Family values ​​and traditions. Family values ​​of the family: modern and traditional education with examples What relates to family values

An ideal family is unthinkable without love. Love is warmth, tenderness, joy. This is the main driving force in the development of humanity, what we all exist for, what pushes a person to recklessly heroic actions. “I love, and that means I live...” (V. Vysotsky)

Family is a very important and responsible business for a person. The family brings fullness of life and happiness, but every family is, first of all, a great matter of national importance. And the goal of our society is the happiness of people, and one of its most important components is a healthy, strong family, because it is they who raise and educate the new generation. Consequently, the state should pay even more attention to caring for the family: increasing real incomes, social benefits and benefits, housing security, etc.

The family is a product of the social system; it changes as this system changes. But despite this, divorce is an acute social problem.

Family values

As a unit of society, the family reflects its ideological, political and moral foundations. Among the spiritual values ​​of the family, the most important place is occupied by ideological values.
The family is the most important school of morals; here a person takes the first steps along the path of moral and political formation of personality.

The active social orientation of the father and mother's activities is reflected in the family's lifestyle. Such parents raise ideologically convinced children.

Traditions play a huge role in transferring the ideological experience of older generations to younger ones (the beginning and end of the school year for children; days of coming of age; receiving a passport, etc.)

The ideological values ​​of the family include family heirlooms - documents, memories, letters, awards. Each of them is a testimony about the life and deeds of loved ones and relatives. Caring for relics is a source of moral strength, ideological conviction, and spiritual continuity of generations.

Moral foundations of the family

Morality is formed in specific historical conditions and, accordingly, its very content changes depending on these conditions.

Whatever moral principle we take, it becomes clear that it is learned from an early age in the family. The assimilation of moral norms does not occur through words, but through activity and the actions of people.

Thus, the concept of “family debt” is broader than “marital debt”: it includes parental debt, filial (daughter) debt and the debt of a brother, sister, grandchildren, etc. Marital and family duty is an enduring moral value of people.

And love is unthinkable without duty, responsibility for each other. Thus, children are the main moral value of the family, and parental duty is the responsibility to ensure that a worthy person, healthy physically and spiritually, grows up in the family. And the participation of children in family life should occur with the rights of equal members of the family team.

It is safe to say that a house in which there is no friendship, good relations between elders and younger ones cannot be called happy. Therefore, we have the right to classify the friendship of parents and children among the moral values ​​of the family.

Sincere, respectful relationships are established, as a rule, only in families where relationships are built on the type of cooperation. Beginning such family relationships are distinguished by mutual tact, politeness, restraint, the ability to give in, get out of conflict in a timely manner, and endure adversity with dignity.

From the first days of its existence, a young family, relying on all the best inherited from their parents, should strive to create their own style of relationships, their own traditions, which would reflect the thoughts of young people to create a strong family, raise children, and preserve love. Mutual respect and understanding will become a tradition, and gallantry and high aesthetics will become a habit and remain in the family for life.

To our greatest regret, in Ukraine the state protectorate of the family institution has actually been leveled, and as a result we see a terrible degradation of society. Families are breaking up en masse, debauchery, drunkenness, and domestic violence are on the rise.

The country practically does not have its own film and music production for children and teenagers; all songs and cartoons are either Soviet or foreign produced. Even in the programs of politicians there is not a single corresponding category. We have the opportunity to fix this, roll up our sleeves and go ahead, defeat the enemy and become a strong nation in all respects! God is with us!

How do you understand? In your home, family values ​​are certain rules and ideals that you live by, trying not to break them. The list of family values ​​can be endless and the values ​​are unique for each family, but we will try to highlight the 10 main ones.

Clearly defined ones help strengthen the foundation for creating a strong and united family. When a relationship lasts long enough, weak points often appear in it, especially when life does not go according to plan. Strong and consistent family values ​​play an important role in the security and confidence of each family member. Here are the 10 main ones family values.

1. Affiliation. It is very important to me that each family member feels that they are loved, that they belong to someone, and that they are important. Creating a close-knit family means you spend every free moment together and have family events, but keep in mind that everyone is different. Building something lasting is great, but every person should have the freedom to pursue the activities that they find enjoyable. People become more courageous and risk-taking if they know they have that safe place to return to when things don't work out. Gathering as a family not only on special occasions, but also just spending time together helps to strengthen the sense of belonging.

2. Flexibility. Despite the rules and foundations already formed in the family, do not forget to sometimes be flexible in your decisions. Not being willing to show a little loyalty can go a long way. The more flexibility you show in making decisions, the happier your family will be. Imagine if one of the family members always believes that only he is right - this will not bring much happiness to the family.

3. Respect. It's a little harder to define. Respect each other- means taking into account the feelings, thoughts, needs and preferences of others when making decisions. This also means recognizing the involvement of the family as a whole. The only way to earn and keep people's respect is to show that you respect them yourself. Respect, as a very important family value, will be demonstrated both at home and at school, at work and in other public places.

4. Honesty. This is the basis for the continuation of any relationship. Mother-daughter, husband-wife, sister-brother. Without honesty, you will not be able to create and maintain relationships. Encourage honesty by being understanding and respectful when someone tells you they have done wrong. If we don’t do this and get angry when someone confesses to us about their bad deed, then next time they will simply hide it to avoid disrespect.

5. Forgiveness. who offended you, a very important choice. Yes, it's a choice. It is not some feeling that randomly gnaws at you when you feel that another person has “suffered” greatly. This can be difficult because many of us tend to equate forgiveness with the phrase *everything is okay*. It's not the same. does not promote mutual respect between close relatives. Keep in mind that everyone makes mistakes, we all sometimes say things we shouldn't say because none of us are perfect. Try to resolve problematic situations with dignity, achieve understanding and move on. Life is too short.

6. Generosity. Giving without thinking “what will I get in return” is an important quality for those who want to become a responsible, productive member of society. Generosity allows us to sympathize and empathize as we try to understand what people want or need. Being generous doesn't just mean giving money to those who need it. It's also your time, love, attention and sometimes even your property.

7. Curiosity. Children are very curious by nature. If you took even a couple of minutes, you would clearly see this quality. For some, this curiosity wanes. I think it's important to encourage and push our children, and even ourselves, to be curious about things. How to ignite our curiosity? Ask lots of questions. Read about things you know very little about and don't be afraid to say you don't know something. Critical thinking is an important skill that can be learned and developed by exploring your own curiosity.

8. Communication. Communication is both an art and a science. will most likely lead to misfortunes and misunderstandings. Small problems grow into larger ones, and when they eventually boil over and rise to the surface, they are unlikely to be resolved calmly. Communication is much more than just communication of the mind. In addition to oral speech, communication also extends to tone, volume, facial expression, eyes, and gestures. I believe this is the most important value for a family. When people feel like they can talk openly about anything—hopes, dreams, fears, successes, or failures—without fear of judgment, it is encouraging and empowering. connection between people.

9. Responsibility. We would all like to be seen as responsible people. Some of us are, and some of us are not. with experience. As a child, you may have been shown how to put your toys away after you've played, how to clean your room, or how and when to feed the dog. This sense of responsibility increases in adulthood. An adult who has an internal sense of responsibility does not need to be forced to come to work on time, answer the phone, or complete work on time. Show responsibility in the family to instill this quality in each family member.

10. Traditions. This is by far the most fun for me. I think tradition is what makes a family unique, brings people together and creates a sense of belonging for everyone. Traditions don't have to be expensive, complicated or require a lot of work. It could be something as simple as a *lazy Saturday* where you just sip coffee and chat together, or a family holiday dinner where the whole family gathers around the table. If you do not currently have traditions in your family, create them! All traditions originated from a specific person. Why not let your family traditions start with you? Get creative and have fun.

Home and family for a person are, first of all, a place where they are loved, appreciated and certainly welcome. In a monastery close to your heart, you can always find support, understanding, reassurance, and feel the care of others. It is with such criteria in mind that the foundation is built, which will be fundamental for building the further life path of the individual. But, unfortunately, this type of relationship does not always occur. In addition to good-natured, cheerful, warm-hearted families, there are also unhappy, conservative, incomplete families. And here the question arises: why is this so? Why is it that for some people their marriage, family, children are happy and delight them with their successes, while for others it is a constant cause of sorrow and disappointment?

Family values: examples must be worthy

In order for a union between a man and a woman to be strong, it must be based on love. Of course, any family, like a person, has its own special character and values. Just as a person determines his path in life based on subjective priorities, so the family is transformed into a complex of interconnected family and emotional relationships. Communication determines the present as well as the future

What is the role of family values?

Concepts such as family and family values ​​are always inextricably linked and do not exist without each other. If there is no family, then family values ​​automatically lose their meaning. No legal relationship between a man and a woman exists or has ever existed without fundamental principles. It is thanks to them that over the years the spouses have been able to maintain spiritual health, unity and integrity. Traditional family values ​​are built on care and love. Examples of wonderful relationships can be seen where both people respect each other, each bring their own to the union they created, but at the same time accept the individuality of their partner. Here two mature personalities form a single harmonious atmosphere where their children will be born and grow up.

Family and their importance and necessity

Sometimes the idea of ​​family values ​​is understood either primitively or in general terms. When someone raises the issue of “family values ​​and traditions in my family,” this often becomes a topic for heated discussion, and misunderstandings and criticism may even arise.

The definition of the term “family values” can sometimes be indigestible and cumbersome. Therefore, the most acceptable for this concept can be considered the following: family values ​​are the result of successful and long-term interaction of society with generally accepted and established religious norms. Here the focus is on preserving and strengthening the institution of family. Throughout the entire period of relations between spouses, family values ​​are introduced and cultivated in their lives. Grandmothers try to instill them in young people, sometimes useful information on this topic can be gleaned from television broadcasts, they also talk about this in churches, etc.

Modern perception of family values

Respect, faith, procreation, the sanctity of motherhood, fidelity, love - this is not a complete list of fundamental family values. The raised topic “Family Values” may also have a deeper meaning, which lies in the fact that here marriage acts as the only correct form of life together for a man and a woman. Maintaining faith and love for each other, they raise children and thus prolong the family line.

Currently, the concept of family values ​​is interpreted differently among many peoples. It also happens that there is almost completely no freedom of choice, the possibility of a person changing his life. Divorce, for example, is contrary to traditional canons.

A new look at old principles

The change and development of society, new views accordingly form a new understanding of family values. Today, the moral priorities of parents and children differ significantly. The latter have a more progressive, but tougher attitude towards this concept. This trend is observed due to the fact that each subsequent young generation takes from the previous one only what is most necessary, introducing into it its own, currently relevant, family customs and traditions. Of course, concepts such as trust, love, mutual assistance, respect and kindness remain fundamental for the person of the 21st century. But, sadly, they are subject to pressure from a variety of factors that are determined by the problems of society.

Family starts with "We"

According to the results, family national traditions and customs among young people are not in first or even second place. They were overtaken by education, career, relationships with friends, passions. In order to preserve traditional family values, examples for the younger generation must first of all be given from personal life experience. And even if someone did not grow up in such a prosperous environment and was not able to absorb a true loving relationship with their upbringing, it is necessary to try, already at a conscious age, to make up for what they lost and, through their attitude towards their neighbor, try to make this world a better and brighter place. Everyone can do this, because as the world-famous classic V. Hugo said: “In the inner world of a person, kindness is the sun.”

Everything that is mine is yours!

In some aspects, it is necessary to delve into the topic in more detail in order to accurately determine for yourself what family values ​​are. Examples can provide a clearer picture of their importance, both collectively and individually.

How can a husband, wife and their children be happy if their relationship is not based on such a feeling as love? said: “Love is when you share your whole life with another person.” And he was completely right: how could it be different in this case?

We were born to love

Love is a comprehensive and deep feeling, sometimes even masters of the pen find it difficult to convey in words what it contains and how it affects a person. Some take it for the strongest attachment to a partner, against the background of which family customs and traditions are built. Here a person tries to be with a partner close to his heart as much as possible.

Love is such a deep and comprehensive feeling that simply cannot be accurately described in words. We can only understand that this is a strong attachment to another person, a desire to constantly be near him.

According to E. Fromm, love is a special type of unity between people, which has ideal value in all the great philosophical and humanistic systems of both the West and the East. This feeling is the most powerful force, without which no full-fledged relationship is a priori possible. Spouses become even closer to each other when they feel the true care and support of their partner.

What is the secret of a long and harmonious relationship?

Living in society, every person, at least sometimes, faces severe stress, problems and various kinds of difficulties. Sometimes his dreams and hopes are crushed. It is extremely difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to stand alone in a storm of passions. It is in such situations that help from family and friends becomes most valuable and tangible. A home where relatives and understanding people are waiting is a quiet haven where you can get support and gain strength to overcome all the future hardships of fate and move on in life with joy in your heart.

No union is possible without mutual understanding and respect between partners. Such ideas of children about the family should be formed from an early age. A high level of relationships between spouses, parents and their children is achieved when each party treats the feelings, interests and aspirations of the other with respect and understanding. Here, in no case should there be an invasion or forceful interference in personal space with the aim of subjugating, breaking or “remaking”, “adjusting” them to suit yourself.

Sincerity and honesty are the key to transparency and purity of relations between partners. This applies not only to the husband-wife scheme, but also to the parents-children scheme. For the latter, in order to explore this topic as much as possible, they even conduct a class hour “Family values ​​and their importance for a person.” It is explained to the kids that the above qualities, when maximally expressed, are the key to another integral attribute of a happy home - trust, which is difficult to earn, but easy to instantly lose. The semantic load and power of these qualities can provide any union with a happy and long life.

How are family values ​​taught?

When asking the question about what family values ​​and traditions are in my family, a person may encounter a number of unpleasant and previously undiscovered things. But don’t despair - everything can be fixed. Any relationship can be developed and transformed for the better. Today, interactions between close people can be divided into modern and traditional, and they sometimes conflict with each other.

Each person has his own individual idea of ​​how to save a relationship and marriage. My parents taught me something about this issue, and I managed to understand something from my own life experience. When a young family has just formed, spouses do not always think about what it means to respect their partner’s opinion and take into account his personal space. Often they immediately begin to expect only good things from each other and believe that it is the partner who should create this good. At this stage, it should be understood that the responsibility for a harmonious union lies with both the man and the woman equally. Here, everyone, taking their position, according to gender, must protect and cultivate everything that can make a marriage successful and future children happy.

You may not be ideal, but you have to try

In any period of a relationship (it doesn’t matter if it’s a couple who have been married for many years, or a young family), it is necessary to engage in self-education and work on oneself. Some people believe that learning to control anger and irritation is impossible, but this is not so. You can learn to solve any problems peacefully, which will be the beginning of the path to mutual happiness. As a result, soon the spouses’ lives will change for the better, communication will improve or be transformed. This is how, overcoming difficulties, a real family is formed, and family traditions become sacred and respected among all relatives.

Children are the flowers of life

In no case should we forget about the little ones. Children, first of all, need peace and well-being in the family, because they are the most unprotected and vulnerable family link. It is necessary to show them favor and show by your own example how important family is, explain why it is necessary to honor traditions. This will not be in vain. Forming in children a correct concept of life and ethical standards will be the key to their happy future.

School institutions also help children and teenagers understand this topic. Recently, family values ​​have become increasingly common, where family values ​​are the main topic of conversation. This is a big step forward, since the proper development of a child’s self-awareness will help him find his place in life.

Bright future

Previously, due to the presence of an information deficit and due to new imaginary values ​​​​instilled by society, for example, such as the pursuit of status, position in society, money, the most important and necessary components of a normal life for children were relegated to the background. This has become a threat to a full-fledged human society. Professional teachers rushed to the rescue and began to talk more about family values, emphasizing their importance for each individual. At the same time, this area began to be supervised at the government level due to concern for the fate of the younger generation. It is hoped that the common efforts - parents, schools, as well as government support - will bear precious fruit. After all, for almost every person, family is the main thing that makes you move forward, feel life fully and love unselfishly, sincerely.

Family values ​​are customs and traditions that are passed on from generation to generation. These are the feelings that make her strong. This is everything that people experience together inside the house - joy and sorrow, well-being or problems and difficulties.

Classification and types of the concept of family values

It is customary to distinguish two main classifications - classical or traditional, and progressive or modern. Let's take a closer look at each of these models.

Traditional values: what they include

  • Patriarchal way of life. Marriages in which the man is in charge, he is the main breadwinner and he has the last word, are far from uncommon. The father's word, his opinion is not questioned, he is respected and obeyed. The flip side of this model is sole responsibility for your family and friends. The head of the family shoulders the solution to all problems and difficult situations. The woman here is, first of all, a wife and mother. She realizes herself through giving birth and raising children, creating a cozy and trusting atmosphere, and takes on all household chores.
  • Having many children, or at least having two children. The appearance of each child in such unions is procreation, happiness and joy.
  • Cultivation and education of values, a partial list of which includes love, kindness towards each other, respect for all members of the family.
  • The tradition of matchmaking, when the parents of the newlyweds select a bride or groom, and the children always ask for blessings from their elders.

Values ​​of a modern social unit

The basis continues to be love, trust and mutual assistance. However, times change, each era brings with it something new and progressive. Our society has become freer and more open. These factors influence the formation of the worldview of our citizens.

Some changes also affected marriage standards.

  • A woman now performs not only the role of mother and housewife. She successfully realizes herself in the profession, builds a career, and earns money along with her husband. And household responsibilities are often divided equally, by mutual agreement.
  • Practical people began to enter into marriage contracts or simply cohabit without formalizing the relationship.
  • They started getting married later - the pace of life has changed. Young people want to do everything - get a higher education, work, gain some experience, get on their feet. Only after achieving everything they planned do they begin to seriously think about forming a new unit of society.

All these phenomena are present in our society today and this is normal. The main thing here is not to overdo it in your aspirations, know when to stop and remember the behests of our ancestors. Everything should happen in due time - love, wedding, children and grandchildren.

Types of family values: what they mean to everyone

There are many examples of family values; this is a fairly extensive topic for sociological research. But we will focus only on the main ones.


The main family value is love. It manifests itself in tenderness towards loved ones, the desire to take care of them, protect them, and be constantly nearby. Unions based on love are happy and prosperous. They represent a strong stronghold, a quiet haven to which you can always return, receive support and consolation.


It is important to learn to trust each other and teach your children to do the same. You should share every problem, failure, and any experience with your family. Trust is difficult to buy for any money, it can only be earned, and this often takes many years.


This is the desire to help the weak, defenseless, to provide him with support, the need to be useful. Such relationships make the family more harmonious.


Another guarantee of the strength of love bonds. Willingness to be with your loved one through thick and thin, despite any temptations. This quality forms in a person from early childhood such qualities as loyalty to one’s word, deed, and devotion in friendship.


It is important to understand each other perfectly, to respect the interests and aspirations of your significant other and children. Feeling support, a person develops not only spiritually, but also rises to the top in sports, career, and achieves great success.


It is expressed in respect for the individuality of each member of the family, the inadmissibility of “bending” one spouse to suit the interests and needs of the other, and non-interference in the affairs of the young by parents.

What are family values ​​and how to cultivate them: some useful examples

Everything good and bad is laid down in a person from childhood. The child receives all norms and rules of behavior from his parents and grandparents. From their examples, he learns, adopts experience, behavior patterns and attitudes towards others. Therefore, it is necessary to raise children and instill in them rules from a very early age. One of the most accessible ways to do this naturally and effortlessly is tradition. In each family they can be completely different, but they solve one important task - to unite and strengthen.

  • Joint tea parties with cake, sweets, delicious homemade pastries. It is useful to gather at one table once or several times a month with a large circle of loved ones. In a cozy atmosphere you can pleasantly discuss everyday affairs, interesting news, and report on the achievements of your grandchildren. This tradition will promote the development of values ​​such as respect for elders, love and kindness.
  • Joint evening leisure - board games, such as dominoes, lotto or mafia, a game of chess. It is likely that the child will transfer this tradition later into his own cell.
  • Regular excursions to nearby cities, memorable places, museums, parks, zoos.
  • A healthy lifestyle can also become a tradition. Every weekend, depending on the time of year, you can go to the park to ride bicycles, roller skates, skates, or sleds. It brings great pleasure and a lot of impressions to children. Such memories last a lifetime.
  • Traveling together. It doesn't have to be a trip to the sea. Many people like to go to the forest, to the river, with tents, kettles, sleep in sleeping bags, fish, cook fish soup over a fire, and sing songs with a guitar in the evening. For children, this is an extraordinary adventure, and for parents, such a vacation will allow them to escape from everyday life, refresh their senses and simply enjoy nature.

Over the past few years, educational institutions have also joined the process of nurturing family traditions.

Kindergartens provide:

  • General Saturdays – educational quests on various topics are prepared for parents and children. Children are divided into teams, go to stations and complete tasks together with their mothers and fathers.
  • Joint leisure time - the children prepare a small concert program, perform plays, and invite their parents to take part in competitions.

Schools have introduced an elective in psychology for high school students, taught by a professional psychologist. They discuss current issues relating to gender relations and often resolve controversial situations.

The meaning of family values

They form in a little person an understanding of the role of the family, its significance and uniqueness. It is in the environment of loved ones that children learn to correctly express their feelings, kindness and generosity, respect and responsibility for their actions, love, trust and honesty.

Parents should pay special attention to their behavior, actions, and manner of communication. Because they are the ones who represent for the child a “living” example of relationships within the union.

Preserving family values: what is the main task of our generation

The 90s, marked in our history by such phenomena as freedom, independence, permissiveness, disrespect for adults and their opinions, are left behind. People realized the significance of their personal history and became more interested in the past of their family, the origin and etymology of their surname. In many houses and apartments you can see large photographic portraits of your relatives. There has been renewed interest in a forgotten custom - compiling an album.

People choose photographs that depict the most significant events and emotions for them - weddings, the birth of children, their first steps and achievements, celebrations of important dates. When the children grow up, you can involve them in creating the album - come up with interesting captions and comments for each photo and write them on special paper, choose the photo they like.

One of the most striking manifestations of respect for one’s history is the “Immortal Regiment” action, which is held in many Russian cities on May 9 in honor of Victory Day. Small children carrying a photograph of their relatives know very well who they are, where they fought, how they died, bravely defending their homeland.

There is increasing interest in studying the past, the history of ancestors - how they looked, lived, who they were, what they did, where the family came from, who its founder was. This is very difficult and painstaking work. To find out anything, you need to dig up archives and study documents. Many people simply don’t know where to start and in which direction to move. The Russian House of Genealogy offers help in this difficult, but such an exciting task.

What is unique about our technique?

  • We have developed a detailed family instruction book. Drawing up a family tree has become accessible even to an ordinary person who has nothing to do with science; you just need to follow the recommendations.
  • We help our clients understand what archives there are, how to gain access to them, how to work with documents, how to write letters there.
  • We provide free consulting support to our clients - we help them in independently registering their pedigree.

Raising a family and instilling values ​​is a difficult task. It requires a lot of dedication and painstaking work over many years. It is in marriage that such qualities as loyalty to one’s ideals, friends and relatives, devotion to one’s fatherland, love and faith, kindness and generosity, responsibility and mutual assistance, respectful attitude not only towards elders, but also towards everyone around are laid. Simple rules and moral principles, formed within the confines of the home, are then transferred to society. They manifest themselves in a person’s behavior in kindergarten, school, college, work and in public places. Ancestral values ​​shape human culture and make society more humane.

What is family for a person?

This is, first of all, a home, in the sense of it, when it is full of relatives and loved ones, where you can find peace and support, where everyone loves you and takes care of you. This is the rear and the foundation on which all life is built. We are all born into a family, and growing up, we create our own. This is how man is made and this is how life is.

If you look closely, you will notice that families are different. There are cheerful and happy, strict and conservative, unhappy and incomplete. Why is that? After all, it should be a strong stronghold, based on the love of a man and a woman. Different families have different personalities, just like people. If a person, as an individual, determines his life based on his life priorities, then the family, as a complex consisting of individuals strongly interconnected by family and emotional relationships, builds its present and future based on its own values.

The role of family values ​​in our lives

Family and family values ​​are two concepts that cannot exist without each other. Family values ​​lose their meaning if there is no family. And the family cannot exist without fundamental principles that can preserve its integrity and spiritual health. Family values ​​are the attitude of person to person, saturated with love and care. A man and a woman, creating a union, each bring their own to it, and all this together forms the foundation of family relationships, creating an atmosphere in which their children will be born and grow up.

What are the values ​​of family life?

So what exactly are family values ​​and why are they such? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to consider the main ones in more detail. Examples of such values ​​will help demonstrate their importance individually and their powerful strength when combined.

He, she and their children - how can they live happily if love is not the basis of their relationship? Love is such a deep and comprehensive feeling that simply cannot be accurately described in words. We can only understand that this is a strong attachment to another person, a desire to constantly be near him. E. Fromm identified love as a special type of unity between people, which has ideal value in all the great humanistic religions and philosophical systems of the history of the West and East. Love is the most powerful force in a relationship imaginable.

People become close to each other when they feel a sense of support and care from their partner. Existing in society, a person is forced to constantly face difficulties and problems of various kinds, severe stresses that occur due to the collapse of any hopes and dreams in life. It is extremely difficult, almost impossible, to survive this storm alone. A home with loved ones becomes a quiet haven where you can get help, support, care, relax and gain strength to live on and enjoy life.

No union is possible without respect and mutual understanding of its partners. Thus, relationships between spouses and between parents and children reach a high level of development only if each party understands the feelings, aspirations and interests of the other. At the same time, it is unacceptable to forcefully interfere and invade a partner’s personal space in order to break, subjugate another personality and “remake” it for oneself.

Honesty and sincerity are the key to purity and transparency of relations between partners. This applies to both systems: husband - wife and parents - children. These qualities, when fully expressed, give rise to another essential attribute of a happy home – trust. Trust cannot be bought at any price; it can be hard earned and very easy to lose.

Such examples of values ​​can be continued for a long time. The most important thing in them is their semantic load and strength, which can give a long and happy life to any union.

In society, family values ​​are usually divided into two types - traditional and modern. Oddly enough, they can often come into conflict with each other.

Traditional family values

When we talk about family values ​​in the generally accepted sense, we can easily operate with this concept and understand in general terms what it means. When traditional family values ​​become the topic of conversation, discussions and certain misunderstandings arise. There are many definitions of this term, but they all tend to be cumbersome and indigestible. The simplest definition would be to characterize this form of values ​​as the result of interaction over a long period of time between a society with its views and religious norms recognized in this society, aimed at preserving the institution of the family.

Traditional family values ​​are constantly cultivated and introduced into the lives of spouses. This is what their grandmothers are trying to instill in young people, you can hear about them on the TV screen, they talk about them in church, etc. Faith, fidelity, love, marriage, respect, the sanctity of motherhood, procreation - this is not a complete, but the main list family values. The main semantic load they carry is marriage, as the only correct form of life together for a man and a woman, the purpose of which is, while maintaining faith and love for each other, procreation and raising children.

The problem in the perception of traditional family values ​​in our time is the almost complete absence of any freedom of choice and change in personal life. So, for example, divorce contradicts traditional canons, but in our time it is somehow difficult to agree with this, because situations and people are different.

Modern family values

As society and its attitudes change and evolve, modern family values ​​emerge. They can be roughly divided into the values ​​of parents and children. These two groups have much in common with each other, but the one that belongs to our children has a tougher and more progressive character. This happens naturally because each subsequent generation tries to take only the most necessary from the previous one and introduces its own, currently relevant family values.

Of course, concepts such as love, trust, respect, mutual assistance, kindness and understanding are fundamental to modern family values. But, unfortunately, they are under serious pressure from various factors caused by the problems of society. Thus, according to the results of sociological surveys, family values ​​are far from being in first place for young people. They were overtaken by: career, education, relationships with friends and parents.

In order to preserve the family as the joy of our life, it is necessary, first of all, to show our children by example that it really is such. Even if some of us did not grow up in precisely such conditions, and were not able to absorb real values ​​in relationships along with our upbringing, we must try for each other and make this world a better place.

Fostering family values

Each of us has our own understanding of what should define and sustain a marriage and relationship. Our parents taught us this, and we understood something ourselves. We go through life with this reserve, without thinking that a loved one may have slightly different concepts about this and to a different extent. When entering into marriage, spouses, as a rule, begin to expect the best from each other—that is, to expect. It is a big mistake to wait for someone else to make the first move. It is necessary to begin to cultivate and protect everything that can make the union of two people successful and children happy. Moreover, you need to engage in self-education, which is quite difficult, but extremely necessary. Acquiring the ability to restrain anger when it would seem impossible, learning to solve emerging problems in a peaceful and reasonable way is only the beginning of the path to mutual happiness. But the result, believe me, will not keep you waiting, and you will soon feel that life is getting better and only good things await you.

We must not forget about children, they must not only be taught how important family and peace are in it, they must constantly prove this statement by example. And then, when they become adults, you will be glad that your efforts were not in vain, because for parents, the happiness of their children is the meaning of their whole life. Thus, nurturing family values ​​is a must for all of us.

Family values ​​at school

Instilling in a child a love of family and its fundamental elements is the direct responsibility of the parents. Previously, very little time was devoted to this topic in schools. But, recently, given that the negative background in society is constantly increasing, which has a direct impact on the unformed children’s consciousness, lessons on family and its values ​​have begun to be introduced in educational institutions. This is a big step forward in the proper development of a child’s self-awareness and in his understanding of his place in this world. As mentioned earlier, due to the lack of information and due to the new values ​​​​of money and status imposed by society, children have relegated the most expensive and necessary components of their normal life to the background. And this threatens a real catastrophe for a full-fledged human society.

Due to the fact that family values ​​in school have already begun to be highlighted by professional teachers, that this direction is supported by the government of our country, concerned about the fate of the new generation, we can only hope that all the efforts of both parents and schools will bear their precious fruits.

The values ​​of family life are what we should always protect

When your loved one is nearby and you hear the ringing laughter of children playing, your heart is filled with tenderness, the world plays with all the colors of the rainbow, and you want to live forever. I want to stop this moment, there is only one desire for all this to last as long as possible. Is this impossible? Nothing is impossible - you just need to learn to cherish these and other wonderful moments. Take care of love and mutual understanding. Appreciate the trust of your loved ones, because this is the most important reward they can give you for your attitude towards them. Do not hurt the feelings of your loved ones, because they never expect this from you, which means they will be completely defenseless before the blow. The values ​​of family life are really all we have.

Every day of a happy family is a voluntary sacrifice that its members make for each other. There is no need to be afraid of this word, because only when one consciously concedes to the other in at least something or sacrifices his interests in order to help or provide pleasant moments, will the long-awaited mutual understanding and peace come in every family.

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