Why is ALT “Matrix” the best series of laser therapeutic devices? The most famous universal professional device Alt matrix

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Not all laser therapy devices can boast such compact dimensions as the Matrix MINI device. This is what has given this device unprecedented popularity among patients. It can be purchased for independent use, which will save you from regular visits to medical institutions. This is especially convenient for older people, as well as women with small children...

Not all laser therapy devices can boast such compact dimensions as the Matrix MINI device. This is what gave this device unprecedented popularity among patients...

The biocontrol unit (BIO) is designed to modulate laser radiation with frequencies close to 10 Hz, as well as the patient’s pulse and breathing rates. One of the most promising areas of modern laser therapy is the use of synchronization of the effect with the patient’s endogenous biorhythms. New types of feedback systems allow real-time...

The biocontrol unit (BIO) is designed to modulate laser radiation with frequencies close to 10 Hz, as well as the patient’s pulse and breathing rates. One of the most promising areas with...

Attention! The Matrix 2-channel device is not an independent working device. For its operation, appropriate attachments and emitters are required. The methods of using laser and magnetic therapy used in medicine have high efficiency and performance. However, this depends not so much on the power of the devices, but on their technical characteristics. All laser therapy devices are...

Attention! The Matrix 2-channel device is not an independent working device. For its operation, appropriate attachments and emitters are required. Methods of use used in medicine...

Massage is not just an ordinary cosmetic procedure that helps to relax the body and soul. If you do it not with your hands, but with a special device, the effect is significantly enhanced. The unique Matrix VM device is a portable device with which massage can be done both in a special institution and independently at home. Quick elimination of skin defects...

Massage is not just an ordinary cosmetic procedure that helps to relax the body and soul. If you do it not with your hands, but with a special device, the effect is significantly enhanced. Unique...

Penetrating into tissues, laser radiation activates various photophysical and photochemical processes in them. As a result, cascades of reactions are launched in the body, the results of which are: Strengthened...

Attention! The Matrix 4-channel device is not an independent working device. For its operation, appropriate attachments and emitters are required. Laser therapy devices have many advantages and virtually no disadvantages. But it is MATRIX (four-channel) that is the most universal among them. Thanks to its highly technical device, you can experience completely...

Attention! The Matrix 4-channel device is not an independent working device. For its operation, appropriate attachments and emitters are required. Laser therapy devices have many advantages...

Registration certificate: FS 022a2005/2908-06 Certificate of conformity: ROSS RU.AI11.B00383 Technical characteristics: Radiation modes Pulse, continuous, modulated, vibromagnetic laser Number of radiation channels: laser and EHF heads 2 channel for connecting the VMLG-10 head 1 Radiation wavelength, µm Determined by the type of replaceable remote emitter Method of...

Registration certificate: FS 022a2005/2908-06 Certificate of conformity: ROSS RU.AI11.B00383 Technical characteristics: Radiation modes Pulse, continuous, modulated, vibration...

Penetrating into tissues, laser radiation activates various photophysical and photochemical processes in them. As a result, cascades of reactions are launched in the body, the results of which are: Strengthening metabolic processes. Accelerating the healing of wounds and erosions. Stimulation of blood and lymph circulation. Relieving pain syndrome. Activation of immune cell functions. Reduced blood clotting. ...

Specialized and home laser device

Matrix Urologist, Cosmetologist, Matrix Mini - laser device is rich in its modifications for targeted assistance to specialists and patients. Laser is used today in various fields:

  • physiotherapy, cosmetology, surgery,
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, gastrointestinal tract,
  • osteochondrosis, joint diseases, neuralgia of various localizations, colds and so on.

Wealth of possibilities

The physiotherapeutic device is rich in emitters and attachments, without which its widespread use would be questionable:

  • magnetic, mirror, optical, intracavity nozzles;
  • emitters VLOK, KLO, LO-LLOD, EHF, LO, VMLG10 and so on.

They influence human acupuncture, carry out ILBI and NLBI procedures and ultraviolet irradiation of blood, EHF and bioresonance therapy. For the latter method, Matrix-Bio is provided. This is a special unit that adjusts to the patient’s pulse and breathing. Adjusting to biorhythms allows for more precise programming to influence the body. This is how a focus on a positive outcome of therapy is achieved.

Matrix laser devices, when used, affect not only a specific organ or area of ​​the body, but also the general condition of the body. Therefore, it cannot be said that their effect affects only that part of the body to which their radiation is directed. No matter what disease or injury a person is treated with laser, this machine also improves his immunity and improves his overall condition.

In this section, we will look at specific diseases and suboptimal conditions that the device helps to cope with. And in some cases, the use of this device is enough to cope with painful conditions without resorting to medications.

Matrix laser devices are beneficial when they are used in the following areas of medicine:

  • Surgery
  • Sports medicine
  • Cosmetology
  • Dermatology
  • Urology
  • Proctology
  • Gynecology
  • Dentistry
  • Gastroenterology
  • Cardiology
  • Neurology
  • Pulmonology
  • ENT diseases

Lasers are also successfully used in the treatment of pets: cats, dogs, hamsters and others.

Below we will consider in detail each section of medicine where Matrix laser devices can be successfully used:

Matrix in surgery

Indications for use: bone fractures, wounds, burns, frostbite, purulent diseases, diseases of veins and arteries, heel spurs, trophic ulcers, hematomas, bruises, etc.

Result of application: The use of the Matrix device during treatment significantly reduces recovery time. With fractures, callus forms faster. When treating wounds, burns and frostbite, the result in the form of relief from swelling, pain and redness can be observed after the second procedure. By increasing blood circulation in the extremities, the Matrix device, when used, restores diseased veins and arteries. As a result, the chilliness of the limbs and pain when walking decreases. The Matrix device, by activating skin nutrition, allows you to accelerate the healing of purulent diseases and ulcers.

Matrix in sports medicine

Indications for use: sports injuries: bruises, musculoskeletal injuries, joint dislocations, sprains. Fatigue after intense training. Preparing an athlete for competitions.

Result of application: When treating sports injuries with the Matrix device, the athlete’s recovery time is reduced by one and a half to two times. The likelihood of recurrence of injuries is reduced. The use of the device relieves fatigue, stimulates the body's strength, and enhances metabolism. As a result of this, the athlete’s state is activated before the competition.

Matrix in cosmetology

Indications for use: Withering of the skin, the formation of wrinkles, the appearance of edema and cellulite.

Result of application: The use of the device preserves youth and elasticity of the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles, and stops the development of cellulite. When using the Matrix device, metabolic and restoration processes in the body tissues are improved, which makes it possible to restore the structure of the skin and tissues and slow down the aging process. The laser device also enhances and prolongs the effect of using cosmetics.

Matrix in dermatology

Indications for use: Herpes, dermatitis, dermatosis, acne, eczema, neurodermatitis.

Result of application: If you start using the Matrix device for herpes at an early stage of the disease, this will help stop its development. Treatment with the device for already developed disease promotes faster healing of ulcers. The use of the device in dermatitis, dermatosis, eczema, rashes and neurodermatitis accelerates the healing of damaged areas. Also, the use of Matrix helps to achieve long-term remission of these diseases.

Matrix in urology

Indications for use: Prostatitis, prostate adenoma, cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, pyelonephritis.

Result of application: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the Matrix laser device, when used, significantly speeds up the process of treating patients with urological diseases. The device also helps to normalize the functions of the prostate gland during prostatitis, and reduces symptoms during exacerbations of diseases. The use of the device in the treatment of urological diseases can significantly reduce the amount of medications consumed. In order to reduce the likelihood of exacerbations of chronic diseases, you need to use the device once every two to three months.

Matrix in proctology

Indications for use: Hemorrhoids, anal itching, fissures, paraproctitis.

Result of application: If you start using the Matrix laser device at an early stage of the disease, this will help avoid surgical intervention. The device will also help in restoring the body’s condition in the postoperative period.

Matrix in gynecology

Indications for use: Childbirth and postpartum complications, inflammation of the appendages, inflammation of the uterus, mastitis, erosion, climatic syndrome.

Result of application: Due to its ability to cope with various inflammations, the Matrix device helps very well with inflammation of the appendages and uterus. The use of the device also helps in curing other gynecological diseases.

Matrix in dentistry

Indications for use: Pulpitis, caries, periodontitis, periodontal disease, ulcers of the oral mucosa.

Result of application: As a result of laser treatment, areas of teeth with reduced mineralization are restored. Pain syndrome is reduced. Inflammatory phenomena disappear after 3-5 sessions of using the device. The mucous membrane recovers much faster.

Matrix in gastroenterology

Indications for use: Stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, colitis.

Result of application: Using the Matrix laser device, patients with stomach and duodenal ulcers after just a few procedures experience relief and a reduction in pain. As a result of subsequent examination, patients experience a decrease in inflammation and rapid healing of the ulcers. The Matrix device reduces inflammation of the gallbladder and liver, and also stimulates the process of liver regeneration and normalizes its function.

Matrix in cardiology

Indications for use: Hypertension, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris.

Result of application: The Matrix laser device stabilizes blood circulation and heart activity, increases the electrical stability of the myocardium. The device also helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and improves blood microcirculation. If a person has an artificial heart valve, implanted pacemaker or pacemaker, this will be a contraindication for using the device.

Matrix in neurology

Indications for use: Diseases of the joints and spine, arthritis, bursitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia.

Result of application: Quite quickly after starting to use the device, an analgesic effect appears. When using the device, body tissues begin to be better nourished, blood circulation improves, inflammation is relieved, and the affected area recovers more quickly. Mobility in joints increases. The process of formation of intervertebral hernias is stopped. Better results can be achieved if you combine treatment with the device with massage and physical therapy.

Matrix in pulmonology

Indications for use: Bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia.

Result of application: In the treatment of pulmonary diseases, the Milta device helps to achieve a positive result due to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effect. Using the device for bronchitis allows the patient to feel significantly better after the third procedure. Use in the treatment of bronchial asthma reduces symptoms requiring inhalation. When treating pneumonia, using the device in combination with other methods reduces recovery time by five to seven days.

Matrix in ENT diseases

Indications for use: Rhinitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, tracheitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, prevention of influenza and ARVI.

Result of application: When treating ENT diseases with the Matrix laser device, the patient’s condition improves much faster than without its use. With otitis media, the pain goes away after the third or fourth procedure. The amount of ear discharge also decreases. Rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, sinusitis and tonsillitis are also well cured with the Matrix device. After a course of procedures with the Matrix device, a lasting improvement occurs.

Contraindications to the use of Matrix devices

Malignant neoplasms of any location, benign tumors with a tendency to progress, systemic blood diseases, leukemia, pregnancy at all stages, benign tumors of the female genital organs, acute infectious diseases, severe forms of diabetes mellitus and thyroid diseases, severe forms of diseases of the cardiovascular system ( crisis course of hypertension, cardiovascular failure of the third stage), the presence of an artificial heart valve, an implanted pacemaker or pacemaker. Acute cerebrovascular accidents, lung diseases with the phenomenon of pulmonary failure of the third stage, liver and kidney failure in the stage of decompensation, fever (increased body temperature) of unknown origin, increased sensitivity of the skin to light (photodermatitis and photodermatoses), lupus erythematosus, mental illness in the acute stage .

Address to our site visitors

Ladies and gentlemen! So that you can confidently decide for yourself whether the Matrix laser device will help you in treating your ailments, we offer you a free consultation with a doctor. Our doctor has extensive experience in treating patients with Matrix devices. The doctor will answer all your questions regarding the use of the device in the treatment of diseases. The doctor will help you choose the right device to treat your particular illness. He will also advise you on a treatment method for your disease.

To contact our doctor for a free consultation, call our numbers.

Expansion of the range of laser devices

We have expanded the range of laser devices we offer.

Laser therapy devices "MATRIX" consist of the following main parts:

  • Basic control unit;
  • Remote emitters (emitting heads);
  • Optical, magnetic and mirror attachments.

Basic control units of MATRIX devices:

The basic blocks of ALT "MATRIX" are designed to set and control radiation parameters.
External emitters (emitting heads) are connected to the base units - laser, LED, matrix, for intravenous blood irradiation (ILBI) and EHF therapy.
The basic blocks of the MATRIX laser therapy device, depending on the design, have 2 or 4 channels for connecting emitting heads with the ability to independently set parameters (frequency, radiation power and exposure time) for each channel.

Prices for basic blocks of ALT "MATRIX":

Radiating heads for ALT "MATRIX":


Laser emitting heads:

Type µm range Mode Power Price
LO IR 0.89
Red 0.63
7 W
3,300 rub.
LO1 IR 0.89 Pulse 5 W 3,000 rub.
LO2 IR 0.89 Pulse 9 W 4,100 rub.
LO3 IR 0.89 Pulse 15 W 5,300 rub.
LO4 IR 0.89 Pulse 20 W 7,100 rub.
LO7 IR 0.89 Pulse 80 W 11,400 rub.
LOK2 Red 0.63-0.65 Pulse 5 W 9,700 rub.
KLO1 Red 0.63 Continuous 5 mW 3,500 rub.
KLO2 Red 0.65-0.67 Continuous 30 mW 6,500 rub.
KLO3 Red 0.63 Continuous 10 mW 6,500 rub.
KLO4 Red 0.63 Continuous 30 mW 18,000 rub.
KLO5 Red 0.83 Continuous 40 mW 6,400 rub.
KLO6 Red 0.83 Continuous 200 mW 7,400 rub.
KLO7 IR 1.3 Continuous 5 mW 3,000 rub.

LED emitting heads:

Matrix emitters:

Type µm range Mode Power Price
MLO1K IR 0.89 Pulse 60 W 6,450 rub.
ML01KR Red 0.63-0.65 microns Pulse 30 W RUB 21,350
MLS-1 "Effect" IR 0.89 Pulse 5 W RUB 19,350
IR 0.88 Continuous 50 mW
Red 0.63 Pulse 3 W
Green 0.53 Continuous 3 mW
Blue 0.47 Continuous 20 mW

EHF emitting heads:

Laser emitting heads:

Type Wavelength, mm Mode Power
mW/cm 2
LO-KVCH-4.9 4,9 Continuous 4-12 11,900 rub.
LO-KVCH-5.6 5,6 Continuous 4-12 11,900 rub.
LO-KVCH-7.1 7,1 Continuous 4-12 11,900 rub.

Optical attachments for ALT "MATRIX":

MATRIX laser therapy devices have a wide range of optical intracavitary and external attachments that allow radiation to be delivered directly to the pathology area.


Nozzle P-1. Designed for irradiation
prostate gland rectally.
Price 900 rub.
Nozzle U-1. Has soft silicone
tip. Designed for transurethral
effects on the prostate gland and urethra.
Price 900 rub.


Nozzle P-2. Used for irradiation of straight walls
Price 900 rub.
Nozzle P-3. Used for irradiation of straight walls
Price 900 rub.


Nozzle G-1. Used for irradiation of the cervix and
Price 900 rub.
Nozzle G-2. Used for irradiation of the cervix and
Price 900 rub.
Nozzle G-3. Used to irradiate walls
Price 900 rub.
L1. Set of ENT attachments. Price 1200 rub. C1. Set of attachments for dentistry. Price 1200 rub.

Magnetic and mirror attachments for ALT “MATRIX”:

TYPE Purpose Price
KM-2 Set of magnetic attachments 25,50,75 mT 750 rub.
ZM-25 Mirror magnet 25 mT 400 rub.
ZM-50 Mirror magnet 50 mT 650 rub.
MM-50 Magnetic attachment for ML01K 50 mT 650 rub.
MM-100 Magnetic attachment for ML01K 100 mT 880 rub.
ZN-35 Mirror nozzle 35 mm 180 rub.
ZN-50 Mirror nozzle 50 mm 180 rub.
A-2 Acupuncture head 270 rub.
A-3 Acupuncture head 350 rub.

Additional accessories for ALT "MATRIX":

Literature on laser therapy:

Name Price
Moskvin S.V., Buylin V.A. Basics of laser therapy. 256 pp. 500 rub.
Geinits A.V., Moskvin S.V., Azizov G.A. Intravenous laser irradiation of blood. 144 p. 100 rub.
Moskvin S.V., Ghorbani N.A. Laser-vacuum massage. 72 p. 100 rub.
Moskvin S.V. Laser therapy in dermatology: vitiligo. 124 pp. 100 rub.
Moskvin S.V., Myslovich L.V. Combined laser therapy in cosmetology 5,000 rub.
Moskvin S.V. and etc. Laser therapy for genitourinary diseases 200 rub.
Nasedkin A.A., Moskvin S.V. Laser therapy for patients with heroin addiction. 48 p. 100 rub.
Moskvin S.V., Kupeev V.G. Laser chromo- and color therapy 95 pp. 100 rub.
Moskvin S.V. The effectiveness of laser therapy. 256 pp. 100 rub.
Brekhov E.I., Builin V.A., Moskvin S.V. Theory and practice of EHF laser therapy. 160 p. 200 rub.
Moskvin S.V. and etc. Therapy with matrix pulsed lasers of the red spectrum. 116 p. 100 rub.
Amirkhanyan A.N., Moskvin S.V. Laser therapy in dentistry. 72 p. 100 rub.
Mufaged M.L. and etc. Laser therapy in urology. 132 p. 200 rub.