The world's best ammonia-free professional paint. Rating of the best professional hair dyes with reviews. Series "Garnier Color naturals"

Until recently, all that was on the paint market was henna, basma and ammonia paints. Women had no choice, so aggressive ammonia in the form in which it was ten years ago ruined more than one head of hair.

Actually, what is ammonia?

It is a gas that easily dissolves in water, forming alkaline ammonium hydroxide. Therefore, paints are written in different ways - with ammonium or ammonia. It is the same.

The pH of this substance is 11.5, which allows you to forcefully open the cuticles of the scaly layer of the hair and “pass” the color pigment inside the hair. Ammonia seems to ruffle the hair. This way ensures long-lasting and rich color.

Ammonia dyes, as a rule, stay on the hair for a long time, it’s great - that’s all. This is where the advantages of such paints end, and the disadvantages begin.

Ammonia is a very toxic element, and penetrating into the hair and skin pores, it enters the body.

INTERESTING: A couple of years ago in Britain there was a terrible incident when a girl applied paint at home and... fell into a coma. It turns out she was allergic to ammonia.

THAT'S WHY: Before experimenting, you need to test the skin and see how your body reacts.

Also, dyes with ammonium have a big disadvantage - they penetrate deep into the hair and change its structure. And since the PH of the dye is very high, it will damage the sebaceous glands of the scalp, and the hair will become .

In addition, ammonia negatively affects melanin (this is a protein that is responsible for the natural color of hair) and each subsequent dyeing with ammonia dye will give a new color.


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Many women who are dissatisfied with the condition of their hair after dyeing begin to look for an alternative to ammonia dyes. Since harmless henna and basma are not suitable for everyone, fashionable ammonia-free paints are coming to the fore.

They have a number advantages:

Firstly, due to the absence of ammonium and reduced peroxide content, the hair pigment is practically not destroyed. Therefore, the color change occurs painlessly, and you can always have time to return to your native natural color.

Secondly, the paint is applied more evenly, no differences in shades after coloring, as this happens after ammonia paints.

Ammonia-free paints are good for tinting.

Third, the hair is not dry, it is moisturized, cast with a natural shine, have a natural look.

AND, fourthly, such paint when applied does not have a strong odor.

However, ammonia-free paints are not so ammonia-free. Since the ammonium in them is simply replaced with other chemical compounds. Such as: ethanolamine, resorcinol, diaminobenzene, methyltoluene and other parabens.

These substances are not much better than ammonia in terms of their harmful effects on hair.

Also ammonia-free paints have a number of other disadvantages:

They stay on the hair much less and are gradually washed off with each hair wash. After only 6-7 times, chestnut color appears in brunettes and

Also, ammonia-free dye is ineffective against, and it cannot lighten dark hair in one or two times.

It's no secret that we women are very changeable natures. Today we want to be a platinum blonde, and tomorrow we dream of becoming a curly brown-haired woman. We also fight seasonal depression or bad mood with the help of coloring. On Few people decide to radically change their image, but changing the shade is quite possible. In order not to add stress to the hair itself and not to rely on either beauty or safety, you need to approach the choice of hair dye with all responsibility.

Permanent hair dyes contain ammonia. It is this component that helps the coloring pigment to penetrate as deeply as possible into the hair structure and retain

stay in it for a long period of time. Paint for

hair without ammonia (Ammonia Free is often indicated on packages), rather, tinting or tint, since the pigment envelops the hair without destroying the elastic components.
It gives the hair extra shine, provides elasticity and volume to the hairstyle.

Ammonia-free dyes are ideal for those who love experiments, who at the same time care about the health of their hair, choosing proven brands and manufacturers.

And the question immediately arises: if ammonia-free hair dye is the best, then why don’t all salons switch to these? Gentle paints do not provide a radical change in image, allowing a change in shade by 1-2 tones. They are less durable, but more expensive, and do not cover gray hair well. In addition, these paints often have a limited palette of shades.

Before you make your choice, you should find out for yourself which ammonia-free hair dye is best for you?, household or professional.

Each manufacturer of ammonia-free paint line presents his own formula, with the help of which the dye of this brand holds the coloring pigment on the hair.

You need to choose:

  • According to the wallet. The choice is very wide.
  • Feels like it. give more predictable results.
  • According to the condition of the hair. Hair has its own structure and its own history of coloring.
  • By tube volume. If you have long hair, it is better to take extra.

Review of manufacturers of the most popular brands

Hair dye Fito Color


Volume: 100 ml.
Time of action: 30-40 minutes.
Palette: 15 shades.
Part includes natural oils and plant extracts.

What the manufacturer promises: High-quality gentle coloring with a lamination effect.

Reviews of hair dye without ammonia Fitocolor

Valentina, 45 years old

I have long come to terms with my gray hair, but I try to maintain the blonde with the help of dyes. I tried Fitocolor paint several years ago and use it all the time. What pleases me is that there is absolutely no irritation of the scalp, although this often happened with other paints.

Expert comment: Many paint manufacturers produce products to prevent dry scalp. But if you are completely satisfied with this paint, then you can do without them.

Irina, 27 years old

I bought Fitocolor in a store, to be honest, I was fooled by the price. When I started mixing the ingredients at home, I was surprised: the resulting mixture was absolutely liquid. I somehow applied it to my hair and was still afraid that it would start to drip. I worried in vain. The allotted time passed, and the result (sunny blonde) pleasantly pleased me.

Expert comment: I think color is the main thing we expect from paint. If you are satisfied with the result, then you can adapt to this consistency in the future.

Svetlana, 32 years old

Early gray hair doesn’t make me happy at all, I try to make my shade lighter. Recently I experimented with Fitocolor paint. In general, I liked the result, the color turned out to be quite expected, but the gray roots peek out treacherously.

Expert comment: Perhaps the structure of your hair is such that soft, gentle dyes are not suitable for you. Try to get the result using ammonia-free paint from the professional line.

Ammonia-free hair dye Estel (Estel Sense De Luxe)


Volume: 60 ml.
Time of action: 25 minutes.
Palette: 140 shades.
Oil paint avocado and olives. There is a ruler for softly covering gray hair.

What the manufacturer promises: The bright color lasts for a long time (up to 25 washes). The paint is economical to use.

Reviews about Estelle paint

Ilona, ​​35 years old

After several years of lightening with expensive professional paints, I decided to switch to more affordable ones. I consulted with the seller for a long time, the palette is really impressive. The first thing that alerted me when applied was that the paint turned out to be darker than the previous ones. The result is that I am not a light brown blonde (as I wanted and as indicated on the packaging), but a light chestnut. After a few weeks the color faded unevenly. This concluded the experiments.

Expert comment: The color pigments in your previous paint may have affected the coloring. Before changing brands, it is recommended to do a test on a small strand of hair to check exactly how the new product will work.

Tatyana, 22 years old

I've been using it for about a year and have never regretted it. When applied, a rather strong smell is felt, which is surprising since the paint is ammonia-free. But my hair looks great even after coloring it twice a month.

Expert comment: The manufacturer has a very rich line of masks for all hair types. Even if you are satisfied with the result, it is worth making maintenance masks.

Oksana. 33 years

While applying the paint, a few drops got on the skin, I didn’t notice it right away, and then washing it off turned out to be problematic.

Expert comment: Paint from skin can be washed off with a solution of soda and water. Take a teaspoon of baking soda and dilute it with water until it becomes a paste. Apply paint to the stain and scrub a little.

Ammonia-free hair dye L'Oreal Casting Crème Gloss


Volume: 48 ml.
Time of action: 20 minutes.
Palette: 28 shades.
There is a special line to maintain blonde.

What the manufacturer promises: The innovative formula does not dry out the scalp. Suitable for overgrown roots and hair damaged by curling.

Reviews of L'Oreal ammonia-free hair dye

Natalya, 26 years old

After the summer holiday I decided to give my hair a rest. I bought a heavy package (obviously so that clients understood what they were paying for) and painted it myself. What to say? She does work. Although a little expensive, the effect, as they say, is obvious.

Expert comment: Gentle cream paints are beneficial at any time of the year. In summer, hair is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, in winter it deteriorates in dry rooms. Long cold periods and wearing hats make hair thin, so you always need to help it.

Irina 35 years old

Once upon a time, I worked for a distributor of the L’Oreal brand. I remember how the coaches came and introduced us to new products. And since then, I have gained such respect for these products that I always use them, and their ammonia-free paint has no competition for me at all.

Ammonia is a chemical that produces harmful fumes and can cause burns (if your skin is sensitive). Ammonia-free hair dye provides safe and gentle coloring. Ammonia is also a cheap brightener because it contains hydrogen peroxide.

Is it possible to dye your hair with ammonia-free dye?

Ammonia-free paint has its disadvantages and advantages. Such products are not suitable for all women, as they do not cover gray hair and overgrown roots well. Due to the use of ammonia-free dye, the hair may be dyed unevenly, especially if it has already been dyed with an ammonia product.

Advantages of ammonia-free paints:

  • absence of a sharp, unpleasant odor;
  • gentle coloring that does not injure curls or scalp;
  • a large palette of colors (ammonia products are still the leader in this regard);
  • no contraindications.

Professional paint without ammonia is not cheap. No matter how high-quality such a product is, it still will not give long-term results. Coloring produced with an ammonia-free product lasts no more than 2-3 weeks. Products that do not contain ammonia also do not allow you to lighten your hair several tones at a time.

Is ammonia-free hair dye harmful?

Before using any paint, you need to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, you first need to apply the product to any area of ​​the skin, and then to a thin strand of hair. This procedure will help to avoid unpleasant incidents in the future.

Professional products that do not contain ammonia are not harmful to hair. They can be used by pregnant and lactating women. A product automatically becomes harmful if it contains toxic components (Syoss Oleo Intense).

How does painting with paint without ammonia work?

Hair coloring

Light shades of ammonia-free paint are not intended for dark hair. If a woman wants to change from a brunette to a blonde, she will need to bleach her hair first. But the lightening procedure noticeably spoils the condition of the curls, so the positive effect of an ammonia-free dye will not be noticeable. In such situations, dye without ammonia is required in order not to further injure the hair.

Ammonia opens up hair pores, causing hair to become unruly and frizzy. After using ammonia-free products, the hair structure does not change.

Correct staining with a gentle product should proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. Dye is applied to unwashed hair. At the same time, there should be no other products (gels, varnishes, mousses) on the curls. First, the product should be distributed over the roots, and after 10-15 minutes, applied along the entire length of the hair.
  2. The product should not be washed off for 30-40 minutes. The exact time depends on the desired shade: if a woman wants to get a bright, intense color, she needs to keep the product on longer.
  3. Finally, you need to apply a nourishing balm to your curls. It is highly recommended to let your hair dry naturally to keep it shiny and frizz-free.

The dye will work faster if you wrap your head in a towel (after putting on a special plastic cap).

How quickly does ammonia-free paint wash off?

Paints without ammonia wash off quickly, within a month at most. Some products, like Garnier, don't stay on the hair at all. A high-quality and professional product without ammonia lasts a little less than ammonia paint. You can tint your hair with a gentle product constantly, as it will not cause harm.

If you make a kind of rating of products, then the leading positions will be taken by products from Kapous, Matrix, Estel. They are durable and their use is not limited to simple coloring. With these dyes you can beautifully tint your hair without radically changing the shade. You can see what shades Matrix has prepared for blondes, brown-haired women and brunettes.

Review of paints from the best manufacturers

Where can I buy? Below is a list of ammonia-free paints that are popular among the fair sex. To purchase, you can go to the manufacturer’s official website. Professional products (Kapous, Matrix) can also be found in professional cosmetics stores. You can see what they look like in the photo.

Syoss Oleo Intense

Hair dye Syoss Oleo Intense

The manufacturer states that Syos Oleo Intense contains various vitamins and oils. The composition actually contains useful substances, including argon oil, which nourishes the hair. But the product has one significant drawback: the presence of toxic components. The product contains sulfates (SLS), linalool (a substance that can cause dermatitis), aminophenol. Ammonia paint may be much safer than Syoss Oleo Intense.

The product is not recommended for women with hypersensitive skin, or for those whose hair is in poor condition. Based on customer reviews, we can conclude that the paint is not durable, weakly covers gray hair and can dry out the curls. Its price varies from 286 to 409 rubles.

Estel Sense De Luxe

Estel Sense De Luxe hair dye

Estelle is a high-quality and popular brand in the beauty industry. Products manufactured by this company are used in almost all hairdressing salons. Estel Sense De Luxe is also distinguished by pleasant quality and high durability. The bright pigment is washed out in 3-4 weeks, but the shade lasts up to 2 months. Using the product you can carry out both full coloring and tinting.

In order to tint your hair, you need to keep the dye on for no more than 15-20 minutes.

Estel Sense De Luxe is a good, gentle dye that is suitable for weakened, thin hair. The product contains keratin and vitamins, so the product strengthens and restores curls. The average cost is 270 rubles.

Matrix Socolor Beauty

Hair dye Matrix Socolor Beauty

The professional coloring product Matrix Socolor Beauty is distinguished by a rich palette of shades and good durability. Matrix hair products are used in salons. This Italian company has long established itself in the beauty industry.

Matrix Socolor Beauty paint has a significant advantage - it is suitable for covering gray hair. The composition of the product is distinguished by the presence of 3 healthy oils: burdock, olive and jojoba. The product contains R ceramides, which protect the scalp and make hair stronger. Costs from 336 to 505 rubles.

Matrix Color Sync

Matrix Color Sync hair dye

Matrix Color Sync tinting cream paint is great not only for coloring, but also for home lamination. The palette contains a colorless product that makes curls shiny and smooth. The paint also contains nourishing oils and R ceramides (substances obtained artificially from natural ingredients). The product is suitable for lifeless, dull hair. Covers gray hair well. Price – 620 rubles.


Hair dye Londa

The Londa company produces budget hair products. The ammonia-free paint palette contains both light and dark shades. These products are not of high quality, but they are in an affordable price range. Ammonia-free products from Londa can dry out your hair and do not provide shine or silkiness. Not suitable for initially dry and lifeless hair. Light shades from the palette contain an oxidizing agent (hydrogen peroxide), which is a derivative of ammonia. The cost varies from 270 to 350 rubles.


Hair dye Kapous Magic Keratin Non Ammonia

Kapus is a company that produces professional hair products. Kapous has a popular paint palette called Non Ammonia. They contain various nourishing and restorative oils (jojoba, argon wood) and vitamins. Non Ammonia product does not damage the hair at all. The line includes a large palette of shades. The products are also paraben and SLS free. Paints from Kapus are well suited for both home and salon coloring. The average price is 300 rubles.

Garnier Color & Shine

Hair dye Garnier Color & Shine

An oil-based dye that perfectly covers gray hair and gives bright pigment to the hair. Garnier Color & Shine nourishes curls, making them silky and shiny. The paint is suitable for experiments. Some women use it to correct an unsuccessful result after staining with Tonic. This product from Garnier is good in everything except durability. The bright color will last no more than 2 weeks, after which it will gradually begin to fade. Garnier Color & Shine contains nourishing oils and cranberry extract. The composition is natural and harmless, perhaps that is why the pigment is washed out so quickly. The cost of Garnier is approximately 200 rubles.

Schwarzkopf Nectra Color

Schwarzkopf Nectra Color hair dye

The Schwarzkopf company positions the Nectra Color line of cream paints as durable and harmless. The pigment really takes a long time to wash out of the curls (within a month), while the product itself does not contain ammonia or derivatives. The palette is sparse, light colors may not apply evenly. Dark shades are of the highest quality and excellent pigmentation. In general, the product is suitable for women who want to dye their hair black or chestnut. The product contains bio-oils and flower nectar.


Hair dye Krasa Faberlic

The Faberlic company produces products for the body, face and hair. The company has a line of permanent ammonia-free cream paints. Ammonia-free products from Faberlic exude the smell of cheap ammonia paint. This is the first point that is alarming. After dyeing and during it, your head may tingle. This skin reaction also indicates an unnatural composition.


Hair dye L"Oreal CASTING Creme Gloss

Ammonia-free paint from L'Oreal is called CASTING Creme Gloss. The palette contains very attractive shades. The products contain both natural components (royal jelly, oils) and chemical ones. Casting Creme Gloss won't harm your hair, but it won't make it any better either. The main care effect comes from the balm contained in the set. Coloring products from the ammonia-free line do not cover gray hair well. The product is not bad, but is only suitable for women with relatively healthy hair. Approximate cost: 500 rubles.

In general, ammonia-free paints are a good solution for people with hypersensitive scalp. And also for those who simply do not want to spoil their hair and change its structure.

Women often experiment with their appearance. Nowadays, radically changing your image and turning from a burning brunette into a dazzling blonde or simply painting over your gray hair is not a problem. For those who regularly resort to coloring, the ideal option would be ammonia-free hair dye, since it has the most gentle properties.

The use of aggressive dyes spoils the hair, it becomes dry and lifeless. As an alternative, cosmetics manufacturers have developed a series of ammonia-free dyes that not only change hair color, but also provide deep professional care. In our article we will present an overview of the most popular ammonia-free paints and talk about their advantages and disadvantages.

Conventional hair dyes contain ammonia, which ensures deep penetration of the coloring pigment into the hair structure. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a lasting effect and maintain a bright and rich color for a long time. But ammonia is too aggressive; it damages the surface of the hair shaft, making it fragile and weak. In addition, ammonia can penetrate through the pores of the skin and have a toxic effect on the body, causing irritation and allergic reactions. The harmful effects are enhanced by hydrogen peroxide, which discolors the natural pigment of the hair and causes it to become dry and brittle.

Professional hair dyes without ammonia act carefully, prevent damage and have a minimal traumatic effect. These products contain natural oils, vitamins and plant extracts that enhance the coloring pigment and envelop each hair, creating a protective film that prevents damage.

Ammonia-free dyes protect curls from negative external influences, help strengthen the roots, and prevent drying and depletion of hair. They contain much less hydrogen peroxide, as a result, after dyeing, the strands look vibrant and shiny, retain a healthy structure and well-groomed appearance.

  1. Among the disadvantages of ammonia-free products, users indicate an unstable coloring result. The brightness of the color is lost after 4-6 shampoos. But the safety of the product allows you to use this dye without harm to your hair much more often, and the desired shade can be maintained by regularly tinting your curls.
  2. Another drawback of the product is the uneven distribution of color, so it is better not to use this paint at home, but to entrust the dyeing procedure to a professional hairdresser.
  3. Ammonia-free paints do a worse job of covering gray hair, since without the influence of aggressive substances, the coloring pigment has difficulty penetrating the structure of gray hair and is quickly washed out. In addition, such products are much more expensive than conventional permanent paints, which is an important factor, since they have to be used much more often.
  4. The use of chemical-free dyes will not allow you to effectively lighten dark hair; at best, you will be able to change the color by 2-3 tones, no more. So, if you want to turn from a brunette to a blonde, you will have to choose a different coloring option.


A good hair dye without ammonia allows you to carry out the dyeing procedure in the most gentle way. Large manufacturers of cosmetic products have developed unique patented formulas that provide the desired effect, that is, they carefully color the hair while maintaining its health and preserving its structure.

Active substances ensure the distribution of coloring pigment, mineral oils create a protective film and, in combination with plant extracts and vitamins, provide nutrition, hydration and strengthening of hair. As a result, the strands acquire a glossy shine, look well-groomed, smooth and silky.

Such paints are quite safe, but they still contain chemicals, without which the painting procedure is impossible. Therefore, along with the dye, manufacturers include special balms in the packaging that eliminate any negative effects and protect the strands from overdrying. The balms contain nourishing and conditioning additives, making hair look strong, voluminous and healthy.

Ammonia-free pigment mixtures are produced by all well-known cosmetic brands; you can buy such a product both in a specialized store and in a regular supermarket. If you decide to change your image, then before the first dyeing it is better to consult with a specialist who will help you choose the appropriate shade depending on the structure and condition of your hair. For our part, we will try to help with the choice, and present to your attention an overview of the most popular and effective ammonia-free paints.

The best hair dyes without ammonia

The first ammonia-free paint was created by specialists from the famous Schwarzkopf brand, so we’ll start our review with this company.

Hair dye without ammonia Schwarzkopf enjoys well-deserved popularity, two products became the top sellers: Essential Color and Perfect Mousse, which collected the largest number of positive reviews.

Essential Color

The paint palette of this series consists of 20 shades, so the consumer can always choose a product to suit their taste. The coloring products contain extracts of lychee, white tea and mineral oils, which provide hair with softness, moisture and vibrant shine.

The paint has a rich aroma with fruity notes and a soft effect, allowing you to cover from 30 to 100% of gray hair, depending on the chosen shade. Included with the dye is a balm-conditioner with a vitamin complex, which provides intensive nutrition and hydration to colored hair.

Perfect Mousse (mousse paint)

The line of coloring products also consists of 20 shades. This paint is durable and has a special foam-like consistency, making it easy to apply yourself at home. If the product is distributed unevenly on the hair, then excess dye can be easily washed off without the use of special products.

The products contain orchid extract and soy proteins, which provide a powerful restorative effect and have a beneficial effect even on very dry hair. Products in this series do not have a strong odor, do not cause irritation or allergic reactions, and provide softness and shine to the curls.

Hair dye without ammonia L'Oreal

The line of Casting Gloss products from the famous French company is presented in 26 colors, ranging from light blondes to blue-black shades. Products from this manufacturer are distinguished by a pleasant, delicate aroma, which contains a hint of wild berries.

Ammonia-free dye from L'Oreal copes well with gray hair without discoloring the natural shade of the curls. In addition, the dye contains natural oils and reflective particles, which give the hair a vibrant shine.

Hair dye without ammonia Garnier

The products in this series are created specifically for tinting, but many prefer to use them as a stand-alone product. Since tinting does not require numerous shades, the product palette consists of only 16 primary colors.

The use of dyes allows you to enhance the natural color of your curls and make it brighter, more vibrant and saturated. Hair becomes soft, voluminous and shiny, easy to comb and looks beautiful and well-groomed. The composition of the paints is enriched with argan oil, cranberry extract and vitamin complex.

The manufacturer claims that the products in this series are capable of providing 100% gray coverage, regardless of which shade was chosen. The coloring pigments are durable and retain rich hair color for 5 weeks.

The Faberlic paint palette is based on popular natural shades (light brown, golden, beige, copper, chocolate). The product covers gray hair well and gives an even and rich color to the strands. The dye does not disturb the structure of the hair, gives it a glossy shine, smoothness and softness.

Plant extracts of aloe, lotus, sunflower, gingko biloba and natural oils reliably protect curls and help nourish, moisturize and strengthen hair. Manufacturers claim that this coloring product ideally combines restoration and coloring functions in one procedure, which allows the product to be used for any type of hair and can be used on sensitive and irritated scalps.

Using the dye allows you to lighten your hair by 3 tones at once and reliably cover gray hair. At the same time, hair with different initial colors and heterogeneous structure acquires a perfectly even and rich tone.

Wella's line of professional coloring products has the richest palette of more than 50 different shades. The products are quite durable, but manufacturers warn that when covering gray hair, their volume should not exceed 50%.

The products in this series include keratins and wax, which help strengthen and maintain the structure of the hair, giving it strength and vibrant shine. In addition, wax reliably envelops the hair, providing volume and density and helping to maintain rich color.

Vitamin complexes and natural oils provide protection, nutrition and hydration and literally revive exhausted and lifeless hair damaged as a result of aggressive lightening.

Ammonia-free paint Londacolor

The line of products is designed for intense, long-lasting hair coloring and tinting, and has a wide range of colors (up to 90 shades). The emphasis is mainly on cool shades; in the product range you can even find lilac and blue tones.

The coloring product has a gentle effect, but can radically change the hair color. It covers gray hair well and is durable. At the same time, the use of dye allows you to carefully care for your hair, preserving its structure, providing strengthening, nutrition and hydration.

The variety of color palette allows you to realize any fantasies, and the smallest microspheres with pigments penetrate the hair structure and not only provide coloring, but also contain reflective components that give the strands a glossy shine and rich multi-dimensional color.

The specially selected consistency of the paint does not allow it to spread over the hair; it gently envelops the strands due to the content of fruit waxes and keratins. These substances even out the structure of porous and damaged curls and provide durable and uniform coloring.

How to choose and use correctly?

Watch the video: How to choose hair dye? The truth about ammonia-free paints

The desire of women to always look beautiful often pushes them to various experiments with their appearance. In addition to makeup and wardrobe, ladies of all ages pay great attention to their hair: care products, haircuts, styling and, of course, coloring. Even in ancient times, there were various methods that made it possible to change the color of hair. Since then, progress has stepped far forward. The abundance of modern compositions gives women a choice not only in a variety of shades, but also in the approach to the procedure itself. Companies specializing in the production of hair dyes offer a wide range of products that meet the most demanding requirements. More recently, imported dyes were considered the best. Today, thanks to the introduction of new technologies and strict control over quality and safety, Russian brands of hair dyes can compete with many well-known “foreigners”.

  • brand reputation based on the number of positive ratings on the Internet;
  • quality of products (composition, durability, ease of application);
  • reviews from professionals working with dyes in beauty salons;
  • comments from women who performed the coloring procedure themselves.

TOP 10 best hair dye brands

Before choosing products from a particular brand, you need to clearly understand what result you want to achieve. There are several levels of coloring compositions:

  • semi-resistant or gentle - this type usually includes those products that do not contain aggressive components: ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Such dyes are considered harmless to hair, so they are suitable for people who do not want to jeopardize the health of their locks, or for those who naturally have dry, brittle hair and do not tolerate stress well;
  • persistent (ammonia) – provide the longest lasting effect. They are used mainly to completely cover their own pigment and for high-quality coverage of gray hair. This is the most common line of coloring products that can be found in the catalog of most hair dye manufacturers;
  • natural ones are the safest, but with their own nuances. Almost everyone is familiar with the beneficial properties of vegetable dyes, but not everyone knows about the disadvantages. Firstly, henna and basma cannot be covered with anything; you will have to wait for them to be completely washed out. Secondly, the meager choice of colors is unlikely to please those who like experimenting. Thirdly, the process of dyeing with such compositions is quite inconvenient and difficult to handle on your own;
  • professional - specially developed preparations, where the master himself decides how much oxidizing agent needs to be mixed with pigment in order to achieve the shade required by the client. Nowadays, an increasing number of women want to purchase such products for home use. Having caught these aspirations, manufacturers are meeting halfway by producing instructions that are understandable for non-professionals and easy-to-use dyes.


Catalog of the best natural dyes
Country: USA
Rating (2019): 4.6

RAINBOW RESEARCH is a family company founded in 1976 and specializing in the production of exclusively natural products for human beauty and health. The company does not test its products on animals; it produces limited quantities of products containing only natural ingredients (plant extracts). The brand does not use chemicals or pesticides in its production; henna from RAINBOW is made from specially dried leaves of the non-thorny lawsonia. After production, the powder is placed in vacuum packaging, because otherwise it will quickly deteriorate. In addition to lavsonia, experts add other natural additives to henna, such as chamomile flowers, to obtain different shades.

The products of this manufacturer can easily be called the best in their ability to nourish and moisturize hair. In our rating, this is the only brand whose dyes can be used not only to improve the aesthetics of a hairstyle, but also to improve the health of curls. Henna-coated strands do not fade for 2–4 weeks, all this time receiving a natural supply of bioactive components from the natural pigment. The downside is the low availability of the drug. RAINBOW RESEARCH products are difficult to find even in specialty stores; most often they can be purchased online, directly from chiropractors or in beauty salons.


An excellent selection of creative shades for the young and stylish
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.5

Specialists from the domestic company Kapous, which produces hair cosmetics, were among the first to develop a line of gentle care products. Among them are durable dyes with a minimum percentage of ammonia, which not only change color, but also effectively take care of curls. Since the development and testing of products is carried out taking into account all Russian and European standards, products arrive on the counter of the quality of which buyers should have no doubt. That is why paints from Kapus are popular not only among professional craftsmen, but are also very popular with ordinary women who rarely visit expensive salons.

The main advantages of paints from this company include:

  • saturation and brightness of hue;
  • long-term effect lasting for 4 – 8 weeks;
  • complete coverage of gray hair;
  • protection from ultraviolet rays.

One of the best and most popular developments of the brand today is the Studio Professional line, aimed at the tastes of modern youth. The dyes in this series are distinguished by a more creative selection of shades, as well as the presence of natural ingredients such as ginseng extract and rice proteins. It is worth noting the budget cost of the products - the price of a 100 ml bottle does not exceed 200 rubles.


Optimal balance between results and safety
Country: France
Rating (2019): 4.7

The history of GARNIER production began in the 60s of the twentieth century, when the first hair dyes produced under this brand went on sale. The main characteristic that has always been a priority for the company is the maximum (as far as possible) naturalness of the components. The technologies used in the manufacture of coloring products made it possible to achieve the ideal balance between color durability and safety for skin and hair, as a result of which the legendary Garnier Color Naturals was released in 2004.

The dyes of this line perfectly cope with their task, providing a bright, rich and uniform color even where gray hair reaches 70 - 90 percent. Garnier is especially preferable for ladies with blond hair or for those who want to acquire this color. The palette includes thirty different shades, most of which are given to the sunny range. Brown-haired women and brunettes should not be upset; among the shades there are five of the most common dark options. A special dye formula, including avocado, shea butter and olive oil, helps hair maintain and increase softness and shine.

According to reviews from professional colorists, GARNIER paints meet all the stated parameters – they evenly cover their own pigment, neutralize gray hair, do not dry out hair, have a medium-intensity scent and ensure color durability for up to 6 weeks.


The best professional coloring at home
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.7

If you are used to dyeing your hair yourself, but still want to get a professional result, then be sure to pay attention to the Syoss company. Despite their budget, products from the Russian brand have all the properties of a salon class. Now, even if you don’t have time to go to a hairdresser, you have the opportunity to get your head in order at home without harming your hair and getting an excellent and lasting effect. The composition of Syoss dyes includes many useful and nourishing components that provide complete care to your curls. A wide range of different shades allows you to choose the right color for every girl, be it brunette, brown-haired, blonde or red-haired.

The paint from this manufacturer is often used by professional stylists to harmoniously complement a woman’s look. The SYOSS palette includes 4 series. This:

  • main line of basic colors;
  • Mixing Colors – 12 trendy shades;
  • ProNature – with aloe vera and ginkgo biloba extract;
  • Oleo Intense – with activator oil to protect the brightness of the color.

The creamy texture ensures convenient application, which allows even a beginner to use SYOSS dyes. The dye thoroughly colors, leaving no stains or bald spots, so that the chosen hair color turns out to be the most uniform and rich.


Rich palette of natural shades
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

Perfume and cosmetic products of the domestic brand ESTEL are in stable demand not only in the Russian Federation, but also among residents of other countries. This fact is confirmed by more than 150 successfully operating branches in the CIS and neighboring countries. Today, the hair dyes produced by the company fully meet all European standards and delight customers with their low prices. ESTEL professional products have a number of additional functions that provide:

  • nutrition and strengthening of the hair follicle;
  • UV protection;
  • the ability to obtain the desired shade by mixing several pigments;
  • absence of aggressive elements in the composition.

A rich palette of natural shades (over 50) can be found in the special line of dyes for gray hair Estel de Luxe Silver. These products belong to the category of salon preparations, due to which they are of higher quality. An easy-to-use dye from Estelle will ensure complete elimination of gray hair, and thanks to its thoughtful formula, it guarantees longevity and color saturation. The product has a light texture, which helps to distribute it evenly throughout the strands without fear of spreading. The dyeing procedure carried out according to the instructions makes it possible to obtain the color exactly as stated.

5 LONDA Professional

Large range of colors for women of any age
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 4.8

The LONDA company has been familiar to consumers since the 60s. At the beginning of this century, the brand became part of the transnational concern Procter & Gamble, gained worldwide fame, and still holds a leading position in the domestic beauty market. Until 2004, dyes from Londa were produced exclusively in mass market lines, that is, they were intended for home use. After launching the production of professional products, the company reached a new level. The Londacolor series of paints is one of the most popular and beloved by customers. Its formula is enriched with lipids and microspheres, which provide hair with smoothness, shine and color saturation.

Women who dye their hair to disguise gray hair appreciate the pigments from the budget Single series. These paints are designed specifically for older ladies, taking into account the specifics of age-related changes. The tint palette consists of 29 tones, and each of them guarantees excellent coloring and lasting results. Experienced hairdressers advise younger girls to use Naturals line dyes made from plant ingredients. As you can see, the catalog of drugs from LONDA Professional allows you to choose a product not only depending on your visual preferences, but also the one that best suits your age.


The company with the fastest professional growth
Country: USA
Rating (2019): 4.9

The company was created at the end of the last century, and already in 2000 it became part of the world famous cosmetics group L`Oreal, becoming one of the fastest growing brands in its segment. A special feature of MATRIX products is the use of self-adjusting pigments, which ensure the desired result is achieved with high precision.

The company's technologists took care to make the dyeing process as harmless as possible. They developed four main areas:

  • beauty – a line of cream-colors with the Cera-Oil caring complex;
  • Color Sync – ammonia-free dye with ceramides;
  • ColorGraphics 2 – delicate American highlighting;
  • V-Light – powder lightening up to 7 tones.

All brand dyes are capable of giving curls a rich natural shade, completely removing gray hair and maintaining the brightness of the color for several weeks. Thanks to the content of conditioning substances and oils in the composition, better care is provided during painting. Despite the fact that Matrix is ​​a professional product, it is not at all difficult to use it at home. The comfortable texture promotes even distribution, and the detailed instructions included with each dye detail each step.


Excellent quality paints at affordable prices
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 4.9

WELLA paints are one of the most affordable products in the luxury product category. Their price on average does not exceed 600 rubles. per pack, and the quality pleases with stable durability and gentle treatment of hair. You can purchase dyes of this brand in any cosmetic mass market. The color palette includes such a wide range of shades that choosing the right option for your hairstyle will not be difficult for women with any color type.

One of the best WELLA products is the Color Touch line of gentle hair dyes. Made in cream form, this demi-permanent color is considered a first in its properties. The durability of this product is somewhere in the middle between strong dyes and tint products. Wella Color Touch is based on an ammonia-free formula, rich in nutrients - wax and liquid keratin. Thanks to the presence of natural ingredients, the dye does not harm the hair, but on the contrary, makes it well-groomed, silky and full of bright color. The oxide used in the process allows it to retain moisture, resulting in additional density and volume.

All of the company's products are hypoallergenic and suitable for all hair types. Professional dyes perfectly cover gray hair, do not dry out the cuticle and keep the hair structure intact.


The most convenient way to apply
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 5.0

The oldest company in our ranking, whose production history goes back more than 120 years. During this time, the brand has grown from a small family business that owns a pharmacy store to a global authority in the field of cosmetic hair products.

Today, the company’s products are in demand and loved not only in their homeland, but throughout the world. Despite this, SCHWARZKOPF is constantly developing new formulas and technologies, striving to make its paints of the highest quality and comfortable to use. An example of the best result is the gentle Perfect Mousse hair dye, released in the form of a mousse. This new product almost immediately won the title of the best product for convenient and quick coloring. The procedure for applying air foam actually takes only 5 – 7 minutes, which is significantly less than products from other manufacturers. At the same time, the mousse does not require the use of a brush for uniform distribution. It is enough just to comb your curls with a fine comb so that the dye covers every hair. Along with convenience, the advantage of Perfect Mousse is the absence of ammonia and other aggressive substances, which has a very beneficial effect on the general condition of the hair structure.

According to reviews from professionals, the use of coloring products from SCHWARZKOPF guarantees 100% durability and increased shine, while keeping hair alive and healthy.


The best ammonia-free dyes
Country: France
Rating (2019): 5.0

The French company L'OREAL is a recognized leader in the production of premium cosmetics and care products. Paints of this brand meet all necessary requirements. They are easy to use, safe, provide excellent results and lasting effect. The combination of these qualities allows L’OREAL products to be widely used both in expensive hairdressing salons and at home.

A wide range of products makes it possible to choose a dye that meets the individual requirements of any woman. One of the most popular gentle cream colors is the Casting Creme Gloss line. The products in this series do not contain ammonia; instead, chemically active substances are used to make the dyeing process as harmless as possible to hair and skin. The composition also does not contain hydrogen peroxide, which often spoils the hair structure. In addition, L'Oreal Casting is enriched with special royal jelly, which promotes deep nutrition of the strands. Due to this, the hair becomes soft, elastic and shiny, maintaining its brightness and color saturation for several weeks.