Fit ball. Fitball for weight loss: effectiveness and exercises. How to choose the right size

The popularity of sports is gaining momentum these days. After all, a good figure is not only good for health, but also very fashionable.

People strive to be slim and fit, run in the morning, take a contrast shower. Men go to strength training and swimming pools, and among girls it has become fashionable to go to fitness, aerobics, Pilates or yoga.

Fitball - what is it?

Fitball (fitball or fit ball) is an elastic gymnastic ball of large diameter made of rubber, filled with air and equipped with an anti-explosion safety system.

It comes in various colors and modifications, and is designed for physical exercise.

This is a mobile exercise machine that can be easily deflated and placed on a shelf, or taken with you on a trip.

The gymnastic ball was invented by Swiss physiotherapist Susanne Kleinvogelbach, who was developing special programs for children suffering from cerebral palsy (CP). After some time, the baton with the ball was taken over by the American doctor Joan Posner Mauer. She used a fitball for the rehabilitation of patients who had suffered spinal injuries, since during exercise there was no load on the legs. And later the recognition of the gymnastic ball as a sports equipment spread throughout the world.

Despite the simplicity of appearance, fitball has several varieties:

  • Smooth ball(classic) - a common option, most often found in fitness and aerobics rooms.
  • Ball with handles or horns(hopper) - designed for activities with children and pregnant women. The handle provides additional support and makes it easier to maintain balance.
  • With pimples(massage) - ideal for those people who need to improve blood circulation. Has an anti-cellulite effect.

How to choose the right size

Choosing the right size to suit a specific person is very important. The effectiveness of fitball exercises directly depends on this. And the convenience of doing exercises will allow you to relax and enjoy the process. A ball that is too small will slip out and put increased stress on the leg muscles, while a ball that is too large will have a high risk of slipping and damaging the ligaments.

There are two easy ways to find the perfect gym ball size:

  1. You need to sit on the fitball, bring your legs together and place them in front of you. The back should be straight and the angle of the knee joint should be 90 degrees. It is possible to increase it to 110 degrees, but in no case more. In this case, the ball should be moderately elastic, but not to the point of being rock hard, and bend slightly under the weight.
  2. The second method is simpler and suitable if the sports equipment is intended as a gift. You just need to know the height for which the simulator is selected, and navigate according to the table:

Thanks to its lightness and ease of use, performing exercises on a fitball is accessible to almost everyone, even older people and those who are overweight. Exercises with a large bright ball are fun, and home workouts are just as effective as gyms.

  • Fitball aerobics allows you to correct and strengthen your posture, work your back muscles, without putting excessive stress on your spine. By constantly maintaining balance, muscles that remain unused in other workouts are included in the work. The muscle corset is strengthened and the spine is aligned.
  • Women, even those who are heavily pregnant, and young mothers can exercise on a gymnastic ball without fear. Prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system plays a significant role. This type of gymnastics reduces the load on the ankle joints and back, and relieves tension from the spinal column.
  • Exercises on a fitball are excellent for training the vestibular apparatus. It is responsible for orientation in space and coordinates body movements. Due to the dysfunction of this organ, motion sickness occurs in transport. Constant balancing while performing exercises keeps the muscles in a stable tone, and over time, maintaining balance occurs automatically.
  • The muscles of the abdominal walls are effectively worked. By maintaining balance, the abdomen is in constant tension, even while performing exercises that are not aimed at working out the abs. The result is an excellent relief.
  • Exercises allow you to gently stretch your muscles and knead your joints, thereby developing high flexibility. Movements in everyday life become smooth and graceful.
  • With active fitball aerobics, calories are successfully burned, fat deposits become smaller, and complex areas of the hips, sides and legs lose weight.
  • Competent training on a gymnastic ball helps relieve tension and improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Thoughts come into order, heart activity stabilizes.
  • Fitball is used in the development of young children. This is a great way to provide visual and tactile stimulation, as well as overall strengthening of your baby's muscles.


Fitball has no direct contraindications, but in some cases a doctor’s consultation is required. It is necessary to carry out exercises with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially if there are problems with its course, increased uterine tone, or the threat of miscarriage. It is better to play it safe in case of a herniated disc, as well as in case of pathology of internal organs, and, with the help of a specialist, develop a private set of exercises.

Often women who are overweight are embarrassed to visit gyms and exercise in the presence of other people. With a fitball, weight loss workouts can be done at home. Systematic classes for 40-60 minutes 3-4 times a week will certainly give you a reason to be proud in just 2-3 months.

For greater effectiveness, it is necessary to conduct training in combination with proper nutrition. It must be fractional (5-6 times a day) and natural: fresh vegetables, white lean meat, cottage cheese and dairy products, fish and whole grains. It is better to give up fried and fatty foods, eliminate sweets if possible, replacing them with fruit. It is important to drink enough clean water per day, usually about 2 liters.

A course of anti-cellulite massage using fat-burning agents, followed by wrapping problem areas, will be useful.

Doing exercises

Any workout begins with a warm-up. It is necessary to warm up the muscles so that further exercises do not harm the body. Pay special attention to stretching, setting aside 10-15 minutes for this. Then prepare the respiratory system with a small cardio load: jogging in place, jumping rope or an exercise bike.

  1. Squats with emphasis. Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of about 80 cm, feet shoulder-width apart. Make sure your feet won't slip on the flooring. The ball is placed between the lower back and the wall. Lower yourself smoothly, rolling the ball along your back. When your knees reach a right angle, rise smoothly.
  2. Squats with a fitball between the knees. Stand up straight and hold the ball between your knees so that it does not touch the floor. Squat down, holding the exercise ball with your feet, until your knees are at a right angle, trying to keep your back straight. Hold at the extreme point for 25-30 seconds.
  3. Lunges. Stand with your back to the ball, placing your leg on it with your knee bent. Smoothly roll the ball with your foot until the bend of the knee of the other leg reaches a right angle. When finished, switch legs and repeat. The exercise is quite difficult to perform, so you can use support.
  4. Reverse hyperextension. Lie on the ball with your chest, resting your fingers and toes on the floor. Roll forward a little so that your hands are at shoulder level. Then raise your legs to such a level that you are in line with your body, or a little higher.
  5. Push ups. The exercise is similar to a classic push-up, with the only difference being that your feet are on a fitball. It’s difficult to do, don’t be upset if you don’t succeed the first time.
  6. Rolling out. Kneel down facing the ball and place your hands on it, palms down. Roll the machine forward, as if you want to lie on the floor, supporting yourself on the weight, then return.
  7. Hyperextension. Lie on your stomach on the exercise ball with your thighs touching it and your toes touching the floor. Place your hands behind your head. Lift your chest up as high as possible.
  8. Press. Lie on your back on the floor with your shins on the ball. Place your hands behind your head. Raise your body until the letter V is formed, no further. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds.
  9. Passing the ball. Lie on your back, stretching your body in one line, holding the projectile in outstretched arms. Lift the ball with straight arms and pass it to straight legs, then lower your arms and legs. Then perform a postback.
  10. Swing your legs. Kneel down and lean your left side against the fitball, clasping it with your left hand. Move your right leg straight to the side. Pull your right knee toward the ball, then straighten it back. When finished, switch legs and repeat the exercise.
  11. Lifting the pelvis. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your shins resting on the apparatus. Lift your hips up, then bend your knees, keeping your feet on the ball.

As you know, sport prolongs life, so currently there are a huge number of its varieties. In addition, a large number of various additional paraphernalia are used in various modern sports areas. Thus, fitball is one of the most popular gymnastic objects that helps millions of people around the world maintain the necessary shape.

It's no secret that playing sports in modern times is not only useful, but also quite fashionable. Today, in many places and on every corner there are special clubs and various bright posters that attract people to practice fitness, shaping, aerobics, yoga, oriental dancing and fitball. All that remains is to find free time for such leisure and choose, among the many different directions, exactly what is most suitable.

Fitball - what is it?

Currently, there are many exercises that require the use of special gymnastic equipment. In general, this activity is a real science, which first became known in the fifties of the last century. Then, or as they are called today, fitballs, became very popular not only in various gyms, but also at home.

First of all, they can be characterized as durable balls with a large diameter. Usually they are designed to perform various tasks to form correct posture, correct the figure, and also train the vestibular apparatus. The uniqueness of this item lies in the fact that when using it there is no shock load on the legs.

The benefits of exercising on a fitball

Exercises on a fitball help with weight loss, which makes them very popular among overweight people. In addition, this sports attribute is also popular among those people who have damaged ankle and knee joints and have varicose veins. Even today, fitball is very popular among pregnant women, as it perfectly helps relieve the back and spine, sacrum, and joints, which withstand enormous loads during this period.

Fitball, reviews of which are quite extensive today and are extremely positive, greatly helps people with joint diseases, obesity, and problems with the spine. Thanks to such a ball, it is quite possible to strengthen the heart muscle, increase muscle tone in general and increase the elasticity and flexibility of the figure. What can I say, you can just lift your spirits.

Also, fitball is very often used for infants. After all, this item is an excellent trainer, provides all possible assistance with gas, develops different muscle groups, and also plays a particularly important role in the psychological and emotional development of the child. At the same time, exercise on a fitball with a baby can be started as early as two weeks of age.

Choosing a fitball

One of the main factors for successful exercise with fitball is the correct and competent choice of ball. As a rule, its diameter ranges from forty-five to ninety-five centimeters. This value depends on the height of the person. For example, for children five to ten years old, a ball with a diameter of fifty-five centimeters is optimal, for adults with a height of 1.6 m - 60 cm, from 1.6 m to 1.9 m - 75 cm, and larger than this value , - 85 cm. In the process of choosing a size, it is also necessary to take into account that the angle located between the thigh and lower leg of a sitting person should be equal to 95-100 degrees.

A fitness ball must be equipped with a special anti-burst safety system. This is necessary in order to ensure slow deflation in the event of an accidental rupture or cut, but not an immediate sharp explosion.

To achieve optimal, decent results, you need to choose the right ball and fitball exercises. After all, the quality of the result depends on this. The ball should not be too small or too big. In the selection process, you need to pay special attention to features such as a person’s weight and height. Also quite a lot depends on the quality of the material that is used. A high-quality and good fitball for fitness can withstand quite large overloads, but shock loads are unacceptable for it.

The effectiveness of exercises on the ball

Jumping on a fitball is very effective for losing weight. In order to perform this exercise, you need to sit on top of the ball and start jumping on it quite energetically. In this case, you need to try not to lift your buttocks from it, and your feet from the floor. This exercise is excellent for strengthening and enlarging the leg muscles.

Then, sitting on the fitball, you can work on the waist area. Here you just need to spread your legs to the sides, without lifting your feet off the floor. Also, while sitting, you should perform a couple of body turns in one direction, and then in the other. You should try to make these turns as deep as possible.

In addition, the fitball helps to give beauty and elasticity to the gluteal muscles. To do this, you need to lie on your back on the floor, bend your knees, and then put them on a gymnastic ball. Then you should raise and lower your pelvic part, periodically straining your buttocks. It is very important here to ensure that the fitball does not slip out.

You can strengthen your abs and eliminate all the extra pounds in the abdominal area with the help of crunches. You need to lie on the floor, then bend your knees and place them on the ball. The body should lift off the floor so that you can reach the opposite knee with your elbow, and then slowly return to its original state. Then you should repeat the exercise with the second hand and knee.

Ease of use

Quite often used as a complement to various other exercises. Abdominal press on a fitball is usually widespread. After all, it is an ordinary and convenient exercise machine, which, when deflated, can be taken with you to any place.

Today all people are divided into two main groups. The former are well aware of the benefits of sports and various sports exercises, and also regularly do gymnastics, callanetics and remember such a concept as fitball aerobics. The second group of people simply find it rather difficult to perceive the very idea of ​​sports or do not have the opportunity to visit different fitness clubs.

Despite this, fitball is a very common and popular projectile nowadays. Exercising with it not only improves your well-being and strengthens muscle mass, but also significantly improves your mood.

Popularity of colorful balls

Why is fitball so popular today? What kind of equipment is this and how to play sports with it? This gymnastic ball has gained great popularity because exercises with its use relate not only to a special fitness program, but also to the main complex that is used in this type of gymnastics.

Today there are few adults who have never complained of pain in the lower back or spine. In such cases, pressing on a fitball is very helpful, since such exercises have a special effect on the spinal skeleton and back muscles, and in addition, strengthen the tone of the whole body and the cardiovascular system. In other words, exercising with a fitball helps you quickly achieve your goal and lose weight.

An interesting fact is that various colors have a miraculous effect on the human body. According to scientists, the human organ system is very sensitive to certain shades. Therefore, when choosing a ball, it is important to purchase exactly the fitball that best suits a particular person at the moment. For example, green color has a unique ability to relieve fatigue, blue calms the psyche, orange has a great effect on kidney function, red shade improves immunity, yellow is suitable for preventing and combating depression.

Help of fitball in healing the body

In addition to the fact that such gymnastic balls bring a feeling of strength, a fitball becomes very effective after childbirth. This sport also allows a person to be proud that he has overcome another step in the process of achieving harmony and has become better and even more beautiful.

Today, many people spare neither money nor time for fitball. Reviews about this unique sport are numerous. After all, it really helps with many pressing problems. It would seem that this is just a huge ball, but it significantly strengthens muscles, eliminates a stooped back and trains coordination. But the main advantage of using it is that you can perform all the necessary exercises not only in the gym, but also at home.

The word “fitball” itself consists of two components - health improvement (“fit”) and ball (“bol”). This gymnastic ball serves as a simple and effective exercise machine that can perfectly solve all health problems for a particular family. This Swiss invention is distributed throughout the world today. It is used with great success in correcting the figure, shaping posture, and at the same time it perfectly lifts the mood. It’s rare that a fitness club doesn’t have this type of exercise on its schedule, and it’s also not uncommon to practice exercise balls with babies.

A little history

The concept of “fitball” was created in the fifties of the twentieth century by the doctor Susan Klein-Vogelbach. Initially, this device was used for exercises with people with cerebral palsy. The resulting effect from such activities was amazing. Therefore, these gymnastic balls began to be recommended as equipment for restorative therapy for people who also have musculoskeletal systems.

For the very first time, as mentioned above, fitball began to be used for medicinal and preventive purposes in Switzerland. It is made of a special plastic material that bends under body weight. Moreover, when exercises were performed on such balls, people who had some problems with the spine or any injuries were not only able to regain their long-awaited ability to move, but also regained their former flexibility and mobility in the joints.

Over time, exercises on a fitball have gained particular popularity; now it is used in rehabilitation and fitness complexes. It is interesting that practicing such an interesting sport has absolutely no contraindications, and can also be suitable for all people, and even pregnant women.

Aerobics using fitballs of various sizes is also very exciting. Large, lightweight balls not only help maintain health, but also create a fun atmosphere when a person bounces and bounces on the ball, throws it and catches it. Therefore, the lessons are emotional and vibrant.

Like other types of aerobics, fitball classes include numerous exercises, including strength (developing muscle strength), dynamic (improving coordination) and increasing the overall endurance of the body.

Operating principle

As a rule, sitting on an object such as a fitball (what it is - indicated above) is obtained exclusively with a straight back, so such exercises help improve posture and are very useful for the spine. An amazing fact, but in some Scandinavian countries, educational institutions use balls instead of chairs.

The round shape of the ball increases the range of motion, which increases efficiency and promotes high muscle stretch. Due to the constant vibrations of the ball, the work of internal organs and systems is stimulated, including the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and nervous systems, and the instability of the device allows the muscles to remain under constant tension in order to maintain balance.

Fitball exercises also help develop self-control abilities. Therefore, quite often such exercises include special yoga programs.

Today, many are familiar with the concept of “fitball”. Even older people know what it is, because they spend their time with great pleasure doing such an exciting sport. Just recently, fitball was perceived as some kind of exotic, but now it has become one of the most popular fitness equipment. This popularity can easily be explained by the many reasons described above, including, first of all, ease of learning, no contraindications, fun and increased health-improving effectiveness.

A fitball is a large elastic ball that is used in sports and recreational training. It will be especially useful when doing exercises for the abs, back and buttocks. Its advantage is that it allows you to diversify home exercises, removing unnecessary stress from the spine. Having gained an idea of ​​how to choose a fitball, you will greatly increase the effectiveness of your exercises. After all, it will be tailored to your individual wishes, taking into account factors such as weight and height.

Tear resistance and ball types

The first thing to consider when choosing a home exercise machine is its safety. A high-quality fitball should have a built-in anti-burst system. If damaged, such a ball will not burst, but will gradually begin to deflate. This system is designated ABS, anti-explosion or BRQ (technologies for the manufacture of projectiles with increased safety).

Beginners should pay attention to the presence of holders - horns, handles and staples. They are also relevant for children and pregnant women, as they simplify the training process and reduce the risk of injury. There are also fitballs with a stand in the form of legs. They help maintain balance.

The fitball can have a smooth or massage surface.

  • The smooth ball is suitable for sports and fitness training, fitness for pregnant women and exercise for babies.
  • A massage ball dotted with special tubercles is intended for relaxation and exercise therapy. If you choose and use it correctly, it will be an ideal way to relax after a working day and will serve as a preventive measure for various spinal diseases. Keep in mind that it is not suitable for fitness, as it is difficult to move across the floor.

Suitable size

Now it’s time to decide on the main parameters of the fitball and choose the size that suits you. The diameter of a standard fitball ranges from 45 to 90 cm and is selected according to height. It is important that the angle between the shins and thighs of the person sitting on the ball is 90°. This way the body weight is distributed correctly and the joints are not overloaded.

  1. For a child 5–10 years old, a diameter of 55 cm is recommended.
  2. For adults with a height of 150–170 cm, the diameter should be 65 cm.
  3. With a height of 170–190 cm – 75 cm.
  4. For taller people, it is correct to purchase a larger size - 85 cm.

There is another technique that allows you to choose the correct diameter of a football. It is based on the size of the hand, starting from the shoulder joint to the tips of the outstretched fingers.

    1. If the arm length is less than 55 cm, a diameter of 45 cm is required.
    2. If the measurement falls in the range of 56–65 cm, buy a fitball with a diameter of 55 cm.
    3. At 66–75 cm, a 65 cm ball is suitable.
    4. When the length is more than 75 cm, a larger size fitball is selected (from 75 to 90 cm).

Does a person's weight influence the choice of fitball?

The ball can withstand a load of 300 kg, so the maximum permissible weight of the trainee, taking into account his active movements, is 130 kg. If your weight exceeds this mark, training with the ball on your own may not be safe. In this case, it is correct to use the services of a trainer. A ball that can support more weight can be ordered online or found at a large store. Its diameter is also selected according to the rules described above.

If you have any doubts when choosing a piece of equipment, contact a consultant and try out the fitball you like. Pay attention to whether you can sit on it with a straight back. Beginners should choose a smaller size, as it is easier to perform exercises on.

Selecting the color

If you plan to store the ball inflated, be sure to pay attention to its color. The exercise machine can either fit into the color scheme of your interior or act as a bright accent.

If a fitball is purchased for relaxation and yoga, choose the color according to your emotional state:

  • red increases energy levels and strengthens the immune system;
  • orange eliminates internal discomfort and charges with positivity;
  • blue gives a feeling of calm;
  • brown helps to find harmony.

Quality control

How to make sure that the selected fitball is of high quality?

  1. The seams of the ball are invisible when inflated and do not cause discomfort when in contact with the exercise machine.
  2. The ball inflates evenly and when finished corresponds to the stated size.
  3. The material contains an antistatic agent and dust does not stick to its surface.
  4. Good material is warm to the touch.
  5. The nipple covering the inflation hole is completely pressed into the surface and cannot be felt.

How much does a fitball cost? The price is affected by its diameter, configuration and color. A ball for home training can be purchased for an average of 600–1200 rubles.

How to inflate and store

Before first use, the fitball must be inflated. To do this, you can use a regular hand pump, which is included in the kit. Keep in mind that the inflation process will be quite long.

If necessary, the fitball can be inflated with your mouth like a balloon or an inflatable toy, but it is better to use a bicycle pump. With it you will inflate the fitball in a few minutes. This method has another advantage - it greatly simplifies the storage of the simulator. You can simply deflate it after class and put it away in the box.

For those who prefer to store the ball inflated, it is recommended to put it in a closet or on a rack away from radiators and direct sunlight. It is also not recommended to store the fitball on a darkened balcony. A sharp drop in temperature at night can affect the condition of the tires.

If the ball is still damaged, use rubber glue. If possible, it is better to purchase special glue produced by the manufacturer of your fitball. After repair and pumping, you can use it again for sports activities.

Use the ball on a smooth surface. If you are not sure that the floor will not be damaged by the projectile, use a yoga mat. Fitball is designed not only for training and massage. You can replace your chair with it and use it when watching TV or working at the computer.

In winter, transport the ball in the passenger compartment of the car, not in the trunk. Otherwise, it may freeze and subsequently be damaged.

The right fitball will make your workouts effective and increase the number of exercises available. When purchasing, you need to take into account a number of factors, but the main thing is to choose the right ball according to your height.

Today all fitness clubs are equipped with fitballs. What is it, how to choose the right fitball, does it help you lose weight, exercises on the fitball and answers to other questions can be found in this article! I’m telling you from personal experience, because I have a fitball at home and I often work out on it!

What is fitball?

A fitball is a special ball that is used to perform a wide range of physical exercises. It was originally developed for people with back problems. This ball helped strengthen the corresponding muscles, improve posture, and restore after operations and injuries. The championship in the development of fitball, according to sources, belongs to a Swiss physiotherapist. But soon the ball’s scope of use began to grow, moving beyond the group of rehabilitation equipment. That’s why fitballs began to appear in fitness centers and even at home.

How is fitball useful?

Regular exercise on a fitball is a great way to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, improve posture, deal with problem areas and even lose weight. The result is a toned, slender body.

What exactly do exercises on fitball provide? Replies from:

  • Correct posture: every exercise on a fitball, not to mention specially designed complexes, strengthens the back muscles without overloading it. The muscles that make up the corset for the spine are involved. Physiotherapists note improved posture after regular exercise on a fitball. Try it too!

The fact is that after active physical exercise, you can relax on the fitball itself, stretch your back and all your muscles. This, as I personally think, is the health-improving effect of a fitness ball.

  • Increased endurance and muscle strength: exercises on a fitball involve all muscle groups (tested it on myself). Increases muscle tone and strength.
  • Trained vestibular apparatus and good coordination of movements: even if you only exercise your abs on a fitball, you still need to keep your balance. For the first time, it’s even difficult to perform basic exercises, which look so beautiful and easy in pictures in fashion magazines. The fitball will continually try to roll away from you. You need to get used to being concentrated. Soon you will stop noticing that all your muscles are toned, and you can easily do the second or third repetition of the exercise on the fitball without falling off it.
  • Flexibility: Fitball exercises allow you to very effectively stretch your muscles and knead your joints.
  • In addition, exercises on a fitball, namely the shock-absorbing function of the ball, relieve the spinal column, improve metabolism and blood supply to all parts of the body, internal organs, and strengthen the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems.
  • Good mood: practicing with a big bright ball is very fun and interesting)

Fitball is the only apparatus whose exercises require simultaneous coordinated motor work. vestibular, visual and tactile apparatus.

I would like to note that exercises on a fitball are not exhausting and are quite gentle (unless, of course, you do not take into account special aerobic complexes on). They do not put “wrong” load on the legs and back. For this reason, people can exercise on a fitball different ages, gender and health status. Nowadays, ball exercises for infants and pregnant women are very common. Elderly people in European countries are not far behind them. This direction is just developing here. Exercises on a fitball can be performed by people with varicose veins.

Probably every person at the beginning of classes was afraid that the ball would burst. Do not be afraid! A properly selected fitball will support not only your weight, but also more!

Fitball exercises. Contraindications

Despite the miraculous effect of fitball on the entire body, exercises on it still have some contraindications. Doctors do not recommend exercising on a fitness ball for those who have: severe diseases of the cardiovascular system; herniated discs; pathologies of internal organs.

I would like to note that there are different techniques for performing exercises on a fitball. You can choose the ones that are most suitable for your case. There are calmer complexes, there are strength and cardio workouts that promote weight loss (of course, with a normal daily routine). Before you start exercising on a fitball, consult your doctor and trainer! Also choose the time when you.

As I already noted, a fitball correctly selected in size will contribute to good training results. Yes, and it’s more convenient to practice on it. On a ball that is too large, the exercises will not be performed fully; you will roll off it and not reach the floor with your feet and hands (in a lying position, sitting). A small ball will put a lot of stress on your legs and joints and will slip out. Therefore, there are two main ways to determine the size of the fitball you need.

Method one. Sit on a fitball. Place your feet together in front of you, keep your back straight. In this case, the angle at the knee joint should be exactly 90 degrees. It is worth noting that the degree of “inflation” of the fitball plays a role in this. The ball should not be hard, and on the contrary, it should not bend much under your weight. Perhaps you need to deflate or inflate the fitball a little, then the desired degree will be equal to 90 degrees.

Method two. This method is more accurate and correct, in my opinion. This way you can even buy a ball as a gift. All you need is the person's height.

Fitballs differ in diameter. There are balls from 45 to 85 centimeters in diameter. Each indicator corresponds to a certain human height.

I present to you table “How to choose a fitball”, where the first column will contain the size (diameter in centimeters) of the fitball, and the second column will contain the corresponding human height:

  • 45 cm – below 152 cm
  • 55 cm – from 152 cm to 164 cm
  • 65 cm – from 164 cm to 180 cm
  • 75 cm – from 180 cm to 200 cm
  • 85 cm – from 200 cm

Each ball indicates the maximum permissible weight of a person. You can jump, lie on your fitball - it won’t burst)

There are several types of fitballs:

    • a simple smooth ball is the most common option for fitness clubs and for home use;
    • a ball with ears - for additional support and balance (most often used for children's activities and for exercises by pregnant women);
    • ball with knobs - massage fitball.

The fitball is inflated with a special pump, which is often included (manual). You can buy a fitball at any sports equipment store or online store. Prices vary depending on the manufacturer, size, configuration and purpose.

Fitball exercises. I want a slim and toned figure!

All exercises on a fitball can be collected in complexes. There are a huge number of them: to improve flexibility, to strengthen the back muscles, for the abs, for the legs, for the arms, for tightening the buttocks, for working the pectoral muscles and shoulder muscles... There are countless types of exercises: twisting, planking, walking, turns, push-ups, passing the ball, squats, bridges, lunges and others. In addition, you can combine exercises on a fitball with, for example, exercises with dumbbells.

Doing exercises on a fitball CORRECTLY is not easy. Especially at the beginning of your acquaintance with a sports instrument. Maintaining balance, straining all your muscles so as not to fall off the ball, and even performing turns, twisting or planks requires a lot of effort. Therefore, exercises on a fitball lose weight they help too. As a result, you will get not only a slim, but also a toned body with beautiful reliefs (you need to add and to REGULAR exercises).

I offer you several useful video exercises on fitball. Full body exercises:

Fitball exercises for weight loss. Very energetic workout:

Do you use fitball? What results have you achieved?

Nowadays it is hardly possible to find a fitness club that does not offer fitball training. This equipment has gained great popularity because exercises with it are interesting and, most importantly, effective for losing weight. In addition, anyone can purchase a fitball and do the exercises on their own.

What can the projectile be used for?

A fitball is a large ball that is designed to perform many physical exercises. At one time, the projectile was invented for people with back problems. But later the scope of the fitball began to expand, and now it is not only a simulator for rehabilitation. With its help, you can effectively lose excess weight; exercises with a ball are successfully used in fitness for weight loss.

Fitball exercises allow you to:

  • create and correct posture. When performing exercises on the ball, you must constantly maintain balance. Consequently, the work involves the torso muscles, which are often not loaded in many other workouts, but they are the ones responsible for straight posture. In addition, exercises with a fitball train the muscles that allow you to keep your body upright when walking or other movements;
  • strengthen the abdominal press. The need to maintain balance also involves the abdominal muscles. And additional abdominal exercises allow you to work this area much more effectively and make your stomach flat;
  • tighten your buttocks, and much more effectively than with other exercise machines;
  • increase body flexibility and stretching.

It should be noted that the fitness ball has no age restrictions: both children and the elderly can use it. In addition, fitball can be used by people with different physical fitness and health conditions.

What effect does exercise with fitball have on the body?

A distinctive feature of the projectile is that during training with it several apparatuses are simultaneously used: motor, vestibular, visual and tactile.

In order to even just sit on such an unstable object as a ball, it is necessary to include the muscles of the back, “core”, etc. in the work. Therefore, the muscle tissue of the body and ligaments are intensively strengthened. In addition, the vestibular apparatus is trained and coordination of movements is improved.
Thanks to the round shape of the fitball, the range of movements increases when performing exercises. Accordingly, muscle stretching improves and joints warm up.
The ball tends to spring during training. Such oscillatory movements of the projectile make it possible to stimulate the work of internal organs and systems: the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Exercises with a fitball help speed up your metabolism. All metabolic processes in the body are activated, which promotes health improvement, strengthening the immune system and weight loss.

How to choose a fitball

The effectiveness and comfort of training largely depends on how correctly the equipment is chosen.. In addition, a well-chosen ball will eliminate possible injuries and sprains.
The size of the fitball is selected depending on the height of the person or the length of his arm, which is measured from the shoulder to the tips of the outstretched fingers.

Table: fitball diameter

If there is no centimeter nearby, then the ball can be picked up using another method. You need to sit on the top of the fitball, with your knees bent at an angle of 90° and your feet pressed firmly to the floor. If you can maintain this position, then the size of the fitball is suitable for training.

When purchasing a ball, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • There should not be any pungent odor, which indicates the presence of components harmful to health in the rubber. During training, breathing becomes more intense and deeper, and inhaling toxic substances will cause significant damage to health;
  • the density of the rubber must be high enough, otherwise there is a possibility that the fitball may burst under dynamic loads;
  • the rubber from which the ball is made must be uniform over the entire surface, otherwise, over time, bulges or depressions may appear on the projectile;
  • the seams on the fitball should not be too noticeable, much less stick out;
  • the nipple must be firmly pressed into the surface of the ball;
  • It is desirable that the fitball be equipped with an anti-burst system. Then, if there is an accidental puncture or cut, the ball will simply slowly deflate. The document for such a product will be marked ABS (Anti-Burst System) or BRQ (Burst Resistant Quality);
  • a good projectile should have antistatic properties. This eliminates the accumulation of dust and dirt on its surface;
  • A high-quality fitball should be warm to the touch.

When choosing a projectile, you should also focus on who it will be intended for. There are several types of ball:

  • smooth fitball is universal;
  • fitball “with horns” - used in training children and pregnant women. “Horns” are needed to maintain balance and additional support;
  • a projectile with spikes allows you to additionally combat cellulite deposits.

Workouts with a fitball for weight loss at home

Exercise with a ball includes a mandatory warm-up, during which all muscle groups warm up. Then comes the main training to strengthen muscle tissue. Particular attention is paid to problem areas: abdominals, hips, buttocks. The final stage of the session should be stretching.

To lose excess weight and give your figure a toned appearance, exercise with a fitball should be repeated 2-3 times a week. In this case, the training duration should be 40–60 minutes.

In order for the exercises to bring the expected results, you need to breathe correctly:

  • you cannot hold your breath;
  • all efforts must be made while exhaling, and while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Abdominal Strengthening

Video: abdominal exercises

Passing the ball

This exercise allows you to effectively tighten your stomach. It can be recommended to women who want to recover after the birth of a baby.

  1. Lie down on the floor, stretch your arms behind your head and take a fitball (position A).
  2. Tighten your stomach and rise, bring the ball to your feet and grab it with your feet (position B).
  3. Place your arms and legs on the floor (position C).
  4. Rise up again and take the fitball with your hands.

Number of repetitions: 8–12 times.

Abs + thighs

The exercise allows you to tighten your stomach and adjust your hips.

  1. The fitball should be clasped with your legs (position A).
  2. Pull your legs towards your chest, while raising your pelvis (position B).
  3. Hold for 2-3 seconds. and smoothly return to the starting position.
  4. For those who want to complicate the exercise, you can simultaneously raise your shoulders with your legs, holding your hands behind your head.

Do 8-10 reps.

Making your waist thinner

To reduce your waist size, you should also work on your oblique abdominal muscles.

  1. Sit on a fitball with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands behind your head.
  2. Turn your torso to the right, while raising your right leg.
  3. Return to starting position. Repeat turns 12–15 times.
  4. Then do everything in the same sequence in the other direction 12–15 times.

Working on the buttocks

Buttocks + hamstrings

  1. The fitball should be pressed tightly between the lower back and the wall (position A).
  2. Then you should squat deeply (position B) and rise to the starting position.

When performing the exercise, you noticeably feel the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thigh tightening. Squats should be repeated 8–12 times.

Buttocks + outer thighs

When performing this exercise, not only the muscles of the buttocks and outer thighs are tightened, but also the oblique abdominal muscles.

  1. You need to kneel down and lean your right side against the apparatus, clasping it with your right hand.
  2. Raise your left leg.
  3. On the count of “one”, pull your left knee towards the ball, on the count of “two” straighten your leg to the side.

Repeat the exercise 8-12 times, and then change sides.

Pelvic lift

After just a few workouts, the results will be noticeable.

  1. Lie on the floor with your arms outstretched and your feet on the ball (position A).
  2. Raise your hips above the floor (position B).
  3. As you exhale, bend your knees. In this case, the ball should remain under the feet (position C).
  4. Inhale and straighten your knees.

Repeat the exercise 8–10 times. In order for the buttocks to receive maximum load, the hips should be kept in constant support.

We strive for slender legs

Legs will not look slender if the inner thighs are not toned.

  1. While standing, place the ball between your legs.
  2. Bend your knees, tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles, keep your back straight.
  3. Squeeze the fitball tightly with your knees for two to three seconds.
  4. Return to starting position.

You need to do 3 sets of 15 times.

Tighten your stomach by jumping on a ball

You won't actually have to jump on the ball. During the exercise, it is the abs that are intensively used, not the legs. At the same time, there is a good cardio load.

  1. Sit on the ball and spread your legs to the sides.
  2. Quickly raise and lower your knees alternately. This will create springy vibrations of the fitball, which gives the feeling of bouncing.
  3. The exercise should be done at an average pace for 2–5 minutes.

Video: effective exercises for losing weight from Natalia Kuchma

A set of lessons for beginners


This exercise will tighten your stomach and inner thighs.

  1. Lie on the floor, spread your arms to the sides.
  2. Hold the ball with your feet and lift it up (position A).
  3. Slowly rock the fitball left and right 10–15 times in each direction (position B).


With the help of the exercise, the hips, buttocks are worked out, and the muscles of the arms, chest and back are tightened.

  1. Stand up straight, lift the fitball above your head.
  2. Squat down, holding the ball in front of you with your arms outstretched.
  3. Get back to the starting position.

Repeat the squat 8-12 times.

Unusual bridge

This exercise allows you to tighten your abdominal and back muscles.

  1. Lying on the floor, place your feet on the ball.
  2. Lift your pelvis up and bend slightly.
  3. Lower yourself to the floor again.

Make a bridge 8–12 times.


With the help of exercise, you can significantly reduce your waist circumference, since in this case the oblique abdominal muscles and lateral muscles of the torso are included in the work.

  1. Get down on your knees and lie on your right side on the fitball, clasping the ball with your right hand.
  2. Place your left hand behind your head and straighten your left leg to the side.
  3. Leaning on the fitball, raise your torso.