French style makeup. History of the development of makeup and cosmetics. DIY French-style makeup application scheme

A woman’s ability to be luxurious, and at the same time, seem to put absolutely no effort into her appearance, is almost a national trait of French women. They dress casually but stylishly, wear simple but interesting hairstyles, and their makeup is sophisticated and unobtrusive at the same time.

What makeup secrets for French women should you take note of?

1. Use serum and moisturizer before applying makeup

This is necessary so that your skin gives off a slight glow from within. Be sure to apply eye cream under your eyes. After this, apply the serum all over your face and lightly tap the surface of your skin with your fingertips - this will help make your skin more elastic.

Immediately before applying makeup, you will need a day cream that will perfectly replace your makeup base. Choose a non-greasy, moisturizing cream - this will help minimize the damage that cosmetics cause to the skin and ensure that your makeup lasts all day.

2. Apply powder with a large fluffy brush

If you have good skin, you can easily do without foundation in your everyday makeup. Apply powder to your face using a large fluffy brush, and then blot it with a napkin. You will get perfect and almost invisible coverage.

3. Apply concealer before eye makeup

This option is suitable for you if you do not use shadows that are too dark. It is preferable to apply concealer with a brush rather than with your fingers, and after you have distributed it over the area around the eyes, you should powder it - this will eliminate shine and make the makeup more durable.

4. Keep your makeup subtle

French women do not like bright makeup, which cannot be said about Russian women. However, it is unobtrusive shades that are most preferable in everyday makeup. Pay attention to nude shades and blend them very well using a brush with a pointed tip - this will make the makeup more natural.

5. Before applying makeup, hold a black pencil over a lighter.

This is a little trick of makeup artists for eye makeup - after fire, the lead of a black pencil becomes soft and pliable, and with its help it is possible to perfectly paint the mucous membrane of the eye.

6. Learn to dye your eyebrows correctly

Eyebrows are the most important part of makeup. These are the ones that people around you focus on when they look at your face. It is best to tint your eyebrows with dark shades, but pencil also works great.

Before dyeing, comb all the hairs down so that you can see the line of their growth, and carefully paint it with shadows. And then return all the hairs to their place, lifting them up, and for reliability, use a transparent gel.

7. Don't apply blush too heavily

Ideal makeup involves a very light blush, so you shouldn’t be too zealous with them. If you are using dry blush, it is best to apply it in layers using a brush. Having scooped them up, you must first remove the excess product with a napkin, and only then apply what is left on your cheeks. With this method it is difficult to overdo it, so the makeup will most likely turn out calm, light and unobtrusive - like real French women.

The secrets and tricks of French makeup artists are an opportunity to learn how to do stylish and sophisticated makeup yourself, which will certainly make you a real beauty.

make-up teacher Dessange Paris

Secrets of French makeup

Use serum and moisturizer before makeup

To make your skin glow from the inside, you don’t need to apply layers of foundation, but carefully prepare it for makeup. Then maybe the tone won’t be useful at all! I always take three steps before I start applying makeup:

  1. Apply eye cream under your eyes, but not too close to your eye! Place the cream along the bone, first under the eyebrows, and then along the bone under the eyes. Do a light massage by tapping your fingers on the skin, it will take literally 10-20 seconds. Remember: there is no need to smear the area directly under the eye and the upper eyelids.
  2. Then apply the serum to your entire face and also do a light massage: spread the serum from the middle of your face to the periphery with your fingertips. The massage will make your skin more elastic and instantly improve your complexion!
  3. The final stage of preparation is a non-greasy day cream that will work better than any base or primer. The skin will be moisturized, you will not harm it with subsequent makeup, and the cream itself will ensure better adhesion of cosmetics and durability of the makeup.


The secret to simply applying powder

Powder is one of my favorite products. For everyday makeup, you can not even use foundation, but simply lightly powder your face. But the most important thing when using powder is not to overdo it! I have a little secret for using powder: take a fluffy brush, scoop up a generous amount of powder, and then sort of “dab” the brush with a napkin! All excess product will remain on it, and you do not risk applying too much to the skin: the coating turns out perfectly thin, almost transparent.

How to apply concealer correctly

I recommend 2 ways to use concealer: you can apply it before applying makeup to your eyes, or after. The first option is ideal if you do not plan to use dark shadows and apply them intensively. For example, if you only have a pencil and mascara, nothing will fall out under your eyes and ruin the coverage of your concealer.

I advise you to apply it with a brush, and not with your fingers - do it with pulsating rather than smearing movements. Once you've spread the concealer evenly under your eyes, lightly powder the area for longevity and shine-free coverage.

If you are going to do, for example, a thick smokey eye using dark shadows, there is a risk that they will crumble - it is much easier to remove excess from clean skin. In this case, apply concealer after you finish your eye makeup.

Choose only discreet shades

French girls don't like bright makeup. My clients in Paris always say: “Just not bright!” But in Russia, on the contrary, almost every client asked for a smokey eye, and they don’t refuse bright colors. It's an interesting difference between us!

I myself am a supporter of calm, natural and nude shades for makeup in the French style and not only. When it comes to shadows, careful shading is especially important: this makes the makeup as natural as possible. For shading, I highly recommend purchasing a “Chinese brush” - this is a fluffy brush with a pointed end. I can't imagine how I would work without her!

Use a lighter and a pencil for perfect eye makeup

Sometimes I really like to line my eyes with kajal and tint my eyelashes with mascara - this is the ideal minimum! To beautifully paint the mucous membrane of your eyes, remember one simple life hack for French makeup: hold a soft black pencil for a few seconds under the flame of a lighter. Then the stylus will become even softer and more pliable, which is very convenient. That's why I always have a lighter in my makeup bag!

Learn the correct technique for tinting your eyebrows

Eyebrows are the basis of makeup; they make it look solid and complete. Personally, I prefer to fill in my eyebrows with dark shadows, but you can also use a pencil.

My secret to creating perfect eyebrows is to comb all the hairs down first - this way you can clearly see their growth line. This line needs to be carefully painted over with shadows. Use a thin angled brush. Then simply put the hairs back in place by lifting them up. Secure the result with a transparent gel. Ready!

Apply blush in layers

A light blush is the finishing touch to any make-up. The key word here is “light”, it should not be too noticeable, but only unobtrusively correct the complexion. I prefer to use dry blush and layer it to adjust the intensity.

Take your blush brush and scoop up product. Remove the excess with a napkin, just as I taught you to do when using powder. There will be very little loose blush left on the brush, apply the first layer to the apples of your cheeks. If this does not seem enough, repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

The secret is that when you apply blush this way, it is very difficult to overdo it and make the color too intense. But if there is a lot of product on the brush, it will be quite difficult to remove the excess from the face.

All girls want to be the most beautiful not only for themselves, but also for everyone around them. Especially for that one person, next to whom a girl’s heart skips a beat. And very often we succeed, thanks to well-executed beautiful makeup.

French style in makeup

Classic French makeup is all about naturalness. Its main feature is its inconspicuousness and at the same time brightness, because it makes not only the face more expressive, but also refreshes the entire image as a whole.

This type of makeup can be easily created at home with a minimum of cosmetics. Remember the main rule: any cosmetics must be applied to a previously cleansed face.

The French makeup technique involves applying mattifying cosmetics in soft undertones, avoiding bright contrasts, and resorting to careful shading on the face and neck. It is advisable to choose makeup tones that will suit your skin tone well. Usually these are pink, beige, light brown, fawn and smoky lilac tones for fair-skinned girls. Also, special attention should be paid to eye mascara. It is advisable that it is not black, because then French eye makeup will look too vulgar. Choose a brown or smoky gray mascara color - this will be the best option. On the one hand, she will emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, and on the other hand, she will not particularly focus attention on them.

French-style makeup is good because it skillfully emphasizes the advantages that a girl possesses by nature, and all minor flaws become invisible. It is true that such makeup is not always suitable for the evening, since it is not bright enough, and with its help it will not be possible to change the shape of the face or create an image for the stage. But, in turn, it is indispensable for daily use. Because it suits girls of absolutely any type of appearance. With this makeup you will always feel young and at the same time very stylish!

The classic image of a French woman always evokes awe, admiration and even a hint of envy in us. These women have elevated the concept of “elegant casualness” to the pedestal of style and beauty; they have a unique charm and are endowed with that very mystery that attracts men so much. What is the secret of the beauty of French women? Today we will reveal all the secrets on


When thinking about the beauty of French women, two main characteristics immediately come to mind: carelessness and naturalness. Look at the photos of actresses, at the selections, you won’t find brightly made-up women with perfectly styled hair. And all because French women believe that every woman is beautiful in her own way. And this beauty needs to be shown, and not hidden with skillful makeup techniques.

READ ALSO - Secrets of wedding makeup: how to make the bride's face perfect

That is why their approach to external beauty is fundamentally different from the American one. It reveals individuality and taste, the desire to reveal the inner beauty of a woman, to emphasize her sensuality and attractiveness. Let's look at the basic principles of “beauty in French.”

1. Care.
French women never skimp on skin care, preferring proven brands and natural composition of cosmetic products. They spend a lot of time going to the cosmetologist and skincare. After all, beautiful skin is already half of the makeup. And definitely all year round.

2. Fresh face.
While the whole world is going crazy over it, French women have long been choosing healthy skin glow and a natural effect. No thick foundations or concealers, even if bruises under the eyes or other imperfections are visible, but it will be you, and not perfect plastered skin. Therefore, their choice is only very light foundations with a radiant finish without powdering. And sometimes you can get by with just one. With this foundation you don't need highlighter, your skin will look vibrant, healthy and rested. And of course, no contouring.

3. Emphasis on eyebrows.
French women have been swept away by the fashion for clearly drawn, perfectly styled, dark eyebrows. They do not use highly pigmented lipsticks and colored gels, limiting themselves to eyebrow pencil and mascara. This is quite enough to create fairly wide, natural-looking, slightly tousled eyebrows.

4. Red lipstick.
This is the only bright accent that French women allow themselves in both daytime and evening makeup. Moreover, they wear it from the very morning, with any clothes, without waiting for the right occasion and reason. Combined with good skin and no makeup on the eyes, this technique looks very fresh and organic. You can also use red lipstick as blush, simply apply it to your cheeks with your finger and blend it out. This refreshes and makes the face look younger.

5. There is a time for everything.
Unlike Ukraine, you will never meet a girl with active shooters or active shooters in France during the daytime. For French women, bright makeup during the day is a sign of bad taste and bad manners, the maximum is red lipstick. During the day, many girls often go without any decorative cosmetics at all, since there is no mandatory rule to wear makeup every day. French evening makeup is often neat winged eyeliner or highlighting the outer corner of the eye with a light haze. They do not use shimmer shadows, bright colors in makeup, etc.

Do you want to be like the mysterious and sophisticated women of France? Choose only high-quality decorative cosmetics and remember the main principle of French makeup: “less is more.” And also, finally buy yourself the perfect red lipstick :).

Foundation hydration and radiance (SPF 30) Bourjois City Radiance
Liquid matte lipstick Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet
Bourjois Brow Design Eyebrow Mascara

Legends are made about the ability of French women to be beautiful, stylish and attractive without putting much effort into it. They prefer to dress elegantly and at the same time casually, thereby creating the feeling that their image came about by itself.

This principle applies not only to clothes, but also to hairstyle and makeup. What is real makeup in the classic French style, and how to do it yourself, we will look in detail in this article.

The photo perfectly conveys the well-known fact that it is aimed at making the face fresh, beautiful and more impressive in a minimum amount of time, because French women value it very much and are unlikely to spend more than an hour putting together their image.

How do French women wear makeup?

This type of shirt is based on simplicity, lightness and a certain naturalness. You are unlikely to find complex shading and application techniques, artificial eyelashes, or excessive use of glitter and highlighter in French makeup.

Light shading, simple lines, matte textures, easy application and maximum effect - these are its constituent factors.

The makeup of any French woman involves an even complexion with a slight glow, tinted and neatly styled eyebrows, mascara-tinted eyelashes, perfectly even eyeliner and red lipstick.

It is worth mentioning that French women do not skimp on cosmetics. They can save on clothes and buy cheap jeans, but they will only buy high-quality cosmetics from well-known brands. Here they are one hundred percent right, because the health of the skin directly depends on the quality of cosmetics.

What colors do French women use in makeup?

The most common version uses black eyeliner, red lipstick or pink, as an exception to the rule.

It is more suitable for those with thin lips, as it creates the appearance of volume. On the contrary, red or scarlet colors will make them visually thinner.

How to cleanse your skin before applying makeup

Apply makeup only to thoroughly cleansed skin. What gives French women a fresh and radiant complexion is not a large amount of foundation, but proper preparation for makeup.

The skin cleansing process includes:

  • washing with a product suitable for your skin type;
  • skin toning;
  • use of serum and light massage;
  • applying a light texture moisturizer.

After all these procedures have been completed, you can begin makeup.

  1. Tone. The first step is to apply foundation and powder. The foundation should be a tone lighter than your skin tone. But don't get carried away. Too light a shade will give you a sickly pallor, but not an aristocratic look and natural radiance.

To choose the right shade, you need a little product on the chin line and choose the color that best suits your face and neck.

If you use powder, then follow the same rules as when choosing a foundation. For those with pale skin, pinkish shades of powder are suitable, and for girls with warm or neutral skin tones, peach, beige and golden colors are perfect.

It is better to apply foundation with a special sponge, but not with your fingers. Using a sponge you will create a light and even coverage.

The powder can be applied with a special wide brush, after shaking off excess product with a napkin. This way, exactly as much powder as necessary gets onto your skin.

  1. Blush. The next step is to apply blush. There shouldn't be too many of them. The ideal option would be a barely noticeable natural blush that highlights the beauty of your skin.
  2. Brows. French women do not like to highlight their eyebrows too much and therefore it is best to slightly adjust them and highlight them with a pencil or shadows that match the color of your hair. To keep your eyebrows neat all day long, you can style them with a special gel.
  3. French eye makeup is an art and therefore we will talk about it in detail. A distinctive feature of this makeup are neat, clearly drawn arrows. They play a key role in the entire look and therefore it is difficult to imagine a French woman without perfect arrows.

Step-by-step instructions for the French makeup method

  • Find a comfortable location with good lighting. For example, you can stand by the window.
  • If you draw arrows with a pencil, then it should be well sharpened, and if with eyeliner, then make sure that it has not dried out.
  • Take a comfortable position, preferably with your elbow resting on the table.
  • The eye on which you are drawing an arrow should be half-closed and under no circumstances pull the skin on the eyelid, otherwise your arrow will turn out uneven.
  • First draw a thin line along the growth of the eyelashes, starting from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.

  • Continue drawing the edge of the arrow on the outer corner of the eye at the desired angle.
  • Draw the edge of the arrow and draw it.
  • Fill in the empty space in the resulting arrow.
  • Draw the second arrow in the same way.
