Anti-shedding tablets for dogs. Vitamins for dogs against hair loss. What vitamins are needed to avoid skin problems?

Due to the fact that vitamins are not synthesized in living organisms, they must come from outside, or rather from food. These essential substances help maintain the balance of all systems. They come from eating food, so the animal’s diet should be varied and rational. Owners who are concerned about the health of their pet try to feed it correctly, but due to certain circumstances it may develop a vitamin deficiency. This usually happens during periods active growth, during lactation during feeding, pregnancy, during seasonal molting, as well as in older individuals.

If you notice that your dog begins to behave differently than before, or changes have occurred in its body, then it is necessary to compensate for the lack of vitamins with the help of supplements. This rating of the best vitamins for a dog’s body was created especially for the happy owners of these four-legged friends, so that they can weigh the pros and cons and choose the best for their pet.

Types of vitamins

All nutritional complexes for dogs that include vitamins are divided into certain groups based on a certain quality. The most famous manufacturers of such additives are Canvit, Canina, Excel 8 in 1, Hokamix, Sanal, Beaphar. Depending on the body’s reaction, vitamin complexes are:

  • general action – affect the functioning of the entire body as a whole, support immunity, digestion, musculoskeletal function, as well as skin and coat health.
  • with an impact on joints, muscles, cartilage and ligaments – maintaining the dog’s mobility.
  • with an effect on the skin and coat - especially useful during the shedding period.
  • for pregnant and lactating bitches – they have a profound effect on the fetus and ensure a successful pregnancy.
  • with effects on the heart, teeth or to strengthen the immune system.

Also, when choosing vitamins, you need to rely on the age of your four-legged friend, because vitamin combinations are available for individuals of all ages: from young animals to older dogs.

Rating of the top 10 vitamins for dogs

There are 10 most popular vitamins and complexes, the use of which will help your pet look and feel much better. They can be used individually or combined with each other.

Excel Brewers Yeast 8in1

Contains brewer's yeast and garlic. It also includes B vitamins and essential amino acids. They have the most beneficial effect on the condition of the animal’s skin and fur, therefore they are used in the complex treatment of allergic diseases, seborrhea, dermatitis and other skin diseases. In addition, it will increase appetite, boost immunity, and significantly reduce the molting period. Dosage – 1 tablet per 4.5 kg or 25 kg of body weight, taking into account the breed of the dog.


  • have good taste;
  • contains only natural substances;
  • have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • have a wide range of effects on different systems;
  • combined with other vitamins and medications;
  • have convenient dosage options.


  • not detected.

Beaphar Duo-Active Paste for Dogs

This drug is produced and sold in the form of a paste, which contains all the valuable minerals and vitamins that the dog’s body needs. In particular, this complex has an effect on the intestinal flora, therefore it is useful after the treatment of helminthiases, gastrointestinal diseases and taking antibiotics. Since this is a multivitamin complex, it has a wide spectrum of action: it strengthens the animal’s muscles, maintains the skin and fur in good condition, and increases immunity, that is, resistance to infections.


  • contains a huge amount of important substances - vitamins, fats, oils;
  • contains L-carnitine and Omega-6;
  • significantly improves intestinal microflora due to the presence of polysaccharides;
  • It has a pleasant taste and smell, so the dog accepts it with pleasure.


  • relatively high cost;
  • does not have a very significant concentration of active substances.

8in1 Excel Multi Vitamin Senior

This is a special multivitamin complex that is used for older dogs. During its production, all the characteristics characteristic of an elderly animal’s body are taken into account, so it contains vitamins that compensate for the lack of some essential substances in food. It also makes the body more resistant to infections and strengthens the immune system. Great for daily use if you are deficient in vitamins.


  • the presence of a sufficient number of essential substances;
  • will contain wheat germ flour and safflower oil;
  • perfectly supports the aging body of a dog;
  • has a low cost.


  • contains very few important antioxidants;
  • does not contain strong active substances;
  • no need to use balanced diet animal.

Feed additive-chondoprotector for dogs Gelakan-Fast

A drug that affects the dog’s musculoskeletal system. Acts as a chondroprotector, that is, it protects all the cartilage of the body and joints in particular. It is an anti-inflammatory agent - used to preserve, nourish, and also prevent the occurrence of diseases of the components of the musculoskeletal system - joints, tendons, cartilage, bones and ligaments. Indications for use are injuries, inflammatory processes of joints, tendons, as well as postoperative period. Used when the animal's mobility is impaired and there is lameness.


  • contains antioxidant vitamin E;
  • contains collagen peptides CHP, which have a positive effect on connective tissue.


  • relatively high price.
  • long course of use.

8in1 Excel Multi Vitamin Adult

This is a great multivitamin supplement that is designed for adult dogs. It was developed taking into account the characteristics of the adult animal’s body and its needs. In order for your dog to always sparkle with health, he needs all the vitamin components and microelements that are in his food. But due to poor nutrition, his body does not receive the required amount of positive substances. This supplement will prevent such problems and keep the animal alive and active due to the presence of vitamins A, E, D3, as well as all B vitamins.


  • complex effect on the body;
  • contains a maximum of useful substances;
  • complements an unbalanced diet;
  • created by veterinarians;
  • does not contain dyes or artificial preservatives.


  • not detected.

Beaphar Doggies Senior

This is a supplement that has an effect on teeth and bones, making them stronger and more resilient, thanks to the presence of calcium and protein with high nutritional value. Also has a beneficial effect on muscles, work of cardio-vascular system and gives the coat a healthy appearance. Due to the fact that the composition contains a small amount of phosphorus, this supplement is gentle on the dog’s kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. This is the most suitable option for animals over seven years old.


  • has a wide spectrum of action;
  • has no side effects;
  • goes well with other drugs, including vitamins;
  • democratic price.


  • not detected.

8in1 Excel Glucosamine

This dietary supplement, which contains glucosamine, has a positive effect on the condition of ligaments and joints. It can be safely used for dogs of any breed and age that have problems with the musculoskeletal system - weak joints, inelastic muscles. As a result of taking this complex, the condition of the body's connective tissue improves and the correct bone structure is ensured, which is especially important for young animals that are still growing.


  • no contraindications or side effects were found;
  • manifests its effect a short time after the start of administration;
  • Thanks to its broad action, it supports the dog's mobility.
  • has an affordable price.


  • not detected.

Unitabs Brewers Complex

A wonderful option for a vitamin supplement for large dogs. It is necessary to start giving them to the animal at the age of 6 months. They act on the condition of the skin and coat, and are used in cases of dry skin in dogs. Also, indications for use are poor elasticity, roughness of the skin, problems with the coat - dryness, brittleness, hair loss, lack of a healthy appearance and shine. Systematic consumption of vitamins largely provides the daily need for minerals and vitamins.


  • contain brewer's yeast, which is a source of B vitamins and protein;
  • have no contraindications and side effects;
  • strengthen the immune system.


  • not detected.

Polidex Multivitum Plus

This supplement is simply a storehouse of useful substances that have a healing effect on the dog’s body. The components of this complex are vitamins A, D, E, C, K and other organic substances. Thanks to such a complete composition, this supplement has a wide range of effects - it increases immunity, improves general condition, speeds up metabolism, and makes the body resistant to infections. They are used most often for vitamin deficiency, as well as for dietary disorders.


  • has a complex effect on the entire body;
  • does not affect digestion and does not cause allergies;
  • It contains only natural substances without dyes or flavors.


  • not detected.

Wolmar Prohair

This complex includes probiotics - enzymatic extracts of Bacillus Subtilis and Bacillus Licheniformis, with the help of which the body better absorbs fat- and water-soluble vitamins, macro- and microelements. It would be most appropriate for your dog to take this set of vitamins during the molting period, when the skin is most sensitive and the coat is weak and brittle. Systematic use of this complex significantly improves the condition of the skin and coat and reduces the duration of shedding. Also acts as a prophylactic against allergic dermatitis and other skin diseases. Probiotics have an effect on intestinal pathogenic microorganisms.


  • does not cause any side effects or allergies;
  • has a wide spectrum of action;
  • improves the condition of hair follicles.


  • not detected.

How to Make Smart Vitamin Choices for Your Dog

If you love your four-legged friend, you must understand that vitamins and minerals are needed for its natural development. But here's how to choose vitamin supplements if you don't have necessary knowledge? Follow a few tips:

  1. Study the composition carefully. It should contain only natural beneficial substances - minerals, vitamins, amino acids.
  2. Read the indications for use. Choose your vitamins based on the problems your dog has—different conditions and illnesses require different vitamins.
  3. Choose products only from well-known, trusted companies that have demand and their customers.
  4. Consider the cost - the more expensive the drug, the higher its quality. “Free cheese is only in a mousetrap!”
  5. Read customer reviews in online stores.

It is best, of course, to take your pet to a veterinarian, who will examine the animal and make the right prescription. But if you decide to choose the drugs yourself, then it’s not scary - most vitamins have no side effects and there’s no risk of an overdose when taking them. The main thing is that when using, read the instructions carefully and follow the dosage. Let your pet always please you not only with its fun, but also with good health!

If your four-legged friend begins to leave fur around the apartment, you should know that he has begun to shed.

When to give dog vitamins for shedding?

The molting process is a natural process that should not be alarmed. The animal's coat is renewed, and this happens twice a year. The old fur falls out, and the new one begins to actively grow. After a long, cold winter, the warm undercoat becomes unnecessary, and the dog gets rid of it. Likewise, the summer coat begins to fall out before the winter coat has time to grow back.

If your animal is healthy, then molting will take 10-15 days, and new hair will grow on it, healthy and beautiful. But if there are not enough vitamins in the body, then the dog may shed for more than one or two weeks. You will find hair debris anywhere and everywhere, no matter the time of year. To prevent this from happening, you should be especially attentive to the health and habits of your pet.

What vitamins should be given to dogs when shedding?

With heavy, prolonged shedding, the dog’s body gives a signal about a malfunction in its work. The lack of biotin and vitamins A, B, as well as amino acids that are responsible for hair growth, in this case must be replenished. This can be done through increased nutrition, mainly from natural products. However, this may not be enough, and special vitamin preparations will need to be introduced into the diet. By consulting a specialist, you can make your choice.

  • First of all, you will need amino acids, and also fatty acid, B vitamins, biotin and brewer's yeast. You can use the CaniDerm dietary supplement, which will help your dog if it has not only increased hair loss, but also itching and irritation of the skin.
  • If your four-legged friend flatly refuses to eat food to which you have added vitamins, it means that his delicate sense of smell has critically perceived the smell and taste of the drug. In this case, the additives “Skin & Shine” or “Velkote” will solve this problem, since they are absolutely tasteless and odorless.
  • The necessary brewer's yeast and garlic contain Excel vitamins from 8 in 1. Thanks to them, your dog's fur will sparkle in the sun, and over time the skin will become perfectly smooth.
  • When, from the first months of life, the dog’s nutrition is unbalanced and random in nature, this will affect its reduction. vitality and, naturally, on the condition of the coat. "Nutricoat" is designed for use by younger dogs age group, and is designed to improve all vital signs of the animal, from external signs of hair loss to the level of physical activity.

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The problem of shedding can be solved not only from the inside, but also from the outside. We are talking about the use of various oils and shampoos against hair loss in animals. And you will get great pleasure from communication if you comb out your dog’s excess hair at least three times a week. Only a gentle and caring owner can give his pet healthy and beautiful fur.

Vitamins for dogs against hair loss are special medicinal preparations, the action of which is aimed at making the pet’s coat as healthy, shiny and of high quality as possible. Every breeder who cares about the health of his pet tries to ensure that his ward has less hair loss.

Thus, for this it is necessary not only for the dog, but also to periodically provide its body with the opportunity to better replenish the necessary vitamins, minerals and microelements.

Sometimes there are cases when it is very intense for no reason, and this is precisely what should alert the owner and become a reason for urgent consultation with a veterinarian. If the dog does not have any pathologies, then the first thing the doctor will recommend is taking special vitamin complexes that can prevent the pet from becoming severely ill.

Almost every dog ​​begins to shed twice a year. The duration of this process is usually no more than five weeks. This process is characterized by persistent hair loss, therefore, combing must be done as often as possible. This should not cause any concern, since annual grooming is a normal canine biological process.

To correct the situation and stop hair loss, use shampoo for dogs for persistent hair loss, vitamins for pet dogs for hair loss, or medical medications needed for dogs.

Treatment of persistent hair loss with vitamins

The best vitamins for dogs to treat hair loss can only be recommended by a veterinarian. However, there is a certain list of useful substances that are required specifically for the proper type of pet’s coat:

  • Vitamin A. This is a rather valuable substance that is necessary for the animal’s fur to be elastic and smooth. If this vitamin is not enough, then the dog’s coat will not shine and will feel like a washcloth to the touch. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary that the pet’s diet be saturated with foods rich in vitamin A, and also offer it to the dog in the form of a medicine.
  • Vitamin E. This vitamin is needed in order to maximally protect the animal’s hair and skin from negative environmental factors. If the animal receives a sufficient amount of this vitamin, then hair growth increases and the coat becomes sufficiently High Quality. Vitamin E can be offered to your dog in the form of a tablet or oil that can be added to food.
  • Vitamin C. If there is a deficiency of this particular vitamin in the pet’s body, then the hair begins to actively fall out, and the coat becomes loose in consistency and loses its rich color. This is due to the fact that it is this vitamin that is responsible for local immunity and forms it specifically on the pet’s skin and hair.
  • Vitamins of division B. These invaluable helpers can be received both in the form of injections and in the form of special feeds that are maximally saturated with them. All B vitamins direct their action exclusively to maximally improve the structure of the coat and restore it appearance, and also reduce hair loss of the animal.
  • A nicotinic acid. This component brings its attention precisely to the intensity of pigmentation of the dog’s coat. Thus, with a lack of this vitamin, the coat becomes dull, lifeless and not bright at all.
  • Healthy fat and acid. This is also necessary for the normal development of hair, which significantly enhances the quality of pigmentation, composition and appearance of the animal’s hair.

Thus, every owner should take into account that only a fully balanced complex of nutrients contributes not only to the overall health of the dog, but also to the ideal appearance of his coat.

Vitamin complexes for the correction of hair loss

As for vitamin complexes for dogs, they can also be of two main types:

  • against problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • for dogs that have reached old age.

Most of these complexes are calculated based on the breed and size characteristics of the pet. Consequently, those vitamins that are intended for large breeds are in no way suitable for babies.

Thus, vitamins for strengthening the coat not only have a beneficial effect on the growth of the animal’s hair, but, due to their universal composition, have an excellent effect on the entire body as a whole.

As for wool specifically, the main complex of vitamins for the most part contains additional components that affect the healthy growth and appearance of the dog’s hair.

If we consider the form of vitamins, they are most often presented in the form of tablets or specially prepared powders. Alternatively, today you can buy dog ​​food from. This is a completely balanced diet, which contains a full range of necessary substances for complete recovery and reduction in a dog.

Thus, all these specially developed complexes have a positive effect and prevent hair from weakening and falling out.

The most effective means of enhanced impact

These vitamins are most often used by dog ​​breeders who prepare their pets for exhibitions or other international competitions. In addition, the veterinarian may recommend the use of these medications if the dog has lost a lot of weight, has undergone major surgery, or has a completely weakened immune system.

Thus, these remedies very actively strengthen the body’s own strength and enable it to independently cope with the disease. And, as you know, if the immune system is very weakened, then the hair begins to fade and fall out very actively.

However, despite all these recommendations and the positive description of such very active vitamins, only a veterinarian should decide on their appropriate use. This is due to the fact that these complexes are quite strong and can not only be beneficial, but also, if used unwisely, significantly harm the animal.

Only a highly qualified specialist who will first examine and diagnose the animal can select the right set of vitamins for dogs.

Excess of vitamins in the pet’s body

Hypervitaminosis is a condition when there are too many vitamins in a pet’s body. This condition can also lead to skin pathologies.

It is very important to note that an excess of nutrients can occur at lightning speed or have its own hidden chronic course.

As for the vitamins that can be most abundant in the body and which, in excess, can cause many problems, these are mostly vitamins A and D.

As hypervitaminosis develops, the dog begins to lose its general tone and puppyish drive. Problems with the functioning of the animal’s stomach or intestines may also be recorded. In some cases, body temperature rises significantly or other symptoms of a disease appear.

The skin also begins to peel off significantly, which manifests itself in the form of formations similar to dandruff. In general, the condition of both the coat and the animal’s general immunity is significantly weakened. Oversaturating a dog’s body with vitamins is not the best thing an owner can do, as such a situation will be harmful.

If we talk about traditional methods of restoring the balance of vitamins and minerals in the pet’s body, this should also be previously agreed with the doctor, since some herbs and infusions can also significantly harm the dog and cause persistent problems.

The appearance of the dog, especially the condition of the coat and skin, indicates the well-being and health of the pet. A lack of vitamins and minerals provokes increased shedding and dry skin. Today we will tell you what vitamins are needed for hair growth in dogs.

Every experienced dog breeder knows how to determine by appearance whether a pet is feeling well or whether something is hurting. The assumption that a beautiful, shiny and silky coat is solely the result of proper care is wrong.

In addition to appropriate living conditions and proper care, the dog needs a balanced diet. Improper nutrition has a negative impact on the well-being and health of your pet. The skin and coat are primarily affected.

Many people are interested in how to determine when it’s time to give their dog vitamin supplements. The main signs of a lack of vitamins, minerals and various micro- and macroelements in the animal’s body include:

  • lack of shine and brightness of coat color;
  • impaired growth, fragility and hair loss;
  • inappropriate shedding for the season;
  • dry skin;
  • dandruff;
  • various skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, scabies, ringworm, etc.);
  • weakness, lethargy, lack of interest and playfulness;
  • drowsiness.

According to experts, having discovered several of the above signs of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to show the dog to a specialist and select complex vitamins against hair loss in dogs.

Video “Care for dog hair at home”

From this video you will learn how to properly care for your dog's fur at home.

How do they affect wool?

Today, more and more dog breeders, choosing between natural and industrial feeding, prefer the latter option. However, industrial food does not always guarantee an excellent appearance for your pet.

What to consider when choosing

When choosing complex vitamins that prevent hair loss, stimulate hair growth and eliminate skin problems, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the breed, age, gender and diet of the pet. First of all, it is recommended to carefully read the composition of the selected fortified complex and compare it with the dog’s diet.

Phytomines, developed on the basis of natural ingredients, are suitable for both adult dogs and puppies. The basis of the drug "Phytoelita" consists of various medicinal plants(seed, burdock, chamomile, horsetail, nettle, etc.), which have a general strengthening and multivitamin effect.


The German-made Anivital supplement contains omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, brewer's yeast (30%), grape seed extract, alpha-tocopherol, carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. This drug can be given to pets on an ongoing basis.

"Anivital" prevents the aging of the skin of animals, improves hair structure, fights free radicals, and also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


The mineral feed additive “Quant”, which contains water-soluble B vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins A and D, ascorbic acid, sulfur and calcium, is highly popular among dog breeders.


The best option in terms of price-quality ratio are considered to be “Sanal” vitamins produced by Nederma (Netherlands). This product, according to the manufacturer, is a natural base of animal fats and vegetable oils.

Beautiful and shiny coat is an indicator not only of careful care on the part of the owner, but also a sign of the health of the pet. A deficiency in the diet of vitamins and minerals can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the animal, increased shedding, dull coat color, and dry skin. Adding to the diet will help correct the situation. healthy products and taking multivitamin complexes.

Read in this article

Signs of vitamin deficiency in dogs

Signs indicating a lack of vitamins in the pet’s body will help the owner choose wisely in a pet store or pharmacy:

Thiamine and pyridoxine participate in many enzymatic reactions, slowing down the oxidation of beneficial substances. Riboflavin is necessary to activate the synthesis of amino acids involved in the formation of the hair structure.

  • Hair fragility. The sign is usually detected when there is a lack of ascorbic acid, vitamin A, nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) and biotin in the dog’s body. Active substances ensure the synthesis of collagen fibers and contribute to the elasticity and silkiness of the coat.
  • Loss of color brightness may indicate a deficiency of nicotinic acid and vitamin E in the animal’s body. Being strong antioxidants, biological components help preserve hair pigment and brightness of color. If they are deficient, pigment substances are destroyed under the influence of an unfavorable external environment.
  • Hair loss. Intense hair loss, not associated with seasonal molting, is often a symptom of hypo- or vitamin deficiency. A deficiency in the diet of B vitamins, vitamin A, D, E, and ascorbic acid can lead to the formation of areas of baldness in place of lost hair. The process is aggravated by a lack of minerals: calcium, copper, zinc, selenium.

As a rule, with vitamin deficiencies, the owner observes a sloppy appearance of the pet, dull and disheveled fur, and loss of brightness of color. The guard hair loses its elasticity and becomes lifeless. The undercoat is thinning.

Skin problems due to lack of nutrients

If there is a shortage in the body useful vitamins and minerals, not only the coat, but also the pet’s skin suffers. If a dog has vitamin deficiencies, the following signs can be observed:

  • Dry skin. The symptom is observed with a lack of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D. Deficiency folic acid(vitamin B9), riboflavin and niacin may also be accompanied by dry skin.
  • . Against the background of constant dry skin, dandruff often develops. The animal often itches, as dead skin particles lead to itching. A symptom is observed with a lack of B vitamins and ascorbic acid.
  • Dermatitis. Inflammatory diseases of the skin are characteristic of a deficiency of vitamin A, D, and B vitamins (nicotinic and folic acid, riboflavin).

Dermatitis in dogs

With vitamin deficiencies, in addition to changes in the skin, symptoms are also observed on the mucous membranes. Thus, with a deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid, pale gums and conjunctiva are noted. With a lack of vitamin A, a dog experiences lacrimation and clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye. Riboflavin deficiency is accompanied by inflammatory and ulcerative processes in the oral mucosa.

Ingredients Important for Health

Among the many substances useful and necessary for animal health, the most important are the following:

Vitamins Functions in the body in dogs
B vitamins

Biologically active substances of this group are responsible for the normal functioning of nervous system animals are involved in many biochemical processes.

Vitamin B2 is responsible for protein synthesis and participates in energy metabolism. Nicotinic acid provides cellular protection and strengthens the immune system. Vitamin B6 is involved in oxidative processes, maintaining skin health.

Vitamin A Retinol ensures cell regeneration, has antioxidant properties, helps slow down the aging of the body, and strengthens the immune system.
Vitamin D Calciferol is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
Vitamin E Tocopherol is a strong antioxidant. Prevents the formation of free radicals, strengthens the immune system, and participates in protein synthesis.
Ascorbic acid Vitamin C is actively involved in the formation of collagen and the synthesis of immunoglobulins. Ascorbic acid supports strong immunity and is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels.
Biotin The participation of vitamin H in the synthesis of keratin has a beneficial effect on the condition of the animal’s coat and claws.

If the dog eats natural food, the owner must take care to enrich the pet’s diet with foods rich in vitamins. Vitamin A deficiency can be eliminated by giving the dog carrots, pumpkin, offal, and beef every day. It is advisable to add a piece to the porridge butter. Rich in retinol chicken eggs, sour cream and cottage cheese.

Enriching the animal’s diet with offal will help to avoid a lack of vitamin B1. Fish, beef liver, and chicken are rich in riboflavin. To prevent a four-legged friend from experiencing problems with vitamin B3, the owner should feed the dog beef, offal, and chicken. Rice, vegetables and fish will help your dog avoid vitamin B6 deficiency in the body. Adding brewer's yeast to the diet helps saturate the body with almost all B vitamins.

The source of ascorbic acid in dogs are vegetables: pumpkin, zucchini, turnips, sweet peppers. Diet enrichment fermented milk products will help avoid vitamin D deficiency in the body. Vegetables and chicken eggs are rich in vitamin E.

Help from a dog pharmacy

In addition to balancing the diet with vitamins and minerals, your veterinarian may recommend industrial multivitamin supplements. A wide range of vitamin and mineral complexes will help the owner solve the problem of deficiency of nutrients.

Popular for hair loss

In first place in terms of demand and popularity are vitamin preparations against hair loss in dogs. Prolonged shedding, dull color, fragility and fragility of hair - this is the minimum list of problems that multivitamin preparations can handle.

Vitamins "Excel 8 in 1"

The feed additive from an imported manufacturer contains not only those necessary for beautiful wool vitamins (there are 14 of them in the preparation), but also mineral elements. Zinc, selenium, calcium and phosphorus ensure healthy skin, elasticity and shine of the guard hair, and thickness of the undercoat.

In Germany, “Excel 8 in 1 Multivitamins for Puppies” are produced, designed specifically for young animals. The line of mineral feed additives includes complexes for small and large breeds of dogs, as well as for older pets.


The healing effect of the drug on the skin lies in its composition. The basis of the supplement is made up of medicinal herbs: nettle, horsetail, burdock, chamomile, string and many others. The plant complex has a multivitamin and general strengthening effect.

Phytoelite improves immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Anivital CaniDerm Tabs

The basis of the vitamin complex is brewer's yeast (30%), biotin and omega-3 fatty acids. The drug is prescribed for dry skin and hair, dermatitis, and allergic skin reactions.


The mineral feed additive contains fat-soluble vitamins A and D, water-soluble B vitamins, and ascorbic acid. The drug also contains calcium and sulfur. Seaweed meal supplies the dog’s body with microelements.


The vitamin and mineral complex of the “Biorhythm” series is popular among owners. The drug is designed for puppies and large breed dogs. The absorption of the components of the supplement is ensured by dividing the tablets into morning and evening doses.

What to choose to strengthen your immune system

In addition to caring for beautiful fur, the owner also cares about the pet. To strengthen the body's defenses, vitamin-mineral complexes should include vitamins such as ascorbic acid, vitamin A, D, vitamins B2 and B5.

Strengthening the immune system is impossible without mineral elements. Zinc, selenium, iron and iodine are essential components of immunostimulating complexes.

About the benefits of calcium

Calcium is responsible for many functions in the body. Without this element, it is impossible to build a skeleton and change teeth in young pets. Dogs of large massive breeds are especially in dire need of the mineral. Calcium is responsible for blood clotting and participates in the conduction of nerve impulses. The owner should remember that without vitamin D and phosphorus, calcium absorption does not occur. Therefore, along with calcium supplements, the diet should be rich in vitamin D.

Vitamins play a complex and multifaceted role in the body of four-legged pets. Based on the condition of the coat and skin, the owner may suspect a deficiency of one or another useful substance. On the recommendation of a veterinarian, you can compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals with the help of mineral feed additives.

Useful video

For information on vitamins and mineral supplements for dogs, watch this video: