This amazing baby read. From egg to chickAbout the intrauterine period of child development

The first year of life decides everything! 365 secrets of proper development. This amazing baby Nadezhda Andreeva, Lyudmila Sokolova

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Title: The first year of life decides everything! 365 secrets of proper development. This amazing baby

About the book “The first year of life decides everything! 365 secrets of proper development. This amazing baby" Nadezhda Andreeva, Lyudmila Sokolova

During his first year, a child goes through a developmental path comparable to his entire future life. And every day of this year is important. Biologists researching the field of behavioral physiology, Lyudmila Sokolova and Nadezhda Andreeva, talk in their book about everything that young parents need to know about their child.

With what amount of knowledge about the world and unique capabilities is a baby born? How does a newborn see? How does his brain work? What does your baby want to tell you with his crying? Why did he start to be afraid of strangers? When will he start walking and talking? How to awaken his interest in learning from the first days of life? You will read the answers to these and other questions in this book, created by the authors taking into account the latest research in the field of human neurophysiology and invaluable folk experience.

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Lyudmila Sokolova, Nadezhda Andreeva

The first year of life decides everything! 365 secrets of proper development. This amazing baby

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Sokolova L., 2015

© Andreeva N., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

Sokolova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Higher Nervous Activity and Psychophysiology of St. Petersburg State University. Born in 1950 in St. Petersburg, she graduated from the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University. In 2005 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences. Author of more than 120 scientific and educational works, including 6 monographs and 3 textbooks and teaching aids. Area of ​​scientific interests: patterns of formation of integrative brain activity in normal conditions and in developmental disorders; age-related psychophysiology; biological and social in human nature; psychophysiological foundations of a child’s social adaptation.

She participated in the organization by Academician of the Russian Academy of Education A.S. Batuev of the Scientific Center “Psychophysiology of Mother and Child” at St. Petersburg State University, working in close collaboration with the St. Petersburg Medical Pediatric Academy, the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology named after. I.M. Sechenov RAS, Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, University of Helsinki Turku (Finland).

Andreeva Nadezhda Gennadievna

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Nervous Activity and Psychophysiology of St. Petersburg State University.

Born in 1949 in St. Petersburg, she graduated from the Faculty of Biology of St. Petersburg State University. The sphere of scientific interests lay in the field of studying problems of developmental and comparative psychophysiology, actively developing issues of the formation of speech function in the early stages of ontogenesis.


Childhood is one of the most important stages in a person’s life, not only in terms of the realization of his genetic inclinations, but also in terms of the formation of the main psychophysiological components of a person’s personal status, his formation as a member of society. Recently, the view of childhood has changed. If earlier, when studying a child in the first years of life, attention was mainly paid to the issues of his physical development, today it is obvious that the early period of a person’s life is also the most important in the process of his socialization, that is, in his mastery of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​of human society .

The logic of the development of human science put on the agenda the task of studying the first year of a child’s life as the base age for the formation of basic neuropsychic functions and an adequate system of interpersonal relationships. In modern domestic research on developmental physiology and psychology, the period of early childhood remains the least studied problem. Nevertheless, it is during this period that the prerequisites for psychophysiological processes that determine the child’s ability to speech and mental activity and ensure the possibility of his full inclusion in the surrounding social environment develop especially intensively.

Today it is obvious that the latest achievements of human science must become firmly established in the practice of family education. Parents should know: you cannot raise a child “at your own discretion” - there are objective laws for the formation of a child’s behavior and psyche, without knowledge of which it is impossible to correctly plan the process of raising and educating a person. Understanding by parents of the needs and capabilities of their child at each stage of his development will protect them from certain mistakes in upbringing; in turn, this will protect the child himself from serious problems in his future adult life. We must not forget that the early experience acquired by a person in the first years of life does not disappear over time; being in the very depths of the subconscious, it leaves its mark on all further development of a person.

The time has passed into history when the brain of a newborn child “had to” be considered as a blank slate on which society had to depict the “plots” it needed. A child is not born a “blank page”– human nature itself contains certain programs for physical and neuropsychic development. Of course, the specifics of realizing the inclinations inherent in nature depend on what the environmental conditions in which the child is raised will be.

An insufficiently attentive attitude to the age of first childhood has a detrimental effect on a person’s entire life, and many of the people who were born with the best heredity and had the best conditions for their health and moral influences at a later age remain crippled in the physical and moral sense forever only because They had to spend their infancy in unfavorable or even completely abnormal physical and moral conditions.

V. M. Bekhterev

For many years, the theory of “collective education” was implanted in our society, meeting the needs of the totalitarian regime. By placing at the forefront of the educational doctrine not so much the personal as the social-collectivist factor, theorists and teachers leveled the role of the mother to the level of other external influences, abstracting from her role as a leading, determining link in the full development of the child. This approach to education had a negative impact on the state of the most basic element of society - families. The political doctrine that had been instilled for decades encouraged the mother to rely entirely on the experience of teachers in preschool institutions, where the child ended up in the first months after birth. Thus, the parents (primarily the mother) were cut off from constant contact with the child, and the baby also experienced a severe deficit in satisfying a vital need - to constantly feel care, affection, kindness, and love from the people closest to him.

Data from modern science indicate that even before birth, a powerful information connection is established between mother and child, a unified “mother-child” system is formed, which has its own laws that parents need to know in order to properly raise their child; its significance in terms of physical and mental development of a person cannot be overestimated. Any violations of this most important biosocial system have the most detrimental effect on the development of the baby and lead to distortion of his mental and personal spheres.

Today, our society is finally returning to understanding the decisive role of the family in ensuring the physical and mental health of the child. However, awareness of the harmfulness of the “collective education” path does not yet mean solving the problem of raising children. Currently, many scientists are faced with the most important task of educating parents and familiarizing them with the latest achievements of modern human science. Despite the fact that the book market is replete with literature (of various kinds and directions) intended for young parents, mostly (unfortunately!) these are translations of books by foreign authors, which are not entirely applicable to our society and our culture. It would be a mistake to think (as required by Marxist ideology) that a child’s mastery of the world of human culture begins only from the moment he masters speech, that at first the laws of the historical and cultural development of society do not play a significant role in raising a child.

The happiness of fatherhood and motherhood is not manna from heaven... It is difficult and hard-won - this is happiness, it comes only to those who are not afraid of uniform, long-term work to the point of self-forgetfulness. The complexity of this work lies in the fact that it represents a fusion of reason and feelings, wisdom and love, the ability, while enjoying the present moment, to anxiously look into the future.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

On the contrary, from the very beginning the child finds himself in a certain cultural environment in which the achievements of all previous generations are accumulated. Already from the moment of birth, an active process of assimilation of the cultural component of the surrounding world begins. I would like to note that in addition to such unique works as the book of Dr. B. Spock, dedicated to the general issues of raising a healthy child, books should be written that are based on the rich experience of traditional culture in raising the younger generation. This experience exists, and it is extremely useful! It’s just that over the years of the totalitarian regime, this, unfortunately, was classified as an “archaism” and was not addressed in practical life for a long time.

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During his first year, a child goes through a developmental path comparable to his entire future life. And every day of this year is important. Biologists researching the field of behavioral physiology, Lyudmila Sokolova and Nadezhda Andreeva, talk in their book about everything that young parents need to know about their child. With what amount of knowledge about the world and unique capabilities is a baby born? How does a newborn see? How does his brain work? What does your baby want to tell you with his crying? Why did he start to be afraid of strangers? When will he start walking and talking? How to awaken his interest in learning from the first days of life? You will read the answers to these and other questions in this book, created by the authors taking into account the latest research in the field of human neurophysiology and invaluable folk experience.

Title: The first year of life decides everything! 365 secrets of proper development. This amazing baby
Author: Lyudmila Sokolova, Nadezhda Andreeva
Year: 2016
Pages: 460, 58 ill.
Russian language
Format: rtf, fb2 / rar
Size: 11.0 Mb

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Lyudmila Sokolova, Nadezhda Andreeva

The first year of life decides everything! 365 secrets of proper development. This amazing baby

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Sokolova L., 2015

© Andreeva N., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

Sokolova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Higher Nervous Activity and Psychophysiology of St. Petersburg State University. Born in 1950 in St. Petersburg, she graduated from the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University. In 2005 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences. Author of more than 120 scientific and educational works, including 6 monographs and 3 textbooks and teaching aids. Area of ​​scientific interests: patterns of formation of integrative brain activity in normal conditions and in developmental disorders; age-related psychophysiology; biological and social in human nature; psychophysiological foundations of a child’s social adaptation.

She participated in the organization by Academician of the Russian Academy of Education A.S. Batuev of the Scientific Center “Psychophysiology of Mother and Child” at St. Petersburg State University, working in close collaboration with the St. Petersburg Medical Pediatric Academy, the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology named after. I.M. Sechenov RAS, Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen, University of Helsinki Turku (Finland).

Andreeva Nadezhda Gennadievna

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Nervous Activity and Psychophysiology of St. Petersburg State University.

Born in 1949 in St. Petersburg, she graduated from the Faculty of Biology of St. Petersburg State University. The sphere of scientific interests lay in the field of studying problems of developmental and comparative psychophysiology, actively developing issues of the formation of speech function in the early stages of ontogenesis.


Childhood is one of the most important stages in a person’s life, not only in terms of the realization of his genetic inclinations, but also in terms of the formation of the main psychophysiological components of a person’s personal status, his formation as a member of society. Recently, the view of childhood has changed. If earlier, when studying a child in the first years of life, attention was mainly paid to the issues of his physical development, today it is obvious that the early period of a person’s life is also the most important in the process of his socialization, that is, in his mastery of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​of human society .

The logic of the development of human science put on the agenda the task of studying the first year of a child’s life as the base age for the formation of basic neuropsychic functions and an adequate system of interpersonal relationships. In modern domestic research on developmental physiology and psychology, the period of early childhood remains the least studied problem. Nevertheless, it is during this period that the prerequisites for psychophysiological processes that determine the child’s ability to speech and mental activity and ensure the possibility of his full inclusion in the surrounding social environment develop especially intensively.

Today it is obvious that the latest achievements of human science must become firmly established in the practice of family education. Parents should know: you cannot raise a child “at your own discretion” - there are objective laws for the formation of a child’s behavior and psyche, without knowledge of which it is impossible to correctly plan the process of raising and educating a person. Understanding by parents of the needs and capabilities of their child at each stage of his development will protect them from certain mistakes in upbringing; in turn, this will protect the child himself from serious problems in his future adult life. We must not forget that the early experience acquired by a person in the first years of life does not disappear over time; being in the very depths of the subconscious, it leaves its mark on all further development of a person.

The time has passed into history when the brain of a newborn child “had to” be considered as a blank slate on which society had to depict the “plots” it needed. A child is not born a “blank page”– human nature itself contains certain programs for physical and neuropsychic development. Of course, the specifics of realizing the inclinations inherent in nature depend on what the environmental conditions in which the child is raised will be.

An insufficiently attentive attitude to the age of first childhood has a detrimental effect on a person’s entire life, and many of the people who were born with the best heredity and had the best conditions for their health and moral influences at a later age remain crippled in the physical and moral sense forever only because They had to spend their infancy in unfavorable or even completely abnormal physical and moral conditions.

V. M. Bekhterev

For many years, the theory of “collective education” was implanted in our society, meeting the needs of the totalitarian regime. By placing at the forefront of the educational doctrine not so much the personal as the social-collectivist factor, theorists and teachers leveled the role of the mother to the level of other external influences, abstracting from her role as a leading, determining link in the full development of the child. This approach to education had a negative impact on the state of the most basic element of society - families. The political doctrine that had been instilled for decades encouraged the mother to rely entirely on the experience of teachers in preschool institutions, where the child ended up in the first months after birth. Thus, the parents (primarily the mother) were cut off from constant contact with the child, and the baby also experienced a severe deficit in satisfying a vital need - to constantly feel care, affection, kindness, and love from the people closest to him.

During his first year, a child goes through a developmental path comparable to his entire future life. And every day of this year is important. Biologists researching the field of behavioral physiology, Lyudmila Sokolova and Nadezhda Andreeva, talk in their book about everything that young parents need to know about their child. With what amount of knowledge about the world and unique capabilities is a baby born? How does a newborn see? How does his brain work? What does your baby want to tell you with his crying? Why did he start to be afraid of strangers? When will he start walking and talking? How to awaken his interest in learning from the first days of life? You will read the answers to these and other questions in this book, created by the authors taking into account the latest research in the field of human neurophysiology and invaluable folk experience.

A series: Mom's main book

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by liters company.


The world of a baby... What is it like? Is it possible to look into it? Each of us once passed through this unique Cosmos, but the laws of memory are such that we are unable to remember our first path. Who will return to us this knowledge of a world lost forever? And do we need today - in this ever-hurrying age - to embark on a journey through the world of childhood? Not only necessary, but also essential!

In modern science, there is an increased interest in the problems of early childhood. And this is no coincidence. The first year of a child’s life is one of the most important stages in the development of his personality. Ask yourself: do you always, burdened with the burden of everyday worries, momentary worries and anxieties, realize that by raising your child, you are working for the future and, ultimately, for Eternity? After all, motherhood is not only a sense of duty, but also a huge responsibility for the fate of the world.

Of course, the personal experience of each of us is irreplaceable, but do we always approach raising a child correctly? Science will help answer this. Every day brings scientists new, more and more interesting facts, testifying to the amazing and sometimes unexpected abilities of babies. And therefore, equipped with at least basic knowledge about the basic laws of the formation of the human psyche and behavior, you will be able to choose the most correct way to raise your child and find answers to the questions that life poses to you.

A woman and a man are two faces of one creature - a person; the child is their common eternal hope. There is no one other than a child to convey his dreams and aspirations to a person; there is no one to give for the final completion of his great, ending life. No one except the child. And therefore the child is the ruler of humanity, for life is always dominated by the coming, expected, not yet born pure thought, the thrill of which we feel in our chests, the power of which makes our life boil.

A. P. Platonov

The authors of this book are biologists researching the field of behavioral physiology. The desire to write a book about the developmental features of a child in the first year of life, about the world of an infant, is far from accidental for us. Science, and society as a whole, for a long time reveled in the idea of ​​human exceptionalism, completely neglecting the laws of biological development. But man is not an exception, but only a logical step in the development of nature.

Each of us is connected with the world around us by invisible threads; We all live according to the same laws of nature. Neglecting this circumstance is dangerous, because ignorance of the laws of nature often leads to irreparable mistakes in the upbringing of a truly unique human being.

Therefore, when we talk about certain stages in the formation of a child’s behavior and psyche, do not be confused by our digressions into the field of biology - they will not only allow you to get an idea of ​​​​the unified principles of the development of living things, but will help you better understand yourself, give you answers to many interesting questions.

Man is not the center of the universe, as we naively believed, but, what is much more beautiful, the soaring pinnacle of a great biological synthesis. Man, he alone, is the last in time of emergence, the freshest, the most complex, the most iridescent, multi-colored of the successive layers of life.

The great French biologist and humanist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Of course, the book we offer should not be considered as some kind of methodological guide that replaces special medical and pedagogical literature. We did not set out to give ready-made “recipes” - we only urge you to show maximum observation, attention and, most importantly, understanding your child, so that you yourself can truly delve into this wonderful world of childhood. Often the answer to the question “how to act?” will be found easier if you know the answer to the question “why?”

The book is primarily addressed to those who have already known the special joy of being, having become a mother or father; those who are just about to become one, and those who re-experience this incomparable parental feeling, already being a grandmother or grandfather.

For a young mother, the first year of a child’s life is the most difficult time, full of incredibly complex and new problems. Sometimes sleepless nights and monotonous daily worries about a child “unsettle” you. To maintain your intellectual shape and not get bogged down in the routine of momentary affairs, engage in important research activities: observe, analyze, systematize everything that happens to you and your baby.

Every day for your child will be the discovery of something new, and may you not shock the world with any global conclusions and conclusions. The main thing is that you will “live” with your child day after day this first, most important year of his life, you will become closer and more understandable to each other.

By opening a kind of “childhood institute” in your home, involving your relatives - dads, grandparents - in observations, you will thereby strengthen your family. After all, raising a child is not only the mother’s concern: we are all active participants in an amazing and unique experiment that Nature sets up, and the fate of a new person who comes into the world depends on our participation.

The result of joint creative work will be the birth of a new personality. This high mission also implies high responsibility, because his future fate largely depends on what your first experience of relationships with your child will be. The main parental wisdom is to respect the independent personality of a little person from the first minutes, to carefully introduce him into this world, passing on to him everything that is in us. Isn’t this the secret of human immortality, that in every new creature that comes into the world, we strive to leave the best part of ourselves?

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The given introductory fragment of the book The first year of life decides everything! 365 secrets of proper development. This amazing baby (N. G. Andreeva, 2015) provided by our book partner -