Vanilla hair and body oil. Hair care: what are the benefits of vanilla essential oil? Vanilla essential oil "Oleos"

Vanilla oil

Sources and methods of obtaining

Essential oil vanilla obtained from the fruits (pods) of Vanilla. Receipt method– solvent extraction of plant pods. To obtain 1 kg of essential oil, about 30-35 kg of fruits are needed.

Color - dark brown. Aroma oils - persistent, spicy-balsamic, sweet with woody and tobacco notes.

Compound: The composition of vanilla essential oil has not been sufficiently studied. It is known that it contains more than 150 elements, the main of which is vanillin-4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde (1.3-2.9%).

Compatibility: Vanilla essential oil blends well with benzoin, bergamot, vetiver, geranium, clove, jasmine, ylang-ylang, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, lavender, opopanax, peppermint, rose and sandalwood.

Description of the ether carrier

Family: Orchids (Orchidaceae).

Vanilla - a genus of perennial vines reaching a length of up to 20 meters. Vanilla has large white flowers that can only be pollinated by hummingbirds and certain types of insects.

Vanilla pods are soft, flexible, rounded, and oily to the touch. The color of the pods is dark brown, almost black. Length – 10-20 cm. Pods good quality covered with a coating of whitish crystals. Less valuable varieties of vanilla include pods that have the aroma of heliotrope instead of vanillin. The picked vanilla fruit has no odor. It acquires its delicious aroma only after processing and completion of extraction.

The birthplace of vanilla is considered to be Mexico and Central America. Currently, vanilla is cultivated in many countries of the equatorial belt. Its largest producers are Madagascar, Indonesia and China.


The name vanilla comes from the Spanish vainilla, which translates as “pod”. In fact, from a botanical point of view, the vanilla fruit is called a capsule because. unlike a real pod, it does not have a partition.

In ancient times, vanilla beans were used as money. The Aztecs, during the reign of Emperor Montezuma, collected taxes using vanilla pods. Later, local tribes began to pay vanilla to the Spaniards, who brought the plant to Europe. By the way, the Aztecs also used vanilla as a spice, adding it to a drink made from cocoa beans.

In Spain, Italy, and Austria, vanilla became known from the middle of the 16th century, then by the beginning of the 19th century it spread throughout Europe. Traditional healers immediately noticed the beneficial properties of vanilla essential oil. It began to be used in the treatment of anemia, dispersion, chlorosis, fever and to improve digestion. Medieval healers also used vanilla oil to treat mental disorders and nervous breakdowns. Vanilla essential oil was also considered an aphrodisiac, used to increase potency and sexual desire.

Impact on the body

Vanilla essential oil:

  • normalizes digestion processes;
  • helps regulate enzymatic acid balance of gastric juice;
  • promotes the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates in the body;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • has a sedative effect;
  • stimulates muscle activity;
  • helps with radiculitis, arthritis and osteochondrosis;
  • n neutralizes the effects of alcohol;
  • regulates and normalizes menstrual cycle, relieves premenstrual syndrome;
  • is an aphrodisiac, awakens sexuality;
  • treats inflammatory skin diseases, stress rashes;
  • helps get rid of mosquitoes and other insects;
  • relieves irritability, anger, negative emotional states;
  • relaxes and calms tense nerves;
  • helps improve memory, increase concentration and performance;
  • improves mood;
  • helps get rid of insomnia.

Cosmetic effects

Vanilla oil:

  • promotes elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • helps in caring for sensitive and damaged skin;
  • relieves inflammation and peeling skin;
  • has a whitening effect;
  • helps prevent premature skin aging;
  • improves hair condition, giving it smoothness and silkiness;
  • restores damaged structure of any hair type.

Methods for internal use of vanilla oil

Only oil extracted with grain ethyl alcohol can be taken orally.

For oral administration, add 1-2 drops of vanilla essential oil to 1 teaspoon of honey or jam, consume and wash down with tea or any juice. Thanks to the active components contained in the product, the body will be filled with essential vitamins and minerals.

Ways to use vanilla essential oil externally

Vanilla oil mixes well with other essential oils, but can also be used on its own.

Oil burner: 3-5 drops per 15 sq. m.

Aroma medallion: 1-2 drops of essential oil.

Baths: 5-6 drops dissolved in the base per bath of water.

Massage: 4-5 drops per 15 ml of carrier oil.

Enrichment cosmetics: 3-5 drops per 15 ml of cream, tonic, shampoo or lotion.

Other uses

Vanilla essential oil is used in the pharmaceutical industry as a flavoring agent. In perfumery, vanilla is an important element when creating oriental perfumes. In the cosmetic industry, vanilla essential oil is used as an aromatic component in the production of shampoos, bath foams, massage oils, lotions and creams. Also used to flavor tobacco products.

In cooking, vanilla is used as a confectionery seasoning. It is added to sweet salads, semolina porridge, muesli, sweet rice, creams, buns, puddings, cottage cheese, whipped cream, chocolate, yoghurts, ice cream, as well as in alcoholic drinks and cocktails. IN Lately natural vanilla is replaced with a cheaper one synthetic vanillin. Natural vanilla is used to flavor only the most expensive confectionery products - chocolate and products containing cocoa, biscuits, creams, fillings and cookies with nuts.


Vanilla oil is phototoxic and should not be used before going out into the open sun. May cause allergic reactions, so you need to check for individual tolerance. If used for a long time, it may cause headaches.

Vanilla is perhaps the most famous flavoring agent in the world. It is invariably associated with tenderness, sweetness and comfort; it crowns, completes and harmonizes your favorite desserts, sweets and pastries, giving them that same delicate, subtle aroma. But this is not only a natural or artificial flavoring agent, and in cosmetics it plays the role of far more than just a perfume additive. Vanilla and the deliciously aromatic essential oil extracted from it have many beneficial properties.

Plant and regions of production

Vanilla is a fruit in the form of long pods (or rather, pod-shaped boxes), the aroma of which appears only after prolonged processing. They ripen on climbing perennial vines with long green shoots that climb up to 25 meters and captivate with their delightfully large white flowers.

Brown thin pods, 10 to 20 cm long, remain on the tree for almost nine months and only after that they are collected and dried for another six months until the sticks become black in color with a white coating of crystalline substances appearing.

Vanilla grows in Mexico and other Central American countries, but it is also cultivated in Africa, Indonesia and even Madagascar, although only the USA and European countries are usually involved in the extraction of spices and oil.

Varieties and labeling

The vanilla genus has several subspecies, with the basic species being common vanilla - vanilla planifolia, but high-quality essential oil can also be obtained from vines of the form vanillatahitensis, which has very small pods.

Oil with markings vanilla pompona It is better not to purchase it, because it is characterized by low therapeutic characteristics and not very good cosmetic qualities.


This is an excellent background oil for confidential communication in a narrow circle: vanilla helps not only to hear, but also to understand the interlocutor, to achieve spiritual unity and closeness of thoughts.

Medicinal properties

Vanilla is one of the most active regulating oils in the field of digestion. It not only normalizes processes and eliminates dysfunctions, but also helps restore optimal acid and enzyme balance.

One of the essential properties of oil is stimulation of metabolic processes, in particular, the breakdown, absorption and excretion of carbohydrates.

Is an antidote to alcoholic drinks, when used regularly, causes an aversion to strong alcohol and can be used in addiction treatment.

Vanilla is a feminine oil that has a normalizing and regulating effect on the menstrual cycle in combination with the ability to alleviate premenstrual disorders and have an analgesic effect.

Cosmetological properties

In the field of cosmetology, vanilla oil is still more often considered as a perfume additive, but it would be a big mistake to ignore its therapeutic abilities.

Vanilla is one of the mildest oils that has a gentle effect on the epidermis; with constant use, it actively improves the characteristics of the skin, increasing its softness, velvety and elasticity. It is not entirely suitable for quick-acting products, but with daily use the effect of its use is visible even after a short period of time.

It is characterized by both a calming effect and the ability to gradually whiten the skin and even out its color. This is one of best oils(along with) to relieve irritation and rashes, with a visible calming effect (in vanilla it is also pronounced with a single use, in contrast to the elasticity-improving properties).

This is one of the main essential oils with balsamic effects.

Domestic use

This is an excellent flavoring agent for both home and industrial use.

Vanilla aroma is considered one of the basic components of perfume with an oriental trail, soft, delicate notes for home perfumes and cosmetics.

Vanilla oil is non-toxic; as an analogue of very expensive natural vanilla pods, it can be used to flavor food - from ice cream, desserts, yogurt and chocolate products to baked goods. It is also perfect as a flavoring for drinks and tobacco mixtures.

Tropical, subtle vanilla fruits top the list of aromatics from around the world. Their aroma is gentle and sweet, reminiscent of warm summer evenings, cozy winter gatherings with a cup of hot cocoa; associated with favorite pastries and sweet notes of French perfumes. Today, the scope of their use is much wider than perfume additives, since vanilla essential oil, in addition to aroma, also has many beneficial properties; people have even learned to artificially breed it.

Initially, long, pod-like boxes ripen for 9 months on climbing vines with large white flowers. After collection, they are dried for another six months until they acquire a black color with a white crystalline coating - only then does this sweet aroma appear. Vanilla grows in Africa, Indonesia, Madagascar and some American countries (Mexico). Only a few American and European companies are engaged in the production of final products (oils and spices).

When purchasing, you need to carefully study the packaging - the genus of vanilla directly affects the quality of the product (for example, vanilla pompona has very few beneficial properties, unlike the tahitensis species).

Properties of vanilla essential oil

The properties and uses of the oils of this fruit have not yet been thoroughly studied, so you should not experiment yourself without knowledge of elementary theory. The composition of the product is also not fully known to scientists, but about 150 components have already been identified, of which pure vanillin is on average up to 3%; other substances: anisaldehyde, caproic acid, furfural, cinnamic esters, anisic acid and others.

This rich composition is the reason for many of the beneficial properties of the oil. The main ones include:

  • antibacterial (along with fir);
  • analgesic (like geranium);
  • anti-inflammatory (the main property of tea tree oil);
  • rejuvenating and tonic (ylang-ylang).

As you can see, the properties of vanilla essential oil combine the main effects of many other essential oils; that is why it, like pink, has such value.

Areas of application of vanilla essential oil

The list of healing abilities of vanilla is narrower than that of other oils, but in certain areas it is irreplaceable. For example:

Gastroenterology. Well normalizes the functioning of the stomach, large and small intestines due to regulated enzyme and acid balances. It also regulates metabolism, promoting the breakdown of complex carbohydrates.

Gynecology. Vanilla is important for women, as it can normalize the menstrual cycle, relieve pain and eliminate premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Immunology. Increases immunity by improving the resistance of lymph and leukocytes to pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Psychotherapy. It is most often used in this area of ​​medicine and in neurology, as it can fight cardiovascular dystonia, circulatory disorders, and neutralize or weaken mechanical injuries to blood vessels. Interestingly, vanilla essential oil is also used to treat chronic and acquired diseases of the central nervous system (Down's disease, measles, malaria, encephalitis, sclerosis and others).

In addition to the listed characteristics, vanilla aroma can have an emotional impact on a person, eliminating nervous tension, depression, fatigue, anger/apathy. The level of aggression decreases, sleep improves and tension in thoughts decreases. Vanilla is ideal for choleric and melancholic people, because it puts the nervous system in order, calming it.

Alcohol addiction. In combination, it helps to treat addiction to alcoholic beverages, used as an “antidote.” Long-term regular therapy can even instill an aversion to alcohol.
Inflammatory processes. Relieves skin inflammatory processes, eliminates rashes and redness, having an additional antibacterial effect.

A gentle sweet timbre will envelop you from the first minute and take you to the quiet lands of peace. Problems will instantly fade into the background, the body will invigorate, and thoughts will be filled with new ideas and goals.
In addition to the above areas of application, vanilla essential oil is widely used by leading cosmetology and perfume companies, since it is:

  • takes good care of sensitive skin, reducing inflammation and flaking of the surface epithelium;
  • increases skin elasticity due to deep hydration;
  • has a slight matting effect;
  • with the right approach, it can whiten the surface layer;
  • in perfumery it deservedly takes its place as one of the strongest aphrodisiacs.

Consequently, vanilla oil rapidly increases sexuality, skin sensitivity and charm.

Using Vanilla Essential Oil on the Face

Essential oil perfectly cleanses the skin of blackheads, moisturizes and smoothes, having an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. In the presence of age-related changes eliminates pigmentation and flabbiness of the epithelium. The main thing is to use it regularly, otherwise the effect will be zero.
All the properties of vanilla essential oil will be clearly visible after a month of daily use.
In the cosmetology industry today there are many caring creams, lotions and masks with the addition of this concentrate. If you have the desire and time, you can make such products yourself at home. Some use oil in pure form(it is one of the few that does not irritate or burn the skin), others add it to finished products or completely hand-make the process.

The simplest and least expensive way is to purchase an inexpensive, but suitable for type skin cream (don’t forget about baby creams, as they have the necessary set of qualities for sensitive and irritation-prone skin) and add separately purchased oil to it. Normally, 5 drops per 15 ml of the main product is enough. Daily use of the product in a complex of caring procedures can visibly rejuvenate and improve the surface epithelium without salon procedures.
Using vanilla essential oil for hair
Additional hair care can become much less expensive with regular (!) use of this oil. It is more difficult to prepare shampoo, so it is better to buy a good one at the pharmacy that will suit your hair type and scalp (you should not take professional products, which can worsen the condition of the hair and are not suitable for daily use). Since all containers are different, you can add 2-3 drops of vanilla in portions, that is, directly to the amount of shampoo that is needed for the first wash.

You can actively use vanilla essential oil for hair by adding it to other products: masks, lotions, conditioners, balms, tints and serums. Combing the curls with a wooden comb with drops of oil saturates the hair follicles well, and the hair becomes shiny, has less split ends and does not fall out. Plastic combs are not suitable, as they do not absorb excess and electrify the hair.

Vanilla combines easily with many other oils (which is why it is a base note), you can create your own recipes using the following and enjoy the results.

What oils does vanilla essential oil combine with?

Vanilla oil is very beneficial for facial skin, so most often it is the main ingredient in essential care recipes. The body needs hydration less, so you can apply cream with vanilla essential oil to it once every 2 days (if the skin, of course, is not dry).

A well-known recipe for dull and sagging skin: two drops each of vanilla, geranium and jasmine oils are mixed with the base oil. The resulting liquid is applied to the skin every few days for 10-20 minutes. A mask made from rosewood oil, vanilla and orange is also effective (3 drops will be enough).
Except oil masks, you can also use mixtures with products. For example, a recipe made from vanilla oil, half a banana and an avocado works great for wrinkles. This “puree” is applied to the face and kept for about 30 minutes. Once a week is enough to see results in a month.

The following recipe disinfects and dries acne: mix 2 drops of ether, 10 ml of bodyagi, 10 g of corn starch (it is healthier and better suited for the face than potato starch) and 20 drops of a base - grape oil. This mask can be applied for a maximum of 10 minutes, making sure that there is no allergy to the ingredients.
A lot of variations of masks for the face, body and hair have already been invented; It is also interesting to make perfumes based on essential oils, choosing an elegant jar for them yourself. For such experiments, you need to know which oils are compatible with vanilla and which are not. So, complementarity: vetiver, clove, lime, incense, neroli, ylang-ylang (and other base oils), mandarin, sandalwood, rose and others.

Vanilla will be combined with a wide variety of fruity, floral and fresh aromas, the main thing is not to overdo it and not burden the smell with woody and musky notes. Its exceptional benefits and alluring aroma (do not forget that it is also an aphrodisiac) will not only help in caring for own body without expensive procedures. They will balance thoughts and feelings, helping to calm anxiety and overcome insomnia.

Vanilla essential oil is a product with amazing and pleasant properties. The unique aroma causes increased interest in it from consumers. Its medicinal properties allow it to be used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Medical use is based on its positive effects on the psychological status of a person. The plant exhibits remarkable antidepressant properties, while being an excellent relaxant at the same time. It has long been identified with the concepts of spirituality and harmonious unity of the universe.


The aromatic oil is obtained by steam distillation of pods, which are found only in special types of orchids. The benefits and healing properties of the vanilla plant have been noticed since the times of the ancient Aztecs. Vanilla pods were even equated to a kind of currency. The local population paid with them when paying tribute.

The fruit of vanilla is a pod. When they are ripe, they are dried and used as a spice. Since ancient times, it has been the most expensive of all known spices. It is noteworthy that only selected species of bees pollinate the flowers of the plant. The place where vanilla grows is Madagascar, China, the Caribbean, the Southern Continent of America, and the Indonesian Peninsula. It is used in the manufacture of confectionery products and as a flavoring additive for tobacco.

Vanilla has Brown color and a persistent aroma that contains tobacco notes. In the assortment of chemical components, a certain place is given to anisic acid. Among the chemical set, the presence of furfural can be noted. In a known quantity, the composition is represented by acetic acid, cinnamic ester, eugenol, and hydrobenzaldehyde. Many plants harmonize with the product, including bergamot and geranium.


Vanilla essential oil can be used if you have the following conditions:

  • A number of problems with the digestive tract.
  • Increased blood glucose levels.
  • Can help with conditions associated with radiculitis and arthritis.
  • It is often used in cases of alcohol dependence.

It is used in the form of compresses and tinctures. However, the product is most widely used in the cosmetic field. Its effect is especially effective on the face and hair.

The benefits of vanilla

The plant has a number of pronounced beneficial properties:

  • Stimulation of muscle activity.
  • Corrects pathologies of the digestive tract.
  • Participates in the process of carbohydrate breakdown.
  • Relieves insomnia.
  • Can be used as an antipyretic in the fight against colds.
  • Eliminates symptoms associated with back diseases.
  • Helps normalize blood sugar levels.
  • When consumed, a feeling arises that characterizes pleasure.
  • Helps cleanse the epidermis.

It is used to relieve conditions associated with spasms. To do this, a drop of oil is diluted in a spoonful of jam and washed down with milk.

Vanilla essential oil is actively used in aromatherapy sessions. This circumstance becomes possible due to its positive influence in relation to the emotional sphere.

Oil and cosmetology

To give a unique aroma, vanilla essential oil is added to luxury perfumes. It is a good helper in caring for damaged skin. It is also suitable for hypersensitive skin.

Positive influence provides oil to the hair. Hair becomes strong and silky in nature. You can also use it to strengthen your nails.

For cosmetic purposes, masks and scrubs are prepared from it.

Prescription compounds

Anti-wrinkle mask
With the use of this oil, the skin texture is evened out, it becomes healthy and blooming. Using a mask will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. But you should remember that after it you cannot immediately go outside into the open sun. Otherwise, pigment spots may form.

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • half an avocado;
  • half a banana;
  • a tablespoon of soft cottage cheese;
  • a teaspoon of coconut oil;
  • two drops of vanilla essential oil.

Complete removal of the peel is required. Everything needs to be crushed and mixed thoroughly using a blender. Application is carried out with a cosmetic brush. In this case, the décolleté and neck area is subject to application. The exposure is 30 minutes, after which the mask is washed off with water.

Peeling for hydration
The following components will be required:

  • finely ground cereals in the amount of two tablespoons;
  • a tablespoon of jojoba oil;
  • half a teaspoon of ground coffee;
  • a drop of rose essential oil.

Everything is thoroughly mixed. The skin should first be cleaned. The mask is applied using massage movements for 5 minutes. The result will be an evenening of the complexion and the elimination of inflammatory manifestations.

Remove acne
This can be achieved by using a mask of the following composition:

  • two drops of vanilla essential oil;
  • two tablespoons of blue clay;
  • two tablespoons of milk;
  • a drop of clove essential oil.

The clay is diluted with milk and the remaining ingredients are added. The composition is left on the face for 30 minutes. Then everything needs to be washed off with water and toner applied.

Whitening mask
To prepare it you need to take the following components:

  • two tablespoons of semolina;
  • orange juice in the amount of two tablespoons;
  • two drops of vanilla essential oil;
  • lemon in the form of oil ether in a volume of two drops.

Applying the mask is done with a makeup brush for half an hour. Rinsing is carried out with water to which is added lemon juice. This mask will make your face whiter and your tone more even.

Preparing a body scrub
It's easy to prepare. To do this, you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • two drops of vanilla essential oil;
  • almond oil in the amount of two tablespoons;
  • a teaspoon of ground coffee.

Exposure after application is 7 minutes. Cleaning can be done with a brush or washcloth. The face is washed and a soothing cream is applied. As a result of this use, keratinized skin particles are removed and cellulite manifestations disappear.

Recipe for body skin
To prepare the composition you will need to mix the following ingredients:

  • you need to take four tablespoons of soft cottage cheese;
  • three drops of vanilla essential oil;
  • banana fruit;
  • three strawberries;
  • a drop of rose essential oil.

A blender is used for the mix. Before application, the skin is pre-cleaned. Exposure after application is a third of an hour. After this, rinse with water and apply moisturizer. After this procedure, the skin becomes soft and silky. The result will be visible within a week.

How to use

There are many ways to use this product. All of them can be reduced to the following positions:

  • Using an aroma lamp.
  • In the form of cold and hot inhalations.
  • Used to create aroma in baths and saunas.
  • In the form of oil compresses.
  • As a rub.
  • When performing a general massage.
  • Used as bandages.
  • Water rinses.
  • Oil rinses.
  • Instillation into the nasal passages.

How to store?

The product is stored packaged in sealed dark glass bottles. During storage, certain conditions must be observed. The temperature range should be between 10 and 20 degrees. Air humidity should not exceed 70%. When storing, the place should be out of reach of children.


The list of restrictions is very limited. This includes only cases of individual intolerance and early dates pregnancy.

How to choose oil?

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The product label must state "Vanilla planifolia". If the product is produced by a responsible manufacturer, the method of receipt will be indicated.
  2. In accordance with international standards, oil esters are packaged in dark glass bottles. The bottle is equipped with a dropper dispenser.
  3. The price of oil is not cheap, so the bottles have a small volume.
  4. Quality products are provided with ISO or GMP certificates.
  5. Natural products have a delicate, pleasant, sweetish smell. The aroma should not be lost within an hour. If the oil is not natural, but is synthetic, then it has a pungent odor that does not last long.

Natural products have a significant price. For 1 ml you will have to pay 2000 rubles. A synthetic analogue will cost 100 times less. Unscrupulous manufacturers will still indicate naturalness on the label. Therefore, when purchasing oil, you need to be very careful. Of course, we cannot say that synthetic oil can cause harm. This is not true. But there will be no benefit from it either. Even if it costs much less, but even in this case it will be a waste of money.

An oil with all the signs of naturalness will provide effective assistance in the therapeutic correction of many conditions and will serve as a reliable assistant in cosmetic skin care measures.

Video: the three most essential essential oils!

For many, the smell of vanilla evokes strong associations with the comfort of home, with baked goods with caring hands mothers or grandmothers. But people have long used vanilla oil not only for culinary purposes. Along with taste, its healing and cosmetic properties were valued.

Vanilla grows in Central America, Africa, Indonesia and Madagascar. Vanilla is a vine belonging to the orchid genus. The length of the shoots can reach several tens of meters. The flowers are white, the fruits are in the form of dark brown pods. It takes at least 9 months for them to mature. To obtain vanilla essential oil, hand-picked pods must be dried for six months. Only then will a whitish crystalline coating appear on them - a sign that the fruit is ready for further processing. The production of vanilla ether is complex and expensive, and the preparation of raw materials takes a lot of time. Therefore, real vanilla oil is quite expensive. But it's worth it.

A little Latin

To avoid making a mistake in choosing a quality product, carefully read the labeling before purchasing:

  • If the word “vanilla” is accompanied by the name “planifolia” or “tahitensis”, the product promises to be as effective as possible.
  • When you see the word “pompona”, the healing and cosmetic properties of the oil will be weaker.
  • The word “vanilla” is not supplemented with anything - this is not natural vanilla essential oil, but a mixture vegetable oil with extract or powder.
  • "Vanilla-flavored" is a synthetic product and beneficial properties does not possess. Only its aroma is similar to natural.

Appearance and composition

Vanilla essential oil is viscous and viscous. The color is rich, dark brown, and can glow amber in the light. The aroma is warm and sweet. The composition of vanilla oil has not been fully studied, but in addition to vanillin, it contains various esters, aldehydes and fatty acids.

Impact on the psycho-emotional sphere

  • Vanilla oil has a calming effect. It pacifies and helps cope with an angry reaction.
  • The aroma of vanilla provides a feeling of security, comfort, relieves increased anxiety and unreasonable fears. Helps with depression and sad mood.
  • Vanilla essential oil relieves insomnia and improves memory and concentration during mental work. Has a stimulating effect on creativity.
  • Vanilla is also a strong aphrodisiac. It not only increases the attraction of loving partners to each other, but also promotes mutual understanding between them.
  • Without any erotic connotations, vanilla aroma improves the atmosphere in any team, increases efficiency and coordinated teamwork.

Impact on the body

  • Vanilla oil has a positive effect on digestion. It normalizes gastrointestinal motility and reduces bloating. Helps restore the natural intestinal microflora during dysbacteriosis. Please note that the balance of flora is normalized by special preparations; Aroma oil alone cannot cure this condition. The ether stimulates appetite, but at the same time does not force you to eat too much. And if you do overeat, vanilla will help break down carbohydrates faster. This property is also useful for diabetes.
  • Vanilla can be considered a kind of antidote for alcohol. Moreover, it helps overcome cravings for alcohol, especially strong alcoholic drinks. Vanilla ether can be used in the complex treatment of alcohol addiction.
  • Vanilla has a beneficial effect on blood microcirculation and blood vessels, especially small capillaries. Therefore, it is often used to treat diseases of the nervous system associated with vascular disorders and injuries.
  • Has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The main characteristics of vanilla ether in folk medicine allows us to classify it as a “female” oil. It alleviates the condition during premenstrual syndrome, reduces monthly pain, and promotes cycle regularity.

Application in cosmetology

Natural vanilla essential oil, the properties and aroma of which are expressed as naturally as possible, has long been used for the production of perfumes. Synthetic analogs are not suitable for this purpose. Moreover, they should not be used for cosmetic procedures. But regular use natural product will delight you with noticeable results.

For face

The effect of vanilla on facial skin is varied:

  1. Increased elasticity.
  2. Help for aging skin.
  3. Whitening effect.
  4. Relief from inflammation and rashes.
  5. “Smoothing” and making it velvety.
  6. Reducing the manifestations of rosacea.
  7. Mattifying effect and normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Important! Vanilla essential oil for external and internal use may lead to photodermatitis. If you used an oil product, avoid exposure to sunlight for at least an hour after using vanilla.

For hair

The beneficial properties and use of vanilla for hair help to significantly improve the condition of the hair. The positive effect of the essential product on your curls is as follows:

  1. Enhances smoothness and shine.
  2. Gives softness and silkiness.
  3. Enhances the effect of coloring, prolongs the effect of dyes.
  4. Prevents hair loss.
  5. Heals damaged curls.
  6. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

Important! The effect will be noticeable only with regular use.

For body

The oil itself is very beneficial for the skin of the body; Vanilla aroma during procedures has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Remember that the condition of the skin is directly related to the emotional background and nervous system. Everything that is good for her is also good for the skin. The benefits of vanilla for skin are as follows:

  1. Gives elasticity.
  2. Stimulates tone.
  3. Stops inflammation.
  4. Reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Important! If there are lesions, wounds or open inflammatory processes on the skin, these areas should not be massaged.

Directions for use and doses

The use of vanilla ether is similar to the use of other aromatic oils.

Air aromatization

  • It is carried out using an aroma lamp. Take 3-5 drops of essential oil.

Aroma medallion

  • 1-2 drops of oil are enough for individual effects.


This method is needed for therapeutic action.

  • Add 1-2 drops of vanilla to 1 tsp. honey or dripping onto a piece of sugar. You can take the product no more than 2 times a day. The course is for 1-2 weeks or, depending on the cycle, 3-5 days, once a month.


They have a general therapeutic effect and improve skin condition.

  • Add 3-4 drops of vanilla ether to half a glass of milk or cream. Pour the mixture into the bath. The water temperature is no higher than 39 degrees. Take a bath for 15 minutes, carry out the procedure after 1-2 days. Course – 10 baths.


Has a general strengthening effect, relieves muscle tension.

  • For 1 tbsp. l. base oil take 3-4 drops of vanilla.

Body Scrub

Cleanses the skin and fights cellulite.

  • Take 1 glass of sugar, 50 grams of ground coffee, 10 drops of almond and vanilla oils. Rub the resulting mixture onto problem areas.

Face masks

The following recipes help solve various problems. The duration of action of the composition on the skin is 20 minutes. Masks should be washed off warm water. Do not apply mixtures to the skin around the eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water. Apply 1-2 times a week. Course - 1-1.5 months.

Important! Vanilla essential oil is a complementary ingredient, not a base ingredient. Do not use it undiluted.

For skin elasticity

  • Grate raw potatoes, squeeze, add 1 tsp. honey, dissolve in 1 tsp. jojoba oil 2 drops vanilla essential oil. Connect all components.

For wrinkles

  • Take half a banana and half an avocado and mash. Add 2 drops of vanilla to the resulting puree and mix thoroughly.

For aging skin

  • Take 1 tbsp. l. jojoba and grape seed oils, add 2 drops each of vanilla, sandalwood and rose.

For sensitive skin

  • Mix 1.5 tbsp. l. sour cream with 2 drops of vanilla ether.

Nourishing mask

  • To 1 tbsp. l. olive oil add 2 drops of vanilla and 1 yolk. Grind until smooth.

Aroma combing

  • Apply 2 drops of vanilla oil to a wooden comb and comb your hair for 5-10 minutes.

Hair Mask

The recipe is universal and suitable for any hair type. Adds shine and makes hair manageable.

  • Take 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and add 2 drops vanilla. If you wish, you can add 1 tsp. honey (to normalize sebum secretion) or 1 yolk (for enhanced hair nutrition).

Apply to slightly damp hair. Action time: 40 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. After the procedure, do not use a hairdryer. Make masks no more than 2 times a week. Course – up to 10 procedures.


  1. Individual intolerance and allergies. Before using vanilla-containing formulations, do an allergy test on the skin of your elbow or wrist.
  2. Photodermatitis.

Important! Consult a physician before use in pregnant women or children.

Let's sum it up

Vanilla oil is an excellent product with a variety of beneficial properties. Its wonderful aroma symbolizes home comfort. Vanilla is an indispensable component of many culinary recipes; it is especially popular in confectionery. Outstanding healing and cosmetic properties have been widely used for various diseases and problems. We hope that you decide to see for yourself the benefits of vanilla. If you use it correctly, you can get positive results.

Be beautiful and healthy!