Experts' opinion about the "Revitonika" method. Negative reviews, positive reviews. Revitonics: the most famous system of face and body rejuvenation

To look fresh and young, you need not only to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also to train your muscles. Revitonics is a unique direction designed to develop the muscles of the face and neck. When performed regularly, you can quickly prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

What is revitonics?

A set of exercises and manipulations aimed at eliminating the causes of aging and deterioration of the skin is called revitonics. Its founder is Natalia Osminina, who has been involved in the rehabilitation of facial muscles for many years. The revitonics method is based on knowledge of biohydraulics, biomechanics, theoretical mechanics, and so on. The exercise is based on the principle of adjusting muscle tension and relaxation.

Revitonics has the following advantages:

  1. Helps tighten sagging skin.
  2. Maintains muscle tone, relieves spasms and tension.
  3. Helps restore the oval of the face, reconstruct the muscle structure and reduce the number of existing wrinkles.
  4. Relieves swelling around the eyes.

Revitonics - main exercises

Osminina claims that you can study according to the system she proposed at any age and it is best to start from a young age. The revitonics system divides the full range of exercises into two types:

  1. Vacuum fitness. Vacuum jars of different sizes are used for training. They help increase muscle tone and normalize the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  2. Sculptural Fitness. This refers to ordinary exercises aimed at working the muscles.

Revitonics for the back

Many people suffer from back pain and in most cases it is due to poor posture. Revitonics for the back, spine and shoulder muscles involves performing the “Active Standing” exercise:

  1. Stand with your feet directly under your shoulders. Point your tailbone down, slightly tighten your buttocks and tighten your abs. The body should form a straight line.
  2. During the entire exercise, you need to stretch the top of your head up and open your chest. You can stay in this position for 1-5 minutes. Revitonics indicates that you can perform “Active Standing” not only at home, but also, for example, in the subway.

Revitonics for the neck

Exercises for this part of the body are in most cases aimed at relieving spasms from the trapezius muscle. This is due to the fact that tension in this area leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the face, the formation of withers and cervical osteochondrosis. Revitonics offers the “Frame” exercise, which is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Raise your arms above your head, bend them at the elbows and cross them to form a frame.
  2. Begin to stretch upward, stretching your spine, and then tilt your head down, but your body should continue to strive upward. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds.
  3. Place one hand above your chest and the other under your chin. Stretch your neck, thereby stretching the muscles. Switch hands. Do everything for 30 seconds.

Revitonics – exercises on a roller

A simple device can increase the effectiveness of training, relieve back pain, improve posture and even reduce your waist. You can use a ready-made juniper roller for revitonics, or you can easily make it yourself. Place a rolling pin or other wooden stick on the towel and twist it into a tight roller, securing it with rubber bands or threads. The diameter of the roller should be at least 10 cm. Revitonics exercises for posture differ in the location of the roller, but the technique of execution is something like this:

  1. Sit on the floor and place the foam roller directly behind your buttocks. Lie on your back and check that the device is under your belly button.
  2. Extend your legs forward, keeping them shoulder-width apart, and touch your big toes.
  3. Stretch your arms up, palms down, with your little fingers together. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.
  4. After this, roll over onto your side and to the side and only then get up, avoiding sudden movements.

Revitonics – facial exercises

The unique system was designed so that anyone could repeat it on their own at home. Revitonics for the face is based on a number of rules:

  1. You need to work on hypertonic muscles for no more than half a minute.
  2. In order to return the muscle to its normal state, stretching is carried out, and this must be done slowly and smoothly.
  3. You need to start training by preparing your muscles for stronger impacts. For this purpose, you can slightly stretch the muscles towards each other or in different directions. You need to hold them in this position until a relaxing reaction appears.
  4. In order for the muscle to get used to the new position, revitonics uses fixation, which involves statically holding the muscles in the selected position for 3-5 seconds.

Revitonics for eyes

Common problems are swelling and bruising under the eyes, which can be eliminated using a simple complex. First you need to cleanse your face and sit on a chair with your back straight. Revitonics for the eyes offers exercises for independent performance:

  1. To warm up your muscles, sharply open and close your eyes. Inhale through your nose, sucking in your cheeks, and release the air, puffing them out.
  2. To perform the first revitonics exercise, fold your index fingers into an arc and place them near the cheek bones. Gradually close your eyes for 5-10 seconds, increasing the tension.
  3. Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes and start blinking frequently.
  4. Rest your elbows on your knees, open your palms and place your face on them at eye level. Hold for a few seconds, and then spread your arms and repeat the touch, moving towards your temples.

Revitonics – nasolabial folds

Simple exercises help reduce nasolabial folds, remove unsightly nasolabial ridges, maintain high cheekbones and tighten sagging skin. Revitonics facelift includes the following exercises:

  1. Place your index and middle fingers together near the sides of your nose, over your cheekbones.
  2. Use your lips to form an elongated oval. For eight counts, open your mouth even more, while maintaining an oval shape. Use your fingers to press on your cheekbones.

Revitonics for lips

To become the owner of plump lips, many women agree to injections, but this is not the only solution; for example, you can perform special exercises. Revitonics gymnastics for the face will make you look attractive:

  1. Pull your lips forward, and then clasp your upper lip around your lower lip and vice versa.
  2. Pull in the corners of your mouth as if you want to suck on a piece of candy. After this, try to lift them by tensing your muscles.

Revitonics for the forehead

One of the most problematic areas of the face is the forehead, where many people have wrinkles. If you like to draw or raise your eyebrows, then you need to take care that this does not lead to the formation of unsightly wrinkles. Revitonics offers exercises that are effective in this situation.

  1. Place your open palm on your forehead slightly above your eyebrows and fix the muscles with it. Raise and lower your eyebrows.
  2. Revitonics offers an exercise to get rid of the unsightly fold between the eyebrows. Using two fingers, fix the corners of the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose. Try to draw (as if frowning) and relax your eyebrows.

Revitonics – books

People who are interested in this topic can find specialized literature in bookstores.

  1. « Fitness for the face. Revitonica system" N. Osminina. He explains in detail what revitonics is, a book written by the developer of this direction. Natalia not only describes the exercises, but also talks about the reasons for the appearance of the main shortcomings.
  2. « Resurrection of the face, or an ordinary miracle» N. Osminina. The author explains what the revitonics technique is and delves into the true causes of skin deformation and aging.

Sculptural facial correction, or revitonics. was developed more than 20 years ago. Its author, Natalya Osminina, originally trained as a design engineer, approached the causes of aging with the professionalism of a physicist. Her method of biological facial rejuvenation examines the processes of skin aging not only from the point of view of cosmetology, but also from a bioengineering perspective.

Simple facial sculpting techniques will help correct many problems. Unlike other similar methods, revitonics places special emphasis on correcting posture, as it sees the reasons for deterioration in blood supply, muscle tension, and sagging.

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    What is revitonics?

    Revitonics is facial reconstruction using special exercises and massage. This system is considered one of the most effective for non-surgical face and neck lifting. The author of the technique carefully studied the anatomy of the facial muscles and looked for the biomechanical causes of age-related deformities. She noticed that due to spasms, the face does not open, the muscles of the cheekbones tighten, preventing the apple from forming, the beautiful angle of the lower jaw disappears, the volume of the lips and the size of the eyes decrease.

    After rich practical experience, the book “Anatomy of Aging or Myths in Cosmetology” was published in 2007, which outlined the main postulates underlying revitonics.

    At the beginning of her career, Natalya Osminina used hardware techniques to relax her facial muscles. Unfortunately, this was not enough for a lasting anti-aging effect, since the patients did not correct their own facial expression habits. Overstrained muscles required constant relaxation, and people, experiencing negative emotions and stress, constantly spasmed their muscles. Such muscle memory could only be corrected thanks to the client’s independent work.

    Revitonics against aging face and neck

    With the help of revitonics, you can give your face freshness, make your skin elastic, firm, eliminate wrinkles and reduce deep wrinkles, tighten your neck muscles and remove a double chin. In addition to external positive changes, overall health and well-being improves. It has long been known that external facial problems are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a “bell” about problems inside.

    Facial fitness "Revitonika" will help eliminate another noticeable problem of an aging face - swelling. They not only give an unaesthetic appearance to the face, but also interfere with metabolism in the skin and impair blood circulation. A set of exercises normalizes lymphatic drainage and eliminates excess fluid.

    Interesting fact: spasms of the masticatory muscles negatively affect the condition of the teeth and periodontium. By normalizing their work, you can improve oral hygiene and dental health.

    Thorough knowledge of facial aging processes, original developments in aesthetic modeling, plus hardware techniques for muscle restoration make revitonics the most effective and safe method of rejuvenation available to everyone. Today, gymnastics for the face and neck includes about 40 exercises and allows you to achieve stunning results.

    Types of exercises

    In revitonics, all exercises are divided according to the method of therapeutic effect:

    • sculptural;
    • vacuum

    The sculpting method is gymnastics of the muscles of the face and neck. The classes work the facial and neck muscles and then relax them. This is how spasms go away and swelling decreases. This method stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to tissues.

    The vacuum method in the form of cupping massage mechanically affects the surface and subcutaneous fat layer. It increases the production of collagen and elastin, loosens fibers, and increases skin elasticity. The skin of the face is healed, softened, and sebaceous plugs are mechanically removed.

    Execution technique

    The correct technique for performing exercises will help you achieve good results at home. Unlike other facial gymnastics, revitonics has its own characteristics:

    1. 1. 30 Second Rule. Strain and hold a muscle or muscle block for only 30 seconds. The maximum load on the spasmodic area takes it out of the adapted state to which the person has already adapted and leads to subsequent relaxation. Hypertonicity of the facial muscles is relieved not so much by the muscles as by their tension at the level of the fascial areas.
    2. 2. Muscle stretching. After overexertion, you need to gently stretch the working area. Being in a spasmodic state, the muscle has become shorter and by stretching it returns to its original size. At this stage, you need to work slowly, without sudden movements, so as not to damage the connective membranes - the fascia.
    3. 3. Tension. Often this stage is a preparation for performing other techniques. The tissues are shifted towards each other or in opposite directions until they stop and are held until the muscle relaxes.
    4. 4. Fixation. Holding a certain position is necessary to develop a new muscle memory pattern. The position is held in the correct position for 2–5 seconds.
    5. 5. Pressing. The fixation force should be minimal. The load on the tissue when pressed should be about 5–10 grams. For example, imagine holding a small coin. Although there is no strong pressure, the immersion of the fingers should feel deep. The fingers seem to be glued to the spot, there is a feeling that the skin is parting a little.

    Basic sculpting exercises

    You should start practicing revitonics with exercises on posture and neck muscles. Due to incorrect posture and tightening of the neck muscles, the face begins to deform and metabolism deteriorates. For example, if the neck is moved significantly forward and is at an angle, the double chin will not disappear until the static defect in the cervical spine is corrected.

    The Zero Gravity exercise will help improve your posture. Its implementation is very simple: imagine that we are lying with our chest on the surface of a large ball, twisting our spine, and exhaling. As you inhale, bend your spine in the opposite direction, stretching it in an arc, as if lying with your back on a ball. You can do this exercise with a fitball on the floor.

    Neck complex

    The correct technique will make your neck thinner and more graceful, and will get rid of a double chin. Skin tone will improve and wrinkles in the décolleté area will be smoothed out. When congestion goes away, headaches may go away as a result, and osteochondrosis will disappear. All this serves as an excellent prevention of various diseases. The training consists of exercises for muscle development, relaxation, and self-massage. Begin the lesson with a warm-up - such a warm-up will protect the muscles from microtrauma.

    Warm-up exercise:

    1. 1. The chin is positioned strictly parallel to the floor. Stretch your neck forward.
    2. 2. The head is pulled back until a crunching sensation is felt in the cervical region. Do not lower your chin, keep it horizontal to the floor.
    3. 3. Repeat 10 times.
    4. 4. After performing, you need to relax your back and shoulders. You can shake them without tension.
    5. 5. Turn your head to the sides, chin horizontal, pull towards your shoulder.
    6. 6. Perform 10 times in each direction.

    We relieve spasm of the trapezius muscles. Their overstrain leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the face, the formation of withers and cervical osteochondrosis. If the muscle is constantly in hypertonicity, the shoulders visually rise from behind the back. This shortens the neck and leads to shrinkage of the cervical vertebrae.

    Exercise to improve blood supply to the face:

    1. 1. From a sitting position, raise one shoulder as high as possible.
    2. 2. While maintaining the position, pull the shoulder back as far as it will go, pulling the shoulder blade towards the spine.
    3. 3. The hand is placed on its side to support and fix the position.
    4. 4. The head is slightly turned in the opposite direction.
    5. 5. The occipital protuberance is pressed against the raised shoulder.
    6. 7. Slowly return to the starting position.

    After completion, stretch the muscle.


    1. 1. One hand is thrown behind the head and placed on the neck in the hairline.
    2. 2. The other hand is placed on the shoulder of the same name.
    3. 3. Without lowering your head, stretch the muscle with your hands in opposite directions.

    For lasting results, you should repeat this exercise daily.

    Exercise for the occipital muscle group:

    1. 1. Pull your shoulders back as far as possible, with your hands clasped together.
    2. 2. They try to connect the shoulder blades.
    3. 3. The head is placed on raised shoulders.
    4. 6. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
    5. 5. Return to the starting position and begin stretching.

    If you feel a strong tension in the front of your neck, you can open your mouth slightly. You can stretch the occipital muscles like this: clasp your fingers together and place them under the occipital protuberances. Then you should easily and smoothly stretch your neck vertically upward without slipping your hands.

    Face without wrinkles

    Facial exercises are also very simple.

    From the total number, you can select specific techniques for correcting external defects and perform them every day.

    Nasolabial folds

    With muscle hypertonicity, the central part of the face shifts and nasolabial folds form.

    Actions against nasolabial folds:

    1. 1. Fix the beginning of the muscle at the wing of the nose in the dimple with one finger, the other finger forms a fold parallel to the top 1 cm under the eye.
    2. 2. Raise the lower finger up to form a fold, apply a little pressure.
    3. 6. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
    4. 4. Stretch the muscle by extending the fingers in opposite directions.
    5. 5. Repeat the exercise on the second side.

    The zygomatic muscles attach to the cheekbone and are woven into the corner of the mouth. When they become hypertonic, they shorten and tighten the tissues. The resulting excess skin sags in nasolabial folds.

    Relieve spasm in this area:

    1. 1. Use your fingers to bring the beginning and end of the zygomatic muscles together and hold the tension for 30 seconds.
    2. 2. After finishing, stretch the muscle without sudden movements.
    3. 3. Fixation of a relaxed position for 1–2 seconds.
    4. 4. Repeat several times.

    The goal of revitonics is rejuvenation through balance between the facial muscles.

    Exercise for lifting cheekbones:

    1. 1. In a sitting position, the elbows rest on the knees, the chin is placed on the palms.
    2. 2. Hold strong tension for 30 seconds.
    3. 3. Repeat this technique two or three times.

    Forehead area

    The following option will help with wrinkles on the forehead: open your eyes as wide as possible, but do not wrinkle your forehead. Hold the position and look into the distance for about 5–7 seconds. The number of repetitions can be determined independently until you feel slightly tired.

    Wrinkles and creases between the eyebrows give an angry look. To eliminate eyebrow wrinkles, use the following method:

    1. 1. Thumbs fix the base of the eyebrows, index fingers are placed 2 cm higher.
    2. 2. Squeezing your fingers to form a fold.
    3. 6. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
    4. 4. Perform a stretch, pulling the tissue between the eyebrows in opposite directions.

    Expressive eyes

    Lifting the temporal area will remove the effect of drooping eyelids, reduce crow’s feet, “open” the eyes, and give them an attractive shape.

    Exercise for the skin around the eyes:

    1. 1. The palms are placed on the temporal fossae, their base is placed on the outer ends of the eyebrows.
    2. 2. The fingers are placed in a fan over the head and stretch the tissue towards the back of the head, sliding along the temporal muscle.
    3. 3. Move your hands back until they stop. This way, stubborn areas return to the point of tension.
    4. 4. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat the technique.

    Beautiful lips

    Special revitonics techniques will help improve color, increase lip fullness, and reduce wrinkles in this area.

    For lips:

    1. 1. Open the mouth with the letter “O”, while the lower jaw is lowered as much as possible.
    2. 2. The index fingers press on the corners of the lips, the orbicularis muscle is tense and resists pressure.
    3. 3. The voltage is held for 30 seconds.
    4. 4. Begin the relaxation phase.

    Relaxation of the orbicularis oris muscle:

    1. 1. Circular movements of the tongue under the lips clockwise and back.
    2. 2. If you feel hardened or spasmodic areas with your tongue, then press your tongue into them and hold for 30 seconds.
    3. 3. Walk along the inner border, resting on the edge of the lips and pulling them back.

    These techniques will also help tighten your chin and improve the functioning of your mental lymph nodes.

    Perfect neckline

    The technique is aimed at eliminating transverse wrinkles on the neck:

    1. 1. Palms are placed on the sternum.
    2. 2. Holding your hands motionless, pull the fabric up.
    3. 3. Press your chin to your neck and hold for 30 seconds.

    After completion, you need to straighten up and begin stretching the work area.


    1. 1. One hand fixes the sternum, the other under the chin, palm down.
    2. 2. The hand under the chin smoothly pulls the head up until it stops.
    3. 3. The position is held for several seconds.

    Wrinkles on the chest are formed due to contraction of the thoracic region, from the habit of sleeping on the side. The skin in this area is not rich in sebaceous glands, thin and delicate. Simple techniques will provide her with nutrition and improve blood circulation.

    Ideal neckline:

    1. 1. The fingers of one hand are held on the hollow between the breasts, the second hand - under the collarbone.
    2. 2. Bring your fingers together to form a fold.
    3. 3. Hold for 30 seconds.
    4. 4. Using fingers placed in the same position, stretch the tissue in opposite directions.
    5. 5. Fix the position for a few seconds.
    6. 6. Repeat the technique in the vertical version.


    The main advantage of this technique is that it is scientifically proven. For a more in-depth study, you can read specialized literature. The founder of the method, Natalya Osminina, published the following books: “Anatomy of Aging, or Myths in Cosmetology”, “Facial Fitness System Revitonics”, “Revitonika - Turn Back Time”, “Resurrection of the Face or an Ordinary Miracle”. Most of them are freely available for download. Natalya offers video courses, seminars, and also actively runs a forum where she answers questions from those practicing rejuvenation using her method.

    A significant improvement in appearance can be independently detected by photographing your face before and after several months of regular exercise. An even distribution of tissues across the face, restoration of the “angle of youth”, good blood flow and lymphatic drainage, and a decrease in muscle hypertonicity will definitely take several years off, or even a whole dozen.

Unfortunately, youth and beauty are far from eternal categories. Over the years, the skin of the face undergoes significant metamorphoses, causing disappointment and sadness in a person. It becomes atonic, flabby, dry, loses elasticity, shape and contour of the face. However, there is no reason for sadness and despair, since every woman can improve the quality and structure of her skin on her own. There is a magical remedy that allows you to restore youth and beauty. In addition, you don’t have to spend a lot of time, effort and money for this. This magical remedy is called Revitonics - a set of facial exercises that have been widely known for many years.

Over the years, when the first signs of aging appear on the skin, each woman resorts to different methods to eliminate them. Some people accept injection methods of rejuvenation, some resort to radical surgical methods, and others use anti-age cosmetics and hardware cosmetology.

However, few people know that there are effective and completely safe methods for rejuvenating the face and neck. Such methods include Revitonics.

Revitonics is a facial massage that involves a set of special exercises that can eliminate age-related skin defects.

However, it should be said that revitonics operates not just with exercises that improve the condition of the skin, it is a unique rejuvenating program, also healing, built on the principle of activating the internal reserves of the body. As a result of this program, metabolic processes in the dermis are improved, skin structures are regenerated, and skin nutrition is normalized. The program is designed in such a way that working with the facial muscles has a rejuvenating and restorative effect.

Methodology of Natalia Osminina

The technique was developed by Natalya Osminina. It was thanks to her innovative technique that the whole world learned about a safe and simple method of rejuvenation.

The author of this technique emphasizes the importance of separating muscles based on their purpose and tasks. For example, muscle hypertonicity can lead to sagging skin and fascial traction, and spasm of facial muscles leads to the formation of wrinkles. In this case, wrinkles appear in the following places:

  • on the bridge of the nose;
  • on the forehead;
  • around the mouth;
  • on the chin.

Changes in the masticatory muscles result in:

  • deformations of the jaw area;
  • deformational ptosis of soft tissues;
  • shortening of the jaw arch;
  • change in facial proportions.

And deformation of the facial bones of the skull leads to their reduction in size and volume, and also plays a significant role in sagging skin.

An important element of youth is the neck. Many people mistakenly believe that skin aging is only about wrinkles. But this is far from true. Age-related skin changes are evidenced primarily by loss of skin volume and the condition of the neck. In addition, aging of the neck is associated with improper neck posture, the so-called hyperlordosis (excessive curvature of the cervical spine). Such changes lead to the appearance of a double chin and weakness of the neck muscles.

Also, with the help of revitonics, as the main cosmetic and therapeutic tool, it is possible to eliminate an important problem - swelling that occurs as a result of excess fluid in the interstitial space. Since swelling interferes with normal skin nutrition, blood circulation and lymph outflow, solving this problem is of paramount importance.

However, according to the author of the method, the true cause of aging is not skin problems; on the contrary, changes in the skin are a consequence of aging. The cause of aging is spasms of muscle tissue, as a result of which creases, cracks and sagging appear on the skin.

Natalia Osminina's basic course includes ten classic exercises, each of which is aimed at tightening and rejuvenating facial skin, smoothing wrinkles and even improving facial contours, in other words, eliminating a specific problem.

Why do we grow old?

Many of the greatest minds of humanity are struggling with the problem of aging, despite the fact that the mechanism of aging has been known for a long time. Aging is a process that is determined by a combination of many factors. Which ones exactly?

  1. Stagnation of fluid in the body. Excess fluid in the body can lead to a condition called lymphedema. When lymph stagnation occurs, blood circulation and blood supply to skin cells are disrupted. This leads to atony and sagging skin. Also, all metabolic processes in the cells slow down, and the muscles begin to experience stress.
  2. Stress. As a result of constant muscle tension, their spasms develop. During a spasm, the muscles increase in volume and experience stress. This muscle condition leads to skin stretching, sagging and atony.
  3. Fascial traction. Fascia is the sheath of muscle. In the human body, all muscles are connected to each other. When muscle pain occurs, the fascia spasms in this area. From a physiological point of view, the fascial system is defined as an integral communication system. Fascia envelops our entire body, connecting close and distant areas with each other. By understanding the processes based on the patterns of fascial chains, you can understand not only the reasons that cause the aging of the body, but also model your face, change its shape and features, and consciously take part in the rejuvenation process.

What skin defects can Revitonics eliminate?

The goal of Revitonics is to rejuvenate the face by balancing the relaxation and tension of the facial muscles.

Thus, the exercise complex of this program promotes:

  • restoration of posture;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • relieving neck muscle statics;
  • improving the functioning of chewing and facial muscles;
  • activation of lymphatic outflow;

Thanks to the above vector directions, the following improvements and changes occur:

  • the clarity of the oval face and the clarity of the jaw line are restored;
  • stagnant processes are eliminated;
  • skin structure improves;
  • skin smoothness returns;
  • wrinkles are eliminated;
  • double chin is eliminated;
  • Lifting of soft tissues is provided.

Types of exercises from the Revitonics program

This therapeutic method can be divided into two types:

  • sculptural fitness;
  • vacuum fitness.

The sculpting method is a set of gymnastic exercises that affects the muscles of the face and neck. This set of exercises allows you to work each muscle, tone it, and then relax it. As a result, spasms, swelling, and swelling are relieved. These exercises stimulate blood circulation, improve blood flow and cellular metabolic processes.

The vacuum type is a hardware method of revitonics, since its implementation requires devices that generate vacuum. Using this method, you can improve blood circulation and cell nutrition. The peculiarity of these methods is that they allow you to stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. When using the vacuum method, jars of different sizes are used, which allows them to be used on different areas of the face. For example, small jars are used on delicate areas of the face: the area around the eyes and lips. Medium-sized jars are designed to target the orbicularis oris muscle and cheekbones. Large cups are used to smooth out wrinkles and stimulate large facial muscles.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite the fact that this gymnastic complex cannot cause any harm to the body, there are some contraindications that should be taken into account:

  • inflammation of the skin in the form of acne and purulent rashes;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • autoimmune and oncological diseases;
  • viral diseases (herpes) on the face;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • age restrictions up to 18 years.

Basic exercises from the Revitonics complex

Before starting a set of exercises, you should consult with a specialist who will help you choose the necessary set of exercises to solve a specific problem. Because to solve each problem there is a special set of exercises that allows you to eliminate it and achieve the desired result.

The effects on the skin are performed for no more than 30 seconds, this is exactly the amount of time needed to relieve muscle spasm.

Exercise No. 1

Goal: working out the trapezius muscles to improve blood circulation in the face.

  • raise one shoulder up;
  • pull the raised shoulder back, trying to direct the shoulder blade towards the spine;
  • turn your head in the opposite direction;
  • tilt your head and press it to your shoulder;
  • remain in this position for 30 seconds;
  • slowly return to the starting position.
  • put your hand behind your head towards the base of the hair, where the trapezius muscle begins;
  • place your second hand on your shoulder;
  • Keeping your head straight, stretch the muscles in opposite directions.

Exercise No. 2

Goal: working out the occipital muscle group, spasm and overstrain of which impairs blood supply to the face and head.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  • move your shoulders back;
  • clasp your hands behind your back;
  • move the shoulder blades as far as possible towards the spine;
  • put your head in the fold that has formed between your shoulders;
  • stay in this position for 30 seconds;
  • to avoid straining the front of the neck, you need to open your mouth;
  • carefully return to the starting position.

Muscle stretching:

  • clasp your hands under the back of your head;
  • accurately fixing your arms in the desired position, pull them up.

Exercise No. 3

Purpose: smoothing transverse neck wrinkles

The exercise is performed as follows:

  • put your hands on your chest;
  • pressing your hands tightly to your chest, pull the tissue up;
  • press your chin to your neck for 30 seconds;
  • pull your chin and hands towards each other;

The dream of any woman is to always remain young and beautiful, but over time, irreversible processes happen to everyone. Somewhere the slender body disappears, the joints begin to deform, the royal posture disappears, unsightly folds, wrinkles and age spots appear. The oval of the face and the skin of the neck are especially modified. Swelling and bags in the eye area, double chin, nasolabial folds increasing every day, all these signs of aging make every woman constantly upset.

The older a woman gets, the more she dreams of returning her former beauty to her appearance. And then everything comes into play: miraculous masks, cosmetic procedures, plastic surgeries, trips to charlatans who promise miraculous rejuvenation in one visit. Sometimes one of the above helps, sometimes it causes irreparable harm to appearance and health. So what should ladies do, whose age is approaching the point after which signs of aging become noticeable to the eye?

It’s not too late to take care of yourself at any time; you shouldn’t give up, believing that only young girls can correct their figure and improve their appearance.

You only need to understand one thing: the older a woman is, the longer it takes to take care of herself.

Fitness will help give you a slim figure; you just don’t need to forget that when playing sports, it’s the system that’s important. Only exercises, the course of which is recommended by an experienced instructor, can help to model a figure after a certain time. It’s also a good idea to think about properly selected diets: a separate nutrition method or a protein diet; each woman herself must determine what best suits her body.

But the main problem of any woman of post-Balzac age is skin aging. Wrinkles around the eyes, loose skin in the neck area, blurred facial contours—these are signs of approaching old age that cannot be hidden under clothes or veiled with cosmetics. First, various expensive creams and anti-aging capsules are used, the course of which costs fabulous money, after which many decide to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

But there are methods by which you can give your facial skin a blooming, healthy look and restore lost youth to it, without using the services of plastic surgery.

In science, this direction is called biogymnastics.

So what is it? In simple terms, this is gymnastics for all facial muscles. Many researchers have developed a whole set of special exercises for the eyes, facial muscles and neck - the places where it is easiest to determine how old a woman is. This method of rejuvenation has been known for quite a long time, the exercises, the course of which must be performed, are simple and effective, but one should not forget that here, first of all, the system is important, otherwise the result will not be noticeable. Reviews from those who have mastered the set of exercises and done them regularly are the most positive.

A method called “Revitonika”, what is it?

There are many methods that guarantee those who start using them on themselves an instant result, but the method discussed below does not promise that a miraculous transformation will happen on its own; this method requires people to perform the exercises for a long time and systematically, only in this way thus guaranteeing the result.

The Revitonics exercise system is fitness for the muscles of the face, neck and skin in the eye area, the founder of this direction is Natalya Osminina, a well-known specialist who has long and fruitfully been involved in the rehabilitation of muscles in the facial area. Since 2010, Natalya Osminina has been promoting the method of natural skin rejuvenation using special devices and manual influence on the muscles of the face and neck. The recommended exercises are based on the principle of adjusting muscle tension and relaxation. The method is based on deep knowledge of biomechanics, biohydraulics, manual modeling and rehabilitation techniques.

The motto of this direction in the field of facial rejuvenation can be called the following phrase: “Revitonika, turn back time”, this is exactly what Osminina promises to those who master the whole range of exercises. Like any new endeavor, Osminina’s method has many supporters and opponents, their reviews are diametrically different. To more accurately understand whether it is worth using it, you need to understand what this method is.

Revitonics are special exercises combined into a complex, designed to pump up certain muscles; each specific course of movements performed can solve a specific problem: remove wrinkles, improve lymphatic drainage, tighten the muscles around the eyes. This kind of facial fitness can be done on your own if you carefully study the video lessons, where the basic course of classes is clearly outlined, or by reading Natalia’s books.

What exactly does such gymnastics give?

A system of exercises performed for a month can radically change your appearance; the changes will become noticeable not only to the person doing the exercises, but also to those around you.

Reviews from those who systematically complete at least the basic course indicate that:

  • the facial oval changes, it becomes clear, the double chin disappears,
  • blood flow improves in all tissues, which leads to the formation of a clear oval contour,
  • gymnastics forms a beautiful jaw line,
  • bags in the eye area go away,
  • wrinkles disappear.

After just a few trainings, everyone who was distrustful of this technique notices an improvement in their appearance. This means that Revitonics classes, despite the negative reviews of some people, can be considered an alternative method of rejuvenation, which is quite capable of replacing plastic surgery. This opinion exists not only among ordinary people, but many doctors confirm that the skin seems to regain its youth after a set of exercises.

What is the method based on?

This technique is based on deep knowledge in the field of osteopathy, used to rejuvenate and restore skin tone. The entire set of exercises, divided into certain blocks, is designed to restart metabolic processes in the body, increase the rate of lymph exchange, resulting in a noticeable tightening of the skin on the face, the effect of these actions is very similar to the lifting effect. With regular exercise, capillaries are restored, swelling disappears, especially in the eye area, bags and wrinkles disappear.

The basic course is aimed at:

  1. Restoration of posture and mobility in the cervical spine.
  2. Relieving muscle tension.
  3. Starting lymph exchange in the body.
  4. Stimulation of the circulatory system.
  5. Strengthening the muscles responsible for facial expressions.
  6. Restoration of masticatory muscles.
  7. Unlocking the natural potential of self-regulation processes.

Gymnastics for the skin, principle of action

So, what are the principles of action, and how does the founder of the method see the problem of aging?

Literature worth reading

Anyone who is truly interested in this technique should read Osminina’s books on the topic of rejuvenation.

The book “Resurrection of the Face or an Ordinary Miracle,” published in 2015, explains in detail the author’s position and reveals many secrets of the human body. The miracle it talks about is a description of the hidden capabilities of the body and methods for revealing them.

Revitonics includes exercises, with the help of which you can perfectly work out all groups of facial muscles and neck to increase tone, improve skin condition and tighten the oval of the face. Of course, today dozens of different complexes with exercises are successfully used to rejuvenate the face and eliminate a double chin. However, let's not forget that to strengthen the facial muscles (as well as to strengthen any muscle groups), it is useful to change one exercise to another from time to time, vary the intensity of movements and load. In short, muscles should not get used to monotonous activities and revitonics will definitely find a place on your list of anti-aging facial procedures.

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Revitonics includes both basic exercises for general strengthening of facial muscles and improving skin condition, as well as basic exercises for more thorough treatment of problem areas of the face. Such home gymnastics stimulates the work of all facial muscles, many of which are practically not strained in everyday life.

But revitonics helps fight not only the signs of aging on the face in adulthood. For example, a woman strictly follows a diet, runs to lose weight, and goes to the gym. The desired results do not take long to arrive and you have lost extra pounds and your figure has become slimmer. But after burning excess fat, the face often looks haggard, haggard and the cheeks sag. Even expression lines are more clearly visible on the skin. Therefore, we highly recommend doing at least a basic set of exercises at home to strengthen the muscular frame of the face and keep the skin smooth and elastic.

The obvious benefits of revitonics also include a long-term lifting effect if you perform the exercises regularly and correctly. Popular and quite expensive cosmetic procedures (cryomassage, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, Botox injections) give a temporary effect, after which you need to visit the cosmetologist’s office again.

The main causes of deterioration in appearance and early aging include muscle spasm, swelling and fascial traction. And with the help of revitonics you can successfully combat these causes. A set of exercises helps relieve spasms in the facial muscles and completely relax, promoting rapid recovery. Revitonics helps improve the outflow of accumulated intercellular fluid, which will help get rid of swelling and dark circles, and reduce bags under the eyes. Fascia (muscle sheaths) are often tightened in certain areas of the muscle frame, and special exercises relieve fascial tension after just a few procedures.


To achieve the maximum lifting effect, in addition to performing a set of facial exercises, do massage movements. Change your technique from month to month. Below are some options:

study face building, performing 12-14 exercises every day within a month. As part of this course do a honey massage once every two days . After the course, be sure to take a week break.

We do 15-17 exercises daily to tighten the oval of the face and eliminate wrinkles within a month. Let's alternate massage with tablespoons And vacuum massage with cups (every other day) .

❷ before practicing revitonics, remove makeup and treat your skin with moisturizer;

❸ do the exercises while sitting in front of a mirror, with your back perfectly straight;

❹ if you want to visually reduce the volume of a wide face, then do weight loss exercises while exhaling;

❺ after revitonics, wash your face with cold water and apply nourishing cream to your facial skin;

❻ in addition to revitonics, it is important to properly organize skin care, using those suitable for your skin type