Why refined foods are not complete. Refined carbohydrates: food list. Soy milk is harmful to dental health

It would seem that there is nothing simpler: grind the grain - here you have flour. But such flour is poorly stored. Therefore, manufacturers purify it from the most beneficial substances for humans. A huge amount of vitamins, microelements and much-needed fiber - all of this goes to waste. Almost only starch remains. But that is not all. In order for the flour to become sufficiently white, it is bleached with substances, which we will discuss in more detail.

Note that these same substances are used in washing powders and household chemicals for disinfection and bleaching. A fact that makes you think about whether it’s worth buying bread in stores, or better yet, at home.

POTASSIUM BROMATE is an inorganic compound, potassium salt, highly soluble in water. In the classification of food additives it is designated as E924.

Animal studies have shown the possibility of thyroid and kidney cancer in rats and mice. At high temperatures, which occurs during baking, potassium bromate transforms into potassium bromide, which is considered harmless. Bread made from “brominated flour” can be fluffy and unnaturally white.

Potassium bromate is prohibited for the food industry in Russia, EU countries, China, Brazil, and Canada. Approved in the USA.

CHLORINE DIOXIDE is a gaseous substance that has characteristic smell, an inorganic compound of chlorine and oxygen, a powerful antimicrobial substance. Explosive. In the classification of food additives it is designated as E926.

After treating flour with chlorine dioxide, tocopherols (vitamin E), essential fatty acid. Studies on mice showed that when fed bread made from flour treated with chlorine dioxide, the animals experienced vitamin E deficiency.

Additive E926 is approved in Russia and is also used for disinfection and purification of drinking water.

BENZOYL PEROXIDE is an organic aromatic compound, a white powdery substance. In the classification of food additives it is designated as E928.

Used to whiten flour and as a baking improver. Flour treated with benzoyl peroxide is looser and whiter. E928 is often used in the production of deodorizing oils, and in the production of cheese, and for the treatment of acne in the form of creams and ointments. IN pure form is a strong carcinogen (a substance that causes the occurrence of malignant tumors).

Approved in Russia for use in the baking industry.

Ammonium persulfate is an organically active compound, ammonium salt. In the classification of food additives it is designated as E923.

Has the third class of danger. If inhaled, it can cause a severe asthmatic attack and is dangerous to the skin and eyes.

Ammonium persulfate is prohibited in food production in all countries of the world, including Russia. But it is sometimes used as a leavening agent for dough, for whitening flour, in the production of soft drinks and confectionery, and as a glazing agent.

ALLOXAN is a compound obtained from the oxidation of uric acid.

Alloxan inhibits the action of many enzymes. Causes necrosis of the islets of Langerhans (accumulations of special cells of the pancreas), necrosis of the renal tubules and other, less striking changes in the pituitary gland, thymus, adrenal glands and thyroid gland in experimental animals. It is used to produce experimental diabetes in animals with further study of various drugs.

Alloxan is not believed to be as toxic to humans as it is to animals.

It turns out that white flour is, in fact, starch, which, at best, will be useless for humans, and at worst, even dangerous. Of course, it is best to use whole grain flour. Or at least reduce the consumption of white flour products.

Please show common sense! Health and success on the path of development. Ohm

Refined products

Our distant ancestors did not eat the most harmful things, the things from which weight rapidly increases and, in general, all metabolic processes go to hell: constipation begins, the digestive system basically stops functioning, strength decreases, skin elasticity disappears... ... These are precisely refined products.

Refining - factory processes through which a product receives a final purification or finishing, for example in the metallurgy or food industry. During the refining process, the natural product is separated into its component parts, some of which are discarded along with significant amounts of nutrients.

In nature, food eaten by a variety of animals has one thing in common: in addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains auxiliary substances that facilitate its digestion and complete absorption. In other words, nature itself has come up with a mechanism for us to help the body extract nutrients from food. Therefore, during refining, when part of the nutrients necessary for the digestion of the product goes to waste, the product becomes inferior, because now it cannot be completely digested.

Here are some examples.

Milled rice was the first documented example of the damage caused by refining. Milling rice removes the vitamin-rich outer layer of the grain. For many years, rice was the staple food of the inhabitants of the Far East, which caused an epidemic of beriberi disease, which could be cured with just rice bran.

It turns out that during refining, rice loses most of its nutrients. If we strive to receive nutritious and healthy food for the body every day, it is better to eat unpolished or steamed rice.

Or, for example, vegetable oils. Unrefined, cold-pressed vegetable oils are considered the most useful, since they retain vitamins A, E and other biologically active substances contained in the original product.

Of course, it is believed that harmful substances are removed from refined oil, but this is only good on one side. If we look deeper, we will see: along with harmful substances, natural vitamins and beneficial amino acids disappear from the oil. We can say that refined oil is biologically inactive and has no particular value for the body.

It should also be added that it is more profitable for manufacturers to produce purified oil: the shelf life of the product increases, transportation is facilitated, therefore the sales market expands and the sales process is simplified.

Refined sugar is absolutely terrible! Let's start with the fact that almost any sugar is harmful to the body. Scientists have proven that the consumption of refined sugar is directly related to the development diabetes mellitus. Sugar contains no vitamins or minerals at all, but once it enters the body, it must be immediately absorbed. The process of converting sucrose into energy uses up more nutrients from other foods. Consumption of refined sugar leads to depletion of chromium, which is largely responsible for glucose metabolism.

And of course, wheat flour. Whole grain wheat is an important source of vitamins and minerals, which are lost during the milling process in the amount of 70% to 90%. The result is a product similar to sugar, no nutritional value, only calories. The addition of synthetic vitamins does not change the sad picture much, because microelements such as chromium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, selenium and copper are not replaced.

Once in the tsarist army, in one of the military units, the following incident occurred: all the officers of the unit fell ill. At the same time, the soldiers of the unit were in good health. As it turned out later, for the officers the bread was baked from sifted flour, and for the soldiers from the same flour, but unsifted, with bran. As soon as the officers began to be fed soldiers' bread, they all recovered within a few days.

Here is an excerpt from an old fairy tale:

A long time ago, in one kingdom, the king's son, a young prince, the only heir to the throne, fell ill. And the prince began to wither and waste away. Neither the most famous healers nor ordinary healers could say what the prince was suffering from. The king could not find a place for himself out of grief. After much thought, one courtier suggested:

- Your Majesty! The prince has city sickness. Every six months we send horses from the royal stables to rural feed so that they become stronger after city feed.

The king liked the idea of ​​the courtier. The young man was sent to the village, to the family of a simple peasant. The owner's son and the heir to the throne herded cows together, ate potatoes baked over a fire, chewed sorrel leaves, and feasted on wild and swamp berries. A month later, the king met a completely healthy son.

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Refined foods surround us at home and on store shelves. We use them every day and often don’t even know about it - after all, not every pack indicates the processing method. Let's take a closer look at why they are useful or harmful.

First and most important: if companies follow the recipes and production techniques, there is nothing harmful in refined products. Here we mean by the word harm its immediate meaning - a violation of the anatomical integrity or physiological functions of the body. If you (quite naturally) still want to play it safe, feel free to choose a product marked “GOST”, “quality management system” or “environmental management system”. In order to receive the appropriate stamp, this food has undergone numerous tests, including medical ones.

The problem with refined products is indirect and completely different - they make it very easy to gain weight. They are a source of “light” carbohydrates and cannot be recommended for those wishing to lose weight. Oddly enough, the word “refining” itself comes from English (and with it Latin) - to improve, improve, increase quality and make more refined. Let's look at the definitions.

What are refined products

Refined foods are foods that have had some part removed during processing to improve appearance, taste, or shelf life. Its direct opposite is “whole” foods. They are the closest to the natural state; no components have been removed. Between these two poles there is another intermediate link. These are dishes that have undergone primary processing and are consumed together with its result (ex: boiling vegetables to produce vegetarian broth).

Natural foods are rich in vitamins and amino acids, but it is impossible to eat them all at once and put aside useful substances “in reserve.” To prevent food from spoiling and to retain at least some of its vital components, it must be cooked. This was understood by ancient people, at whose sites traces of drying, drying, salting and sourdough were found. Baking and flour, also a product of refining, originated in Ancient Rome. Pasta - a little later, in the Middle Ages. Next comes pasteurization and other modern methods.

Benefits of refined products:
+ preservation of quickly perishable food;

Example: all vegetables and fruits, milk, meat, fish.
+ reducing prices, increasing the quantity of food and its availability;
+ improving the taste and visual appeal of the finished dish;

Example: Let's compare baking from white and black bread.
+ removal of “garbage” and inedible parts, ease of use.

Example: refined oil - foams less, is consumed less, does not “shoot”, does not emit odor.

+ destruction of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.

Example: an ordinary fly can become a carrier of salmonella, cholera, and typhoid fever.

+ quick saturation and less time for cooking;
+ greater variety of culinary recipes and taste experiences.

Harm from refined foods:

- Increase in calorie content of food;
- Reduced content of vitamins and microelements;
- Possible contamination due to violation of production rules;
- Increased carbohydrate content, as a result – possible “jumps” in blood sugar, up to the point of addiction;
- Loss of original taste and aroma;
- Replacement of omega-3 fats with omega-6 analogues, which can cause cancer, obesity, diabetes and even depression; *(hypothesis)
- Salting food.

Some facts about refined foods:

1. "R." constitute between 36 and 41% of the average Australian's diet."
Australian Medical Research Council
2. Unilever and McDonald's pledged to reduce the amount of fat, sodium and sugar in their menus, and replace regular salt with iodized salt.
(From the companies themselves)
3. In many countries, white flour bread is fortified with folic acid.
(According to the website 12wbt. com)
4. The IQ of children who eat more plant foods is higher than that of their peers who eat baked goods and fast food.
(Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, UK).

List of refined foods

1. Sweets, candies, snacks, bars.

Lots of calories. It is better to snack on fresh unsalted nuts, vegetables or fruits.

2. Non-alcoholic, alcoholic, energy drinks.

Excess sugar, preservatives and no vitamins at all + lack of saturation with high calorie content. Alternative – juices fresh , mineral water, dairy products with “live” bacteria.

3. Crackers, chips.

Organic, but was fried in a huge amount of oil. Heat destroyed almost all useful substances.
Alternative: minimally processed oatmeal. Dried fruits.

4. Packaged soups, fast food.

Extremely high salt content. There are almost no vitamins.
Alternative: home cooking, albeit at a quick fix. Soups and dishes with fresh herbs.

5. White bread and pastries.

Purified from beneficial fiber and some essential substances. Lots of easily digestible carbohydrates.
Alternative: bran bread, unsweetened oatmeal cookies; High fiber foods – artichokes, lentils.

6. Refined cereals: rice, semolina.

Low fiber, high calories.
Alternative: unrefined grains, brown rice, legumes, oatmeal.

7. Refined oil, margarine, spreads.
No important triglycerides , presence of impurities.
Alternative: homemade oil, unrefined vegetable oil, olive oils.

8. White sugar.

Net calories.
Alternative: honey, molasses, sweeteners, brown cane sugar.

Conclusion: if you want to lose weight, it is better to use the above substitutes. People with normal weight can afford refined foods as long as they do not exceed the calorie content daily diet, and the latter is enriched with all necessary microelements.

We can sum it up here in the words of the great researcher and healer Paracelsus : “Everything is poison and everything is medicine. Both are determined by the dose.”

Hello, my dear readers!

In this article I will try to tell you why they are so harmful and why you should eat as little of them as possible, and I will also share with you a list of the most harmful foods.

Refined foods - benefit or harm

What are refined foods?

Refined products are everything that has been subjected to long-term industrial processing using complex chemical, thermal and other transformations. These are products devoid of life, vitamins and all natural nutrients. Cleared of everything!!

If anyone remembers the old film with Louis de Fenus, where they showed the factory where they made artificial products, then it's practically the same.

And today all our supermarkets are filled with such semi-synthetic products.

Eating such food is not only useless, but very, very harmful, and we hear about it every day from our TV screens.

Almost everyone understands that most modern products have no benefit, that they are all poisonous to a certain extent, filled with carcinogens and other nasty things that settle in our body and cause us dangerous incurable diseases.

BUT, we still go to stores and buy these products, because it seems to us that there are simply no other products, and if we give them up, there will simply be nothing to eat!!!

Having succumbed to “television” psychosis (which, by the way, is exaggerated for a reason), one day I decided that I did not want to continue to eat something for which I would later have to be treated.

Therefore, before it’s too late, you need to stop turning your body into a trash can where you can dump everything that comes to hand.

And so, inspired by this idea, I decided to buy only healthy products.

My story of transition to proper nutrition- PRESS!

In general, my friends, not everything turned out to be as simple as I would have liked.

When I went into the store and looked at the food counters, my brain, already at the subconscious level, seemed to be telling me, don’t take this, it’s POISON!)))

I thought about this when, while paying at the checkout, I saw how in front of me other customers were laying out from their carts: sausages, sausages, cookies, gingerbreads, mayonnaise, candies, glazed cheese curds, pastries, white bread, white wheat flour, vegetable oil, instant cereals, cheap pasta... I could go on and on...

And then the question began to torment me, what can I eat then, because there is simply no normal food!?

I think that this question arose for everyone who was at least a little concerned about this topic.

And some, after thinking about it for another day, simply, roughly speaking, gave up on it healthy eating and continued to eat as before.

Having reassured myself that good products anyway, no, but I always want to eat.

But, I decided not to retreat and use the method of elimination.

The first thing I did was simply give up all refined foods.

I stopped buying them completely.

This is how fresh meat and fish appeared in my diet (instead of “plastic” deli meats), which, when baked, will give a head start to any sausage.

I began to cook more natural food, and among the clutter of low-quality goods, find bio-products with eco-labeling (real, fresh, non-powdered yogurts and milk, real aged cheese, pasta made from whole grain flour, natural juices in bottles and without sugar).

Imagine, this can be found in regular stores if you just look for it.

I began to pay attention to those products that I had not looked at before (this is how I became acquainted with quinoa, chickpeas, coconut oil and avocado oil, Brazil nuts, etc.).

I started buying things that we didn’t eat before (avocado, seaweed, wild honey, carob)

And gradually I realized that even in our world, you can eat healthy foods and always, for everything harmful, you can find a useful replacement, you just have to want it.

I realized that healthy eating is not only for rich people, it is possible for everyone who wants it.

By saving on sausages, you can afford to buy a piece of meat.

By saving money on cookies, sugar and candies, you can afford to buy healthier and dried fruits.

If there is a desire, there will always be options.

Now I have a sea of ​​articles by eco-bloggers in my bookmarks. Among them are students and retirees.

Reading their blogs, you understand that if you really want, you can create your own healthy eating system in such a way that it will not only be healthy, but also tasty, and even economically profitable.

  • A pack of high-quality tea is consumed more economically than cheap tea or tea bags,
  • One boiled farm chicken can provide a whole family with a complete lunch, dinner, and even sandwiches for several days if prepared correctly
  • A piece of ground boiled meat can be a wonderful alternative to store-bought pate and sausage; and homemade salted fish will be many times superior in quality to harmful herring with liquid smoke;
  • Honey, dried fruits, nuts, whole grain flour make it possible to prepare hearty and low-calorie desserts; with just 5 fruits you can make five glasses of fresh smoothies instead of harmful juices from a tetra pack.

And even by buying or growing ordinary vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage, onions), you can come up with a lot of tasty healthy dishes, instead of harmful frozen semi-finished products.

So if you want to eat healthy, if you really, really want your family to have a healthy diet, just start by stopping buying refined foods.

Over time, you will realize that you can easily and simply do without them.

You will find a replacement for almost everything you give up, only in a more useful form.

Of course, you will have to spend more time in the kitchen, but it will be worth it!

List of refined foods and how they can be replaced

Main list:

  1. White wheat flour and all baked goods made from it - substitute oatmeal or whole grain flour
  2. Refined sugar - replacing honey or natural sweeteners (maple syrup)
  3. Refined vegetable oil - substitute for olive, ghee butter, ghee butter
  4. And everything that contains various stabilizers, antioxidants, dyes, flavor enhancers, and is stored for more than five days

Remember that absolutely everything that we send inside ourselves will definitely begin to affect our health and appearance. We are what we eat!

When buying cheap unhealthy refined food, it is worth remembering that the money saved on it will most likely in the future be spent on pills that will cost many times more!

Today we fry sausage on vegetable oil, smoke fish with liquid smoke, or bake sweet buns and pancakes with yeast dough.

From childhood, we accustom children to French fries, chips, glazed cheesecakes and candies, and then we will begin to look for information on how to treat chronic pancreatitis and intestinal diseases or worry about why the child is growing or seeing so poorly.

In general, I don’t encourage anyone to do anything, you think that you only live once, so you can afford to eat absolutely everything, consider it.

You think that all these horror stories are nonsense, think! If you don’t believe that healthy eating is satisfying and not so expensive, don’t believe it. I won’t convince anyone.

In any case, everyone will be right in their own way ;)

Huge selection of quality organic natural products: tea, butter, cereals, nuts, gluten-free flour, spices, honey and much more I buy here Here and I highly recommend it to everyone!!!

I'm just sharing my experience, and I will be very glad if it is useful and useful to someone.

I will be very glad to hear your comments on this matter, write and subscribe to updates)

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone and eat right!

Refined flour (High grade)

Why is premium flour snow-white, while when you grind grain at home, you get flour with a brown tint?

Because for quite a long time, making flour includes not just the process of grinding wheat and other grains. Consider a grain of wheat.

It consists of: endosperm - it is absorbed by the germ during germination, the germ - the most important part of the plant, from which, in fact, it appears, and 3 layers of “protection” - bran shells. Corrected The most valuable, tasty and healthy substances are contained in the embryo.

Let's go back to basics...

Once upon a time, grain was ground quite simply - ground using a millstone made of stone. The “output” was brown flour, which was then used to bake bread rich in vitamins B and E.

Then, in the 19th century, a group of enterprising farmers decided that such a process was extremely unprofitable. After all, you can significantly reduce the cost of a product by depriving it of useful substances, and get more profit.

Therefore, he invented metal millstones. Their main difference from stone ones was that it was possible to separate the protective layers, embryo and endosperm. Since then, snow-white flour began to appear on our tables.

What about today?

Today, “protection” and embryos are fed to animals that are raised “for slaughter”, and the endosperm, which itself has a starchy appearance, is used for baking bakery products. (Let’s leave the topic of feeding animals, which “meat-eaters” love so much).

So, useful minerals, vitamins and other substances contained in the endosperm are:

  • Iron and copper
  • Enzymes and magnesium
  • Molybdenum and cobalt
  • Vitamin group B

The latter is contained to a greater extent in the embryo.

By separating the most valuable products from the endosperm, the flour refining process does not end (the final product is not yet clearly defined White color). Like all natural and living substances on our Planet, the germ does not allow flour to remain in one form for a long time. Everything that is lost from the whole grain becomes starch. And, as you know, it contains absolutely no useful substances.

Therefore, in order to make refined flour at least a little more valuable for the human body, it is “enriched” with vitamins that were obtained artificially. And there seems to be no difference in them (the same composition from the point of view of chemistry), they are still very difficult to absorb by our body, since they basically have an unnatural structure. But basically the body simply cannot recognize them and ignores them.

How flour was bleached in the past

Even at the beginning of the period of “processing plant foods,” when the idea of ​​“making flour snow-white” was just emerging, nitrogen trichloride was used, a dangerous chemical that has a detrimental effect on all systems of the human body.

But that was before, and since the 49th year of the last century, trichloride has been “successfully” replaced by such no less dangerous substances as:

  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Potassium bromate
  • Chlorine dioxide
  • Alloxan ammonium persulfate

Aren't you scared by the names?

It is customary to keep silent about this

All of the above "whiteners" in refined flour seriously affect the bread we eat. In a negative sense. And this in no way prevents multi-million dollar giant companies from receiving the same huge profits for centuries. A logical conclusion suggests itself - the rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves...

You may not believe how quiet everyone is about this. Yes, you are absolutely right. In 1919, there were several attempts to convey to people the dangers of refined first-grade flour. This is what America's health care system did. But what happened? Just six months later, this civil service “revised” its conclusions. Products made from white flour began to be considered absolutely safe for human health...

Instead of a conclusion

To summarize, I would like to take a closer look at the technologies that are used to bleach premium flour. After all, it also has a pure white color (sometimes with a slight tint of “cream”).

It is worth quoting from one publication:

“The first grade of flour is the most snow-white, since during its production, the coarse grain shells, which color the baked goods a darker color, were removed from the very “heart” of the wheat.”

Therefore, the next time you look at a shelf in a store with snow-white refined premium flour, think carefully, is it worth it? It is much better to eat whole grain flour (especially coarse flour), which not only contains antioxidants, but also enzymes that are beneficial for our body.