God is with us! Happy Great Victory Day! Congratulations on Victory Day Postcard I wish you victory

On May 9, young people from the association of Orthodox youth movements “St. George!”, the Orthodox St. Tikhon’s Humanitarian University and the Russian Orthodox University congratulated the veterans on Victory Day.

The congratulation took place in fulfillment of the words of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', who on May 2, after the end of the Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Resurrection of the Holy Intercession Stauropegial Convent, addressed young people: “I know that today there is a group of young people in the church. On the first day of Easter, I met with our youth activists in the city of Moscow. It was a great Easter joy for me to see these young faces. I know that the young people who are here will be here in connection with Victory Day with veterans, old people in need of help, who are not just waiting for congratulations on Victory Day, but who are waiting for healthy and young people to show solidarity, kindness, human participation... I bless you, my dear co-workers, to carry out this good deed and bring Easter joy to those who fought for the Motherland.”

Orthodox children, joined by many of their friends, relatives, and acquaintances, all over Russia today sincerely thanked the veterans who had passed through the years of the War and gave them small gifts.

In Moscow, young boys and girls split into two main groups and met in the morning in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill and near the walls of the Russian Orthodox University (RPU).

The first group of young people were dressed in military uniforms, modeled after the uniforms of the Second World War. They headed from the walls of the RPU towards Petrovka Street and towards Teatralnaya Square. The guys sang war songs, read poems and took pictures with veterans and passers-by. They gave flowers and holiday cards, pre-printed by the organizers. It is symbolic that postcards were distributed to everyone who wanted to congratulate veterans, starting on May 6 - the day of the Great Martyr St. George the Victorious.

The second group met in Victory Park, it was led by priest Philip Ilyashenko, deputy dean of the Faculty of History of PSTGU, Chairman of the Commission on Youth Affairs under the Diocesan Council of Moscow. They were also joined by PSTGU graduates, acquaintances from among the parish youth, and even children. Boys and girls presented flowers, cards and chocolate to veterans. Then they went to the walls of the Church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious on Poklonnaya Hill and performed a concert with military songs and dances, which they had been preparing for several months.

About two hundred spectators gathered for the concert, who happily sang along and danced with the guys. Then the young people headed to the city center, singing songs and congratulating passers-by on the holiday.

It was difficult to select Right words In order to express gratitude to the veterans, many of the guys were very worried. But the main thing is that they managed to show that the memory of the Victory is alive for the younger generation and will always be in the heart of everyone who loves their Motherland.


Congratulations on Victory Day to the readers of the portal “Orthodoxy and Peace” from the chairman of the editorial board of the portal, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko.

Dear brothers and sisters!

Victory Day is a holiday that, I think, leaves no one indifferent. I would like to remind you that in the distant and victorious year of 1945, Easter was on May 6, coinciding with the day of remembrance of St. George the Victorious. That is, our people won the victory on Easter.

The German people are a great people, a talented people. Let us at least remember that printing was invented in the 15th century by the German Johannes Gutenberg. It is difficult to find areas of culture, art, science, industry in which the German people would not make a significant contribution. These people were not godless - it is known that in German military equipment there were crosses, and on the soldiers’ buckles there was the inscription “Gott mit uns” (God is with us).

Nevertheless, the Soviet people won. As you know, since 1917 the government of our country has been fighting faith, so the Red Army was an atheistic army. But it was precisely this army, the Soviet people, that the Lord granted victory. This means that the German army, which did not formally deny God, essentially turned out to be against God, and the formally atheistic Red Army turned out to be pleasing to God and faithful to God. Because the generosity that the Russian people have shown is unprecedented.

Unfortunately, we know little about the war from this point of view. But remember the chorus of the famous song “Get up, huge country...”: “Let the noble rage boil like a wave - there is a people’s holy war.” Tell me, please, can something be sacred for materialists? This is not a term from materialistic vocabulary, but from church vocabulary.

Or let us remember “Vasily Terkin”: “The battle is holy and just, the battle to the death is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth.” Amazing! How the people perceived both the song and Tvardovsky’s poem! And many other works about war examine it just as deeply. For the Russian people, this was truly a struggle for faith. Of course, “with dark fascist force,” but you can’t build anything on hatred - irresistible force can only come from love.

The Lord says: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). The point is not how many prayers you read and bows, but whether you can give your life, as Christ gave it for the life of the world?

So the Russian people gave it for the life of the world. It’s scary to think what would await the world if the “dark fascist force” had won: gas chambers, genocide, perhaps a very well-fed life for those who remained, but an absolutely soulless, demonic life. It was against this demonic principle, the demonic spirit that stirred up in those terrible, tragic years, that the spirit of the Russian people rose, and it turned out to be pleasing to God. Victory in the Great Patriotic War is not just a victory over a strong enemy, but a victory of an essentially Christian spirit over a dark spirit.

On this great Victory, I sincerely congratulate, first of all, our dear veterans. May God grant you long life, and from us - deep sincere gratitude. Congratulations to those who survived this war as children, experiencing hunger, cold, horror and hardship, and to those who did not see the war. We should all remember it and be grateful to those who, under inhuman conditions, snatched victory from an exceptionally strong enemy. Happy Victory Day to everyone!

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We sincerely congratulate our readers, all Russians and simply EVERYONE on the 74th anniversary of our country’s victory over Nazi Germany. This is one of many similar events when Russia, at the cost of the lives of its citizens, without exaggeration, saved the whole world.

The notorious Europe often “helped” us in this noble mission: both in 1812 and in 1914, so it’s hard to even understand what good things we adopted from there in order to always be considered “developing” and catching up...

On this day, it is awkward for us to divide society into Old Believers and other faiths, because it was the victory of good over evil, because even the date coincides with the holiday.

Against the backdrop of the cities and country transformed for the holiday, the only sad thing is that, according to statistics, more than 70% of Europeans believe that Europe was liberated from the Nazis by the United States, and about 60% of modern Japanese think that the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima... by the USSR.

We, for our part, promise to tell the truth and only the truth, trying, like gold diggers, to find it in the muddy waters of information and the very difficult rock of Russian history.

On the occasion of the holiday, we offer a selection of materials prepared by us in 2015 together with the editors of our friendly Ural newspaper. Hurry up to see several stories told in the first person, as well as a very educational film about who really fought against us in the last century...

Old Believers cast tanks for the front at their own expense

An amazing fact is described in the book of the famous political figure Nikolai Ryzhkov, “The Economy of the Soviet Union during the Second World War,” published in 2010. The publication has nothing to do with the Old Believers, but contains one important fact, which was previously only occasionally voiced by some Ural Old Believers as a legend, since such information could not be preserved in official history...

“An interesting event happened in Sverdlovsk during the war,” writes the author. – A large batch of T-34 tanks, 32 vehicles in total, was bought by an artel of gold miners-Old Believers from Berezovsky (a satellite city of Yekaterinburg). They asked that crosses be painted on the tank turrets and the inscription: “God is with us!” So this unusual column passed through the city of Sverdlovsk”... Later the tanks were transferred to the front.

This quote was discovered and provided to the editors of the newspaper “Community” by a professor at the Ural Institute of Business Ivan LYAKHOV

Photo of the T-34 tank in Europe from the website http://foto-tankov.ru

Video break: who did we fight with?!

Coca-Cola Uber Alles. War is a good income for large corporations.
World-famous modern companies made money from the Second World War, not disdaining to work on two fronts. Material from the channel Poznavatelnoe.TV

About the first persons of Victory

Bits of history about the front-line Old Believers of the village of Pristan, collected by the editor of the Old Believer newspaper “Community” Maxim Gusev. Now there is only one Old Believer front-line soldier left on the Pristan, Sergiy Kolpakov, 92 years old...

To the front - at 16 years old

Mikhail Fadeevich Karavaev, born in 1925. I went to the front as a very young man. Was wounded twice. He received the second group of disability, but returned alive. He was chairman of the church community for 17 years and died in 2005.

Catacombs and partisans

Nifont Ivanovich Golyanov fought on the Southern Front. In Kerch I saw underground catacombs and partisans who fought there. Among them was pioneer intelligence officer Volodya Dubinin. The boy died, and Nifont Ivanovich said that everyone cried that day, without hiding their tears.
In 1945, the unit in which Golyanov served was sent to the Eastern Front, to the war with Japan. He returned home only in 1946 and lived another sixty years, dying on December 17, 2006.

"For victory over Japan"

He fought on the Eastern Front and Alexey Mikhailovich Kuleshov. He served from 1940 to 1946. He took part in battles with the Japanese and received the medal “For Victory over Japan” and the Order of the Patriotic War. After the war, returning to Pristan, he worked on a collective farm and state farm. Died in 1994.

Brother died in front of his brother

Brothers Salamatov Stepan and Ivan Fomichi fought in one unit. Stepan died in front of his brother. Their brigade held the heights under mortar fire. One of the mines hit Stepan directly. Ivan said in a letter to his family that they found only one leg from him.

Fire, smoke, roar of guns

Pavlin Nikiforovich Shevaldin fought at Stalingrad, on Mamayev Kurgan. Due to the constant shelling, days and nights were mixed up, the sky and the earth were not visible - continuous fire, smoke and the roar of guns. God saved me: I stayed alive and returned home. Died on April 7, 1999.

Almost a year in the hospital

Flegont Vasilievich Trubeev born in 1908. Called up for war in 1941. In the battle of Moscow he was wounded and sent to a hospital in Novosibirsk, where he spent eight months, after which he was commissioned and sent to the labor army in Pervouralsk, where he stayed until the end of the war. He returned disabled. He was awarded the Order of the Second World War and anniversary medals. Died in 2001.

Died... June 22, 1942

Ivan Illarionovich Utkin drafted into the war in 1941 and a year after it began, on June 22, 1942, he died and was buried in the Moscow region. His brother, Nikolai Illarionovich, also died near Moscow. Where and when is unknown.

From the first days at the front

Alexander Pavlovich Trubeev from the first days of the war - at the front. He returned wounded with a shrapnel under his heart and lived in constant danger with frequent heart attacks until he was 84 years old. All his life he actively helped the temple and the priests in repairs, construction, and various household works. He was a carpenter and joiner, a mason and a glazier - a jack of all trades. Died May 22, 2008.

Everyone fought and returned wounded, sick, disabled

Glushkov Lukoyan Sergeevich, Glushkov Nikifor Sergeevich, Bochkarev Platon Vasilievich, Malyshev Fadey Gerasimovich, Golyanov Nifont Ivanovich - all fought and returned wounded, sick, and disabled. Reposed in different years...
Ivan Stepanovich Syropyatov served in the army and was at the front until 1946.



Arkhipov Egor Emelyanovich died at the front.
Arkhipov Pavel Polikarpovich died at the front.
Bulatov Vasily Osipovich died near Leningrad.
Kashin Vasily Antonovich went missing in 1942.
Balashov Efim Kuzmich- died.
Glushkov Andrey Petrovich died at the front.
Balashovs Alexey, Peter and Yakov- died. No other reliable information about them was found.
Melekhov Ivan Kirillovich died near Moscow in 1941.