Scenarios for holidays at a music school. New Year's scenario: “Musical New Year Scenario at a music school New Year

Belik Tatyana Viktorovna
Job title: piano teacher
Educational institution: MBU DO DSHI p. Gigant
Locality: Gigant village, Rostov region
Name of material: scenario
Subject:"New Year's concert at the Children's Art School"
Publication date: 07.06.2016
Chapter: additional education

New Year's concert script
(Author - Belik Tatyana Viktorovna, teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Preschool Children's School of Art in the village of Gigant) (Children are standing on the stage)
Presenter: (offstage)
There are many wonderful holidays, Each comes in its own turn. But the kindest holiday in the world, the best holiday - New Year! He comes in the snowy season, Whirling the snowflakes in a round dance, And we all live with the same dream, That the New Year will be a happy one! (No announcement)

Students of the 5th grade of the choreography department performed a dance


Output Lead:
Good evening, Dear friends! Another year is coming to an end. The year of the goat is coming! However, it doesn’t make much difference what it will be called, the main thing is that it will be New. We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and wish it to bring with it only the best! And as a gift, the guys prepared a New Year's concert for our guests.

On stage is the junior school choir singing “Happy New Year”.

On the New Year, miracles happen, the most fabulous and extraordinary! After all, both adults and children love fairy tales and cartoons. And for the New Year to come, let's quickly see what the guys have prepared for us. There are no miracles in the world these days! For those who don’t believe in them themselves, there is no such thing: even children know this! But fairy tales live here and there. Lukomorye is not on the map. This means there is no way into a fairy tale! This is a saying, not a fairy tale. A fairy tale will come.

The youngest dancers are on stage performing the “Merry Cooks” dance.

“Dance of the Tsokotukha Fly” is performed by 3rd grade students. Statova

Winter is covered with snow From morning until dark Snowflakes curl and swirl At our window As if the stars were scattered with sparks all around Rushing silvery, looking into the house

“Snow” is performed by a 2nd grade student. Yarovaya Daria.
(Music plays) (Kuzi the Brownie exits)
Oh, I'm in trouble, saddened. They don't let me sleep. Well, why did they make noise, dance, and sing. So what are you having here – a holiday?
What kind of holiday is this?
New Year
Well, what is special about it in your holiday?
On New Year's Day, all wishes come true.
Oh, Kuzma’s disappointment, sheer bad luck. It was like I was running away from Baba Yaga, I lost my magic chest, and without it my wishes would not come true. Kuza is left to grieve, that’s it - I’m starting to feel sad!
Kuzya, dear, don’t be sad! Dance with us!

"Dance of the Snowflakes" performed by 1st grade student
It’s impossible to celebrate the New Year without songs. Everything in songs is fate and life. New Year is always wonderful. Forget everything and have fun.

Kateko Victoria will perform the song “Pirate Blues”

Grieg "Halling" Spanish. 4th grade student Anna Sheshukova

Dance "Mutiny on the Ship" Spanish. student of 6th grade choreographic


10. “Polka” Spanish. 1st grade student Aslan Chertmanov

11.On stage our little dancers perform folk dance

"Fun festivities"
A boy lives in a town, He is so black - In a barn in a dark corner, And you won’t find him. And you won’t find it, Even if you stand nearby, the baby will merge with the darkness. But the white teeth will flash and you can immediately see: Here he is, here!
12. Debussy “Little Negro” Spanish. student 5

Zemsky class

Music is movement and flies out like a bird from your hands, notes of restless whirling.
(song plays without announcement)
13. The song “Where From” was performed by Polina Ovchinnikova

the music has come"

14. Dance “Friends” Spanish. studying 3rd grade. choreographic department
(Energetic music sounds - Baba Yaga runs in)
Baba Yaga:
Guard! Robbed! Happiness has been taken away from the tray! Kuzenka, dear one, answer me. Come back to Granny Yagulichka as soon as possible!
Kuza is bored with you, without friends!
Baba Yaga:
What's it like without friends? But what about the Serpent Gorynych and Koschey?
Ew, you old one, back to old times! I won't come back to you! I’ll stay here, wait for the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. And I’ll make a wish, the New Year fulfills them all.
Baba Yaga:
And then I, you nasty Kuzma, will steal the New Year, lock me in my hut, make my wish and catch you Kuzma.
What else were you thinking! You still want to threaten me! Come on, kids, let's shout together: Bring Yaga the broom where you brought it from! (Santa Claus' call signs sound) Coming out
Do you hear? This is Frost's signal. Now he will enter this festive hall. You need to solemnly meet Santa Claus, applaud him together, and applaud the Snow Maiden with all her beauty.
(exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden)
Father Frost:
Oh-ho-ho! The year has passed like never before! Once again we are in this wonderful hall! This is the winter time I’m glad to meet with the kids!
Snow Maiden:
We came to your holiday tree from afar We walked together for quite a long time Through the ice, through the snow We were in villages and towns We were in schools, kindergartens We congratulated all the children in a row Happy New Year But we weren’t late for you either After all, you can’t be late If they are waiting in an elegant hall Our best Friends. (looks behind the stage) - Who's hiding there?
(comes out) - Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, I am Kuzya - the brownie.
Snow Maiden:

We are very glad to meet you. And now we will continue the celebration, sing songs and dance. The students of our school give their wishes for a good mood and congratulations on the holiday.
Can I announce the next number?
Snow Maiden:
Of course, Kuzya, announce it! (everyone leaves)
15. Dance “Capricious Umbrellas” Spanish. studying 4 classes of choreographic


Adults know it, children know it too! The most beautiful dance in the world! There is nobility and tenderness and sadness in it! Now I’ll plunge into waltz music!
16. “Autumn Waltz” performed by 3rd year student Serga Vladislav

17. Vocal ensemble gives you the song “Bumps”
Movement, rhythm, melody, steps
Forward, backward and turn Bend, jerk and wave of the hand Those who have danced will understand everything Ease. Pleasure The desire to move, to spin The rise of emotions and mood You can’t help but fall in love with it (without announcement)
18. Students of the 4th grade of the choreography department performed a dance

"Dance with Me"

Father Frost:
Well done guys, you surprise with your talents! And I want to ask our Kuzi. Kuzya, you housekeepers love order in everything. Tell me, is there order at our holiday?
There's a bit of a mess! You dance, sing, but don’t play the game! If you want, I’ll help you - I’m terrible at this, I love it. I invite you to play with me the game “What doesn’t happen on Christmas trees?” If this happens, shout “yes”; if it doesn’t happen, shout “no”.
A game:
There are colored firecrackers on the Christmas tree - “yes”. There are miracle toys on the Christmas tree - “yes”. Paper animals - yes. Large pillows are a no-no. And sweet sugar cheesecakes - yes. Under the tree with cookies there is a large basket “yes” And on the top of the head there is a purring cat “no” There are dolls made of silk on the branches “yes” Horses made of gold “yes” And a bookshelf “no” And many ships made of silver “yes” Beautiful beads and tinsel "Yes"
Father Frost:
Kuzya came up with a good game, and he deserved a gift from me! Open the bag quickly
Choose what you want my friend! (the brownie looks into the bag and takes out his chest from there) Oh, a miracle! What a magical holiday we are having! Before I had time to make a wish, it had already come true. My chest has been found!
Snow Maiden:
Hush, hush, the snow is creaking. This New Year is in a hurry! (Pause! New Year does not appear) Grandfather, something happened to New Year!
Father Frost:
Otherwise, trouble would have happened!
My magic chest is a decorated barrel. Open, don’t creak, Show me what happened! (Kuzya looks into the chest) It’s all her, the evil Baba Yaga. She stole the New Year and locked it in the hut.
Father Frost:
We need to help out the New Year!
Snow Maiden:
But we don’t know where to look for Yaga!
Father Frost:
Nothing, it's not difficult! Come on, blizzard - blizzard! Come on, blizzard - swirl! And bring the villain! (A recording of a blizzard sounds and Baba Yaga runs into the hall, spinning)
Baba Yaga:
Oh, I can’t, oh, I’ll disappear! Stop it, I'll do anything! I will help with all I can! (Santa Claus knocks with his staff, Baba Yaga stops)
Father Frost:

Ay-yay! And aren’t you ashamed Baba Yaga! You're already 300 years old, and you're still doing evil!
Baba Yaga:
I can’t live without this, apparently I’m a great-great Yaga!
Why are you hiding the New Year in your hut? Let him go free!
Baba Yaga:
Is that really what they ask for?
Snow Maiden:
Guys, let Baba Yaga be polite let's say the word,

Baba Yaga: (shouting)
Hey, hut on chicken legs! Find a path to us! Let go, New Year The people are really looking forward to it!
I'll run and celebrate the New Year!
Guys, the New Year is coming to us soon. Let's meet him with music. May it ring in our hearts all year long! In winter, the world becomes kinder and more cheerful from holiday worries. It’s nice to wake up in December and know. That the New Year will soon be! And let the fallen leaves fly, But if the holiday time has come, We really want a little magic And we learn to give warmth to others.
19. “Angels of Good” Spanish. 5th grade student Valeria Bailova.

20.Grieg “Poetic Picture” Spanish. 5th grade student Diana Bayazova.

21. Students of the 7th grade of the choreography department will perform a dance


(all participants leave)
Snow Maiden:
The Old Year is leaving forever! He brought us a lot of new things, They run away to the past years so that the future becomes closer
Father Frost:
The New Year is approaching the threshold With new, cheerful speeches, The old year is leaving right on time, And it bids us a warm farewell!
May the New Year dawn on you and give you success! And let cheerful, ringing laughter sound in your home! Let a faithful friend be nearby, Both on holiday and in bad weather, And let happiness always come to your home, like a snowball! (no announcement)
22. “Blue frost” Spanish. senior vocal group

The Old Year is passing, its last pages are rustling. What was good - let it not go away, And what was not good - will not happen again!
Happy New Year!

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1 New Year is coming! (scenario for a New Year's concert at a music school) Participants in the concert are the class of teacher E.A. Usik. (Artyomova Nastya) To everyone who loves the winter holiday, The smell of a Christmas tree, the creaking of snow, And when the cheek turns red in the strong frost, To everyone who loves dancing, singing And garlands of cheerful light, To everyone who was waiting for us with impatience, Hello to all my friends! (Kulikova Nastya) After spring comes summer, And after autumn comes winter. The planet rushes us around in a circle And rotates itself. A year has passed, which means that the New, New, New Year will soon bring us all Happiness, joy and good luck! New Year is the most fabulous, kindest and most beloved holiday. A holiday associated with hopes for the best in the coming year, a time of magical gifts and rainbow fireworks, the fulfillment of wishes. In the New Year, our planet Earth is especially magnificent, because... billions of colorful

2 lights burn and shimmer like precious diamonds. So, we are starting our small holiday concert. Our favorite New Year's song is "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." A piano duet is playing for you - Nastya Kulikova and Ekaterina Alekseevna Usik. Strebkova Liza There are many wonderful holidays, Each comes in its turn. But the kindest holiday in the world, the best holiday is New Year! Pavlova Katya He comes along the snowy road, whirling the snowflakes in a round dance. The New Year fills the heart with mysterious and strict beauty! “Little Christmas Tree” - performed by Elizaveta Strebkova And Liza Strebkova will also perform for us the play “Tease” Happy New Year to you, with New Happiness! We wish you a lot of everything, so that neither clouds in fate nor bad weather could spoil it for you. Pavlova Ekaterina performs “Polyushko Field” Happy New Year! We wish you happiness in life!

3 May you live this year without worries and without worries! Happy New Year, family piano duet Ekaterina Pavlova and Anastasia Pavlova Mikhail Glinka “Polka” congratulates you. Kulikova Tanya Finally, the New Year is a holiday of children's joy! Santa Claus distributes sweets to everyone straight from the Christmas tree. Fedotov Anton The round dance of Bears, hares, and squirrels began to spin. Everyone became friends on New Year's Day. Boys and girls. Meet, Tatyana Kulikova is performing for you - "Capriccio" by L. Beethoven "Marmot" - performed by the piano ensemble - Tanya Kulikova and Ekaterina Alekseevna. And now it’s time for cheerful music to sound. Everyone, sit down comfortably, Anton will play for us. I invite Anton Fedotov to the stage. He will perform the cheerful polka "Yanka". After all, the New Year brings happiness,

4 Brings joy to every home And let this fabulous, wonderful holiday not be a dream for us! And again the piano ensemble “A Cossack Rode” Snow is falling on the houses, Winter has come to us again! She brought blizzards and drifting snow in her knapsack, And a white snowstorm is spreading everywhere. This only happens in fairy tales. And we all love fairy tales very much. On this festive evening, Miroslava Drokova gives us a fabulous mood. The piece Milana will perform is called "Fairy Tale". Veronica Sedova: The long-awaited world of miracles is coming, It’s dark outside the window, there’s a blizzard and snow, To the sound of crystal chimes, a person enters the New Year. Alina Nemtinova: Until the clock rings, let's wish that the coming year will bring us everything we wanted: May it bring us good luck. Velichko Ilya: We will have fun today, And let your ringing laughter ring joyfully!

5 Happy wonderful New Year's holiday Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone! “Gavotte” will be performed by Veronica Sedova. And now I ask you to greet Alina Nemtinova with applause - “Rainbow”. The musician was playing the violin - I looked into his eyes. It wasn’t that I was curious - I was flying through the sky. It’s not just out of boredom - I was hoping to understand how these hands can make these sounds. Ilya Velichko is playing - "Cavalry" I am pleased to announce the next number of our holiday program. The piano duet Ilya Velichko and Nastya Kulikova performs - “Typewriter”. Nedoshivkina Sveta: The tree has stretched out its branches. It smells like forest and winter. Candies and fringed crackers are hanging from the tree. Frolova Nastya: We clapped our hands We stood together in a round dance It was so good

6 And Happy New Year! Music is more than just sound! Music is movement! And flies like a bird from the hands of the restless whirling notes! “The first thawed patch” - performed by Nedoshivkina Sveta New Year, the garlands are shining and the balls are swinging, May both adults and children be happy and kind. Let good gifts Santa Claus will bring it to everyone, And let the whole year be bright Like a merry round dance! Pavlova Nastya will perform “Dance of the Dwarfs” And now a little break. Only “yes” and only “no” - give the correct answer! But just remember that the answer in rhyme is not always correct. Ready? Is Santa Claus a cheerful grandfather?.. (yes) Is his beard covered in black soot?.. (no) Is he wearing a red fur coat?.. (yes)

7 Does he always sleep under the Christmas tree?.. (no) Does the Christmas tree dance without difficulty?.. (no) Instead of branches are wires?.. (no) Does grandfather give gifts to everyone?.. (yes) Does he have a lot of sweets?.. (yes ) His granddaughter Yaga, Red-cheeked, is young?.. (no) Instead of a star at the Christmas tree, Is there a frying pan upstairs?.. (no) New Year's toys Very tasty food?.. (no) The most elegant thing is the Christmas tree. Now we’ll check, do you know what they dress her up with? We will name the items, if you agree, say yes, if not, no. Multi-colored firecrackers? Blankets and pillows? Marmalades, chocolates? Glass balls? Are the chairs wooden? Teddy bears? Primers and books? Are the beads multi-colored? Are the garlands light? Snow made from white cotton wool? Satchels and briefcases? Shoes and boots? Cups, forks, spoons?

8 Are the candies shiny? Are tigers real? Are the cones golden? Are the stars radiant? -Well done! They answered unanimously and correctly! Do you know how to solve riddles? But now we will try! 1. I’m sitting astride - I don’t know who I’m riding, I’ll meet an acquaintance, I’ll jump off and greet him. A CAP. 2. Five closets - one door. GLOVES. 3. He sits on everyone - he is not afraid of anyone. SNOW. 4. A white swarm curled and curled. It sat on the ground and became a mountain. SNOWDRIFT. 5. The little man is not simple, he appears in winter, and disappears in spring because he quickly melts. SNOWMAN. 6. I swept everything around, having flown from the kingdom of blizzards, Autumn, I sent my best friend to the south. I am frosty and white and have come to you for a long time. WINTER. 7. Even a child can lift it, but not even a strong man can throw it over a fence. FLUFF. 8. It grew up, it grew out of its beard, the sun rose, nothing happened. ICICLE. Well done! What erudite children study in our class! Nekrylova Nastya: New Year flies from the sky? Or is it coming from the forest? Or does the New Year come to us from a snowdrift?

9 He probably lived like a snowflake on some star, or hid like a feather in Frost’s beard? Ilya Kaplin: But a miracle always happens: The clock strikes 12 And from nowhere the New Year comes to us! 2016 is coming, or rather jumping towards us, according to the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Monkey. And in order to appease this year, so that everything will be fine for us this year, there will be a play about monkeys - meet Anastasia Nekrylova, “Monkeys on a Tree.” The smell of pine needles, candles are melting, It’s time to celebrate the New Year, And on this wonderful evening We want to wish you: 2 presenter: May you in a great mood A fabulous holiday will take place, so that you can be under this impression for a whole year! Ilya Kaplin will perform the play "In Old Vienna"

10 Coniferous clothes, resin leg A wonderful day is coming - the New Year is coming! A holiday of laughter and inventions, a holiday of happiness for children! S. Maykapar "Staccato Prelude" - played by Dasha Drobnova. Usik E.A. A piano duet is performing - Kulikova and Anastasia Artemova "Under the sky of Paris" Midnight strikes with a calm ringing. And saying goodbye to yesterday, We all celebrate the New Year. It has many paths and roads. Now it will pass, pass with us. Let it step on each of our thresholds with rich gifts! Let him help you guys in your studies and in your work. Let our dear school grow, blossom and live richly! “Festive Waltz” - played by Anastasia Artyomova and Ekaterina Alekseevna Usik. Well, this evening is coming to an end. It is marked in our memory. Let's remember more than once a year

11 What a fabulous evening it was. New Year is coming. Hooray! It's time to congratulate everyone on the holiday. We wish you to get rich and fly up the career ladder. Make all your dreams come true and grab fortune by the tail. Let every step be successful, Happy New Year, happiness and all the best! Everyone: “The New Year is coming, the new year is coming, the new year is coming!” The song “New Year is Coming” is played by all participants in the concert. Prepared and conducted by piano teacher E.A. Usik on December 26, 2015

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Beautiful Christmas tree. 1. Here is a beautiful Christmas tree at our holiday. We really like her, we invite her to dance. Chorus: Let's turn sideways and stamp our heels! We will clap our hands and sing about the Christmas tree! 2.

Scenario of the holiday for March 8 in the 2nd younger - middle group Dance exit with hearts “Dear Mom.” Who loves us children deeply? Who loves you so tenderly, reads books to you, sings songs to you? Who is hugging you?

“Visiting Santa Claus” Second junior group. Children enter the hall one after another to the music and stop in a circle. Happy New Year, we congratulate both big and little ones. Happiness to everyone, good luck and frosty

Scenario of the New Year's party in the second junior group “Who lost his mitten?” Scenario of the New Year's party in the second junior group “Who lost his mitten?” The presenter enters the hall in a line to the music

Magic Christmas story Scenario for a New Year's party in the middle group. The presenter enters the hall and congratulates the guests on the holiday. Children run into the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree. Presenter. For all of us

December in the first junior group In December, in December All the trees are in silver... December is the most magical month of the whole year! All month our group was actively preparing for our beloved children's party

Scenario “Miracles for the New Year” (matinee for preschoolers of the seventh year of life) by additional education teacher L.P. Smerkalova. Progress of the event Children enter the hall to the music, stand around the Christmas tree,

1st teacher: 2nd teacher: 3rd teacher: SYNOPSIS OF NEW YEAR’S MAINTENE IN EARLY AGE GROUPS Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree. What kind of guest came to us, the smell of pine

MCOU Dubrovinskaya Secondary School Masha and the bear on the children's Christmas tree Teachers: Muhometova Yu.A. Krivenchenko R. R. Goal: Creating a festive mood in children. Tasks: Reveal Creative skills children through

Goals and objectives: - create a New Year's festive mood; -introduce children to the heroes of fairy tales; - evoke emotional experiences of joy and pleasure in children; - enrichment of emotional-figurative

New Year's party “The Christmas tree has come to visit” Teachers Kochubey S.I. Lyubanova T.S. first junior group Dressed children enter the festively decorated hall to the music “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Ved. Guys,

1 “Mittens” script for 1st junior group The hall is festively decorated. There are small bright mittens under the branches. Teachers and children enter the hall to a cheerful New Year's song, everyone stands around the Christmas tree.

WINTER FANTASY “Hello holiday, NEW YEAR” ( New Year's parties) New Year is at the gates, everyone is waiting for the holiday. The long-awaited day has arrived, for which the guys have been preparing all December. Guys

Larisa Ponaprasnova
Scenario of the New Year's concert for students in grades 1–9 “New Year's Trouble”

New Year's concert script

« New Year's Trouble»

Made up: Ponaprasnova Larisa Vladimirovna, primary teacher classes.

Description: Meaning script is not only about entertaining activities, but also about encouraging the creative potential of children Scenario holding a holiday for students in grades 1-9.

Target: Create a joyful mood, cause an emotional uplift

Tasks: 1. Development of the child’s singing and rhythmic abilities

2. Development of communication skills

3. Development of musical taste, emotional responsiveness, musical culture

The hall is festively decorated and sounds New Year's music. Fanfare sounds. On presenters enter the stage.

1 presenter: Good evening friends! So 2015 flew by unnoticed, and we have already welcomed 2016.

2 presenter: Everything in our lives happens very, very quickly. Before we have time to look back, we are no longer students, but students. Just some kind of commotion.

1 presenter: Yes. Day changes into night, summer into winter. And we are still children who wait New Year's miracles.

2 presenter: Somewhere deep down they believe in good old Santa Claus and expect gifts from him.

1 presenter: New Year Everyone's favorite holiday.

His arrival is still waiting

Quiet and mischievous.

Both old and young

2 presenter: He will light the lights on the tree,

Will give us gifts.

His affairs are like a round dance,

Both festive and bright.

1 presenter: Let's take a close look around us now. Look. Look. What do you see?

2 presenter: I see students from our school.

1 presenter: Right. And every student at our school is a star.

2 presenter: And someone is still only an asterisk. Which can burn and ignite others. This is what we will be rocking today at the school stage. Festive concert with the participation of the stars of our school we declare open!

1 presenter: And the first to this stage we invite students ___class!

2 presenter: Yes, the situation in the room is heating up. The stars burn so brightly that the spotlight no longer means anything.

1 presenter: New Year's Each of those present in our cozy room is already charged with the mood.

2 presenter: You say that many are waiting for Santa Claus. Do those sitting in the hall even know what he looks like? We will read you questions related to the image of Santa Claus, and you will try to answer them only with the words Yes, No.

1 presenter: Ready?

1. Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man?

2) Does he like jokes and gags?

3) Is Santa Claus known to everyone?

4) Does he come exactly at seven?

5) Is Santa Claus a good old man?

6) Does he wear a hat and galoshes?

8) Will he bring gifts?

9) Does he know songs and riddles?

10) Will he eat all your chocolates?

11) Will he light the children’s Christmas tree?

12) Does he wear shorts and a T-shirt?

13) Does his soul not age?

14) Will it warm us up outside?

15) Santa Claus is Frost's brother?

16) Is our birch good?

23) Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?

24) Is he friends with Snegurochka?

25) Is the New Year getting closer?

26) Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris?

27) Does Santa Claus bring gifts?

28) Does he drive a foreign car?

29) Does he wear a cane and a hat?

30) Sometimes you look like your dad?

2 presenter: You know Santa Claus well. This means that you will give the answer to my riddle without doubts:

Don't pass, don't pass

The path of the road cannot be found

All roads are covered

This is white...

1 presenter: On stage.

2 presenter: Don't skimp on your applause, support our artists.

1 presenter: Today, most media talk about the symbol of the coming year - the year of the monkey. Really. What does the coming year have in store for us?

2 presenter: Full of surprises and gifts of fate. The astrological forecast for 2014 is favorable for representatives of the Tiger, Dog, and Pig. For the representatives of the Rabbit and the Rooster, the time will come to make serious decisions. For representatives of the Rat, Ox and the Horse itself, this year has prepared serious tests in the educational sphere. For all other signs of the Chinese horoscope, the year will pass without any special change, achievements and failures.

1 presenter: Meet me.

2 presenter: By the way, I found funny meeting traditions on the Internet new Year.

Here are some of them:

People place tangerines everywhere around the apartment so that it smells like New Year everywhere.

Some people take pictures in front of the TV on New Year's Day while congratulating the President.

And there are those among us who throw the ashes of a piece of paper on which a wish was written into champagne - and believe that after drinking, this wish will definitely come true.

1 presenter: Weirdos, and that’s all. And to be honest, they love Russian holidays.

2 presenter: That’s why we occupy 4th place in the world in terms of the number of holidays. There are 14 of them in January alone, and the total number is 211.

1 presenter: It’s a pity that not all 211 days are days off. But it makes me happy. That for 211 days we can congratulate each other.

2 presenter: On stage with New Year's greetings ___Class.

1 presenter: The brightest holiday in the world,

The most fabulous in the world.

In every house and apartment

They are waiting for him all over the planet!

2 presenter: He is in the hearts of children and adults

It resonates so brightly!

And the stars play in the sky,

From fun and gifts!

1 presenter: And on this pre-holiday evening we are waiting for stage ___

2 presenter: And now we invite you to ___class stage.

1 presenter: The most important thing when meeting don't be bored for the new year and be positive. After all, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.

2 presenter: I would also say this. How do you meet artists? That's how they will perform. Stormy applause at stage.

1 presenter: ___ What do you remember about this year?

2 presenter: ___

1 presenter: And I would like to invite you to stage of the following artists. We are greeted with thunderous applause ___Class.

2 presenter: We all feel very good

Have fun today

Because he came to us

Holiday New Year

1 presenter: Here today

The law is simple -

Sing, dance,

Dance and sing!

Let's forgive all mistakes today,

But not the lack of a smile.

2 presenter: If the saying “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it” is still relevant, then the coming 2016 will be noisy, cheerful and full of pleasant surprises for us.

1 presenter: Not only the surprises will be pleasant, but also the meetings. When else if not in New Year You will see happy teachers and 100% positive students of our school in our school hall.

2 presenter: It’s great that our school has a good tradition of celebrating the New Year with friends.

1 presenter: Louder music, on stage the final number of our show ___

2 presenter: Let any dreams be yours

Come true in the new year

Let the lights on our Christmas tree

Light up brightly

1 presenter: We all had a good time

Fun today

Because he came to us

Holiday New Year

2 presenter: Let them come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you,

May he be the best

The most joyful for everyone.

1 presenter: May it be for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries,

He will not just be New,

And happy New Year.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of an extracurricular activity on fire safety rules for primary school students Subject. Fire safety rules. Objectives: - to instill skills in careful handling of fire; - introduce students to some reasons.

Extracurricular activities program for students in grades 7–8 “Lessons in social life” Lessons are a daily reality of a student’s life. And social lessons are a reality of any person’s life. However, our lessons are not enough at school.

Scenario of the festival for students in grades 5–11 “Siberia has many faces” Scenario of the festival “Siberia has many faces” Elkina Larisa Petrovna, music teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 25”, Abakan, Republic of Khakassia Goal: Popularization.

Scenario for a reading competition for Victory Day among second grade students Scenario for a reading competition dedicated to Victory Day “I remember!” I'm proud!" 1st reader. Dear friends! We were born and raised in peacetime. We.


Dear guests, we ask you to turn off the sound on your mobile phones????

Concert script

In some kingdomIn the kingdom-state,In the wilderness, and in the forest,Under a tall pine treeWhere the snowdrifts are in full height,The dilapidated house has grown into the ground.Something like a hutHalf a floor high.All entangled in a web -Not a happy picture.The roof is leakingThe stove fell apartFreezing without bootsA pair of chicken legs.The paths are covered with snow -It’s hard for Baba Ezhka.Sitting on the rubble,Warms his feet in felt boots.Now he laughs, now he groans,Then, sighing, he says:

BABA YAGA. Difficult times are coming, oh difficult... Winter has already arrived, New Year is just around the corner, but no one is inviting you! Something needs to be done immediately! What to do? What to do?Exactly, you need to send a message on VKontakte to the Snow Maiden. (OPENS LAPTOP)WRITES AND SAYS OUT LOUD: “I urgently want a holiday.”UNEXPECTEDLY THE SNOW MAIDEN ENTERS.

TURN TO YAGA.WITH: What happened, Baba Yaga?B.: Yes, that's what happened. The holiday is just around the corner, New Year, and I’m sitting here, alone, freezing.WITH.: Don’t worry, B-Ya, Santa Claus sent me to help you. The guys and I have prepared a holiday for you that will keep you warm for the whole year.WITH.: Make yourself comfortable.And we begin our concert.

WITH.: Our concert was opened by a future pop artistKarina with the song “Winter” B.Ya.: Oh, what a good song, but I want something serious cultural that touches the delicate strings of my tender soul. Do you have this?WITH.: Of course have.

Quartet “Extravaganza” M. Sporin “Melody”

WITH.: In performance The Quartet “Extravaganza” performed M. Sporin’s “Melody” . B.Y: This is real art! I told you, I like this!

What's next on your program?WITH.: And then, dear B.Ya., the two smallest girls want to perform, so I really ask her not to scare her.B.Ya.: Well, what am I, some kind of scarecrow? Announce your girls.WITH.: SpeakingNellie it will be performed by Yu. Litovko"I'll climb the hill"

B.Ya.: Oh, what a pretty girl. Will you come and live with me?Girl: No. (RUNS AWAY).B.Ya.: It's a pity. So, what do you have next on the program?

Alice "Dance" by A. Gedike

WITH.: Somehow you, Baba Yaga, are sad.B.Ya.: Well, I remembered my fiance, Koshcheyushka. How is he without me now?WITH.: I found something to remember. There are such suitors in our program that you will instantly forget about your Koshchei. So, on stageIvan with the work"Gypsy"

B.Ya.: A good groom, you can't say anything!!!Well tailored, smooth shavedThe truth says little.Basically he plays everythingHe presses the buttons and unclenches the bellows.Oh, I wish I was more talkative and younger!!!WITH.: Please, I have such a groom for you, and he speaks and plays! You are invited to the stageNikolai with the work “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

B.Ya.: He’s also a good groom, but he’s too cool, I’m afraid we won’t get along!!!WITH.: Okay, how do you like it?Ivan who will perform the piece “Holiday Christmas Tree”

B.Ya.: Oh no. This one is too young.WITH.: How picky you are, Baba Yaga.B.: Yes, I am like that. Are there any beauties in your concert?WITH.: Of course there are.B.Ya.: Can I look at them?WITH.: At our concert you can not only watch, but also listen. You are invited to the stage1st grade choir. “Snow” music by I. Ryabtseva to L.Petropolmskaya

“A little white snow fell” music and lyrics. A. Belikova

B.Ya.: Yes, pretty ones! Everything is just right!Only, the soul is asking for a folk song.WITH.: And we have this too.The Combined Folk Song Ensemble performs RNP "DO NOT attack gunpowder"

WITH.: Standing outIrina she will perform the RNP “The Girls Sowed Flax”

WITH.: Baba Yaga, can I ask you a favor.B.Ya.: Well, I don’t know, I’ll have to think about it. Well, of course you can.WITH.: Now I’ll invite the teacher duo to the stage, and you’ll announce the next number, okay.B.Ya.: FineWITH.: A duo of teachers is invited to the stageChristmas song "Snow Falls Softly"

WITH.: Look through the crack of the door -

You will see our Christmas tree.

Our tree is tall

Reaches to the ceiling.

And there are toys hanging in it

From stand to crownWITH.: SpeakingMaria "Little Christmas Tree"

B.Ya.: SpeakingAnna "Little Eskimo"

WITH.: I remember the waltz's lovely sound -On a spring night, at a late hour,Yes, it was a waltz, charming, languid,Yes, it was a wonderful, wonderful waltz.

WITH.: You are invited to the stageVictoria V. Andreev “Waltz”

WITH.: Baba Yaga, do you like to play?

B.Ya.: Yes!

WITH.: Let's play with the guys then.

Steam locomotive game

WITH.: B-I we had so much fun!

And nowLeila and Maria will perform “Little March” by A. Casella

B.Ya.: Oh, what a beautiful name the next issue has - “Kalinka”.WITH.: And if you listen to this work, you will like it even more. So, "Kalinka"performed by Daria and V.R.

RNP "Kalinka" arr. Yu. Davydovich

WITH.: If boredom suddenly sets in,Call a friend to the pianoWe can play togetherCheer up.A duet performingKarina and M.I . ch.p. "My horse"

WITH.: And at the end of our concert he performs

combined choir

“New Year” music by T. Smirnova lyrics. A.Granevskoy

WITH.: We all wish you at any time of the yearWarmth and happiness, light and goodnessB.Ya.: So that there is life, hope and, of course, faith in
What tomorrow will be better than yesterday!??????

This concludes our concert

Thank you for your attention!

"New Year's Concert"

(script of a New Year's concert held for children of an orphanage)

The hall is festively decorated and New Year's music is playing. Presenters wearing tinsel and Santa Claus hats take the stage

Group 1

1 To everyone who loves the winter holiday,
The smell of a Christmas tree, the creaking of snow,
And when the frost is strong
The cheek will turn red,
For everyone who loves dancing and singing
And garlands of cheerful light,
To everyone who was waiting impatiently for us,
Hello to all my friends!

2 Good evening good people!

Let it be a good holiday!

A year has passed, which means
Soon it will bring us all
Happiness, joy and good luck
New, New, New Year!

3 So the shooter can’t stop running -

Two thousand and seventeen is coming!

Today we will celebrate

We will celebrate New Year today!

HOST: 1 Good afternoon, dear adults, dear children and guests! This day is not only good, but also festive. The New Year is just around the corner, and therefore we hasten to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and present our New Year's concert!

HOST:2 Oh this one magical holiday- New Year! The festive atmosphere permeates everywhere. Everyone is preparing for the New Year.

HOST:3 Indeed, this holiday has been considered the most long-awaited and beloved since ancient times; everyone is looking forward to it with impatience and hope for a miracle.

Presenter 4 Today we will not be sad, and we will all have the opportunity to make a cherished wish together and believe that it will certainly come true in the coming year!

1. Health is like the greatest treasure.

2. Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

3. Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

4. Hope - for all your dreams to come true

1 A huge bundle of gifts and New Year's wishes!

Presenter1 The dance “Cowboys” is performed by the group “Papilotta”

HOST 2: New Year is the most fabulous, kindest and most beloved holiday. A holiday associated with hopes for the best in the coming year, a time of magical gifts and rainbow fireworks, the fulfillment of wishes.

Group 2

    On this winter starry evening

Goes away old year.

New Year to meet him

He comes to us with gifts.

Along the magical path

You can enter a fairy tale.

Group 2

2. But where is the magic path?

How can we look into a fairy tale?

The music is about to start,

We will be able to get into a fairy tale.

HOST:1 It's winter outside - the time of the most short days and the longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it a joyful mood.

HOST:2 It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires, the most incredible miracles are possible.

Presenter 3

Here comes winter - winter

She came to us with joy.

Everything was spinning around

Snow carousel.

Presenter 4

She shares with us

Fluffy silver.

Covered everything up

Snow white, clean.

Presenter 1

Hey, don't be afraid, kids!

Run out bolder.

Look - by the yard

Snow fun!

LeadingThe 2nd song “Forest Deer” from the film “Oh, this Nastya” will be performed by a 6th grade student.

Presenter 1: Nature is full of anticipation of a miracle,
And on this wonderful holiday the heart is light!
Happy, good New Year!
May he give happiness, love and warmth!

Presenter 2: The main miracle is already on the doorstep,
The solemn hour is coming soon -
New Year inevitably comes to the world,
Let our dreams come true.

Presenter3: Between the passing year
And the coming ones - five minutes,
Arrows future with present
Closed in a magical circle.

Presenter 4 In these very moments
Most believe in miracles -
New Year's Eve
Gives people magic!

Presenter 1 Now let's meet all our friends. Let's all do a fun warm-up together and share with each other. good mood!

The game-dance will be held Papilotta team
Dance with us

Group 3: 1 Forget everything that was bad!
Unfold the white sheet of January...
The New Year is on its way!
Your luck is somewhere nearby!

Group 3: 2 Let time carry us on its wings...
The young wind is both cheerful and fresh!
We must believe that everything will come true -
New Year is a holiday of hopes!

Group 3: 3 May it be on the eve of the New Year
The days are shining with new joy.
And in the eyes, as if at the time of sunrise,
The dawn lights are shining.

Group 3: 4 So that you never feel sad in vain
And was spiritually friendly with people
Let him be happy and clear,
And the world smiles on us all!

Presenter 1: Among friends with a cheerful song,
We wish you a New Year!
Let life bloom even more wonderfully,
Without knowing grief and worries!

Presenter 2: It’s impossible to celebrate the New Year without songs,
The songs contain everything: fate and life.
New Year is always wonderful
Rejoice and have fun!

Presenter 1: A 4th grade student will perform a song from the film “Masha and the Bear”

Presenter 3 May your dreams and plans come true!

May the New Year be generous,

Let him not skimp on happiness,

Let him light the stars on time,

May all your wishes come true!

Group 4
1 Quiet, slow snow,

Walking with soft steps,

Stepped over the threshold

The past year, saying goodbye to us.

Group 4

2 P Even if he leaves, that’s how it should be,

Don't regret anything!

A new one is already knocking on the door,

So open it for him quickly!

Group 4

3 Believe that this year is coming

Will fulfill everything the heart expects!

He will certainly be the best

Have a successful and happy year!

Presenter 4

The song " Semolina» will perform


We danced, sang, joked

But we completely forgot about one thing

Who will say: what awaits us, friends, ahead?

Who should come to the holiday immediately?

(pause, answers)

Presenter 2
Guys, listen carefully to the questions and answer “Yes” or “No”.

Presenter 3 Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? (Yes!)

Presenter 4 He arrives exactly at seven. Right? (No!)

Presenter 1 Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? (Yes!)

Wears a hat and galoshes. Right? (No!)

Presenter 2 He brings the children a Christmas tree. Right? (Yes!)
He comes with a gray wolf. Right? (No!)

Presenter 3 Santa Claus is afraid of the cold. Right? (No!)
He is friends with the Snow Maiden. Right? (Yes!)
Presenter 4 Well, the questions have been answered,
You know everything about Santa Claus.

Presenter 1. Who is that driving down the road and ringing the bells? Isn't it Santa Claus? Let's call him together.

The ringing of bells is heard.


Hello, dear guests!

From distant Lapland,

Along the wide road,

Through snowy fields

I was in a hurry to come to you guys,

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness and joy.

The New Year is knocking on our doors,

It will bring good luck and warmth.

So let him be happy and clear,

And the mood is bright and wonderful!

Presenter 1: the ensemble of grades 3-4 will perform a song


Happy holiday that came from a fairy tale

Happy Christmas tree, happy flight, happy flight!

Happiness! Hello! Smiles and affection! Peace!

Hope! Human kindness.

Time is rushing. Hear: “Tick-tock.”

It is not in our power to hold the arrows.

And, saying goodbye, we say this...

Goodbye! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Presenter1 May the New Year be a good friend to you,

May troubles and bad weather pass you by,

Let faithful friends you won't be forgotten.

We wish you much, much happiness!

Presenter 2: Our holiday is over.

Presenter 3: But the new year is not over, it is just getting closer!

Presenter 4 Let's all wish each other for the New Year.

Presenter 1 Health,

Presenter 2 Happiness

Presenter 3 And good

Presenter 4 And most importantly - good luck.

In chorus: May everyone have a happy New Year 2017!

_Host 2The choir of grades 3-4 will perform the song “Jingle Bells”