How to remove scars: the most effective ways. Features of the procedure for removing (resurfacing) scars and scars with a laser

Scars after injuries and operations.

Doctors offer patients several methods for removing defects, but laser scar correction is the most popular. The procedure promotes intensive collagen production and skin renewal. As a result, the tissues get rid of flaws, receive bactericidal protection and acquire a youthful appearance.

Laser scar resurfacing: indications and contraindications

A person can consult a doctor about laser scar removal if there are various mechanical damages on the face and body that spoil the normal appearance.

The cost of the service is determined individually taking into account factors such as:

  • General skin condition.
  • Type of scar tissue.
  • Patient's age, etc.

Each technique has advantages and disadvantages, but according to expert reviews, laser resurfacing of scars using neodymium and carbon dioxide devices remains the most popular.

Contraindications to laser excision of scars are various skin diseases, including cancer, severe forms of diabetes, blood pathologies and pregnancy. One of the side effects after laser scar removal surgery may be hyperpigmentation of the skin. Treating the skin with cosmetics with ultraviolet filters and avoiding exposure to direct sunlight will help prevent negative consequences.

In addition, in the first week after surgery, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

After laser scar removal, pain and swelling may occur. After 7–10 days, these phenomena will disappear on their own.

Features of the procedure

To get the best results from laser scar correction, you need to undergo a little preparation. It will protect tissues from pigmentation and help them recover faster, making the results as pronounced as possible. The use of tretinoin or glycolic acid will help increase the skin's sensitivity to the laser. But if a specialist works with a low-intensity laser, you can do without preparation.

The doctor begins laser skin resurfacing directly after the patient has received sedatives and relaxants. The operating time depends on the type of laser used and the complexity of the defect. The duration of grinding varies from 15 to 90 minutes. In some cases, after the procedure, a bandage is applied to the treated area.

What lasers do doctors use to remove scars?

  • Smartxide Dot CO2 is an outdated model of a carbon dioxide unit that is still used in cosmetology. The technique acts specifically on scar tissue, emitting beams of rays. The laser creates mini-channels without damaging the skin. The device also accelerates collagen synthesis and restoration processes in the body, which makes the skin condition improve faster.
  • Vascular laser - using a device, specialists provoke microvascular thrombosis of blood vessels concentrated in the scar tissue. Laser radiation softens scars and reduces the brightness of their color. The unit is suitable for removing keloids and...
  • Ablative erbium laser - a specialist sets the device to the required depth of impact and evaporates scar tissue layer by layer and with high precision. Subsequent regenerative processes form a new collagen-enriched epidermis. The erbium laser does not burn surrounding tissues; it is considered gentle on the body. But to completely remove the scar, you need to undergo several resurfacing sessions.
  • Neodymium laser – suitable for fractional photothermolysis. During the procedure, the vessels in the scar undergo partial coagulation. The scarred collagen is destroyed, after which new collagen and fibroblasts begin to be produced. The flaw resolves gradually.
  • Laser nanoperforation completely replaces defective tissues with healthy ones. The procedure is performed contact-free. The integrity of the skin is maintained because there is no heat. The rehabilitation period passes as quickly as possible. In this case, the patient is not prohibited from sunbathing.

Neodymium method

Non-ablative medical equipment has a traumatic effect on the skin. The beam destroys the scar from the inside, affecting defects of any complexity. A neodymium laser can remove keloid and atrophic scars that are difficult to remove with other methods.

When removed, an ultra-long laser pulse is triggered, causing the vessels to be destroyed, and the channel through which nutrients were supplied to the scar disappears. Collagen synthesis also stops in the pathological area. All this leads to the fact that the defect decreases in size and completely disappears.

To resurface an atrophic scar, a neodymium laser is adjusted to stimulate collagen production. The treated scar becomes elastic, smoothes out and matches the texture of the skin. The doctor sets and controls the strength of energy and frequency of impulses through a computer.

A feature of the neodymium laser is its ability to penetrate the epidermis to a depth of 2 mm or more. The radiation produces a smoothing effect, but the device has minimal effect on the skin.

Carbon dioxide method

The ablative carbon dioxide laser affects scars in a destructive way. The person does not experience pain, since local anesthesia is used during preparation (anesthetic cream is rubbed into the base of the scar or an injection is given). The essence of the procedure is to launch the mechanism for producing your own collagen, which can rejuvenate the skin and accelerate the division of healthy cells.

The benefit of carbon dioxide laser scar removal is that it can smooth out all types of scar tissue. The result of the procedure is noticeable within a week from the day of execution. But the dermis is completely restored in 3 to 6 months. The duration depends on the depth and size of the scar.

In addition to scars, the carbon dioxide method also removes age-related wrinkles on the face. The laser painlessly smoothes the skin and gives excellent rejuvenation results.

During the rehabilitation period after carbon dioxide skin resurfacing, it is necessary to take precautions and avoid exposing the body to hot sunlight.

You can evaluate the results of laser scar removal surgery using photos taken before and after the procedure.

The device works to completely destroy the defective area, and its impact starts the process of formation of renewed skin. The scar becomes invisible. To consolidate the effect, the patient undergoes special restorative courses.

How is rehabilitation going?

After removing scars with a laser, the rehabilitation period lasts for 5–7 days. First, the sanded area is covered with a crust, which gradually peels off on its own. You cannot forcibly tear it off, nor do you treat the skin with alcohol-containing products and antiseptics during the first three days.

Wound care comes down to careful treatment with an anti-burn, wound-healing, moisturizing or antibacterial drug:

  • Naturalsil.
  • Olazol.
  • Linetol.
  • Pantesol.
  • Vinizol.
  • Argosulfan.
  • Bepanten Plus.
  • Levomekol.
  • Levovinisol.

Care for the wound for 3 weeks, regularly treating it with vinegar and saline water solutions. If laser scar removal was performed on the face, use sterile thermal water to wash. Just spray your skin with a spray bottle.

Price and reviews

If you are planning to remove scars with laser, you should discuss the cost of the operation with your doctor in advance.

Focusing on the individual problem, the specialist will select the laser suitable for the treatment and decide how the tissue will be polished. The final amount will also be affected by the prestige of the clinic and the qualifications of the specialist.

Approximate price for the laser scar removal service in Moscow:

  • Normotrophic scar – initial consultation with a surgeon – 1 thousand rubles. Leather treatment – ​​from 560 rub. for 1 sq. see Anesthesia – 500 rub. The minimum total is 2500 rubles.
  • Scars around the eyes – 5 – 6 thousand rubles.
  • Scars on the cheekbones – from 4,000 rubles.
  • Chin correction – 8 thousand rubles.

Scars on the face and body cause discomfort to people, often lower self-esteem and worsen the quality of life. Thanks to modern hardware technologies, you can get rid of unpleasant external defects forever. As reviews indicate, laser resurfacing of seams and scars effectively copes with this task. The non-surgical technique effectively removes acne scars, unaesthetic stitches, and postpartum stretch marks.

It happens that as a result of injury or dermatological disease, the deep layers of the skin are affected. In this case, the integrity of the elastin-collagen framework is disrupted, and its structure is replaced by fibrous tissue. This is how acne scars appear. The situation is similar with stretch marks. When weight increases sharply, the skin fibers do not have time to stretch and “tear.” Red or purple stripes appear, which turn white as elastin degenerates into fibers. The laser pulse partially eliminates scar tissue, stimulates regenerative processes in the epidermis, and, if necessary, lightens the skin.

Scar removal is carried out in different ways. The specific method is chosen depending on the type of scar.

1. Laser microdermabrasion (resurfacing). During the procedure, layer-by-layer evaporation of fibrous tissue occurs. A carbon dioxide or erbium laser device is used. To even out the skin level and smooth the face, resurfacing can be combined with collagen injections or hyaluronic acid(prices increase at the same time). Polishing is carried out in autumn or winter so as not to provoke hyperpigmentation under the influence of sunlight. Rehabilitation lasts from 30 to 60 days.

2. Fractional photothermolysis. It is a targeted effect on scars after acne or stretch marks. As a result, the growth of collagen fibers is activated, scar tissue becomes more elastic and gradually evens out on its own. For this method, a neodymium or carbon dioxide laser device is used. The thermolysis course ranges from 2 to 10 procedures. After each of them, the skin rests for 3-7 days. Laser resurfacing or fractional photothermolysis lasts from 20 to 40 minutes. It depends on the characteristics and size of the scars. After removal is completed, a soothing cream is applied to the face or body area.

What are the advantages of the laser method?

Cosmetologists believe that non-contact removal of scars using special radiation is the optimal method with no alternative. Of course, the scar can be removed with the help of chemical peels, but aggressive solutions seriously injure the skin. It is worth taking a closer look at the advantages that laser resurfacing has:

1. Possible removal different types scar tissue. Using a laser, you can remove atrophic acne scars in one session - they are usually shallow and whitish in color. It takes longer to eliminate hypertrophic scars formed after burns and lacerations. These damages are quite deep, they are dense and rough. The laser device deals with them in several steps.

2. A positive result is noted already at the beginning of treatment - this can be seen in the photo before and after the procedure.

3. Gentle effect. Resurfacing is not entirely pleasant, but drug anesthesia is indicated only in rare cases. Creams with an anesthetic effect are usually used.

4. The optimal method for removing scars in delicate areas. These include the face (especially the area around the eyes), neck and décolleté, armpits, and intimate areas.

5. There are no restrictions on skin type.

6. The laser beam “scalpel” does not injure the tissues located next to the scar. Sanding is carried out in a clearly marked area.

7. There is no need for hospital treatment after the procedure.

8. The resulting wounds are protected from infection. Firstly, the laser beam, due to its high temperature, instantly “brews” the dissected capillaries. Secondly, laser is a powerful antiseptic. Thanks to radiation, an electric field arises in the tissues - as a result, a sterile film is created on their surface. It interferes with the absorption of toxins and the spread of infection.

9. Availability. Laser resurfacing services are available in almost all clinics, so prices are relatively low.

Contraindications and side effects

Laser resurfacing of scars has a number of nuances and creates certain inconveniences. side effects and recovery period. There are relatively few restrictions, but before you sign up for a laser irradiation session, it is worth undergoing an examination - this will help to avoid health problems. Laser is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • exacerbation of any inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • cystic form of acne;
  • blood clotting disorders (including those caused by taking anticoagulants).

The laser beam is not used to remove acne scars in pregnant and lactating women.

The consequences of a laser procedure depend on the individual properties of the skin and health status. The most common complications are:

  • burning;
  • fever - usually in the first two days;
  • crust where the scar was;
  • slight swelling, redness;
  • pimples, blisters.

The most natural skin reaction to a laser beam is considered to be burning, reddened skin and crusts. These manifestations resemble the result of a sunburn. Discomfort lasts on average 3 days, and the crusts disappear after 5-7 days.

Feedback has been received that sometimes on the 3-4th day after the laser session, pigmentation appears on the skin. This is how dead pigment-containing cells manifest themselves, the remains of which are gradually separated from the skin. Their removal is accompanied by a temporary feeling of dryness, flaking, itching - the face clears up after 7-10 days.

Care after laser scar removal

The laser affects the body less radically than a scalpel, but even such a gentle intervention requires rehabilitation. In order for your face to acquire a normal appearance as quickly as possible, you will have to observe a number of restrictions and use moisturizing and healing preparations. It happens that after resurfacing, the doctor prescribes a course of antimicrobial or antiviral agents.

If the removal of scars formed on the face after acne is performed with a laser, it is advisable to adjust your skin care taking into account the recommendations:

  1. Water procedures. The face should not be wetted during the first 7-10 days - this depends on the rate of skin regeneration. During this period, you should not take a steam bath, visit the sauna or pool.
  2. Hygiene. You need to protect your face from dust and refrain from applying makeup. After laser resurfacing is performed, the skin for some period becomes very sensitive to chemical and ordinary contaminants. Pores must breathe so that the epidermis receives nutrition and recovery proceeds faster.
  3. Medical cosmetics. If the doctor has not prescribed other external remedies, a laser burn can be easily removed with a cream or ointment with panthenol - the price is low, and they work effectively. They are carefully applied in a thin layer to the skin without injuring it.
  4. Sun protection. The laser makes the epidermis defenseless against UV rays. Staying in the open sun and sunbathing are contraindicated for 4-6 months. Otherwise, ultraviolet radiation will cause burns, age spots and wrinkles. Before leaving the house, the face is lubricated with sunscreen with an index of 20 to 50.
  5. Scrubs and peelings. These procedures should be postponed for at least six months. There will be no benefit from them, and they can harm the skin.

When 20-30 days have passed after laser scar resurfacing, you are allowed to wash your face with baby soap.


The price of thermolysis or resurfacing depends on the structure and size of the scars, as well as the number of procedures. The duration of the course and the method of laser exposure are determined by the doctor after examining the patient. The price increases if injection anesthesia is used. Therefore, compare the cost of services of different medical centers in Moscow it is possible only approximately.

The presence of scar damage on the face or body causes people significant moral and sometimes physical discomfort. Therefore, the fight against them remains one of the most popular segments of aesthetic medicine.

Laser removal of scars- a relatively new direction in cosmetology, combining several independent procedures: fractional photothermolysis, resurfacing, vascular coagulation. Their popularity is beyond doubt, but many questions arise.

Is it really possible to get rid of scars using laser technology? What devices are used and how? What is their effectiveness and how much will the full course of treatment cost? The site is being developed jointly with leading specialists in hardware cosmetology and aesthetic surgery:

Why laser?

First, let's briefly talk about what scars are. This is the result of scar tissue covering the injured area of ​​the body. The latter consists of collagen protein fibers - like our skin, but their structure is somewhat different (for more details, see). This is why hair follicles and sweat glands are not restored at the healing site, a tan does not form, and visually it is noticeably different from the surrounding undamaged skin.

Modern laser therapy offers several methods for correcting scars, which differ in the type of laser used, the principle of exposure and the overall effect. Mostly we're talking about about partial removal of scar tissue, stimulation of the regenerative potential of our skin and, if necessary, lightening it.

The choice of a specific technique depends on the type and characteristics of the scar, but they all have a number of obvious advantages:

  • high precision of impact - both in depth and area. This means that the surrounding skin will not be touched or injured during the procedure;
  • the ability to work with scars of any size, shape and location;
  • simultaneous disinfection of the affected area, which eliminates secondary inflammation.

At the same time, it is important to understand that even laser correction is not a panacea and, for all its attractiveness, has limited indications: not all scars can be eliminated with its help

Basic methods of laser scar removal

What's the point?

(laser peeling or resurfacing)
Layer-by-layer evaporation of scar tissue using ablative erbium or carbon dioxide CO2 lasers. As a result, regeneration processes are launched in the skin, collagen production, and fibroblast activity increases. It shows the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of normo- and hypertrophic scars. When removing atrophic scars, it is performed in combination with injections of biodegradable fillers based on hyaluronic acid and collagen to raise the level of the scar to the surface of healthy skin.
The recovery period after laser peeling ranges from 1 to 2 months. The procedure is performed exclusively in the autumn-winter period to prevent exposure of the skin to sunlight, which can cause hyperpigmentation.

(nanoperforation, microperforation, multipiling)
Impact on scar tissue with pinpoint pulses of a neodymium or carbon dioxide CO2 laser, which creates microscopic treatment zones in the skin. As a result, fibroblast activity in the skin is stimulated, collagen production increases, scar tissue becomes more elastic, smoothed out, and aligned with the surface of healthy skin.
Photothermolysis is performed in two ways, which differ in the type of laser used: ablative and non-ablative . The first evaporates a “column” of skin tissue to a given depth, forming an open therapeutic microzone surrounded by coagulated and thermally damaged cells, this gives greater efficiency, but also lengthens the rehabilitation period (up to 5-7 days). The average course is 2-6 procedures.
The second is considered more gentle, but less effective, since to obtain a lasting effect you need to carry out more procedures in the course - 3-10. A non-ablative laser does not damage the epidermis, but only creates a burn zone underneath it. Rehabilitation time is up to 3 days.
Fractional microperforation is used to treat all types of scars, with the exception of, since such an effect in most cases leads to recurrent growth of scar tissue.
Can be performed in any season of the year, unlike laser peeling.
Laser correction of colored scars This is the coagulation of an excess number of vessels located in connective tissues using special vascular lasers. In practice, such scars have a red, pink or purple tint, and after sealing the vessels, they gradually acquire a color similar to healthy skin

Each of the listed methods of treatment and removal of scars can be used either individually or as part of a comprehensive correction program. Indications for their use are determined by a dermatologist, cosmetologist or surgeon who has undergone specialized training and has experience in laser therapy.

What are the types of lasers for scar removal?

When talking about photothermolysis, we mentioned ablative and non-ablative lasers. The differences between them are as follows:

  • The energy of the ablation pulse is absorbed by water molecules contained in the tissues; as a result, the water is instantly heated to a temperature of about 300°C and evaporates along with the surrounding cells. This is the most effective method laser exposure, but the recovery period after it is longer, and the procedure is accompanied by more noticeable pain.
  • A non-ablative laser pulse does not create such a high temperature, so tissues do not evaporate: controlled thermal damage to cells occurs with simultaneous coagulation (“soldering”), which triggers regenerative processes in the deeper layers of the skin.
Photo 3 - laser scar lightening:

Photo 4 - atrophic scar before and after complex therapy (laser and surgery):

Also, lasers differ in radiation source and wavelength. The overall effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on which device the cosmetologist chooses:

  • Erbium ablative laser (Er:YAG) - is considered the most effective at the moment for performing laser resurfacing of scars; it is also used for nanoperforation. It has a gentle effect on the skin with minimal burns and coagulation of blood vessels, which reduces the duration of rehabilitation compared to carbon dioxide laser, and does not leave a dividing line between the healthy and treated area. The only laser recommended for treating dry, thin skin, but also suitable for any other skin type.
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) ablative laser - the first laser that began to be used for scar removal. It is considered the most severe in terms of impact on the skin due to severe damage to surrounding tissues, however, carbon dioxide devices of new generations are no longer so traumatic ( see for example, ). It is used for both laser peeling and fractional photothermolysis. Gives particularly good results on oily and porous skin due to the compression effect.
  • Neodymium non-ablative laser (Nd:YAG) - used for fractional photothermolysis, the most gentle of all types of lasers. After treatment, partial coagulation of microvessels and destruction of healed collagen occurs in the scar tissue, the division of young fibroblasts and new collagen is stimulated, that is, gradual and natural resorption of the scar occurs and its replacement with normal healthy tissue.
  • Pulsed dye laser (vascular laser) - causes microvascular thrombosis of vessels located in scar tissue, which leads to their softening and a decrease in color intensity. Used to correct hypertrophic and keloid scars.

How are the procedures carried out and how many sessions are needed?

Laser resurfacing and scar removal by fractional photothermolysis are quite unpleasant procedures, especially on sensitive areas of the body. Therefore, they are performed under local anesthesia, and in some cases under general anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia depends on the location of the scar, its size, location, as well as the patient’s sensitivity threshold and personal preferences.

After the end of the session, swelling appears on the skin, it turns red, a feeling of discomfort, burning, and even pain appears. These manifestations can persist for up to 2-3 days, after which temporary skin pigmentation may appear due to the content of remnants of pigment-containing dead cells, dryness, peeling and itching for up to 7-10 days.

Skin care after laser scar removal involves the use of external wound-healing and moisturizing agents. During the entire rehabilitation period, you cannot use scrubs or undergo other aggressive cosmetic procedures. Depending on the clinical picture, the attending physician may prescribe antiviral or antimicrobial drugs.

To correct a scar, depending on its type, you may need from two to ten or more sessions of laser treatments

  • The number of sessions in a laser peeling course can vary significantly: for example, for small normotrophic or hypertrophic scars, 2-4 procedures with an interval of about 1 month may be sufficient, but large or deep scars may require 8-10 sessions with a recovery period of up to 2 months after each one. During this period, the skin completely heals, and the specialist can accurately determine the depth and area of ​​treatment in the next procedure.
  • For fractional photothermolysis, everything also depends on the size of the scar and mainly on whether the method is used: ablative or non-ablative. In the first case, 2-6 sessions will be needed, and in the second - up to 10 to obtain a similar result.

Cosmetologists note that the most noticeable result in the treatment of scars is shown by an integrated approach - alternating sessions of laser resurfacing with nanoperforation.

Are there any contraindications?

Carrying out laser treatment or scar removal has many limitations, which the attending physician must tell the patient about. Among them:

  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation
  • Hemophilia and use of drugs that reduce blood clotting
  • Epilepsy
  • Various skin lesions in the treatment area (eczema, dermatitis, herpes, psoriasis, etc.)
  • Acute infectious and inflammatory conditions, exacerbations of chronic diseases
  • Cardiovascular disorders
  • Taking photosensitizing (increasing sensitivity to ultraviolet) drugs and retinoids

How much does it cost to remove scars with laser? Current prices

The cost of the procedure, regardless of its type, is calculated based on the area of ​​the treated area and the type of equipment used. Prices for laser scar removal in Moscow begin from 500 rubles per 1 sq. centimeter(if we are talking about stretch marks, this figure will be noticeably lower, up to 50 rubles), a full course will cost from 20 thousand rubles. Since we are almost always talking about several sessions, most clinics are ready to provide a significant discount “on volume”.

Unfortunately, the world around us is full of dangers and earning yourself a scar for life is not at all difficult. It is impossible to completely get rid of a scar. This is due to the nature of scar tissue. But laser removal of a scar can make it 90% less noticeable.

Complete removal of scars is impossible, but there are methods that effectively smooth out scars, for example, laser resurfacing makes them visually less noticeable by 90%.

Types of scars (scars)

Our skin consists of 3 layers: subcutaneous fat, dermis and epidermis. When the middle layer, the dermis, is damaged in any way, the body immediately reacts and closes the wound with a blood clot.

After this, the body's cells are activated and begin to produce collagen, which subsequently dislodges the blood clot and forms scar tissue, more popularly known as a scar.

Scar tissue is exactly the same in composition as regular skin, but, unlike it, it does not have a random, but a sequential arrangement of collagen proteins.

Before we talk about laser scar removal, let's look at their main types and features.

Normotrophic scars

They are a light thin scar that forms as a result of open injuries. At the same time, the skin in the damaged area remains fully sensitive.

It is considered the most favorable.

Atrophic or acne scars

This is a depression in the skin that remains forever. Occurs after burns, acne, smallpox, sudden weight loss. Usually localized on the abdomen, upper chest, thighs, inner side of the hand, and lower leg.

Keloid scars (keloids)

The tubercles are dark red. Keloids can form both after surgical interventions (for example, removal of moles) and after acne. They occur when too much collagen is produced for scar tissue.

Such scars are called benign tumors and often grow over time.

In most cases, keloids appear in the upper back, shoulders and décolleté, but they can also form in any other part of the body.

Tightened scars

Most often appear after burns. The body activates its forces and the skin tightens to the damaged area, resulting in wrinkles.

Hypertrophic scars

Outwardly, they are very similar to keloids, but, unlike them, they do not grow, and even over time they can shrink, become smoother and colorless.

Stretch marks (striae)

The peculiarity of stretch marks is that they appear not as a result of injury, but as a result of rapid stretching of the skin, and are formed not from the outside, but from the inside. Most often they appear after pregnancy or rapid weight loss.

The appearance of striae also occurs in adolescence when the body is actively growing. In girls they often appear on the hips, and in boys - on the shoulder joints.

How to remove scars (scars) with laser

Depending on the characteristics of the skin surface of a scar or scar, there are two methods for removing it: using erbium and neodymium lasers.

Erbium laser

Allows you to remove skin defects, as well as improve its overall condition.

Using an erbium laser, classic scar resurfacing is performed. A beam of light is directed at the scar and destroys the very thin top layer (about 1 micron). The epidermis is evaporated in the thinnest layer and with pinpoint precision. The energy of the beam evaporates the water contained in the tissues and as a result, new healthy tissue begins to form.

After the first session, cell regeneration starts, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage improve, and healthy skin begins to form.

Such resurfacing does not damage healthy cells and does not lead to hyperpigmentation, thanks to low-frequency impulses, but it is not able to remove all types of scars. In some cases, the procedure is recommended to be carried out with the parallel use of a neodymium laser.

Neodymium laser

Considered one of the safest and the likelihood of getting a burn from it is quite small.

Its peculiarity is that it does not damage healthy cells. The beam penetrates the skin to a depth of about 2 mm, and laser resurfacing of the scar acts mainly on scar tissue, almost without affecting the epidermis.

The strength of energy and the number of transmitted impulses are controlled using a computer.

The device is capable of removing scars of various origins from skin of any color: from the lightest to African-American or very tanned. This is its huge advantage.

Let's look at other benefits of laser scar removal.

Benefits of laser scar removal

  • does not damage surrounding tissues;
  • the procedure is very easy to tolerate;
  • has a visible result after the first procedure;
  • able to remove almost all types of scars;
  • can be used for all skin types;
  • no hospitalization or special preparation for the procedure is required;
  • the ability to remove scars on the face, as well as in delicate places: eyelids, décolleté, neck, hands, etc.;
  • After the procedure, the client can immediately return to their normal lifestyle.

The effectiveness of the laser procedure lies in the principle of its operation: the beam acts on the epidermis and thereby triggers the natural process of collagen production. This, in turn, replaces scar tissue and forms new healthy skin.

How does laser scar removal work?

To begin with, the cosmetologist selects the most suitable method of cosmetic procedure for you.

In general, this procedure is not painful. But to eliminate unpleasant sensations, local anesthesia can be used, and in some cases even general anesthesia is possible, for example, if the effect will be on a very large area of ​​the body.

How many procedures are required to correct scars?

The number of procedures required to permanently remove scars with laser depends on the severity, size of the defect and the duration of its existence.

  • For example, normotrophic scars can be removed even in one procedure.
  • Atrophic scars Depending on the depth, they require from one to several grindings.
  • Removal hypertrophic scars The procedure is already quite complex and requires repeated grinding.
  • To delete keloid scars, requires an individual approach and, most often, the use of individual medications. After the first procedure, keloids are reduced by 20-30%.


Contraindications are mainly related to individual characteristics body or the condition of the skin area proposed for laser resurfacing.

The procedure is definitely contraindicated for the following diseases and conditions:

  • psoriasis;
  • cystic acne;
  • dermatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes in the stage of decompensation;
  • oncology;
  • taking retinoids.

Skin care after laser resurfacing procedure

The general period of skin recovery after the procedure is 3-5 days. During these few days, you need to avoid damaging the treated area, and you are also prohibited from playing sports, going to the sauna or swimming pool.

After exposure to the beam, a crust forms at the site of the scar, which cannot be removed or rubbed with a washcloth or scrubs. You should wait a week or two and it will peel off on its own.

Protect the treated area from direct sunlight for 5-6 weeks. If it is in an open area, it is recommended to use sunscreen.

Video review about laser scar removal

If you have decided to undergo a scar removal procedure and have chosen the laser removal method for these purposes, then you will be interested to see the procedure itself, how it goes, where it begins and how it ends. It is for these purposes that we have prepared for you two video reviews attached below.

The causes of scars are different: some have suffered an inflammatory disease, some have undergone surgery, some have had an injury, the result is the same - a feeling of awkwardness and discomfort, the inability to wear open clothes. Aesthetic medicine offers several ways to restore the skin’s aesthetic appearance, however, and this is the opinion of most foreign experts, the best is laser scar correction.

Causes of scars and their classification

Scar and scar are concepts that replace each other, because these two words imply a dense connective formation, which is the final stage of restoration of the skin. A scar appears in those places where the surface epithelium does not have time to close the wound. This happens when there is too much or too little collagen in the body.

Scar tissue is characterized by reduced functional properties. So, sweat glands are not restored in it and there are no hair follicles.

Depending on the cause of the appearance and appearance Scars are divided into:

  1. Normotrophic
  2. Atrophic
  3. Hypertrophic
  4. Keloid

Normotrophic ones do not cause physical discomfort, because visually they are almost invisible due to the fact that they are located flush with the skin. It is believed that normotrophic scars are a normal reaction of damaged skin. They do not require special treatment, because after some time they resolve on their own.

Atrophic and hypertrophic appear due to lack/excess of collagen. Only atrophic ones are somewhat buried in the skin (“pits”), while hypertrophic ones protrude above the surface of the skin. With adequate treatment, scars below the surface of the skin (atrophic) are completely removed. Hypertrophic ones require more complex correction and several laser sessions.

Keloid scars (they are distinguished from other types by their red and blue color) removed only in rare cases, and no specialist gives guarantees for their complete reduction.

Is it possible to remove scars without surgery?

Today you can find advertising on the Internet various means, anti-scar ointments that, according to the manufacturer, smooth out any scar.

Unfortunately, such advertising should not be taken seriously. Unfortunately, they have not yet come up with a substance that can, when applied superficially, change the shape of tissues and make it perfectly smooth.

There are injection methods to solve the problem, when small injections of interferon or corticosteroids are injected directly into the scar. Such methods to some extent help to smooth out unevenness, but firstly, the course of such injections will be very long in time. Secondly, today there are more modern and effective methods.

In addition, what modern clinics offer is a quick and harmless procedure, with a minimal recovery period.

Laser scar correction technologies

Scars differ in color, width, and severity, so different laser systems are required to remove them. You may be offered to remove scars using one of the following devices:


Erbium laser scar removal is nothing more than laser resurfacing, a procedure during which the surface (skin layers) are evaporated.

The wavelength of the ER:YAG laser is 2940 nm, which coincides with the maximum of the absorption spectrum of water, which means that when exposed to a laser pulse on water-containing tissue, water is quickly converted into steam. Due to the abrupt pressure drop, fragments of biological tissue leave the laser impact area and the scar gradually smoothes out.

The main advantages of the erbium laser are the absence of demarcation lines between treated and untreated areas, as well as minimal tissue burns and the possibility of use in patients with very dry skin. If we talk about the rehabilitation period, then compared to a carbon dioxide laser it is 2 times shorter.

The erbium laser shows high effectiveness in removing postoperative scars and scars that have arisen after acne.

Carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide)

If an erbium laser is considered gentle, then a carbon dioxide laser is considered aggressive. It was one of the first to be used for the treatment and removal of scars of various etiologies, but today it is used in exceptional cases and mainly to eliminate scars in patients with deep scars on the oily skin. This laser is also ablative, i.e. the effect is achieved through evaporation and triggering the process of collagen production.

Removing scars with a carbon dioxide laser is a painful procedure, so it is preceded by the application or administration of anesthesia. After this, the laser, by direct action on the skin, removes layer by layer of microlayers of the skin. The recovery period takes 3-6 months (depending on the size and depth of the scar).


These are the latest generation lasers, and today they are recognized as the most effective in terms of skin rejuvenation and elimination of defects.

Fractional laser creates thousands of microscopic holes in the surface of the skin. The skin around these holes is not injured. The skin reacts to the procedure with increased collagen production and rapid healing. Thus, several sessions of exposure to a fractional laser, and the scarred skin will be replaced by a new, absolutely healthy and smooth one.

Thanks to this unique technology, the recovery period is minimal. If scars on the body were removed by laser, then the very next day you can return to your usual pace of life. If the laser affected the scar on the face, then you will have to sit at home for 3-4 days.

Pulsed dye laser

The pulsed laser copes well with newly formed scars, those that are red in color or tint. Its impact causes disruption of blood flow, which, in turn, leads to a cessation of nutrients and collagen production. Scars, even keloid ones, after treatment with a pulsed laser lose color, become softer and hypertrophic. Several sessions significantly relieve itching and reduce the size of the scar.


Neodymium laser is non-ablative, i.e. It is not able to damage the skin of the scar. It only penetrates inside and affects the internal structures of scar tissue. So, if it is necessary to remove a keloid scar, it is exposed to an ultra-long pulse. The result of this effect is the cessation of collagen production, so after a certain period of time the scar begins to decrease in size, and in some cases disappears altogether.

Atrophic scars are removed somewhat differently. Visually, such scars are somewhat recessed into the skin, and for them to disappear, intensive filling of the scar with collagen is required. The laser initiates this process. The result is a smoothing of the scar and an increase in its elasticity.

Features of the rehabilitation period

The recovery period can take from 10 days to 3 months - it all depends on the type of scar. You need to see a doctor for a whole year. Such a long observation period is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of laser therapy and in order to timely detect and treat a keloid scar, which is one of the few complications after laser exposure.

So, after a laser correction or scar removal session has been completed, you should:

  1. Use dermatological cosmetics that accelerate the epithelization process and protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.
  2. Take special medications to prevent infection, reduce pain, and relieve swelling.
  3. Hold off on visits to the pool, gym, sauna and other places where there is a high risk of “catching” an infection.
  4. Apply wound healing gels and ointments (recommended period is 10-15 days after removal).
  5. Avoid exposure to open sun for 3 months after the laser procedure.
  6. Use light moisturizing creams, because... creams with oily textures can close skin pores.
  7. Avoid rough scrubs. If peeling of the skin bothers you, then you can use light scrubs.
  8. Consult with a specialist who performed laser scar treatment if there is a need to take any medications.
  9. Avoid using alcohol-containing cosmetics in the scar removal area.
  10. Use a soft washcloth while washing and never rub the affected area.

Contraindications to laser therapy

  • Systemic diseases of the immune system;
  • Severe forms of hypertension and coronary heart disease;
  • Varicose veins in the scar area;
  • Infectious skin diseases;
  • Epilepsy and other mental diseases;
  • Herpes in the acute stage;
  • Tendency to form keloid scars;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Allergy to laser exposure;
  • Any trimester of pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Diabetes mellitus in the decompensated stage;
  • Superficial and medium peels performed 3 weeks before scar removal;
  • Heavy tanning or recent sunbathing;
  • Intolerance to anesthesia;
  • Taking certain medications, for example, against acne.

Laser treatment of scars is a lengthy and very expensive process. On average, 4 to 6 procedures are required to remove a scar, with a break between procedures (at least 6, and preferably 9 weeks). Softening the scar and making it even with the skin is what the laser is capable of, but you should not overestimate its capabilities. In some cases (this depends on the depth of the scar), the defect only visually becomes less noticeable.

Along with its advantages (lasting effect, no burns, bactericidal effect), laser scar removal also has several disadvantages. Among them are postoperative complications in the form of herpes and dermatitis, hyperpigmentation, erythema, “laser overdose”, which can lead to the formation of small scars.

Price overview

In Moscow clinics, prices range from 700 to 3,400 rubles per 1 square centimeter of skin. It should be taken into account that in some places this is a fixed price, regardless of the total area, and in others each subsequent plot costs less.

Plus, many clinics, in the fight for clients, constantly offer various promotions and discounts. And if price is critical for you when choosing, it’s worth keeping track of this.

In the regions, the range of prices is much wider - from 500 to 4000 rubles per 1 sq. m. see, regarding promotions and discounts - regional doctors usually also have a flexible pricing policy.