Unusual office birthday treats. Birthday at work. The best snack is canapes

Simple tips on how to save money on the holiday table in difficult times

Oddly enough, a budget birthday celebration in the office can be much more soulful than a standard (cuts + cakes) table.

At my last job, it was customary to celebrate holidays thoroughly. The “squeezed” celebration was shushed in the back for more than a week. Every year on the eve of my birthday, I went to Metro and bought half my salary: cold cuts, cheeses, vegetables, fruits, drinks, alcohol, and always sweets. The same applied to other holidays: defense of a diploma, dissertation, birth of a son. Investments in festive tables were regular and impressive. But they didn’t pay off: we gave flowers boringly, ate and drank boringly, and left without receiving the expected positive.

An office holiday can be made more economical and more soulful by moving away from the standard. You will spend much less money. It will also take a little time to prepare an unusual table. However, it all depends on your desire.

Cheap and fast

Instead of cuttings laid out on plates, the easiest way is to make sandwiches. Firstly, it will take much less money to buy ingredients (sandwiches are more voluminous than sliced ​​ones, and instead of carbonate you can buy doctor’s sausage), and secondly, here you can already get creative. “You can mix mayonnaise with ketchup, spread this sauce on each piece of sandwich bread, put lettuce, chopped gherkins, thinly sliced ​​tomatoes, ham, cheese, sausage, whatever - and on top, sauce side down, another piece of bread,” advises senior advertising manager at Gloria magazine Polina Arkhimonova. “Let it soak for at least half an hour. Cut crosswise into four sandwiches. You can secure with skewers.”

Cheese also doesn’t have to be expensive and of different varieties - practice shows that almost no one eats sliced ​​cheese. Substitute: A snack called lemon cheese and coffee. Beautiful, original, and my colleagues are delighted. To do this, you need to cut the cheese into triangles - like for a sandwich, only thicker. Place a slice of lemon on each piece and sprinkle with ground coffee. The snack is ready!

Instead of kilograms of apples, pears, bananas and grapes, you can buy literally a few pieces of each fruit and... cabbage. Wash everything thoroughly, cut the fruit into cubes, put it on skewers and make a hedgehog out of cabbage.

Half an hour before work

Baking a pie before work is an economical and heartfelt way to treat your colleagues. The only difficulty is to get up half an hour early. Everything else is very simple. You just need to take one egg, a glass of sugar, a glass of kefir, a glass of semolina and bake manna. Add apples, exclude semolina - and you get a charlotte. For special celebration, instead of apples, you can use frozen cherries, which are sold in bags in stores. What is noteworthy is that very few cherries are used for the pie, and one bag is enough for 10 charlottes. . It’s good to wrap the pies in foil or a flannel shirt, bring them to work warm and give your colleagues a delicious breakfast.

If in your office it’s still not customary to make do with just sweets, you can bake meat instead of slices and sandwiches. This is not difficult to do. “At one of my previous jobs, I felt sorry for spending money on all sorts of sausages and other smoked meats for my birthday, so I bought a very large piece of meat at the Kiev market, coated it with salt, pepper and baked it in the oven,” says Alexey. “It’s even tastier than sausage.” (even cold), and much cheaper. Baking time depends on the thickness of the piece: from an hour to two. A slight complication of the recipe: poke holes in the meat with a sharp knife and stick carrots and garlic in there."

Evening before the holiday

You can surprise your colleagues with seemingly complex dishes that are actually easy to make. For example, you can make chicken curry the day before. Or cook barbecue wings with blue cheese sauce, and with them baked potatoes in their jackets ().

For dessert, make a confectionery sausage from anniversary cookies and a few spoons of cocoa. Or surprise everyone with marmalade pies (). Simple, cheap, and most importantly, your reputation as a renowned chef is guaranteed.


Wine and soda can be replaced with a homemade (or rather, office) mojito. For a mojito, buy a martini, Schweppes, mint and lime (you can also add strawberries). Mix all this, except the martini, right on the spot. Alcohol drinkers will be able to add martinis to cocktails, non-drinkers will drink non-alcoholic ones.

You can brew mulled wine in an office kettle: pour in wine, cut an orange, add some apples, cinnamon and boil. Treat your colleagues, persuading even those who are driving to try it: “Come on! The alcohol has already all evaporated when heated!”

Save on people

There are companies where it is customary to take colleagues out into the world during the holidays and treat them to cafes and restaurants. There are also ways to save money here: for example, reduce the number of invitees and invite them to your home. Or - skiing on Sunday. Invite them to go to the zoo, to the cinema or to the climbing wall - to climb the walls. Fewer people will agree to such “adventures”. But those who come will remember only good things about your holiday.

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On your birthday, you will probably be congratulated at work, maybe even given a collectively purchased gift. As a sign of gratitude, it would be appropriate for you to offer your colleagues some kind of treat.

Below we list options for the latter. Choose based on the capabilities of your wallet and the specifics of your business schedule.

Treats for a joint tea party

No one will demand that you register in full, with a corporate party and wine. Everyone will enjoy a simple tea party in fifteen minutes.

What can you bring for tea on your birthday:

  • good candies;
  • cake;
  • cakes;
  • pasta;
  • cupcakes;
  • buns;
  • expensive cookies;
  • croissants.

It’s easy to make successful charlotte, waffles or nuts with your own efforts. True, nuts and waffles require a mold.

If you don’t have time to cook for the whole company, order pizza or ready-made pies for delivery (sweet pie, chicken chicken - at your discretion). Many shops and cafes provide a similar service at a very reasonable price.

Dishes for a birthday buffet

A buffet is usually organized for an anniversary. It involves serving light main courses, snacks and, in most cases, alcohol (just check in advance whether a celebration with alcohol is allowed at your place of work).

Be sure to bring juice in addition to wine - it may turn out that one of your colleagues cannot drink for health reasons. Buy something sweet, at least some candy. After a few toasts, your colleagues are unlikely to refuse a cup of hot tea.

In hot weather, kvass will be a worthy alternative to hot tea. Some people treat their colleagues to ice cream and jelly.

Have a nice holiday! Please accept congratulations from us too.

What's the best way to set the table for a birthday at work?

  1. cake and fruit.... this is how I get by... it all depends on what your salary is))))))))))))
  2. If you finally decide to set the table, then take care of the dishes. buy disposable tableware so that later you and your colleagues don’t have to wash the dishes, if transport allows you or already at work, put portions on each plate before the guests arrive (I would only get by with cake and, as said above, fruit you can too) If you still mean to have tea and cakes for a meal, then also pre-purchase plates, napkins, and cut the cake yourself and cut it with fruit, you can do the same.
  3. I would suggest covering the table with an inexpensive plastic tablecloth - it wouldn’t be a shame to throw out the darning if they puke. On top, put some cognac, a couple of hot wine salads (fried potatoes, for example) and a lot of meat. juice and folded - optional
  4. pizza and marinades
  5. At our work, if it’s not an anniversary, they buy champagne, fruit and sweets for the table, usually in boxes. The celebrants of the day set the table according to the full program, as they say: with appetizers, drinks of various strengths, salads, and a hot dish.
  6. 1.Pita bread rolls with various fillings:
    -cheese+garlic+cucumbers+bell pepper
    -ham with mushrooms fried in vegetable oil
    - feta cheese with olives
    - creamy processed cheese with red fish (you can take sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfor beer).
    - cheese and herbs (we prepare a mixture of mayonnaise, crushed garlic and ground allspice.
    Separately mix finely grated cheese and chopped dill and onion.
    - mayonnaise, greens, egg, then the second sheet of lavash, mayonnaise and saury (canned food) first mash in a plate with a fork and spread on the mayonnaise, and then roll into a roll.
    -eggs, mayonnaise and crab sticks
    -spread with melted cheese, sprinkle with herbs and put ham on top
    - place slices of red fish + Almette curd cream + cheese
    -2 sweet peppers of different colors, mayonnaise, 2 tsp. mustard, dill
    2. "FALSE CAVAR": Herring 1 pc Butter drain 150 g Processed cheese 2 pcs Carrots (Small) 3 pcs
    Clean the herring from entrails, skin and bones (I take fillets). Boil carrots until tender. Twist the herring, carrots, butter, and cheese through a meat grinder and stir. The spreader is ready. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (I don’t know exactly, I’ve never kept it that long). You can spread it on bread, a loaf, on slices of boiled or baked potatoes, stuff eggs, cucumbers, and tomatoes. I conducted an experiment several times, gave him a bite of a piece of sandwich and asked me to say what it was with, everyone unanimously said, of course, with red caviar! !
    3. STUFFED CRAB STICKS with different fillings
    4.HAM ROLLS WITH CHEESE: Combine cheese with crushed garlic and mayonnaise. Cut the ham into thin slices. Grease each slice with cheese mixture and roll it up.
    5. SPRAT SANDWICHES: Dry a piece of loaf in a toaster, grease one side butter. Prepare a “pillow” for sprats - grate boiled eggs on a fine grater, add crushed garlic and mayonnaise. Place a “pillow” on the other side of the pieces of bread, place the fish on top, and decorate with herbs.
    6.ROLLS:. Filling: cheese, garlic, egg, mayonnaise. And wrapped in freshly salted salmon
    7. CHEESE SNACK. Very simple and tasty: a piece of cheese is spread with Rama with herbs or pickled cucumber, ham and herbs are placed on top. Wrapped in a tube and sprinkled with pepper.
    8. PYRAMIDS WITH PATE: crackers - 24 pcs. liver pate - 240 g boiled egg - 5-6 pcs.
    pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs. tomatoes - 6 pcs. olives - 12 pcs.
    Cut the eggs and tomatoes into slices, cut the olives in half. Finely chop the cucumbers and mix with the pate. Grease the crackers with pate, place a tomato on each circle, then eggs and half an olive.
  7. If there are only men in the team, show live beer and tasty fish! 🙂
  8. I would take advantage of such a wonderful thing - a buffet... salads in tartlets and vol-au-vents.... shish kebab or lulyaki.... maybe a few Italian pizzas,.. cake is sacred... and a friend even made pilaf... .. delicious.... maybe for dessert and ice cream....
  9. Hello!))))) Happy holiday to you)))) All the best!))

    How many people? How much money do you want to spend???))))

    If you have a warm team and make a habit of setting sumptuous tables, then this is a great option:

    Prepare the pizza. Inexpensive and tasty. Also salad (Caesar, Olivier or whatever you like)

    For dessert, I prefer candy (a cake costs about 300 rubles, for this amount you can buy wonderful treats of 100-200 grams)))) and (or) fruit.

    See the drinking for yourself)))) 😉

    Otherwise, this will work fine:

    Sliced ​​dishes beautifully arranged on lettuce leaves, vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes) decorated in the same way.

    Fruits, beautifully cut and also sweets (or cakes)))

    Be sure to have a lot of napkins, forks and all sorts of plastic tinsel))))) And disposable tablecloths and garbage bags will not hurt))))

    And most importantly, a good team)))

    Bon appetit and have a nice holiday)))

  10. This does not depend on the size of the salary, but on the traditions that have developed at work: if you accept a cake, fruit, a bottle of wine, cover it like that, if it’s cold cuts of meat and fish with vodka, then cover it like that. Ask colleagues who have been working for a long time about traditions. It’s also customary at my work: cake, sweets in a box, fruit, light wine (1.2 bottles), tea for teetotalers.

Birthday is a wonderful holiday, but quite troublesome. According to tradition, you do not just accept gifts and congratulations - there is a toast in your honor. And, of course, “signing up” at work is a sacred thing. Anyone can buy sliced ​​meat in a store and quickly make sandwiches.

Why do we do this

The philosophy is simple: with a small buffet on your birthday, you first of all show respect to the people who work next to you five days a week. The scheme of the event is also simple: towards the end of the working day, you briefly gather office friends (and for “political reasons” - also enemies), treat and listen best wishes, and everyone goes about their business. So, so that those who are “for you” are happy, and those who are “against” cannot find bad words, it is better to prepare for the operation code-named “D. R." in advance.

Even a buffet table with plastic dishes can be made aesthetically pleasing. The day before, purchase a tablecloth (even a paper one), cups, plates and eating utensils. It’s good if they match the colors - fortunately, there is a choice in stores. Don't forget about napkins - buy beautiful ones that match.

To avoid mistakes with the treat, think about it for all categories of guests: drinkers and teetotalers, meat-eaters and vegans, dieters and big fans of such events.

Be sure to buy juice: the classic option is orange. Don’t forget about pickles, bread (preferably several varieties), olives and fruits. You can also display pickled mushrooms.

Remember that half the success of an event is the beauty of the table. A variety of greens will perfectly decorate dishes with food. Lettuce, parsley, cilantro, basil or mint will please even the colorblind eye. And there’s nothing to say about fruits - just don’t forget to cut them right before the buffet table.

Of course, the budget for an office birthday is usually low - everyone understands this. But you shouldn’t skimp too much either.

Smart-simple food

Meat and cheese slices will help you out a lot. Just don’t make sandwiches, but arrange the slices beautifully on a platter. Salad tartlets will be a great success. The dough baskets themselves are now easy to purchase in the store, but you will need to prepare the salad to fill them at home and season it in the office before serving.

Prepare salad tartlets . Mix finely chopped carbonade (or salmon), a couple of boiled eggs, boiled carrots, parsley, scalded onions, olives and gherkins. Add canned green peas, salt and pepper. Before putting the salad into tartlets, season it with mayonnaise. This variation on the Olivier theme looks beautiful and goes well with the “basket” dough.

An indispensable thing for an office feast is Armenian lavash. You can wrap anything in it. Even such an ascetic combination as a piece of smoked cheese and a sprig of basil in pita bread goes perfectly with dry red wine. Just bring all the ingredients and wrap them in sliced ​​tortillas before serving.

Prepare fish roll with Armenian lavash. Unroll the pita bread and spread it with cream cheese. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill and place thin pieces of lightly salted salmon on top. Make a roll and wrap in foil. Put it in the freezer. This roll, right in foil, will need to be transported to work and immediately sent to the freezer of the local refrigerator. And 15 minutes before the feast, remove and cut into thin rings. The whole secret is that the roll must be frozen, otherwise you won’t get beautiful slices.

The best snack is canapes

The main dish in terms of beauty and flavor combination may well be canapés. You can make as many different types of canapés as you can using pre-prepared ingredients (still keeping vegetarians in mind). For example, with meat and fish, as well as with rye and wheat bread. And then anything can be used: gherkins or fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese, pickled mushrooms. A red grape or olive will perfectly complete the delicious “pyramids”. Chop the ingredients for the canapés the night before, and at work, arrange them in any order.

Prepare ham with cheese on skewers. Buy a ham and ask the seller to cut it thinner. Grease each ham circle with feta cheese, place a strip of red sweet pepper in the center, roll into a roll and secure with a skewer. Place the appetizer on lettuce leaves.

And finally, a small note. The whole “strategy” of such a menu is that the set of ingredients for different dishes may turn out to be imperceptibly standard. Gherkins, olives and grapes will create an assortment, and at the same time will be used to prepare and decorate dishes. The same goes for cold cuts, salmon, cheese and bread. This will significantly reduce your costs and at the same time make the table bright and varied.

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Birthday is a special holiday. We usually celebrate at home with friends or work colleagues.

It happens that inviting all your colleagues to a restaurant or cafe is quite an expensive pleasure, but a birthday is still a great reason to have fun and celebrate it with a banquet.

In most cases, we bring ready-made salads and cold cuts directly to the office, and a modest buffet is organized directly at the workplace.

If you have a similar situation and you are wondering what to cook for a birthday at work, how to organize a banquet in the office without extra costs, then read on.

What to cook for your birthday at work

I had banquets or mini-buffets at work several times, but my husband had them regularly.

The specificity of celebrating a birthday in the office is that it is impossible to set a full table with a tablecloth and cutlery.

Therefore, we reveal the secrets of a buffet-banquet at work in order.

  • First, prepare a lot of napkins, paper and wet, a lot.
  • Next are the dishes. Plates of different sizes and shapes, cups, glasses or glasses. But it’s better to bring real forks and knives from home, made of steel.
  • If you are allowed to place a table with a tablecloth, then I recommend stocking up on several tablecloths. Disposable ones are quite suitable, the main thing is there should be several of them. This way, the workplace will remain in order and all the garbage can be thrown away along with the tablecloth.

So, with the dishes and other supplies, we got ready. Now let's get to the menu itself.

It is often customary to apply for such events sandwiches or tartlets with caviar, sausage cuts and canapés.

Traditional components of such snacks: cheese, olives, olives, caviar, sausages and various meat delicacies.

If you really want to surprise your guests, I recommend preparing unusual snacks. What to serve with champagne, decide for yourself, it all depends on taste and imagination.

I offer you my original and at the same time very simple recipe - an appetizer with red fish, kiwi and cheese. Kiwi perfectly complements the taste of red fish and cheese. Pepper and parsley add piquancy to this appetizer.

Recipe: Cheese, pink salmon and kiwi appetizer


  • cheese "Russian"
  • lightly salted pink salmon
  • parsley
  • hot chili pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bread into pieces and dry in the oven or in a dry frying pan.
  2. Cut the cheese into triangles.
  3. Peel ripe kiwi and cut into slices.
  4. Cut pink salmon into thin slices.
  5. Cut the pepper into rings and remove the seeds.
  6. All ingredients can be assembled into sandwiches at home, or right before the banquet. Place cheese, fish, kiwi and pepper on slices of bread. Garnish with parsley.

For the next pink salmon appetizer recipe, you will need 25 minutes of free time, but your colleagues will definitely appreciate this appetizer!

Video recipe for appetizer Pink salmon rolls in sesame

For eggplant lovers, the recipe is below.

Recipe for Eggplant Rolls “New Way”


  • eggplant
  • fresh cucumbers
  • vegetable oil
  • ham
  • crab sticks
  • mayonnaise
  • dill
  • green onions

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the eggplants, peel and cut into lengthwise slices. Salt the slices and fry on vegetable oil. Place on a napkin.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into cubes.
  3. Ham, preferably not fatty, cut into strips or cubes.
  4. Cut the crab sticks lengthwise into several strips.
  5. Place cucumber, ham, crab sticks, a sprig of dill and a little mayonnaise on the eggplant slices.
  6. Roll tightly into rolls. Place in a plastic container and put in the refrigerator. Serve on green salad leaves. It turns out tasty and satisfying!

For a hearty holiday meal, prepare skewers of fish or meat. It's very simple: marinate chicken fillet or red fish fillet in soy sauce with spices and salt for 20-30 minutes. Then thread onto wooden skewers and fry in olive oil.

Roll the finished kebabs in sesame seeds and put them in the refrigerator. Very tasty both hot and cold.
Salads, you will probably come up with what to prepare yourself, everyone has their own preferences. But you definitely need to prepare one salad. It will become a salad, a side dish, and an appetizer.

You can make Caesar salad from simple and quick to prepare salads.

Video recipe for Caesar salad with chicken

Kamdi-Cha Salad Recipe


  • potato
  • garlic
  • pork or beef tenderloin
  • soy sauce
  • ground pepper
  • vegetable oil

Cooking method:

  1. Cut potatoes and meat into strips. Fry separately in vegetable oil. Place on napkins and dry from oil.
  2. Garlic can be fried or simply chopped if desired.
  3. Mix potatoes, meat, garlic, soy sauce in a salad bowl.
  4. Season with spices, salt and pepper.
  5. In the Russian version, I replace the meat with boiled tongue strips. Men will especially appreciate this salad! Verified!

For skinny women and office ladies aspiring to them, a Korean cabbage salad with sweet peppers and onions is suitable. Season this salad olive oil, salt and pepper.