And I still sit and don’t take my eyes off.  The Red Book of Russian Pop History of songs and romancesMusic poetry. Touches his stomach

A. Ostrovsky - L. Oshanin

And in our yard
There is one girl
Among noisy friends
She's inconspicuous
None of the guys
She is inconspicuous.

I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.

I have a friend
I've known him since childhood,
But I'm silent about her
Even with your best friend.
For some reason I'm silent
Even with your best friend.

I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.

I'm not afraid of guys
And neither night nor day,
No cool fists
No water, no fire,
And with her it’s as if suddenly
They are replacing me.

I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.

Here we go again in the evening
I'm standing at the gate
She walks past from the bakery with a bun.
I stand and watch
And it takes offense.

I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.

Or knocks in the morning
She wears heels
Having forgotten about everything,
I'm watching from the window.
And I don't know why
I need her so much.

I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.
And I keep looking -
I can't take my eyes off...

If you are not in a dimly lit place where everyone's eyes widen, it means he likes you. When they are interested in someone or something, they always do this.

2. Eyebrows raised

This subconscious movement also shows interest. Especially if this happens when you are telling something.

3. When you smile, your front teeth are visible.

Grown men usually stop smiling like that around the age of five, unless they are truly happy.

4. Smiling affects more than just the mouth.

Ordinary smiles involve the mouth and the muscles around it, but if in addition his eyes sparkle and in general he smiles as if with his whole face, then you have a good influence on him!


5. Lightly licks lips

When something is interesting and pleasant to a person, more saliva is formed in the mouth and the lip licking reflex operates. If this does not happen in a nervous environment, you can give yourself another plus.

6. Looks at you all the time

Nowadays, when people are only willing to stare at their smartphone screen, such a gaze can cause discomfort. But think about it from a different perspective: he wants to better remember your face and facial expressions, so that he can remember later when you are not around.

7. Takes a deep breath when he sees you

Of course, humans need oxygen. But since he puffs out his chest and sucks in his stomach when he sees you, it means he wants to seem more masculine and attractive. It was not he who came up with this, but evolution!

8. Leaning forward when you speak

In a noisy bar, this movement may mean nothing. But in a restaurant, for example, this is a sign of obvious interest in your words and you in general.

9. Touches you with his knee

Or runs his hand through his hair. Physical contact without sufficient reason is an indicator that he wants to understand your attitude. If he wants to make a good impression, his gestures will be soft and he will smile widely.

10. Crosses his legs

If at the same time he moves back a little, such a gesture means nothing. And if he moves towards you, he wants to show affection, but is shy.

11. Speaks without looking at you

This can be interpreted in different ways, but most likely he is just being modest.

12. Touches his stomach

The belly symbolizes vulnerability and the desire to communicate. He is interested in you, but he is not sure of his actions. Also pay attention to the context, in case he just has a stomach ache...

13. Touches your hand when talking

Everything is simple here: he wants your attention to his words.

This song was written in our House of Creativity, Maleevka, where both Ostrovsky and I lived at that time. All sunny, radiant, no matter how funny, this song was created at a time when Ostrovsky was recovering from a serious illness, and in the coming days I was facing a complex operation. I must say that while working on it and writing it alone, we tried many different musical and poetic options, which sometimes were already completely ready-made songs. But all these remain options...
This song sounded when I went to B.V. Petrovsky’s clinic for surgery. And it was sad and funny: in difficult moments for me, sisters and patients ran to me and asked for the words of this song.
The song caused the same reaction as the first one. Again questions - why they were written, please introduce us to our heroes. And again there are strong demands for the continuation of our history.
It seemed to us that there was, in fact, nothing to continue. But the flow of letters was too great. The result was something completely new; never before in history have there been such songs with a continuation. This time the girls were especially active. It would seem that it was said so highly and warmly about them, but they were offended: “He sings about his love, but she doesn’t have the right to vote?”
We wanted to write a girlish response to the first two songs. I wanted to, but I was very afraid - even in novels it usually happens that the first book is successful, the second is read out of love for the first, and the third doesn’t fit into anything at all... Often something like this happens with movies . There is even such a saying: the first series is first grade, the second series is second grade, the third series...
And yet we had to write a third song. It was featured on Good Morning in March 1963.
performed by Maya Kristalinskaya.

You looked at me, you looked for me everywhere
I used to run
keeping your views from everyone
And now you're not there, for some reason you're not there
I want you to be
to look at me the same way

I'm walking without you along a familiar street
I'm not in a hurry with you,
not with you, but with Natasha at the cinema
And the windows of a quiet house send you greetings
Yes, even old people,
that they are still knocking on dominoes

In the yard they play the same record until dark
You said you'd come
at least for the evening you will come back here
I don’t need the evening, the evening is as small as a grain of sand
I will wait for you,
only you come forever.

And outside the window it’s raining, then snowing,
And it's time to sleep, and I can't fall asleep
Still the same yard, still the same laughter
And only you are missing a little

    “There was even a minute when we wrote a fourth song. It was a song-letter from a distant land, a letter from a young man becoming an adult. This song was played on the radio once and also caused letters and requests to repeat it. But Ostrovsky and I quietly took it away she was near the radio and shoved back into the desk.
    Why? The reason was this. It turned out that Ostrovsky and I interpret it completely differently. It seemed to him that one verse in the song was unnecessary. And I thought that this verse was the most important. This means that something has not yet worked out. I cannot say that it is worse than the first three, but if we doubt it, then it remains to be seen whether it has the right to exist."

    It seems that Lev Ivanovich is not entirely sincere here. There was a song, sung by Joseph Kobzon and not only on the radio. And what does it matter that the authors “interpreted it differently”, since it was already in a finished version and, indeed, “no worse than the first three”? In addition, the songs were not in themselves, but components of the narrative, and the three-year period taken from the chronicle of the relationships of the heroes destroyed the harmony and simplicity of the cycle’s presentation.
    A recording of this song was found and listeners can judge its quality and relevance for the cycle:

    “This song, apparently, surprised many and caused a wide variety of letters. Some simply asked to repeat it, others were indignant at how dare she not wait for him. Some wrote that exactly the same thing happened to them and therefore they are doubly grateful to us. But everyone demanded the girl’s answer, the end of the story, everyone wanted to know where she was, what happened to her, why she didn’t wait.
    Arkady Ilyich Ostrovsky and I thought for a very long time about the last song of our cycle. And I even already wrote the words in which the girl said goodbye to her childhood love, although she said that she would forever be a saint for her:

     It happened in the rain, it happened in the snow
     I met you, my first person.
     But the hour has come for such love,
     Don’t call back childhood that has fallen silent.

     But this turned out to be untrue. Most of our listeners correctly felt that we wanted to “write love, but showed love.”
     And the last song, of course, did not become a farewell song. Nor did it become a banal, bourgeois ending. The girl really left, “like the guy,” but “everything came true and didn’t come true.”
     So unexpectedly for us, this suite, or poem of five songs, turned out.

Childhood has gone into the distance.
I feel a little sorry for my childhood.
I remember the beating of hearts,
And the courage of the eyes, and the timidity of the hands...

And everything came true
And it didn't come true

And there is no happiness
And happiness awaits

If only you knew
How hard it is to wait.
You wouldn't waste a day
Got me back, got me back

Listen to the sound of footsteps
There's a knock on the door,
Meet my voice -
I'm in a hurry to see you, I'm in a hurry to go home.

And everything came true
And it didn't come true
A wreath of doubts and hopes intertwined.
And there is no happiness
And happiness awaits
At our old, our small gates.

A. Ostrovsky - L. Oshanin

And in our yard
There is one girl
Among noisy friends
She's inconspicuous
None of the guys
She is inconspicuous.

I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.

I have a friend
I've known him since childhood,
But I'm silent about her
Even with your best friend.
For some reason I'm silent
Even with your best friend.

I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.

I'm not afraid of guys
And neither night nor day,
No cool fists
No water, no fire,
And with her it’s as if suddenly
They are replacing me.

I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.

Here we go again in the evening
I'm standing at the gate
She walks past from the bakery with a bun.
I stand and watch
And it takes offense.

I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.

Or knocks in the morning
She wears heels
Having forgotten about everything,
I'm watching from the window.
And I don't know why
I need her so much.

I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.
And I keep looking -
I can't take my eyes off...

And in our yard
There is one girl
Among noisy friends
She's inconspicuous
None of the guys
She is inconspicuous.
I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.
I have a friend
I've known him since childhood,
But I'm silent about her
Even with your best friend.
For some reason I'm silent
Even with your best friend.
I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.
I'm not afraid of guys
And neither night nor day,
No cool fists
No water, no fire,
And with her it’s as if suddenly
They are replacing me.
I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.
Here we go again in the evening
I'm standing at the gate
She walks past from the bakery with a bun.
I stand and watch
And it takes offense.
I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.
Or knocks in the morning
She wears heels
Having forgotten about everything,
I'm watching from the window.
And I don't know why
I need her so much.
I look after her -
There's nothing in it
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.
And I keep looking -
I don't look away.

Translation of the lyrics of the song Joseph Kobzon - I look after her, there is nothing in her

And we have in the yard
Have a little girl one,
Among noisy friends
Little her,
None of the guys
The little her.
I look after her -
And I look -
Eyes not taken.
Friend me
I"m with him since childhood, familiar,
But I am silent
Even with the best friend.
Why is silent
Even with the best friend.
I look after her -
And I look -
Eyes not taken.
I"m not afraid of guys
And no night, no day,
Any cool fists,
No water, no fire,
It"s like suddenly
A substitute for me.
I look after her -
And I look -
Eyes not taken.
Here again in the evening
I"m standing at the gate,
She past the bakery with a loaf goes.
I stand and gaze
And takes offense.
I look after her -
And I look -
Eyes not taken.
Or in the morning knocks
Heels she
Forgetting about everything,
I watch from a window.
And I don't know why
I she so desired.
I look after her -
And I look -
Eyes not taken.
And I look -
Eyes not taken.
And I look -
Eyes not taken.