A complex of breathing exercises after sleep. A complex of gymnastics after sleep for a year in the preparatory group. "Fox", "Cat", "Tiger on the Hunt"

Sleep plays a vital role in a child's daily routine. How the baby wakes up depends on his mood, state of health and how he will spend the rest of the day. In kindergarten, organizing a proper awakening is more difficult than for parents at home, because it is necessary for 15, 20, or even 30 people to throw off the shackles of Morpheus almost simultaneously, and to do it correctly. Solving such a problem is not easy, but with knowledge of some methodological nuances it is quite possible.

Goals, objectives and techniques

Gymnastics after sleep is a set of exercises that provide a smooth transition from calmness to wakefulness.

The objectives of such classes are:

  • increase in muscle tone;
  • improved mood;
  • prevention of colds;
  • strengthening the respiratory system;
  • preventing the development of problems with posture, flat feet;
  • fostering the habit of stretching the body after waking up.

Not only his mood, but also the emotional atmosphere of the entire group depends on how each child wakes up.

To achieve the goals, every day the teacher selects exercises to solve problems such as:

  • toning the nervous system (that is, preventing irritability and anxiety that may arise after waking up);
  • improving the functioning of the body’s main systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, as well as stabilizing the body’s protective functions);
  • creating a positive atmosphere in the group.

All this is possible with the right combination of gymnastics techniques after sleep.

Types of gymnastics, or a little about the terms

Gymnastics after sleep in some sources is called corrective, and sometimes includes corrective in its range of types.

This is interesting. Corrective gymnastics (from the Latin corrigo - straightening, correcting) is a type of therapeutic gymnastics - special exercises to eliminate postural disorders; it also has a general strengthening effect (trains the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthens individual muscle groups); restores balance between the curvatures of the spine.

Based on the definition, which includes the main goals and objectives of performing exercises after sleep, we can conclude that gymnastics after sleep, invigorating and corrective are all terms of the same synonymous series. Types of corrective exercises can be:

  • correctional exercises (exercises aimed at correcting some specific disorders in the functioning of the child’s body, for example, flat feet or curvature of the chest);
  • hardening (except for walking, hardening is not the lot of many people, because this is a special type of health procedures, which is carried out, as a rule, in specialized groups, it includes washing with cold water, dousing on the street, etc.);
  • lazy gymnastics (exercises that are performed lying down, sitting, without sudden movements of strong physical exertion);
  • physical education minutes (conducted regularly during breaks during classes, so that children not only take a break, but also work to strengthen the body);
  • preventive gymnastics (a universal set of exercises that is most often used in preschool institutions).

This is interesting. Preventive gymnastics is sometimes called invigorating.

Types of exercises

If we talk about corrective gymnastics after sleep, it includes:

  • exercises immediately after waking up - in bed;
  • exercises using exercise equipment (for example, massage mats, balls, etc.);
  • corrective tasks to prevent flat feet, spinal curvature, etc.;
  • breathing exercises.

Rules for conducting invigorating gymnastics

To prepare children for the period of wakefulness in the afternoon, it is worth following a number of recommendations developed by the experience of teachers:


If we summarize the above-mentioned features of the organization of corrective gymnastics, we can come to the conclusion that the optimal ratio would be a combination of 2-3 exercises in bed, 1-3 on the floor or on a rug and 2-3 breathing exercises performed to calm music (for example, sounds of nature or classics). In general, it will take 5–10 minutes to complete the gymnastics.

Spending 5-10 minutes after sleep helps maintain and improve children's health

Table: card index of exercises after sleep

dateExercise nameDescription
SeptemberGymnastics in bed
"Bike"I. p.: lying on your back, “turn the pedals with the sound “w-w-w” (6 times)
"Kitty"I. p.: lying in the position of a sleeping cat, purr. The kitten kneels down and arches its back with the sound “sh-sh-sh” (6 times).
"Hand massage"I. p.: sitting, legs crossed. We wash our hands, rub our palms vigorously until a strong feeling of warmth is felt, apply pressure on each finger (6 times).
Exercises on the mat
Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 3–4 timesI ask you to rise - this time,
The head turned - that's two.
Hands down, look forward - that's three.
Hands to the sides - four,
Press them forcefully to your shoulders - five.
All the guys sit down quietly - that's six.
Breathing exercises
"Growl"Growl for a long time as you exhale, baring your teeth, bending your tense fingers like claws.
"Angry Dog"Inhale sharply through the mouth, pronouncing “rr...”, with a simultaneous sharp blow of the hands overlapping the back (while standing, bending over). Exhale the same way through the nose.
OctoberGymnastics in bed
"Stretch"I. p.: lying on your back. We stretch our heels forward and both hands up (6 times).
"Cheburashka"I. p.: sitting cross-legged. We sculpt ears for Cheburashka, stroke the ears (“we apply clay” so that the ears do not come off (6 times).
"Pinocchio"I. p.: sitting on my knees, we sculpt a beautiful nose for Pinocchio. Pinocchio draws “sun”, “carrot”, “house” with his nose (6 times).
Exercises on the mat
Children imitate the movements and repeat 3-4 times.They jump and jump in the woods,
Hares are gray balls,
Jump - jump, jump - jump.
The little bunny stood on a stump,
I built everyone in order,
Began to show charging.
Once - everyone walks in place.
Two - they wave their hands together.
Three sat down and stood up together.
We reached four.
Five - bent over and bent over.
The six all stood in a row again,
They walked like a squad.
Walking along corrective and salt paths.
Breathing exercises
"Penknife"I. p.: lying on your back. As you exhale, bend your torso toward your legs, which do not lift off the floor. Pronounced while exhaling “Ha! " Repeat 3-4 times.
"Pump"I. p. - standing, hands in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists. Leaning down with straight legs, exhale, saying [w]. As you straighten up, inhale through your nose. Repeat 6–8 times.
“Who is better at inflating a toy?”Inhale through the nose (1-4, exhale slowly through the mouth, into the hole of the toy (1-8).
AprilGymnastics in bed
"Delight"I. p.: lying on your back. Stroking in the chest area with the words: “I am sweet, wonderful, beautiful.” (6 times).
"Sipping"I. p.: lying on your back. We pull the left leg with the heel forward, the right arm up along the body; pull the right leg with the heel forward, the left arm up, along the body (6 times).
"Dough mixer"I. p.: sitting cross-legged. The child strokes the belly clockwise, pats it with the edge of his palm, with his fist, strokes it again, pinches it, imitates the movements of a dough mixer kneading dough, strokes it again. (6 times)
Exercises on the mat
Children imitate movements in accordance with the text 5–6 timesHere comes the black cat (steps with legs raised high)
Hidden - waiting for the mouse. (squats, hands to knees)
The mouse will go around the hole (stand up, turn around)
And he won’t approach the cat (arms to the sides).
Walking along corrective and salt paths.
Breathing exercises
"The nose is walking"Inhale and exhale through the nose. Perform 10 – 20 times.
"The nose is playing around"When inhaling, press on the wings of the nose (prevent inhaling). Perform 10 – 20 times.
“The nose smells pleasant smells”Alternately close your nostrils with your fingers and take a deep breath. Perform 10 – 20 times.
"The nose sings a song"As you exhale, tap the wings of your nose and say ba, bo, bu. Perform 10 – 20 times.

This complex can be called universal, since it is aimed at preventing health problems. As for age characteristics, the differences will be in the frequency of execution and the number of exercises. So, for the first younger group, the “Exercises in bed” block remains unchanged, but the second and third blocks can be shortened.

Visibility for gymnastics

As is known, in preschool children the visual-figurative perception of the world is in the lead. Completion of tasks should be accompanied by bright, appropriately sized:

  • pictures;
  • soft toys;
  • slides;
  • posters.

The leading position remains with the toy. The fact is that children perceive her as a friend, comrade, which means they are more willing to complete the task. For younger groups, such a character serves as a role model, and for older groups - a younger comrade who needs the help of older friends.

If it is possible to show the kids slides, for example, with the hero who came to wake them up today, then such a transition to wakefulness will be easy and healthy.

Invigorating gymnastics- this is a set of specially selected exercises that help awaken the body after sleep, as well as create a positive mood. It is mainly aimed at solving health problems: hardening the body, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, developing the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. The introduction of corrective exercises into complexes helps to form correct posture and prevent the development of flat feet. There are various forms of invigorating gymnastics: with elements of corrective exercises, extreme training, “health track”, recreational running, outdoor games, wake-ups, rhythmic gymnastics, coordination of speech with movement, etc.

Outdoor games

In the game, children practice a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. The game is an indispensable means of improving movements, developing their coordination, developing speed, strength, and endurance. During the game, memory and ideas are activated, thinking and imagination develop.

Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, and game starters. Such games replenish vocabulary and enrich children's speech.

Introductory part: May include various types of walking and light running, breathing exercises or attention games. The main part includes high mobility games that improve types of movements. The final part provides a reduction in stress and may consist of recreational games or games of low mobility or walking with breathing exercises.

Health running

Running is one of the important movements for a child’s health, allowing for good load regulation, strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, various muscle groups, joints and ligaments. During invigorating gymnastics, it is better to run at a medium and slow pace.

While running, the teacher must be attentive to each child to prevent overload and ensure timely rest. The load is increased gradually, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child and his physical fitness. For children who have just entered preschool or have not attended it for a long time, the load in endurance running should be reduced by 50% during the first month.

Extreme training –

This is a circuit training on an artificial obstacle course, which provides high-quality training in basic types of movements and serves to improve motor skills in children. Develops psychophysical qualities: speed, strength, endurance, flexibility. Develops self-control and organization. At first, the obstacle course consists of only 3-4 improvised sports equipment. By the end of the year, children should be able to work on at least 6-7 apparatus.

When conducting extreme training, you can initially include a variety of walking options (with different hand positions to strengthen the arch of the foot and form correct posture), running and breathing exercises. Then there are exercises on the obstacle course. At the end, a health game, breathing exercises or a minute of health are offered (finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics or playful self-massage). Content may vary depending on the stage of learning.

Invigorating gymnastics with elements of corrective exercises ensures the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet. The invigorating gymnastics complex consists of a set of various physical exercises:

  • Exercises to develop and consolidate the skill of correct posture.
  • Exercises aimed at developing a stereotype and proper breathing (it is the respiratory muscles that sufficiently improve the relative position of body parts).
  • Exercises to form a muscle corset (for the back and abdominal muscles).
  • Exercises for self-extension of the spine.
  • Exercises with objects that serve to strengthen the muscle corset and reinforce correct posture.
  • Exercises to strengthen and shape the arches of the feet.

Exercises are used in various combinations with a gradual increase in duration and number of repetitions.

Health track

is carried out for the purpose of hardening and preventing flat feet and includes various types of walking and running, including on uneven surfaces. The “health path” may include:

  1. Walking and running on flat and inclined planes, movements of the toes, rolls, springing movements with resistance, walking on ribbed boards, entering and jumping off an elevation, walking along special paths, as well as breathing exercises, play self-massage.
  2. Walking and running on massage mats, balance exercises.

During the Health Track, children practice barefoot. Start walking barefoot at a floor temperature of at least 18 degrees. At the beginning, children walk in socks for 4-5 days, then barefoot for 3-4 minutes, increasing the daily procedure time by 1-2 minutes and gradually bringing it to 10-15 minutes.

Speech and movement

Invigorating gymnastics can be performed with elements of logorhythmics. It is a system of physical exercises for speech correction. These are movements that are combined with speech accompaniment (sound, word, phrase, poetry, etc.); they contribute to the development of speech-motor and auditory analyzers, breathing regulation, consolidation of motor skills and correct pronunciation. When performing these exercises in a playful way, children move rhythmically, beautifully and without tension.

  • Part I consists of different types of walking and running.
  • Part II - movements accompanied by reading poetry or quatrains, as well as playful self-massages of the back, arms, legs or gymnastics for the eyes, or
    finger gymnastics.
  • Part III includes a game of low or medium mobility, or a game with elements of psycho-gymnastics, or a game aimed at developing imagination and creative initiative.

Each part must include breathing exercises. The content of the exercises may vary depending on the lexical topic of the task.

Rhythmic gymnastics -

gymnastics with a health-improving orientation, the main means of which are complexes of gymnastic exercises, different in nature, performed to rhythmic music, mainly in a continuous manner and designed
dance moves. The preparatory part ensures that the body is warmed up and prepared for the main physical activity. These movements are dynamic in nature: walking, running, jumping.

The main part includes exercises for the muscles of the neck, arms, shoulder girdle, torso and legs. They are selected in such a way as to evenly “load” all parts of the body. At first, all exercises are performed standing. It's good to use dance sequences. The most important thing is that the intensity of this part is slightly higher than the preparatory part.

After one or two breathing exercises, which allow you to restore strength, the main part of the complex continues while sitting and lying on the floor. This position is very convenient for performing exercises that strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, legs, torso, and arms. This reduces the vertical load on the spine and legs.

Each complex ends with breathing and relaxation exercises performed at a slow pace. In this part, you can also use round dances and slow dance movements to relieve stress, as well as relaxation exercises that provide maximum rest for children.

Reveille- children wake up to melodious, quiet music and do exercises in bed. There should be no sudden movements in such exercises.

These are different turns, stroking the arms, legs, spreading the arms to the sides, squeezing and unclenching the hands, bending the legs at the knees. All exercises should be performed one by one “from head to toe.” After completing the exercises, children stand on a massage mat and perform various actions on it. The gymnastics ends with breathing exercises.




Prepared by:


Karyagina A.P.


1st complex

    AND.P.: lying on your back, arms along your body. Bend your knees, pull your legs to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands, return to the standing position.

    I.p.: lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Tilt of the knees to the left, in the i.p., tilt of the knees to the right, in the i.p.

    I.p.: sitting, legs together, hands at the back. Bend your knees, pull them to your chest, with the sound “f-f” - exhale, etc., inhale (through the nose).

    I.p.: the same, one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Inhale through the nose, drawing in the stomach; exhale through the mouth, inflating the stomach.

    I.p.: standing, legs apart, hands down. Clap your hands - exhale; spread your palms to the sides - inhale.

    I.p.: o.s. Stretching: reached to the ceiling, returned to IP.

Breathing exercises.





2nd complex

    "Stretch" . IP: lying on your back, arms along the body, stretching, IP.

    "Slide". I.p.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported behind, leaning on the hands and heels of straightened legs, raise the pelvis up, hold, return to I.p.

    "Boat". IP: lying on your stomach, arms up, bend over (raise the upper and lower parts of the body), hold, return to IP.

    "Wave". IP: standing on your knees, hands on your belt, sit to the right of your heels, hands to the left, IP, sit to the left of your heels, hands to the right, IP.

    "Ball." I.p.: o.s., jumping on two legs while tossing the ball in front of oneself.

    “Let’s listen to our breathing.” I.p.: o.s., the mice’s torso is relaxed. In complete silence, children listen to their own breathing and determine which part of the body moves when inhaling and exhaling (stomach, chest, shoulders in waves), quiet breathing or noisy breathing.

Breathing exercises.

    "Calancha".I.p.: standing, arms to the sides (inhale), lowering your arms, say “s-s-s.”


    "Wind-up cars".I.p.: o.s. Hands in a “lock” in front of you, (inhale), perform rotational movements with your thumbs and say “w-w-w.”

    "Crane". I.p.: o.s. Inhale, raise your right leg, slightly bent at the knee, arms to the sides, down, say “ur-r-r.” Do the same with your left foot.

    "Hello Sunshine!".


1st complex"Walk in the Woods"

    "Stretch." IP: lying on your back, arms along the body, stretching.

    « In the summer, a forest dweller sleeps in a hanging cradle” (walnut). I.p..lying on your back, arms along the body, inhale, sit with straight legs, hands to the toes, exhale, inhale, etc.

    “Here the Christmas tree bent over, green needles.” I.p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands below, inhale, exhale, bend the torso forward, inhale, i.p., exhale, tilt.

    “Here is a tall pine tree standing and moving its branches.” I.p.: o.s., inhale, arms to the sides, exhale, tilt the torso to the right, inhale, exhale, tilt the torso to the left.

    “Children in berets fell from a branch and lost their berets” (acorns). I.p.: o.s., hands behind the head, inhale - rise on your toes, exhale - sit down.

    “Alena is standing, green foliage, thin figure, white sundress” (birch). I.p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, inhale, arms through the sides up, rise on toes, exhale, etc.

Breathing exercises.


    "Geese-swans are flying."

    I'll grow big". IP: feet together, hands down. Rising on your toes, pull your arms up (inhale). Lowering your entire foot, exhale “uh-uh-h.”

    “We breathe with our bellies.”

    "Fungus". IP: deep squat, hands clasping knees (“small fungus”). Slowly straighten up, spreading your arms to the sides, move your head back a little (inhale) (“the fungus has grown”).

2nd complex"Rain"

    I.p. Sitting, cross your legs in a Turkish style. From above, use the finger of your right hand to show the trajectory of its movement, follow with your eyes. The first drop fell - drop!

Do the same with the other hand.

And the second one came running - drop!

    I.p. Same. Look up with your eyes without raising your head.

We looked at the sky

The droplets sang “drip-drip”,

Faces got wet.

    I.p.. Same. Wipe your face with your hands and get to your feet. We wiped them off.

    I.p.: o.s. Show with your hands, look down. Look, your shoes are wet.

    I.p..: o.s. Raise and lower your shoulders. Let's move our shoulders together

And shake off all the droplets.

    I.p..: o.s. Run in place. Repeat 3-4 times to run away from the rain.

    I.p..: o.s. Squats. Let's sit under a bush.

Breathing exercises.

    The porridge is boiling", or “Cooking porridge.” I.p.: o.s., one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach. Inhale through the nose (pulling in the stomach), and exhale through the mouth, saying “sh-sh-sh” or “f-f-f” (“the porridge is boiling”) and protruding the stomach.

    "Lotus". I.p.: sitting cross-legged, shoulders slightly pulled back, head raised, hands resting with the back of the hand on the knees, index and thumbs closed in rings. Inhale through the diaphragm (shoulders do not rise), imagine a stream of air penetrating the entire spine to the top of the head, exhale slowly through the mouth (can be done with eyes closed).

    "Meadow Flowers" While walking along the platform (hands on your belt), turn your head to the right (left) side, while simultaneously taking two breaths through your nose. Exhalation occurs between cycles of turning the head in one direction or another.


1st complex

    I.p..: lying on your back, arms along your body, raise your arms up, stretch, arms forward, etc.

    I.p.: lying on your back, arms along your body, pull your socks towards you, etc.

    I.p.: sitting, legs straight, arms supported at the back, toes spread to the sides, etc.

    "A pedestrian". I.p. the same, stepping with your toes, bending your knees, the same with straightening your legs.

    « Hammers." I.p.: sitting, legs bent, arms supported behind the back, toes on the toes, hitting the floor with the left heel.

    I.p..: o.s., hands on waist, roll from toes to heels.

Breathing exercises.


    “Hug your shoulders.”


    “Fox”, “Cat”, “Tiger on the hunt”.

Walk along the platform, putting your right (left) leg forward, fold your two hands with your palms on your knee, arching your back. Take two to four sharp breaths, head raised (“tiger is looking for prey”, “cat is looking for mouse”), etc.

    "Small Pendulum", "Pendulum".

I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back. Bend the torso to the sides. When bending over, exhale; when standing up, inhale.

2nd complex

    I.p..: lying on your back, arms along your body, raise your arms up, stretch, etc.

    I.p..: sitting, legs crossed (lotus position), massage of the big toes, starting from the balls to the base.

    I.p. the same, massage of the fingers - from the nails to the base with pressure (internal and external).

    I.p. the same, hands forward, massage-stroking the hands - from the fingers to the shoulder.

    I.p. the same, close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, open, repeat 5-6 times.

    I.p..: o.s. walking in place with high knees.

Breathing exercises.


I.p.: standing, slightly leaning forward and crouching, legs as if at the width of the ski track, right hand in front (the hand grips the “ski pole”), left hand far behind, the hand is open. Inhale, squat down smoothly, right arm down, back to the hip, exhale powerfully, left arm moves forward (inhale).

    « Locomotive"or"Train".

Walk, imitating the movement of the wheels of a steam locomotive with bent arms, and say “chuh-chuh-chuh.”


Inhale and rotate with straight arms, saying “zhr-r-r.”


I.p.: standing, stick (gun) in hands. Walk with your knees high. Inhale for two steps, exhale for four to six steps, pronouncing the word “ti-sh-e-e.”


1st complex

Who sleeps sweetly in bed?

It's high time to get up.

Hurry up to charge,

We won't wait for you!

Breathe deeply through your nose,

    I.p.: lying on your back, arms along your body, tense your body, inhale, hold for a few seconds, relax, exhale.

    I.p.: lying on your back, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists, cross your arms in front of you, exhale, spread your arms, in the i.p., inhale.

    I.p.: lying on your back, hands behind your head, raise your left leg straight, raise your right leg straight, keep them together, etc. (lower at the same time).

    I.p.. lying on your back, hands resting on your elbows, bend over, lift your chest up, keep your head straight (3-5 sec.), return to standing position.

    I.p.: lying on your stomach, hands behind your head, bend over, hands to your shoulders, legs on the floor, hold, etc.

    I.p.: lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, bend over, placing emphasis on your forearms, neck stretched - inhale, exhale.

Breathing exercises.


As you inhale, rise on your toes, pull your head forward, raise your arms to the sides, and move them back. As you exhale, slap yourself on the thighs (“cuckoo-ka-re-ku”).

    "Head turns."

I.p..: o.s. Turn your head to the right and take a short noisy breath to the right. Then immediately (without stopping in the middle) turn your head to the left, noisily and briefly sniff the air on the left. On the right - inhale, on the left (inhale). The exhalation leaves in the interval between inhalations. Do not strain your neck, do not move your torso and shoulders and do not turn with your head.


I.p..: stand straight, clenched fists, hands pressed to the belt. At the moment of a short noisy inhalation through your nose, forcefully push your fists towards the floor, as if doing push-ups from it or throwing something off your hands. At the same time, unclench your fists during the push. At the moment of inhalation, tense your shoulders, stretch your arms into a string (stretch towards the floor), spread your fingers wide. As you exhale, return to IP: hands again on the belt, fingers clenched into fists - the exhalation is gone.

    “Let’s blow on your shoulder.”

I.p.: o.s., look straight ahead, hands on your belt. Inhale through your nose and turn your head to the right side, exhale (lips through a tube) - blow onto your shoulder. Do the same on the left side.

2nd complex

    I.p..: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your right leg (straight), etc., raise your left leg (straight), etc.

    I.p.: lying on your back, hands in front of you “holding the steering wheel”, “riding a bicycle”, etc.

    I. p. lying on your back, arms up, turn your torso to the right, without lifting your feet from the floor, etc., turn your torso to the left, i.p.

    I.p.: lying on your back, hands behind your head, bring your elbows together in front (elbows touching each other) - exhale, etc., elbows touch the floor - inhale.

    I.p.: sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt, arms up through the sides - inhale, exhale.

    I.p.: o.s., take correct posture without visual control (eyes closed), repeat 3-4 times.

Breathing exercises.




    "The Flower Blooms".

    "Angry hedgehog"


1st complex

    I.p.: sitting, legs crossed. Look up without raising your head and move your finger behind the flying plane (following with your eyes). A plane flies by, I was about to take off with it.

    I.p. Same. Move your right hand to the side (follow with your gaze), the same is done to the left.

The right wing was withdrawn,

I looked.

Left wing withdrawn

I looked.

    I.p. Same. Perform rotational movements before rovnum and scss-

I'm starting the engine

And I look closely.

    I.p.: o.s. Stand on your toes and perform flying movements.

I'm rising up

I don't want to go back.

    I.p..: o.s., close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, open (repeat 8-10 times).

    I.p..: o.s., blink your eyes quickly for 1-2 minutes.

Breathing exercises.




IP: feet shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other to the side. Change the position of your hands with a sharp movement, take a breath. Change the position of your hands again - exhale.

    "Chopping Wood"or"Woodcutter".

Hands clasped above your head in a “lock”, feet shoulder-width apart (raising your hands up, take a deep breath through your nose), as you exhale, bend your torso forward while simultaneously lowering your arms and saying “whoa!”


I.p.: o.s., look straight ahead. Slightly tilt your head to the right, your right ear goes to your right shoulder - take two short noisy breaths through your nose. Then tilt your head slightly to the left, the left ear goes to the left shoulder - also inhale (“the ear and the shoulder say hello”).

2nd complex

(according to the method of E.S. Avetisov)

    IP: sitting, legs crossed, close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, open (repeat 8-10 times).

    I.p. the same, blink your eyes quickly for 1-2 minutes.

    I.p. the same, massage the eyes through closed eyelids with circular movements of the index fingers for 1 minute.

    I.p. the same, with three fingers of each hand, lightly press on the upper eyelid, after 1-2 seconds. Remove your fingers from the eyelid, repeat 3-7 times.

    I.p. the same, look away to the right, to the left.

    I.p. the same, look up and down.

Breathing exercises.


I.p..: standing, slightly leaning forward and crouching, feet as if at the width of the ski track, right hand in front (the hand grips the “ski pole”), left hand far behind, the hand is open. Inhale, squat down smoothly, right arm down, back to the hip, exhale powerfully, left arm moves forward (inhale).


Taking a breath, bend sharply as you exhale, sliding along your leg with both hands, say

    “Hug your shoulders.”

I.p.: o.s., arms are bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level with the hands facing each other. At the moment of a short noisy inhalation through the nose, we throw our hands towards each other, as if hugging ourselves by the shoulders.

    "Head turns."

I.p.: o.s. Turn your head to the right and take a short noisy breath to the right. Then immediately (without stopping in the middle) turn your head to the left, noisily and briefly sniff the air on the left. On the right - inhale, on the left (inhale). The exhalation leaves in the interval between inhalations. Do not strain your neck, do not move your torso and shoulders and do not turn with your head.


1st complex"Ember"

    I.p..: lying on your back, arms along your body, raise straight legs up, etc.

    "Log." IP: lying on your back, arms up, roll from back to stomach, roll from stomach to back.

    "Boat". I.p. lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, bend over, hands to your shoulders - inhale, etc. - exhale.

    "Barrier". I.p.: lying on the stomach, arms along the body, raise the right leg, i.p., raise the left leg, i.p.

    "Ladybug". IP: sitting on your heels, straighten up, stretch up, sit on your heels, bend forward, touch your knees with your nose, move your arms back, etc.

    Walking in place.

Breathing exercises.

    "Hello Sunshine!".

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms and back. Slowly raise your arms up, sliding along your body, arms and sides, lift your head up (inhale), slowly return to the i.p.


I.p.: o.s., hands clasped in a “lock”, thumbs raised up (“the candle is burning”). Inhale through your nose and blow on your thumbs, saying “fu-fu-fu” (“let’s blow out the candle”).


I.p.: o.s., arms bent at the elbows, palms up (“snowflakes fell on the palm”). Inhale through your nose and blow into your palms, say “fu-fu-fu” (lips with a tube) (“snowflakes flew”).

    "Angry hedgehog"

Bend down as low as possible, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, pronouncing the sound of an angry hedgehog “p-f-f-f-r-r”.

2nd complex

    "The eyes are waking up."

Eyes need to be opened

It’s a miracle not to miss it.

I. p. 1-2 - close your eyes; 3-4 - open your eyes wide. Repeat 6 times

    "The mouth is waking up."

My mouth, wake up,

To smile wider.

I. p. 1-2 - open your mouth wide; 3-4 -close your mouth and smile. Repeat 6 times.

    “Hands are waking up.”

Hands stretched upward,

Reached the sun

I. p.- lying on your back, arms along your body. 1-2 3-4 - move your right hand up behind your head. The same with the left hand. Repeat 6 times.

    "Waked legs."

Let's wake up our legs,

Collect them for the road.

I. p.- lying on your back, arms up. 1-2 - pull your right leg towards you with your toe; 3-4 - And. n. The same with the left foot. Repeat 6 times.

    “So we woke up.”

We reached for the sun

And they smiled at each other!

I. p. 1-4

Breathing exercises.


As you inhale, raise your arms to the sides. Bring the leg bent at the knee proudly forward and fix it. As you exhale, take a step. Lower your leg and arms, saying “sh-sh-sh.”


Perform while walking around the site. 1 - arms to the sides, up, inhale through the nose, clap your hands (“the ball burst”); 2 - arms to the sides, down, saying “s-s-s” or “sh-sh-sh” (“the ball has gone down”).


I.p.: o.s. Inhale through your nose, raise your arms up to your sides. Squatting, lower your hands to your head, saying “kar-kar-kar.”

    “Here is a tall pine tree standing and moving its branches.”.

I.p.: o.s. 1- inhale - arms to the sides; 2 - exhale - tilt the body to the right; 3 - inhale - return to standing position; 4 - the same to the left.


I.p.: sitting, legs together, arms supported behind. Bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. Straighten your legs (“f-f-f”).


1st complex

1. “Stretchers.”

We're almost all awake

And they stretched in the crib.

I. p.- lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them behind your head, eyes closed. 1-2 - stretch with your legs and arms at the same time, stretching

spine; 3-4 - And. n. Repeat 6 times

2. “Woke up.”

Now the hands have woken up,

My legs woke up

And they want to run away quickly

Along the path to mom.

I. p.- lying on your back, raise your arms up behind your head, eyes closed.

1-4 - alternately pull your right and left hands away from you; 5-8 - right and left leg (toe, then heel). Repeat 6 times.

3. “Glomerulus”.

We don't want to catch a cold

Even though they started to tremble.

We've already woken up completely

We reached out to the sun.

I. p.- lying on your back, arms along your body. 1-2 - curl up into a ball, tremble, pretending to be cold; 3-4 - open up, relax and stretch, showing that it is warm, smile. Repeat 6 times.

4. "Fingers."

Fingers want to wake up

To plunge into the water.

I. p. - sitting in bed, legs crossed. Rub your palms until warm.

5. “Let’s wash ourselves.”

Now let's wash our face,

Let's open our eyes wide.

I. p.- sitting in bed, legs crossed. 1-4 - “wash” your face with warm hands. Repeat 2 times.

We're ready to get up

Run, jump and play!

Breathing exercises.


Walk with your knees high. For 2 steps - inhale, for 4-6 steps - exhale. As you exhale, say “ti-sh-sh-she.”


Place an imaginary pipe to your lips. Imitating the movements of a trumpeter, press the keys with your fingers and say “tu-tu-tu”.


I.p.: o.s., look straight ahead. Slightly tilt your head to the right, the right ear goes to the right shoulder - a short noisy breath in through the nose. Then slightly tilt your head to the left, the left ear goes to the left shoulder - also inhale. Standing straight and looking straight ahead, as if mentally saying to someone: “Ay-ay-ay! Shame on you!” The exhalation goes away passively in the interval between inhalations, but the head does not stop in the middle.

2nd complex

1. "The eyes are waking up."

Lightly rub your eyes,

And then we yawn sweetly.

I. p.- lying on your back, arms along your body. 1-4 - lightly stroke closed eyes; 5-8 - make a relaxing yawning sound. Repeat 4 times.

2. “The head has woken up.”

We're almost awake

And they smiled at each other.

I. p.- lying on your back, arms along your body.

1-2 - turning the head on the pillow to the right; 3-4 - And. P.; 5-6 - turning the head on the pillow to the left; 7-8 - And. n. When turning your head, smile at each other. Repeat 6 times.

3. “Hands woke up.”

We stretched out a little.

I. p.- lying on your back, arms along your body. 1 - raise your right hand up;

2-3 - stretch your right hand; 4 - lower your right hand onto the bed. The same for the left hand. Repeat 6 times.

4. “Legs woke up.”

We also want to stretch

And completely, completely wake up.

I. p.- Same. 1 - lift your right leg straight up; 2-3 - stretch your right leg; 4 - lower your right leg onto the bed. The same for the left leg. Repeat 6 times.

5. “My legs are completely awake.”

We'll shake our legs

And we'll count to three.

I. p.- lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently support your chin with your palms. 1-8 - alternately bend and straighten your legs at the knees. Repeat 4 times.

We're going to wash ourselves,

We're going to get dressed

Very friendly guys!

Then we'll sing a song.

La la la la la la!

This is who we are, friends!

Breathing exercises.

    "The Flower Blooms".

IP: standing, hands on the back of the head, elbows together (unopened bud). Slowly rise on your toes, pull your arms up and to the sides - inhale (“the flower opens”), return to the i.p. (exhalation).

    "Angry hedgehog"

Bend down as low as possible, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, pronouncing the sound of an angry hedgehog “p-f-f-f-r-r”.


I.p.: o.s., hands clasped in a “lock”, thumbs raised up (“the candle is burning”). Inhale through your nose and blow on your thumbs, saying “fu-fu-fu” (“let’s blow out the candle”).


1st complex

    "The eyes are waking up."

Eyes need to be opened

It’s a miracle not to miss it.

I. p 1-2 - close your eyes ; 3-4 - open your mouth wide. Repeat 6 times

    “The mouth is waking up.

The mouth must wake up

To smile wider.

I. p.-lying on your back, arms along your body. 1-2 - open your mouth wide; 3-4 -close your mouth and smile. Repeat 6 times

    "Hands wake up"

Hands stretched upward,

Reached the sun

I. p.- lying on your back, arms along your body. 1-2 - raise your right hand up; 3-4 - move your right hand up behind your head. The same with the left hand. Repeat 6 times

    "Waked legs."

Let's wake up our legs,

Collect them for the road.

I. p.- lying on your back, arms up. 1-2 - pull your right leg towards you with your toe; 3-4 - and. n. The same with the left foot. Repeat 6 times.

    “So we woke up.”

We reached for the sun

And they smiled at each other!

I. p.- stand next to the bed on the mat. 1-4 - raise your arms up, stand on your toes and stretch upward.

Breathing exercises.


Walk with your knees high. For 2 steps - inhale, for 4-6 steps - exhale. As you exhale, say “ti-sh-sh-she.”


Place an imaginary pipe to your lips. Imitating the movements of a trumpeter, press the keys with your fingers and say “tu-tu-tu”.


I.p.: o.s., look straight ahead. Slightly tilt your head to the right, the right ear goes to the right shoulder - a short noisy breath in through the nose. Then slightly tilt your head to the left, the left ear goes to the left shoulder - also inhale. Standing straight and looking straight ahead, as if mentally saying to someone: “Ay-ay-ay! Shame on you!” The exhalation goes away passively in the interval between inhalations, but the head does not stop in the middle.

    "The Flower Blooms".

IP: standing, hands on the back of the head, elbows together (unopened bud). Slowly rise on your toes, pull your arms up and to the sides - inhale (“the flower opens”), return to the i.p. (exhalation).

2nd complex


We're almost all awake

And they stretched in the crib.

I. p. - lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them behind your head, eyes closed. 1-2 - stretch with your legs and arms at the same time, stretching the spine; 3-4 - and. n. Repeat 6 times.

    "Woke up."

Now the hands have woken up,

My legs woke up

And they want to run away quickly

Along the path to mom.

I. p. - lying on your back, raise your arms up, behind your head, eyes closed. 1-4 - alternately pull your right and left hands away from you; 5-8 - right and left leg (toe, then heel). 6 times.

    "The glomerulus."

We don't want to catch a cold

Even though they started to tremble.

We've already woken up completely

We reached out to the sun.

I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-2 - curl up into a ball, tremble, pretending to be cold; 3-4 - open up, relax and stretch, showing that it is warm, smile. Repeat 6 times.


Fingers want to wake up

To plunge into the water.

I. p. - sitting in bed, legs crossed. Rub your palms until warm.

    “Let’s wash ourselves.”

Now let's wash our face,

Let's open our eyes wide.

I. p. - sitting in bed, legs crossed. 1-4 - “wash” your face with warm hands. Repeat 2 times.

We're ready to get up

Run, jump and play!

Breathing exercises.


As you inhale, bend forward: looking forward and stretching your neck, say “sh-sh-sh.”

    "Geese-swans are flying."

Walking, simulating flight. As you inhale, raise your arms (“wings”), and as you exhale, lower them, saying “g-u-u-u.”

    I'll grow big".

IP: feet together, hands down. Rising on your toes, pull your arms up (inhale). Lowering your entire foot, exhale “uh-uh-h.”

    “We breathe with our bellies.”

Hands on the stomach - inhale and exhale through the nose. Hands behind your back - inhale and exhale through your nose.


IP: deep squat, hands clasping knees (“small fungus”). Slowly straighten up, spreading your arms to the sides, move your head back a little (inhale) (“the fungus has grown”).


1st complex"Bug"

    I.p..: sitting, legs crossed. Shaking a finger.

A beetle flew into our group,

He buzzed and sang: “W-w-w!”

    Move your hand to the right, follow the direction of your hand with your eyes, and do the same in the other direction.

So he flew to the right,

Everyone looked to the right.

So he flew to the left,

Everyone looked to the left.

    Move the index finger of your right hand towards your nose.

A beetle wants to sit on your nose,

We won't let him sit down.

    The downward direction of the hand is accompanied by the eyes.

Our beetle has landed.

    IP: standing, legs apart. Make rotational movements with your arms (“spinning top”) and stand up.

Buzzed and spun


    Move your hand to the right side, follow with your eyes. The same in the other direction.

Beetle, here is the right palm,

Sit on it for a while

Beetle, here is the left palm,

Sit on it for a while.

The beetle flew up

And he sat down on the ceiling.

We stood up on our toes,

But we didn't get the bug.


Let's clap together, Clap-clap-clap.

    Simulate the flight of a beetle.

So that I couldn’t fly away,


Beetle, here is the right palm,

Sit on it for a while

Beetle, here is the left palm,

Sit on it for a while.

    Raise your hands up, look up.

The beetle flew up

And he sat down on the ceiling.

    Rise on your toes, look up

We stood up on our toes,

But we didn't get the bug.


Let's clap together


    Simulate the flight of a beetle.

So that I couldn’t fly away,


2nd complex

    "The eyes are waking up."

Lightly rub your eyes,

And then we yawn sweetly.
I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-4 - lightly stroke closed eyes; 5-8 - make a relaxing yawning sound. Repeat 4 times.

    “The head has woken up.”

We're almost awake

And they smiled at each other.

I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-2 - turn the head on the pillow to the right; 3-4 - and. P.; 5-6 - turn the head on the pillow to the left; 7-8 - i. n. When turning your head, smile at each other. Repeat 6 times

    “Hands woke up.”

We stretched out a little.

Hello, sunshine in the window!

I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - raise your right hand up; 2-3 - pull your right hand; 4 - lower your right hand to the bed. The same for the left hand. Repeat 6 times.

    “Legs woke up.”

We also want to stretch

and really, really wake up.

I. p. - the same. 1 - lift your right leg straight up; 2-3 - stretch your right leg;
4 - lower your right leg onto the bed. The same for the left leg. Repeat 6 times.

    “My legs are completely awake.”

We'll shake our legs

And we'll count to three.

I. p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently support your chin with your palms. 1-8 - alternately bend and straighten your knees. Repeat 4 times.

We're going to wash ourselves,

We're going to get dressed -

Very friendly guys!

Then we'll sing a song.

La la la la la la!

This is who we are, friends!

Breathing exercises.


As you inhale, raise your arms to the sides. Bring the leg bent at the knee proudly forward and fix it. As you exhale, take a step. Lower your leg and arms, saying “sh-sh-sh.”


Perform while walking around the site. 1 - arms to the sides, up, inhale through the nose, clap your hands (“the ball burst”); 2 - arms to the sides, down, saying “s-s-s” or “sh-sh-sh” (“the ball has gone down”).


I.p.: o.s. Inhale through your nose, raise your arms up to your sides. Squatting, lower your hands to your head, saying “kar-kar-kar.”

    “Here is a tall pine tree standing and moving its branches.”.

I.p.: o.s. 1- inhale - arms to the sides; 2 - exhale - tilt the body to the right; 3 - inhale - return to standing position; 4 - the same to the left.


I.p.: sitting, legs together, arms supported behind. Bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. Straighten your legs (“f-f-f”).


"We woke up"

1. “Happy Hands” - i. p.: lying on your back. Raise your arms to the sides and lower them down. (4 times)

2. “Frisky legs” - i. p.: the same. Alternately lift one leg or the other. (4 times)

3. “Bugs” - i. p.: the same. Rolls to the right, then to the left side. (4-6 times)

4. “Kitsty” - i. p.: standing on all fours. Move back and forth, bend down, bending your elbows, returning to the standing position. (4 times)

Walking in place is normal; they leave the bedroom on their toes.



The flower was sleeping I.p.: squatting, together under the cheek, eyes closed, head tilted.
And suddenly I woke up I. p.: the same. Slowly open your eyes, lower your arms to your sides, and stand up.
I didn't want to sleep anymore I. p.: standing. Turning the head left and right, pointing the finger “I didn’t want to.”
Stretched, smiled,
Soared up and flew
Children perform movements according to the text. (2-3 times)


"Waking the Sun" first part.

1. “The sun is waking up” - I. p.: lying on your back. Raise your head, turn your head left and right. (4 times)

2. “The sun is bathing” - i. p.: the same. Wrap your arms around your knees and roll from side to side. (4 times)

3. “Solar charging” - i. p.: the same, arms extended back. Raise your arms and legs up and forward at the same time. (4 times)

4. “The sun is rising” - i. p.: lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows. Rise up onto straight arms without lifting your legs off the bed. (4-5 times)

5. “The sun is high” - i. p.: sitting on your knees, supporting yourself with your hands in front. Rise up onto your hands and straight legs. (4 times)

6. “I am a big sun” - I. p.: standing on your feet near the crib. Raise your arms up to your sides, stretch, stand on your toes. (4 times)

Normal walking barefoot.


"Waking the Sun" part two.

1. “That’s how the sun rises” - and. p.: squatting, arms down. Stand up slowly, arms forward and up for each word.

2. “Higher, higher, higher” - i. p.: standing at the top, separated to the sides. Bend your torso down, hands on your knees, return to i. P.

3. “By night the sun will go down” - and. p.: the same. Squat down, lower your arms.

4. “Lower, lower, lower” - i. p.: squatting, arms down. Head tilts down, up and down.

5. “Okay, okay” - and. p.: standing. Clap your hands.

6. “The sun laughs” - i.p.: standing, hands on the belt. Turns the body left and right.

7. “And life is more fun under the sun” - and. p.: the same. Spinning in place in one direction and then in the other direction. (Repeat 2 times)


"Zainka - little bunny"

1. “Little bunny, cheer up, little gray one, stretch” I. p.: standing, arms along the body. Rise up on your toes, arms out to your sides.
2. “Little bunny, turn around, little gray one, turn around” I. p.: standing, hands on the belt. Turn the body left and right, then i. P.
3. “Little bunny, dance, little gray, dance” I. p.: the same. Soft spring.
4. “Little Bunny, bow, little gray one, bow.” I. p.: the same. Bend the torso forward.
5. “Little bunny, walk around, little gray one, walk around” I. p.: the same. Walking in place.
6. “The bunny walked along the bridge” Walking on a ribbed board.
7. “Yes, over bumps, yes over bumps” Walking on rubber mats. 3 floods.



1. “Breeze” - i. p.: lying on your stomach, arms along your body. Turn your head to the right, lower your right cheek onto the pillow, then also to the left. Onomatopoeia "fu-u-u".

2. “Flight of the breeze” - i. p.: the same. Spread your arms to the sides.

3. “The breeze is playing” - i. p.: the same, resting your hands on your elbows.

4. “The wind drives the clouds” - I. p.: standing on all fours. Movement of the torso back and forth, without lifting the legs and arms from the crib.

5. “Big gray clouds” - i. p.: the same. Get up onto all fours.

6. “The wind blows across the fields, over forests and gardens” - normal walking turns into easy running.


“Forest adventures” part one.

1. “Bear in the den” - i. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Rolls from side to side.

2. “Bunnies are runners” - and. p.: the same. Alternately lifting legs at a fast pace.

3. “Bunnies are cowards” - and. p.: the same. Bend your legs at the knees, clasp them with your hands - “hide”; return to i. p., move your hands back - “showed up”.

4. “Curious crows” - i. p.: sitting on your knees. Get on your knees, spread your arms to the sides and make waves, say “car-r.”

5. “Squirrels on branches” - i. p.: standing near the bed, hands on the belt. Turns with a spring.

6. “Noble Deer” - i. p.: the same. Walking in place, raising your knees high.


“Forest Adventures” part two.

1. “Bear in a den” - i.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Rolls from side to side.

2. “Little bunnies” - and. p.: the same. Bend your legs at the knees, clasp them with your hands - “hide”, return to i. p., move your hands back - “showed up”.

3. “The top-gray barrel” - and. p.: standing on all fours. Alternately stretching your legs up.

4. “Fox sisters” - and. p.: standing near the bed. Imitation of the movements of a fox on the spot.

5. “Christmas trees big and small” - i. p.: the same, hands on the belt. Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, lower your head; then straighten up, stand on your toes, stretch, arms up.


“The Journey of a Snowflake” part one.

1. “Snowflakes wake up” - i. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Turns the head left and right.

2. “Snowflakes-fluffs” - and. p.: the same. Spread your arms and legs to the sides, return to standing position.

3. “Snowflakes-ballerinas” - and. p.: standing near the crib, arms to the sides. Torso rotations with wrist rotation.

4. “Snowfall” - i. p.: the same. Slow squats with arms down.

5. “Dance of Snowflakes” - I. n. the same. Spinning in place on your toes.


“The Journey of a Snowflake” part two.

1. “Snowflakes wake up” - i. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Turns the head left to right.

2. “Snowflakes-fluffs” - and. p.: the same. Spread your arms and legs to the sides, return to i. P.

3. “A ball of snowflakes” - i. p.: sitting on the bed. Bend your knees and clasp your hands, lower your head; then straighten up, arms back, legs extended, head up.

4. “Snowflakes-airplanes” - and. p.: sitting on your knees, arms down. Rise up on your knees, arms to the sides.

5. “The blizzard sweeps up the snowflakes” - and. p.: standing near the bed. Bend your torso forward, wave your arms – “blizzard”.

6. “Snowfall” - i. p.: standing near the crib, arms to the sides. Small squats with arms down.

Walking on a fleecy rug, stamping and stroking the foot on the rug.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Annex 1.

Card file of breathing exercises for junior groups 1 and 2.

In order to help your child cope with a cough as quickly as possible, I offer you a breathing exercises game complex (for children from 2 years old). This complex develops the respiratory muscles, speech apparatus, coordination of movements, muscles of the arms and spine, promotes correct rhythmic breathing and pronunciation of sounds.

Exercise 1. BUBBLES.

Let your baby take a deep breath through his nose, puff out his “bubbly cheeks” and slowly exhale through his slightly open mouth. Repeat 2 – 3 times.

Exercise 2. PUMP.

The baby puts his hands on his belt, squats slightly - inhale, straightens up - exhale. Gradually the squats become lower, the inhalation and exhalation take longer. Repeat 3 – 4 times.

Exercise 3. SPEAKING.

You ask questions, the baby answers.

How does the train talk? Tu - tu - tu - tu.

How does the machine hum? Bi-bi. Bi-bi.

How does the dough “breathe”? Puff - puff - puff.

You can also sing vowel sounds: o-o-o-o-ooo, o-oo-oo-oooo.

Exercise 4. AIRPLANE.

Tell the poem, and let the baby perform movements in the rhythm of the verse:

Airplane - airplane (baby spreads his arms to the sides, palms up, raises his head, inhales)

Takes flight (holds his breath)

Juju-juo (makes a right turn)

Ju-ju-ju (exhale, says w-w-w)

I'll stand and rest (stands up straight, hands down)

I'll fly to the left (raises head, inhales)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (makes a left turn)

Juju-juzhu (exhale, w-w-w)

I'll stand and rest (stands up straight and lowers his hands).

Repeat 2-3 times

Exercise 5. MOUSE AND BEAR.

You read a poem, the child performs the movements.

The bear has a huge house (straighten up, stand on your toes, raise your arms up, stretch, look at your hands, inhale)

The mouse is very small (sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, lower your head, exhale while making the sound sh-sh-sh)

The mouse goes to visit the bear (walk on your toes)

He won't get to her.

Repeat 3 – 4 times.

Exercise 6. BREEZE .

I am a strong wind, I am flying,

I fly wherever I want (arms down, legs slightly apart, inhale through the nose)

I want to whistle to the left (turn your head to the left, curl your lips and blow)

I can blow to the right (head straight, inhale, head to the right, lips in a tube, exhale)

I can go up (head straight, inhale through the nose, exhale through the lips with a straw, inhale)

And into the clouds (lower your head, touch your chest with your chin, calmly exhale through your mouth)

Well, for now I'm clearing away the clouds (circular movements with hands).

Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise 7. CHICKENS.

Do it together with your baby. Stand up, bend over, hang your wings freely and lower your head. We say: “Tak-tak-tak” and at the same time pat our knees. Exhalation. Straighten up, raise your arms up - inhale. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 8. BEE.

Show your child how to sit: straight, arms crossed and head down.

The bee said: “Zhu-zhu-zhu” (we compress the chest and as we exhale we say: w-w-w, then as we inhale we spread our arms to the sides, straighten our shoulders and say...)

I’ll fly and buzz and bring honey to the children (stands up and, spreading his arms to the sides, makes a circle around the room and returns to his place).

Repeat 5 times. Make sure that you inhale through your nose and breathe deeply.

Exercise 9. MOWING THE GRASS .

Invite your child to “mow the grass”: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. You read a poem, and the child, saying “zu-zu,” waves his hands to the left - exhale, to the right - inhale.

Zu-zu, zu-zu,

We mow the grass.

Zu-zu, zu-zu,

And I'll swing to the left.

Zu-zu, zu-zu,

Together quickly, very quickly

We will mow all the grass.

Zu-zu, zu-zu.

Let the child shake his relaxed hands and repeat from the beginning 3 to 4 times.

I’ll give an example of some more exercises; you can always complete and alternate them in your own way.

Watch. Stand straight, legs apart, arms down. Swinging your straight arms back and forth, say “tick-tock.” Repeat 10–12 times.

Trumpeter. Sit down, fold your hands into a tube, raise them almost up. Exhaling slowly, pronounce “p-f-f” loudly. Repeat 4-5 times.

Rooster. Stand straight, legs apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides and then slap them on your thighs. As you exhale, say “ku-ka-re-ku.” Repeat 5-6 times.

The porridge is boiling. Sit down, one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. When retracting the abdomen, inhale; when protruding, exhale. As you exhale, say “f-f-f-f-f” loudly. Repeat 3-4 times.

Little engine. Walk around the room, making alternating swings with your arms bent at the elbows and saying “chuh-chuh-chuh.” Repeat for 20–30 s.

On the horizontal bar. Stand straight, feet together, hold the gymnastic stick with both hands in front of you. Raise the stick up, rise on your toes - inhale, lower the stick back behind your head - long exhale. As you exhale, say “f-f-f-f-f.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Step march! Stand up straight, gymnastic stick in your hands. Walk with your knees high. Inhale for 2 steps, exhale for 6–8 steps. As you exhale, say “ti-sh-sh-she.” Repeat for 1.5 minutes.

Balls are flying. Stand straight, hands with the ball in front of your chest. Throw the ball forward from your chest. As you exhale, say “u-h-h-h-h.” Repeat 5-6 times.

Pump. Stand straight, feet together, arms down. Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the body, while saying “ssssssss.” Do 6-8 bends in each direction.

Adjuster. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other to the side. Inhale through your nose, then change the position of your hands and, during an extended exhalation, say “r-r-r-r-r.” Repeat 5-6 times.

Grow big. Stand straight, feet together, raise your arms up. Stretch well, rise on your toes - inhale, lower your arms down, lower your entire foot - exhale. As you exhale, say “u-h-h-h-h.” Repeat 4-5 times.

Skier. Simulation of skiing for 1.5–2 minutes. As you exhale, say “mm-mm-mm.”

Pendulum. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the stick behind your head close to your shoulders. Tilt your torso to the sides. When bending over, exhale and say “t-u-u-u-h-h.” Do 3-4 bends in each direction.

Geese are flying. Walk slowly for 1–3 minutes. Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, lower them down - exhale, say “g-oo-oo”.

Semaphore. Standing or sitting, back straight. Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, slowly lower them down - long exhale, pronounce “s-s-s-s-s”. Repeat 3-4 times.

Breathing exercises will strengthen your baby’s immunity

In order not to get sick, you need to learn to breathe correctly. There are many types of breathing exercises, including exercises adapted for children. The fun tips below will teach you and your baby respiratory self-defense.

1. Big and small. Standing straight, while inhaling, the child stands on tiptoes, stretches his arms up, showing how big he is. Hold this position for a few seconds. As you exhale, the child should lower his arms down, then squat down, clasping his knees with his hands and at the same time saying “uh”, hiding his head behind his knees - showing how small he is.

2. Steam locomotive. Walk around the room, imitating the movements of the wheels of a steam locomotive with bent arms, while saying “choo-choo” and changing the speed of movement, volume and frequency of pronunciation. Repeat with your child five to six times.

3. Geese are flying. Walk slowly and smoothly around the room, flapping your arms like wings. Raise your arms as you inhale, lower them as you exhale, saying “g-u-u.” Repeat with your child eight to ten times.

4. Stork. Standing straight, spread your arms to the sides, and bend one leg forward. Hold the position for a few seconds. Keep your balance. As you exhale, lower your leg and arms, quietly saying “sh-sh-sh-sh.” Repeat with your child six to seven times.

5. Woodcutter. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, fold your hands like a hatchet and lift them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, lower your outstretched arms down as you exhale, tilt your body, allowing your hands to “cut through” the space between your legs. Say "bang." Repeat with your child six to eight times.

6. Mill. Stand with your feet together, arms up. Slowly rotate with straight arms, saying “zh-r-r” as you exhale. As the movements speed up, the sounds become louder. Repeat with your child seven to eight times.

7. Skater. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind your back, and body tilted forward. Imitating the movements of a speed skater, bend first your left and then your right leg, saying “k-r-r.” Repeat with your child five to six times.

8. Angry hedgehog. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine how a hedgehog curls up into a ball when in danger. Bend down as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, exhaling “p-f-f” - the sound made by an angry hedgehog, then “f-r-r” - and this is a satisfied hedgehog. Repeat with your child three to five times.

9. Little Frog. Place your feet together. Imagine how the little frog jumps quickly and sharply, and repeat his jumps: squatting slightly, inhaling, jump forward. When you land, “croak.” Repeat three to four times.

10. In the forest. Imagine that you are lost in a dense forest. After inhaling, say “ay” as you exhale. Change your intonation and volume and turn left and right. Repeat with your child five to six times.

11. Cheerful bee. As you exhale, say “z-z-z.” Imagine a bee sitting on your nose (direct sound and gaze to the nose), on the arm, on the leg. Thus, the child learns to direct attention to a specific area of ​​the body.

12. Giant and dwarf. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you, foot to foot. Place your hands on the inner sides of your knees, which are pressed to the floor. Take a full breath of air, straighten your shoulders, raise your head proudly, as you exhale, lower yourself down, press your head to your feet.

With the help of these exercises, not only will your child become healthier, be in a good mood and breathe deeply, but you and him will also breathe a sigh of relief. If you regularly perform such gymnastics, colds will bypass your child!

Appendix 2.

Card file of breathing exercises for the middle group.

Complex No. 1

1. “Let’s listen to our breathing”

Target: teach children to listen to their breathing, determine the type of breathing, its depth, frequency and, based on these signs, the state of the body.

I. p.: standing, sitting, lying down (whatever is convenient at the moment). The muscles of the torso are relaxed.

In complete silence, children listen to their own breathing and determine:

where the air stream enters and where it comes out;

what part of the body moves when you inhale and exhale (stomach, chest, shoulders or all parts - wavy);

what kind of breathing: shallow (lung) or deep;

what is the breathing frequency: inhalation and exhalation occur frequently or calmly at a certain interval (automatic pause); quiet, inaudible breathing or noisy breathing.

2. “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly”

Target: teach children to relax and restore the body after physical activity and emotional excitement; regulate the breathing process, concentrate attention on it in order to control the relaxation of your body and psyche.

I. p.: standing, sitting, lying down (this depends on previous physical activity). If you are sitting with your back straight, it is better to close your eyes.

Inhale slowly through your nose. When the chest begins to expand, stop inhaling and pause as long as you can. Then exhale smoothly through the nose. Repeat 5-10 times. The exercise is performed silently, smoothly, so that even a palm placed to the nose does not feel the stream of air when exhaling.

3. “Breathe through one nostril.”

Target: teach children to strengthen the muscles of the respiratory system, nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract.

I. p.: sitting, standing, the torso is straightened, but not tense.

Close the right nostril with the index finger of the right hand. Take a quiet, long breath through your left nostril (sequentially lower, middle, upper breathing).

As soon as the inhalation is completed, open the right nostril and close the left one with the index finger of the left hand - through the right nostril, exhale quietly for a long time, emptying the lungs as much as possible and pulling the diaphragm as high as possible so that a “pit” is formed in the stomach.

3-4. Same with the other nostrils.

Repeat 3-6 times.

Note. After this exercise, inhale and exhale through one nostril several times in a row. (first with the nostril that is easier to breathe, then with the other). Repeat 6-10 breathing movements with each nostril separately. Start with calm breathing and move on to deep breathing.

4. "Balloon" (Breathe with your stomach, lower breathing).

Target: teach children to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal organs, ventilate the lower part of the lungs, and concentrate on lower breathing.

I. and. : lying on your back, legs freely extended, torso relaxed, eyes closed. Attention is concentrated on the movement of the navel: both palms rest on it.

Exhale calmly, drawing the stomach towards the spinal column, the navel seems to lower.

Slow, smooth inhalation, without any effort - the stomach slowly rises up and swells like a round ball.

Slow, smooth exhalation - the stomach slowly retracts towards the back.

Repeat 4-10 times.

5. “Balloon in the chest” (medium, costal breathing)

Target: teach children to strengthen the intercostal muscles, concentrate their attention on their movement, ventilating the middle sections of the lungs.

I. p.: lying, sitting, standing. Place your hands on the lower part of the ribs and concentrate on them.

Exhale slowly, evenly, squeezing the ribs of the chest with your hands.

Slowly inhale through your nose, your hands feel the expansion of your chest and slowly release the clamp.

As you exhale, the chest is again slowly pressed with both hands at the bottom of the ribs.

Repeat 6-10 times.

Note. The abdominal and shoulder muscles remain motionless. In the initial phase of training, it is necessary to help children slightly compress and unclench the lower part of the ribs of the chest as they exhale and inhale.

6. "The balloon rises up" (upper breathing)

Target: teach children to strengthen and stimulate the upper respiratory tract, providing ventilation to the upper parts of the lungs.

I. p.: lying, sitting, standing. Place one hand between your collarbones and concentrate on them and your shoulders.

Inhale and exhale with a calm and smooth rise and fall of the collarbones and shoulders.

Repeat 4-8 times.

7. "Wind" (cleansing full breath).

Target: teach children to strengthen the respiratory muscles of the entire respiratory system, to ventilate the lungs in all parts.

I. p.: sitting, standing, lying down. The torso is relaxed, exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the stomach and chest.

Take a full breath, protruding your stomach and chest ribs.

Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds.

Forcefully release the air through pursed lips with several abrupt exhalations.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Note. Exercise not only perfectly cleanses (ventilates) light, but also helps to warm up during hypothermia and relieves fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out after physical activity as often as possible.

8. "Rainbow Hug Me"

Target: is the same.

I. p.: standing or in motion.

Take a full breath through your nose while spreading your arms to the sides.

Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds.

Stretching your lips in a smile, pronounce the sound “s”, exhaling air and drawing in your stomach and chest. Direct your arms forward again, then cross them in front of your chest, as if hugging your shoulders: one hand goes under the armpit, the other on the shoulder.

Repeat 3-4 times.

9. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times “We breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly.”

Complex No. 2

The purpose of this complex: strengthen the nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract and lungs by tightening the tone of certain muscle groups.

All exercises of the complex are performed standing or in motion.

1. “Breathe through one nostril.”

Repeat the exercise “Breathe through one nostril” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage.

2. "Hedgehog".

Turn your head right - left at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, inhale through the nose: short, noisy (like a hedgehog), with muscle tension throughout the nasopharynx (the nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses). Exhale softly, voluntarily, through half-open lips.

Repeat 4-8 times.

3. “Lips like a tube.”

  1. Exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the stomach and intercostal muscles.
  2. Purse your lips into a “tube” and sharply draw in air, filling all your lungs to capacity.
  3. Make a swallowing movement (as if you were swallowing air).
  4. Pause for 2-3 seconds, then raise your head up and exhale air through your nose smoothly and slowly.

Repeat 4-6 times.

4. “Ears.”

Shaking your head left and right, take deep breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, but when tilting the head to the right - to the left, the ears are as close to the shoulders as possible. Make sure that your torso does not turn when you tilt your head. Inhalations are performed with tension in the muscles of the entire nasopharynx. Exhalation is voluntary.

Repeat 4-5 times.

5. “Blowing soap bubbles.”

  1. When tilting your head to your chest, inhale through your nose, tensing the muscles of the nasopharynx.
  1. Raise your head up and calmly exhale air through your nose, as if blowing soap bubbles.
  1. Without lowering your head, inhale through your nose, straining the muscles of your nasopharynx.
  1. Exhale calmly through the nose with your head bowed.

Repeat 3-5 times.

6. “Tongue with a tube.”

  1. The lips are folded into a “tube”, as when pronouncing the sound “o”. Stick out your tongue and also fold it into a “tube”.
  1. Slowly drawing in air through the “tube” of the tongue, fill all the lungs with it, inflating the stomach and ribs of the chest.
  1. When you finish inhaling, close your mouth. Slowly lower your head until your chin touches your chest. Pause – 3-5 seconds. 4. Raise your head and calmly exhale air through your nose.

Repeat 4-8 times.

7. "Pump".

  1. Bring your hands together in front of your chest, clenching your fists.
  2. Bend forward and down and with each springy tilt take gusty breaths, as sharp and noisy as when inflating tires with a pump. (5-7 springy bends and breaths).
  1. Exhalation is voluntary.

Repeat 3-6 times.

Note. When inhaling, strain all the muscles of the nasopharynx.

Complication. Repeat the exercise 3 times, then bend forward and backward (large pendulum) while inhaling and exhaling. When bending forward, pull your arms freely towards the floor, and when bending back, raise them to your shoulders.

With each breath, the muscles of the nasopharynx tense.

Repeat 3-5 times.

8. “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly.”

Repeat the exercise “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage.

Complex No. 3

The purpose of this complex: strengthen muscle tone of the entire respiratory system.

It is carried out in a playful way.

1. “Wind on the Planet.” Repeat the “Pump” exercise from complex No. 2.

2. “Planet “Sat – Nam” - respond!” (yogic breathing).

Target: teach children to strengthen muscle tone of the entire torso and all respiratory muscles.

I. p.: sitting with the buttocks on the heels, toes extended, feet connected, back straight, arms raised above the head, fingers, except the index fingers, intertwined, and the index fingers connected and straightened upward, like an arrow.

After the words “Planet, respond!” the children begin to sing “Sat – Nam”.

Repeat 3-5 times.

Note. Pronounce “Sat” sharply, like a whistle, pressing your stomach towards the spinal column - this is a sharp exhalation. “Nam” is pronounced softly, relaxing the abdominal muscles - this is a small breath.

Breathing cycle: exhale “Sat” - pause – inhale “Nam”. When pronouncing “sat,” the muscles of the body tense: legs, buttocks, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, fingers and toes, muscles of the face and neck; “to us” - everything relaxes.

The exercise is performed at a slow pace. After the children say “Sat – Nam” 8-10 times, the adult says: “I accepted the call signs!”

3. “The planet breathes quietly, calmly and smoothly.” Repeat the exercise “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly” from complex No. 1, but with a lower dosage in order to relax muscle tone.

4. "Aliens."

Target: the same as in the exercises “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly”, “Planet “Sat - Nam” - respond!”.

The difference in execution: muscle tension while inhaling, and relaxation while exhaling.

I. p.: 3-4 times from a supine position, 3-4 times standing.

The exercise is performed with verbal accompaniment, for example: “The aliens are waking up, tense up.”

  1. Calmly exhale air through your nose, drawing in your stomach and chest.
  1. Inhale slowly and smoothly, filling your lungs completely.
  2. Hold your breath, tensing all your muscles and mentally saying “I am strong.” (and I)».
  1. Calmly exhale air through your nose while relaxing your muscles.

Breathing simulation exercises

1. "Trumpeter". Sitting on a chair, the hands are clenched into a tube, raised up to the mouth. Exhale slowly with a loud pronunciation of the sound “p-f-f-f”.

Repeat 4-5 times.

2. “The porridge is boiling.” Sitting on a bench, one hand lies on your stomach, the other on your chest. Sticking out your stomach and drawing air into your chest (inhaling air) and drawing in the stomach - exhale. When exhaling, loudly pronounce the sound “sh-sh-sh”.

Repeat 1-5 times.

3. “On the horizontal bar.” Standing, feet together, hold a gymnastic stick in both hands in front of you. Raise the stick up, rise on your toes - inhale, lower the stick back onto your shoulder blades - long exhale while pronouncing the sound “f-f-f”.

Repeat 3-4 times.

4. "Partisans". Standing, stick (gun) in hand. Walking with your knees high. For 2 steps - inhale, for 6-8 steps - exhale with the arbitrary pronunciation of the word “ti-sh-sh-e”.

Repeat 1.5 min.

5. "Semaphore". Sitting, legs moved together, raising your arms to the sides and slowly lowering them down with a long exhalation and pronouncing the sound “ssss.”

Repeat 3-4 times.

6. “Traffic Controller.” Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other to the side. Inhale through your nose, then change the position of your hands with an extended exhalation and pronounce the sound “r-r-r”.

Repeat 4-5 times.

7. “Balls are flying.” Standing, hands with the ball raised up. Throw the ball forward from the chest and say a long “uh-uh-uh” while exhaling.

Repeat 5-6 times.

8. “Skier.” Simulation of skiing. Exhale through the nose, pronouncing the zouk “mm-mm.”

Repeat 1.5-2 minutes.

9. "Pendulum". Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the stick behind your back at the level of the lower corners of your shoulder blades. Tilt your torso to the sides, right and left. When bending to the sides, inhale while pronouncing the sound “tu-u-u-u-h-h”.

Repeat 3-4 tilts in each direction.

10. “The geese are flying.” Slow walking around the hall. As you inhale, raise your arms to the sides. As you exhale, lower down while pronouncing a long “gu-u-u” sound.

Repeat 1-2 minutes.

A set of playful breathing exercises

1. Walking. Stand up straight, keep your head up, legs together, shoulders down and back, chest out. Check your posture. Normal walking; walking on toes; walking on heels; walking on the outer arch of the foot. Repeat all types of walking, changing the direction of movement around the hall. Watch your posture. Walking duration is 40-60 s. The teacher speaks poetry, directing the children to the necessary movements:

We checked your posture

And they pulled their shoulder blades together.

We walk on our toes

We're walking on our heels

We're going like all the guys

And like a clubfooted bear

(poems by E. Antonova-Chala).

2. "Chickens." Children stand bending lower, hanging their arms freely - “wings” and lowering their heads. They say “tah-tah-tah”, while simultaneously patting themselves on the knees - exhale, straightening up, raising their hands to their shoulders - inhale.

Repeat 3-5 times:

Chickens mutter at night,

They beat their wings tah-tah (exhalation),

Let's raise our hands to our shoulders (inhale),

Then we’ll lower it - like this

(E. Antonova-Chaloy).

3. "Airplane." The children are standing. Extend your arms to the sides with your palms facing up. Raise your head up - inhale. Make a turn to the side, saying “zhzh...” - exhale; stand straight, lower your hands - pause.

Repeat 2-4 times in each direction:

The plane spread its wings,

We got ready to fly.

I'll look to the right:

I'll look to the left:

(E. Antonova-Chaloy).

4. "Pump". The children are standing. Sliding your hands along your body, bend alternately to the right and left. When bending over, exhale while pronouncing the sound “sss...”, while straightening up, inhale.

Repeat 4-6 times:

It's very simple -

Pump the pump.

To the right, lean...

Hands sliding

Back and forth

You can't bend over.

It's very simple -

Pump the pump you

(E. Antonova-Chaloy).

5. “Small house, big house.” The children are standing. Sit down, clasping your knees with your hands, lower your head - exhale while pronouncing the sound “sh-sh-sh” (“The bunny has a small house”). Straighten up, stand on your toes, raise your arms up, stretch, look at your hands - inhale (“the bear has a big house”). Walking around the hall: “Our bear has gone home, and the little bunny.”

Repeat 4-6 times:

The bear has a big house,

And the bunny’s is small.

Our bear has gone home

Yes, and a little bunny

(E Antonova-Chala).

6. “Let’s blow on your shoulder.” Children stand, arms down, legs slightly apart. Turn your head to the left, make a tube with your lips and blow on your shoulder. Head straight - inhale. Head to the right - exhale (lips like a tube). Head straight - inhale through your nose. Lower your head, chin touching your chest, and again take a calm, slightly deep exhalation. Head straight - inhale through your nose. Raise your face up and blow again through your pursed lips.

Repeat 2-3 times:

Let's blow on your shoulder

Let's think about something else.

The sun is hot on us

It was scorching hot during the day.

Let's blow on our stomachs

How the tube becomes a mouth.

Well, now to the clouds

And let's stop for now.

Then we'll repeat it all again:

One, two and three, four, five

(E. Antonova-Chaloy).

7. "Mower". Children stand with their feet shoulder-width apart and arms down. Swing your arms to the left, back, right. Return to starting position. Lean back slightly - inhale. Move your hands over the front to the left again with the sound “zz-uu”. The teacher reads poetry, and the children repeat the syllables “zu-zu” with him, doing the exercise. The poem, accompanied by exercises, is read 3-4 times:

The mower goes to mow the stubble:

Zu-zu, zu-zu, zu-zu.

Come with me and mow together:

Swing to the right, and then

We'll wave to the left.

And this is how we will cope with the stubble.

Zu-zu, zu-zu together

(E. Antonova-Chaloy).

8. "Flowers". Children stand in a circle. The teacher reads poetry to them:

Every bud would be glad to bow down

Right, left, forward and backward.

From the wind and heat these buds

Hidden alive in a flower bouquet

(E. Antonova-Chaloy).

At the teacher’s command, children rhythmically turn their heads while reading the poem. (“buds”) to the right, to the left, tilt it forward, take it back, alternating inhalation and exhalation. When reading the last line of the verse, children raise their arms up, bending their hands over their heads: “buds” (heads) hid.

Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

9. "Hedgehog". Children lie on their backs (on the carpet), arms straight, extended behind the head. In this position, at the command of the teacher, the children take a deep breath through their nose while reading the couplet:

Here is a hedgehog curled up into a ball,

Because he was cold.

Children clasp their knees with their hands and press their bent legs to their chest, taking a full, deep exhalation while reading the verse:

The hedgehog's ray touched

The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

Children take the starting position and stretch like a hedgehog, become “big, grow”, and then, relaxing, take a calm breath and exhale through the nose. Repeat the entire exercise 4-6 times.

10. "Trumpeter". Children stand or sit. The hands are compressed and seem to hold the pipe; bringing the “pipe” to their mouth, the children say:

Tru-ru-ru, boo-boo-boo!

Let's blow our trumpet.

11. "Beetle". Children sit with their arms crossed over their chests. To lower the head. Rhythmically squeeze the chest with both hands, saying “zhzh...” - exhale.

Spread your arms to the sides, straighten your shoulders, keep your head straight - inhale.

Repeat the exercise 4-5 times:

Zhzh-u, - said the winged beetle,

I'll sit and buzz.

Appendix 3.

Card file of breathing exercises for senior and preparatory groups



"Warm-up." I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, torso straight, arms half-bent. elbows, fingers slightly clenched into fists, turned towards each other. Sit down with your arms crossed towards each other, inhale through your nose - active, fast, clearly audible. Return to i. n. Relax. Do not think about exhalation, do not control it with your consciousness. Repeat the exercise 8 times in a row without pauses. The pace is 1-2 breaths per second, move strictly rhythmically. Repeat 10-20 times.

"Tilts" Part one. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, torso straight, arms down (“at the seams”). Lean forward, lower your arms at will, slightly crossing them, inhale through your nose - quickly, clearly audible. Return to the starting position not completely - and inhale again while bending forward. Don’t think about exhalation, don’t interfere, but don’t help it either. Repeat 8 times, tempo – 1 – 2 breaths per second, bend strictly rhythmically. Repeat 10-20 times.

Part two. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, torso straight, arms at shoulder level, elbows bent, fingers slightly clenched into fists, turned towards each other. Lean back, sharply cross your arms in front of your chest; inhalation through the nose - fast, active, clearly audible (but not noisy). Return to i. n. not completely - and inhale again while bending back. Repeat 8 times, tempo – 1 – 2 breaths per second, rhythmic movements, don’t think about exhaling (do not interfere with or assist exhalation). Repeat 10-20 times.

"Pendulum". I. p. - standing, leaning forward, arms down, sway back and forth. When you lean forward and inhale, your arms are crossed. Inhale through the nose, fast, active, clearly audible (but it should not be deliberately noisy). Rate 1-2 breaths per second. Repeat 10-20 times.

When performing these exercises, you should not try to inhale as much air as possible - on the contrary, the inhalation volume should be less than possible. During movements, you should try to free yourself from tension and establish an individual, natural, but energetic pace. Don't move your hands far from your body! Do not help exhale! We must try to make it invisible and silent. It should be remembered that the goal is to organize breathing, and movement is only a means for this. Repeat each exercise with pauses of 1, 2, 3 seconds - so that you get at least 128-160 breaths, and a total of 600-640 breathing movements for four exercises. It is recommended to combine the mastered movements with sound exercises in the future.

In older preschool age, the load on the musculoskeletal system and other body systems gradually increases due to greater intensity and increased dosage of exercises. Circular movements of the hands are introduced (back and forth), jerking movements of straight and bent arms. In exercises for the torso, turns and bends to the sides, turns around oneself while standing and lying down are done. More attention is paid to special breathing exercises. Various individual manuals are widely used, in addition, simulation exercises are given. Breathing exercises are performed at an average pace. The number of repetitions increases to 6-8 times.

Exercises to lengthen exhalation

"Forward bends." I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

Calm breath in. p. 1-2-3 - springy forward bends with triple exhalation. Hands behind your back, look forward. 4 - return to i. P.

"Tilts to the side"("Tilts with an umbrella"). I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Calm breath in. p. 1-2-3 - triple bend to the side, raise the opposite hand above your head - “cover yourself with an umbrella” - exhale. 4 - return to i. P.

“Whose ribbon sways longer?” Each child takes in his hand a narrow ribbon made of thin colored paper. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms below, slightly laid back. Calm breath. As you exhale, bring the ribbon to your mouth and make a slight tilt.

Special breathing exercises

“Blow out the candle.” Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a free breath and hold your breath slightly. Curl your lips. Perform three short, rare exhalations, as if blowing out a burning candle: “Ugh!” Ugh! Ugh!". Keep your torso straight during the exercise.

"Full breath." Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a free deep breath while raising your arms up in front of you. Hold the breath (so far nice). Exhale forcefully through your mouth while lowering your arms and leaning forward. ("Ha!"). Breathe out with relief, as if freeing yourself from worries. Slowly straighten up.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract.

The exercises can be performed standing or while moving.

"Hedgehog". Turn your head left and right at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each nasopharynx (the nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck is tense); exhale softly, voluntarily, through half-open lips.

"Ears". Shaking your head left and right, take deep breaths. The shoulders remain motionless, and the ears stretch towards the shoulders. Make sure that your body does not turn when you tilt your head.

Inhalations are performed with tension in the muscles of the nasopharynx. Exhalation is voluntary.

Breathing exercises according to the method of B. S. Tolkachev.

Complex 1.

1. "Rocking chair". I. p. - sitting on a chair, hands on knees. Rock your torso back and forth, saying as you exhale, “F-r-oo-hh!” Repeat 6-8 times.

2. “The Christmas tree is growing.” I. p. - stand up straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Squat down and straighten up, raising your arms upward, wider than your shoulders. When crouching, say: “Fear-x!” Repeat 2-3 times.

3. "Bunny". I. p. - stand up straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. When squatting, bend your arms to your shoulders with your palms facing forward, like a bunny standing on its hind legs. Say as you exhale: “Fr!” Repeat slowly 5-7 times.

4. “Like geese hissing.” I. p. - stand, legs apart, feet parallel, holding a stick in the crook of your arms. Lean forward, looking in front of you and stretching your neck, say: “Sh-sh-sh...”. Repeat at an average pace 3-4 times.

5. “Press your knees.” I. p. - sit down, stretch your legs, lower the stick. Pull your legs towards you, press your knees with a stick to your chest, saying: “Ugh!” Straighten your legs, lower your arms. Repeat slowly 5-7 times.

6. "Oarsmen". I. p. - sit down, legs apart, hold the stick to your chest. Lean forward, touch your toes with a stick, say: “Gu!” Straighten up, pull the stick to your chest. Repeat slowly 3-5 times.

7. “Crossing your arms at the bottom.” I. p. – stand up straight, legs apart, arms to the sides. Lowering your straight arms down and crossing them in front of you, say: “Yes!” - and lift them to the sides. Repeat at an average pace 4-6 times.

8. “Get the floor.” I. p. - stand straight, legs apart, arms forward. Lean forward and touch the floor with your palms and say: “Buck.” Repeat slowly 2-4 times.

9. “Knock your fists.” I. p. – stand up straight, legs apart, arms down. Sit down and knock your fists on the floor 3 times, saying: “Knock-knock-knock.” Repeat at an average pace 2-3 times.

10. "Jumping" Jump on both feet, saying “Ha” for each jump. Every 12-16 jumps alternate with walking.

Complex 2 “On the street”.

1. “Warm up.” I. p. – stand up straight, legs apart, arms raised to the sides. Quickly cross your arms in front of your chest, clap your palms on your shoulders, saying: “Uh-h-h!” Raise your arms to the sides - back. Repeat 8-10 times.

2. “Skater.” I. p. - stand up straight, legs apart, hands behind your back. Bend your right and left leg, tilting your torso with a half turn to the sides (imitating the movements of a speed skater) and saying: “Krrrr!” Repeat at an average pace 5-8 times.

3. "Lost." I. p. - put your feet together, fold your hands into a mouthpiece. Inhale and as you exhale say loudly: “A-oo-oo!” Repeat 8-10 times.

4. “Snowball”. I. p. - stand up straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms. Squat lower on your entire foot and, leaning forward strongly, clasp your shins with your hands and lower your head. At the same time say: “Hrrrr!” Repeat slowly 3-5 times.

5. “The snowman is having fun.” I. p. - put your feet together, hands on your belt. Inhale, then jump with both legs while exhaling, saying: “Ha!” Repeat 6-8 times.

6. “Grow big.” I. p. - stand up straight, feet together. Raise your arms up, stretch, rise on your toes – inhale; lower your hands down, lower your entire foot - exhale, saying: “U-h-h-h!” Repeat 4-5 times.