How to determine that a person is an energy vampire: types, signs, methods of protection. How to restore energy and protect yourself from an energy vampire in the family, at work, at a distance? Ways to protect against energy vampires: stones, amulet, prayer, runes

Energy vampires exist, they are fueled by our emotions - indignation, anger, pity, sympathy. If after communicating with a person you regularly experience emptiness, weakness, malaise, it is better to stop contacts or follow “safety precautions”.

Vampires are not an invention of fantasy writers. They actually exist. But they feed not on blood, but on the energy of people. Almost all of us have repeatedly encountered psychological, or in other words, energy vampires, and we know what it’s like to feel as if all the vital juices have been sucked out of you. How to protect yourself from such contacts? How to avoid becoming a victim of an energy vampire?

It's a disease?

Some esotericists are sure that psychological vampirism is a disease, and people with weak energy potential suffer from it. It is also interesting that children under seven years of age are also energy vampires in relation to parents, blood relatives and other adults. As the child develops, he learns to compensate for the deficiency vital energy the right way or becomes a vampire.

Signs of communication with a vampire

Emptyness, fatigue, drowsiness... We all experience something similar when we come home from work in the evening, especially on Fridays. But if such feelings arise while communicating with a friend or one of your relatives, or maybe even with a colleague or boss, in a supermarket or government agency, there is clearly something fishy here.

During normal communication, people exchange emotions, and therefore energy. For example, after meeting one of my friends, I feel euphoria, I feel like wings are growing behind my back, the hormones of joy are going through the roof. And after a conversation with another, such melancholy falls that the world is not nice. I thought for a long time about what was going on here, analyzed it, and in the end I realized that this friend of mine was vampirizing me. She complains about her mother-in-law, who is eating up her life, about her husband, who earns little, about problems at work... And all this with the same words for many years. When I try to suggest that she look for some way out of the situation - leave her mother-in-law, buy an apartment, change her husband, change her job, she gets angry. She does not need constructive advice, but my attention, sympathy, empathy... She usually ends her monologue with a very cheerful and satisfied voice, and I go to restore my energy.

Conscious and unconscious vampires

Psychologists have been studying the topic of energy vampirism for a long time and have been very successful in their research. As you know, in order to defeat the enemy, you need to know him by sight. For this purpose, experts offer us a classification of energy vampires by type.

So, there are vampires...

1. Unconscious

Such consumers of other people's energy do not even suspect that they pose a certain danger to their environment. From time to time they experience physical and mental illness, which goes away when communicating with other people. These unfortunate people, who are not aware of their peculiarity, so to speak, are considered less dangerous. Many of them learn over time to restore their energy potential by communicating with nature, listening to music, drawing or doing some other exciting activity.

2. Conscious

These ones are really dangerous. They know the peculiarities of their body and, without a twinge of conscience, “treat themselves” by sucking out all the juices from their donors. They are not deterred by the thought that their behavior is harmful to health and may even threaten the lives of human donors. They deliberately provoke their victims to release emotions – no matter what, negative or positive. And the more turned on the donor is, the better it is for the vampire. Having become saturated with someone else's energy, a satisfied vampire will quietly disappear, leaving his victim in a state close to a heart attack or insanity.

"Solar" and "lunar" vampires

But there is another classification of this evil spirit.

1. "Sunny"

This type of energy vampires predominates. To feel good, he needs to provoke you into emotions. It’s better, of course, to use negative ones. Therefore, he often makes scandals, throws hysterics out of the blue, humiliates the victim, and all in order to provoke in her a verbal and emotional outburst with tears and screams.

2. "Lunar"

They act on the sly. Softly and gently, like moonlight, they bring the donor to complete loss of strength. Usually they cry into their vests, complain about life, whine and become boring, and then, cheerful and active, they go home, leaving the listener and comforter in a broken state. My friend, by the way, is from the same breed.

Signs of donation

It just seems that energy vampires are not capable of causing serious harm. They say, just think, my friend will cry for my life, but she will feel better, and I will be pleased. No, it won't be pleasant. A person who is regularly attacked by vampires begins to get sick. Heart, high blood pressure, headaches, stomach pain and many other neurological disorders... Mood worsens, the world around seems to lose its colors, the joy of life disappears. Weakness, eternal fatigue, feeling of a squeezed lemon.

Protection from the “solar” vampire

The main thing for a vampire is to hook you, establish contact, and evoke emotions in you. Remember this and act accordingly.

Avoid conflicts. If you are drawn into a “showdown” in transport, a supermarket or at home, do not answer, turn away, if you cannot leave, and best of all, leave. Cross your arms and legs, do not look the aggressor in the eyes. Your gaze should be fixed on the bridge of his nose. But the best thing is to take on a thoughtful look. You won’t even notice how you really think about something of your own or fall into a soft trance. Without receiving your feedback, the vampire will quickly calm down. The moment you sit and listen to him, you can begin to build a “wall” in your thoughts.

Experts also consider laughter to be a good remedy for vampires. Imagine your interlocutor in funny poses or clothes, put him on all fours, make him crawl... Soon you will start choking with laughter and everything the vampire says will fly past your ears. Do not object to your interlocutor, no matter how stupid he is. Don't try to prove him wrong. He's just waiting for this. Listen silently with a friendly expression on your face, nod, assent, and this will disarm him.

Protection from the “lunar” vampire

To avoid drowning in the tears of your vampire friend, start complaining yourself. Come up with an unpleasant story that supposedly happened to you. This way you will exchange energy without harming yourself. But the “lunar” vampire is not very willing to listen to other people’s sorrows. After five minutes, he will try to turn onto the usual path and continue about his beloved self. So the only way to protect yourself is to quickly end the conversation and leave.

How to recover

1. Water. Esotericists offer different ways recovery after contact with an energy vampire. First of all water procedures. It has long been noticed that water really washes away all the negativity that accumulates during the day. So, at the slightest sign of loss of vital energy, it would be good to take a shower, or at least wash your face and hold your hands under running water.

2. Infusion of medicinal herbs. Then you need to wash the body from the inside. We brew tea, but not ordinary tea, but from medicinal herbs: sage or thyme. Knowledgeable people Basil tea is also recommended. Half a teaspoon of herb per glass of boiling water. We drink warm in a calm atmosphere. This drink will calm your nerves and replenish your mental strength.

3. Fresh air. If you feel unwell due to socializing, go to a park, square, or just outside. Walk around, concentrating on your breathing. You can even stand on the balcony, exposing your face to the air currents.

4. Pleasant thoughts. Try to get rid of thoughts about the communication that took place from your head. Think about something pleasant, plan for tomorrow, in a word, get distracted.

5. Favorite activities. Watch a movie or flip through a magazine. Take knitting. Call a friend. Talk to a loved one.

Soon you will feel a surge of strength, mental and physical comfort. But from now on, try to avoid people who use you for fuel.

Energy vampirism is caused by a violation of energy exchange in a certain person, due to which he is fed with the vital forces of others, whether he understands it or not. Moreover, anyone can become a vampire, regardless of their age and gender.

Usually depression, hidden grievances, envy, anger and malice, strong constant dissatisfaction, fear of something is the true cause of energy imbalances. Energy channels cannot cope with such emotions; a kind of traffic jam forms in them. The result of this is that the person with depression cannot fully rest and even sleep due to constant tension. nervous system, the functioning of human internal organs is disrupted. The results of vampirism can be general embitterment, unsettled life, melancholy and depression.

External factors of this are capriciousness, irritability, tearfulness, or, on the contrary, aggressiveness and rudeness. It all depends on what type of energy vampire is - “solar” or “lunar”. This is especially true in old age or in cases of serious illness. In old age and when suffering a very serious illness, you have to spend a lot of vitality. It is precisely because of the lack of his own strength that the vampire of energy begins to take it from others. Energy vampires literally drink energy from strong and energetic people, as if they were donors to them.

There are three ways in which energy vampires “work”:

1. The vampire enters into resonance with the energy of the “victim”. The energy stealer complains about his unfair fate, suffers, cries, roars, in a word, evokes sympathy or a feeling of pity from his interlocutor, swearing at his own unsettled life. At this moment, his opponent tunes into his wave, as if entering his emotional state, he also becomes sad, and the energy vampire at this moment is “saturated” with energy. To protect yourself from this type of vampire, you need to communicate with them less often and listen less to their mental suffering. In cases where this is simply impossible, it is better to withdraw into yourself during moments of their complaints and suffering, try to immerse yourself less in the situations they describe and not empathize heartily. Alternatively, you can quickly change the topic of conversation.

2. Another option for energy vampires to “get enough” is to induce in a person an emotional outburst, some strong surge of emotions. The fact is that along with emotions we throw out vital energy, and the vampire provokes us into a scandal, quarrel, or insults, sarcastic and finds fault. Contrary to this technique, sometimes an energy vampire showers a person with compliments in every possible way, flatters him, lulls his vigilance, and forces him to tune in to the same wavelength as himself. The opponent begins to trust him and unknowingly removes the protection of energy from the hands of others - the biofield, allowing him to penetrate the source of energy forces. But that was all he needed. In order not to succumb to such methods of “sucking” energy, it is better not to succumb to various squabbles and quarrels. At odes of praise When trying to please you with sweet speeches, it is better to remain calm and neutral, not taking flattery and praise to heart.

3. Those who can protect themselves from “sucking out” energy by emotional means will not be saved by the physical influence of a vampire on a person. These people are very often demanding of others about their personalities. They may ask to be touched, stroked, massaged, or to sit closer to them when they are lying in bed. When this vampire is very dear to you, but is sick, you can tie a red woolen thread on your wrists. Moreover, without wrapping it, but tying it in a knot. Thus, access to your energy will be blocked. Indoor plants can nourish a patient with energy if placed next to his bed. A huge number of energy vampires live in public places - in public transport, in government institutions, kindergartens and schools, in shops and shopping centers.

Those who have been “sucked” of energy by the energy vampire can be advised to recover with the help of a walk, a contrast shower, a mug of aromatic hot tea infused with St. John’s wort, nettle or elecampane root with the addition of a spoonful of honey.

The theft of vitality from any person can be determined by the following signs:

Feeling suddenly tired or suddenly sleepy;
- periodic diseases, decreased immunity, general malaise, unrelated to anything, at first glance;
- constant feeling of fatigue, laziness, reluctance to do anything necessary;
- when a vampire is constantly near the victim, she experiences internal and external causeless irritation;
- a person constantly worries about something, without understanding the reason for it;
- The victim’s body is subject to rapid aging.

Rapid aging occurs due to the fact that a vampire can possess special skills and take away the entire vital energy supply of his victim. The victim ages and withers at a very rapid pace, and the vampire becomes stronger right before our eyes. To avoid this, you should:

1. Under no circumstances talk to an energy vampire. He should do his best to cause a negative emotional outburst in you, provoking and trying to speak. It’s better to just remain silent and smile slightly. If you simply don’t listen to your opponent, you can deprive him of possible “access” to your energy, and thus protect yourself. When such a person turns out to be a close friend or relative, it is better to simply explain to him that he is very important to you, but still let him solve the problems in his life on his own.

2. You should not talk to an energy vampire while looking into each other’s eyes. The eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the soul, and energy accumulates in the soul of every person. Energy will pass to him from them. If you need to talk to a vampire, it is better to cross your arms over your chest and place your feet together, thus “closing” your energy.

3. When you have to talk to a vampire every day, at work or at home, there is effective method self-defense, when you can close yourself with an imaginary glass ball or dome from everyone around you. Thus, a person puts up an invisible barrier that does not allow penetration into the source of his energy.

In order to prevent a vampire from taking energy, you should use one very in a good way. To do this, when a person constantly complains to you about life, you need to quickly interrupt his pitiful topic with a phrase like: “Listen, such a thing happened to me here! Let me tell you?..” And after that, don’t let him come to his senses - come up with stories right away, it doesn’t matter whether you made them up or they happened in reality. The fact is that any person can be confused by suddenly taking the initiative to talk with him into your own hands, thereby distracting both yourself and him from life’s troubles.

Also, not a single energy vampire will listen to other people's problems. It is precisely the creation of problems that is his immediate goal, the result of which will be the “sucking out” of his vital energy. Such a person simply will not listen to his interlocutor if he talks about his life troubles.

Another way to get rid of the influence of an energy vampire may seem simple and funny. This is the so-called “grandmother’s way.” It consists in the fact that when communicating with a vampire, you need to hide an ordinary fig in your pocket or behind your back. Even if this is a ridiculous option, it is always effective. We also have a huge amount in our hands energy channels, and when we fold our fingers in a certain way, a protective layer is formed - a biofield, and the body returns to its normal state. In the east, there is a whole treatment system that is based on “mudras,” which imply various combinations of finger placement. The method of showing the muzzle is very similar to this treatment. In general, many religions describe the resort to symbols associated with specifically located fingers.

When you have already opened all your “protection systems” and there is no longer any strength to escape from him, you should turn to the use of amulets. Charms are energy drains that allow you not to waste energy on a specific person.
After the influence of an energy vampire on you, you should return your energy back as soon as possible. Taking a contrast shower, some hot herbal tea, some spicy dish containing pepper, horseradish or mustard, and a short walk in the fresh air in the park will help with this. Fresh air is very useful in any condition. Adding some positivity to yourself is sometimes simply necessary to maintain internal vitality.

Of course, when a person close to you constantly complains to you, you want to help him overcome all the troubles, but an energy vampire does not need help, he does not escape from problems in this way - he needs vitality. And you spend it trying to help, not realizing that it can be called help with great difficulty. That is, you seem to be pushing energy vampires to the idea that they can own problems and not decide at all when another person can decide for them. That is, you spend your energy by giving it voluntarily and without demanding anything for it. It is for this reason that you should limit your communication with such people and your family’s communication with them. The family is easily influenced by energy vampires. Sometimes this is cruel, but the only way to encourage the “energy suckers” themselves to move forward and not waste their energy on solving their problems, which is so necessary for them and you don’t need at all.
It should be remembered that anyone can become an energy vampire, regardless of age or life status. Therefore, you should never be guided by negative emotions, getting upset about every occasion or because of some problems in life, because it is they that lead to energy vampirism, or rather, your perception of life’s tasks, giving them too much importance. Try to always be in a joyful mood, not pay attention to little things, ignore rude and uncultured people. To maintain vitality, you need to walk in nature as often as possible, eat natural food, love others, listen to your favorite music. Only with the help of positive thoughts can you cope with any, even the most unsolvable problem. Thus, an impetus is given to further development in life, to the ability to overcome troubles with your head held high on your own, without relying on anyone.

- this is the reason for the “cut-off” of a person from cosmic energy and its source. At this point in his life, he needs to “steal” energy from others in order to restore his own. It happens that he himself is not aware of his illness. There are often cases when an energy vampire “pumps” strength from some people and at the same time gives it to others, which is why even he himself does not have time to use it.

Unfortunately, determining whether a vampire is this person or not, impossible with any tests. Each person defines an energy vampire himself, without unnecessary help, relying only on your own intuition and knowledge, because you can only defend yourself by knowing who is in front of you.

The main thing in the concept of human life in society is the desire to transform everything that exists on the planet into useful things, that is, to make sure that everything is adapted for him. According to people, every thing should benefit their health and general emotional state.

This principle of energy-informational approach was preached back in the Ancient East. The philosophy of the East considered a person as an open biological energy-information system. This meant the ability to both give and receive energy. When a person becomes cut off from the common universal source of energy, he tries with all his might to restore his constantly diminishing source of life at the expense of other people. And this struggle is most often completely unconscious.

A person begins to feel unprotected and weak on a subconscious level; he needs energy. Any argument with insults benefits only the energy vampire, because, as a rule, he wins. This, in turn, further undermines his health and distances him from the source of energy in the world.

Only by improving spiritually can one not lose this invisible connection with the cosmos. Only the ability to take energy from the original source provides a way out of the system of donors and vampires.
Things are constantly happening in front of us that are beyond our understanding, things that are impossible to notice. There are many such phenomena in the world, and each of them psychologically affects the people around them. It happens that a person does not know how to behave and what to do so as not to be under the power of an energy vampire.

You need to learn forgiveness. If a person is unable to cope with some bitter resentment for a very long time, he inevitably becomes an energy vampire. The only way to deal with this is not to let the resentment penetrate into you, not to allow it to accumulate. That is, learn to forgive. Christians celebrate a wonderful holiday - Forgiveness Resurrection. Its usefulness lies in the fact that if a person sincerely asks everyone for forgiveness, he subconsciously cleanses himself of negative emotions.

Illness is essentially a creation of the thoughts of each individual. In Chinese medicine, there is an entire science that studies the influence of a mixture of emotional factors on a person’s overall health. When these factors act for a long enough time, they begin to provoke the occurrence of various diseases. So, for example, constant being in a state of anger has a bad effect on the liver, fear or joy without measure - on the heart, sadness and sadness - on the lungs, fear - on the kidneys. The fact is that an organism in a state of fear, anger, resentment or hatred automatically begins to release harmful and toxic substances that disrupt metabolism.

Emotions of internal disorder and constant “whining” that everything is bad never go away without leaving a trace. Anyone who constantly talks about misfortunes and illnesses will certainly fall into the traps set by their psyche. And this is no coincidence, because mentally we always give rise to the occurrence of one or another ailment.

Psychological energy is constantly changing depending on the emotions of each individual. The manifestation of fear, anger, envy or bitterness constantly destroys the general emotional background of a person, affecting his everyday state and behavior. If you look at energy vampirism from the occult side, then this is nothing more than the behavior of absolutely dead people who came out of their grave to satisfy their needs for physical and psychological energy.

Quantity lost energy directly depends on the relationship with the vampire. On how open and trusting they are. Conventionally, each vampire can be classified into one of two groups: “lunar” ones take energy quietly, and “solar” ones are constantly rowdy, provoking quarrels and scandals. It is not difficult to guess that a person has become an energy vampire - he is constantly nagging, complaining about life, and is unable to solve his own everyday problems. A sincere attempt to help such people usually turns out to our detriment, and therefore there is a leakage of our own vitality. In any public place they can “suck” energy - in housing departments, at the post office, at the passport office, in a car service center and similar social places.

When someone else feels good, the energy vampire himself feels very bad. That is, with direct contact with him, he begins to recover, and you get sick, the consequences of which can be feelings of drowsiness, increased excitability, exacerbation of old diseases, and mental instability.

Some of the most effective methods to restore your vital energy are: taking a contrast shower, hot healing tea or any liquid hot dish; A glass of herbal tea sometimes performs an invaluable function as an energy restorer. A glass of boiling water, among other things, can invigorate yourself, improve your mood and appetite, and relieve headaches. Infusions of tea from yarrow, rhubarb, madder, plantain, cyanosis, horsetail, burdock, and blueberries are very useful.

To conserve energy, it is very important to constantly enjoy this world - the sun, birds, trees, flowers. Sometimes a five-minute conversation with an opponent is enough to expend a significant part of your energy. With constant communication and sympathy for such a person, everyone overspends their energy on him, in connection with which feelings of irritation, weakness and hostility come.
If the vampire is “sunny”, he is constantly in a state of excitement, generally hyperactive and always sociable. Such people always provoke quarrels and scandals. That is, they cause anger in a person, he easily succumbs to it, and, without controlling it, gives away his energy. For example, the energy of life can be “sucked out” while on public transport or in crowded places, just by being rude to someone.

“Moon” energy vampires are much more difficult to recognize. They quietly and modestly extract energy. In their arsenal there are a lot of cunning ways to “suck out” other people’s vitality. They can talk to you about something really important and at the same time use you as a “donor” of energy. Such people are more likely to provoke a conflict and step aside to watch its development.

An energy vampire of any type constantly burdens his opponent with his imaginary problems. They do not accept objections and disputes in response, considering your problems insignificant. Vampires constantly maintain a closed posture, crossing their arms over their chest or cunningly intertwining their fingers. Vampires also usually wave their arms vigorously, as if putting up an invisible barrier. True, sometimes such signs do not relate to vampirism, but are only a consequence of a bad mood.

In everyday clothing, every vampire usually prefers dark colors, but this is also not necessary. When such a person grows up, he begins to use the energy of the whole family, setting each member only his own conditions. He gets used to this very quickly.

Energy vampirism is always accompanied by envy. People of this mindset are selfish, and they do not care how they get the necessary energy. Moreover, if you allow him his actions, he will enjoy life, and you will feel tired and dissatisfied, sometimes without even knowing the reasons for this.

It’s not difficult to fight an energy vampire – the main thing is to detect it in time and realize it. It is best to use his own methods - cross your fingers or arms, that is, take a closing pose, showing that you will not allow the vampire to come to you. The most important thing to always remember is that you shouldn’t go into conflict with an energy thief, because that’s exactly what he needs. Don't get annoyed, be rude to him, cry or talk very emotionally. An excellent technique is if you look at the so-called “third eye” - the distance between the eyebrows and above - while talking to a vampire.

It happens that an energy vampire unknowingly “sucks” energy, and you fall under its influence only by accident, wanting to help him with an open heart. But such help will most likely only benefit him. Usually vampires do not even thank their “donor” of vital energy. The hardest thing is to deal with a vampire when he is one of the family members. Such a person is very dear and it is incredibly difficult to renounce him. To help him, there is only one sure way - do not let him complain and explain that you understand him perfectly, love him, care for him, but let him raise his head and deal with the problem himself. Moreover, most likely, it is insignificant and your relative is simply pressing for pity, being unable to solve a difficult problem on his own. Phrase: “I love and respect you, but let’s solve your problems yourself!” quite suitable for such cases.

It’s a completely different matter when an energy vampire cannot be identified. He can constantly be with you at work, on the street, in a store or restaurant, stealing energy unnoticed or even unconsciously. It is usually not possible to detect such a person. All that remains is to restore your strength on your own.

In order for no one to use your life energy to feed themselves, you should enjoy every day you live, wake up and go to bed with positive thoughts, respect your colleagues, relatives, friends, and greet every acquaintance with an open smile. It should be remembered that each of us can become an energy vampire, sometimes even without really noticing it...

Energy vampirism today, unfortunately, is a very common phenomenon from which many people suffer. Vampires, experiencing an acute lack of energy, deliberately introduce us into situations in which we begin to lose vitality, which is fraught in the future with negative health, bad mood, troubles in different areas of life, and so on.

From this material you will learn how to recognize and protect yourself from an energy vampire.

Receiving someone else's energy is quite simple: a person must adapt to the wave of radiation of the energy flows of a particular person and find holes in his biofield. Bloodsuckers differ from each other in that the first part consumes someone else’s energy consciously, and the second part unintentionally, without malicious intent.

Esotericists consider only 3 main types of energy vampires, which differ in their methods of tuning into the frequency of energy radiation. Let's look at them in more detail next.

Subtle Energy Sucker

Warning signs include a person constantly trying to look into your eyes, persistently touching your body, and trying to start a conversation with you once again. Recognizing an insinuating vampire is not particularly difficult; your task will be to minimize all possible contacts with such a person. If this is not possible, keep a distance from your interlocutor during the conversation.

Vampire manipulator

Defining a vampire of this type is much more difficult than the previous one. In addition, when communicating with manipulators, people even begin to feel somewhat dependent on them: they become attracted to such a person, because manipulators are actively interested in your life and like to discuss your problems. Moreover, they always have enough sympathy and recommendations available for you.

It’s worth remembering one important thing: you shouldn’t let anyone in on your problems. When you do this, your energy is spent on simply discussing the problem instead of solving it, which is completely pointless. In the case when you do not yet have sufficient psychological stability, always look at whether you provoked a conversation regarding your problems or whether your protégé did it. And do not forget that when discussing your problems, it only seems that you are feeling better, but in reality you are donating your energy to your interlocutor of your own free will.

How to protect yourself from a manipulative vampire? Answer that everything is fine with you and don’t get carried away by discussing your life.

Vampire provocateur

Acts as the most dangerous type of energy bloodsucker. He regularly makes caustic remarks to those around him, constantly takes offense or offends others - his manner of behavior is designed to bring a person out of a state of spiritual harmony, when he can receive your energy in the form of a burst of aggression.

The fight against provocateurs consists of completely ignoring their attacks. When they try to piss you off a few times and are convinced that it is ineffective, they will soon leave you alone.

Recognize and protect yourself: signs of vampires

There are also general signs that help identify energy thieves. It is important to know them if you want to protect yourself from the energy pump.

It should be noted that most of Vampires are not aware of their harmful actions - they unconsciously take away other people's vitality. Energy vampirism is also often caused by severe stress, severe or chronic pathologies, and prolonged loneliness. Be that as it may, energy vampires can be diagnosed based on a number of characteristic signs:

  • after communicating with a vampire, you feel tired, drowsy and irritated - like a squeezed lemon;
  • vampires love arguments, squabbles, scandals: in this way they splash out their aggression on others, which noticeably improves their mood;
  • Also, energy thieves are characterized by incessant complaints about life, complaints about their fate - the vampire needs sympathy and takes up a lot of time. He turns a deaf ear to your advice and makes no effort to improve his life;
  • As a separate subtype of energy vampires, it is necessary to distinguish those who like to communicate and “mass entertainers” who need to be in the center of attention of others. Of course, not all people who fit this description are vampires, but it’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, especially if you react negatively to such individuals;
  • Vampires often lend money without being in a hurry to pay it back.

Effective methods to protect yourself from a vampire

  • one must try to remain as calm as possible with impartiality. Under no circumstances start an argument with vampires - this is the only way to protect yourself from internal disharmony;
  • You can’t look at people you don’t like point-blank, because the eyes are the most powerful channel for the exchange of energy. If it is impossible to protect yourself from eye contact, make sure that your glances are intermittent;
  • learn to refuse others, say “no” in cases where they regularly interfere with your life with their annoying requests, taking away your time and energy. It is worth limiting even telephone communication with constantly complaining people who are dissatisfied with life if you want to protect yourself from energy losses;
  • do not reveal your energy to strangers. If it happens that you are forced to be in the company of a dubious person, you need to cross your arms over your chest or clasp them together, and you also need to put your feet together. Thanks to these actions, you close your personal space and make it inaccessible to intrusion from the outside;
  • very old, but no less effective method, which eskrasens are advised to use - wearing a pin on the inside of clothing or using a small mirror so that the reflective surface faces away from you. These methods will protect you from negative energy;
  • Donor trees, which are birch, oak and pine, help to accumulate personal power. You need to stand next to them for several minutes, touch or hug them, imagining how a stream begins to flow from the tree to you vitality, which will protect you from any vampire;
  • If possible, try not to conflict with energy vampires, do not fall for any of their provocations. If a quarrel arose, for example, in public places, then it is better to turn around and leave than to lose your valuable life energy;
  • An effective method of protection against vampirism is the installation of a protective “barrier”. To do this, when you talk to a vampire, visualize how a brick wall grows between you;
  • many esotericists call laughter a good defense against energy vampirism. When the energy pump tries to take energy from you, just imagine it in a very funny position (for example, sitting on the toilet). This will make you relax and all his attacks will be meaningless;
  • if they are trying to get you emotional, you should smile sweetly and express your agreement with all the comments, even if they seem unfair to you. The main thing is that the vampire cannot hook you, and as soon as he realizes that you remain unperturbed, believe me, he will immediately lose all interest in you and start looking for a new victim.

How to protect yourself: ways to increase personal energy

Every day, various psychic attacks are carried out on us, openly or secretly. Following these recommendations will protect you from the effects of negative energy.

  1. Take a contrast shower in the mornings and evenings - the water will cleanse you of the negative information field. If during the day you come into contact with people who are unpleasant to you and you want to remove all the negativity from yourself, just wash your hands with soap or splash cold water on your face, thanks to this you will eliminate the negative message to at least a small extent.
  2. After contact with vampires, you should drink a cup of herbal tea (the best herbs for this are yarrow, calamus, horsetail) and forgive the person who has offended you.
  3. Add red or black pepper to your diet, and when you drink coffee, put a little nutmeg in your cup - this will make it easier for you to repel negative energy messages from yourself.
  4. It is important to get full sleep: during a night's rest, your energy field is restored and the body's resistance increases.
  5. Wear silver jewelry - this metal has the ability to absorb negative energy flows and also purify thoughts. It is also effective to place the items you want to clean in water that you also place your silver items in. Silver ions will “revive” the water and give it restorative, antibacterial and protective properties.
  6. It happens that a person himself provokes energy exhaustion due to the fact that he attracts increased attention from others. To do this, it is enough to have a bright appearance, behave defiantly - and that’s it, you are already hooked. Therefore, you should not engage in such provocations; remember that modesty is often energetically beneficial.
  7. Stay optimistic! Positive people They do not carry negative mental energy within themselves and do not attract it to themselves.
  8. Forgive those around you. Even if a person has experienced a little anger or aggression, his energy field will remain in a negative state for 2 days. The more negativity present in a person, the more harm he causes, first of all, to himself. And in turn, a positive attitude, on the contrary, will attract good luck and give you a great mood.

Now you know how to protect yourself from a vampire, use this knowledge constantly to protect your health and life from negative influences from others. And to conclude the topic, we recommend that you watch expert advice on energy protection in the following video:

They do not drink blood, are not afraid of garlic, silver and sunlight. These people feed off the emotions of others.

Do energy vampires really exist?

Psychologists and bioenergetics experts are confident that they exist. These “bloodsuckers” complain about their unfortunate fate, make scandals, bore, threaten or otherwise try to unbalance their victim. It is not surprising, therefore, that one person or even a whole group of people to whom such a message is directed, their mood deteriorates, their well-being deteriorates, and powerlessness and depression arise.

Vampires do not always know that they need nourishment. However, even if they unknowingly draw energy from others, you should know how to resist energy vampires. Otherwise, there is a danger of getting sick: the negative impact weakens the body and reduces its protective functions. It is quite easy to understand how to resist energy vampires. You just need to adopt proven psychological and bioenergetic techniques.

Signs to recognize a vampire

After communicating with him, you feel tired and irritated and fall asleep. You feel like a squeezed lemon.

Such an individual does not miss the opportunity to quarrel, argue, throw out his dissatisfaction and anger on others. Then his mood immediately improves.

A person may not show visible aggression towards others, but constantly complain about his health and fate, complain, demand sympathy and take up a lot of time from his interlocutors. However, as a rule, he does nothing to make his life better.

Entertainers of the masses and lovers of chatting, always striving to be in the center of attention, represent a special type of energy vampires. However, you should not suspect everyone around you who has similar traits. But if such a person does not evoke positive emotions, his active interference in the personal space of others can be called energetic aggression. How do energy vampires behave? The peculiarity that distinguishes such people is the following: they often try to establish contact with you - they stroke, pat on the shoulder or try to touch. All these signs will help you figure out how to recognize an energy vampire.

There is one more sign. These people love to borrow, while promising to repay “as soon as possible.”

How to protect yourself from vampires?

In shops, in transport, at work and just on the street you can easily meet a bloodsucker. You should not let him into your personal space! You should know how to resist energy vampires.

Be sure to remain calm, even if it is not easy to remain impartial. You should never enter into conflict with such a person; this will protect you from internal imbalance.

Now we will tell you how to deal with energy vampires.

Learn to refuse if the annoying requests of another take up time and disrupt plans. Avoid even talking on the phone with people who constantly complain about their fate, complaining about life, their bosses, their husband (wife) or children. We need to provide help to those who really need it.

You should not reveal your energy to unknown people. If a person does not inspire confidence in you, but you are forced to be in his field of vision (travelling in transport, meeting and other situations), you should cross your arms over your chest or clasp your palms and join your feet. This way you will close off your personal space and become inaccessible to the energy vampire.

Bioenergetics specialists also advise wearing a small mirror on the inside of your clothing, with its reflective surface directed away from you. This is a talisman against an energy vampire. You can also use a pin instead of a mirror. Such a talisman against a vampire (energy), according to bioenergeticists, will reflect the negativity directed at you.

We accumulate energy

Donor trees will help accumulate strength. If you stand for a few minutes near a pine, oak or birch tree, hugging or touching it, and imagine how this tree fills you with energy, you can resist any negative impact. It is best to choose a tree growing separately from the rest.

We are openly or covertly exposed to mental attacks every day. Therefore, it is useful for everyone to know how to get rid of an energy vampire. The conditions for successfully counteracting various negative energies are as follows.

Useful properties of water

Take a contrast shower in the evening and in the morning: water washes away the bad. If, for example, you came into contact with an unpleasant person at work, you can sprinkle your face with cold water and wash your hands with soap. This way you can get rid of at least partially the negative message.

Drink tea from various medicinal herbs (for example, horsetail, calamus, yarrow) after communicating with a vampire... and forgive your offender. You should eat black or red pepper and add nutmeg to your coffee - this will extinguish the negative energy directed at you.

Full sleep

Comfortable, full sleep is very important: strength is restored during rest, and the resistance of the whole body increases. Before you go to bed, do not remember those who offended you during the day. They should not be allowed into dreams.

Silver jewelry

It is preferable to wear jewelry made of silver, as this metal purifies thoughts and absorbs negativity. A silver item can be placed in water for a while. After this, silver ions will turn it into a living one, which has protective, antibacterial and restorative properties.

Often we ourselves are the cause of energy exhaustion, because we attract increased attention to ourselves. Defiant demeanor, bright appearance - and you are hooked. Don't provoke! Sometimes modesty is beneficial energetically.

The power of thought and words

Intrusion into information-biological personal space, popularly called the evil eye and damage, will only cause harm if the soul is open to negativity. Thoughts and words carry different information, so do not destroy yourself with negative emotions. Be optimistic! People who think positively are not carriers of negative energy, and also do not attract it to themselves. Learn to forgive! even with the slightest manifestation of an emotion such as anger, he remains in a negative state for two days. The more rage you have, the more harmful it is to your health. On the contrary, a positive attitude towards people and events guarantees good health and attracts good luck.

Making an energy barrier

In order to extinguish negative energy without losing strength, you should be able to put up protection. You can take advantage of the practice that yogis use. They know how to get rid of an energy vampire. If your job requires you to stay in the same room with a manipulator for a long time, use your imagination and combine several techniques.


Feel and imagine that in front of you at the level of the intercostal space, as well as on the sides and behind, there are 4 golden warm peas at arm's length. Imagine in your mind that they are spinning around you, thereby forming a hoop. After this, try to see how it turns into an egg with dense walls. Its layers are wound on top of each other for about a minute. In this case, the egg shells can be imagined as colored, preferably orange, blue, and gold. It is very important to feel all your actions. You can also imagine that a silvery-white web has enveloped you, forming a dome. This way you will prevent a breakdown of the biofield by closing its circuit. You are protected!

"Mirror Wall"

You can mentally build a mirror wall between your unpleasant interlocutor and you. You can also place yourself in the mirror cube. Negative energy will be reflected, and the ghoul will leave you alone, losing some of its power. You can also build a brick wall: imagine that you are laying cement, placing bricks.

Playing theater

The effect of alienation will help you keep calm - a special one psychological technique. Imagine that you are in the auditorium of a puppet theater for children. The energy vampire acts as Karabas-Barabas. Imagine how it shrinks in size. Now perceive any aggression towards you as a role. This will help you not take words to heart. Alternatively, imagine the energy vampire as appearing on television.

It is useful to use other means. This could be a prayer from energy vampires, listening to your favorite music, sports, and more. Listen to your feelings, look deep into yourself more often: on a subconscious level, we all know how to resist energy vampires.

Energy vampirism is a process in which one person (in most cases) unconsciously or consciously (using special techniques) steals some of the life energy of another.

Each person should live off their own vital energy, happily and independently of each other. But, there are cases when a person cannot provide himself with enough energy. He has few ways out of this situation. The simplest one is to steal energy from another.

Any country protects its citizens with laws. You cannot cause physical harm to another person, you cannot take another person’s life or damage his health in any way. But today it is impossible to find protection from psycho-energetic-informational aggression or energy vampirism in the laws.

Today society does not understand enough what energy is, how this energy is exchanged, why it is needed, and much more that everyone should study. After all, many harm each other and do not even realize it. Perhaps from the previous article you already know how to protect yourself from the negative energy of other people, but today we will talk in more detail about what energy vampirism is. Shall we get started?

It's no secret that while living we accumulate and spend energy. Saving it without spending it is pointless, because sooner or later you will not be able to save more energy than you have. Lack of energy also negatively affects our lives. Everything needs balance. And if you feel bad after interacting with certain people, then perhaps these people are disturbing this balance.

We all communicate with other people to one degree or another. At the moment of this communication, we exchange not only information, but also energy. It happens that communication balances our energy and that of our partner, but there is also an unequal exchange. When you communicate with an energy vampire, he tries to take as much of your energy as possible.

Almost all people are energy vampires to one degree or another. The only question is how strongly this is expressed. You've probably noticed how most people interact with each other on the energetic plane. It's good when the situation is under your control. And if not? Then you risk becoming part of a process called vampirism.

Figure 2. What is vampirism anyway?

If you take a dictionary, you can find the following definition:

Definition from

A vampire or a ghoul, or a ghoul - in the lower mythology of the peoples of Europe, a dead person who rises from the grave at night or appears in the form bat, sucking blood from sleeping people, sending nightmares. It is believed that “unclean” dead people became vampires - criminals, suicides, those who died a premature death and those who died from vampire bites. More details on Wikipedia.

In addition to this definition, we can meet vampires in cinematography, literature, and biology.

Energy vampires

An energy vampire is a creature (usually a human) that feeds on someone else's energy. Most often, both the donor and the recipient (recipient) are people.

We meet vampires almost every day - they surround us. In some cases, we ourselves have to become a vampire. In fact, you were most likely a vampire at least to some extent. Vampirism is a common phenomenon in modern society. But this is far from what helps people develop. Vampirism must be fought. It’s normal to exchange energy, but not to “suck” energy from another person without transferring your own to him. Of course, it is possible to do this without realizing it, which can be observed quite often today.

So far we have only talked about human vampires. But this is not entirely correct. Have you ever experienced a loss of energy after being in a certain place or after watching a horror movie? Further we will call all things that take away a person’s strength - energy vampires. In most cases, of course, these will be people.

If we divide energy vampires into categories, we can distinguish the following:

  • Children. Children need a lot of energy. They can take it from those around them, but most often from close people (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather...)
  • Parents. It also happens that there are people in the family with whom it is difficult to communicate, or who deliberately spoil your mood, make you angry, or drive you crazy. On the contrary, in our stereotype, it is the parents who spend their energy on their children. But have you ever heard phrases like “I worked for you all my life, and you...”. Sometimes parents don’t even notice how much they enjoy the fact that their child obeys them. This also includes the breakdown of negative emotions that parents “pour” onto their children. We will look at this in more detail in the article on gender energy.
  • Friends. I think that you are familiar with the situation when a friend (girlfriend) comes to you and starts telling you that everything is very bad for him (her). Everything is bad for him (her), but everything is good for you. In such a situation, a friend or girlfriend wants to evoke your sympathy. As soon as you start feeling worried or upset about another person, you can be sure that you have given some of your energy away.
  • Sick people. If a person is sick, then all his strength goes into restoring himself. To recover faster, a person needs more energy. When you are near a patient, you may feel a great loss of strength. This can be seen well in hospitals.
  • Scandalists (boors). Do you know people who really like to be rude, make scandals, and swear? In this way, they try to recharge their energy from the person they are yelling at.

This is where I would like to end the list of human vampires. But, as you understand, this is not all. Let's try to summarize the above.

Actions that make you feel fear, anxiety, anger, worry, guilt, resentment, sympathy and the like lead to a loss of your energy.

All of the types of people listed above have one thing in common: they are trying to evoke one or more negative emotions in you and thus take part of your energy for themselves. But this still does not mean that all brawlers, those who like to shout, and irritate, are vampires.

Perhaps you shouldn’t add every person you meet who spoils your mood to your list of energy vampires. Such accusations should at least be well thought out by you. You must learn to monitor your energy supply, which consists of your performance, mood, perseverance, desire to live and create, mental stamina, etc. Have you noticed how you suddenly lose energy at certain times? After what did this happen? After communicating with a person? Was this the first time or is it ongoing? Does this person only hurt you or everyone around you? Why is this person doing this? Why does he need your life energy? How is he trying to steal some of your energy? There are a lot of questions to think about. After this, you must work on yourself to close the weak spot through which your energy is stolen.

Energy vampire at work

You wake up on a weekday, you need to go to work. It’s good if there is a friendly, pleasant, loving team waiting for you there, with whom you are always happy to meet. But this, unfortunately, happens very, very rarely. Often there will be people waiting for you who no longer have enough energy in the morning and who are just waiting for an energy donor to recharge them.

The most common vampire at work is the boss. It often happens that he gathers everyone on Monday morning and begins to tell how and why each of the employees is performing poorly. In this “five minutes” he will find something for everyone bad word in order to somehow hook a person. It is very good if this happens only on Mondays, and not on every working day of the week. After such a meeting, only the boss remains in the mood; he is charged with energy, although not of the best quality.

In addition to your boss, your work colleagues can also be vampires who just want to ruin your mood or do something bad.

But the worst thing is if you hate your job. At the same time, you will lose a lot of strength that needs to be taken from somewhere. By doing something you hate, you yourself risk becoming an energy vampire.

How to steal other people's energy?

Figure 3. How to steal energy?

The main way to steal energy from another person is to provoke emotions in him. Negative ones are more suitable, because by their nature they are stronger energetically. The main goal is to take a person out of his energy balance. This causes the victim to give up some amount of life energy.

After a person “swings” (energetically), the normal flow of his subtle or etheric energy is interrupted. When our energy does not flow in the right direction, it disrupts the normal functioning of the energy centers (chakras).

Techniques of energy vampirism

Vampirism usually occurs when two people are not “equal” to each other. For example, one of them is older and has more experience than the other. Or one is much stronger physically than the other. Or one has power over the other. However, this is not always the case.

An experienced vampire may change his behavior dramatically to see which method works best in a particular situation. He (or she) can scream, cry (more relevant to children), be gentle and sweet, argue and swear - it all depends on what the vampire needs at a particular moment in time and what type of person is standing in front of him. For example, there are people who cannot be attracted by anger and shouting, but who pay attention to pity. If we talk about specific techniques of energy vampirism, we can highlight the general ones:

  • Words.

    This is the most common technique in modern society. Words can easily offend or anger a person, threaten, frighten, shock, seduce, etc. In most cases, words are used as false and untrue facts.

    Some parents may criticize their children unnecessarily, or raise their voices at them when it is not necessary. Others, on the contrary, praise the child excessively and give him everything he wants. Even if it is done with good intentions, it may affect the child more negatively than positively.

  • Sex.

    Perhaps we will not dwell on this in detail now, because this is the topic of another article. But for now, it’s enough for you to understand that making love is not just physical pleasure.

  • Nonverbal behavior.

    Even a smile can provoke another person to release a certain amount of vital energy. Of course, not the best technique for stealing energy.

  • Cloth.

    This is another technique of energy vampires to steal the energy of another. The color, texture, price of clothing can offend your interlocutor or just a passerby.

  • The list goes on and on. People who impress you or cause you energy imbalance are likely taking some of your energy for themselves.

Types of Energy Vampires

This part of the article will be a kind of continuation of what we just discussed. Let's try to systematize all types of energy vampirism.

  1. vampire victims
    • People who are sick and lose all their strength to eliminate the disease.
    • People are depressed, morally or mentally depressed due to difficulties in life or other problems.
    • Pessimists
  2. vampire executioners
    • Tyrants
    • Business exploiter
    • Sadists
  3. mixed type of the two above
    • Sado-masochists
    • Conformists. (Conformity is a change in a person's behavior or opinion under the influence of real or imagined pressure from another person or group of people)
  4. vampires are manipulators
    • A “friend” who constantly tries to pin his problems and affairs on you.
    • Despot (autocratic ruler)

Solar and lunar vampires

Figure 4. Solar vampires.

Extroverted vampires (or solar vampires) are precisely those evil brawlers who are ready to get into a fight with you just to get at least some portion of energy from you. They are usually selfish, very aggressive and tough. Their main tool for obtaining energy is physical and mental pain. They will not hide their dissatisfaction and will express everything to your face. You can call solar vampires open.

Figure 5. Moon vampires.

Introverted vampires (or moon vampires) are sort of the opposite of solar vampires. They will receive energy from you gently and calmly. This category of people includes whiners, pessimists, and bores. They will tell you over and over again how bad they feel and expect you to help them. Unlike extroverted vampires, lunar vampires will not quarrel with you and prove that they are right.

Causes of energy vampirism

Most likely, there has always been an unequal exchange of energy. After all, people who live all over the planet have different spiritual levels. We can have approximately the same level as our interlocutor, then this communication will most likely benefit both. If one of the interlocutors is much higher level spiritual development, then he gives his energy for balance.

This is well described in the book “Psychoenergetic protection. Directory. - Klyuchnikov S.Yu.” . In this reference book you can come across the question, why are all types of vampirism increasing in our time? You can read the full answer in the book, but in short: for a long time now we have been observing a downward trend in the development of human spiritual life. If this is not stopped, then humanity can turn into a crowd of vulgar, thoughtless and spiritually devastated people.

Signs of energy vampirism

Video 1. Signs of an energy vampire. Formula for calculating donors and vampires

Main text of the video

Firstly, many authors of articles about energy vampirism write that an energy vampire is, first of all, a person who makes scandals and screams. So, I want to tell you that this is absolutely not true. There are vampires who make scandals and scream in order to get a negative reaction from other people. There are donors who make scandals and scream in the same way, and in this situation it’s probably not worth understanding this situation only on the basis that a person makes a row and screams, which means he is a vampire. Vampires indeed very often provoke other people to release negative emotions by shouting and swearing. But the opposite situation happens, when the donor screams, swears, throws out a charge of his energy, and the vampire calmly takes it from open access. Therefore, it is impossible to say definitively here.

One woman in the article writes that energy from donors flows only from the third (chakra) and fourth chakra and comes to the vampire. This, in fact, is kind of stupid, because if a woman is an energy donor and she gives energy to a male vampire, her energy will definitely flow mainly from the second and fourth chakras. But here it will depend on how the relationship is built. If a woman’s relationship with a man is built within the framework of mother and son, that is, the female donor is the mother, and the male vampire is in the role of the son, then, of course, her energy will flow from the fourth chakra. If the relationship is built on the father-daughter principle, but I’ll immediately make a reservation that such relationships are mainly built when the man is the donor and the woman is a vampire. But there are exceptions. In any case, in normal, harmonious relationships, when a woman does not perform the function of a mother, but performs the function of a woman and wife, that is, a mistress of the house or simply a beloved woman. In any case, it will release energy from the second chakra. To say that during energy vampirism only the third and fourth chakras are used, this, it seems to me, is fundamentally incorrect. I think that absolutely any chakra can be involved, probably except for the very top ones. Because if a woman, for example, or a man screams during a release of energy, there may even be a fifth chakra involved.

Many people say that the energy vampire acts directly. That is, if he needs the energy of a donor, then he will absolutely openly provoke this donor into some negative, vivid emotions. This is actually the third myth. Vampires in search of energy will do this on the sly. Most of my observations of vampires boiled down to the fact that a vampire is always very competent. And even if this happens in family relationships, then most often you will notice a situation where the vampire will quietly provoke his donor to release energy.

How to understand that you have been exposed to vampiric influence?

The first thing to say here is the regularity of the emotions experienced after communicating with the alleged vampire. Only when the symptoms appear repeatedly, constantly, can we talk about vampirism on the part of another person.

The sign may be physiological, psychological and psychoenergetic abnormalities. Let's look at them.

  • Physiological signs
    • Headache
    • Pressure and pain in the heart, rapid heartbeat
    • Insomnia
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Decreased appetite
    • General malaise
  • Psychological signs
    • Fatigue
    • Reduced performance
    • “Dulling” to vital perception of the surrounding world
  • Psychoenergetic signs
    • Loss of mood
    • Feelings of fear, guilt, debt to another person
    • Pessimism
    • Awareness of one's own insignificance

All of the listed signs do not have to be present at the same time when interacting with a vampire. Moreover, we have not covered everything, but only the main ones. However, this information can help in identifying a true vampire if you experience recurring symptoms from two or three categories at the same time (for example: headache + fatigue + loss of mood).

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

Figure 6. It's a pity, but garlic and sunlight will not save us from the vampires described in this article. Let's see what methods of protection work.

Why should we talk about protection from energy vampirism? At a minimum, so that your life is filled with energy, and therefore joyful and pleasant. You need energy to live and enjoy, and if someone upsets the balance of your energy, then this is somehow not very good.

Today, science cannot yet confirm the fact of vampirism, but this does not mean that the problem of protection from energy vampires is not relevant.

Now we will look at some techniques and methods of protection from energy vampires, but you must understand the most important thing: a strong person is unlikely to fall under the influence of a vampire.

Develop yourself physically, energetically, psychologically, be spiritual strong man- this is the most effective way to protect against energy vampires.

Protection methods

Figure 7. Methods and techniques for protecting against vampires

  • Method for constructing an energy shield.

    I think everything is already clear to you from the name of the method. You need to imagine around yourself a very dense shield of luminous matter that can protect you from the negative energy of another person. In addition, some imagine this shield in the form of a reflective screen that returns to the ‘attacker’ all his negativity. The effectiveness of this method will depend on how strongly you can visualize this shield.

  • Vampire Downplaying Method

    There are situations when the victim of an energy attack exaggerates the image of the vampire standing opposite him. For example, he is afraid of him. This plays into the hands of the thief of someone else’s power, because this significantly increases his chances of stealing some of your energy. Tip: Downplay the vampire. Imagine him in the form of a clown or a small person. (This technique can also be found in psychology)

  • Protective words

    If a person believes in mantras, for example, then confidently repeating and understanding them can protect you. Breathing, correct rhythm, correct word order, and visualization can play a role here.

  • Attack

    Best defense is attack. Whether this is so, everyone decides for himself. But such a method exists and it is quite effective. Moreover, in my opinion, it is the most effective of the above.

  • Ignoring

    Suppose you are constantly complaining about your fate, but at the same time the person wants to do absolutely nothing to improve it. Treat such complaints coldly and ignore them. You may think this is very harsh and wrong. However, this is the best protection for you and best help for the person who complains.

  • Ritual protection

    Do you believe that they can't take our energy if you cross your fingers or arms? This will not be a bad method of protection if this action is a ritual for you. Any sequence of actions that has a deep moral and energetic meaning for a person can help preserve vitality.

  • Protective Items

    Every religion has items that are designed to protect a person. Such items include sacred figures in Buddhism, talismans with amulets, and, of course, body crosses, which are used in Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

  • Closing and leaving the vampire

    There is nothing stopping you from closing yourself off or leaving the vampire. Starting from physical actions (crossing arms, looking away, etc.) to spiritual closure and withdrawal (hiding information about oneself, silence, ignoring).

  • Egregor protection

    We will talk about egregors in another article. In the meantime, it should be said that a person’s appeal to the egregor of the religion that he professes can help him in the fight against the vampire. The success of this method depends on the power of love and belief in one's religion.

  • Chakra protection
  • Protection during illness

    When a person is sick, not only his physical body is weakened, but also his astral and etheric body. This means that it will be easier to deliver an energy strike. Therefore, during illness, try to save energy, meditate, and pray.

Protection against energy theft in Orthodoxy

The Orthodox religion has only one method of protection against the theft of life force. This advice goes like this:

Pray, don’t think about anything, and the darkness will dissipate!

Perhaps this will be enough to achieve victory over the “enemy,” but it will clearly not be enough to understand all the nuances and techniques of energy transitions. This emotional method of protection is good for those who sincerely believe in their prayers.

Manifestations on the subtle bodies of humans

Where does it appear? Example
Physical plan Traditional vampire for humans: a person who comes out at night and feeds on human blood (classic vampire). This image can be found in literature and cinema. It may be hard to believe, but today it is also present in real life. For example, in America, according to some sources, about 10 million people (mostly sects) practice classical vampirism.
Ethereal Plane Stealing a person's vitality and energy.
Astral Plane Shaking a person’s emotions, stealing a person’s mood.
Mental Plane Stealing thoughts and creative ideas.
On a spiritual level An attempt to deprive a person of his soul.


You may think that this article is closely related to psychology. Don’t let this bother you, because each psychological quality carries a certain type of energy.

And so, let's draw some short conclusions. Energy vampirism is the theft of a person's life force (in most cases).

There are: vampire-victims (sick, weak people), vampire-executioners (who steal power purposefully and get pleasure from it), mixed types of the two above (depending on the circumstances, such a person can be both a victim and an executioner)

It is possible and necessary to protect yourself from energy vampires; you just need to develop yourself and not succumb to the negative influence of other people.

Video 2. Of course, psychology is not esoteric, but I still advise you to watch this lecture about energy vampires.

The article is based on ideas from the following books:

  • Klyuchnikov S.Yu. - Psychoenergetic protection. Directory
  • Popov R.I. - Energy self-defense - the path of self-knowledge (parts 1, 2)