How to remove coffee stains on clothes. Coffee stain: how to remove it from colored and white clothes. Recommendations and effective methods

Nothing invigorates like the aroma of fresh coffee. Many residents of our country simply cannot imagine waking up in the morning without this drink. Every coffee lover has at least once spilled a couple of drops or half a cup of coffee on his own clothes. Surely such an incident made me a lot nervous. What to do if a coffee stain has formed on your favorite blouse, how to remove it at home?

First aid for soiled items

The success of removing stubborn stains from fabric depends on how quickly action is taken. Immediately after the drink has been spilled, you can sprinkle the contaminated area with regular table salt. An alternative is to immediately soak the item in warm water. Leave the item for 10-15 minutes, and then wash it with your usual detergent. You can consider yourself lucky if the fabric is linen and a coffee stain slowly spreads on it. How to remove such pollution? Stretch the stained area of ​​fabric over a small pan or wash basin. Pour boiling water over the stain until it completely disappears. After this, you can start washing. Remember one simple and most important rule: you cannot rub fresh coffee stains. If you start rubbing the dirt, you will only ensure that the boundaries of the blot expand, and it will be even more difficult to remove it.

Rescue of white things

Coffee from white clothes?" - a question that worries many housewives. Prepare a soap solution and soak the affected item for 10 minutes. After this time, rinse the clothes well in the solution. Then soak the stain or any concentrated bleach. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse clothes in clean water. Repeat rinsing 2-3 times, changing the water. Attention: this method is not suitable for synthetics, silk and wool. It is better to never wash the listed fabrics with bleaches that contain chlorine. If you do not know how to remove coffee stain from white, try using hydrogen peroxide. The antiseptic known to everyone is an excellent bleach. Soak a cotton swab or cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and carefully treat the stain. Very soon there will be no trace of the stain left.

Universal methods for removing coffee stains

Delicate fabrics can also get stained like this from wool or silk? Prepare a saturated soap solution and add 3-5 teaspoons per liter of water to it. Try soaking a cotton swab or sponge in the resulting mixture and gently clean the stain. Do not rub; move with careful blotting movements from the edge to the center of the stain. Another stain remover recipe for delicate fabrics: mix alcohol, water and ammonia in a ratio of 20:20:1. Use a cloth or tampon soaked in the resulting mixture to spot clean the soiled item. Clothing made from synthetic fabrics is not difficult to clean. Coffee stains can be removed by soaking the stained item in water with added alcohol. For 0.5 liters of liquid you need to add a tablespoon of medical antiseptic solution. You can replace alcohol with vodka, but in this case increase the dosage by about two times. Soak the item in the prepared solution and rinse well before washing with powder.

How to remove coffee stains from your favorite jeans

Jeans are pants that everyone has in their wardrobe. But what if you stain your favorite trousers while having breakfast? You can remove a coffee stain on jeans, but it is advisable to begin rescuing the item immediately after you have stained it. Add a few drops of ammonia to clean water. Soak a brush in the resulting solution and rub the stain with it. Clean until the stain comes off, and then be sure to wash your pants. This cleaning method is suitable not only for jeans, but also for any other wardrobe and interior items made of denim.

Home textiles and carpets

Spilling coffee on the carpet or sofa upholstery - what could be worse? Indeed, it is problematic to completely wash the floor covering. But don't panic, there is a solution. If you spill coffee on your carpet or sofa, the first step is to gently blot the stain. You can use paper napkins or a regular towel for this purpose. Prepare a homemade stain remover: to do this, dissolve one teaspoon of glycerin in 500 ml of water. Wet the stain well with the resulting mixture and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse the stain with clean water and leave to dry. What to do if there is a coffee stain on the carpet? How can I remove it if I don’t have glycerin on hand? You can try using water with ammonia added. Many factory-made stain removers give good results. If your carpet has a very high pile or is made of natural wool, it makes sense to take it to the dry cleaner. At home, you are unlikely to remove a stain from such a product, but you may well ruin it.

Is it possible to remove dried old stains?

Dried stains that are difficult to remove are considered the most difficult to clean. But if the dirty item is really dear to you, try to save it. Soak clothes in a solution of table salt before washing. Leave to soak for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight. After this, wash the item in hot or warm water, choosing a temperature setting based on the type of fabric. You can remove old coffee stains by mixing finely ground table salt and glycerin until a homogeneous paste is formed. Apply this mixture to the stain and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off and proceed to washing.

Effectively fights coffee stains. Be careful, this product can damage brightly colored fabrics. Oxalic acid is ideal for white items. Dissolve half a teaspoon of the active substance in a glass of water. Saturate the stain with the resulting mixture, and after a few minutes, rinse the item thoroughly. A folk recipe for a solution for removing stains, prepared from oxalic and citric acid, is also popular. In this case, add a teaspoon of citric acid to the above recipe.


Of all types of stains, coffee stains are one of the most insidious. The traces from the invigorating drink are bright, rich and immediately noticeable, especially on light-colored clothing.

Fresh coffee can be cleaned much better, but most of these stains appear in the morning, before work, when there is no time to scrub them off. And old traces are much more difficult to remove.

Dry cleaning is a simple but expensive way to restore your clothes to their former shine. In addition, there is a high probability that the fabric will deteriorate. There is a way out: we try to fight the stain ourselves using one of the suitable means.

It is best to take action immediately. The process for removing different types of stains may differ slightly.

  1. To remove black coffee from fabric, first of all you need to expose the stained area to a stream of hot water. This will help quickly get rid of tannins. Then the mark is washed away with soap.
  2. Glycerin or ammonia can help remove café au lait stains.
  3. Fresh traces of the instant drink will go away after cleaning with regular laundry soap.

Washing each item, depending on the type of fabric, requires a careful approach.

How can you wash instant coffee?

Stubborn stains from an invigorating drink are much more difficult to remove. But if you follow simple tips, you can achieve excellent results. Several proven products will help restore cleanliness to your clothes.


From all the variety, it is better to choose an oxygen stain remover, because those containing chlorine or optical are suitable only for white fabric. Before purchasing, you need to read the instructions and consult with the seller in the store.

Boiling water is the first aid in dealing with a fresh stain

You will need to stretch the clothing over a bowl or large pan and then pour boiling water directly onto the stain for a few seconds. The contamination will disappear immediately, but this method is not recommended for delicate material.

Soda or salt

They are almost always available in kitchen cabinets and make coffee well.

You should dilute 60 g (2 tablespoons) of salt and the same amount of soda in 1 liter of warm water. Soak the fabric in the solution for 2 hours, and then wash it in any convenient way.


One of the winning options is to treat the stain with hot glycerin. The substance is heated in a water bath, and the hot liquid is applied to the area of ​​contamination. Then you should wait 20-30 minutes and wash the product in a machine. A solution of borax in glycerin is also suitable, but after using it, a more thorough wash is required.


Works great on coffee stains. However, it is not suitable for any item, but only for clothes made of thick fabric. It is easy to use - just wet the stain with the liquid and leave for 5-10 minutes, and then wash the product.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is also a good remedy. You will need to soak the coffee blot in it for 20-30 minutes and then wash it by hand.

Vinegar and salt

A vinegar solution perfectly removes even old stains. The problem area is treated with a mixture of essence and water in a ratio of 1:3 and left for 2-3 hours. The clothes are then washed with powder.

Fresh traces of coffee will be well absorbed by a thick layer of table salt.

Washing clothes

Each type of fabric has its own method.

White clothes

As a rule, restoring purity to white things is a particularly labor-intensive process. But even such a nuisance as coffee stains can be completely removed by following a few steps:

  • lay the fabric on a flat surface, place a cotton pad or a clean cloth under the stain on the wrong side;
  • Apply ammonia to the problem area, then blot off excess moisture with a napkin;
  • wash clothes in a convenient way.

Bright clothes

Bright clothes suffer no less often, and during their processing the main thing is to prevent fading:

  • mix alcohol and turpentine in a small container in a 50/50 ratio;
  • moisten a piece of cotton wool in the solution and carefully (without rubbing) apply the composition to the stain;
  • wait an hour, then put it in the washing machine and wash it on a suitable cycle.


You should remove stains from jeans before washing, since it is much more difficult to remove coffee from wet pants. We do this:

  • Apply a little dishwashing detergent (“Fairy”, “Sorti”) directly to the coffee trail;
  • give the liquid time to “work”;
  • lightly rub the stain with three fingers and wash the jeans.


The stain on synthetics can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. For this:

  • Using a pipette, apply the product directly to the stain;
  • After one hour, rinse with water.


You can remove coffee stains from cotton items like this:

  • fill a basin with about 10 liters of warm water;
  • add 5-6 tablespoons of soda ash;
  • Rub the stain thoroughly with laundry soap and place it in the solution;
  • After half an hour, wash the clothes by hand.

If the stain is not completely removed, use soap again. Rinse.

The video shows how to remove a coffee stain using hydrogen peroxide.

Removing coffee stains from different surfaces

Unfortunately, a spilled drink can end up anywhere other than your clothing. Especially in a family that practices eating not only in the kitchen.

From the sofa

To remove a stain from a sofa, blot the liquid with a towel or dry cloth. Then take a clean, damp cloth (preferably white) and apply dishwashing detergent to it. Rub the mixture into the upholstery of the sofa until a light foam forms. Use a clean, damp towel to remove water and chemicals and wait for it to dry. Ready.

From the carpet

To clean the carpet, remove the coffee as quickly as possible with a clean cloth. Then spray the stain with plain water. Making a solution: dilute 1 tsp. carpet powder or other mild cleaner in a liter of water. Mix thoroughly.

Apply a little mixture to a corner of the carpet - a place where possible color changes will not be very noticeable.

If everything is in order, you can apply the solution to the stain using a clean cloth (you should simply place it on the coffee trail and leave for 15 minutes). Then wash the mixture off the carpet without using too much liquid. Blot with a cloth (it is not recommended to rub the area).

From paper and documents

Dealing with fabric is not as difficult as dealing with documents or printed work damaged by a drink. It would seem impossible to restore paper doused with a brownish liquid. However, there is hope. Let's prepare a few items:

  • iron;
  • an old toothbrush;
  • large capacity;
  • bleach, vinegar;
  • white clay powder;
  • wax paper.

Mix vinegar and water in a cup. Place the sheet in the solution so that the liquid saturates the stain. We take out the document and carefully blot it with paper napkins.

Alternatively, you can use a 1:3 mixture of bleach and water. A toothbrush is moistened in the solution, which is then used to treat the desired area. This manipulation must be carried out extremely carefully so as not to damage the paper and records.

After the coffee mark has disappeared and the sheet has dried, it is ironed. The main thing is to set a gentle temperature regime.

How to remove an old coffee stain

To avoid the need for dry cleaning and remove old stains at home, do the following:

  • We take out a basin, soak the item in a solution of soda ash so that the dirt becomes more pliable;
  • put the pan on the fire, add 2 tbsp. l. powder stain remover, bring to a boil;
  • We take the fabric out of the basin and place it in the bubbling liquid;
  • boil for half an hour, then carefully remove with long tongs and rinse.

Coffee stains are not the most difficult stains found on clothing. If you have patience and time, you can get rid of them without leaving even a hint of the former brownish imprint.

The method used to remove coffee stains depends on the type of fabric, as well as how long ago the stain occurred. Usually salt, ammonia, acids and other means are used. After their application, the fabric is washed by hand or in a machine.

The choice of methods and means for removing coffee stains depends on the fabric, as well as the type of stain. It is clear that recent contamination is much easier to remove, but old stains will have to be dealt with. In addition, removing traces of coffee with milk has its own characteristics, as well as removing stains from documents, carpet and other surfaces.

Soda or salt

You can remove coffee stains (as well as chocolate) using the following means:

  • salt;
  • baking soda;
  • acids (acetic, citric, oxalic);
  • borax;
  • glycerol;
  • ammonia alcohol.

From ordinary clothes (T-shirt, T-shirt, dress, shirt, sweater, trousers, robe, etc.), marks are cleaned with a stain remover.

But for it to work most effectively, first of all, sprinkle the stain with salt and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash by hand. Another option is to sprinkle the stain with baking soda and citric acid (ratio 2:1). Then proceed in the same way - just wash in warm water with detergent.

Vinegar and salt

To remove fresh stains, use the following instructions:

  1. Mix 70% acetic acid with water in the same ratio.
  2. Wipe the cloth and rinse with warm water.

If the contamination is old, first apply this solution to it, and then add salt for 15 minutes. After this, you need to wash it by hand in warm water with a stain remover.

Washing clothes

When removing stains from clothes, you need to take into account the composition of the fabric and its color.

To remove coffee stains from white, proceed as follows:

  1. Wash natural fabric with bleach and laundry soap. If the traces are old, boil them.
  2. In all other cases, immerse the item in a solution of soda ash (a tablespoon per liter), then wash as usual.

Clothes made from bright fabrics

Removal instructions are as follows:

  1. Immerse in soapy solution.
  2. Stretch a section of fabric (for example, over a bowl).
  3. Wipe off marks with a brush.
  4. Wash in warm water.

To remove coffee color from jeans, follow these steps:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of citric acid with the same amount of oxalic acid.
  2. Apply to the contaminated area for an hour.
  3. Rinse with warm water and wash.

Remove coffee stains from synthetic clothing as follows:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of alcohol (or 2 times as much vodka) in a liter of water.
  2. Soak the item in this mixture for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Rinse under running water and, if necessary, wash by hand or machine.

Cotton and linen

Cotton fabrics are particularly delicate, so proceed as follows:

  1. Dissolve a bar of regular soap in warm water.
  2. Get a concentrated solution and soak the fabric in it for an hour.
  3. Wash by hand.

Note! Natural fabrics can be boiled, but this should not be done with colored items - they may fade.

Wool and silk

In this case, remove the coffee stain using the following methods:

  1. Wipe with a clean cloth soaked in a solution of soap and ammonia (only 4 dessert spoons per liter of water). Then wash by hand.
  2. Another way to remove a coffee stain from clothing and wool is to mix water with regular alcohol (equal amounts) and take 20 times less ammonia. Apply for half an hour and wash.

Removing coffee stains from carpet and sofa

In this case, proceed like this:

  1. Remove fresh stains with a dry cloth, blotting the surface with it. Then wipe with another cloth with detergent - for example, Vanish.
  2. If the marks are old, add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the water. Apply this mixture to the surface for 5 minutes and then rinse with clean water.

Note! , carpet, sofa or mattress must be removed especially carefully. You should not scrub these surfaces with a brush - stains can be removed manually, without additional equipment.

Removing coffee from paper and wallpaper

To remove stains from paper surfaces (documents, pages in a book, wallpaper), use the following instructions:

  1. Prepare a solution of 9% vinegar (1 part) and water (3 parts).
  2. Carefully immerse a piece of paper in this solution (if it is a book, you will have to hold it).
  3. After 15–20 minutes, remove the sheet and place it on a flat surface.
  4. Gently remove moisture with a towel and napkins, then hang on a line until the paper is completely dry.

How to remove an old coffee stain

You need to remove old stains using the following means:

  1. Apply a solution of borax or glycerin to the fabric for half an hour, then wash it by hand using ordinary laundry soap (preferably in a sink under running water).
  2. It is also common to remove old coffee stains with hydrogen peroxide. The product is used for white natural fabrics (cotton, linen, knitwear). You can remove old stains with chlorine bleach. First, apply the product to the stain for half an hour, then wash again by hand.
  3. It is customary to get rid of dirt on synthetics using ammonia. Pour it onto the stain for 20 minutes, then wash it off.
  4. To remove old coffee stains from wool and other dense fabrics, pour heated glycerin onto the fabric for 10 minutes, then wash it again by hand. Similarly, you can clean not only woolen clothes, but also remove dirt from a carpet, plush soft toy, etc.

How to remove a café au lait stain

If a trace is left by coffee with milk, it is removed with gasoline. Moreover, take gasoline from a lighter - you can vouch for its purity. Apply a few ml of gasoline to the surface for half an hour, and then wash the fabric by hand. Instead of gasoline, you can try regular salt.

Thus, there are quite a few simple ways to remove coffee stains. However, if they do not help or the fabric is delicate, it is best to contact a dry cleaner. It is also advisable to resort to the help of professionals if we are talking about expensive products (silk bed linen, expensive dress, jacket, leather, etc.). In such cases, in the absence of skills, the fabric can be damaged.

Even more popular tips on how to remove coffee stains in the video:

Larisa, August 21, 2018.

Housewives know firsthand how much effort it takes to solve such a problem as how to wash clothes from items (especially if the stain is not fresh and has already dried). The problem with coffee is the same: it seems that old stains cannot be removed with anything. However, there is a way to deal with this problem, even if the stained clothes are white.

The best way to get rid of coffee stains

If you accidentally pour a coffee drink on your jeans, act immediately. It’s good if you happen to be at home at this moment. Then you won't have to try to remove stubborn stains from your jeans with a damp cloth. Just take off your pants and wash them.

When you don't have time, soak them in warm water and add baking soda. Once you return home, you can safely wash your favorite jeans using special products.

Getting rid of dried stains

Old stains on clothes can also be removed, although this is quite difficult to do. Soak a white jacket or pullover in a saline solution, after 2 hours wash the item with powder and rinse well.

Alternative way:

  1. Mix glycerin with ammonia in a 1:1 ratio; to prepare the mixture, take one teaspoon of each component.
  2. Pour some water into the solution.
  3. Soak a cotton swab or soft cloth in the mixture and gently wipe the coffee stain.
  4. In most cases, the contamination disappears after a few minutes.

A more difficult task is to get rid of coffee on silk or woolen items.

Breakfast in bed. Isn't this what lovers dream about? However, a careless movement can shake the romantic mood. If coffee spills on silk bed linen, the question will immediately appear in your head: “Is it possible to wash coffee so that no traces remain of it?”

Carefully! It should be noted that natural fabrics are quite capricious and require special handling. You need to know how to remove stubborn stains.

Cover the stain with an absorbent cloth and prepare a soap solution with ammonia. Soak a clean rag in the liquid and wipe away any coffee stains. After pre-cleaning, use the traditional method - wash the bedding. The same method will work effectively if you stain a wool sweater. Do all the steps in the sequence described above.

Removing stains from skin

If your leather sneaker has been damaged by coffee, then affordable glycerin will help you. It is simply irreplaceable when detecting a stain on leather outerwear or a handbag. Bottles of glycerin are sold in pharmacies, you need to buy one and keep it at home just in case. Prepare a glycerin cleanser to cleanse the skin surface:

  1. Pour a small amount of glycerin into a glass container, add salt to it, mix the ingredients well.
  2. Apply the pulp to the coffee stain.
  3. Wait for the product to dry completely, rinse the leather product or wash it if necessary.

There is a second way to remove coffee from clothes or leather items using glycerin. Heat the glycerin liquid and apply it to the stain, wait 15 minutes, during which time the composition will soften the fibers, now washing out the coloring components from the coffee drink will not cause difficulties.

Effectively remove stains from white clothes

You need to know how to remove stains from a light-colored T-shirt. First, determine the type of material. When the item is made of linen or cotton, it can be boiled, and laundry soap with bleach is added to the water. A dirty item can also be soaked in water with bleach; a coffee stain on white will come off well when soaked in water with soda ash. In the latter case, add a tablespoon of soda to 1 liter of warm water. Wash the clothes, treat the stained area with hydrogen peroxide, wait 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

You shouldn't figure out how to remove coffee from white clothes without knowing the right way to do it. Buy soda ash and place it in the bathroom next to the detergents.

What will help remove coffee?

Often all effective means can be useful. These include citric or oxalic acid, vinegar and hyposulfite. If you are faced with the problem of how to remove a coffee stain, use everything you have on hand. If Vanish is at home, then very good. Apply the liquid product to the stain, and after half an hour, put the item of clothing in the washing machine.

No Vanish – no problem. Use homemade paste:

  1. The mixture is prepared from washing powder, water, vinegar, taken in the same proportions - one tablespoon each.
  2. Apply the composition on both sides of the product made from dense natural fabric.
  3. Wait 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse.

To avoid leaving traces of contamination on the contours, moisten the outer edges of the stained area with the prepared mixture and treat the stain, moving from the edges to the middle.

It is important to know how to remove coffee stains and return things to their original attractive appearance. Therefore, all means are good.

Take into account all the ways to remove coffee from clothes. Perhaps one of them will be useful to you or your good friends. Enjoy your favorite coffee drink, and even if it spills, it won't be a disaster.

Stains on things and clothes happen very often in everyday life. And almost most often you have to ask yourself the question of how to wash coffee spilled on a shirt, blouse, jacket or trousers. Since this drink is popular, stains from it are most common.

What you should pay attention to

If you accidentally spill coffee on your clothes and don't know if it can be washed out, don't panic. Drink stains, especially if they are fresh, can be easily removed from both white and dyed items. It is important to remember what you should never do:

  • Wipe the stain with a napkin. From such actions, the contamination will penetrate deep into the fibers of the material, from where it will no longer be possible to remove it. You need to blot it with a napkin so that it absorbs the liquid, but do not rub it;
  • Rinse the fabric with hot water. This way you can not only fix the contamination. Some materials, especially natural wool and synthetics, do not withstand contact with hot water, irreversibly changing their properties;
  • Use aggressive detergents. Removing a stain can ruin painted items;
  • Use bleaches. As a last resort, use bleach for colored fabrics by applying it to the stained area and then washing the entire item.
    There are several proven and fairly simple methods for cleaning fabrics from spilled coffee stains. When applying any of these, use a soft brush, not a cloth. And you shouldn’t rub the material too hard when washing.

    How can you get rid of stains?

The easiest way is not to waste time and get rid of the stain when it is still fresh and has not yet become deeply embedded in the fibers of the fabric. An easy way to remove coffee from clothes is to wash the stain with laundry soap.

The best effect will be obtained if glycerin and ammonia are found. Add a few drops of ammonia to glycerin, mixed half and half with water, and apply the resulting composition to the contaminated area. If you don't have glycerin, add ammonia to the soapy water. To clean fleecy fabrics - wool, acrylic, take a soft brush, soak it in the solution and rub the stain until it disappears completely.

As time passes, it becomes more difficult to remove contaminants. To remove old stains from clothes, you should have the following substances in the house:

  • Laundry soap;
  • Sodium tetraborate (borax);
  • Lemon or citric acid;
  • Vinegar;
  • Salt;
  • Baking soda;
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

The use of the listed substances and their mixtures will allow you to remove coffee stains from any fabric, even if more than a month has passed since the contamination; we will consider each of them in detail.

Laundry soap

For washing, use laundry soap, not toilet soap, which has less washing effect and many unnecessary additives.

To prepare the product, grate the soap and pour boiling water over it while stirring. The resulting thick solution should cool to room temperature. After cooling, apply a thick layer to the old stain using a brush or foam sponge. After half an hour, rub the dirty part again. Repeat the procedure for complete cleaning.

To clean old stains, you can use glycerin heated in a water bath to a temperature of 30 - 40 degrees. Contamination is wiped off with a cotton swab moistened with warm glycerin. After cleaning the upper layers of the fabric, the product is soaked in glycerin at the stained area and left for half an hour, after which the clothes can be washed.

A paste made from a mixture of glycerin and table salt, which is applied to the stain and left for 10-15 minutes, works well. To prevent the mixture from drying out, cover the area with plastic wrap.

Borax is a rare chemical in the house, but if you have it, it will help wash away the most stubborn stains. Initially, the stains are covered with a cotton pad moistened with vodka or ethyl alcohol. After a few minutes, wipe the stain with a solution of borax in milk. After the procedure, wash the item as recommended by the product manufacturer.

This universal remedy is prepared in a water bath. Pour 50 g of grated laundry soap into a heated mixture of water (300 ml) and ammonia (50 ml). The resulting “porridge” is stirred until smooth and left in a water bath for 10 minutes.

After cooling, scrub the contaminated area with a brush soaked in the solution or gently wipe with a cotton swab. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.

For cleaning, use a mixture of 50 ml of turpentine oil and 30 g of table salt or a mixture of equal proportions of glycerin with turpentine oil.

The solution is applied to the contaminated area with a brush or sponge and left for half an hour.

For those who do not know what turpentine oil is. This is ordinary purified turpentine, which can be purchased at any pharmacy under the name “gum turpentine” or at a hardware store. The last option is used only as a last resort, since no one knows the degree and quality of cleaning.

Carefully! Turpentine is poisonous. If it gets on mucous membranes, you can get a burn.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, which is in your first aid kit, can cope with most stains on clothing, but it should be used with caution. Peroxide is an oxygen-based bleach, so it can cause color discoloration on colored fabrics. The advantage of hydrogen peroxide is the low concentration of the active substance (3%), so it acts mildly compared to conventional bleaches, which were mentioned at the beginning of the article.

If you don’t have these products at home, then vinegar or citric acid can be found in any kitchen. These substances remove stains from white clothes well, but for colored items they must be used with caution.

Lemon acid

Before applying the acid, the contaminated area must be rubbed with an ice cube, since the procedure must be carried out on a cold cloth.

Moisten the stain with lemon juice or citric acid solution and leave for several minutes, then wash with warm water and soap.


Vinegar is used in a mixture with washing powder and baking soda. 50g of powder and 15g of soda are mixed with vinegar until a thick paste is obtained. The foaming mass is applied to the stain and left for 5 minutes.

Coffee stains are difficult to completely remove. And the less time has passed, the easier it is to clean contaminated items. After the procedures, items must be washed in accordance with the type of fabric used.

Removing stains from clothes is a responsible task, and to avoid having to throw away your T-shirt, sweater or jeans, follow these tips.

It is highly advisable, before using the listed cleaning methods, before removing a stain from spilled coffee, to test the effect of the solutions on the fabric, in an inconspicuous place of clothing, so as not to spoil things beyond repair. An extra half hour won't make a difference, but you will be confident that along with the coffee stains, the colors won't fade and new stains won't arise.

Using chemicals to clean clothes can cause an allergic reaction to some of them. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is better to work with rubber gloves and avoid getting chemicals on exposed skin.