Congratulations on your 32nd wedding anniversary. What to give for a copper anniversary (32 wedding years). What to give if you are a guest

Copper wedding - 32 years. However, the date 7 years from the date of marriage also has exactly the same name. In the past, the 32nd wedding anniversary was not celebrated. But, as you know, manufacturers and sellers of all kinds of gift items do not sleep, and they simply could not leave such a moment without attention. Why a copper wedding? There is no exact answer to this question, but it is probably easier to sell copper souvenir coins than silver and gold ones. In the first ten years of wedding dates, a copper wedding symbolizes the strength and flexibility of relationships that will become precious in the future. And for this you need to pass the test of everyday life. After 32 years of living together, the spouses seem to be moving to a new level of relationship. By this time, adult children often live separately from their parents, and the “test of everyday life” must be repeated all over again.

Is 32nd wedding anniversary celebrated and, if so, how:

Copper wedding - 32 years of living together. The date is not round. To celebrate or not? Of course, organizing lavish celebrations every year, especially if the date is not an anniversary, is tiring. But if you wish, it is quite possible to gather your loved ones at home. A copper wedding is a celebration of home comfort, so it is advisable not to leave anywhere on this day. It’s also not worth inviting many guests. Only the closest, dearest ones. On this day, the heroes of the occasion must show what skillful hosts they are. Therefore, it is best to greet guests with a table set with homemade dishes. Spouses should cook them together.

The color of the holiday is light warm shades of red, red with an orange tint, which can be safely combined with white. It is not necessary to make the holiday luxurious. Wedding anniversary 32 years - cozy, modest. On a table covered with a white or copper-colored tablecloth with red patterns, there must be copper utensils. If you don’t have one in your house, then any metal one will do. Flower vases should also be made of metal. You can put any flowers, the main thing is that they are white, red and pink flowers. You can include several branches with small yellow or orange flowers in the bouquet. Small copper candlesticks with tea candles, metal salad bowls, fruit vases, salt and pepper shakers will look great on the table. Naturally, before putting copper household utensils on the table, you should rub them to a mirror shine. Then guests will be convinced that they have truly wonderful and attentive hosts. It’s great if the family has antique copper items that are passed down from generation to generation. They will become a real decoration and talisman of the holiday.

The hostess can wear copper jewelry if she has it. Red wine is a must on the table.

32 years of marriage... What to give to the heroes of the occasion, how to make them happy? Copper is a warm metal with excellent home energy. Gifts for spouses should also be warm and cozy.

Copper Anniversary Gifts:
  • Turk for brewing coffee along with coffee beans.
  • Beautiful copper tray. And if you also add a copper decanter or a jug with glasses as a gift, it will be an excellent luxurious gift.
  • Copper flower vase.
  • Copper candlesticks.
  • Samovar.
  • Copper spice set.
  • Various figures and souvenirs.
  • Large copper box for storing family valuables.
  • Commemorative medal made of copper.
  • Cookies or tea in a metal box.
  • Poems in honor of the heroes of the occasion to order. Congratulate the spouses on their wedding day. 32 years is a significant date.

Are there any customs associated with a copper wedding? It is believed that on this day spouses should exchange copper coins as a symbol of prosperity. But you can also please each other with pleasant gifts. Copper bells and bells will not only decorate the house, but, according to legend, their ringing will ward off evil spirits. You can exchange paired copper jewelry. If you believe folk medicine, they are not only beautiful, but also help maintain health for many years. In particular, copper bracelets normalize blood pressure. Treat each other with your best dishes. Have a romantic evening with red wine, which you can drink from copper glasses. And the holiday will be decorated with cozy candle lights in copper candlesticks.

And, of course, the most important gift to each other is mutual love, which will be preserved for many years to come.

Many are sure that 32 years of marriage is not a reason for celebration. For some reason, for the first twenty years from the date of marriage, every year a married couple carefully prepares for each wedding anniversary, and after thirty years, you see, non-round anniversaries are not celebrated. Why would this happen all of a sudden? The spouses have not become strangers; on the contrary, their union is now stronger than ever! How more years the couple lived in happy marriage, the more seriously people should take each other, because what they have created over so many years may also gradually disappear. Great way remind each other of your love, devotion and gratitude for happy years, celebrate everything. Their names by year will tell you what you need to pay attention to next year to make your relationship even better. It's time to find out what kind of wedding is 32 years old life together, what to give your soulmate and how to spend this day.

History and traditions of the thirty-second wedding anniversary

If you open the wedding calendar by year, the names of the 32nd wedding anniversary can only be found there among the French and Americans, so we will consider the symbolism of this date based on their views.

Copper - this is the kind of wedding 32 years later, after the wedding day, is celebrated by married couples in France.

And, by the way, this is the name used in the world by people who celebrate their wedding day for 32 years, observing traditions and symbolism. So, copper is considered a very useful metal in all respects. Besides the fact that copper is really valuable, it is also incredibly beautiful! No metal in the world has such a charming golden-pink hue! Copper is characterized by flexibility, softness, ductility and pliability - it is really pleasant to work with. The same can be said about the relationship between spouses at this stage of their life journey together. It seems that the family is already quite firmly on its feet, but everything can change at any moment due to the wrong actions of one of the spouses. And, despite the fact that marriage has already acquired its maximum value in the 32 years since the wedding, the spouses still have room to grow and still have to work on creating an ideal relationship, giving it the form that the husband and wife themselves consider ideal.

There are special traditions that are usually observed on the 32nd wedding anniversary:

  • The couple makes two hearts out of copper wire and connects them together.
  • If there are copper things in the house - figurines, jewelry and other interior items, then they are put in order, rubbed to a shine and put on display in a prominent place on this day.
  • Husband and wife exchange homemade copper wire rings and wear them next to their wedding rings. Good sign for the family - do not take off these rings throughout the day.

Americans, as always, have come up with their own wedding anniversary attribute. Automotive is what a wedding of 32 years of marriage is called in the United States of America. On a car wedding anniversary, it is customary here to rent a favorite brand of car and spend the whole day in it - driving around the city, visiting friends and relatives, and visiting memorable places. But more often than not, a married couple, along with their children and friends, goes by car away from the city limits to have a picnic.

It is not so important under what symbol the 32nd anniversary takes place. Whether it’s a copper wedding or a car wedding, it’s enough to remember that the main attribute of any anniversary celebration is love. The number 32 represents maturity and at the same time renewal, this is also worth paying attention to married couple in future.

What is customary to give for the thirty-second wedding anniversary?

It is advisable that the gift for the 32nd wedding anniversary be made of copper. Husband and wife can present each other with copper jewelry. By the way, for your thirty-second wedding anniversary you can give something that your other half has dreamed of for a long time, and the symbol of this date - a present made of copper - will become an attachment to the gift. Guests also have the choice of giving a copper figurine to the family celebrating a copper wedding. Or prepare a useful household item for a gift, which can be presented in a package secured with copper wire, from which you can even make a bow.

How to celebrate your thirty-second wedding anniversary

There are always a lot of ideas for celebrating a particular date. The main conditions for the event not only to take place, but also to be a success are excellent relationships in the family and good mood. You don't have to shell out a ton of money to throw a party for your significant other. The 32nd wedding anniversary does not require a magnificent celebration, and it is not relevant this time! A picnic, a joint trip to the cinema or theater, a family dinner - these are just a few options for a suitable way to spend this day.

Congratulations on your thirty-second wedding anniversary

Parents, friends, children and people who were witnesses at the wedding should congratulate the family on its next anniversary. Deficiency greeting cards today it is not observed, therefore, in the absence of your own imagination, you can use other people’s ideas. In addition, a lot beautiful words for congratulations on your 32nd wedding anniversary in verse can be found on the World Wide Web. But spouses may not limit themselves to a congratulatory speech. A surprise for a loved one is an act that speaks about sincere feelings better than any words.

Many people have heard about round wedding anniversaries, but not everyone knows about other wedding dates. What do family 32 years symbolize, and what kind of wedding is celebrated on this day?

It is worth noting that in different countries The symbolism of marital anniversaries is not always the same, although the meanings of round dates most often coincide.

For example, for the British, 6 years from the date of marriage are symbolized by sugar, for the French - chypre, and for the Russians - cast iron.

32 years of marriage are rarely associated with a specific symbol, although sometimes this wedding is called as it is called in France - a copper wedding. Nevertheless, such an impressive length of marriage is admirable and is certainly a reason to congratulate each other.

Anniversary Wishes

What congratulations on your wedding anniversary will be like depends on whether they are addressed to each other or intended for other anniversaries. For a husband and wife who value their union, which has lasted for more than 3 decades, sometimes the most important thing will be sincere words to each other in private.

Perhaps on this day the spouses will want to be alone

And to officially honor spouses, you can use the following methods:

  1. Organization of an official celebration with invitation of guests. For this option, a script is written in advance under the guidance of the heroes of the day who got married 32 years ago.
  2. Surprise at work. Suitable for cases where a couple works in the same organization. When preparing, enlist the help of colleagues. The purpose of the event is to organize an unexpected and pleasant holiday for the couple.
  3. Home surprise. It is held in the style of an unplanned family celebration and is organized by relatives and friends secretly from the couple.

Directly for congratulations on the 32nd wedding anniversary, both a congratulatory speech in prose and a poetic format can be used.

Giving a speech at a holiday will become very emotional if you remember the story of how the couple met or highlight the most valuable achievements and victories of the couple during their entire life together.

If you have the ability to write poetry, congratulations on your wedding day in this style will only benefit from this, since it will be individual and unique. Otherwise, you can use the ready-made option:

“32 is such a long time,

It may not be round, but it is very valuable.

Among thousands of other roads

Yours is so extraordinary.

How we live and keep love -

This is what will be most important in the end.

Your example is indispensable to us,

To follow your own path.

Twice more for as many years

Let this wedding count down.

Let your life flow without troubles,

And love grows stronger day by day.”

Gifts for wedding anniversary

One of the most important tasks when preparing for the holiday is deciding what to give for your thirty-two year wedding anniversary. For more information about gifts for loved ones, watch this useful video:

Since there are no clearly established traditions and rules for this date, any option that will bring joy to the spouses will do. The main thing is to emphasize the importance of marriage to each other.

Anniversary gifts

The more the gift matches the taste of the recipient, the higher the likelihood of pleasing. But there are universal ideas that in most cases a couple will like. Many of them are also suitable as gifts for parents for a wedding anniversary.

Travel can be the best gift for a loving couple

This may include:

  1. Journey. You can go not only to unfamiliar places for new experiences, but also to where the husband and wife met or lived in order to relive the events of those times.
  2. Rest. If your wedding anniversary, 32 years of married life, is planned with relatives or friends, if you have the financial opportunity, a vacation package will be a wonderful surprise.
  3. Family portrait. A memorable personalized gift for such a date would be an excellent choice.
  4. Festive dinner. Whether it will be dinner in a restaurant or a cozy home meal depends on your desire. A custom-made cake is also very appropriate for the occasion.
  5. Functional gifts. Despite the high cost, such gifts, selected according to the needs of the celebrants, are an excellent choice. This may include a new TV, laptop, camera and other gift options that have practical value.

Symbolic gifts

Despite the fact that in Russia 7 years of married life are considered copper, you can follow the French tradition and present copper things to your husband and wife on this day. This metal is extremely in demand, so the choice among copper products is very extensive.

Donate coins and kitchen utensils

As symbolic gifts for the 32nd wedding anniversary, you can consider the following gifts made of this metal:

  • coins;
  • kitchenware;
  • dishes;
  • copper jewelry;
  • cool souvenirs, such as a copper horseshoe or medal;
  • caskets;
  • photo frames;
  • musical instruments;
  • bath accessories, for example, tubs, ladles, scoops.

An excellent and original option, ideal for the anniversary, is to present gifts in the amount of 32 pieces. Moreover, they do not have to be expensive or made by one person. For an example of congratulations, see this video:

The thirty-second family anniversary symbolizes the long journey that the couple have traveled together. This is a significant date for any couple who have achieved such a significant length of marital relationship, so you should not miss this wonderful opportunity to please each other.

When newlyweds get married, they make a meaningful choice to live with each other for the rest of their lives. Life together is all in half: joy and sorrow, laughter and tears. Every year, spouses get to know each other from different sides. After 32 years of marriage, people are wondering what this wedding anniversary is called and how it is celebrated.

When 32 years have passed, we can safely say that the couple survived fire, water and copper pipes. So what kind of wedding is celebrated after 32 years, when the husband and wife already have both a tin wedding and a porcelain one behind them? Read on - we'll tell you.

What kind of wedding is this, what is it called?

The correct answer to the question of which wedding is celebrated after 32 years of marriage is given by tradition - copper. This material has always been in price. Copper was valued higher than tin for its properties. The list of anniversaries also includes a tin wedding.

The copper wedding is a symbol of strength, durability combined with flexibility. These qualities relate to this material and the key to a lasting marriage. By celebrating such a date, the spouses hint that their married life is strong and reliable. They always work on relationships, give in and hear each other.

After 32 years of marriage, a husband and wife must be able to negotiate with each other and be able to seek compromises in any life situations.

Examples of congratulations on the copper anniversary of marriage

Although the anniversary in question is not an anniversary, it is customary to congratulate it, in person or remotely, as well as give gifts if the celebration is to be celebrated.

Beautiful in verse

In verse beautiful congratulations with a copper wedding are always relevant.

Congratulations on your copper wedding!
So many years lived in love,
And I want to share further
The joy of affection, kindness and warmth.

May there be health and happiness,
Let there be love and friends
May there be success and wealth
So let's drink to the bottom for this!

Funny in prose in your own words

We offer a few congratulations on your 32 years of marriage. What wedding could be complete without warm words? Here are several options for congratulations on your copper wedding in prose.

“I sincerely congratulate you on your copper anniversary of your life together! This is the first noble and confident wedding anniversary, 32 years together is a long time, since it is characterized by copper - a durable but soft metal that conducts heat well. These are your feelings for each other now. The family has reached the age when the relationship has hardened and it is difficult to break it, just like copper. But such a ductile and malleable metal can be melted. Therefore, it’s up to you whether this copper will always keep the same shape or whether you will jointly transform it into new copper wedding souvenirs.”

Another congratulations on the copper wedding in your own words:

"I wish your happy family colorful prosperity, well-being, comfort, strong, warm, tender and mutual feelings, understanding and support for each other. Let every day be filled with joyful moments, success in achieving joint goals, and smiles from the world around you! Let only the brightest feelings always reign in relationships! I wish you to become even closer, closer and better every year! May your love continue to be saturated only with warm and sparkling rainbow colors! Harmony in your family, good health and all the best!”

What to give to parents or friends

Spouses celebrating their 32nd marriage anniversary do not always plan a magnificent celebration, but the attention of friends and relatives on this day will not be out of place. Whatever the wedding, what they give is something every guest thinks about.

Copper wedding gifts don't have to be expensive. It is enough to purchase or make a gift with your own hands in the form of several pleasant trinkets, write sincere and good words to the “newlyweds” or send a telephone message with words of congratulations on the copper wedding.

Traditional gifts for 32nd wedding anniversary when congratulating parents are copper products:

  • original jewelry;
  • small sculptural figures;
  • beautiful dishes (you can give a beautiful forged Turk for making coffee);
  • any household appliances that contain copper in their decorative elements.

What else to give to friends for a copper wedding? A beautiful and unusual gift on this day could be a samovar, a decorative panel decorated with carved drawings or exquisite embossing. It's enough just to awaken your imagination. Vouchers to a health resort will be pleasant and a useful gift for parents.

When choosing a copper gift, you can find many interesting and unusual options. For example, you can have a gift made to order from a craftsman. A copper horseshoe is very symbolic. If you hang it over front door in the house, this should attract good luck and prosperity to the family.

Gifts may not be tied to the theme of copper. What you give to your parents may not depend on what wedding anniversary is coming up. You can give an interesting book or painting. The imagination when choosing a gift is limitless.

If you have known a couple for a long time and closely, then a gift made with your own hands will cause a hurricane of emotions among the “newlyweds”. You can design a congratulatory newspaper, write heartfelt poems, mount interesting video or show a slide show, perform a song, or give away an original photo album. Such congratulations can cause sincere tears of joy and warm emotions. They will be remembered for a long time. The video can subsequently be supplemented with new stories from life, creating a kind of biography of a married couple in the form of a film.

What to give to children

The happiness of children who have lived together for 32 years is a special joy for their parents. Mother and father can arrange an incredible, touching surprise for their daughter and son. Here are a few options for what to give children for a copper wedding:

  • excursion to memorable places in a luxury car with champagne and chocolate;
  • a ride in an elegant horse-drawn carriage - such unexpected gifts will help children remember the pleasant and romantic moments of their dates and meetings;
  • master class on couples dancing;
  • a ticket to a tourist trip or a sea cruise on a liner, thereby fulfilling the dream of the spouses;
  • professional photo session; Photos taken in nature will be especially effective;
  • exercise equipment, treadmill, elliptical for exercise;
  • a subscription to a dance studio, aerobics or yoga classes;
  • country picnic with a tent, barbecue and other attributes of a “wild” holiday – interesting idea for active parents.

You can give your children the holiday itself: a celebration in a restaurant or cozy family gatherings at a set table.

It is best to find out what to give to children for a copper wedding from the spouses themselves. It's simple, rational and guarantees the desired gift.

DIY gifts for husband or wife

What to give to your wife or husband for a copper wedding? A classic wedding anniversary gift option is an envelope with money. But sometimes you want a gift to remind you of you, to be original and interesting. In this case, you can do it yourself. Such a surprise will definitely not be banal and boring. You can come up with many different gifts:

  • interior items;
  • portrait of the spouses (painted or embroidered);
  • make a box, a hand-painted figurine;
  • You can make chalk frames for love messages with your own hands.

A wonderful gift for a copper wedding to congratulate your husband will be knitted items, paintings, cross-stitched or beaded, and other products. These surprises will definitely delight the spouses on this incredible holiday.

Pictures and cards suitable for the event

Copper wedding cards usually relate to the theme, either directly or associatively. A good option- a picture with a thematic image and verses emphasizing the importance of a major date. Here are a few funny cards and pictures suitable for a copper wedding anniversary.

Which cake to choose

A wedding anniversary is a holiday on which you want to gather your closest and dearest people together. In the life of any family, such an event becomes important and significant. The main decoration of the table, including for a copper wedding, is the cake. It should be elegant, beautiful and tasty. To decorate this sweet you can use:

  • mastic;
  • numbers (by number of years married);
  • fruits;
  • wedding figurines;
  • flowers made from marzipan mass;
  • hearts.

You can prepare the cake yourself or order it from culinary experts. Moreover, you need to take into account how old the copper wedding is - this is a long period of living together; the spouses have developed common preferences. Then choosing a cake will be much easier.

How to celebrate your marriage anniversary

If you are not interested in the usual boring feasts, then it’s time to bring a little variety to the celebration. If you have sufficient funds, you can order a host for the holiday with entertainment program. He will not let you or your guests get bored.

If you have any hobby, you can demonstrate your skills at a master class. Anyone can take part in it. The master class will not only help show everyone your skills, but will also pleasantly amuse the entire company gathered. You can do this in the format of a competition, and give a pleasant surprise for first place.

If the anniversary is celebrated in the warm season, an excellent solution might be to go out into nature or hold an open-air banquet.


  1. In our times, maintaining a marriage for 32 years is already like a feat. Couples who were able to achieve this deserve respect, which should become the main leitmotif of congratulations on the copper anniversary.
  2. Gifts for this occasion are often chosen from copper items. We advise you to discuss this issue with other people invited to the holiday, so that it doesn’t turn out that everyone brings a copper Turk.

If a husband and wife have lived side by side for 32 years, this is a good reason to congratulate them on such a wonderful date. During all this time, the couple went through a lot together and became truly family and close people. This date is not at all round, so it is rarely celebrated in a solemn atmosphere, but relatives always use this occasion to make a pleasant surprise.

Anniversary name

Thirty-second anniversary family life has its own name - it's a copper wedding. This name symbolizes that the couple has gone through many difficulties, the spouses have already gotten used to each other, having become well acquainted with all the character traits of their other half, both good and not so good. Therefore, by this moment the marriage becomes hard and durable, just like copper - it cannot be broken or melted down.

Usually on such a day the heroes of the occasion exchange small copper coins., which in the future should be carefully and with great love stored. To make your anniversary more romantic, you can give your partner a copper ring as a symbol of the fact that the relationship only gets stronger over the years - after all, copper is much stronger than gold.

An interior figurine that has copper inserts can be a rather valuable gift - it will become a very elegant decoration for your interior design.

Gift ideas for husband

On such a day, men are given accessories that can emphasize his social status and place in public position. A good gift would be expensive cufflinks, branded glasses or a custom-made cigarette case. Surely a man will like a stylish diary or a belt with a copper buckle - such gifts will emphasize the respectability of his spouse and will constantly remind him of his wife, wherever he is.

A woman who has lived with a man for more than 30 years has probably studied all his tastes well., hobbies and passions, so she can prepare her gift taking into account his hobbies. For example, a fisherman will be pleased with new fishing rods, a traveler with binoculars, as well as various copper-colored technological gadgets for a lover of modern digital technology.

To coincide with a copper wedding, you can gift elite alcohol in exclusive packaging, optimally if it has shades of copper.

A win-win option for a gift for your spouse on the 32nd anniversary of marriage is a leather briefcase. Give preference to a product with the optimal number of compartments, so that your spouse can freely place all his documents without getting confused in numerous pockets.

A key holder complete with a car key fob can be a good present.

Surely, the owner of the house will also like a large, comfortable chair. If your spouse prefers to relax in front of the TV with a cup of coffee after a long day of work, give him a rocking chair, and if he has a serious sedentary job, you should pay attention to an office chair made of leather.

For a business man who often travels on business trips, a tie case may be appropriate.

For people with a good sense of humor, a helmet with a humorous text “for a very important home fireman” will certainly be of interest; you can attach a small copper rod to it, which will not only protect your home from lightning, but will also become a tool for re-educating disobedient wives. However, when giving such a gift, you must be absolutely sure that the family man will not use it.

How to congratulate your wife?

Choosing a gift for your wife on her copper anniversary is not difficult at all. The ideal option would be designer jewelry, of course, using the base metal. Nowadays, in any city there are many craftsmen who create unique earrings, rings, brooches and necklaces made to order. By giving such a gift, you can be sure that your beloved will not find a similar one on some other woman. Copper goes well with precious and semi-precious stones, as well as wood.

As you know, a woman is the keeper of the family hearth, so she pays great attention to creating home comfort and warmth, and she will certainly like some household items made of copper. This can be dishes, a coffee pot, a tray or jug, as well as a service for several people. A gift of this kind will be both beautiful and practical at the same time.

Accessories for flowers would also be appropriate, for example, a floor vase. And, of course, don’t forget to buy a bouquet to go with it – this combination can melt any woman’s heart. However, you can give preference to a houseplant in an original pot with copper inserts - it is very stylish and at the same time symbolic. The flower in it will only grow and strengthen just like your love.

Surprise options for parents

Copper utensils can be given as a family gift. These are exquisite, expensive and very practical materials. It will be nice if you find a copper samovar - after all, for many centuries this item was considered an indispensable attribute of the hearth and a real decoration for the refectory in Rus'. As an original present, it is often presented at copper weddings to this day.

You can buy a common large mug and mark several commemorative notches on it– let’s say, on 50 ml, make an inscription “for the little one”, on 100 ml – for the “oldest one”, and a little higher place the marks “for mommy” and “for daddy”. As an original option, you can engrave some funny inscription.

But the copper basin remains an absolute hit among all other gifts for the 32nd wedding anniversary. In previous years, jam or preserves were cooked in similar containers. Moreover, its taste was more tart and rich than that of a dessert made in any other vessel.

The copper pot is no less popular; it is given to those families. who love traveling and enjoy hiking in a large group of friends.

Nowadays, candles are hardly lit, however, you can give the spouses a candlestick - perhaps your gift will set the mood for a romantic mood, bringing back memories of those years when they first fell in love with each other.

Copper cup holders can also become a good gift. Hot, fragrant tea will not allow you to freeze on cold winter evenings, so when presenting such a gift, you can wish your parents that the warmth in their relationship will last as long as the warmth of hot drinks inside the cup holders. Although if parents prefer coffee, then the best gift in this case will be a copper coffee maker.

It is known that copper is used in combination with tin to produce bronze, so bronze decorative elements would be appropriate for the copper anniversary. For example, you can give spouses bronze bells, which are united according to the type of “wind music” - they, of course, can be copper, but it has been noticed that bronze ones ring much more melodiously. For many centuries, such ringing was used to announce the most important events in villages, and your gift will be able to continue this primordial Russian tradition. The sound of bronze instruments will not only scare away evil spirits from your home, but will certainly be a delight to the ears.

Some minerals are classified as copper, this is due to the fact that their structure includes small concentrations of the metal. Malachite is considered the most famous; products made from it are a very good gift for the 32nd anniversary of family life. You can present your parents with a malachite vase, candlesticks or some other decorative elements. By the way, you can present the spouses with a set - for example, jewelry made from this stone for mom, and a stylish ashtray for dad.

When copper is alloyed with nickel, cupronickel is obtained, which is used to produce expensive tableware– this will be a good present that will preserve the memory of the event for many years.

And, of course, a copper or malachite box will definitely appeal to both a woman and a man - it can store valuable documents and important family heirlooms, the memories of which are important for both spouses.

The copper wedding is a milestone that, unfortunately, not even half of the created family unions pass. That is why we need to especially appreciate those people who walked through life hand in hand, overcame adversity and carried their love and warmth through many years. A sign of attention on this day will be very pleasant, and the memory of congratulations will warm their hearts for a long time.

Read on to find out what other wedding anniversaries there are and what to give for them.