Complete encyclopedia of symbols. My child...changes in Shambhala...

Infinite Greatness is a combination of two symbols: God-Goddess of All That Is and Greatness.

Infinite Greatness as the main final tone unites everything that came before, organizing creation as a continuous all-encompassing effort of creative possibility passing into manifestation.

This level of creation produces a continuous evolution, balanced in the revelation of the unknown, because equilibrium within the expansion has already been studied and is supported in every advanced combination of a movement of thought, in every combination of the unknown.

97. Infinite Unity

Nature: Active

Infinite Unity is the union of two symbols God-Goddess of All That Is and Unity.

Infinite Unity allows you to experience the moment in the spirit of eternity or expansion. Application of Infinite Unity stretches the moment and leads to the perspective of all possible expressions.

Anyway, only sympathy for this or that is an expression of the moment until the next sympathy arises.

The movement from the entire selection of possibilities leading to the moment of expression is an action directed from the equilibrium point .

98. Symbolic

Nature: Passive

Symbolic – the union of Balance, Dreaming and Communication.

Tone Symbolic carries out connection (coupling) of the current moment with the next one (in the pursuit of completeness and completeness) .

The broadcasting of any possibility requires the weaving of all the possibilities of the moment, perhaps visible as connections or qualitative chains of experience, which each time leads to many possibilities of expression. Every possible experience contains expressions that are woven together to maintain balance in creation.

The Symbolic tone in passive weaving is a predisposition to completion.

99. Inspiration

Nature: Integrating

Inspiration is the union of Passion, Creativity and Purpose.

The Inspiration tone structures aspects of development to allow fulfillment in the moment.

Each creative moment stimulates the next to a more expansive mode of expression.

Eternity can be seen as an expanding momentary splendor or brilliance, complete and complete, leaving open in the same moment the possibility of splendor and completion, guiding and shaping through inspiration.

100. Creative self-expression

Nature: Active

Creative Self-Expression is the unification of the External, the Breath of Life and Passion.

Creative Self-Expression is a tone that provides structural support and an understanding of where to go in order to carry out self-expression.

Declining into possibility, which translates into the necessary movement and promotes through creative self-expression in every aspect, expands and develops the unknown from potential into actual experience. The path from possible to complete completion goes through creative self-expression.

101. Shared Dream

Nature: Passive

Shared Dreaming – the unification of Dreaming, Function and Community.

Shared Dreaming provides a structure within which creative expression is possible.

The potential of self-expression strives for fulfillment, every moment of existence is determined by the environment, the environment .

All the colorfulness of the manifested moment is derived from the complete picture, the background, the reasons for existence, the mechanism for actualizing the potential, which requires effort and attraction to advance in experience.

102. Joint Structure

Nature: Integrating

Collaborative Structure - the union of Community, Structure and Humanoid Species.

Collaborative Structure integrates movement and urge to move forward in the experience of a given moment.

Each moment contains individualized creative expression and shared daydreaming. such that everyone contributes their own potential in the present moment to create ever-expanding experiences and experiences.

Development taking place in the current moment expands the boundaries of what is known and realized, thereby expanding potential and possibility.

103. United Creations

Nature: Active

United Creations - the unification of the Movement of Life, Fluidity and Divine Union.

United Creations allow one to move towards greater significance of the moment. Each successive act of growth provides greater fullness, greater expression in the present moment to fuel expansion into potential splendor.

There is a flow - there is action.

Everything feels the desire to express itself in movement beyond the present, where eternity is in the moment, where there is expansion and development in the current moment.

104. Universal Unity

Nature: Passive

Universal Unity is the unification of Honor, Unity and Integrity.

Universal Unity allows the current flow of creation to have expressed parameters. Universal Unity involves the boundary or specific limits at which creative action comes into alignment with the most favorable option for implementation. The combination of overlaps for each moment creates the magnitude of the expression and also influences the potential direction. This allows opportunity to coincide with intention, provided that all aspects contribute to the overall harmony.

105. Shared Management

Nature: Integrating Cooperative Control – the unification of Unconditional Control, Hidden Power and Communication.

Shared Governance integrates impulse and intention from moment to moment. All possibilities are taken into account and provide a favorable set of circumstances to express oneself in the moment. Wholeness and completeness are implied for each equally important expression. The opportunity to express oneself is equally assured, completely and completely, until the completion is expressed and the moment is complete. Each completed moment transfers its essence to a larger moment that moves toward greater completion.

106. Consensus reality

Nature: Final

Consistent Reality - the unification of Commonwealth, Competence and Energy.

Consensus Reality is the final tone that combines the abilities of all the previous nine tones. It allows for the segmentation and combination of possibilities, and from here more significant exploration can emerge. A great thought is simplicity and grandeur in greatness, fulfilled in the smallest tasks, completion in the given moment. The great fullness of the whole, brightly coloring every moment, is achieved only when the small and the large strive to imitate each other in every search for fulfillment and completion through expressed unity.

107. Kingdom of Man

Nature: Active

The Kingdom of Man is the unification of the Terrestrial Worlds, the Humanoid Species and Unconditional Love.

The Kingdom of Man holds the tone of unconditional love for the agreed upon reality of the Earth. The action of the tone controls the movement of consensus towards completion, both at a given moment and over a large interval(s) of time too. There is action and progress towards completion in human control, and every aspect of tone washes over those around in the outer realities, inviting each moment to become more than they are, evolving into greater completeness.

108. Plant Kingdoms

Nature: Passive

The Plant Kingdoms are a union of the Terrestrial and Wordless Worlds and Compassion.

The Plant Kingdoms hold a tone of compassion for the coherent reality of Earth. This tone forms the expressed structure and provides the human kingdom with possibilities of expression. By holding the structure for expression, the plant kingdoms accomplish the great good of shaping the activities of the human kingdom in unity and harmony regulated by compassion. The effect of compassion filters is manifested in benevolence, integrity and completeness of the present moment.

109. Mineral Kingdoms

Nature: Integrating

The Mineral Kingdoms are a union of the Terrestrial, Unexpressed Worlds and Forgiveness.

The Mineral Kingdoms hold a tone of forgiveness for the agreed upon reality of Earth. The tone of the Mineral Kingdoms embraces the movement and structure of the human and plant kingdoms into multifaceted expressions of the spiritual power of the moment being lived, holding every possibility and directing the flow to the greatest good. Forgiveness practically allows a probable action to be translated into a real one, generating the brightness of the moment in the course of evolutionary purification or ascension.

110. Animal Kingdoms

Nature: Active

The Animal Kingdoms are a union of the Terrestrial and Wordless Worlds and the Divine Union.

The animal kingdoms hold the tone of divine union for the coherent reality of the Earth. Having movement (flow), which is based on the balance of masculine and feminine, The Animal Kingdom strives to create a consensus consistent with itself, for the presence of effort to develop creates everything possible ways, including the movement out of balance, which involves a reverse movement towards it. All paths or aspects of creation move in the harmony of divine union, softening the blows and moving toward completion.

111. Kingdom of the Dolphins

Nature: Passive

The Kingdom of Dolphins is a union of Underwater Worlds, Unexpressed Worlds and Freedom.

The Dolphin Kingdom holds the tone of freedom for the agreed upon reality of Earth. The freedom to create and the freedom to express through unlimited possibility in a period of expansion or contraction allows the animal kingdom and the human kingdom to open harmoniously, which is envisaged by great fullness. This allows for an insightful alliance that reveals the realities of consensus and expands beyond it into what has been invisible and unknown.

112. Kingdom of the Whales

Nature: Integrating

The Kingdom of Whales is a union of the Underwater and Unexpressed Worlds and the Breath of Life.

The Kingdom of the Whales holds the tone of the breath of life for the coherent reality of the Earth. The tone of the Whale Kingdom provides for development and limitation (expansion and contraction) or movement in the moment of expression of the Animal Kingdom, Dolphin and Human Kingdom, each of which contributes to the management of development. Breath modulates the pace of evolution and holds the possibility of different expressions, modes and colors, constantly striving for completion in every moment and in every aspect of the moment.

113. Unity of All Species (11)

Nature: Active

Unity of All Species - the unification of Unity, Underwater and Terrestrial Worlds.

The Oneness of All Kinds promotes the formation of every relationship in unity as an opportunity for everyone to participate in the spirit of their own fullness, which concerns the greatest good of the whole. The energy focuses on equality, which has to do with giving and therefore receiving. Each embodiment of this tone encourages fair relationships with everyone around you within the framework of this consensus. In unity, everything and everyone implies honesty and complete frankness in the course of communication, so everyone can find out information that was unknown, allowing for reliability and accuracy of interaction.

114. Truth of All Kinds

Nature: Passive

The Truth of All Kinds combines the Truth, the Underwater and Terrestrial Worlds.

Truth of All Kinds provides the opportunity for all resonating truths of consensus to form into a larger expression of itself along with each individual truth, thereby expanding expressions of the whole and of the self as the recognition of the validity of each truth, moving each to develop and therefore increasingly expand in awareness of itself in own truth. Truth expands through the process of realizing truth, and therefore all species expand by informing each other.

115. Honoring All Species

Nature: Integrating

Reverence of All Species - the unification of Reverence, Underwater and Terrestrial Worlds.

Honoring All Species allows all who embody a given tone to exist as equals with all around them, in honoring all expressions of unity and truth, with no other agenda, producing their own integration in alignment with every intention in consensus. Reverence is a movement within a structure, ensured by unity and truth, providing the basis for development and fulfillment, and allowing the expansion of the structure through relationship with the Whole.

116. Divine Union of All Species

Nature: Final

The Divine Union of All Kinds includes the Divine Union, Fluidity and the God-Goddess of All That Is.

The Divine Union of All Species is the final tone that unites the previous nine tones to fulfill the realities of consensus. This tone is characterized by the ability to move smoothly while projecting itself into the great fullness of the whole. The possibility of self-expression in any chosen manner opens up, for all species cooperate with equal completeness to give birth to the dream for expression on the physical plane.

117. Evolutionary Plan of All Species

Nature: Active

The Evolutionary Plan for All Species includes Dream, Purpose and Communication.

The Evolutionary Plan for All Species allows progress through multiple levels available in the process of unfolding self-expression. Every opportunity to expand oneself seeks new ways to express oneself, to collaborate and interact. Any movement contributes to versatile self-expression, which in addition evokes an expressive attitude towards each, drawing out the other in order to reveal in him what previously remained unexpressed.

118. Divine Synchronization of All Kinds

Nature: Passive

Divine Synchronization of All Kinds includes Breath of Life, Function and Balance.

The Divine Synchronization of All Kinds determines the space in which self-expression and expansion can appropriately unfold. Creation needs a space of solitude and a favorable arrangement so that movement from the outside does not cause disunity and strangeness. Divine Timing during synchronization sets the stage for cooperation at the level of consensus, aligning movement within a common group of species for a common purpose, whereby all involved become empowered through full self-expression.

119. Divine Manifestation of All Kinds

Nature: Integrating

The Divine Manifestation of All Kinds unites in itself the Hidden Power, Structure and Movement of Life.

Divine Manifestation of All Kinds integrates the course of the Evolutionary Plan within the possibility of Divine Synchronization to allow the weaving of the project to unfold into a greater project accessible through consensus. In Divine Manifestation, every expansion that leads to completion provides an opportunity for still greater weaving and greater completion, and is it not this potential of evolution which by every possibility defines itself and opens to the next possibility.

120. Multidimensional Consciousness

Nature: Active

Multidimensional Consciousness combines Intuition, Consciousness and Externality.

Multidimensional Consciousness allows one to act beyond self and consensus to invent and produce cooperative universal activity encompassing the great fullness of the whole within a broad sphere of interest. Each advancement of multidimensional consciousness pushes consensus into a new expression of great fullness, where each activity must complement and support each other's interests. In doing so, expanded understanding is made possible for each participating consciousness, as each provides input and advancement to the other.

121. Multi-creative Consciousness

Nature: Passive

Multi-creative Consciousness unites Consciousness, Inner and Outer.

Multi-creative Consciousness defines the space of expression for multidimensional consciousness, allowing it to expand internally as each possibility results in a new unfolding of consciousness regarding the immensity of what is possible. The whole unites into a more expanded and sublime existence, touching each expression, then allowing each to unite again, all the while maintaining self-consciousness within the relationships of the whole. When each participant is able to see his own expansion within the expansion of the whole, the organization of ever-increasing levels of development occurs.

122. Multi-creative I am Divine Synchronization

Nature: Integrating

Multi-creative Divine Synchronization unites the Breath of Life, Inner and Outer.

Multi-creative Divine Synchronization integrates multidimensional and creative consciousness into abundance and wholeness in every expression, every sensitivity, one by one, paving the way for the next creation. All participating consciousness expands each through the other in the process of developing creative mutual agreement, revealing itself as the willingness of each to experience greater aspects of itself that cannot be imagined from within what is known.

123. Multi-creative e Divine Realities

Nature: Active

Multi-creative Divine Realities combine the Movement of Life, Internal and External.

Multi-creative Divine Realities bring awareness to the process of movement by which everything is organized for the purpose of great completeness on a creative level. Each movement occurs in syncopation with all other participants (species) creating in the same space and time. For each, accordingly, by bringing back knowledge, advances what already exists, appreciating all with the greater understanding that has been formed in the process of advancement, and thereby allowing each to advance on his own level of knowledge.

124. Multi-creative e Harmonious Combination

Nature: Passive

Multi-creative Harmonious Combination brings together Competence, Consciousness and Function.

Multi-creative Harmonious Combination allows each possible level to smooth out the movement of divine realities, thereby achieving the completion of difficult periods of the path, passing from boundless unknown to completeness from layers of knowledge, certainly covering harmonious combination. Every realization is directly dependent on the harmonious combination (orchestration) that weaves the patterns of divine manifestation, which moves through the levels of creative possibility and flourishes from previously unknown knowledge.

125. Multi-creative e unity

Nature: Integrating

Multi-creative Unity unites Unity, Inner and Outer.

Multi-creative Unity integrates divine realities and harmonious combination into a construct of multi-creation that produces textures of unity and has channels for interacting with like textures, and thereby creates vast creations where such expression would otherwise be unknown. The factor that determines how much compatibility is permissible - unification to expand beyond its own limits - is the only limit on the vastness of unity. Each one that opens up thanks to going beyond one’s own realities is an opportunity to connect (combine) all structures into one larger and more expressive than the previous ones.

126. Consciousness of All That Is

Nature: Final

The Consciousness of All That Is combines Consciousness, the God-Goddess of All That Is and Unity.

The Consciousness of All That Is integrates the three previous groups of three energies into a single rotating sphere of energies expressing as a whole, where each exponentially increases the possibility of its manifestation than taken separately. Through this mode of expression, you bring All That Is into creation to have self-awareness expressed through the desire of another aspect of yourself, resulting in the cohesion of creative consciousness and possibility.

127. Management

Nature: Active

Management unites Greatness, Truth and Dream.

Control allows the development of events to manifest in relation to the truth of each, which is expressed through a dream within the framework of consensus, within the framework of an even greater consensus. Each act of guidance brings forth a pulsation of a larger aspect of the self, a larger view of the environment, a larger and more reality-spanning intention where all aspects of the self are aligned in a process of expansion, while showing the path for others to move into a similar state of being.

128. Co-creation

Nature: Passive

Co-creativity combines the Commonwealth, Creative Potential and the God-Goddess of All That Is.

Co-creation integrates control with the full diversity of expression and drives the movement through creative intention to satisfy the desire of the creator within the desires of all creators who are in the same creative space. All step-by-step movement occurs through a unique stereotype - to carry out the intention within the framework of a belief system about the greatest common good, giving the opportunity to each manifested level to contribute to the level of the other, regardless of size.

129. Multidimensional Multispecies Worship

Nature: Integrating

Multidimensional Multispecies Worship combines the Movement of Life, the Underwater and Terrestrial Worlds.

Multi-Dimensional Multi-Species Honor integrates stewardship and co-creation in a larger context of consensus within consensus with each species participant, creating in full expression a wholehearted opening concerning everyone to expand and see in themselves beyond the ordinary. The latter is made possible by honoring everyone as an equal within creation within creation.

130. Multidimensional Multispecies Unity

Nature: Active

Multidimensional Multispecies Unity unites the Community, Underwater and Terrestrial Worlds.

Multi-Dimensional Multi-Species Unity operates between resonant thought accumulating creators to be pushed further in creative consensus that is aligned with the vision of the agreed upon proponent, and therefore allows each to move forward within some aspects of agreement regarding all contributing consciousness. Since every movement occurs in unity, each is balanced in the flow and therefore aligned with all other movements.

131. Multidimensional Management

Nature: Passive

Multidimensional Governance combines Unity, Community and Externality.

Multidimensional Management creates a background against which unity manifests itself through interaction, leading unity in management stereotypes that lead to the creation of levels of cooperation in evolution relative to the unity of creators. All management expresses the intention of a unique contribution (energy and information input) regarding the inner growth of each creative endeavor, provided that all paths are experienced and every nuance is reflected for creative benefit.

132. Multi-creative e Management

Nature: Integrating

Multi-creative governance brings together Unity, the God-Goddess of All That Is, and Community.

Multi-Creative Control offers unity and control the opportunity to express itself through multiple creations through interaction with the desires of other creators. Each is in its own space and moves smoothly with one and another in inner and outer realities, leading at every step to yet another creator, weaving a more complex project as part of the fabric of creation, with the desire to hold more evolutionary space through dialogue and action.

133. Unity of All That Is

Nature: Active

The Unity of All That Is is united by Unity and the two symbols God-Goddess of All That Is.

The Oneness of All That Is directs outer and inner intentional action to internally and externally reflect every growth and expansion through the awareness of the coordinating mechanism of complex activity, clearly representing the complex synchronic reality, which in nature and origin is undoubtedly one, expressing multiple possibilities for the benefit of everyone who bound in creation by evolutionary experience.

134. Honoring All That Is

Nature: Passive

The Worship of All That Is combines Worship and the two symbols of the God-Goddess of All That Is.

Honoring the Eternal That Is gives form to the experience of unity through veneration, thereby allowing the creations that support the greatest good of the whole to manifest and expand in the ongoing application of unity through the creative expression of veneration. Due to the omnipresence of the expression of the God-Goddess, every possibility of worship is poured out further to control every movement in the flow from greater splendor.

135. The Truth of All That Is

Nature: Integrating

The Truth of All That Is combines the Truth and the two symbols God-Goddess of All That Is.

The Truth of All That Is brings together unity and honor to allow fullness of activity and interaction with each having the capacity to know themselves as well as awareness as part of a greater understanding that the great fullness empowers all to support each other to expand their truth. The truth expressed through the Goddess God continues to refine every truth in creation into a new and expanding truth.

Quadruple tones

136. Control of All That Is

Nature: Main Finisher

The management of All That Is unites the Dream, the Community and the two symbols of the God-Goddess of All That Is.

The Management of All That Is completes the triple tones, moving on to the possibility of fourfold tones. Since at any level of creation, each management advances evolution by caring for everything that constitutes creative environment, all benefit through the ever-changing environment that occurs due to the expanding awareness of each cooperating consciousness that moves towards completion through the expression of the expanding dream of All That Is.

Many blessings

Ten Octaves of Love

New Cosmic Hierarchy,

Lord and Lady Riza

Many new vibrations have been anchored for the ascension of all species and Mother Earth herself. They are brought directly from the Intervention of All That Is. The purpose of these vibrations is to reduce density , predominant in the 3rd dimension on Earth.

Such vibrations simply cause frequencies to decay, preventing the form from raising its vibrations. These vibrations were originally anchored as a result of the ascension plan of the humanoids, as well as the dolphins and whales. It may surprise you to know that at this point in history, more dolphins and whales are ascending than humanoids. This is a natural reflection level of memory loss , to which the species of humanoids has reached. Our channels and the Order of Rise want to make it clear that at this moment in history there is the possibility of ascension with the Earth, so many people may make this choice in the future.

The choice to ascend will change the future of everyone who makes this decision in their lives. Whereas the choice not to ascend will lead to the death of the form and continuation reincarnation cycle of the soul on another 3D planet, and choosing to ascend means overcoming death altogether. Thus, those who choose to ascend will live to see a new future for the Earth, humanity and all the kingdoms on it. This outcome is not 100% guaranteed, but with recent changes and support coming from the Intervention, it is more likely for the future of Earth.

...changes in Shambhala...

Recent changes in Shambhala are facilitating such a change. Changes include complete dissolution of the 3D hierarchy that ruled Shamballa for over 300,000 years, long before the introduction of humanity .

...The new collegial and includes all the kingdoms of the Earth.

Before this change, there were separate hierarchies for the human, plant, animal, dolphin, and whale kingdoms.

... changes carried out under the leadership of the New Cosmic Hierarchy.

The new structure of the emerging government is collegial in form and includes all the kingdoms of the Earth. Before this change, carried out under the leadership of the New Cosmic Hierarchy, there were separate hierarchies for the kingdoms: human, plant, animal, dolphin and whale. In a broad sense, there was too little unity to make the ascension of any species possible, let alone Mother Earth.

…In the new government, representation is based on the spiritual evolution of the form.

In the new reign, not only do all kingdoms have equal representation, but this representation is based on the spiritual evolution of the form. During the era of Mahavishnu, the rule of all humanoid forms in Shambhala was based on the level of spiritual evolution of incarnation on the Earth plane. Only those who developed the form to a sufficiently high vibration were allowed to participate in the management of the Earth. Such management made it possible to balance all planes of reality on Earth and, for the future of the Earth, placed spiritual evolution above all else. At the end of the Mahavishnu era (see "Overcoming Shame...") those who held such positions lost integrity and died.

…At the end of the era of Mahavishnu, those who occupied positions of spiritual evolution lost their integrity and died.

...Shambhala passed into the hands of those possessing great power of the non-physical plane.

When this happened, Shambhala passed into the hands of those with great power on the non-physical plane.

...The planes surrounding the Earth are divided into many vibrations.

We would like to talk about how the polarity operates between the planes on which humanoids and other incarnated entities of the Earth are located. The planes surrounding the Earth are divided into many vibrations. When a soul enters a human form, that form exists simultaneously on 36 planes belonging to the Earth. They are known as “Parallel Lives” (see “Planes of Reality”, description of the nearest 16 planes).

These 36 planes include 36 different lives lived simultaneously.

…if someone on the physical plane has achieved power and wealth, fame and fortune on the first 18 planes, on the other 18 he will have very little or no power and wealth at all.

These 36 planes include 36 different lives lived simultaneously. 18 are directly related to physical fitness. The remaining 18 are a completely separate reality, which includes the leadership of your planet (in Shambhala) and your solar system.

Within the extreme polarity, if someone on the physical plane has achieved power and wealth, fame and fortune in the first 18 planes, in the other 18 he will have very little or no power and wealth at all . The difference between these lifestyles can be such that, on the one hand, someone is a president or a movie star on Earth, on the other hand, toilet cleaner in Shambhala.

…These extreme opposites forced souls to incarnate in the rarest of poverty or disease on Earth so that all the power could be at the opposite pole in the non-physical realms for the purpose of ruling in Shamballa.

Just as most people do not pay attention to the desires of the soul, there are souls who choose non-physical force, ignoring the desires of their incarnation.

These extreme opposites forced souls to incarnate in the rarest poverty or disease on Earth so that all power could be at the opposite pole in the non-physical realms for the purpose of ruling in Shamballa. Just as most people do not pay attention to the desires of the soul, there are souls who choose non-physical force, ignoring the desires of their incarnation.

...This state of affairs is coming to an end, and a new priority has been established in Shamballa, according to which the souls occupying positions in Shamballa must ascend form.

This state of affairs is coming to an end and a new priority has been established in Shamballa that souls occupying positions in Shamballa must ascend form. To the same extent that the form is ascended, the souls will receive greater power and thereby occupy a higher level in the management of the Earth. These changes have caused a wave of change in your solar system. date, only a few people have become Mahavishnu.

Similar changes are currently occurring in Sirius A, Sirius B and your Sun. This represents the return of love-based power and spiritual evolution of all kinds. A great thing has happened! Nowadays, you might be surprised that in Shambhala more dolphins and whales are holding positions above humans. This is explained by the fact that dolphins and whales elevated their form to the level of Mahavishnu 1200 successive incarnations before the current moment. And they continue to raise their vibration daily. In addition, all species are represented, including humanity, although to date only a few people have become Mahavishnu.

This will change in the coming years as those who have achieved Bodhisattva status in their ascension continue to move forward.

…among the few people rising to the level of Mahavishnu this year, women also make up 2/3. This will balance the polarity so that the missing feminine octave can be re-anchored on Earth in preparation for her ascension.

The return of the divine feminine principle also has a huge influence in Shambhala. Of the 1,200 dolphins and whales of Mahavishnu, 2/3 are female. In addition, among the few people who ascend to the level of Mahavishnu this year, women also make up 2/3. This will balance the polarity so that the missing feminine octave can be re-anchored on Earth in preparation for her ascension.

…new octaves of love that were anchored on Earth. These vibrations travel through density and quickly transmute it so that those making ascension can move forward.

We now want to take a closer look at the new octaves of love that have been anchored on Earth. These vibrations travel through density and quickly transmute it so that those making ascension can move forward. We hope that each of you will call on these vibrations during meditation, dreaming and healing (healers).

…Those who achieve Bodhisattva status in personal ascension this year or in the next decade will begin to bear one or two of these octaves love in your heart chakra.

Those who achieve Bodhisattva status in personal ascension this year or in the next decade will begin to carry one or two of these octaves of love in their heart chakra.

As one ascends, the lotus begins to open in the heart... With the achievement of the state of Bodhisattva, 4 petals open. These petals are spreading outwards more than 30 meters, surround the form and bathe everyone in the presence of the Bodhisattva with vibrations of love.

As one ascends, the lotus begins to open in the heart. First, 2 petals open, then 4, then 6. With the achievement of the Bodhisattva state, 4 petals open. These petals spread outwards over 30 meters, surround the form and bathe everyone in the presence of the Bodhisattva with vibrations of love.

With the attainment of the state of Mahavishnu in personal ascension, the heart chakra opens 1000 petals, known as the thousand-petalled lotus. And then Mahavishnu holds all 10 octaves of love to guide the Earth on the physical plane and in Shambhala.

With the attainment of the state of Mahavishnu in personal ascension, the heart chakra opens 1000 petals, known as the thousand-petalled lotus. And then Mahavishnu holds all 10 octaves of love to guide the Earth on the physical plane and in Shambhala.

First Octave of Love

"Forgiveness in Action"

(Colors range from Pink to Light Pink-Silver-White)

The first octave of love brings the gift of change, defining a precise goal, realizing a vision in form and forgiveness. Light pink and white is the color of forgiveness, and forgiveness brings change. Forgiveness in action envelops everything present in the spectrum of vibrations associated with forgiveness. They create space for change in those whose souls agree with them.

These vibrations also allow the Bodhisattva to pave the way for those who follow him, manifesting on the physical plane the information necessary for ascension. This information can be seen as anchoring the ascension blueprint (crystalline blueprint), which is a non-physical gift distributed by the Bodhisattva to all souls willing to accept this gift. These individuals may engage in writing, public speaking, or leadership in bringing ascension information to the conscious attention of humanity.

For those who are caught in difficult circumstances, such as relationships that do not serve their evolution, or jobs that do not support their spiritual development, invoking the first octave of love will allow the karma to dissolve between the parties involved. The individual can then free themselves and move forward in greater alignment with their ascension path.

For those who are sick or suffering from some illness, the vibration of forgiveness will dissolve the underlying karma, making recovery possible.

Second Octave of Love

"Structure or Truth in Action"

(Violet to Silver Purple)

Truth in action envelops everything present in the vibrations of truth. These frequencies activate souls who are ready to receive such blessings to remember their unique truth on Earth.

Such frequencies are also used to non-physically anchor the memory of God/Goddess/All That Is in the field of those souls who are aligned with this gift. Through memories of God/Goddess/All That Is, the soul can begin to remember that it is time to ascend or time to return home. Often the longing for “home” is a catalyst for awakening for the initiate.

For the Bodhisattva, holding the vibration of truth in action realizes the awakening of those who are ripe for ascension. This seeding is a form of genetic rewiring designed to set in motion the awakening and ascension of humanity. The Intervention is responsible for seeding and altering humanoid genetics so that the human form does not disappear during Mother Earth's ascension process.

Understanding that some are destined to ascend, one also realizes that there are people serving another purpose, such as releasing karma and working through those karmic lessons that souls have accumulated on the Earth plane. The person also realizes that Only those souls who are ready to reveal their truth and awaken need to be touched and helped. A person does not impose or force awakening on someone who has not made such a decision, otherwise it could be considered an act of harm.

The Bodhisattva gives everyone the opportunity to make their own choices in life. Ascensionists can call upon the second octave to remember their soul's truth. Such vibrations will eliminate the distortion that has long prevailed around your field and soul, which will allow you to more clearly recognize your truth.

Third Octave of Love

"Power in Action"

(Peach to Light Golden Peach)

For those who were seeded for ascension, the power in action brings the memory of power based on love.

The truth of the Antichrist was to take power from others and maintain a power based on violence on Earth. The use of brute force allowed the Antichrist to rule the Earth. This force has caused people to fear power and has kept humanity captive in situations of powerlessness, depression, fear of change or fear of growth and development (ascension).

For those seeded for ascension, power in action allows them to harness personal power so that they can successfully wage an internal crusade against the darkness. Without the ability to pick up the sword and fight against one's own inner demons (negative unconscious patterns), one cannot ascend.

The unconscious dark side of any initiate is contained and overcome with the destruction of inner demons. In the 3rd dimension these gifts and abilities manifest as a crusade for ascension or spiritual evolution on the physical plane.

The way in which these gifts and talents can be manifested can range from a person teaching and writing about ascension to simply demonstrating such power in all life contacts. The correct use of force is based on non-harm. At the same time, a person never uses his power to harm another and, at the same time, can return back any evil directed at the Bodhisattva.

In this way the power based on love is contained and its correct use is preserved. Those caught in the trap of unwanted circumstances, including illness, can call on the third octave of love for help. These vibrations will dissolve the feelings of hopelessness, despair and powerlessness that prevent a person from recovering or making changes that will put an end to an unwanted life situation.

Fourth Octave of Love

"Compassion in Action"

(Light Turquoise to Light Silver-White-Turquoise)

The fourth octave of love envelops others in vibrations of harmony, union, unity and divine oneness. For those sown for ascension, the fourth octave of love awakens the remembrance of the love of God/Goddess/All That Is.

The vibrations of the fourth octave make it possible to transmute all patterns of dissonance in the process of ascension. A Bodhisattva who has the gift of keeping compassion in action will create unity and harmony within a group that has come together for a specific purpose.

Compassion in action harmonizes those who study with such a Bodhisattva. Experiencing a sense of harmony and unity during the seminar, these people can remember that there is inner harmony. Thus, they will consciously strive to achieve this state in their Everyday life.

The feeling of unity and harmony also creates the desire to ascend. The purpose of keeping compassion in action is to create a unified consciousness in future groups or communities of ascension people. By anchoring this form of compassion, these communities can create a civilization based on a unified consciousness and help overcome current patterns of competition and separatism.

Ascensionists can call on the fourth octave of love to harmonize circumstances. For sick people, their illness is an internal form of disharmony. You can use the fifth octave, imagining that you are washing each diseased cell with the vibrations necessary to bring it into harmony. This makes healing possible.

Fifth Octave of Love

"Breath of Life or Conscious Breathing in Action"

(Yellow-Golden-White to Light Yellow-Golden-White)

Conscious breathing in action involves the memory of conscious breathing. With its help, a person overcomes the experience of time and learns to live only in the present. At the same time, the body stops aging.

The breath of life is also the understanding that all the energy necessary for one's existence can be freely obtained from the air. To do this, a person does not need to rely on anything outside himself. This is a reflection of the truth that all knowledge, nutrition, everything that is needed for existence and development comes from the person himself. This is how it was once, this is how everything is heading, and this is how it will be.

In your modern mechanistic reality, people have learned to rely on something outside themselves to survive. The path of ascension requires that everyone learn to rely on themselves and their inner guidance to develop. This applies not only to the search for one’s own truth and revelation from within, but also to the rejection of physical plane objects with the help of which a person ensures his safety.

…At a certain point in the evolution of each initiate, nothing physical will no longer matter, and he will move into the next dimension.

At a certain point in the evolution of each initiate, nothing physical will no longer matter, and he will move into the next dimension.

Those who have achieved the state of Bodhisattvas have the gift of washing others with the breath of life, reminding them that everything what a person needs comes from himself. This allows those ripe for ascension to begin to tune into their inner guidance and move away from external influences on their path and direction.

...Living in the present, a person moves outside of time.

Ascensionists can call upon the fifth octave to exist in the present time. Living in the present, a person moves outside of time. When moving outside of time, there is no pain. It occurs when energy stops moving.

…Energy stops only in time.

Outside of time, any energy moves and therefore pain does not exist there.

Energy stops only in time. Outside of time, any energy moves and therefore pain does not exist there. Those who are sick and experiencing severe physical suffering can consciously apply the fifth octave in the area where the pain is located to relieve it.

Besides, For those who have difficulty giving up unwanted and unnecessary objects or property, the fifth octave of love will dissolve the threads of attachment , and then a person will be able to freely abandon everything that does not serve his further evolution and path of ascension.

Sixth Octave of Love

"Unconditional Love in Action"

(Pale Silver to Pale Silver White)

Unconditional love in action anchors the corrected blueprint of unconditional love in all who are ripe for ascension.

Unconditional love is love that exists outside of the patterns of reciprocal love that prevail in human life.

Unconditional love spreads the vibration of love to any soul willing to receive that vibration. This vibration helps these souls transmute soul karma that could hinder their ascension.

Soul karma differs from genetic karma in that it relates to the soul's experiences in other sectors of creation and even other creations. Usually there is a connection between soul and genetic karma, which determines the choice of a particular soul to incarnate or enter into a certain form.

Anchoring unconditional love in action through the Bodhisattva will enable others to enter the path and become a Bodhisattva themselves.

Often it is soul karma that prevents the soul from learning that it too can rise to a new level of consciousness. By creating space for the release of such thought forms, the Bodhisattva, as an example of unconditional love in action, gives others the space to become a Bodhisattva in personal ascension.

The calls of the sixth octave by those making ascension will help them remove the ties that bind them to other people and do not serve further evolution.

Achieving Bodhisattva status often requires breaking up with people who do not want to ascend. This is a natural reflection of resonance. When a person enters a state of harmony, those who want to continue living in disharmony step aside. This allows those in a state of harmony to come together for a specific purpose, relying more on soul agreements than on karma. In the future, those gifted with the ability to anchor the sixth octave will gather others together to form a new type of community with ascension at its core.

Seventh Octave of Love

"Freedom in Action"

(Light Gold to Light Golden White)

The tenth octave of love or Unconditional control in action is anchored when Mahavishnu places the center of the 1000-petalled lotus in the heart region of his form. It consists of all nine octaves of love and forms a new type of management based on the 9 principles of love.

The simultaneous anchoring of 9 octaves makes it possible to use them all by all groups intending to study under the guidance of such an individual. Simultaneously receiving 9 octaves allows you to pray for the awakening of those whose soul has agreed to become a leader in the future.

Such guidance covers both the physical and non-physical planes in Shamballa, and the management of the Earth. When applied, these principles cause the destruction of any other form of power associated with these individuals.

In a deep understanding, a certain number of those who have reached such a state are required for the final restructuring to take place in Shambhala.

We are pleased to announce that this happened recently , giving new hope and the possibility of a new era for the Earth.


We invite initiates to begin calling upon the ten octaves of love as they ascend. Such vibrations can be set in motion by conscious effort of the mind with the help of Kundalini or the meridians of the subtle bodies.

In this way, one can begin to dissolve the karma accumulated by the form, as well as the cellular dissonance that causes decay, aging or disease. We hope you have found this information useful for your personal ascension journey.

Blessings to you on your journey. Know that we love you and support you every step of the way.


A technique for accelerating the increase in Vibrations of the physical and subtle bodies.

The technique includes two meditations:

1. Video meditation “Language of Light. Single tones"

This meditation video presents 48 Tones of Light, alternating for 20 seconds each.

The total time of the video meditation is 17 minutes.

2. Video meditation “Language of Light. Double tones"

This Video Meditation presents 48 Tones of Light, alternating for 20 seconds each.
The animated video series is accompanied by the sound background of Tibetan bowls (Living Picture Effect).
A great addition to your Spiritual Development, healing sessions, light cosmetology, development of clairvoyance, harmonization, etc.
The total time of the video meditation is 18 minutes.

The Language of Light Symbols is created on the basis of 144 concepts presented in form, color and modulation.
Modulations are equivalent to modulations or vibrations of creation. Over time on Earth the modulations of creation became distorted.
The distortion has caused destruction and separatism to dominate the Earth.
The Language of Light represents the original symbols, modulations and vibrations used on Earth before the distortion.

It is with great love and joy that we pass on these symbols to those who are ascending at this moment in history!
The Language of Light is based on unified consciousness. With a united consciousness, there are no destructive thought forms.
When all 144 symbols of the Language of Light are contained, they overcome all destructive stereotypes on all planes of reality, conscious, subconscious and 6econscious.

The first 48 symbols are single in nature and form the basis of the Language of Light:

The first 10 characters represent the "Ten Octaves of Love".
The remaining 38 are created by combining two or three of the initial Ten Octaves of Love in different combinations, giving them a different modulation or vibration and therefore a new meaning.

Those who have reached the state of Bodhisattvas in their personal ascension anchor the first 48 symbols in their fields and make the first ones in their life experience steps towards unified consciousness.
Now, to maintain non-harm, the Bodhisattva turns to the language of unified consciousness in everything he does.

According to their properties, symbols are divided into categories.
The nature of each symbol not only governs a specific meaning, but has a specific effect on one's consciousness and field.
In the first (groove) 48 symbols there are 4 main categories of symbols, respectively:


Each modulation will have the effect of clearing away the distortion that the individual is currently working on at this stage of evolution.
Each modulation assists in clearing karma, patterns or damaged areas of the etheric, intuitive, creative, emotional or mental bodies surrounding the form.
With the inclusion of all modulations in the entire lattice of the etheric body, a sufficiently high vibration is achieved to master the Mahavipshu level of evolution in the process of ascension.
In the future, information will be given about the meaning behind the combination of two or more symbols, tune in!
By concentrating on bringing the Light Language modulations into your grid, you will gradually advance your ascension.

How to use the Language of Light.

Consciousness of Mother Earth

The Language of Light thought form provides a bridge for humanity from the current belief system built on polarity to a new thought form based on unity and non-polarity. The modulation of the Language of Light can be compared to the modulations of creation (also known as Bija Mantras) that are necessary to support life in the 3rd dimension. The Earth and everything living on it, including humanity, are making the transition from the 3rd to the 5th dimension or, in other words, ascending. To achieve this goal, a bridge of modulations must be built that will create a passage from the 3rd dimension to the 5th.

The Language of Light was vibrations and modulations used to transform and transmute their embodiments during ascension. Ascension is a biological feat in which a form gradually increases in vibration to gradually move into another dimension. When this happens, the thought forms inherent in and significant to another time simply fade away. The more you raise your vibration, the less space there is in your life for old, fear-based thought forms to be replaced by the new paradigm of unified consciousness. Many who have aligned themselves with the Unity and Ascension paradigm have already begun to use the Language of Light in their healing and teaching activities.

One of them, a massage therapist, uses the Language of Light in a prestigious clinic, where she sometimes sees up to 7-8 patients a day. Patients not only talk about the unusual sensations experienced during the massage, but many return to her for treatment again and again because the results are much more effective. Plus, she raises her vibration faster than the other members of her group! You cannot work with the vibrations of ascension without ascending yourself!

Others who have joined have begun to use the Language of Light instead of the Reiki symbols and offer the Language of Light for attunement. The Language of Light is the next one after Reiki and a higher octave. Reiki was intended to bring about a certain phase of the awakening of humanity, and the Language of Light can successfully take the process to the next level. The Language of Light overcomes all stereotypes of attachment and possessiveness, which Reiki symbols do not do. And in order to realize the next phase of ascension, you must gradually free yourself from all attachments.

Attachments can be seen as tiny bundles of energy that connect a person to all the people in his life, his possessions, pets and plants. To ascend, one must free oneself from these attachments, since they constantly take Chi from the field. Like a flat tire, each bundle creates a hole in the field through which Chi can flow. As you ascend, you are forever freed from the cords and increasingly seal your field to hold the increasing amount of Chi and maintain a higher vibration.

There is a need for healers to perform this attunement as part of a healing session. At the same time, you can simply make the symbols of the Language of Light a part of your daily life and concentrate on the modulations, gradually introducing them into your field. The modulations themselves are very similar to scales. The 1st modulation is the lowest vibration called “Forgiveness”. With the accommodation of this vibration a certain amount of biological ascension and change takes place in the etheric and subtle bodies surrounding the form. Modulation number 2 has a slightly higher vibration and is called "Structure". With its containment, the next stage of biological ascension is also realized with changes in the etheric and subtle bodies surrounding the form. Each modulation contains all the information needed to ascend to the next phase of ascension.

Following the single signs of the Language of Light are the so-called "Double Modulations", which use 2 of the first 48 signs of the scale and combine them to create a new and higher vibration with a new meaning. In your individual ascension, by accommodating any double modulation, you begin the process of ascending from the state called Bodhisattva to Mahavishnu (or accommodating 15,000 DNA strands). Ascension to the level of Mahavishnu contains an even higher octave of vibrations than the state of a Bodhisattva.

The earth as a whole is increasing its vibration at the fastest rate. In order to keep pace and not fall behind, it is time for humanity to move forward faster. We invite everyone currently ascending to use the Language of Light to fuel the forward movement of individual ascension. For those who are new to the concept of ascension, we suggest "Express Your Intent to Ascend." Through the conscious intention to ascend, it is realized for any person who strives to do so at this moment in history. Choosing to ascend means that life will not end in death, and you will live to see the birth of a new era of peace, joy, unity and love for humanity on Earth.

The Language of Light Symbols is created on the basis of 144 concepts presented in form, color and modulation. Modulations are equivalent to modulations or vibrations of creation. Over time on Earth the modulations of creation became distorted. The distortion has caused destruction and separatism to dominate the Earth. The Language of Light represents the original symbols, modulations and vibrations used on Earth before the distortion. It is with great love and joy that we pass on these symbols to those who are ascending at this moment in history! The Language of Light is based on unified consciousness. With a united consciousness, there are no destructive thought forms. When all 144 symbols of the Language of Light are contained, they overcome all destructive stereotypes on all planes of reality, conscious, subconscious and 6eccoconscious. The first 48 symbols are single in nature and form the basis of the Language of Light. The first 10 characters represent the "Ten Octaves of Love". The remaining 38 are created by combining two or three of the initial Ten Octaves of Love in different combinations, giving them a different modulation or vibration and therefore a new meaning. Those who have reached the state of Bodhisattvas in their personal ascension anchor the first 48 symbols in their fields and take the first steps in their life experience towards united consciousness. Now, to maintain non-harm, the Bodhisattva turns to the language of the united consciousness in everything he does. According to their properties, symbols are divided into categories. The nature of each symbol not only governs a specific meaning, but has a specific effect on one's consciousness and field. In the first (groove) 48 symbols there are 4 main categories of symbols, respectively:ActivePassiveIntegratingFinalists. Each modulation will have the effect of clearing away the distortion that the individual is currently working on at this stage of evolution. Each modulation assists in clearing karma, patterns or damaged areas of the etheric, intuitive, creative, emotional or mental bodies surrounding the form. With the inclusion of all modulations in the entire lattice of the etheric body, a sufficiently high vibration is achieved to master the Mahavipshu level of evolution in the process of ascension. In the future, information will be given about the meaning behind the combination of two or more symbols, tune in! By concentrating on bringing the Light Language modulations into your grid, you will gradually advance your ascension. We hope that this information will serve everyone who is persistently moving along the Path of Evolution.

“TAO” Path of Ascension