How I spend my birthday; My birthday - Topic in English. Birthday in English Words on the topic birthday

Celebrate in English

The topic Birthday in English should be known to everyone who is learning the language. At least once a year you will have the opportunity to discuss this holiday with friends from other countries, with colleagues (if you work in an English-speaking company), and this vocabulary appears quite often in films. Today we offer you words on the topic of Birthday in English.

All words are used frequently, so they should be divided into small “portions” and taught one by one.


  1. age |eɪdʒ| - age;
  2. anniversary |anɪˈvəːs(ə)ri| - anniversary;
  3. anniversary present |anɪˈvəːs(ə)ri ˈprɛz(ə)nt| - anniversary gift;
  4. anniversary of birth |anɪˈvəːs(ə)ri ɒv bəːθ| - birth anniversary.


  1. balloon |bəˈluːn| - balloon;
  2. banner |ˈbanə| — a flag (this is usually the way to decorate the rooms in which the party is held).
  3. bash |bæʃ| - a fun party, an analogue to the Russian word “party”. The word can also act as a verb and mean “to party.”
  4. birth |bəːθ| - birth;
  5. birth date |bəːθ deɪt| - Date of Birth;
  6. birthday |ˈbəːθdeɪ| - birthday;
  7. birthday cake |ˈbəːθdeɪ keɪk| — birthday/celebration cake;
  8. birthday person (birthday girl/boy) - birthday boy;
  9. blow out the candles |bləʊ ˈaʊt ðə ˈkændəlz| - blow out the candles;
  10. born |bɔːn| - born;
  11. bow |baʊ| - bow.


  1. cake |keɪk| - cake/pie;
  2. candle |ˈkand(ə)l| - candle;
  3. candy |ˈkandi| — candy/sweets (lollipops);
  4. card |kɑːd| - postcard;
  5. celebrate |ˈsɛlɪbreɪt| - celebrate, have fun (at a holiday);
  6. celebration |sɛlɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n| - celebration;
  7. child |tʃʌɪld| - child;
  8. children |ˈtʃɪldrən| - children;
  9. chocolate |ˈtʃɒk(ə)lət| - chocolate;
  10. clown |klaʊn| - clown;
  11. confetti |kənˈfɛti| - confetti;
  12. cookie |ˈkʊki| - cookies (Amer); brit - biscuit |ˈbɪskɪt|;
  13. cupcake |ˈkʌpkeɪk| - cake.


dance |dɑːns| - dance, dance;
day |deɪ| - day;
disco |ˈdɪskəʊ| — disco.


entertain |ɛntəˈteɪn| - entertain, receive guests, arrange a reception;
event |ɪˈvɛnt| - event, event.


festive |ˈfɛstɪv| - festive, cheerful;
festive evening|ˈfɛstɪv ˈiːv(ə)nɪŋ| - festive evening;
festive mood|ˈfɛstɪv muːd| - festive mood;
food |fuːd| - food;
friends |friends| - Friends;
frosting |ˈfrɒstɪŋ| - glaze;
fun |fʌn| - fun, entertainment.


games |ɡeɪmz| — games, jokes;
gathering |ˈɡað(ə)rɪŋ| - meeting;
get (presents)|ˈɡet| - receive gifts);
gift |ɡɪft| - present;
gift wrap |ɡɪft ræp| — gift wrapping;
give |ɡɪv| - present;
goodie (goody) bags |ˈɡʊd.i bæɡz| — gift bags, bags of sweets;
greeting card |ˈɡriːtɪŋ kɑːd| - greeting card;
guests |ɡests| - guests.


happy |ˈhapi| - happy;
happy birthday |ˈhapi ˈbəːθdeɪ| — have a good day birth;
hat |hæt| - a hat, in this case a birthday hat.


ice cream |aɪs kriːm| - ice cream;
icing |ˈʌɪsɪŋ| - glaze;
invite |ɪnˈvʌɪt| - invite;
invitation |ɪnvɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n| - invitation.


jubilee |ˈdʒuːbɪliː| - anniversary, holiday;
juice |dʒuːs| - juice. In American slang - strong alcoholic drink(whisky, vodka, etc.).


lollipop |ˈlɒlɪpɒp| - lollipop, candy caramel.


noise maker |nɔɪz ˈmeɪkə| - one who makes noise.


  1. package |ˈpakɪdʒ| - package/bundle, wrapping, packaging (gifts);
  2. paper plate |ˈpeɪpəpleɪt| - paper plate
  3. party |ˈpɑːti| - party;
  4. party favors |ˈpɑːti ˈfeɪvəz| - party stuff, small gifts for guests;
  5. party hat |ˈpɑːti hæt| - festive cap;
  6. play |ˈpleɪ| - play (don’t forget that when it comes to playing some kind of game, there is no need for an excuse);
  7. pinata - pinata (pinata) - a surprise for a holiday in the form of a toy-decoration, which is suspended from the ceiling or on a tree (if the party is outside). At the end of the holiday, the hero of the occasion, blindfolded, must find the pinata and break it with a special stick. Inside the piñata are confetti and sweets.
  8. pizza |ˈpiːtsə| - pizza;
  9. popsicle |ˈpɒpsɪk(ə)l| — popsicle (American English); in British - ice lolly;
  10. present |ˈprɛz(ə)nt| - gift, give, give.


  1. receive |rɪˈsiːv| - receive;
  2. ribbon |ˈrɪb(ə)n| - ribbon, decorate with ribbons;
  3. RSVP - request to respond to an invitation (for example, in invitation card). Is an abbreviation French phrase Répondez s’il vous plaît, which translates as “please answer).


  1. sparkler |ˈspɑːklə| - sparkler
  2. sweets |swiːts| - sweets, candies.


  1. thank you |θaŋk ju| - Thank you;
  2. thank you note |θaŋk ju nəʊt| - thank you note;
  3. throw a party |θrəʊ ə ˈpɑːti| - organize a party;
  4. toys |tɔɪz| - toys;
  5. treat bags |triːt bæɡz| — baskets for sweets/bags of sweets;
  6. treats |triːts| - treats.


  1. wingding |ˈwɪŋdɪŋ| - meeting, reception, noisy party;
  2. wish |wɪʃ| - wish, wish;
  3. wrapped |rapt| - wrapped;
  4. wrapping paper |ˈrapɪŋ ˈpeɪpə| - wrapping.


  1. year |ˈjiə| - year, age.

Words on the topic of Birthday in English will definitely be useful to you. We wish you success in learning English and a festive mood for every day!

My birthday is one of my favorite holidays. It is a wonderful chance to spend the time with your family and friends, with the people who really love you and remember you. On this day you are in the center of their attention and you hear lots of warm and hearty words and pleasant compliments. When you check your mail you find many greetings from your classmates and relatives. Your telephone keeps ringing all day long and you are very happy to answer the phone.

I was born in summer, on the 9th of July. But I often celebrate my birthday on the nearest Saturday. I wake up quite early on that day because I’m pretty excited. Normally the weather is always sunny and hot. That is why I prefer going for a picnic with my guests somewhere to the river. But if it’s rainy we have a big party at home. Of course, my parents help me organize the party. The day before that I help my mother with cleaning our home and cooking the food: salads, snacks, pies and a fantastic birthday cake. If we stay at home I usually dress up and do my hair. We dance and sing karaoke, play funny games. Then my parents bring the birthday cake with candles, my friends start singing a Happy Birthday song and I blow out the candles. It's really exciting for me. After that if we are not too tired we go to my room and listen to our favorite music, chat and watch TV. Late in the evening we usually go for a walk.

I also like celebrating my birthday because I get a lot of presents and beautiful bunches of flowers. By the way, my birthday is a remarkable day for my mother too, so I usually thank her for my life with lovely red roses. My parents always ask me about my wishes beforehand and I get presents that I really need. I find them under my bed in the morning when I wake up. So every year my birthday starts with a pleasant surprise from an early morning.


My birthday is one of my favorite holidays. This is a great chance to spend time with your family and friends, with people who truly love and remember you. On this day you are in the center of their attention and hear many warm and heartfelt words and pleasant compliments. When you check your mail, you find many congratulations from classmates and family. Your phone hasn't stopped ringing all day and you're excited to answer the calls.

I was born in the summer, July 9th. But often I celebrate my birthday next Saturday. I wake up quite early this day because I am very worried. Usually the weather is always sunny and hot. That's why I prefer to go with my guests for a picnic somewhere on the river. But if it rains, we have a big party at home. Of course, my parents help me organize the evening. The previous day I help my mother clean the house and prepare food: salads, snacks, pies and a fantastic birthday cake. If we stay at home, I usually dress up and do my hair. We dance, sing karaoke, play funny games. Then my parents bring out the birthday cake with candles, my friends start singing the “Happy Birthday!” song, and I blow out the candles. This is very exciting for me. After that, if we are not tired, we go to my room, listen to our favorite music, chat and watch TV. Late in the evening we usually go out for a walk.

I also like my birthday because I get a lot of gifts and beautiful bouquets colors. By the way, my birthday is an important holiday for my mother too, so I usually thank her for my life with beautiful red roses. My parents always ask me in advance about my wishes and I get gifts that I really need. I find them under my bed in the morning when I wake up. And every year my birthday begins with a pleasant surprise from the very early morning.

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • Activation and consolidation of vocabulary on the topic “Birthday” in students’ oral and written speech.
  • Consolidation of grammatical material on the topic “Ordinal numbers”.

Lesson objectives:

  • Enriching students' vocabulary.
  • Development of dialogical speech skills.
  • The use of ordinal numbers in oral and written speech.

Lesson equipment:

  • Multimedia board
  • Computer
  • Student textbooks and workbooks
  • Handout

1. Greeting. Communicate the topic of the lesson and the purpose of the lesson.

Good morning! I'm glad to see you. Please, turn to our guests and say “Good morning!” Please sit down.

Today we are going to say about the birthday (Presentation). Every year the birthday is the happiest holiday for all of us. Look at the board – there’s a theme of our lesson (slide 1). We’ll write an invitation to the birthday party, read the text, sing the song and play at the lesson.

2. Phonetic exercises

Let us start. At the beginning let’s do the phonetic exercise (slide 2).

3. Repetition of the names of the months (slide 3).

Read after me. Answer my questions:

  • What month is it now?
  • Who can tell me the names of the winter (summer) months?
  • When is your birthday?

But remember we use the preposition IN when we are only giving the month.

4. Repetition of ordinal numbers (slide 4).

  • Let's revise the ordinals.

Answer my question:

  • When is your birthday?

But remember: we use the preposition ON when we give the day and the month.

5. Writing a birthday invitation (slide 5).

When we are going to have a birthday party, we send invitations to our relatives and friends.

We’ve got an invitation to the birthday. Let's read it.

Open your Activity Books, please: page 21 ex.7

Let's do this exercise in your cards (Appendix 2). Please, write down your surname at the top and write your own invitation to your birthday party.

If you are ready, give them to me.

Let's sing your favorite song "Happy birthday" (slide 6)

6. Reading the text. Answers to questions (slide 7).

Your homework for today was to read and translate the text "" Billy"s birthday’’ (Annex 1). Have you any questions? Is everything clear for you?

Let's read the text. Then answer the questions (slides 8,9).

7. Repetition of vocabulary on the topic “Presents” (slide 10).

Please look at the board and answer my questions:

  • Do you like to get presents?
  • What presents do you like to get?
  • What presents did you get last year?
  • What present did you give to your friend last year?
  • Is it pleasant to you to buy and give presents to your friends?

8. Let's speak about your favorite food. Answer the question:

  • What's your favorite food? (slide 11).

9. Physical education minute (slide 12).

Put 4 chairs for 5 children back to back. When the music starts, the children run around the chairs. When the music stops, they should try to sit down. One child is out! Take one chair away and start again. Who is the best player?

10. Crossword puzzle solution (slides 13-25).

Look at the board and solve the crossword puzzle. These are some words from the pictures. What is the first word? You should spell the word.

11. End of the lesson (slide 26).

Open your record-books, write down your home task:

Ex. I p 19 (AB) - look at this exercise. You should write the words next to the pictures.

Thank you for your work (slide 27).

Grading for the lesson.

Our lesson is over. You are free. Good luck!

birthday [ˈbəːθdeɪ] - birthday
born - to be born, to be born
native [ˈneɪtɪv] - native

I were born on the 23rd of September in 1996. So, my birthday is 23th of September and my native city is Moscow.
I was born on September 23, 1996. Thus, my birthday is September 23, and my hometown is Moscow.

birthday party [ˈbəːθdeɪ ˈpɑːtɪ] - birthday party

You should come to my birthday party. It will be great!
You should come to my birthday party. It will be wonderful!

horoscope [ˈhɔrəskəʊp] - horoscope
birth date [ˈbəːθ deɪt] - date of birth

My horoscope sing is a capricorn, because my birth date is the 1st of January.
My horoscope sign is Capricorn, because my date of birth is January 1st.

Dialogue about birthday

[J]: -Hello, Sara! What are you doing now?
[S]: -Hello, Jake! I am choosing the style for my birthday party.
[J]: -Really? When is your birthday?
[S]: -I were born on the 14th of July.
[J]: -Cool! If you need help, just call me.
[S]: -Thank you, Jake.

[J]: -Hi, Sarah! What are you doing now?
[S]: -Hi, Jake! I'm choosing a theme for my birthday party.
[J]: -Really? When's your birthday?
[S]: -I was born on July 14th.
[J]: -Cool! If you need help just call me
[S]: -Thank you, Jake.

I were born on the 1st of January in 1995. My native city is London. My horoscope sing is a capricorn, it is very important, because, thanks fo this, I’m very responsible. Frankly speaking, I don’t love my birthday party, but I like to make a party for other people. I really enjoy this. You can see my summary in this file. If you will pick me, you will have a lot of satisfied clients.

I was born on January 1, 1995. My home city is London. According to my horoscope, I am Capricorn, this is very important, because thanks to this, I am very responsible. To be honest, I don't like my birthdays, but I like making a party for other people. I really love it. You can see my resume in this folder. If you choose me, you will have many satisfied clients.