Let's learn letters in action!: Letter N - activity. How to beautifully draw the letter H (with a pencil step by step)? Draw the letter n fantasy

Rhino screams to friends
I brought you the letter N,
You need to know the letter N
To New Year meet!

Have you guessed which letter we will be learning about today? That's right, with the letter N!

Physical activity to do during class if your child is tired of sitting
/Pinocchio stretched; bent over once, bent over twice,
He spread his arms to the sides - he clearly couldn’t find the key.
To get the key, we need to stand on our toes!/

1. Make the letter H from pencils or cups.
Compose or write a letter with buckwheat

2. Make syllables from cards - you need to read:
Oh Oh

3. Articulation gymnastics:
We looked out the window.
There is a full moon in the sky.
An elephant walks under the moon.
Well, well, well, well
The elephant needs a walk.

There is a pine tree on the hill.
There is no moon in the sky
But but but
It's dark outside.
Light the fire.

More pure talk:

4. The letter N has 2 sounds: [N] and [N"]. The rhinoceros passed and broke the words that I prepared with these sounds - let's put them together!
In what case is soft ( green), and in which - solid N ( blue)?

5. “Stomp-clap”: when you hear a hard N, stamp your foot, and when you hear a soft one, clap your hands.
= Natasha, Nina, Nikita, Nastya, Nikolai, Nadya
= Threads, leg, sled, no, moon, new, strawberry, drum

6. Game “Znukoezhka” (idea from here): Zvukoezhka flew in and ate the sounds in the words (prepare words in Power Point)
= slo..., zvo..., vago..., bara..., pio..., bato...

7. "Say the word"
= mashi..., ste..., carti..., mali..., monkey..., basket...

8. "The fourth wheel"
= thread, scissors, needle, rhinoceros
= banana, drum, pineapple, glass
= notes, ostrich, leg, threads

9. Jump when you hear an N word!
= night, tank, chair, day, team, dog, horses, mosquito, loaf, hemp, midge, pump, laziness order.

10. A strong wind confused all the letters in the words - let's save the words! (put the letters of words in the wrong order - let him correct it)
= dream, nose, elephant, son, moon, gnome, clown

11. Find words with the letter N

12. Find the hidden letters H ()

13. Add the missing element of the letter H

14. Which balloon contains the letter N?

15. Circle!

16. "Find a couple and make a proposal!"
= piano, umbrella, nose, bow.
= notes, rain, poppy, girl.
For example: An umbrella protects people from the rain.

17. Verbs with the prefix NA ()
Sing - hum (sing a song)
Write - write (write with a pen)
Draw - draw (draw with a brush)

18. Prepositions ON and OVER
On the table, On the window, On the shelf, On the sofa
Over the river, Over the car, Over the wall (helicopter flies)

19. Lesson about the letter N

23. Find hidden words among the alphabetic text:

son, pine trees, moon, our and underline them.




24. Let's help the rhinoceros collect all the letters N so that he doesn't get scolded at school. (from here)
First-grader rhinoceros
I looked at the flower.
Guess who today
Late for class?

The letter N stands for a consonant sound: hard [N] and soft [N"]. This is a voiced sound.

Words starting with N: sky, sock, rhinoceros, reward, nose, leg, black, outfit, oil, thread, new, nobody, nobody's, notes, need, zero, hope, sticker, Natasha, nature, nectar, impossible, beginning, nostrils, low , nail...

The letter N in the middle of a word: lollipop, car, grenade, hay, bow, bathhouse, Vanya, wave, gnome, melon, raccoon, laziness, pony, angel, fable, bank, cherry, race, wave, grain, book, outline, minute, autumn, song , market, seal, young man, England, grandson, nest, crown, money...

The letter N at the end of a word: elephant, drum, telephone, dream, damn, one, lemon, aries, chieftain, ram, sofa, wild boar, clown, deception, organ, season, slope, herd, coupon, volcano, trap...

Several letters N in a word: orangutan, scissors, fountain, nanny, piano, announcement, manna, sore throat, name...

How to write the printed letter N?
Here is the letter N - it’s easy to remember
Two sticks of equal height.
And there is only one crossbar
In the middle everyone can see it.

Stick, stick, belt
The letter N is like a bridge.
/you can draw this letter in the air or on semolina/
For phonemic perception of the letter N, play the game “Aquarium” (described earlier for the letter A), or jumping - if the sound N is at the beginning, jump forward, if at the end - back, if in the middle - in place. My son really liked this option! :)

Poems about the letter N ( , )
N - stretched mesh,
The net is held very tightly.
Come to our yard,
Let's play volleyball!

Let's take the pencil in our palms,
With N we write “Nose” and “Legs”.
The night has come, I need to sleep -
The letter N is needed again.

I have known the letter N for a long time -
Since childhood they have been telling me: “But, but!”
And grown up, now in response
I often hear the word: “No!”
"Don't want!" And mom: “We must!”
In general, we don’t get along with the letter N.
I would erase N from the alphabet,
But my name is Nikita...

Riddles about the letter N ( , )
Two bare feet
They walk along the path
They run and jump
Yes, they jerk each other.
The boots will be captured,
Will turn into a letter...

In rain and hot weather
The pump pumps water for us.
Kach-kach! Kach-kach!
Wash your hands, wash the ball,
So that the pump doesn't get bored,
And he pumped, he rocked, he rocked!
He pumped water for everyone,
Turned into a letter...

Tumbler Nastya
Not afraid of adversity
No tears will be shed -
If he falls, he will rise again
And he prefers it to everyone
Letter of the alphabet...

Rhino found a sock
But I couldn't put it on.
He was captured by the sock
In the picture with the letter...

Tongue twisters with the letter N ()
The mink definitely needs
So that a taxi can be taken to the mink.
Clear - in a mink coat
No one will go on foot.

On the river shallows we came across a burbot.

Letter H images

Tale about the letter N ()

The letter N lived in the Alphabet immediately after the letter M. It was the most incomprehensible letter of the Alphabet, the most protesting. Her most favorite word was "no". No matter what they asked her, she always said “no”! It was her nature, she simply could not and did not know how to do it differently. Because of this, she very often found herself in different situations and suffered.

She was asked:

- Letter N, would you like some candy?

- No! - said the letter N, - but she really, really wanted them.

She was asked:

- Would you like some ice cream?

- No! – the letter N spoke again, and almost cried, because she really wanted ice cream.

And all the letters thought that she was doing this on purpose. And she, poor thing, just didn’t know how to say “yes.” And she really didn't know how to do it. What could she do?

And then one day the letter N went for a walk and met on a walk... Who do you think? She met the letter “D” - her opposite, who always said only “yes” and did not know how to say “no”.

- You are ill? - they asked her.

“Yes,” answered the letter D, “although in fact she was healthy.”

- So you can't eat cake?

“Yes,” the letter D sighed again and was left without a birthday cake.

And they met, so different, but with the same problem. And they began to think how they could get out of this trouble. How can the letter N learn to say “YES”, and the letter “D” learn to say “NO”.

They walked, walked, talked to each other and became very friendly. And when someone becomes strong friends, their thoughts also begin to become friends with each other. And the words too. And so it happened that the letter N became a little softer, and the letter D became firmer in its character. And they exchanged words and thoughts, or rather shared with each other.

And so they approached the ice cream seller. And it was so hot! And I really wanted ice cream!

– Will you take ice cream? – the seller asked the letter N.

- No! – she said out of habit. And then suddenly she added:

- No, I mean not a lot, but only one thing, I will! Will! – and with great joy she took the ice cream.

- All? Is that enough for you? Will you no longer buy ice cream? – the seller asked the letter D.

- Yes, I mean, that’s enough for her, but I need another ice cream! Will!

And they, our letters, laughed joyfully, they recognized themselves in each other. And when you see yourself from the outside, it is much easier for you to understand yourself and correct your bad habits easier too. The easiest way is not alone, but with friends! And from then on, the letter N always tried to remember the letter D, and before she began to protest and shout “no, I don’t want to!”, she thought about her opposite, and she felt funny about herself, and she stopped resisting. Since then, life has become much easier for the letter N and she began to smile and laugh more often, and slowly became friends with all the letters. She learned to communicate! Is it so important. But her greatest friend remained the letter D. So they walked, these two inseparable words: “yes” and “no.”

    Drawing the Letter H step by step is not difficult!

    Pick up a pencil, everyone knows how to write the letter H...

    Now we need to draw H.

    Step 1 draw the letter H as shown in the video.

    Very cute drawing of the letter N.

    A great idea, because instead of an ant you can draw a more symbolic picture.

    Or copy the entire drawing. If desired, add colors, paint them, you can add volume to a letter or an ant.

    In order to draw the letter H beautifully, please prepare a clean white sheet of paper, pencils and an eraser, so that you can erase everything unnecessary later.

    Children can also draw the letter H, because you need to draw two vertical lines and then connect them in the middle with a horizontal line.

    More experienced artists can draw the letter H in different interpretations. For example, the cheerful and joyful letter N.

    With a drawing for the ABC book.

    Here is another interesting presentation of the letter H, a couple sympathizing with each other.

    Drawing in the ABC book.

    Happy drawing and creative inspiration!

    Drawing is a beautiful art. When learning the letter n with a five-year-old child, you can draw a lot of simple objects - a nose, a sock, a leg, a pair of scissors. The fairy-tale character Dunno. Young children pick up very quickly and quickly remember that these words begin with the letter N.

    The letter H can be depicted in different ways; there are a lot of designer, decorative, vintage fonts in which you can look interesting options. A simplified version of drawing the letter H can be seen here. And these are different interesting images of the letter N.

    Letter N. In principle, the letter H is easily drawn in the form of two parallel lines and a connected straight line in the middle. For help on how to draw three-dimensional letters, you can watch videos with a master class. And any letter drawn can already be decorated with a pattern, flowers, i.e. at your request:

    In order to beautifully draw the letter H with a pencil step by step Let's watch a few video tutorials and choose the one you like:

    You can experiment even more, add more lines, details, combine colors, or you can draw the letter H in graffiti style:

    Drawing the letter H is not at all difficult. You can decorate it different ways, depending on what you need it for - if for a postcard, for a letter, a heading, then it would be more appropriate to write a letter in calligraphic handwriting or decorate it with curls. And if this is some kind of drawing for a child, for example, a holiday newspaper for a matinee or for school, then you can choose a brighter option - decorate with balls, hearts, multi-colored stars and flowers, words starting with the letter N (notes, socks, rhinoceros, Dunno, threads, forget-me-nots, Nyusha). Here are a couple of options:

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter N, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter N and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter N in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

They bought little Natasha a toy horse. Natasha sat on the horse and shouted:
- But but but!

  1. How did Natasha scream?
  2. NNNO - what is the first sound here?
  3. Who bought the horse?
  4. NATASHA - what is the first sound in this word?

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Scissors Sky Notes Rhinoceros

What is the first sound in the word RHINO? - SCISSORS?
Is the [n] sound in the word LEMON at the beginning, at the end or in the middle of a word? WINDOW? RAM? NOTES?

When we pronounce the sound [n], the tip of the tongue hits the “tubercles” behind the upper teeth. Say: NNN. The tip of the tongue hits the “tubercles” behind the upper teeth and prevents air from freely leaving the mouth when we pronounce the sound [n].

  1. Vowel or consonant sound [n]?
  2. What other consonant sounds do you know?
  3. Voiced or unvoiced sound [n]?
  4. What other voiced consonant sound do you know? ([m])

Assignment: Printed letter N for preschoolers

Examine the letter N. Sew the letter H in the air and once in the notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.


You can solve the problem freely:
I am a small part of the face.
But read me from the end -
You will see anything in me.
(Nose - dream)

With the letter I, my friends,
I don't mean anything
I'm changing to C -
Feel free to put me in the soup.
Don't take it with the letter M -
I coat your doorway.
(Zero - salt - mole)

The old man carries me with difficulty,
But if you add Yu, instantly
The one who will come to his aid
Who carries me without difficulty.
(Nosha - young man)

Tale about the letter N

Pinocchio nose
On New Year's Eve all the guys in kindergarten they had to dress up as someone. Nikita decided to make himself a long nose and paint his cheeks, well, as if he were Pinocchio.
Nikita sat down on the floor, cut the paper with scissors, smeared it with glue and rolled it into a tube. I looked, and it wasn’t a nose, but a whole nose.

“I’m tired of making this Pinocchio nose,” Nikita mutters.
- I’d rather tie it to my head with threads and be a rhinoceros.

I started winding the threads. I reeled and reeled in - nothing worked! Nikita pouted.

I'd rather stick it directly on my head.

I smeared glue on my head and applied my nose. My hair was stuck together and my nose had fallen to one side.

I'm tired of this rhinoceros. It’s better to come after the New Year and say that I was dressed as invisible, that’s why they didn’t see me.

Riddles for children starting with the letter N

Between two luminaries
There's one in the middle.

People always have it
Ships always have it.

Five steps - a ladder,
There is a song on the steps.

On five wires
A flock of birds is resting.

The blue sheet covers the whole world.

On one finger
The bucket is upside down.

Who has one eye during the day,
And at night - a lot?
(By the sky)

What kind of ceiling is this?
Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high.
Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,
It's a little bluish.
And sometimes so beautiful -
Lace and blue-blue.

All my life I've been racing,
But they cannot overtake each other.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter N

In autumn bad weather there are seven weather conditions outside.
On a foreign land even spring is not beautiful.
Don't leave your friend in misfortune.
The bird in the golden cage is sad.
One bee applies a little honey.
An unfinished book is like a path not taken.
Not knowing is not scary, not knowing is scary.
Unhappy days are long remembered.
Don't dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will fall.

Funny poems about the letter N for children

Our brothers sewed a dress,
One of the brothers was king.
He put on the crown.
But he did not lag behind in his work.
(G. Vieru)

Twin words
The mink crawled out of the hole
And she went to a familiar hole.
The minkin entered the hole,
I couldn’t find the mink in the hole.
If there is no mink in the hole,
Maybe a mink next to a mink?
There was no trace.
Mink is here
But MINKS - no!
(A. Shibaev)

Different noses
They stick their noses in other people's business,
They peck their noses before going to bed,
But one funny nose
Papa Carlo brought it to us.
(Ya. Akim)

Who will give way to the rhinoceros?
He will undoubtedly act wisely.
He, the thick-skinned one, likes to push
And what about the poor passerby?
It's good that such ignoramuses
They will meet less and less often!
(B. Zakhoder)

Igorek sticks his nose in
It's in the jam
That's in honey.
Oh, I'm afraid
Like a nose
To the jar of honey
It hasn't grown.
(F. Bobylev)

Take us to Vera.
- Where is she?
- In the square.
(Ya. Kozlovsky)

We don't need such jokes!
Who cut forget-me-nots at night?
There are footprints on the garden bed.
This must be a rhinoceros.
(G. Sapgir)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.