How to wash a cap by hand and in a washing machine so that it does not lose its shape? Is it possible to wash a cap and how to do it correctly

Hats and caps are not smeared as intensively and often, but still the time comes when they should be cleaned and put in order. Everyone can easily handle a regular hat, but few people know how to wash a cap or baseball cap. Sometimes it seems that such a mission is impossible, because you can always spoil the product and it will not look like that. But this is far from true, the main thing is to know the basic tips on how to wash a baseball cap.

Before you begin to remove stains or wash your baseball cap, you should thoroughly examine the fabric from which it is made.

For complete information on how to wash your cap, please refer to the label. The basic rules will indicate special characters.

If the product is made of cotton, then no big difficulties will arise, but a woolen product should be washed in warm water; hot water can simply ruin it.

The caps are dishwasher safe

You should also be very careful with leather, since when it gets wet it loses its original shape, which is almost impossible to return. Of course, you can use the knowledge of how to starch a cap, but this is not always relevant and natural.

Now it’s worth paying attention to the visor itself. If the insert is made of plastic, then you can wash it without fear, nothing will happen to it. But washing caps with a cardboard insert is much more difficult, since they should not be completely wet.

Basic rules for hand washing

Before washing your cap, you should clean it of all dry spots on the surface.

Only after this can you begin actual washing.

Cleaning a cotton cap is easy

  1. Water with a temperature of 36-40 degrees is poured into the basin, in which the powder is dissolved.
  2. Then the product is taken by the visor and lowered into the water.
  3. Using a clean cloth soaked in the prepared solution, clean the cap from all sides, both inside and outside.
  4. The visor is washed last, and you should try to soak it as little as possible.

Particular attention should be paid to the side of the product, as it gets smeared the fastest and most heavily. The surface of the product should be rubbed very carefully, so that it does not lose its original shape.

How to wash an army cap

The same rules apply for cleaning military items as for regular items.

It should be noted that most often such hats have bright colors. Therefore, in such cases, the use of stain removers and washing powders with a bleaching effect is unacceptable. Their use may cause color loss.

Experts and experienced housewives recommend washing caps only by hand. But many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to wash a cap in washing machine. To wash these products, you can use the delicate cycle, but only if the fabric is appropriate. Modern technology has come a long way. Today you can safely use it to wash army or other headwear. dishwasher, naturally, if it is in the house.

The cap is placed bottom down in the cup compartment. For this type of washing, a mild detergent is added to the machine.

It is no longer uncommon to see on store shelves a special device in which you can place a cap in order to wash it.

You cannot use the spin mode for drying. so as not to damage or knock off the visor.

The product should dry naturally. To remove excess moisture after rinsing, you can fill a baseball cap paper napkins which will absorb excess moisture. And then pull the product onto a jar or pan and do not touch it until it dries.

Washing a cap depending on the type of material

When washing caps, as noted earlier, you should follow the rules for various materials. Ignoring them will result in damage to the product.

Wool caps require very careful handling

Cotton fabric

Such a product can even be washed in a machine, but only if the insert for the visor is made of plastic. For washing, select the delicate cycle. There is no need to wring out hats in the machine.

When hand washing, you can use a soft bristle brush for the most dirty areas. Rinse the product in soft water. A washed cap can be shaped by starching.

Synthetic fabrics

When washing hats made of synthetic materials, follow the same rules as when washing cotton products. The temperature should not be more than 30 degrees.


Caps made from wool fabrics require very careful handling. Such products are best cleaned dry, but if this is not possible, then they are washed only by hand at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. Otherwise, the product will shrink.

For such a product, you should use washing conditioners and detergents marked “for wool”.

This cap should not be rubbed or twisted; all movements should be soft and gentle. The water from the woolen cap should drain on its own, only after that it is put on the jar and dried further.

Fairy does a great job greasy spots on fabric

If there is a need to wash a woolen hat, and a special detergent If you just don’t have it on hand, you can use a mild shampoo, even if it contains conditioner.

It is recommended to remove greasy stains and some complex stains first not only with a stain remover, but also with the usual Fairy dishwashing detergent.

Can deal with many stains laundry soap, but after it there is a possibility that divorces will remain.

Simple wet wipes for children can help with many types of stains.

A cap is a headwear that many people use and over time it gets dirty and therefore sooner or later it will have to be washed. In this article we will discuss how to do this correctly so that the accessory does not lose its appearance.


An individual approach is needed here, since some products are made of a cardboard frame and regular washing will only ruin everything. Exist different ways solve this problem, but before that you need to do something else. Let's start.

First actions

First, you should make sure that the baseball cap really needs cleaning, because if there is only one small stain on it, then it is better to treat only that. This accessory does not particularly like water, so frequent immersion in water is best avoided.

You also need to understand what material was used to create the cap, because fabric ones can be thrown into the washing machine with the rest of your clothes, but a cap with a frame will not like that. Also, some things have a special design, which implies the presence of weak points; it is also better not to throw them in the washing machine.


So, as you already understand, you will need a washing machine in rare cases; for other caps it is better to wash them by hand. A straight visor or any other visor is rigid and therefore the stitching will simply “kill” it.

What you will need:

  • Soft brush or toothbrush;
  • Lint roller;
  • Scotch tape or cling film;
  • Sponge;
  • Cleaning agent;
  • And of course warm water.

The first thing you need to do is use a roller to remove lint, hair or other unnecessary parts. The same procedure can be done with a brush, but a roller is much more convenient and effective.

Next, you need to take some kind of washing container, pour water into it and add a couple of spoons washing powder. You can also use other cleaning solutions, but be sure to check the label for directions. It would also be a good idea to add a stain remover, if again, it is allowed by the manufacturer.

If there are stickers on the cap, they need to be covered with tape or cling film. Then take a brush or sponge and apply the solution to the accessory. Never immerse it completely in water.

Take a good look at the inside of the rim; most often this is where the main contaminants are located.

Once you've washed everything and cleaned off any dirt or stains, soak a sponge in warm water and begin scrubbing the cap until all of the remaining solution is removed. After this you need to move on to drying.

If your actions did not help solve the problem and stains are still present, then in any case you need to use a stain remover.

Wool cap

The principle of washing wool products is slightly different. Firstly, the entire procedure must be carried out under cold water, and secondly, you need to read on the bottle of detergent whether it is suitable for woolen products.

Also, do not rub or twist it too much, this will lead to wrinkled material, which looks much worse.


It sounds funny, but it actually works. The fact is that the dishwasher washes the item carefully and many people use it.

You need to place the cap on the very top part, add dish powder and turn on the machine. Since water is supplied from below, the accuracy and delicacy of the process will be at a good level. You can use it!

How to dry a cap

There is nothing difficult here, your task is to find any device that at least somehow resembles a head, you can use a ball, a 3-liter jar, a deep plate, and so on. Your task is to put the accessory on them and leave it until completely dry.

The most ideal option is to put it on your head and leave it there until it dries completely, this is uncomfortable, but the baseball cap will mold to the shape of your head perfectly. Also, some people stuff paper or newspaper inside, as this method can create a practically ideal shape for drying.

Proper drying is required mainly for caps with a straight visor. The use of dryers is strictly prohibited.


A cap is an accessory that always remains in fashion. It is also a very visible item and therefore it is important to wash your baseball cap occasionally, not only to ensure longer life but to keep it looking neat. I hope we helped you!


A cap is a headdress that is worn by children, men and women, and which gets dirty more often than other hats. With regular wear, it quickly becomes dirty, dust and sweat settle on it, and it requires a good cleaning. You can, of course, ask for help at a dry cleaner, and they will clean your cap for you. But if you decide to cope on your own, then learn all the secrets about how to wash a cap, how to dry it using improvised means so that it does not lose its shape.

Before you take care of this part of your wardrobe, read the instructions on the tag on how to care for your cap. The main problem with cleaning is that they very quickly lose their original shape and their visor deteriorates. However, there are models of caps that can be washed either by hand or in a washing machine.

But there are also models that can only be cleaned.

What do you need to wash a cap?

Prepare the following items needed for washing it:

  • soft bristle brush,
  • roller brush,
  • scotch,
  • sponge or rags
  • warm and cool water,
  • detergent.

You will also need:

  • drying form,
  • washing machine,
  • Dishwasher,
  • jar,
  • plate.

Basic rules for washing a cap

Before washing your cap, use a dry, soft-bristled brush to scrub it. You can use a roller brush to clean lint, fluff, hair, dust particles and debris stuck to the fabric. If you don’t have a roller brush on hand, then you can take a piece of tape and carefully stick the sticky side around the cap.

Now prepare a solution for washing the cap. To do this, take 2 glasses of water and 3 tablespoons of washing powder.

Stir thoroughly and, using a foam sponge, carefully apply the solution.

Particular attention should be paid to the rim of the headdress, as this is usually the dirtiest place. This is where sweat and dirt usually accumulate.

You can rub the headband with soap and let it sit for a while, and then carefully rinse off the soap with a brush and clean water.

When it is washed, take a clean one warm water and carefully collect all the dirty foam from the cap. And then rinse it carefully with cool water.

How to wash a cap in the dishwasher

It can also be washed in the dishwasher. The dishwasher washes hats quite carefully and neatly, and many housewives use this. Place the cap on the top rack in the dishwasher where you usually place glasses. Add a special powder intended for washing dishes.

Since the water flow in the dishwasher is from below, it will be washed delicately.

If the cap is not washed

If using hand washing, your cap is still dirty, how to wash the cap then? You can try using a stain remover. Gently dilute the stain remover in warm water and apply it using a sponge to the item.

You need to wait 20 minutes and after 20 minutes you can carefully wash off the stain remover with clean water.

Is it possible to wash a cap in a washing machine?

If the tag does not say that it cannot be washed in a washing machine, then you can try washing the cap in an automatic washing machine. Machine wash using hand wash and no spin. The temperature mode must be selected 40 C.

How to dry a cap after washing

When it is washed, put it on some form, you can put it on a three-liter jar and leave it in this form until it dries completely.

You can use a terry towel to dry the cap. Blot it with a terry towel, gradually the terry towel will absorb all the moisture. After this, you can put the cap on some kind of uniform. On a jar, ball, plate, and keep it on the mold until it is completely dry.

And if your cap is no longer washable, it’s easier to buy a new one. Look and buy if the price suits you.

Using all the above tips on how to wash a cap, you can easily get your cap in order!

Baseball caps are worn most often in the summer, as they protect from the sun, but some boys and girls wear them altogether all year round, since this headdress is an integral part of sports and street style. Naturally, a baseball cap quickly becomes dirty with constant wear and a logical question arises: is it possible to wash a baseball cap and how to do it so that it continues to please its owner with its original appearance.

How to properly wash a baseball cap

Washing this hat in a washing machine is dangerous - the visor may lose its shape. At the same time, hand washing is not at all prohibited; before washing the baseball cap, it is advisable to soak it briefly in washing powder diluted with warm (not hot) water. There is no need to rub the product with your hands; careful cleaning with a soft brush will make the baseball cap clean. The inner rim needs to be cleaned especially carefully, as it absorbs sweat and gets dirty the most - the easiest way to do this is with an unnecessary toothbrush.

After washing, you need to rinse the baseball cap in warm or cool water, and then wait until the water drains naturally: to do this, you can briefly hang it on a heated towel rail or curtain rod. You can dry it with a towel using blotting movements: do not wring or twist the product. You can hang your baseball cap on a balcony or in a well-ventilated area to dry. To maintain the shape of the headdress, you can put it on a jar or ball of a suitable size.

If there are a small number of stains, you can wipe the dirty area with a sponge soaked in a warm solution of washing powder or soap. And if you find a persistent or stubborn stain, you can use the stain remover topically, following the instructions. The remaining foam is removed with a clean, damp sponge - this way you can avoid getting the product, including the visor, wet and its subsequent drying. Residues of the cleaning agent must be removed especially carefully; you can also wipe the material around the stain to avoid streaks.

  • To prevent the product from becoming dusty, the baseball cap can be shaken out by hand;
  • The lint is removed using a roller with adhesive tape or tape;
  • The baseball cap can be dried with a fan by placing it on a flannelette towel;
  • To avoid damaging the sticker, you can cover it with plastic wrap before washing.

In order for your favorite wardrobe item to last as long as possible, you need to know how to wash a baseball cap and monitor its appearance, periodically removing dirt.

A cap is a universal headwear that is suitable for children, teenagers, women and men. It is convenient to wear for a walk and to the beach, on a trip or to a sports game, and can also be used as a fashion accessory. A cap protects your eyes and head from the sun, helps secure your hair and complement your personal style.

But regular wear causes it to quickly become dirty, especially if it is light, white or bright in color. Dust settles on the product, and the fabric absorbs sweat, sebaceous secretions from the hair and scalp. Therefore, the headdress requires regular high-quality and safe washing.

Be sure to check the label or tag before washing. Some models cannot be washed, but can only be cleaned. However, most products can be washed by hand, in a washing machine, or in one of these ways.

The main problem when washing a cap is that it loses its shape and the visor becomes deformed or even breaks. Let's figure out how to properly wash a cap or baseball cap with a visor so that the product retains its original appearance.

Rules and features of washing caps

  • Caps with a cardboard visor cannot be washed in water, as the cardboard will get wet and lose its shape. These are fairly cheap products, so if it gets very dirty, it’s easier to buy a new one. Regular dust and light dirt can be removed with a dry soft brush;
  • Baseball caps made of cotton or synthetics with a plastic visor can be washed both by hand and in a machine;
  • Fur and leather caps cannot be washed! Such materials are cleaned dry;
  • Clean your hat thoroughly before washing. To do this, take a dry brush with soft bristles and a roller brush. They will eliminate dust and debris, remove stuck lint or fluff;
  • For washing, choose a delicate powder without chlorine, otherwise the headdress may lose color. You can use the powder for children's clothing;

  • To prevent the material from becoming too hard after water procedures, during washing, add fabric softener to the water or machine;
  • Even if the cap can be washed in a washing machine, it is better to choose the manual method. By the way, the product can be washed in the dishwasher. In this case, it will be firmly fixed and will not move throughout the drum, which will allow it to maintain its shape;
  • After washing, rinse the product thoroughly so that there are no streaks left, and once again wipe the visor and the inside of the headdress with a brush;
  • Pay special attention to drying the product. After washing, the cap is put on some form. A children's ball or a three-liter jar will do. The product is left to dry completely;
  • It is not recommended to dry fabric hats in the sun, radiators and heating devices, and it is strictly forbidden to do this for leather or fur caps.

Three ways to wash a cap


Prepare a cleaning solution. To do this, dissolve three tablespoons of powder with two glasses of water. Dampen a sponge or napkin in the solution and walk over the entire surface of the cap, inside and outside the product, removing stains and dirt.

If the dirt is strong, apply the solution and leave for 10-20 minutes. Then remove dirt with a sponge. Scrub the heaviest stains with a soft toothbrush.

Pay special attention to the inside and rim of the baseball cap. If the headband is very dirty, thoroughly rub it with soap and leave for 15-30 minutes. Then the soap is washed off in warm water with a brush.

After you have rubbed the headdress with the cleaning solution, immerse the product in clean warm water and remove the dirty foam with a clean sponge. The cap is then washed and rinsed in cool water. When rinsing, go over the surface of the product, inside the baseball cap and along the visor again.

Washing machine

If the cap is allowed to be washed in the washing machine, this will be the easiest and in a fast way. In this case, use only delicate mode and temperatures up to 40 degrees for cotton, up to 30 for synthetics and wool.

When washing, choose a powder that is suitable for a specific type of material or fabric. For white and colored products, appropriate powders are also chosen.

Cotton hats are easiest to wash, as they only require gentle washing. When washing synthetic and woolen models, use only cool or cold water, as hot water spoils the material and shape. Leather and fur caps can only be cleaned, but not washed!


In a dishwasher, the product will be fixed in one place and will not move around inside, as in a washing machine. In addition, the dishwasher washes very carefully and delicately, so you can take advantage of this. The cap is placed on the top tier, where glasses are usually placed. Add dishwashing powder and wash the item.

If there is heavy dirt and stains on the fabric of the product, or the baseball cap did not wash after the first time, dilute a chlorine-free stain remover in water. Dampen the sponge with water and wipe the product.

Leave the headdress on for twenty minutes and then carefully rinse off with clean, warm water. Don't forget to rinse the baseball cap thoroughly in cool water afterwards.

How to clean a leather cap

To clean a leather cap, dissolve a small amount of liquid soap in water. Or take a small piece of standard soap and grate it on a coarse grater. Mix soap and water until foam forms. Take a soft sponge or cloth and soak it in the resulting soap solution. Handle the product carefully inside and out, avoiding getting the skin too wet.

After wiping, dry the skin with a cloth or flannel cloth. After this, put the cap on the uniform and leave it to dry in a cool place. By the way, if the skin loses color, wipe the surface with onion juice. To do this, cut the onion into two halves and wipe the cut on the skin.

Thus, the cap will return its color and presentable appearance. In addition, onions will help disguise blemishes and scratches on the skin. After the procedure, wipe the skin with a cotton pad lemon juice or lemon pulp. This will add shine to the product and eliminate bad smell Luke.

How to dry a cap correctly

After washing, the cap is blotted, but not dried with a terry towel until it absorbs most moisture. The item is then placed on a convex shape to dry, which resembles the structure of a head. This could be a ball, a three-liter jar or another similar object. Place the cap on the drying rack and straighten the fabric so that there are no wrinkles or bends.

If the baseball cap has a straight, straight and flat peak, place it under a stack of books or other similar pressure. This will straighten the visor and prevent it from becoming deformed or curled. If the cap dries in the wrong shape, wet the surface with water from a spray bottle or spray bottle, straighten the material, and place it back on the pan to dry.

If the material has become too soft after water procedures, stir three tablespoons of starch in a liter of water. Rinse the headdress with this solution, shape it into the desired shape and send it to dry.