. Their goal is to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin of the face.
  • For 30-year-old women, this massage will help get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes.
  • 40-year-old women should focus on getting rid of facial wrinkles and nasolabial fold wrinkles. Pay attention to the lower part of the face, chin, cheeks.
  • For 50-year-old and 60-year-old ladies, emphasis should be placed on tightening the cheeks and chin muscles.

Basic principles

Before starting a Japanese massage, Yukuko Tanaka always calls for cleansing the skin of the face. If you have makeup on your face, you should wash it off. Then you can use a light scrub, bought in a store, or made yourself, for example, cleansing procedures using activated charcoal or aspirin are very effective. Dry your face with a napkin or towel. And the most important touch is oil or cream. You should definitely apply either a rich cream or almond (linseed, apricot) oil to your face. By the way, in addition to helping with massage, almond oil itself has anti-aging properties. Hands should glide over the skin with ease. Before proceeding directly to the Zogan massage, the skin of the face must be prepared with rubbing, voluntary movements.

The main principle of Asahi massage is the effect on the lymph nodes. Therefore, it is extremely important to know their location: parotid, postauricular, occipital, mandibular, sublingual and sublingual, anterior cervical.

When performing a massage, the following points should be considered:

  1. Strict movement in a specific direction depending on the specific exercise.
  2. The forehead massage should be performed with three fingers - index, middle and ring fingers. One finger is needed to massage around the eyes. The cheeks are massaged with the palm of your hand or with your thumbs.
  3. Finger movements should be intense. But don't hurt. Painful sensations are a sign of improper procedure.
  4. When massaging areas of the lymphatic system, the pressure on the skin should be slightly reduced.
  5. It is important to carry out the massage while maintaining an even posture. This can be done standing or sitting. If you cannot sit or stand, then you should lie down on a flat surface. Although in this position it is difficult to perform a massage.
  6. Each massage exercise must end with a mandatory final movement.

The finishing movement is the beginning and end of each specific exercise. It is necessary to lightly press the parotid lymph nodes with the pads or the entire length of the ring, middle and index fingers of both hands. You need to press for 2 seconds. In the same rhythm, move your fingers along the lateral line of the face contour down to the neck and collarbone. These actions stimulate lymphatic drainage from facial tissues.

The procedure time should be a minimum of 7 minutes, a maximum of 20 minutes. The massage technique is suitable for daily use. Massage is recommended daily.

Massage technique

Basic movement

Each massage movement should end with a basic one. In order to do it, you need to move your fingertips down on both sides of the cheeks, starting the movement near the ears and smoothly lower first to the neck, and then to the collarbone. This movement must be repeated three times.

Technique for eliminating puffiness under the eyes

Use the pads of the middle fingers of both hands to smoothly slide from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones. Pause on the bridge of your nose for 2 seconds. Continue further in a circular motion just below the eyebrow line. Pause for 3 seconds at the outer corners of the eyes. Lightening the pressure a little, return to the inner corners of the lower eyelid. Then, increasing the pressure a little, return to the outer corners of the eyes. Apply slight pressure to the temporal lobes. The final touch is the final movement!

Forehead smoothing technique

Place three working fingers with the pads on the middle of the forehead for 3 seconds. Without reducing the pressure, gently move them towards the temples using zigzag movements. Turn your palms 90 degrees and finish with the final movement.

You can read how to remove eyebrow wrinkles in other ways here.

Technique for lifting the corners of the lips

Using two fingers - the ring and middle fingers, lightly press on the middle of the chin. Smoothly move your fingers up, making a circle around your lips. When you reach the middle of your upper lip, stop for 4 seconds.

Technique for smoothing nasolabial folds

Place the middle fingers of both hands on both sides of the wings of the nose. Make 5 circular movements down-up, up-down. Then use two fingers – the middle and ring fingers – to move towards the cheekbones. The final touch is the final movement.

There are other ways to remove nasolabial facial wrinkles, you can read about it here.

Technique for preventing sagging cheeks

Press three working fingers in the middle of the chin. Curving your lips, make movements towards the outer corners of your eyes. Pause for 3 seconds, then gently move your fingers to your temples. Final movement.

Technique for improving the tone of the cheeks and lower face

Massage movements are performed first on one part of the face, then on the other. Place the middle of the palm of your left hand on the jaw on the left. At this time, move your right palm from the corner of the lower jaw to the inner corner of the eye. Pause 3 seconds. Then move towards the temple along the lower eyelid. Go down. Final movement. The procedure is repeated for each half of the face 3 times.

Cheek strengthening technique

With three working fingers pressed to the middle of the nose, move towards the temples. Final movement.

Technique for preventing sagging cheeks

Place your elbows and palms together. Open your palms and place them on your lips. Pressing, lift to the nostrils, cover the cheeks. Pause 3 seconds. Then spread your palms towards the temporal areas. Final movement.

Double chin elimination technique

Touch the middle part of the chin with one palm. While pressing, move towards the tragus of the ear. Final movement.

A-zone smoothing technique

Place your thumbs under your chin. Use the remaining fingers to touch the side walls of the nose. Stretch the skin with force. Pause 3 seconds. Final movement.

If all movements were carried out correctly, a beautiful, youthful face without wrinkles will be proof of this, because it is not for nothing that this procedure is often called “facial massage minus 10 years”.
Otherwise, if after the procedure the skin sags, this is a sign that the technique was not used correctly. Namely, without the required amount of oil or cream. Also, if the movement of the hands does not occur along the lymph nodes, stretching of the skin and sagging of the cheeks is possible. It is important to follow the procedure technique very strictly.

Thai massage technique for skin rejuvenation combines the best techniques of Asian and European practices. A special feature is the use of natural aromatic and massage oils, as well as work on acupuncture points and energy meridians. This leads not only to a reduction in the number and severity of wrinkles, but also to an improvement in the condition of the skin, its color and texture. Impact on energy points stimulates the functioning of internal organs.

Thai face and head massage leads to:

  • Improving blood circulation;
  • Improving metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • Improving skin tone;
  • Elimination of swelling, circles under the eyes;
  • Elimination of skin defects, acne, capillary mesh;
  • Improving facial contours;
  • Relaxation of muscle tissue.

An additional effect of the massage is an improvement in skin color after the first procedure. Sessions can eliminate facial wrinkles and reduce the severity of age-related skin changes.

Mechanism of influence on the body

The effectiveness of facial massage against wrinkles lies in the mechanical effect on the skin and the elimination of muscle tension. During the session, the massage therapist's hands knead the subcutaneous layers, breaking up blocks and stagnation, which leads to improved blood and lymph movement. There is a natural removal of toxins and waste from cells, and skin respiration improves. Aromatic oils used during sessions affect the emotional background: the client relaxes, forgets about problems and worries.

As a result of regular sessions, sleep and mood improve, symptoms of depression and chronic fatigue disappear.

The healing effect of massage lies in the development of energy channels and points: their activation improves the functioning of projection organs, increases tone and strengthens the immune system. Stimulation of nerve endings causes a response from the brain in the form of launching natural tissue regeneration processes.

Indications and contraindications for massage

Thai facial massage is a good preventive procedure against the first expression lines and age-related changes. Indications for use:

  • Skin laxity;
  • Scars, stretch marks, acne;
  • Migraines and headaches;
  • Stress, chronic fatigue;
  • Deterioration of skin condition due to environmental influences;
  • Overstrain of muscle tissue;
  • Sleep problems;
  • Age-related skin changes.


  • Infectious diseases;
  • Feverish condition accompanied by elevated temperature;
  • Allergy to components of cosmetics and oils;
  • Moles;
  • Violation of the integrity of the facial skin;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Blood diseases.

Techniques and tricks


Massaging the face occurs in the direction of lymph movement. The treatment begins from the forehead. Fingers are placed above the brow ridges and drawn to the temples with noticeable pressure. In the opposite direction, the fingers glide gently and without pressure. Repeat 7-10 times and move to the temples. Using your index fingers, massage your temples using circular pressing movements for 2-3 minutes.

Using the middle and index fingers, press the hole under the nose at the edge of the nostrils 5-6 times. This simple action prevents the appearance of nasolabial folds and cleanses the pores of the skin. After applying pressure, use your index fingers to massage the point above the upper lip and under the lower lip. The cheeks are treated with light vibration pats with the fingertips. Processing time: 3-4 minutes. The same technique is performed on puffy cheeks, and then deep strokes from the corners of the lips to the ears. Eyelid massage occurs by lightly patting the pads of the index and middle fingers.

Move on to working on the ears and neck. The ears are warmed up for 2-3 minutes with the thumb and forefinger. A neck massage is done with the whole palm. The direction of movement is from the collarbones to the chin. Movements should be with light pressure, but not cause pain. The session is completed with light stroking of the entire face: movements from the eyes to the temples, from the central point of the forehead to the temples and to the lower eyelid, to the corners of the lips along the cheeks and to the earlobes, from the center of the chin through the cheeks to the earlobes and down the neck.

Herbal bags

Another rejuvenation procedure is carried out using herbal bags. A grass bag is made from any natural fabric, and in Thailand, linen is traditionally used. The composition of herbs is selected by specialists based on the client’s condition and the goals of the massage. The base blend consists of lemongrass, acacia leaves, patchouli, lime, tamarind, sesame oil and lemongrass. Camphor, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, kangal, rosemary, fennel, soap tree and curry leaves, jasmine, basil, eucalyptus, hibiscus and chrysanthemum flowers, roses and pomegranate are also added. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of aromatic oil to the bag.

Procedure technique: the bags are preheated in a double boiler or on hot stones. You can also use a dry frying pan with a thick bottom and low heat. The bags are placed on energy points on the face, and they are also passed along the lines of lymph movement and pressed against problem areas. The movements can be light or vibrating, patting or with tangible pressure. The entire procedure takes from 25 to 40 minutes: the time depends on the complexity of the work and the area of ​​​​work.

After the massage, you need to apply a nourishing mask to your face and lie down for 10-15 minutes.

How often should I use it?

The duration of the massage course depends on the condition of the patient’s skin and the expected result. The average course is designed for 8-15 procedures, which are performed after 1-2 days. If the purpose of massage is to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, then sessions should be carried out at least once every 7-10 days. If Thai massage is part of a facial care complex, then one procedure every 14-20 days is enough.

At home, massage can be performed after an evening shower, when the skin is steamed. If there are no contraindications, then sessions are carried out every 2-3 days. During treatment, be sure to use oils and medicinal mixtures of oils, decoctions and cosmetics.

Thai massage is an effective facial massage and a means of preventing wrinkles, sagging skin and the appearance of stretch marks. Positive changes can be noticed after the first procedure: a healthy complexion appears, circles under the eyes are reduced, skin fatigue disappears and the facial contour improves. Regular massage leads to relaxation of the muscles of the neck and face, activation of tissue regeneration processes, removal of toxins and waste products from the intercellular space. If you follow the basic rules of massage, you can get rid of wrinkles in one course, increase skin tone and improve its condition, rejuvenate the body and even cope with headaches and migraines.


As you know, beauty requires sacrifice, and a new type of Thai massage once again proves this old truth.

A Thai masseuse living in San Francisco in the USA offers an unusual method of rejuvenation. Massage is a special technique of hitting the face, which helps get rid of wrinkles.

According to the company's website, Thailand's Tata is one of only 10 masseuses in the world who can expertly slap the face, "using Thai wisdom to awaken your natural beauty without the use of any chemicals."

In addition, the woman assures that the procedure is “one million percent safe.”

Anti-wrinkle facial massage: Thai method

The masseuse claims that this procedure has been used in Thailand for thousands of years. The method reduces the number of wrinkles, reduces pores and tightens the skin. Clients can choose which area of ​​the face they would like to be "targeted", including the eyebrows, cheeks and forehead. One a session of such a massage lasts 15-20 minutes, and the results can last from six months to a year.

During the session, the masseuse, accompanied by Thai pop music, quickly hits you on different areas of your face. She then pinches the client's cheeks hard and administers several more hard slaps.

"How long the effect lasts depends on the care. If you gain weight, the effect may disappear sooner," explained Tata's husband, who owns a salon where the unique massage is performed.

Although they both claim that results can be seen immediately, there is no medical evidence that it works. However, experts say that it is possible that slapping massage circulation in the facial area increases, which explains the youthful glow.

One anti-wrinkle facial massage session costs 350 US dollars, and the masseuse herself accepts payment only in cash.

Video of facial massage against wrinkles using face slaps:

Veronika Herba - urban beauty and health center

Anti-wrinkle facial massage: 10 effective techniques

From this article you will learn:

    Why is proper facial massage effective against wrinkles?

    Are there any contraindications for anti-wrinkle facial massage at home?

    How to do a facial massage for wrinkles at home

    What is good about “Tsogan” facial massage for wrinkles?

    How vacuum facial massage removes wrinkles

Facial muscles, like all others, constantly require physical activity. They need it to remain strong and elastic and keep their oval and facial features beautiful. If you combine special exercises, facial massage for wrinkles and the use of cosmetics made from natural ingredients, you can improve the tone of the skin and the body as a whole. But what is the best way to train facial muscles if our task is to restore their strength?

How effective is facial massage at home for wrinkles?

The incredible effect of proper facial massage against wrinkles is quite simple to explain:

    It gets the blood flowing. It moves more actively through the vessels and accelerates all vital processes in the cells. In this regard, the skin receives more essential nutrients, and it begins to actively produce two important proteins: collagen and elastin. Thanks to them, the skin gains elasticity and wrinkles disappear.

    The muscles are strengthened, which means loose skin is tightened.

    The swelling effect goes away.

    Capillaries begin to function better: redness and acne associated with the location of blood vessels close to the surface of the skin disappear.

    Facial features are outlined.

    Proper facial massage for wrinkles can relieve tension from the skin.

Remember that facial massage removes wrinkles if they already exist, but it can also perfectly help prevent their appearance.

Systematic procedures and precise adherence to massage technology will allow you to achieve a quick effect from the procedure. Existing wrinkles will become less noticeable, and new ones will no longer appear.

Does anti-wrinkle facial massage have contraindications?

Of course, there are contraindications. It is a mistake to believe that facial massage for wrinkles is recommended only for people over 30 years old after the first age-related changes appear on the face. It is an excellent preventive remedy that can save the skin from early aging, as well as prevent this process. Therefore, the sooner you start learning anti-wrinkle facial massage techniques, the longer your skin will be able to remain tightened, fresh and youthful.

This procedure is not an accessible and absolutely safe method of preserving youth. There are some contraindications that you need to know to avoid complications:

    Inflammatory processes;

  • Hemophilia;

    Open wounds and injuries;


    Large moles.

To achieve the maximum positive effect, you need to know how to properly massage your face against wrinkles.

Basic rules - how to do a facial massage for wrinkles at home

If you want to perform facial massage for wrinkles at home, there are many instructional videos. However, let's discuss in more detail the simple but incredibly important rules listed there:

    Approximately 30 minutes before the massage, you need to make a hot herbal facial compress. It will help the muscles warm up and become pliable.

    Hide all your hair under the cap, never let it get under your fingers.

    Wash your hands first and clean your nails, otherwise you risk introducing an infection into your facial tissues.

    Apply a special anti-wrinkle cream or oil to your facial skin before the procedure. Do not forget that the product can cause an allergic reaction on delicate facial skin, so test it on your wrist in advance.

    Learn the lines of facial massage for wrinkles along which all movements are made. It is through them that lymph moves. If you carry out the massage chaotically, you can achieve the opposite effect: the skin may sag and additional defects may form on the face.

    So, massage lines should pass:

    • From the middle of the chin to the earlobes;

      From a point under the center of the lower lip to the earlobes;

      From the center point above the upper lip to the middle of the temples;

      From the corners of the lips to the middle of the ears;

      From the middle of the forehead to the centers of the temples (eyebrow level);

      From the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones on the lower eyelid;

      From the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones on the upper eyelid.

    Learn to make the correct transition during a massage from area to area. To do this, gently press the pads of your index fingers on the temporal area. This is the center of all metabolic processes in the skin cells on the face.

    Try to do everything gently and carefully. This is most important when massaging around the eyes for wrinkles.

If you want to achieve a result visible to the naked eye, then do a home facial massage regularly. For example, 10 days in a row. The time can be from 10 to 20 minutes. A week later, go through the cycle again.

How to properly massage your face against wrinkles yourself: 9 techniques

Classic facial skin massage for wrinkles

Let's start with the simplest classic facial massage in five minutes.

Classic massage for sagging skin Suitable for both adult women and very young girls. If you start massaging your face and eyes against wrinkles as early as possible, you can delay the aging process of your face by years. Let us remind you that all exercises are carried out along massage lines. Their implementation does not require special effort or preparation, but we advise you to massage the skin alone in front of a mirror so as not to surprise or shock others.

    Stretch the skin of the upper eyelids slightly to reduce creases.

    Raise your eyebrows as if in surprise; at the same time, you need to stretch your lips into a slight smile.

    Lightly press the corners of your lips with your fingers and make circular movements with your fingers in this position for one minute (the circles should not be large).

    Pull your lips into a tube.

    Gently pull the skin of the nasolabial folds to the outer corners of the eyes with your index fingers, and parallelly stretch your lips with a tube.

    Stretch the corners of your mouth in opposite directions with your index fingers.

    Perform a light facial massage against wrinkles under the eyes with your index fingers.

    Place your fingers on the skin of your forehead and smooth it with vertical movements: from the eyebrows to the roots of the hair.

Complete the entire procedure with stroking movements of your hands in the direction from the cheekbones to the ears.

Classic facial massage for wrinkles, video:

Japanese facial massage in photo

Europeans are always surprised by the youthful appearance of Japanese women. However, we can also get a beautiful and toned face, we just need to do an anti-wrinkle facial massage. The Japanese version is one of the most effective. It is called "Tsogan". It is also called “Asahi massage” or “Zogan”. Japanese beauty expert Yukuko Tanaka was the first to remember this ancient technology. This Japanese anti-wrinkle massage has the most positive reviews from those who have used it.

To perform this simple anti-wrinkle facial massage at home, you will need no more than three minutes a day. But rejuvenation is guaranteed in several areas:

    Reduction of wrinkles,

    Natural facelift,

    Increased skin elasticity and smoothness. Experts promise that after a “Tsogan” facial massage for wrinkles, you will look 10 years younger in appearance.

To begin with, let us repeat that movements must be made in the direction from the lymph nodes to the center. There is no need to press or massage the knots, just stroke your face with a little effort.

There are several exercises:

Basic movement

It is also the final stage of every massage exercise. Run your fingers down the cheeks near the ears and continue down the sides of the neck to the collarbone as shown in the facial massage diagram for wrinkles. Repeat three times.

An exercise that enlarges the eyes and eliminates swelling around the eyes

Tighten your temples a little, raise your hands to your face. Now place the pads of your middle fingers at the outer corners of your eyes and without pressing, move them to the inner corners of your eyes. Go around the corners themselves - internal and external. The Japanese call them the “head” and “tail” of the eye.

Stop at the “beauty points” located near the inner corners of the eyes. From them, with sufficient pressure, describe a semicircle along the upper edge of the orbital bone to the outer corners of the eyes and freeze for three seconds at the temples.

Then, again lightly touching the skin, draw an arc under the lower eyelid to the beauty points to complete this phase of the anti-wrinkle facial massage.

From the inner corners of the eyes, again with slight pressure, move along the line between the cheek and the under-eye area from the inner to the outer corner of the orbital socket. Pause near the outer corner of your eye for three seconds, applying gentle pressure to the points under your index and middle fingers.

Now extend the imaginary line towards the temples. Holding your fingers at your temples for three seconds, lightly move to the tragus of your ear. When performing an independent facial massage for wrinkles, do not forget to finish it with the final basic movement, continuing the movement to the collarbones. Repeat three times, then this facial massage really smooths out wrinkles.

Remember, massage does not involve pressure on the eyes.

Exercise to strengthen the mouth and chin area, lifting the corners of the lips

Place your middle and ring fingers in the indentation in the middle of your chin. Hold this point for three seconds, pressing lightly on it.

Now, while continuing to apply pressure, go around the corners of the lips on both sides and bring your fingers together above the middle of the upper lip.

Press this point again with your fingers, as if lifting the nasal septum with your ring fingers. Hold the pressure for three seconds.

This facial massage exercise for wrinkles is also repeated three times.

Place the “stools” of your palms (the fleshiest part adjacent to the hand) under your chin and apply gentle pressure for three seconds.

Then, with a little force, move along the cheeks to the cheekbones, as if pushing the cheeks up.

Hold on your cheekbones for three seconds, spread your arms to the sides towards the tragus of your ear and finish with a basic downward movement. This must be done three times.

To perform this facial massage exercise for wrinkles, place the palms of your hands under your chin with your fingers pointing towards your ears. It is necessary to capture both the jawbone and the muscles located under the chin.

With strong pressure, move your palms towards the tragus of the ear. From there, do the final basic movement. Carry out the procedure three times.

Japanese facial massage against wrinkles, video:

Chinese facial massage against wrinkles

Chinese anti-wrinkle facial massage at home will help restore an attractive appearance to your features. The basis is made up of four exercises. Each must be repeated 10 times.

    Using the pads of your index fingers, press twice on your temples. After massaging subsequent points, we will return to this stage each time.

    Place your fingers above your eyebrows so that they meet in the center of your forehead. Move from the starting point to the temples, pressing on the skin, and then in the opposite direction, but without tension. This procedure for wrinkles in the forehead area will relieve you of them.

    Place your middle and index fingers to the depressions at the edge of the nostrils and press this area five times. This anti-wrinkle facial massage will easily remove wrinkles running from the nose to the lips.

    Place one index finger above your upper lip so that it is parallel to the floor, and place the second under your lower lip and press down. This movement will have a relaxing effect on the entire body.

Chinese facial massage for wrinkles, video:

Facial massage from Chinese masters smooths out wrinkles using a simple spoon. In advance you need to cook a decoction of chamomile and take olive oil. Cool half of the broth, leave the other half hot. Repeat all steps 10 times as well.

    Dip a spoon into the cold broth and apply first to the lower, then to the upper eyelids.

    Draw circles along the wrinkles on the forehead using a spoon previously dipped in oil.

    Smooth the skin below the chin using heated spoons lubricated with oil: movements should go from the base of the neck to the chin.

    We puff out our cheeks, draw lines with spoons along the nasolabial folds, then make gentle movements in the same places, lightly tapping with the spoon. Facial massage for expression wrinkles is based on stroking the skin with a hot spoon clockwise, then back. We finish the procedure by stroking with a cold spoon along the same lines.

Pinch massage of the face and neck for wrinkles according to Jacquet

Pinch massage according to Jacquet, traditionally performed by salon specialists, obviously enjoys the highest popularity. However, you can also carry out existing fairly simple types of therapy on your own.

The anti-wrinkle facial massage technique involves the participation of the dermis, subcutaneous tissues, and facial muscles in the procedure. The procedure is carried out using the index finger and thumb without using cream.

Such exercises will bring more benefits in the morning immediately after washing your face. In addition, at this time they will allow you to achieve better results. Perform the exercises without leaving the massage lines, which will be discussed below:

From the chin, make pinch movements to the earlobe;
- from the extreme points of the mouth move to the ear;
- from the upper lip and sides of the nose, pinch towards the top point of the ear;
- from the sides of the nose go to the temples;
- stretch your earlobes and bridge of your nose;
- go through the area under the eyebrows: from the inner edge of the eye to the outer, and back along the bottom of the eye socket;
- parallel to the eyebrows from the middle of the forehead, pinch towards the temples;
- fully knead your eyebrows;
- work the front of the neck from bottom to top and the sides in the opposite direction.

Self-massage of the face for wrinkles in the forehead area seems to be the most labor-intensive of all those listed, but you also cannot do without it. Move the skin with your fingertips pressed against it, do this in a circular motion, first down and then up. Don't forget to include the deeper tissues along with the skin.

Thai facial massage against wrinkles

Thai massage is recognized as one of the most ancient methods of saving wrinkles and restoring youth to the whole body. The massage technique involves using active points and energy lines on the human body. They are directly related to the nervous system and human organs, the effect on them brings simply incredible results. You can find out how this anti-wrinkle facial massage is done in the video below.

Thai facial massage against wrinkles, video:

The technique of acupressure facial massage allows you to achieve complete relaxation of all muscles. This relieves tension and spasms in the forehead, nose and cheeks. Microcirculation in the skin improves significantly, which means even the smallest wrinkles are smoothed out. You will stop wondering whether facial massage helps with wrinkles as soon as this technique becomes a daily habit and you will immediately notice the results. The main thing is to do it with pleasure and systematically. It is best to do it at least once a week after a bath or sauna, which will remove emotional excitement and, what is also important, relax the whole body. In this case, the effect of facial massage to smooth out wrinkles will increase significantly.

Let us name the points necessary during the procedure:

    A point in the middle of the forehead helps smooth out wrinkles in this area.

    The “third eye” is the point in the center of the bridge of the nose.

    The points at the beginning of the eyebrows help prevent the appearance of wrinkles at the temples.

    Impact on points a couple of centimeters above the eyebrow on the pupil line increases the tone of the forehead muscles. In addition, such a massage can overcome drowsiness.

    “Thread of bamboo” - the end of the eyebrows, the transition to the temples. Facial massage for wrinkles in this area relieves headaches caused by problems with blood vessels. Remember to massage the points only where you can feel the bone.

    The paired point is the temporal region. Stimulation is carried out in parallel on both sides.

    The point at the top in the depression near the edge of the ear will be effective for moral fatigue, pain in the eyes and persistent headaches.

    A point located in the depression near the ear at the beginning of the auditory canal.

    Placed under the lobe near the lower jaw, its massage perfectly eliminates wrinkles.

    Depression under the chin. Active muscle stimulation occurs here. This place helps eliminate wrinkles.

    Working on the chin area between the fangs will invigorate the skin.

    The “anti-stress” point is located under the middle of the mouth, at the bottom of the chin. Facial massage for wrinkles is carried out only with the thumb of the right hand.

    The “mid-person” is located above the upper lip in the middle.

    Paired dots just above the corners of the lips.

    The area under the nose.

    Points near the wings of the nose.

    “Beauty point” on the cheekbones under the middle of the eyeball.

Honey facial massage for wrinkles

Honey facial massage for smoothing wrinkles is fundamentally different from anti-cellulite honey massage and from cosmetic facial massages performed with oils. All kinds of pinching, stretching and kneading of the skin are unacceptable. The method is based on light tapping, driving in honey for young skin. When massaging the face for wrinkles after 40 years, instead of the active method, use a slow application of hands, which allows you not to spoil the structure of the skin. This method will also work great for facial massage against wrinkles after 50 years.

Facial massage against wrinkles at home is best done after taking a warm shower or warming bath. Since when the pores have time to open, the effectiveness of the procedure increases significantly and it will be easier for the natural mask to penetrate into the underlying layers of the skin. We recommend warming the honey itself a little using a water bath and even melting it if it has dried out or turned into crystals.

Prepare your skin. There should be no decorative cosmetics left on it, the surface of the face should be absolutely clean. Wipe your face with lotion before applying honey for extra cleansing. Now apply honey in a fairly thick layer all over your face, avoiding the most delicate skin around the eyes. Start the massage after about 10 minutes, because you need to allow the honey to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and begin to affect them.

Using your fingertips, use fairly short movements to gently press onto the surface of the skin. But remember, you can’t suddenly pull your hands away, as you should during the procedure with honey against cellulite. Movements should be intense, but careful. Do you have doubts and want to know for sure that you are not making mistakes anywhere and are not harming your face? Then, before starting the procedure, watch video tutorials or photo instructions on facial massage for wrinkles, where the appropriate hand position will be discussed using an example. The fingers move gradually, one area is processed in two or three movements. In this case, there should be no painful sensations.

The most serious attention should be paid to the most problematic areas on the face. These include a large number of blackheads, deep wrinkles, and sagging skin. If there are pimples or stars on the face, then these places should be excluded from the treatment area. When performing a massage, grayish-white balls may appear, which is completely normal and not scary. These are toxins, dirt, exfoliated dead scales coming out of the skin, mixed with honey.

Effective anti-wrinkle facial massage (lymphatic drainage)

Performing lymphatic drainage massage will give you the opportunity to say goodbye to all the unpleasant changes of age.

First, in order not to harm yourself, you will have to thoroughly study the anti-wrinkle facial massage technique before performing it. A video tutorial will help, where Margarita Levchenko will talk about how to perform the movements correctly. A video of a facial and neck massage for wrinkles can be seen below.

How they do vacuum facial massage against wrinkles in beauty salons

For many years now, such a familiar element of our life as air has been helping to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead, remove puffiness under the eyes and remove pimples. Practice has proven that vacuum facial massage technology can work wonders.

How does air allow you to massage your face against wrinkles? The double-action pump and air compressor built into the device sequentially increase and decrease the pressure on the skin under the nozzle jar. Thanks to this alternation, blood flow to the selected place increases, metabolism improves, and blood circulation in the vessels of the face becomes better, as they are filled with oxygen.

Professional massage with a vacuum apparatus is always a complex procedure, which includes the preparatory stage, the operation of the device itself and the final steps.

Smart foreplay. Simple steps allow you to tune in to the anti-wrinkle facial massage procedure and help your skin cope with shock: cosmetics are removed with a toner, and the pores are cleansed of impurities. To prevent germs from penetrating deep into the epidermis, the face must be perfectly clean. Then the skin is thoroughly moisturized with massage cream. Thanks to it, the device’s attachments move gently across the face without damaging the skin.

Correct movements. The device passes exclusively through massage lines. The movement comes from the neck, from the collarbones up. Then the bottom of the face, sides, and forehead are massaged in turn.

At the end there is additional recharge. If you decide to see a cosmetologist, then take extra time to massage your face for facial wrinkles, since after the procedure you will have to stay warm for at least half an hour to protect the heated skin. In order not to waste time, you can take a moment and apply a nourishing or soothing mask that will be well received by open pores.

After a vacuum massage, you should never irritate the skin, for example, use scrubs or peels.

The main goal of the procedure is to improve blood circulation, so the device is always adjusted individually. This allows you to expand the range of problems solved. Stimulation of lymph flow and blood flow will help eliminate many visual defects of the face:

    Dry or oily skin


    Increased sweating

    Eels and their traces,

After a facial massage for wrinkles, metabolism accelerates and normalizes, thereby increasing the skin's ability to regenerate and restore. Therefore, the device is recommended in different cases:

    Small scars and scars


    Lack of a clear oval face,

    The appearance of a double chin

    Bad complexion.

According to dermatologists, saturation of cells with oxygen and activation of cellular metabolism have a positive effect on the body as a whole. Today, vacuum facial massage against wrinkles has excellent reviews and is even prescribed to combat diseases such as insomnia, migraines, chronic fatigue, and decreased immunity. In addition, the technology helps remove toxins and waste from the body, increases overall performance and improves well-being.

Many people practice body massage. But for some reason they don’t think that this procedure can have a similar effect on the face. Maintaining muscle and skin tone is an effective protection against aging. You can also perform a massage yourself, saving on salon beauty treatments and expensive facial care products. But first you need to familiarize yourself with the technique of performing it - inept actions will be useless at best, and can cause significant harm.

General information about facial massage for wrinkles

The condition of facial skin depends on many factors. It is she who suffers most from poor ecology, poor-quality or incorrectly selected cosmetics, and non-compliance with hygiene rules. For some reason, it is obvious to many that the muscles of the body need regular training to maintain tone, but few people think about the face in this regard. As a result, the skin, which the muscles are no longer able to support, sags, the oval of the face “floats”, and deep wrinkles form.

The effectiveness of massage for facial rejuvenation is due to the following:

  • muscles that regularly receive stress are constantly toned, swelling and sagging skin disappear;
  • the flow of blood and lymph improves, as a result - the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin;
  • the body’s production of its own collagen and elastin is activated, providing skin elasticity, and the process of tissue regeneration is stimulated;
  • in the process, the skin relaxes, small facial wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • The functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, inflammation, acne, and blackheads disappear.

As a result, the facial contour becomes noticeably clearer, the skin color improves, it acquires a healthy glow, tone and elasticity returns. The positive effect is visible after 2-3 weeks if you massage daily. In the future, for prevention, it is enough to carry it out at intervals of 3–4 days.

Facial massage is the same as going to the gym for your body.

Proper facial massage, in principle, cannot harm. It's like doing daily morning exercises. Moreover, you can perform anti-wrinkle massage yourself, saving on visits to a cosmetologist. The procedure will take no more than 15–20 minutes. It has a “side” effect of relaxation - sleep and state of mind are normalized. After a noticeable improvement in appearance, complexes and psychological discomfort disappear. The procedure has no age restrictions.

Of course, we must remember that this is not a panacea. Even a professionally performed massage will not help restore youth if it is not combined with a reasonable diet, a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, and proper facial care.

It has been scientifically proven that 20 minutes of facial massage has the same relaxing effect on muscles as 4-5 hours of sound, healthy sleep.

Who is massage recommended for?

  • dull, loose skin that has lost its elasticity;
  • unnatural dull yellowish or grayish complexion;
  • small facial wrinkles and folds;
  • double chin, “bulldog” cheeks;
  • blurred facial contours;
  • problematic skin, pigmentation and congestion spots, acne marks, post-acne;
  • swelling and bruising under the eyes;
  • “looseness”, increased oiliness or dehydration of the skin, pronounced pores;
  • discomfort after certain cosmetic procedures (for example, Botox injections).

Facial massage is an effective prevention of signs of aging, it also helps to get rid of existing problems

Contraindications and possible negative consequences

Despite all the obvious benefits of facial massage, it, like any cosmetic procedure, has contraindications. You will have to look for alternative methods of rejuvenation in the following cases:

  • any skin diseases (eczema, herpes, acne), unhealed mechanical damage, allergic manifestations;
  • the presence of large moles, birthmarks, warts;
  • low blood clotting and the need to constantly take blood-thinning medications;
  • capillaries located too close to the surface of the skin or very fragile;
  • increased body temperature;
  • problems with the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • cancer at any stage of development;
  • any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • problems with the facial nerves, any neurological diseases accompanied by seizures;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • recent (within a month) deep chemical peeling or any cosmetic injections;
  • unhealed scars after any surgical intervention.

Complications only appear if the procedure is performed incorrectly. For example, as a result of too much stretching, the skin may sag even more. The most serious negative consequences are circulatory disorders and damage to the facial nerves.

Preparing a person for the procedure and safety measures

Preparatory procedures help increase the effectiveness of rejuvenating facial massage:

  • Clean your face of decorative cosmetics, open it completely, removing hair.
  • Half an hour before the procedure, warm the skin well with a steam bath or hot compress. Instead of plain water, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and treat with antiseptic. It is also advisable to cut your nails short to avoid accidentally scratching your skin.
  • Apply cream or massage oil.
  • Relax, calm down. Even involuntarily contracted muscles nullify the entire positive effect.

A steam bath enhances the effect of facial massage by warming up the skin.

When performing a massage, the lymph flow lines are strictly followed. Chaotic unsystematic exposure can only increase wrinkles and provoke the development of edema. All manipulations are performed without excessive pressure, gently and accurately. This is especially true for the eyelid area. When moving from one line to another, circular movements and light finger pressure on the temples are required - this is the “central node” of metabolic processes.

Directions of massage lines:

  • from the center of the chin along the lower jaw to the temples;
  • from the center of the lower lip to the temples;
  • from the corners of the mouth through the cheekbones to the temples;
  • from the “third eye” area along the brow ridges to the temples;
  • along the lower and upper edges of the orbit from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples;
  • from the tip of the nose up the bridge of the nose and eyebrows to the temples.

Facial massage is carried out in the direction of the massage lines, otherwise there will be no effect, you may even harm yourself

Different types and techniques of massage

A great variety of massage techniques and methods have been developed. It is better not to jump at one thing at once, but to try several methods, determining the most effective one. It would be a good idea to first consult with a cosmetologist and listen to his opinion. The client’s age, skin condition, scale of the problem and other factors are taken into account.

Massage the area around the eyes

The eyelids have the thinnest skin, the layer of fatty tissue underneath is practically absent, and the capillaries are located very close to the surface. When performing a massage, special care must be taken; the skin is easily stretched. Finger movements should be smooth and soft. For prevention, the procedure is carried out constantly, every 3-4 days. If there are pronounced problems - a course of a month, once every two days. The courses are repeated after 3–5 months. As a result, bruises disappear, the nasolacrimal groove becomes less pronounced, the eyelids (especially the drooping upper ones) tighten, and the eyes “open.”

The skin around the eyes has a specific structure, so you need to be especially careful when performing a massage.

In preparation for the procedure, a contrast compress that stimulates blood circulation is useful. Towels moistened with hot and cold water are applied to the face alternately for 5–10 seconds, covering the area from the cheekbones to the middle of the forehead.

The optimal time for massage is 2–3 hours before bedtime. Contraindications are constant, very pronounced swelling (a clear indication of serious health problems), high oily skin.

Video: lymphatic drainage massage of the area around the eyes

Massage for facelift

Depending on the severity of the problem, in order to make facial contours clearer, we recommend classic (maintains skin tone, strengthens muscles), relaxing (relieves muscle tension), lymphatic drainage (removes excess fluid, eliminating swelling) or myofascial (smoothes the skin, eliminates deep wrinkles and folds) massage.

The fuzzy “floating” oval of the face along with the neck shows age most strongly

At home, only classic massage can be performed. It is quite enough to restore skin elasticity and healthy color. At the same time, swelling under the eyes disappears, the microrelief is leveled (small wrinkles, small pigment spots, redness disappear), and the natural blush returns. Course duration is 10–12 procedures every 2–3 days. Then follows a two-week break.

Massage the area above the upper lip

The appearance of deep “purse-string” wrinkles around the lips is the result of overly active facial expressions. Give up the habit of squeezing them too tightly, and if possible, keep a slight half-smile on your face. Smoking has a very negative effect on the skin around the lips - both the tobacco smoke itself and the efforts made to take a puff.

Purse-string wrinkles in the area above the upper lip can be smoothed out faster if, in addition to massage, you rub the skin with ice cubes

You should not smooth out wrinkles above your lip as if with an iron - this will make them appear even more pronounced. In addition to massage during the day, it is useful to give your lips a non-standard position - stretch them out like a tube, fold them into a bow, and so on. And in the morning and evening, outline the contour of your lips with an ice cube made from clean water, herbal infusion or frozen juice.

As a result of the massage, the contour of the lips returns to clarity, the skin is moisturized, and they become visually plumper. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, drooping corners are lifted.

Massage between eyebrow wrinkles

A vertical fold between the eyebrows often appears quite early, even before the age of 30. This is a consequence of the habit of often frowning. The wrinkle is quite deep, so the effect of the massage does not appear immediately. To speed up positive changes, an hour after the massage, apply a vitamin C solution to the fold and seal it with a band-aid. It is left on all night and removed in the morning.

Wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows usually appear at a fairly early age.

Every time you notice that you are frowning, raise your eyebrows up, imitating extreme surprise, and hold them in this position for at least a minute until you feel a slight burning sensation. This is a very effective addition to regular massage.

Video: how to get rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows using massage

Massage for facial wrinkles around the mouth

The orbicularis oris muscle is one of the most “involved” facial muscles. This is due at least to speech. Therefore, massage of this area is vital not only when wrinkles are already clearly visible, but also for prevention. In addition to it, it is useful to wash your face with cool water every day for at least a minute.

The muscle around the mouth experiences increased stress compared to other facial muscles.

The first results of the massage appear quite quickly, after 2–3 weeks of daily procedures. You will have to wait 4–5 months for the most noticeable effect. After massaging the area around the lips, nourishing masks and creams are very effective.

Thai massage

It is impossible to give such a massage to yourself. You will have to contact a cosmetologist or find an assistant. You can start as early as 18–20 years old. This is a very effective prevention of the first signs of aging. It also helps get rid of existing wrinkles.

During the session, complete relaxation and an appropriate state of mind are very important. Upon completion of the procedure, it is recommended to apply a natural fruit mask to the skin.

Thai massage is not only a procedure, but also a whole philosophy

The massage begins with a neck and shoulder massage to promote maximum relaxation. Then soft smooth movements move to the back of the head and the area behind the ears. Only then does the cosmetologist proceed directly to the facial massage. All movements are performed from the center to the periphery, with gradually decreasing pressure. An obligatory part is an ear massage. The Thais believe that the “projections” of all organs are located there. If after a massage your ears have the color of boiled beets, this is normal.

3-4 procedures are enough to restore skin tone, freshness and healthy tone, and smooth out facial wrinkles. The procedure not only improves appearance, it also strengthens the immune system, normalizes sleep and normalizes the psycho-emotional state. The average course duration is 10–15 procedures daily or every other day. For prevention - once every 5–7 days.

Video: Thai facial massage procedure

Honey massage

Honey massage, in addition to affecting the muscles, also cleanses, nourishes and lightly exfoliates the skin. The unique composition of honey in 10–12 procedures allows you to get rid of acne, blackheads, restore tone to dull and lifeless skin, clarity to the oval of the face, and smooth out wrinkles. Of course, honey must be natural. For dry skin with increased sensitivity, lighter and more liquid honey (linden, flower) is better suited; for oily skin, thick, richly colored honey (buckwheat, heather).

Honey for massage is selected depending on skin type

The procedure is carried out early in the morning or just before bedtime. In the first case, before going outside, a protective cream (minimum SPF-15) is applied to the face. It is worth remembering that of all beekeeping products, honey most often causes allergies. Before the first procedure, you must conduct a test for an allergic reaction (apply the composition to your wrist and let it sit for several hours to observe the body’s reaction).

Honey applied to the face is allowed to absorb for 10 minutes. The process excludes any pinching, stretching, or active kneading. Honey is lightly beaten into the skin with your fingertips. Or the palms are pressed to the face, then smoothly detached with little effort. After the massage, the skin is allowed to “breathe” for 1.5–2 hours, only then the cream is applied.

Honey facial massage - a three-in-one procedure: rejuvenation, cleansing, skin nourishment

To enhance the effect, you can add lemon juice or a few drops of pharmaceutical essential oil to honey. Most of all, the skin “loves” rose, lavender, juniper, mandarin, bergamot, and lemon balm.

Video: rejuvenating honey facial massage

Facial massage after 50 years

After 50 years, clearly visible wrinkles appear, so the effect on the skin must be intense. But even in this case, you should not expect instant results. The first improvements are noticeable only after 3–4 weeks. For mature skin:

  • Asahi massage. Actions concentrate mainly on the lower part of the face. The main goal is to deeply stretch the muscles.
  • Honey massage. The whole face is not covered with honey. The fingertips are dipped into it, then all massage lines are worked out, especially the facial contour. The maximum session duration is 10 minutes.
  • Massage with spoons. To enhance the effect, hot and cold spoons are used. This contrast stimulates blood circulation.

Regular facial massage helps smooth out even pronounced age-related changes


Such a massage should only be performed by a specialist who is well acquainted with the technique of performing the procedure and the location of biologically active points on the face. If you correctly and regularly stimulate the necessary zones, vital energy in the body is distributed as harmoniously as possible. Accordingly, metabolism is normalized, the process of supplying tissues with oxygen and nutrients is activated, and muscle tension is relieved. This leads to overall health of the body and slows down the aging process. The duration of the course to obtain a lasting effect is a month of daily procedures.

Only an experienced Shiatsu specialist can find biologically active points on the face and correctly calculate the strength and duration of exposure.

Massage at home

Any woman can perform a rejuvenating facial massage at home. The simplest exercises are a worthy alternative to salon procedures. But regularity is very important here.


Massage oil or cream is “beaten” into the skin with light pats in the direction from the center to the temples. Then, in the same way, the entire area is worked in a circular motion. The most pronounced wrinkles are gently smoothed towards the temples using zigzag movements. Each exercise is repeated at least 10 times. In conclusion - vertical movements with your fingers from the eyebrows to the hairline, drawing vertical and horizontal figure eights on the bridge of the nose.

During the massage, special attention should be paid to transverse wrinkles on the forehead

Whiskey and eyes

The massage begins with light “pulsating” pats along the contour of the eye sockets, from above - from the bridge of the nose to the temple, below - vice versa. Then they are traced with slight pressure in the same direction, followed by gentle pressure with the fingers. The last movement focuses mainly on the inner and outer corners. Eyebrows are worked on with light pinching. Upper eyelids - by pressing on the eyeballs with the eyes closed. All movements are repeated 5–6 times. The temples are outlined with slow circular movements, then wavy, from bottom to top.

Massaging the eyelids helps to noticeably lift them and “open” the eyes.

Cheeks and cheekbones

The simplest cheek massage is to simply pat them with a wet towel. Honey, cupping and vacuum massage are also very effective for this area.

Effective exercises include working out the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones with “drumming” movements of the fingers, smoothing movements along the line of the lower jaw from the center to the ears and temples, light circular movements from the chin to the cheekbones clockwise and counterclockwise.

Clear, “developed” cheekbones add expressiveness to the face

Corners of the mouth and chin

The massage begins with warming up the working area with light strokes from the center of the chin and corners of the mouth to the ears. It is also important to relax the neck muscles - slow circular stroking will help. It is advisable to massage twice a day, morning and evening. The skin in the problem area is lightly pinched with two fingers (but not pulled), followed by gentle pats. The direction of movement is the same as when warming up. The massage continues until a feeling of slight numbness appears.

A double chin is one of the most common problems that appears with age.

To get rid of a double chin, dry rubbing is useful (a towel under the chin is slowly moved to the right and left until the skin is slightly reddened), contrasting compresses (the towels are moistened with hot water with the addition of sea salt and a cold herbal decoction, applied one at a time to the chin, followed by delicate rubbing).


Most often, it is the neck that gives away age. Signs of aging on the face can still be hidden with the right makeup, but here it is problematic. Here a more intense effect is possible than on the face, but not to the point of pain. The thyroid gland area should not be touched.

The massage begins with warming up and relaxing the muscles with movements from the bridge of the nose through the cheekbones and center of the chin to the collarbones, lightly stroking from bottom to top. This is followed by tapping the fingers first along the spine, gradually moving to the front of the neck and zigzag movements with the knuckles in the same direction. The area of ​​the second chin is smoothed with the edge of the palm.

When massaging your neck, do not touch the thyroid gland

Any spoon is suitable for the procedure, but ideally it should be silver. It is advisable not to use them for food. The result appears after 10–12 daily sessions. To enhance the effect, use cold spoons, placing them in the freezer or crushed ice for 3-5 minutes, warm spoons moistened with any heated vegetable oil, or perform a complex contrast massage. A warm spoon activates blood circulation, helps get rid of wrinkles, a cold spoon effectively fights swelling, dark circles under the eyes, and restores elasticity and matteness to the skin.

Using the convex surface of the spoon, work all massage lines in a clockwise circular motion, paying special attention to the most problematic areas. Gentle rubbing and “pushing” is also possible. You need to be most careful on your eyelids. The duration of the session gradually increases from 1–2 to 10–12 minutes.

Massage with spoons is very simple, accessible to everyone and at the same time effective

Video: facial massage using spoons

Cupping massage

Efficiency is achieved by creating a vacuum that activates blood and lymph circulation. After a course of procedures, facial muscles are noticeably tightened and skin tone increases. Cupping massage is even suitable for the area around the eyes and lips. After it, deep wrinkles are significantly reduced, small facial wrinkles disappear completely. The procedure also helps to cope with swelling. Full course - 15–20 procedures with an interval of 3–4 days. The exposure time gradually increases from 5–7 to 12–15 minutes.

Jars can be glass or silicone. Diameter - 1–5 cm. The larger it is, the stronger the intensity of the impact and its depth. Before each use, jars are washed and disinfected.

As a rule, massage jars are sold as a set of containers of different diameters

If there are certain pronounced problems (wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, nasolabial folds, crow's feet, double chin), a jar of the required diameter is pressed against this area so that the skin is drawn into it by 2-3 mm. After 3-5 seconds, you need to squeeze it and remove it, gently holding the skin. The procedure is repeated 5–10 times.

Dynamic massage - the jar is attached to the skin, with soft smooth movements it is guided along the massage lines. Strong pressure is prohibited. The area of ​​the chin, cheekbones, and forehead is worked in circular movements. Then the jar is detached, everything is repeated from the beginning 3-5 times.

To avoid leaving bruises or other marks on the face, the exposure should not be too long or intense.

Video: rejuvenating facial massage with cupping

Pinch massage

The massage is carried out without the use of cream or oil, preferably immediately after washing. The skin, subcutaneous tissues and muscles are grasped with the thumb and forefinger. The pinching goes strictly along the massage lines. The lower jaw, the area under the chin, earlobes, and brow ridges are especially carefully worked out. The massage ends with light stroking movements to soothe the skin. At the end of the procedure, wipe it with an ice cube.

Until visible results appear, pinch massage is carried out daily. Then once a week for prevention.

Pinch facial massage is performed exclusively on dry skin.

Video: pinch facial massage

Old Believer massage

This procedure is an effective prevention of aging. It also allows you to get rid of existing wrinkles, restore elasticity and firmness to the skin, and clarity to the oval of the face. It is advisable to carry out a massage at dawn or at least early in the morning. The duration of the procedure is 5–7 minutes.

The palms are preheated by rubbing them apart. The technique is the same - you need to follow the massage lines. But oil or cream is replaced with natural cedar resin.

Cedar resin is a unique natural substance that is very beneficial for the skin.

How to choose and use a massager

A facial massager is a simple and effective device that can be used at home. In stores they are presented in a wide range. Massagers are:

  • Mechanical (including jade). Extremely easy to use and cheap. You just need to move the device along the massage lines. In jade massagers, the effect is enhanced due to the healing properties and energy of the stone. It has no contraindications for use.

    Mechanical massager is extremely easy to use

  • Ultrasonic. The result is achieved by exposing the skin to high frequency vibrations. The massager gives a pronounced lifting effect, helps even out skin color, and stimulates the production of your own collagen and elastin. But its effect on the skin causes discomfort for some.

    Ultrasonic massager may cause discomfort

  • Pulse. It works due to microcurrents. This procedure is very popular among professional cosmetologists. As a rule, the device has several modes, the result depends on this. You can tighten the oval of the face, restore elasticity to the skin, cleanse it, getting rid of imperfections, activate tissue regeneration at the cellular level and their nutrition, and narrow pores.

    A pulse massager is a multifunctional device that allows you to achieve different results.

  • Oxygen. Emitted particles with a negative charge help saturate the skin with oxygen, stimulate metabolism and blood flow. As a result, the skin is smoothed, elasticity returns, and complexion improves. The effect is noticeable immediately. Such a device is indispensable, for example, before an important event.

    An oxygen massager allows you to very quickly restore skin tone and a healthy appearance.

  • Vacuum. Due to the absence of air, negative pressure is created. Effectively cleanses pores, tightens the oval of the face, while simultaneously “launching” the process of cell regeneration. It has a long list of contraindications - any diseases and mechanical damage to the skin, rosacea, and so on.

    The vacuum massager is not used if there is any damage to the face

  • Infrared. Due to its deeply warming effect, it has an effect not only on the surface, but also on the deep layers of the skin. The muscles are stimulated intensively, but very gently. The device is well suited for combating swelling and bruising under the eyes. It also helps get rid of imperfections and activate blood and lymph flow.

    An infrared massager provides an effect by heating the middle and deep layers of the skin

  • Laser. It is especially recommended to combat pronounced age-related changes. Wave radiation activates all processes in tissues, including oxygen supply, production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. A few sessions are enough for wrinkles to noticeably smooth out and the oval to become more toned. It is used quite rarely at home; it is in demand mainly by professional cosmetologists.

    Laser massager is rarely used at home

Video: facial massage with a jade massager

When making a choice, you need to take into account not only the type of device.

  • Estimate the dimensions of the massager and its weight. Check how comfortable it lies in your hand and whether it is comfortable to use. It is desirable that the handle be rubberized.
  • Ask if it runs on batteries, a rechargeable battery, or if it needs an outlet. The latter significantly limits your “mobility”. The higher the power, the more efficient the device.
  • Critically evaluate additional features. If you don't need them, don't overpay.
  • Ask for reviews about the store or company in advance. Feel free to demand quality certificates, licenses to sell a certain type of product, and so on. A warranty card is required.

Each device must be accompanied by detailed operating instructions. Before you start a massage, be sure to study it and make sure you understand everything. Movements must be gentle, do not stretch the skin to the point of pain. At first, five-minute sessions are quite enough, then their duration is gradually increased to 10–15 minutes. No area is exposed continuously for more than a minute.

The procedure is carried out once every 2–3 days, for prevention - weekly. If there are obvious problems, the duration of the course is 15–20 procedures, then a break for a month.