Lymphatic drainage tea for weight loss at home. Herbal lymphatic drainage mixture Recipes for effective drainage drinks for weight loss

When the functions of the lymphatic system are impaired, up to 83% of harmful substances accumulate in the intercellular space and, as a result, pollution of the lymphatic bed is formed - lymphotoxicosis. This increases the load on all organs of elimination and detoxification: liver, intestines, kidneys. It turns out that the cleanliness of the internal environment of our body is directly related to the network of lymphatic vessels.

We bring to your attention Elena Svitko’s recipes from the book “Golden Recipes: Herbal Medicine from the Middle Ages to the Present Day,” which will help your lymphatic system work without failures.

Life-giving tea from Czech healer Rosa Faleshnikova

25 g rosemary leaf, 20 g thyme flowers, 15 g mint. 10 hawthorn flowers, 10 g elecampane root, 10 g angelica root.

Mix all ingredients. 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 1 liter of cold water. Boil. Leave for 1 hour. Drink during the day with honey.

Course - 14 days. Improves lymphatic drainage.

White herbs

10 g white nettle, 10 g white acacia, 5 g jasmine flowers, 5 g chamomile, 5 g white lilac (flowers), 10 g yarrow (flowers). From this mixture take 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 cup of boiling water.

Leave for 10 minutes, strain and drink in the afternoon in small sips in several doses.

Use this infusion for 7 days. Herbs may vary. The composition of the mixture should be discussed with your doctor individually.

The infusion is very effective for edema, lymphadenitis, as well as other diseases of the lymphatic system, liver and skin diseases.

The lymphatic system is directly connected to the liver, to the hematopoietic system, and to the vascular system. It needs to be treated and cleansed as a whole.

Cleansing the body (according to the Czech spiritual master Francis Bardok):

    dissolves and removes toxins from the body;

    cleanses blood vessels well and activates nervous system;

    cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and the entire endocrine system;

    regulates blood circulation and blood pressure.

2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, 2 tbsp. spoons of rosehip syrup "Holosas", 200 ml of water, a little red hot pepper or cayenne pepper.

Attention! Only freshly squeezed juice should be used, never canned juice!

Take in courses of 2 weeks, starting during the full moon. Drink 100 g 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The break between courses is 2 weeks.

Lymph cleansing recipe

It is best to cleanse the lymphatic system during the waning moon, as well as cleanse the entire body.

You need to take 0.5 liters of distilled or boiled water, preferably heat it to 40–45 °C, dissolve 1 tbsp in it. a spoonful of magnesium sulfate. Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon, the juice of 1 grapefruit and 1 orange into it. It is better to start the procedure on an empty stomach and be at home at this time, as toxins will be released naturally.

The prepared mixture for detoxifying lymph should be drunk in small sips in the first half of the day, and after this procedure, take a bath with sea salt: 1 kg of salt per warm water.

Magnesium sulfate surprisingly effectively cleanses the lymph, and in combination with citrus fruits, it tidies up the entire lymphatic system. By your bowel movements you will see how many toxins and dirty lymph will come out of you.

Magnesium sulfate, like a magnet, can pull up to 16 liters of toxins and other waste from the lymph (especially in obese people)!

After this cleansing, you should drink infusions of all white herbs that cleanse the lymph.

Kvass from horse chestnut buds

200 g horse chestnut buds, 2 cups homemade sour cream, 3 liters of whey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground celandine, 100 g of natural honey.

In early spring, when the buds are about to begin to swell, carefully collect them (you don’t need to pick everything in a row, but as if thinning them out, collecting every tenth bud).

The drink is prepared in a large glass container. Prepare whey from milk (from a healthy domestic cow), heat it a little, add honey and celandine, crushed chestnut buds, and sour cream for sourdough. Place the vessel on a window on the sunny side of the house so that the whey ferments for 3 days. Then strain the mixture and bottle it, put it in the refrigerator,

You should take this kvass for 2 months, 100 ml 2-3 times a day.

The drink is recommended for those who cannot clear their throat in the morning, who often have sputum, swollen legs and swollen lymph nodes, and who are bothered by a runny nose. published.

Elena Svitko "Golden recipes: herbal medicine from the Middle Ages to the present day"

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P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Beauty starts from within! For this reason, you also need to rid your thighs of cellulite from the inside, in combination with external methods. This way it will be faster and more reliable. Therefore, there are now enough dietary supplements and teas against cellulite in pharmacies. Today I will talk in detail about drink recipes that each of you can prepare on your own.

First let me introduce you to the main anti-cellulite herbs:

Meadowsweet, orthosiphon (kidney tea), horsetail, burdock roots, dandelion roots, birch leaves, bedstraw, anise, fucus (kelp), dill, parsley, elderberry, marshmallow, ginger.

They help remove excess water from the body, cleanse lymph, relieve swelling and inflammation in tissues, lose weight, strengthen blood vessels and improve kidney function.

Recipe No. 1

Take meadowsweet, anise, burdock and elderberry roots in proportions 2:1:1:1, pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Meadowsweet dilates blood vessels and even resolves blood clots, and in this collection it helps the active substances from other herbs to quickly penetrate slagged tissues and clean them properly.

Recipe No. 2

Mix currant leaves, lingonberries, bergenia, rosehips and meadowsweet in proportions 3:2:2:2:2, and brew 1 tbsp. l. per glass of water. The infusion has a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect.

Recipe No. 3

For this recipe you need to take equal parts green tea, dandelion roots, fennel and orthosiphon. It has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and promotes weight loss.

Recipe No. 4

Mix fucus, orthosiphon, green tea, dandelion and mint in equal parts, brew at the rate of 1 tsp. per glass of water. Tea, due to fucus, has a peculiar and unpleasant taste, but thanks to it, it also helps to lose weight.

Recipe No. 5

Brew a spoonful of tenacious bedstraw, licorice root, a few cloves, a spoonful of grated ginger and orange zest with 2 glasses of water, let it brew for 15 minutes.

Tenacious bedstraw cleanses the lymphatic system so well that it has proven itself in lymphoma and other types of cancer, when the body needs enhanced detoxification. It is not sold in every pharmacy, but you can find it if you want.

Orange peel and cloves stimulate metabolism.

Recipe No. 6

Horsetail is a strong diuretic herb, rich in microelements and, above all, silicon. Therefore, in addition to the anti-cellulite effect, it rejuvenates the skin, strengthens hair, teeth and nails. Brew at the rate of 2 tsp. per glass of water.

Recipe No. 7

Parsley, dill and asparagus will be useful not only for food, but also for drinking. I won’t tell you the exact proportions, because I do everything by eye. But you shouldn’t waste time on trifles - you won’t make things worse anyway. You can drink a liter, but not every day.

Recipe No. 8

Did you know that pine needles have a pronounced diuretic and antimicrobial effect, help the kidneys cope with their main work and relieve inflammation? Or that it is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens connective tissue and improves skin elasticity?

Grind pine or spruce needles, leave in a thermos overnight, pour warm water. Per liter of water - 3 cups of pine needles. This infusion is, in fact, free, since you have to go to the forest, not to the pharmacy, to get the needles.

Collect pine needles away from roads, because they, like mushrooms, accumulate harmful substances from the air.

Recipe No. 9

Dill seeds, fennel, anise and dandelion roots in equal parts. Brew 1 tsp. per glass of water. The tea according to this recipe has a very pleasant taste.

Recipe No. 10

An infusion of birch leaves removes excess water from tissues, relieves inflammation of the kidneys and Bladder. Prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. per glass of water. You drink it and remember the spring forest J.

Recipe No. 11

Cellulite mounds will disappear from your thighs much faster if you add vitamin C from lemon juice to the detox effect of birch infusion. Those. Brew the leaves according to the previous recipe, and add lemon juice and a spoonful of honey to the warm infusion.

Recipe No. 12

The following recipe will help you get rid of cellulite, and also clean blood vessels and capillaries, increase immunity and normalize metabolism:

An infusion consisting of marshmallow, verbena and birch leaves - brew 1 tsp. per glass of water, recommended to drink in the morning.

Recipe No. 13

Horsetail, fennel, birch leaves and dandelion roots, taken together in equal parts, show all their best anti-cellulite qualities in the infusion.

General rules for consuming all anti-cellulite drinks:

All of them cleanse the body and, along with excess water and toxins, unfortunately, also remove microelements such as potassium and magnesium. Therefore, be sure to take these vital elements additionally (“Asparkam”, “Panangin”).

The course of taking teas is at least 1 month, 2-3 glasses per day.

If there is a metabolic or water-salt imbalance, giving up your favorite foods and following a diet may not bring the desired result. In the absence of a positive effect, nutritionists advise women to start drinking lymphatic drainage. Reviews about this drink are extremely positive.

What is lymphatic drainage tea, how does such a drink affect the body - read in this article.

Whether drinking tea will have an effect and help you lose extra pounds depends on what type of product is used. According to leading doctors, regular black (which is the most common) has absolutely no effect on the process of losing weight.

The situation is completely different with green tea and with special pharmaceutical teas made from various herbs and additives.

Most of these drinks have a diuretic effect and also help remove toxins and waste from the body, which is the most important condition for losing weight.

In addition, almost all such drinks contain caffeine, which makes a person feel more energetic.

This leads to the fact that workouts in the gym can be longer and more intense, which also has a positive effect on weight loss.

It is important to know! In most cases, the active ingredients of such drinks are senna, bearberry and corn silk.

What could be the harm?

Despite the fact that anti-cellulite teas have a harmless composition, most doctors do not advise girls to consume them on a regular basis. It is recommended to use these no more than 2 times a year (in courses).

This is due to the fact that the effect of such teas is achieved due to their diuretic effect, and healthy person Taking diuretics and laxatives is not recommended. Doctors prescribe such drugs only in specific cases.

If you abuse diuretic drinks, there is a possibility of the following complications:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • addiction to the effects of diuretic and laxative components;
  • removal of beneficial microelements and minerals from the body, which can lead to a general deterioration in well-being and health;
  • problems with the functioning of the gastrodigestive tract;
  • eating disorder.

If you decide to lose weight with the help of special teas, you need to take them strictly following the instructions and not exceeding the dosage.

Drainage tea for cellulite – what is it?

Lymphatic drainage drinks are drinks that help normalize metabolism and regulate water-salt balance. The positive effect of taking them is achieved due to the normalization of lymph flow in all organs and systems.

The effect of the drinks is very similar to modern lymphatic drainage procedures, which are carried out in aesthetic cosmetology centers.

Every day, fluid accumulates in the cells of the body, which after some time enters the capillaries and is transformed into lymph.

This substance plays a vital role because it helps the body remove toxins and waste, which is an essential condition for the proper functioning of internal organs.

If the lymph flow is slowed down, the disturbance will negatively affect the condition of the entire body.

The best ready-made drinks

Despite the fact that on the Internet you can find many recipes for tea for weight loss at home, most girls prefer to purchase finished products. This is due to the fact that products in this category can be found in any pharmacy, and they have a more than affordable price.

The following drinks for lymphatic drainage are considered the safest and most effective:

  1. "Drainage" tea from Teabreeze. The main active ingredients of the product are Alexandrian leaf, blackberry, black currant and lingonberry. This drink has a very gentle effect on the body; it not only helps remove excess fluid and accelerates lymphatic drainage, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect and fights fatigue. The approximate cost of a package with 20 sachets is 52 rubles.
  2. Drainage. This dietary supplement fights fluid stagnation and relieves swelling. The main active ingredients are senna extract, green tea and cherry stem extract. Preparing the drink is not difficult - 2 teaspoons of the dietary supplement need to be dissolved in a liter and drunk throughout the day. The cost of such a product that is produced the most famous brand Evalar – 359 rubles.
  3. Cleansing tea drink from Chernikoff. The basis of the product is chamomile, calendula, yarrow and meadowsweet. The product has a mild laxative effect and promotes general cleansing of the body. A package of 20 sachets costs about 74 rubles.

If you haven’t been able to find a ready-made drink, you can make your own herbal tea for weight loss at home. The most popular recipes are:

Both store-bought and homemade cellulite drainage drinks work in approximately the same way. You need to choose a product based on your own preferences.

Will it be possible to lose weight only with the help of drainage teas?

During consultations with nutritionists, many are interested in how to drink green tea for cellulite. Experts assure that using the drink in this case will be no different from drinking regular tea.

But you need to understand that you shouldn’t expect to lose weight only from using drainage drinks. To achieve results, a woman will in any case have to go on a diet and start exercising.

Scientists paid attention to the importance of lymph and the lymphatic system in the functioning of all human organs, including in the treatment of diseases, immediately after it was discovered by the famous Italian surgeon of the 17th century Azelli. Then, more than 300 years ago, unfortunately, this topic did not receive proper development. In the treatment of the vast majority of diseases, disorders that occurred in the lymphatic system, alas, were not taken into account.

Lymphatic system and lymphostimulation

Much later it became known that the level of the body's defenses largely depends on the state of the lymphatic system, especially when infectious diseases. Therefore, it is not in vain that the doctor pays attention to appearance armpits, where the axillary lymph node is located. It has now been proven that stimulation of lymph formation can improve the treatment of therapeutic, surgical, oncological and other diseases. The same can be said about disease prevention. Therefore, therapy of diseases involving the lymphatic system in this process is not only desirable, but also preferable. Lymphatic system - part vascular system, complementing the cardiovascular system. It plays an important role in metabolism.


Adonis (adonis)- enhances drainage of the cardiac sphere. In addition, this is one of the strongest plants with a cardiac stimulating effect.

Lingonberry leaf- selectively activates lymphatic drainage of the aorta. It should be recalled that it is not advisable to use lingonberry leaves for mastopathy and prostate adenoma.

Oregano- perfectly stimulates lymphatic drainage of the bronchopulmonary system, but ulcer sufferers and pregnant women should be more careful with it. But to alendula activates lymphatic movement in general, being a lymphoprotector with a general stimulating effect.

Horse chestnut- a very active lymphostimulator, and also noticeably thins the blood. But it can manifest itself negatively with dyspepsia.

European hoofweed improves lymphatic drainage of the liver, but it should not be used by hypertensive patients, as it can increase blood pressure.

Burnet- a wonderful plant that stimulates peripheral lymph flow and activates the activity of the lymph nodes themselves. This is one of the few plants that can be used externally as a lymphostimulator. You should remember about its contraindications for pregnant women and individual intolerance.

Soapwort- has a general lymph-stimulating effect, although less active than calendula.

Oats- a good lymphoprotector and an excellent enterosorbent.

Parsley- enhances lymphatic drainage of the heart muscle. But remember that parsley contains a lot of purines, so its use is undesirable for gout.

Great plantain - remarkably stimulates the lymph flow of the walls of the stomach and intestines, but you need to be careful in case of increased stomach acidity.

Black currant(leaves and fruits) - activates lymphatic drainage of the heart muscle and liver. It is a powerful antioxidant.

Licorice naked - a powerful lymphostimulator, activates the lymph flow of the heart muscle, which can be used for organic lesions of the heart.

Rosehip cinnamon– a general lymphostimulator, but especially enhances the drainage of the heart muscle, liver, and lymph nodes.

Cuff- stimulates the activity of lymph nodes, activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs (that’s why it is used for ovarian dysfunction in women).

Melissa- enhances lymph flow from large lymphatic vessels, in particular from the thoracic duct. One of the few plants that activates blood supply to the brain and improves memory.

Among the products with a pronounced lymph-stimulating effect, meadowsweet (meadowsweet) is never mentioned, and it is completely in vain, it is a powerful lymphoprotector.

Noble laurel- a general lymphostimulator, but has a number of contraindications: it can cause bleeding in people prone to this, as well as provoke painful phenomena in the stomach. It is advisable to use laurel when there is a dominance of acidic reactions. 2 bay leaves per 1 glass of boiling water is the daily intake dose.

Knowing plants with certain lymphotropic properties, you can make preparations, for example, as follows: licorice root 3 parts, coltsfoot leaf 2 parts, plantain leaf 2 parts, mantle 3 parts. To prepare the infusion 2 tbsp. Brew spoons of the mixture in 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals.

The course of taking this and all subsequent fees is 21 days.

The lymph-stimulating property of this collection will increase even more if, half an hour after taking the above infusion, you take 1 teaspoon of aqueous propolis extract.

You can give the recipe for another collection that has proven itself: lingonberry leaf 3 parts, black currant leaf 3 parts, rose hips 2 parts, meadowsweet flowers 0.5 parts.

To prepare the infusion 2 tbsp. spoons of the collection, brew 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and drink 100 ml 34 times a day before meals.

To increase lymphatic drainage, it is good to use kidney tea (orthosiphon), which has a strong diuretic effect, which is indicated for joint pathology, especially gout.

Orthosiphon 3 parts, meadowsweet flowers 0.5 parts, rose hips 2 parts. This mixture should be brewed and infused like black tea, 1 glass 3 times a day, but not at night.

For diabetics would be better suited this tea:

  • rose hips 2 parts,
  • rowan fruits 2 parts, l
  • blackcurrant ist 2 parts,
  • blueberries 3 parts.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of mixture

Brew 600 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and take 50 ml 56 times a day before meals.

  • black currant leaf 2 parts,\
  • lingonberry leaf 3 parts,
  • chicory 4 parts. 2 tbsp. spoons

pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and drink half a glass 45 times a day.

Let me give you an example of tea that helps increase metabolism:

  • black currant leaf 3 parts,
  • lingonberry leaf 2 parts,
  • cherry leaf 1 part.

Brew and take as in the previous recipe.

Lymph stimulation is much more active against the background of an immunostimulating effect on the body.

Among the products with these properties, adaptogens should be mentioned: ginseng, eleutherococcus, Aralia Manchurian, zamanikha, golden root, maral root, Chinese lemongrass.

These plants are general stimulants and increase blood pressure, which is something you need to remember. The list of adaptogens given above can be continued by mentioning plants that, along with adaptogenic properties, also exhibit other healing qualities. Immortelle (sminus sandy) is a powerful choleretic agent that can increase blood clotting, which must be remembered for thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.

Lingonberry leaf is an excellent diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Knotweed (bird knotweed) is an active stimulator of metabolic processes. Good for atherosclerosis.

Oregano - as mentioned above, is a good lymphostimulant, but also an excellent sedative (calming) agent.

Meadowsweet is a lymphostimulator, in addition, it is a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic agent. By its ability to improve cerebral circulation (which allows it to be used for encephalopathies)

I will give a list of other immunostimulants in list order:

  • calendula,
  • penny-pincher,
  • nettle,
  • mullein,
  • lavender.

To increase the nonspecific activity of the body - galangal, cordate linden, mistletoe, dandelion, fir, chamomile, agrimony, currants, licorice, cudweed, yarrow, string, celandine.

Wellness treatments

There are many health-improving measures (procedures) to activate the lymphatic system. Lymph cleansing using a method that can be roughly called Dr. Walker’s technique is widely respected among specialists. To carry it out, you need to mix 0.5 liters of orange juice, 0.5 liters of grapefruit juice and 0.5 liters of lemon juice. Dilute the mixture with water and bring the volume to 2.5 liters. This amount of the mixture should be drunk in equal portions and at regular intervals throughout the day. Against the background of lymphostimulation, treatment, for example, of the gallbladder, is more effective.

For hyperkinesia (increased kinetics), mineral water (Essentuki) will help. For hypokinesia, artichoke and holosas (rosehip syrup) work well to increase kinetics. It must be recalled that all choleretic drugs should be taken after meals, so that the bile produced as a result of its stimulation has its own object of application, that is, food. It is good to use sorbents as an auxiliary (additional) means. Pectins are active in this regard. published

Literature: Kosterov V.M. A little-known method of healing is lymphostimulation.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

If the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed, a low-calorie diet does not give much results, and the specialist recommends preparing drainage drinks for weight loss at home. What ingredients are used to prepare freshly squeezed juices and what effect do they have?

What are drainage drinks

Problems with overweight are caused not only by excess fat deposits - internal failures also lead to an increase in volume. In addition to the growth of numbers on the scale board, the girth of the ankles changes, the fingers thicken, and causeless headaches appear. This occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the cells, and drainage drinks help remove it. Unlike classic pharmacy diuretic tablets, drinks have a mild effect on the body.


If you prepare drainage drinks for weight loss at home, they consist of natural ingredients. Some manufacturers of drugs purchased at the pharmacy add chemical components to enhance the lymphatic drainage effect. Home-cooked options are based on:

  • Herbal infusions are effective drinks, but each plant has individual properties and, in addition to affecting weight and intercellular fluid, affects other body systems. When losing weight, strictly adhere to the dosage.
  • Vegetables/fruits - have a milder effect than herbal ones, have no contraindications, and will not bring an immediate effect.
  • Acid – Vinegar and lemon juice are popular components of drainage drinks prepared at home. An additional property - fat burning - is a good bonus when losing weight, but the drinks are not safe for the stomach.


This type of drink drains the body and triggers processes that accelerate weight loss. The full list of benefits of use is revealed after studying the composition. Vegetable juices cleanse the intestines, parsley decoction suppresses hunger, the famous Sassi water tones, and any herbal tea is a set of vitamins for the immune system.

Preparing weight loss drinks at home takes 5-15 minutes. The benefits of using them include:

  • in getting rid of edema;
  • reducing the severity of cellulite;
  • maintaining good metabolism;
  • normalization of the endocrine system;
  • helping kidney function;
  • tonic effect.

Operating principle

If you are familiar with lymphatic drainage procedures performed by cosmetologists, you will understand how the drinks work: they are of a similar nature. The fluid that accumulates in the cells, after a certain period of time, enters the capillaries and is converted into lymph. The body needs it because... helps cleanse the internal organs, but if it is not naturally eliminated afterwards, it stagnates and negatively affects the body. Lymphatic drainage drinks accelerate lymph circulation and help it exit in a timely manner.

Drainage drinks for weight loss

The principle of use depends on the chosen recipe, but for vegetable/fruit juices it is advisable not to exceed the norm of 1 liter, and for herbal infusions - 400 ml. These drinks are prepared anew at home every day; the course of administration and frequency are determined by the composition. The main thing is not to combine drainage drinks with food: try to space them out for at least half an hour. If possible, it is advisable to stick to a diet - it will speed up weight loss.

The most famous drink options that help drain the body:

  • An infusion of birch leaves (a glass of boiling water and 2 teaspoons of raw materials), which can be sweetened with honey, is drunk before meals, 70 ml.
  • Beet kvass is drunk on an empty stomach for a month, 400 ml per day. Prepared from beets and cold water (4 pieces per 3 liters), leave in a warm place for 4 days.
  • Particularly effective is drainage of the body for weight loss using Sassi water: it consists of grated ginger root (1 tsp), fresh cucumber weighing about 150 g, mint (leaves, 50 g) and lemon, which is finely cut with the peel. These components are filled with 2 liters of filtered water - this is the recommended volume of this drainage drink per day for natural weight loss.


Strawberries, currants, cranberries - these berries have a good effect on the figure, fresh or dried, but according to reviews from those who tried to lose weight through drainage mixtures, the following were the most effective:

  • Dried strawberries poured with boiling water (1 tablespoon and 200 ml) drink 50 ml before meals. You need to leave for half an hour, you can add strawberry leaves to the berries.
  • Rowan berries/lingonberries, filled with hot water similar to the previous recipe.


Juices from fresh vegetables – good way drain the body gently. Celery, carrots, cucumbers, and beets are mainly used for this purpose. You can add a green apple, any citrus juice, or fresh chopped herbs to them. Juices that have a draining effect cannot be stored if they were prepared at home, so make one serving at a time.


If you don't have herbs and you don't like vegetable juices, you can make honey-based drinks. Its type does not matter. Effective options:

  • Classic blend of lemon juice(50 ml), honey (1 tbsp.) and warm water (glass) on an empty stomach is consumed every morning for a month. The caveat is that it has a strong choleretic effect.
  • Grated ginger root (1 tsp), honey (1 tsp) and a pinch of cinnamon, poured into a glass of warm water - a good option for evening.

Drainage tea for weight loss

It perfectly removes toxins, muffles the feeling of hunger, speeds up metabolism and stimulates digestion - simple black tea, into which a piece (about 3 cm per cup) of ginger root is rubbed. Additionally, you can throw in a pinch of hot pepper. It has excellent fat-burning properties, but is unsafe for problems with bile secretion.

Video: drainage drink for weight loss