Spiritual development of a man. When a strong man comes. stage. Establishing contact with the inner woman

In this article I want to talk about self-development for men, what it is and what should be required in it. I’ll start by trying to convey the following idea to every man:

Every man is obliged to engage in self-development.

A man in whose life there is no room for self-development lives his life in vain and most often simply degrades.

We have such a nature and such a purpose in life: to gain knowledge, develop, work on character qualities, take control of feelings and desires.

We will not focus on this point. Let's assume that every man reading this understands this. The question arises: what is male self-development?

Now, in order, in various areas of life, I will list the main points of self-development for men.

In what areas do men need to develop?

  • In the area of ​​health (physical aspect), a man must overcome and educate himself

This includes getting up earlier, hardening, and various physical exercises (running, gymnastics, power training etc.). Also this proper nutrition, regular showering, refusal bad habits and replacing them with healthy habits.

That is, this is the basis men's work above oneself. This is where personal development begins, which then positively influences development in other areas of life.

  • In the field of relations ( social aspect) a man must learn to build them correctly

Our life consists of relationships: in the family, with friends, at work, etc. You need to know the laws of building relationships with others, since ignorance of them brings misunderstanding, resentment, and quarrels.

  • In the intellectual aspect, a man must constantly develop his mind

In self-development for men, this side of development needs to be addressed Special attention, because this is very important.

A man needs to constantly improve in what he loves. An important emphasis here is placed on the word “beloved”. It is necessary to determine your purpose and engage yourself in activities related to it. You don’t even want to work in a job you don’t like, much less develop.

We need to study related knowledge that will help our self-development in the main business. It is necessary to communicate with individuals who have already achieved great success in this direction.

  • In the spiritual (evolutionary) aspect, one must strive to obtain real knowledge about the essence, the Universe and its laws

A man should pay the highest attention to the spiritual aspect.

By our nature, we are not only physical bodies, but also essence-souls, and this must be understood first of all. One should study the nature of the essence and the meaning of its periodic incarnations in the physical body.

It is also necessary to work on character qualities and learn to live according to conscience (not to cause to others what you do not want for yourself, but at the same time remember about justice). You also need to constantly gain real knowledge in various areas of life and apply it in practice.

What does self-development for men include?

We have analyzed 4 aspects of personality that self-development for men should address.

In ordinary life, you cannot develop only some aspects and neglect others. Thus, an imbalance will occur in a man’s life, which will lead to stress and depression.

In order to cover this topic as a whole, as well as its subtopics, I recommend complementary blog sections directly about and about (it’s really important!) development to help you.

And now it’s your turn to participate in the discussion of this topic. Write in the comments your opinion about self-development for men. Is it necessary, and if so, how important is it?

Recently a client came to me, and I heard this again.
- Well, why doesn’t he engage in spiritual development? I'm working on myself, but he doesn't want to.
- What is he doing?
- He works all the time and sits at the computer at home.
- Does the fact that he sits at the computer bother you?
- Oh no. It doesn't develop. And I want my man to be active, to work on himself, like me.
- How do you see this?
- He goes to yoga with me, meditates, listens to lectures. Let him at least do something.
- Why do you need this?
- Silence. I’m developing, working on myself, and so should he.

I'm upset. I'm also silent. This interesting, intelligent woman wants a man to develop as she sees it. At the same time, he already owes her something. I wonder if he knows about this? I'm sure he's already aware of the matter.

So, why not really have such a “spiritual” man nearby? Let's go to yoga together. If you stand in the camel pose, do it for two people so that no one is offended. In the morning you can meditate together, and in the evening you can cleanse the space with the sound “om”.

But there is a possibility that after a month of such close, “spiritual” contact, the partners will hate each other. I know of such cases. A common interest in yoga or spiritual practices also occurs. But rarely. This happens, of course. There is no need to make an effort and “recruit” a man for this. If this does not happen naturally, then the man is improving himself in another way. Through work, specific deeds, helping other people.

What men cannot be called “spiritual”?

From life experience I know two types of men who passionately developed themselves through spiritual practices, meditation, and yoga. But you cannot call them spiritual. The first man, 30 years old, flew to India every winter, meditated and studied “progressive” methods of working on himself. At the same time, he happily lived at the expense of others, used women’s money without hesitation and did not work anywhere for a long time. He explained this in one word – “karma”. The main motive for his “development” was freedom. IN in this case, this is freedom from responsibility. He still hasn’t created a family, apparently, “karma” still works. But he flies to India just as regularly, “pumping up” his “spirituality” in the Master’s ashram.

The second man, 39 years old, had a family, two children and a family business. Family, children and business already oblige one to take responsibility. But instead, he “developed spiritually” in a special way. He devoted his evenings and weekends to communicating with like-minded people and analyzing “ancient texts.” He meditated and explored himself regularly, enjoying this mysterious process in splendid isolation.

While in a relationship with his wife, the man started affairs with other women. He told them that his wife did not understand his “spiritual growth” and constantly demanded something from him. And she just needed to feed and raise their common children. Simple, earthly concerns, of course, distracted our hero “from the most important thing.” Therefore, he was looking for any way to get away from solving the pressing problems of the family and family business. Indeed, he succeeded quite well in “delegating powers”, shifting his tasks to other people. He subconsciously avoided full responsibility for children, for business, for family relationships. He withdrew and did what he wanted. What good did such “spirituality” do to his children who did not see their father? His wife, who accepted infidelity and resolved family issues alone?

What does such a man’s retreat into “spirituality” mean?

Completely immersed in spiritual practices, meditation, and self-knowledge, many men unconsciously “run away” from the responsibilities and difficulties of life. Of course, it is easier to meditate than to feed children and earn a living. Often this is what men do - “narcissists” who love exclusively themselves. This slim shape spiritual egoism. Both of our heroes belong to this category. And alas, it is almost impossible to influence this from the outside. Narcissism cannot be treated with pills and injections.

“I do what is good for me, and I am not responsible for the rest,” - unfortunately, infantile life position. Such an attitude will not lead a man to personal maturity in any way.

How does the “spirituality” of a modern man manifest itself?

  1. Sets life priorities correctly and takes responsibility. A personally mature man knows what is important to him and puts it first. Family, loved ones, your own business. For this he bears full responsibility. At the same time, he can develop himself in any way. This does not bother anyone, but, on the contrary, helps.
  2. Chooses the main goal in life. Sets one goal for himself and follows it. Through this he develops his spirit, his mind, his emotions and his physical body. A man cannot choose several vectors of development at once. If he does this, he will not get results anywhere. That's how it's built.
  3. Develops through specific activities. A man improves through the work he chooses. By putting in the work, he improves what he does while developing himself. This is why it is so important for a man to always do something.
  4. Does what he has to do and keeps his promises. Such a man bears full responsibility for his actions and for those around him. He does what he promised. Regardless of the “weather in the house” and the monthly precipitation norm that fell the day before. Everything is simple here.
  5. True to his principles. He is true to himself. In any situation, he adheres to the principles that he understands. Even if someone doesn't like it, they don't change their mind seven times a day.
  6. Shows fortitude and perseverance. Resolves any issues. He copes as best he can. Uses all means to get the best result for himself and for his loved ones. Such a man does not run away to India and does not immediately fly to Tibet after lunch.
  7. He is generous and helps people. Treats people kindly. Helps relatives, friends, colleagues. Not to appear “good.” Because he can’t do it any other way. It's right for him. At the same time, such a man prioritizes his family and friends.

How does a woman influence a man's spirituality?

We look at men through “glasses of expectations.” This is the image of an “ideal” man who does not exist in nature. Such internal filters of perception do not allow us to see the “seeds” of spiritual manifestations, which are necessarily present in every man. It’s worth taking a closer look and you will notice this very “spirituality”. To one degree or another, this is present in everyone. It remains only to see what exactly develops a man for the current period. Encourage this by discussing his business, hobby, communication with interesting people. Listen carefully to his conclusions and realizations, creating a space of acceptance. Sometimes just listen. This will certainly help a man to prove himself in specific actions, bold decisions and good deeds.

Both will benefit from this strategy. And it is worth remembering that behind every spiritually developed man there is a spiritually mature woman.

Sofya Sulim, candidate of psychological sciences, transpersonal psychotherapist, family and sexuality therapist, systemic constellation, transformational coach and trainer. Member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League and the Russian Association of Alternative Medicine. www.ssulim.com

I have been teaching spiritual practice my entire adult life, and I have long noticed an interesting pattern. As soon as a spiritual search begins in a man’s life, a woman always intervenes, casts a love spell, and in most cases, with all the forces available to her, turns the man away from the desired enlightenment. In favor of family, relationships, or some tasks that are important to her. She is ready to make any sacrifices, to lay down her bones, but not to give the unfortunate person the opportunity to develop and come into contact with the Truth.

And even strong and developed men acquire the look of a submissive and meek lamb, quietly chewing grass.

And those who pass the test of female manipulation receive truly deep insights and results.

How does this happen? I have been studying this phenomenon for a long time, especially in the wake of the fashion for women’s practices. And I realized that the goal of all female practices is to create a submissive slave. Seduction. Shifting the vector of his attention to her precious person.

Do you know what one of the most effective love spells sounds like: “I turn away the servant of God (name) from the whole Christian world and turn him towards myself.”

And this phenomenon is described in an extremely modern way by Pelevin in “Secret Views of Mount Fuji”, and a special women's practice Shifting the focus of a man’s attention to himself is called “pussy hook”. By throwing a mental “hook”, a female practitioner receives half a kingdom and a horse, and a man who is so in love that he loses his personal spirituality and devotes all his free time to Her.

And it’s immediately clear which centers the practice takes place (more precisely, which place :))

Fatal seduction

Geisha schools, a Vedic club, a coven of witches - you can call it whatever you want, the meaning remains the same - you need to find your victim and do everything to shift the vector of development of his path.

This has always surprised me - why learn to manipulate, arch over in photographs, wear uncomfortable but sexually accentuated clothes, undergo training on the basics of seduction? Is this really more interesting than developing, creating something new, improving and benefiting society, contributing to its development?

The whole point is that true spirituality for a woman is the absence of the desire to seduce someone, put someone under their thumb and play all these games. Because higher meanings appear in her life, and even the very fact of the relationship becomes less important. Spirituality is integrity. Whole consciousness is happy in itself, and a “second half” is not needed. More precisely, relationships are built on a joint experience of comprehension, common goals, and not on the desire to suppress and remake.

That’s why I never understood why I should study something that already exists inside. A spiritual woman is beautiful and attractive precisely because she is a Warrior of the Spirit, this in itself is awesome, mysterious and intriguing. She has no time to play with other people's minds - because she only plays with herself.

And this test is the most important in a man’s life. Because overcoming someone else’s practice is a kind of test of your personal strength.

Nature of the phenomenon

Rewinding the pages of the Book of Genesis, I saw that women's practice takes its roots from helplessness. When in the first patriarchal cells she became the property of a man who was free to do whatever he wanted with her. It was protection - because if you manipulate, you will survive. Centuries passed and the reflex was fixed, and a saying appeared in the lexicon that always irritated me: “all women are witches.” I previously explained that I am not a witch, then - that I am not quite a human being, and then I simply entered into my external energy field the parameter “those who decide to tell me this should be immediately cut off harshly and our meeting should be avoided by any means necessary.”

So, men wanted spirituality, and created closed institutions: knightly orders, monasteries, secret societies, where there was a simple rule - a vow of celibacy. Or - no women. In this case, no one distracted the practitioner. The Apostle Peter wrote that “it is better not to marry at all.”

Meanwhile, women collected medicinal herbs, burned doves in cemeteries, learned belly dancing, and wrote grimoires on love spells and sugar spells.

How to control a man's mind? It’s extremely simple - you need to hit his animal nature and give him the main pleasure - sex. In ancient times there was little joy - there were plague epidemics, cold, lack of medicine and other norms positive thinking. Therefore, sex became a real drug - because people wanted happiness, no matter how religion promoted suffering and asceticism.

And it has become easy to get hooked on sex - in the process, the woman does special practices, creates vibrations, like a super computer calculates pleasure points and presses on them. I’ll tell you more - sex addiction is worse than alcohol and nicotine.

Men continued to resist expansion and delayed until the last minute, prohibiting women from studying at universities and receiving bank cards. Women invented emancipation, began to wear trousers, but the essence has not changed - the two genders, just like thousands of years ago, are enthusiastically busy maiming and ruining each other’s lives.

A developed spiritual woman does not need slaves, does not dictate conditions and does not manipulate - you are either on the same wavelength as her, or you are not in her field of activity. Every spiritually developed consciousness (regardless of gender) has a global mission in life and a short period of time (if you are over 30, then you realize this) to fulfill it. Therefore, there is not even time to explain why games of love, marriage and submission are not needed?

The path to Mount Fuji

The hero of Pelevin’s book “Secret Views of Mount Fuji” was one step away from a qualitatively new round of evolution of his consciousness, but could not withstand the attack. And sometimes it seems to me that there is no way out - for every practicing man there is a girlfriend who will open his sex chakra and remember his name. But I see men who did not go to the monastery, and were able to leave the mode of human relations and make their leap of trust into Eternity. I want to give a number of tips that will help you eliminate manipulation and get rid of a love spell in the bud.

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Being a man...no. Being a MAN is not easy. To achieve this, it is not enough to simply be born male and wear trousers. You need to have courage, and it, in turn, includes certain character traits and qualities, the most important of which are courage, patience, boldness, responsibility, perseverance, and self-confidence. But not every man can say that he has a full set of all these qualities. However, this should not serve as an indicator of a person’s “badness” as a man; it’s just that some qualities need to be developed in oneself. And today we will give some very good advice on the topic of how to raise a Man within yourself.

First, let women surround you

This is probably one of the most important recommendations, because a man by nature should be close to a woman, and if there are a lot of women, then this is even better. Just don't misunderstand our advice, because... We can hardly be called supporters of polygamy. Surrounding yourself with women means interacting with them as often as possible. The fact is that in the process of communicating with women, masculinity and courage in a man are manifested most of all. If you are one of those who experience embarrassment and constraint in the company of women, your task is to overcome them - this will be the first step on the path to courage. Just try to overcome these sensations, and over time you will gain an understanding of how to behave, the ability to carry on a conversation, etc.

Second, test yourself in a team sport.

Team sport very well develops such qualities as self-confidence, competitive spirit, and the will to win. When a person aims to go only forward together with his comrades, his character is strengthened and his inner core becomes stronger. In addition, team sport is a constant interaction with other people, in this case with teammates, thanks to which even an insecure man will gradually absorb the confidence of those who are confident in themselves, and this will begin to manifest itself in his everyday life . And another quality that is formed through team sports is patience, which is no less important in life.

Third – test yourself in extreme sports

Extreme sports such as parachuting, diving, rock climbing, mountaineering, shooting, bungee jumping, horse riding alpine skiing, rafting, etc., including even contact martial arts, allow a man to gain one of the most important qualities for him - courage. In addition, they build confidence in themselves and their strengths, get rid of anxiety, strengthen internal resilience, and impart perseverance and determination. Thus, a person in whose life there is extreme sports not only soon notices how he himself is changing, but also observes positive changes in his own life.

Fourth – develop your body

It's easy to see why this is important. A priori, a man is one who has not only a strong spirit, but also a strong and developed body. But this does not mean at all that you need to make yourself a “mountain” of muscles, spending endless hours in the gym. Simple is enough. You can start visiting the pool, buy a barbell and a pair of dumbbells for home and exercise once every two days, do exercises or morning exercises, go for a run. Just make it a rule to do something that will develop you physically, because strength and endurance will never become unnecessary. To all other, strong man can always protect himself and his woman, and this is important, because... a man is a warrior from time immemorial.

Fifth - learn to play poker

You should not think that learning to play poker is necessary for the sake of some kind of boasting, smoky evenings at the poker table or making money (although the latter will only be beneficial). , which also develops qualities inherent in a man, but inherent in an intelligent man. These are qualities such as determination, prudence, patience, ingenuity, logic, intuition, the ability to control emotional manifestations and understand people. A real man You must be able to control yourself and control yourself in any situation, and poker can teach you this.

Sixth, watch what you say.

This point also relates to the issue of self-control. As you know, a “long tongue” has always been the root of many problems, and unfulfilled promises are the reason for the loss of respect from others, even the closest people. A real man is not only always responsible for his words and keeps his promises, but also tries to speak exclusively to the point. This behavior allows you to deserve good attitude from other people, and can also save you from unpleasant situations in life. And another advantage is that it develops, which is important when communicating with other people.

Seventh - try to behave with dignity

A man in every life situation must behave exactly as a man should. This suggests that you should not commit careless acts, behave respectfully with others, especially women, not indulge your weaknesses or the weaknesses of loved ones, refrain from showing rudeness, aggression, and disrespect. A man should be an example for others, especially for his children, if he has any. If there are no children, then you need to train yourself to behave in such a way as to become a role model for them when they appear.

Eighth - develop your mind

A man should pay great attention to the development of his mind. It's no secret that being smart and versatile is always good. But a man, if he really wants to be an example for others and even for himself, must constantly develop in this regard. The development of the mind means broadening one’s horizons, having a wide range of interests and various hobbies, developing intelligence and expanding the scope of personal skills and abilities, formation and training leadership qualities. Having a developed mind means having a sharp mind, a sense of humor and a large information base. By the way, this also contributes to achieving success in any area of ​​life.

Ninth – develop spiritually

When it comes to comprehensive development, you need to take into account not only the physical body and mind, but also inner world. In other words, you need to take time. This does not mean that from now on you need to completely immerse yourself in some kind of spiritual teaching, because... Quite simple, non-binding practices, such as meditation, for example, are enough. Just set aside time during the day to be alone with yourself for at least half an hour in a state of peace and tranquility. This practice allows you to stop the racing of thoughts, achieve some inner silence, and put everything in your mind “on the shelves.” It also develops intuition, improves understanding of yourself and others, and helps you remain true to yourself in any situation.

Tenth – strive for success

Considering that the indicators of success for each person can be completely different, here we can only say that a man must, firstly, and secondly, make efforts to achieve them. You must understand what is important to you, what you want to strive for, and what to spend your time and energy on achieving. And if you find this, if you manage to achieve the desired results, then you can already be called a successful person. And success will bring with it financial wealth, moral satisfaction, and a feeling of happiness.

ANOTHER RECOMMENDATION: In fact, every person, regardless of gender, skin color, age, religion, or anything else, should strive for. But you can become a truly developed and strong personality only when you know yourself well: your personal qualities, advantages and disadvantages, preferences, life meaning, the most important values, etc. At first glance, it may seem that achieving such self-knowledge can be very difficult and you can spend a lot of time on it, but we want to tell you that this is far from the case. To know yourself, you just need to have a system and understand how to use it. We can offer you both - we invite you to take our self-knowledge course, which will reveal to you many secrets and interesting things about yourself. Go ahead and start getting to know yourself.

And we wish you courage in completing our course!

Sometimes a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in a woman’s life. And it’s easy to feel it even with your back, a woman’s body fully responds to it, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus, is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life...

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a daring character becomes a little chick, the whole bouquet of feminine qualities suddenly awakens in her, she suddenly wants to cook for him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and maybe for the first time in her body consciously sounds “I want a child from this man.”

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, she feels everything especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in her on a hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his look and voice...

Next to him she may feel stupid and weak, but this does not bother her at all, but on the contrary makes her smile at herself and realize how nice it is to be weak sometimes.
Next to him, she doesn’t want to argue, prove, compare her intellect with him, for the first time in her life she wants to obey!

The woman begins to blossom in this relationship, realizing the power of this man and harmonizing through it. She begins to love not with her mind, but with her whole feminine being. Moreover, outwardly it may be absolutely not her type, not the same level of intelligence, not the same level of spiritual development, completely different... perhaps not even beautiful, but simply strong, courageous and decisive, next to whom her heart awakens to love.

And then (after a day / week / year of dating him) most women make the same mistake: they begin to adapt to these men, serve, try to please him... they get stuck in him!
Completely, up to your ears! And then the questions begin: “What did I do wrong?”, “Darling, what didn’t you like?”, “Darling, is everything okay?” etc.
“What to serve? What to bring? What can I change in myself for your sake?”

A woman is capable of anything to keep him. She feels that she is not internally ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet matured, and she tries to compensate for her internal unpreparedness through external self-improvement, because losing is incredibly scary...

If you look deeper, she doesn’t even need him, but the state of awakened nature that she feels, which overwhelms her.
Maybe for the first time in her entire life, and only next to him, she felt like a woman!
How can you let this go?

And then hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, to fit in, to deserve... which alienates the man more and more.
And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in a woman’s life and leave to show her how not yet ready she is for a strong and mature relationship. After all, he needs not a slave, not a maid, but a woman who can be filled and with whose love he can be filled!

After he leaves, pain remains, the unbearable pain of returning to another reality, where you no longer feel 100% like a woman, where these strong hands and a confident look where you cannot relax and feel...
Now the woman is doing everything to get away from this pain. But believe me, it is better to live your whole life with pain, which moves you forward and develops, than to live without pain, but also without love.

Pain means you have been given MORE of some energy than your current reserve can accommodate. And instead of expanding their reserve, women simply try to remove this energy from their lives, not realizing that by doing this they are harming their development.

Some women are trying to win back these men through fasting, prayers and austerities, which only aggravates the situation. In this case, all austerities, fasts and rituals act simply like magic. A woman without powerful, revealed energy will need to perform austerities for several months in order to attract him again even for a day. But then he will leave again, because the lesson has not been completed...
I won’t even write about love spells, because the fate of those women who try to master a man through magic is terrible!

Other women try to cut it off from themselves, and go to energy specialists and healers to be cleansed of this connection that does not leave the head, heart and uterus... Which does not want to leave.

But it will be incredibly difficult to cut off this man from yourself, it will be he who dreams, appears in a crowd of people, it will seem that he is about to appear somewhere, come out from somewhere, every phone call and every SMS will make the woman shudder with anticipation...

It is such a man who brings the most powerful lesson of love and development into a woman’s life.

Such a man comes and shows a woman what she can be, how feminine she is, how much strength she has...
He teaches her to live in harmony with her nature, and he also lets her see and feel how much love she has!
After all, it is his woman who begins to love from the very first days of their communication... It is for him that she has not passion, not infatuation, but love, and she feels it with her whole being...
And that's why it hurts so much when he leaves.

If there was or is such a man in your life, then you are lucky and unlucky at the same time.

Lucky because few people in life encounter true love, and you were given the gift of loving deeply, truly, with all your heart, with all your feminine being, with every cell of your body. And when a woman loves, nothing is impossible for her!

This love continues to live in you throughout your life, it fills your life with meaning. Moreover, when a woman remembers with love and gratitude the experience that she had with this man, then automatically on a subtle level she is harmonized, her energy is leveled, she remembers her femininity, her nature...

And if you make up your mind, gain courage and begin to reveal yourself, allow, expand your boundaries, if you come to terms with the loss of this man, but at the same time remain happy and full of unconditional love for him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful.

No luck because with this man you will be put through the most severe stress, with him you will be pulled out to a completely different level of feeling life.
And every new energy transition is always pain, crisis and depression.
Every time you become attached to it, they will take it away from you.
You will be relentlessly taught to live happily and freely, without attachment.
You will be taught emotional maturity and unconditional love all the time!

But the happiness that you will experience from this relationship cannot be compared with any other experiences in life, the love that will fill your heart will make your life full of meaning and divinity!

This man is teaching you to be a woman!

He showed you how you can love and feel - now your task is to maintain it.

If you want to be with him, then you don’t need to learn how to scrub a house and cook food, you don’t need to learn to be worthy of him in your mind!
You need to discover love and a sense of drive from life, happiness from within.
You just need to become a woman in the full sense of the word, real, feeling, emotional and able to let go.
And when you can calmly refuse him, but at the same time maintain love in your heart and joy from life, when you can be with him and not lose your head from euphoria, be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him!
Then life will bring you together again.

With other men it will be easier, simpler, but with this it will be difficult, sometimes painful, but you will live, feel life and you will be filled with love.

If there was such a man in your life:
- Learn to be grateful to him, because it is these men who lead us to knowledge, to teachers, to God! Even through pain, but now we understand that it’s worth it, right?
- Don’t think about him and don’t try to forget, just cultivate yourself and your strength.

When you learn to love yourself and be happy, your pain will go away by itself, and your relationship with him will either move to a new level or stop bothering you!

Why do we fall for such men?

Because they are strong in a masculine way, they are realized in their nature, and this makes them incredibly attractive.

But the same process happens with a woman: when she opens up in her nature, when she comprehends her depth, when she has learned to love and maintain freedom, then she becomes magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, but builds relationships according to the principle of energetic equality.

Nowadays, most women are driven by the desire to own a man, but with a strong man this will not work, just as with strong woman. In general, energetically strong people cannot be owned; you can only interact with them on the principle of merging energies.

Therefore, give up the desire to possess this man, thank him for what he has discovered in you!

No matter what man you live with now, no matter who surrounds you, still, learn love every day, and if there is a person who awakens it in you, be filled with it!
Even if you are already married and your heart still flutters for another man, do not throw away love.
Just don't focus on the man, take the feelings he gave you and share with your spouse.

We enter into relationships not because of people, but because of their energy and the states that we experience next to them.
Live in a state of love and gratitude, and God will take care of the rest!

Yulia Sudakova
Source - http://top.thepo.st/1371221/Kogda-prihodit-silnyiy-mujchina