1 purl loop with 2 yarn overs. Technique for knitting stitches using knitting needles. Elongated loops with yarn overs

Hello, dear readers and students of the Knitting School, if any!

Today we will figure out how to doyarn over with knitting needles what they are removed loops , and what they represent elongated loops . I hope that the knitting lessons published here will be useful to you.

Mostly yarn over with knitting needles used for knitting patterns: openwork, patent (including English gum), With elongated loops and patterns with complex weaves of threads; it happens that yarn over knitting needles used to add loops in knitted fabric, but this is not for everyone.

Depending on the direction of movement of the spokes yarn over with knitting needles can be performed in two ways: “TO YOURSELF” and “FROM YOURSELF”:

Yarn over with knitting needles “TO YOURSELF” and “FROM YOURSELF”

The “hand over” yarn over is used very rarely in knitting, since many patterns with such a yarn over turn out distorted. So, if in the description of a pattern or model you just see the word “cape”, then we are talking about a cape “TO YOURSELF”.

The knit stitch after the yarn over is knitted very easily, but if you need to knit the purl loop, then you need to hold the yarn over with your finger so that it does not jump off the knitting needle.

Sometimes, before the yarn over or immediately after it, you need to knit 2 loops together with the front one: if these 2 loops are hooked behind the front walls, the new loop will be tilted to the RIGHT, if you knit them behind the back walls - to the LEFT.

To make some patterns you have to make a double (we wrap the knitting needle twice), triple (we wrap the knitting needle three times) or with an even larger number of windings yarn over with knitting needles . Naturally, the higher this number, the longer the loop.

To make it easier for you to imagine what a double or triple yarn over looks like, I suggest you knit this pattern with knitting needles -

Pattern No. 39 “Sea foam”

Knitting pattern “Sea foam” is very original, and this is precisely the merit of the yarn overs (regular, double and triple) that are used in it. It is also double-sided, so this pattern can be used where the back side should look the same as the front side.

Sea Foam Pattern Perfect for knitting both women's and children's clothing, regardless of the time of year - you just need to choose the right yarn. 😉

Knitting pattern “Sea foam”

In order to knit a sample of this pattern, we will dial the number of loops divisible by 10, add 6 loops to make the pattern look symmetrical, and 2 edge loops (20+6+2=28). Now let's start knitting:

  • in the 1st and 2nd row - knit with facial loops;
  • in the 3rd row - knit 6, * 1 yarn over, 1 knit, double yarn over, 1 knit, triple yarn over, 1 knit, double yarn over, 1 knit, 1 yarn over, 6 knit *;
  • in the 4th row - we knit with facial loops, discarding yarn overs as we knit (they are not knitted!);
  • in the 5th and 6th rows - we knit with facial stitches;
  • in the 7th row - 1 knit, *1 yo, 1 knit, double yo, 1 knit, triple yo, 1 knit, double yo, 1 knit, 1 yo, 6 knit*, 1 yo, 1 knit, double yo, 1 knit, triple yarn over, 1 knit, double yarn over, 1 knit, 1 yarn over, 1 knit;
  • in the 8th row - knit as in the 4th;
  • in the 9th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

I hope the capes are sorted out. Next up - removed (stretched) loops .

Removed (stretched) loops

Removed loops - a more familiar name for me for loops taken from the left needle to the right without being knitted. And when I first heard (or read?) the expression "extended loops" , I thought it was some special type of loop. Imagine my surprise when I realized that removed And elongated loops - It is the same!

Removed (stretched) loops can be SHORT (to a height of 1 - 2 rows) And LONG (to a height of 4 - 6 rows).

To get a SHORT slipped (extended) loop, insert the right needle into the loop from RIGHT to left (as in the picture) and remove it from the left needle to the right without knitting. In this case, the working thread can remain either BEHIND the removed loop or IN FRONT of it. (see the same picture) , depending on how the pattern requires.

Well, to get a LONG slipped (extended) loop, insert the right knitting needle into the loop from LEFT to right and wrap the end of the knitting needle several times clockwise (see picture) . After this, carefully pull the knitting needle with the turns (so that the turns do not slip) back into the loop and remove the knitted loop onto the right knitting needle.

In the next row, remove the loop with the turns without knitting, and drop all the turns from the knitting needle (a long loop is formed). In subsequent rows, remove the loop formed from the turns unknitted, and insert the knitting needle into it From right to left ( as in the picture with short loops removed).

Removed (stretched) loops give the product some looseness. Therefore, to prevent the product from stretching during washing, it is advisable to knit it a little tighter.

That seems to be all for today. Practice how to do yarn over with knitting needles, you can use simple ones. A pattern with short removed (extended) loops can be found. Well, I knitted with long removed (extended) loops. So train for your health!

I would really like to know your opinion, dear readers, did I explain everything clearly? If you get into trouble, don't hesitate to ask for help - I don't bite. 😉

P.S. If this post was useful to you and if it’s not difficult for you, please press the social buttons. networks located below, you can also tweet there. 😉

There are regular and reverse yarn overs. Most often, a regular yarn over is used. Reverse yarn over is used less often.

A regular yarn over is done like this: the end of the right knitting needle is brought from left to right under the working thread and the knitting needle is turned together with the yarn over to its original position (Fig. 11), thus forming a new additional loop in the row being performed, which is called a yarn over.

How to do

The peculiarity of the yarn over is that this loop is not connected to the loop of the underlying row, so an openwork loop appears in the fabric between two columns of loops. If the yarn over in the next row is not knitted together with another loop, then it becomes the beginning of a new column of loops.

When a knit stitch comes after the yarn over, it is knitted in the usual way, without any difficulty. If the yarn over is followed by a purl loop, then to prevent the yarn over from slipping off the knitting needle, you have to hold it with the index finger of your right hand. The purl loop is knitted in the usual way.
Most often, in the next row the yarn over is knitted with a purl loop. To do this, thread the end of the right knitting needle into the yarn over loop from right to left, from back to front, towards you (Fig. 12) and knit the purl loop.

Rice. 12. Knitting a purl loop from a yarn over

If the end of the right knitting needle is inserted into the loop incorrectly, then the lace loop required from the yarn over will not work.

Some openwork knitting patterns require making several yarn overs in a row. Then the required number of yarn overs are cast on the right knitting needle using the same technique as described above. The reverse yarn over is performed as follows. With the end of the right knitting needle, grab the working thread from top to right to left, towards you (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Reverse yarn over

Usually, after a reverse yarn over, the next loop is removed without knitting, and so that the end of the right knitting needle, on which the reverse yarn over hangs, passes into the loop from right to left, from back to front.

Elongated loops with yarn overs

There are several ways to knit elongated loops with crochets.
First way.
Before the loop taken according to the pattern, yarn over the first knitting needle a(Fig. 1), after which the knitting needle is threaded from front to back into the loop b(Fig. 2) and the last one is removed from the left to the right knitting needle.

Rice. 1. Yarn over

Rice. 2. Transfer the removed loop to the right needle

If you remove the purl loop, then the knitting needle must be inserted from back to front, also having first made a yarn over.
Where the loop of the previous row is removed, a new loop is not knitted through it, but a yarn over is made in this place, which is located in front or behind this loop. Therefore, such loops are called unknitted, or elongated with yarn overs.

Second way.

Remove the loop taken in accordance with the pattern without knitting from the left to the right knitting needle, and the thread going from the previous loop to the next is left in the form of a straight segment behind the unknitted loop.
In the next row, when knitting an elongated loop, the right knitting needle is inserted under a piece of thread A and into the loop b(Fig. 3), grab the working thread and pull it back.

Rice. 3. Inserting a knitting needle into a loop and under a piece of thread

If you need to knit a knit stitch, then the knitting needle must be inserted from back to front under a piece of thread and into the elongated loop.
With this method of knitting, the loops of the rows from which the yarn over comes are pulled together somewhat more. When forming each new row, you can remove the same loops, without knitting them and making a yarn over before each time, up to five to seven times.
When composing a pattern, you should remember that if you remove a loop once without knitting, it will take 2 rows in height, and there will be 1 yarn over before or behind it. If you remove the loop twice, then it will take 3 rows, and there will be 2 yarn overs behind it (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Knitting an elongated loop with yarn overs

How many times we remove the loop without knitting, so many yarn overs will be obtained, and the number of rows occupied by it will be one more than the number of yarn overs.
When knitting removed loops with yarn overs, the arms of the yarn overs are always placed on the wrong side of the knitted loop. The ends of the yarn overs, connecting the arms with the loops, can be brought out to the other side of the pattern.
The technique of knitting yarn overs when knitting a new knit stitch is shown in Fig. 4. The knitting needle is inserted from front to back under all the yarn overs and the previously unknitted loop A, grab the working thread and form a new loop b, pulling the thread forward. In this case, all yarn overs are placed in a bunch behind the elongated loop.
When knitting a purl loop b(Fig. 5) by pulling it through an extended loop A with yarn overs, the right knitting needle is inserted from back to front under all yarn overs and into the loop A, throw on the working thread and pull it from front to back, and the yarn overs are again located on the wrong side.

If you want the ends of the yarn overs to be visible from the front side of the loops, then the adjacent loops are knitted inside out or the yarn overs are placed behind only one middle loop from a group of unknitted loops.
Yarns, gathered behind one loop and placed in a fan on the front side on both sides of the loop, form a bow (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Bow pattern

When knitting such patterns, in the place where the bow is formed, several loops in a row are removed without knitting, without making yarn overs in front of them, and the thread is left on the front side of the removed loops. Then (Fig. 7) a regular knit stitch is knitted through loop 1.

Rice. 7. Weaving pattern of the “bows” pattern

When knitting a loop 2 the knitting needle is inserted into it from front to back under all the segments, the working thread is grabbed and pulled to the front side of the loop 2 . Next loop 3 knit in the usual manner.
Sometimes in the same row several unknitted loops are made in a row, and all the yarn overs formed in front of them should be behind these loops (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Weave with several elongated loops

In this case, when knitting each elongated loop, the knitting needle is always inserted under the yarn over and into the loop.
In Fig. Figure 9 shows that loop 1 is slipped onto the right needle and a yarn over is made in front of it A. In addition, a yarn over is made on the same knitting needle b and the loop must also be removed 2 .

Rice. 9. Removing loops when making elongated loops with yarn overs placed in a row

In Fig. 10 shows the moment of knitting a loop 2 : the knitting needle is inserted from front to back into this loop and under the yarn over b, grab a new thread and drag it forward, and the left knitting needle is pushed away with the index finger of the right hand until the loop comes off it 2 and yarn over b.
The next extended loop is knitted in the same way. 1 double crochet A.

Rice. 10. Knitting an elongated loop with a crochet

By combining unknitted loops with yarn overs and regular loops, you can obtain shaded, relief patterns and patterns that imitate openwork.
Shade patterns are obtained by knitting silk products. Since elongated and regular loops reflect light differently, the areas occupied by small loops appear darker than the areas occupied by large ones.
Relief patterns will be obtained if the unknitted loops with yarn overs are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, sections of regular loops located between the unknitted ones form a small bulge on the right side. To obtain a convex circle, the loops must be removed without knitting up to five to six times; this will greatly tighten the loops of the outermost columns of the area, forming a convexity.
In Fig. 11 is given a cartridge with a relief pattern shown in Fig. 12.

Rice. 11. Pattern cartridge

Rice. 12. A pattern of undone loops with yarn overs on a background of regular loops

Imitation of openwork patterns is achieved by placing unknitted loops with yarn overs on a background of regular loops. Elongated loops form gaps.
In Fig. 13 schematically shows the interlacing of the pattern shown in Fig. 14, where all yarn overs are located only on the right side of the knitting.

Rice. 13. Weaving pattern of the pattern in Fig. 14.

Rice. 14. A pattern in which the yarn overs are located on the right side of the knitting

The loops are cast on crosswise, one row is knitted on the front side, then another row is knitted on the left side: 1 purl, 1 is removed and a yarn over is made in front of it. It is very important to make the yarn over correctly: the thread is on the right side of the knitting, we hook it from below with the right knitting needle so that it lies on half of the knitting needle, and insert the right knitting needle under the first loop on the left knitting needle, remove this loop. Thus, it should turn out that the working thread runs along the right side of the knitting. This results in a two-layer knit.
Then they begin to repeat the pattern.
Row 1. Knit stitches are knitted through all the loops of the previous row, and the yarn overs are removed onto the right knitting needle without knitting. That is, if you look in order: above the back. p. we knit with facial loops, then there is a facial loop with a crochet, which is located on the knitting needle after the stitches. loops, faces We knit a loop, and remove the yarn over from the left knitting needle to the right one.
Row 2. Single crochet stitches are removed without knitting, and a yarn over is made in front of them, and knit stitches are knitted through the double crochet stitches. Pay attention to how to do the yarn over correctly (described above)!
Next, continue to knit all odd rows like the 1st row, all even rows like the 2nd.

If you knit yarn overs incorrectly:

Rice. 15. Pattern obtained when yarn overs are performed incorrectly

You can get something like openwork knitting. In the event that a yarn over is made in front of the loop, which is an independent loop and is not located above. This way, on the purl row, two stitches are knitted together, rather than a stitch with a crochet over it.

Rice. 16. Pattern obtained when yarn overs are performed incorrectly

This is what the fabric looks like if the yarn overs are knitted on the left side. That is, when knitting the front row, first knit the yarn over, and then the knits. the loop over which this yarn over is located.

Next, we will consider smooth double-sided knitting with untethered loops and yarn overs. This knitting turns out to be double thickness and is done like an eraser, that is, with a combination of knit and purl stitches.
Considering the interweaving of the pattern (Fig. 17), shown schematically in Fig. 18, we see the same alternation of loop stitches, but after each loop of the stitch there is another yarn over.

Rice. 17. Smooth double-sided knitting pattern with unknitted loops and yarn overs

Rice. 18. Schematic representation of the pattern in Fig. 17.

This weave is knitted as follows: the initial row is performed, as usual, on two knitting needles by throwing it crosswise. The next row is knitted like an eraser 1 + 1, i.e. one purl loop A alternates with one front loop b.
When knitting the third and subsequent rows, the thread is placed on the right knitting needle from front to back and the loop facing the knitter is removed from the left knitting needle. The right needle is inserted from front to back into the next loop, the working thread is grabbed and pulled from back to front, forming a knit stitch. Yarn over again, remove the next loop facing the knitter, etc. If this weave is used for circular knitting, for example for sports stockings, then yarn over in the first row in front of the front loops and remove them without knitting, but through the purl loops knit new purl loops.
When knitting the second row, yarn over before the purl loops and remove them without knitting, and new knit loops are knitted through the knit stitches.

Hello, dear readers and students of the Knitting School, if any!

Today we will figure out how to doyarn over with knitting needles what they are removed loops , and what they represent elongated loops . I hope that the knitting lessons published here will be useful to you.

Mostly yarn over with knitting needles used for knitting patterns: openwork, patent (including English gum), With elongated loops and patterns with complex weaves of threads; it happens that yarn over knitting needles used to add loops in knitted fabric, but this is not for everyone.

Depending on the direction of movement of the spokes yarn over with knitting needles can be performed in two ways: “TO YOURSELF” and “FROM YOURSELF”:

Yarn over with knitting needles “TO YOURSELF” and “FROM YOURSELF”

The “hand over” yarn over is used very rarely in knitting, since many patterns with such a yarn over turn out distorted. So, if in the description of a pattern or model you just see the word “cape”, then we are talking about a cape “TO YOURSELF”.

The knit stitch after the yarn over is knitted very easily, but if you need to knit the purl loop, then you need to hold the yarn over with your finger so that it does not jump off the knitting needle.

Sometimes, before the yarn over or immediately after it, you need to knit 2 loops together with the front one: if these 2 loops are hooked behind the front walls, the new loop will be tilted to the RIGHT, if you knit them behind the back walls - to the LEFT.

To make some patterns you have to make a double (we wrap the knitting needle twice), triple (we wrap the knitting needle three times) or with an even larger number of windings yarn over with knitting needles . Naturally, the higher this number, the longer the loop.

To make it easier for you to imagine what a double or triple yarn over looks like, I suggest you knit this pattern with knitting needles -

Pattern No. 39 “Sea foam”

Knitting pattern “Sea foam” is very original, and this is precisely the merit of the yarn overs (regular, double and triple) that are used in it. It is also double-sided, so this pattern can be used where the back side should look the same as the front side.

Sea Foam Pattern Perfect for knitting both women's and children's clothing, regardless of the time of year - you just need to choose the right yarn. 😉

Knitting pattern “Sea foam”

In order to knit a sample of this pattern, we will dial the number of loops divisible by 10, add 6 loops to make the pattern look symmetrical, and 2 edge loops (20+6+2=28). Now let's start knitting:

  • in the 1st and 2nd row - knit with facial loops;
  • in the 3rd row - knit 6, * 1 yarn over, 1 knit, double yarn over, 1 knit, triple yarn over, 1 knit, double yarn over, 1 knit, 1 yarn over, 6 knit *;
  • in the 4th row - we knit with facial loops, discarding yarn overs as we knit (they are not knitted!);
  • in the 5th and 6th rows - we knit with facial stitches;
  • in the 7th row - 1 knit, *1 yo, 1 knit, double yo, 1 knit, triple yo, 1 knit, double yo, 1 knit, 1 yo, 6 knit*, 1 yo, 1 knit, double yo, 1 knit, triple yarn over, 1 knit, double yarn over, 1 knit, 1 yarn over, 1 knit;
  • in the 8th row - knit as in the 4th;
  • in the 9th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

I hope the capes are sorted out. Next up - removed (stretched) loops .

Removed (stretched) loops

Removed loops - a more familiar name for me for loops taken from the left needle to the right without being knitted. And when I first heard (or read?) the expression "extended loops" , I thought it was some special type of loop. Imagine my surprise when I realized that removed And elongated loops - It is the same!

Removed (stretched) loops can be SHORT (to a height of 1 - 2 rows) And LONG (to a height of 4 - 6 rows).

To get a SHORT slipped (extended) loop, insert the right needle into the loop from RIGHT to left (as in the picture) and remove it from the left needle to the right without knitting. In this case, the working thread can remain either BEHIND the removed loop or IN FRONT of it. (see the same picture) , depending on how the pattern requires.

Well, to get a LONG slipped (extended) loop, insert the right knitting needle into the loop from LEFT to right and wrap the end of the knitting needle several times clockwise (see picture) . After this, carefully pull the knitting needle with the turns (so that the turns do not slip) back into the loop and remove the knitted loop onto the right knitting needle.

In the next row, remove the loop with the turns without knitting, and drop all the turns from the knitting needle (a long loop is formed). In subsequent rows, remove the loop formed from the turns unknitted, and insert the knitting needle into it From right to left ( as in the picture with short loops removed).

Removed (stretched) loops give the product some looseness. Therefore, to prevent the product from stretching during washing, it is advisable to knit it a little tighter.

That seems to be all for today. Practice how to do yarn over with knitting needles, you can use simple ones. A pattern with short removed (extended) loops can be found. Well, I knitted with long removed (extended) loops. So train for your health!

I would really like to know your opinion, dear readers, did I explain everything clearly? If you get into trouble, don't hesitate to ask for help - I don't bite. 😉

P.S. If this post was useful to you and if it’s not difficult for you, please press the social buttons. networks located below, you can also tweet there. 😉


English knitting.

Removed loops and their varieties.

Practical advice.

Patterns: openwork and with removed loops.


In knitting, yarn overs are used quite often: in patterns with complex weaves of threads, to add and lengthen loops. Without yarn overs, it is impossible to knit openwork patterns (end-to-end) and the so-called English ones (these are patterns made from yarn overs and knit stitches without purl stitches). There are two ways to perform a yarn over: moving the knitting needle towards you and away from you (Fig. 55). The “hand over” yarn over is used extremely rarely. Many patterns, for example, like the English ones, with such a yarn over are obtained in a distorted form; in openwork patterns it leaves a too large hole. In hand knitting, as a rule, the yarn over is applied “towards you”. To perform some openwork patterns, it is sometimes necessary to make several yarn overs in a row, that is, several turns around the knitting needle.

Rice. 55 Capes: to yourself and from yourself

If the yarn over is followed by a knit stitch, then it is knitted without difficulty, but if it is a purl loop, then when knitting it, the yarn over must be held with the index finger of your right hand so that it does not slip off the knitting needle. If after yarn over you need to remove a loop without knitting, then the knitting needle is inserted into it from right to left, as shown in Fig. 55. Sometimes after the yarn over (or before it) knit 2 loops together. In this case, insert a knitting needle into 2 loops at once and knit one of them. The new loop will definitely be tilted to the right if 2 loops were knitted from the front walls, or to the left - if from the back ones. This pattern is used in openwork patterns for a clearer image.

Get acquainted with knitting the simplest openwork pattern while continuing to knit the training fabric.

Exercise 8. Hemstitch (Fig. 56). On knitting needles. 29 loops (the number must be divisible by 3 plus 2 edge loops).

Rice. 56 Merezhka

1st row - 1 yarn over (towards you), knit the next 2 loops together with a “grandmother’s” knit stitch, 1 knit stitch with a “grandmother’s” stitch, etc.
2nd row - purl "granny" loops (knit yarn overs also purl).

After this exercise, the canvas will become skewed. This happened because in the same row 2 loops were repeatedly knitted together with a tilt in the same direction. The distortion resulting from the structure of the pattern should not be confused with another - from a strongly twisted thread.

English knitting. A typical example of English knitting is various English elastic bands. The fabric made from them is lush, loose, with the same pattern on both sides. Elastic bands stretch greatly, so they cannot be used to decorate the edges of clothes. They are mainly used for knitting scarves, hats and sportswear.

Exercise 9. English elastic band 1x1 (Fig. 57). There is an odd number of loops on the knitting needles - 29. It is not tight to knit.

Rice. 57 English elastic band 1x1

1st row - knit 1, yarn over 1, slip 1, etc.
2nd row and all subsequent rows - before each purl loop, make a yarn over, and remove the purl loop without knitting: count a loop with a crochet as one loop and knit a knit stitch behind the front wall (if you knit it over the back wall, the pattern will turn out in a distorted form).

A two-color English elastic band with narrow horizontal stripes looks elegant (Fig. 58). They knit it like this: 2 rows in one color, 2 rows in another, and so alternate without breaking the threads. Using the same principle, you can knit with threads of three or more colors.

Rice. 58 Two-color English elastic band 1x1 with horizontal color stripes

An interesting option is a two-color English elastic band with sides of different colors (Fig. 59). This knitting must be done with knitting needles on a fishing line or straight, but with two working ends.

Exercise 10. Two-color English elastic band 1x1 with vertical stripes (see Fig. 59). There are 29 stitches on the needles, an odd number). Knitting is not tight.

Rice. 59 Two-color English elastic band 1x1 with vertical color stripes

Row 1 (right side of work, dark thread) - knit 1, yarn over 1, slip 1, etc.
2nd row (wrong side of work, light thread) - 1 yarn over, slip 1, knit 1 (knit a yarn over with a loop, counting them as one loop), etc.
3rd row (wrong side of the work, move the knitting to the opposite end of the knitting needle and knit with a dark thread) - 1 purl (purlwise knit a yarn over with a loop, counting them as one loop), 1 yarn over, slip 1, etc.
4th row (front side of work, light thread) - 1 yarn over, slip 1, purl 1 (purl the yarn over with a loop, counting them as one loop), etc.
5th row (right side of the work, move the knitting to the opposite end of the knitting needle and knit with a dark thread) - 1 knit (knit a yarn over with a loop, counting them as one loop), 1 yarn over, slip 1, etc.
6th row - repeat the pattern from the 2nd row.

There are many other patterns (not only two-color, but also one-color), for which you have to move the knitting along the knitting needle.

All of them are distinguished by an intricate weave of threads and therefore seem complex. In fact, they can be done without much difficulty.

Note. Knitting needles with two working ends can be made from ordinary straight ones by sharpening the non-working end.

Removed or pulled out loops

Skimmed loops are often used in patterns. They can be short, if removed without knitting, to a height of 1-2 rows, or long (4-6 rows). Short slip stitches are performed as follows: the knitting needle is inserted into the loop from right to left and removed from the left knitting needle to the right one, without knitting. In this case, depending on the characteristics of the pattern, the working thread can be left behind the removed loop (Fig. 60) or placed in front of it (Fig. 61).

Rice. 60 Short removed loops. Thread by loop

Rice. 61 Short removed loops. Thread before loop

To knit a long removed loop, you need to insert the right knitting needle into the loop from left to right (the working thread lies on the index finger) and wrap the end of the knitting needle several times clockwise with thread (Fig. 62). Then pull the knitting needle with turns back into the loop (make sure that the turns do not slip) and remove the knitted loop from the left knitting needle to the right one. In the following rows, this loop is removed without knitting, while the knitting needle is inserted from right to left.

Rice. 62 Turns are wound on the right needle to form a long slipped loop

Exercise 11. Elastic band 1x1 from removed short loops (Fig. 63). There are 29 loops on the needles (the number must be odd, edge stitches are included in this count).

Rice. 63 Elastic band 1x1 from removed short loops

1st row - knit 1, purl 1, etc.
2nd and all even rows - slip purl stitches, leaving the thread in front of the loops, and knit knit stitches.
3rd row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Exercise 12. Crumpled long loops on the purl stitch (Fig. 64). There are 29 loops on the needles. This is the last exercise on the training surface.

Rice. 64 Removed long loops on the purl stitch

1st row - purl 4, * knit 1 with two turns, purl 5. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row, knit 1 with two turns, purl 4 and an edge stitch.
2nd row - knit 4, * remove 1 (thread in front of the loop) and pull out using the turns dropped from the knitting needle, knit 5. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row, remove and pull out 1 loop (thread in front of the loop), 4 knit stitches and an edge stitch.
3rd row - purl 4, * slip 1 stitch (insert the knitting needle from right to left, thread behind the loop), purl 5. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row, remove 1 loop (thread by loop), purl 4 and an edge stitch.
4th row - knit 4, * slip 1 stitch (insert the knitting needle from right to left, thread in front of the loop), knit 5. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row, remove 1 loop (thread in front of the loop), 4 knit stitches and an edge stitch.
Thus, the removed loop is not knitted in four rows.

After finishing the exercise, fasten (close) the loops of the last row and carefully examine the fabric. It clearly shows the dependence of its width on the structure of the pattern (the widest is an English elastic band, the narrowest is a 1x1 elastic band made from short loops removed).

If the canvas is stretched in width, you will notice another pattern: the patterns stretch in different ways. The two patterns that proved to be the most pliable were the garter stitch purl stitch and the English rib stitch.

Features of patterns must be taken into account when making knitted clothing. For example, if you are planning to knit a product that you will wear often, then you should not make it with a loose pattern; the thing quickly deforms.

Practical advice

* Sometimes during the work process annoying mistakes occur: a loop is dropped, a thread from the previous row is caught along with a loop, not a whole thread is knitted, but half (split), a purl one is knitted instead of a knit stitch, or vice versa. These errors can be corrected without dissolving the entire thing.

If by mistake a purl loop is knitted instead of a front loop, then, having knitted the row up to this loop, it is unraveled and tied up without a working thread, and then only knitted with a working thread.

If the mistake occurred several rows earlier, then the loop stitch is unraveled to this point and crocheted (Fig. 65).

Rice. 65 A dropped knit stitch can be lifted with a crochet hook

In Fig. Figure 66 shows how to correct a similar error in a purl stitch.

Rice. 66 Raising a dropped purl stitch

* If you make a mistake in a pattern with a complex weave of threads, then undo all the rows before the mistake and one row after it. They unravel it slowly and carefully: first, insert the knitting needle with the point towards you, one by one, into each loop of the row located under the one that needs to be unraveled, and only after that do they weave the thread out of the loop (sometimes it may not be a single loop, but a group of loops or a loop with crochets , then you need to insert the needle especially carefully). Having unraveled the last loop, determine which row of the interrupted pattern ended up on the knitting needle, and continue working.

* Experienced knitters, when making patterns in which slip stitches, convex stripes, bumps, etc. are located against the background of stocking knitting, resort to the following “trick”: the background is knitted tighter with “granny” stitches, and the bumps are knitted with regular and looser stitches. This makes the texture of the knitted fabric more expressive.

* It is not uncommon for a ball to end during mating. If this happens in the middle of the row, then it is better to unravel it before the beginning and tie a new thread in this place, and cut off the remaining end - it will be useful for sewing together the finished parts.

* To make the pattern sample look neat, you can iron it lightly. To do this, pin the sample with the wrong side up on a soft mat covered with checkered paper, giving it a clear rectangular shape. Place two layers of damp gauze on top and iron, lightly touching the surface (iron stocking and openwork knitting more strongly). If the pattern has a pronounced convex texture, then it should not be ironed; It is enough to leave wet gauze on it, let it dry and then chop off the sample.

* We remind you once again that knitting “according to the pattern” means knitting the loops the way they sit on the knitting needle: knit - knit, purl - purl. They also say differently: “knit as the loops look”, “loops are knitted as they are seen”, “knit as the knitting looks”, etc. In a word, what you see is what you knit. Inexperienced knitters, as a rule, make the following mistake: instead of repeating the pattern of the loop they just knitted, they begin to remember how it was knitted in the previous row and repeat it, that is, they do everything in reverse.

* When removing a loop, the working thread can be placed behind or in front of it. English elastic bands and other patterns, where a yarn over is made before the removed loop, the working thread remains on the knitting needle in the form of a yarn over.

* To prevent the removed loops from tightening the knitting, use the following technique: yarn over before the knit stitch and only then knit the knit stitch. On the wrong side, it is removed, and the yarn over is thrown off the knitting needle. * Remember: if in the description of the pattern there is no warning that the knit or purl loop must be knitted in the “grandmother’s” way, then they are performed “classically”. They also always warn about tying up “from oneself”, in other cases they make a tying “towards oneself”.

Openwork (lace) patterns

Flagellum with holes(Fig. 67). Cast on 24 loops (the number must be divisible by 4, edge stitches are included in this count).

Rice. 67 Flagellum with holes

1st row - purl 2, knit the next 2 loops: first knit the 2nd loop behind the back wall, then knit the 1st loop behind the front, etc.
2nd row - knit 2, purl 1, yarn over 1, purl 1, etc.
3rd row - purl 2, knit 3, etc.
4th row: knit 2, purl 2 together, purl 1, etc.
5th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Openwork chess(Fig. 68). Cast on 26 stitches (the number should be divisible by 3 plus 2 edge stitches).

Rice. 68 Openwork checkerboard

1st row - knit 3, purl 3, etc.
2nd and all even rows - according to the drawing.
3rd row - like 1st.
5th row - 1 yarn over, knit 3 loops together (knit like this: slip the 1st loop, knit the 2nd and 3rd loops together behind the front walls and pull through the 1st), then 1 yarn over, knit 3 etc.
7th and 9th rows - purl 3, knit 3, etc.
11th row - knit 3, 1 yarn over, knit 3 loops together (as in row 5), 1 yarn over, etc.
13th - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Snake(Fig. 69). Cast on 24 loops (the number must be divisible by 4, edge stitches are included in this count).

Rice. 69 Snake

1st row - purl 2, yarn over 1, knit 2 together behind back walls, etc.
2nd and all even rows - knit 2, purl 2 (knit yarn overs with a purl loop).
3rd row - purl 2, knit 2 together behind the front walls, 1 yarn over, etc.
5th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Longitudinal openwork stripes(Fig. 70). Cast on 25 loops (the number should be divided by 7 plus 2 additional loops for symmetry of the pattern plus 2 edge loops).

Rice. 70 Longitudinal openwork stripes

1st and 3rd rows - knit 2, purl 5, etc.
2nd row - purl 2, knit 5, etc.
4th row - purl 2, knit 2 together behind the back walls, 1 yarn over, knit 1, 1 yarn over, knit 2 together behind the front walls, etc.
5th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Net(Fig. 71). Cast on an even number of loops, for example 26, and knit all rows the same way: 1 yarn over, 2 knit stitches together behind the front walls, etc.

Rice. 71 Grid

Openwork stripes(Fig. 72).

Cast on an even number of stitches, for example 22.

Rice. 72 Openwork stripes. Transverse knitting direction

1st row - facial loops.
2nd row - 1 yarn over, knit 2 together behind the back walls, etc.
3rd row - knit 2 loops from one (knit like this: 1 knit, 1 purl), then discard the yarn over from the previous row from the knitting needle, etc.
4th row - purl loops.
5th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Openwork Christmas tree(Fig. 73). Cast on 32 loops (the number should be divisible by 10 plus 2 edge stitches).

Rice. 73 Openwork Christmas tree

1st row - knit the edge, knit 1 yarn over, knit 3, knit the next 3 loops like this (double decrease): remove the 1st loop (thread behind the loop), knit the next 2 loops together behind the front walls, then remove the loop put on just knitted ones; 3 knit, 1 yarn over, 1 knit, etc.
3rd row - knit 1, 1 yarn over, knit 2, double decrease (as in row 1), knit 2, 1 yarn over, knit 2, etc.
5th row - knit 2, 1 yarn over, knit 1, double decrease (as in row 1), knit 1, 1 yarn over, knit 3, etc.
7th row - knit 3, 1 yarn over, double decrease, 1 yarn over, knit 4, etc.
9th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row (do not knit the first edge again).

Skewed chess(Fig. 74). Cast on 32 loops (the number should be divided by 20 plus 10 additional loops for symmetry of the pattern plus 2 edge loops).

Rice. 74 Chess with skew

1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th rows - slip 1 (thread behind the loop), purl 9, knit the next 10 loops 2 together with the front one behind the back walls, 1 yarn over. After this, repeat the pattern from the beginning of the row.
2nd and all even rows - purl stitches (the yarn overs made in the 1st row should also be knitted purlwise).

9, 11, 13 and 15th rows - knit 5 times: 1 yarn over, 2 yarn overs together behind the front walls. Having knitted 10 loops, remove 1 (thread behind the loop), purl 9 and then repeat the pattern from the beginning of the row.

Openwork diagonally(Fig. 75).

Rice. 75 Openwork diagonally

1st row - knit 3, * knit 2 together behind the front walls, 1 yarn over, knit 2. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of row 1 front and edge.
2nd and all even rows are purl stitches.
3rd row - knit 2, knit 2 together behind the front walls, 1 yarn over, etc. At the end of the row, yarn over before the edge.
5th row - knit 1, * knit 2 together behind the front walls, 1 yarn over, knit 2. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of row 1 front and edge.
7th row - knit 2 together behind the front walls, 1 yarn over, knit 2, etc.
9th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Purl tubercles(Fig. 76). Cast on 26 stitches (the number should be divisible by 4 plus 2 edge stitches).

Rice. 76 Purl tubercles

1st row - * knit 5 from one loop (knit like this: 1 knit, 1 yarn over, 1 knit from the same loop, 1 yarn over, 1 knit from the same loop), 1 yarn over, 3 purl together, 1 yarn over. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row, knit 5 loops from one, then 1 yarn over, purl 3 together, 1 yarn over and an edge stitch.

2nd row - 1 yarn over, purl 3 together, 1 yarn over, 5 knit stitches together behind the back walls, * 1 yarn over, purl 3 together, 1 yarn over, 5 knit stitches together behind the back wall. From * repeat until the end of the row.

3rd row - knit 2 together, 1 yarn over, knit 5 from one loop (as in the 1st row), * 1 yarn over, purl 3 together, 1 yarn over, knit 5 from one loop. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of row 1 front and edge.

4th row - knit 1, * knit 5 together behind the back walls, 1 yarn over, purl 3 together, 1 yarn over. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row, knit 5 together behind the back walls, yarn over 1, knit 2 together behind the front walls and the edge. 5th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Patterns with removed loops

Removed loops with openwork rings(Fig. 77). Cast on 26 loops (the number should be divided by 5 plus 4 additional loops for symmetry of the pattern plus 2 edge loops).

Rice. 77 Removed loops with openwork rings

Rows 1, 3 and 5 - purl 4, knit 1, etc.
2nd, 4th and 6th rows - knit 4, slip 1 (thread before loop), etc.
7th and 11th rows - purl 4, yarn over 1, slip 1, etc.
8th and 12th rows - knit 4, 1 yarn over, slip 1 (slip the loop and yarn over at the same time, counting them as one loop), etc.
9th and 13th rows - purl 4, 1 yarn over, slip 1 (slip a loop and 2 yarn overs at the same time, counting them as one loop), etc.
10th and 14th rows - knit stitches (knit yarn overs and slipped loop together, counting them as one loop).
15th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Colored cell(Fig. 78). Cast on an odd number of stitches, for example 27.

Rice. 78 Colored cell

1st and 2nd rows (dark thread) - front loops.
3rd row (light thread) - knit 1, slip 1 (thread behind the loop), etc.
4th row (light thread) - knit all the loops from the light thread, remove the loops from the dark thread (thread in front of the loop).
5th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Chess from removed loops(Fig. 79). Cast on 24 loops (the number must be divisible by 4, edge stitches are included in this count).

Rice. 79 Chess from removed loops

1st and 2nd rows - facial loops.
3rd row - purl 2, knit 2, etc.
4th row - knit 2, slip 2 (thread before stitches), etc.
5th row - knit 2, slip 2 (thread behind stitches), etc.
6th row - knit 2, slip 2 (thread before stitches), etc.
7th and 8th rows - facial loops.
9th row - knit 2, purl 2, etc.
10th row - slip 2 (thread before stitches), knit 2, etc.
11th row - slip 2 (thread behind the loops), knit 2, etc.
12th row - slip 2 (thread before stitches), knit 2, etc.

Braided from removed long loops(Fig. 80). Cast on 26 stitches (the number should be divisible by 6 plus 2 edge stitches).

Rice. 80 Braided from removed long loops

1st row - facial loops.
2nd row - purl loops.
3rd row - from each loop, knit a knit stitch with three turns (knit like this: insert the knitting needle into the loop from left to right and wrap the end of the knitting needle with thread 3 times counterclockwise).
4th row - after the edge, remove, without knitting, 6 loops from the left knitting needle to the right one, simultaneously pulling them out using the turns dropped from the knitting needle, then return all 6 loops to the left knitting needle, then insert the right knitting needle into 4, 5 and 6 -th loops, pull them up and pull the first 3 loops through them, then place the 4th, 5th and 6th loops on the left knitting needle and knit 6 loops alternately, purl, etc.
5th row - like 3rd.
6th row - knit 3 slipped loops alternately purlwise, * slip 6 loops onto the right knitting needle (discarding turns), pick up the first 3 loops with the left knitting needle and pull the next 3 through them (as in the 4th row), then 3 stretched loops again put on the left knitting needle and knit alternately with purl stitches. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of row 3, purl and edge.

Long removed loops on elastic band 2x6(Fig. 81). Cast on 26 stitches (the number should be divisible by 8 plus 2 edge stitches).

Rice. 81 Long removed loops on elastic 2x6

1st, 3rd and 5th rows - 3 purl, * 2 knit, 6 purl. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of row 3, purl and edge.
Rows 2, 4 and 6 - knit 3, * purl 2, knit 6. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row there are 3 front and edge stitches.
7th row - purl 3, * knit 2 (each with three turns), purl 6. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of row 3, purl and edge.
8th row - knit 3, * remove 2 loops without knitting (thread in front of the loops), and pull them out using the turns dropped from the knitting needle, then knit 6. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row there are 3 front and edge stitches.
9th row - purl loops. Drop the stitches removed in the previous row from the left needle without knitting and leave them on the right side of the work.
10th row - facial loops.
11th row - remove the edge, then place the first removed long loop on the left knitting needle and knit (make sure that the walls of the loop do not twist), * purl 6, then place the next long loop on the left knitting needle and knit, now put on the left knit another long stitch and knit. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row, place the last long stitch on the left needle, knit it and knit the edge stitch.
The 12th row is like the 2nd.
13th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Large cells(Fig. 82). Cast on 24 loops (the number must be divisible by 6, edge stitches are included in this count).

Rice. 82 Large cells

1st row - purl loops.
2nd row - facial loops.
3rd row - knit 4, slip 2 stitches without knitting (thread behind the stitches), etc.
4th row - purl 4, slip 2 stitches without knitting (thread before loops), etc.
The 5th and 7th rows are like the 3rd.
The 6th and 8th rows are like the 4th.
9th row - purl loops.
10th row - facial loops.
11th row - knit 1, * slip 2 stitches without knitting (thread behind the loops), knit 4. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of row 1 front and edge.
12th row - purl 1, * remove 2 loops without knitting (thread in front of the loops), purl 4. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of row 1 purl and edge.
The 13th and 15th rows are like the 11th.
The 14th and 16th rows are like the 12th.
17th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Stocking knitting with slanted stitches removed(Fig. 83). Cast on 28 loops (the number must be divisible by 4, edge stitches are included in this count).

Rice. 83 Stocking knitting with removed inclined loops

1st row - facial loops.
2nd and all even rows are purl stitches.
3rd row - knit 2, swap the next 2 loops like this:, without knitting, throw the 2nd loop over the 1st and, holding it on the right knitting needle, knit the 1st knit behind the front wall, and the 2nd - Leave this loop unknitted on the right needle, etc.
5th row - swap 2 loops and knit as in the 3rd row, knit 2, etc.
7th row - repeat the pattern from the 3rd row.

Chains from removed loops(Fig. 84). Cast on an odd number of stitches, for example 27 (edge ​​stitches are included in this count).

Rice. 84 Chain of removed loops

1st and 3rd rows - facial loops.
2nd and 4th rows - purl loops.
5th row (knit loosely) - purl 1, slip 1 loop (thread in front of the loop), etc.
6th row (knit loosely) - after the edge, remove 1 loop (thread behind the loop), 1 knit stitch, etc. (i.e., remove the loops knitted in the previous row, and knit the removed ones).
7th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Two-color check knitting(Fig. 85). Cast on 25 loops (the number should be divided by 14 plus 9 additional loops plus 2 edge loops).

Rice. 85 Two-color check knitting

Rows 1, 5 and 9 (light thread) - knit stitches.
Rows 2, 6 and 10 (light thread) - knit 9, purl 5, knit 9.
Rows 3, 7 and 11 (dark thread) - knit 9, slip 1 (thread behind the loop), purl 1, slip 1 (thread behind the loop), purl 1, slip 1 (thread behind the loop), knit 9.
4th, 8th and 12th rows (dark thread) - knit all the loops from the dark thread, remove the loops from the light thread (thread in front of the loop).
Rows 13, 17 and 21 (light thread) - knit stitches.
Rows 14, 18 and 22 (light thread) - knit 2, * purl 5, knit 9. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row there are 2 front and edge stitches.
Rows 15, 19 and 23 (dark thread) - knit 2, * slip 1 (thread behind the loop), purl 1, slip 1 (thread behind the loop), purl 1, slip 1 (thread behind the loop), knit 9. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row there are 2 front and edge stitches.
16th, 20th and 24th rows (dark thread) - knit all the loops from the dark thread, remove the loops from the light thread (thread in front of the loop).
25th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row. This pattern can be used as decoration. It combines especially well with a pattern made in the form of vertical stripes on a two-color shawl fabric.

Vertical stripes from slipped stitches on two-color garter stitch.

Cast on 25 loops (the number should be divided by 14 plus 9 additional loops for symmetry of the pattern plus 2 edge loops).

1st row (light thread) - knit stitches.
2nd row (light thread) - knit 9, purl 5, knit 9.
3rd row (dark thread) - knit 9, slip 1 (thread behind the loop), purl 1, slip 1 (thread behind the loop), purl 1, slip 1 (thread behind the loop), knit 9.
4th row (dark thread) - knit all the loops from the dark thread, remove the loops from the light thread (thread in front of the loop).
5th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

"Bouquets"(Fig. 86). Cast on 25 loops (the number should be divided by 4 plus 3 additional loops for symmetry of the pattern plus 2 edge loops).

Rice. 86 "Bouquets"

1st row - purl 3, knit 1, etc.
2nd row - according to the drawing.
3rd row - purl 3, then knit 3 loops from one (knit like this: 1 knit, 1 yarn over, 1 knit), etc.
4th row - knit 3, slip 1 (thread before loop), purl 1, slip 1 (thread before loop), etc.
5th row - 2 purl, * 2 knit stitches together behind the front walls, 1 knit stitch, 2 knit stitches together behind the back walls (unfold the first one first), purl 1. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row there are 2 purls and an edge stitch.
6th and 8th rows - according to the pattern (knit knit stitches above the front loops, purl loops above the purl ones).
7th row - purl 1, knit 1, purl 3. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row, knit 1, purl 1 and edge stitch.
9th row - purl 1, * knit 3 loops from one (as in the 3rd row), purl 3. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row, knit 3 loops from one, purl 1 and edge stitch.
10th row - knit 1, * slip 1 (thread before loop), purl 1, slip 1 (thread before loop), knit 8. From * repeat until the end of the row. At the end of row 1 front and edge.
11th row - after the edge, 2 knit stitches together behind the front walls, 1 knit stitch, 2 knit stitches together behind the back walls (unfold the first one first), 1 purl stitch, etc.
12th row - according to the drawing.
13th row - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Practical advice

* If you need to knit 2 knit stitches tilted to the right, then remove 3 loops on the right knitting needle without knitting: 1 purl and the following 2 knit stitches, then the left knitting needle is inserted into the purl loop while working, releasing the right knitting needle from three loops, here then pick up 2 knit stitches again on the right knitting needle and transfer them to the left one. As a result, 2 knit stitches ended up in front of the purl loop. Now knit 2 knit stitches, then 1 purl stitch.

* In order for 2 knit stitches to bend to the left, they need to be swapped with 1 purl stitch located behind them. To do this, three loops are removed from the right knitting needle: 2 knit stitches and 1 purl stitch following them, the left knitting needle is inserted into 2 knit stitches before work, the right knitting needle is released from the three loops, it is immediately inserted into the purl loop and the loop is placed on the left knitting needle. Now knit 1 purl and then 2 knit stitches. The faces leaned to the left.


The pattern shows knit (odd rows - knit from right to left) and purl (even rows - knit from left to right).

Pattern repeat 7+3 +2 edges.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the repeat of the pattern changes, from the 1st to the 5th row we repeat the repeat and at the end we knit 3 loops for the symmetry of the pattern (and the edge ones).

The change in rapport occurs in the 6th purl row (for example, we knit the 6th row like this: (4 purls, 2 purls together with a tilt to the right, 1 purl, 1 yarn over) repeat the required number of times and at the end purl 3.

Symbols for the diagrams:

EMPTY CELL - knit (in knit rows - knit, in purl rows - purl)

Knit two knit stitches together with a slant to the right (Insert the knitting needle into the 2nd loop and the 1st loop, starting from the second and knit them together.)

In purl rows, knit a loop with the same designation as purl 2 together with a tilt to the left

Knit two knit stitches together with a slant to the left (Slip the first loop as in knitting, knit the 2nd loop and pull the removed loop through it)

In purl rows, knit a loop with the same designation as purl 2 together with a tilt to the right .

Description for the diagram:

Row 1: [knit 4, knit 2. knit to the right, k1, 1 yarn over] at the end of the row - k3.

2nd row: purl 3 [1 yarn over, purl 2, inm 2. purl with a slant to the left, purl 3]

3rd row: [K2, v2. knit to the right, knit 3, 1 yarn over] at the end of the row - knit 3.

4th row: purl 3 [1 yarn over, purl 4, inm 2. purl with a slant to the left, purl 1]

Row 5: at the end of the row - knit 3.

Row 6: [4 purl, 2 in. purl with a slant to the right, 1 purl, 1 yarn over] at the end of the row 3 purl.

Row 7: K3 [1 yarn over, k2, k2. knitted to the left, knit 3]

Row 8: [P2, inm 2. purl with a slant to the right, purl 3, 1 yarn over] at the end of the row purl 3.

Row 9: knit 3 [1 yarn over, knit 4, knit 2. knitted with a slant to the left, knit 1]

Row 10: [2 vm. purl with a slant to the right, purl 5, 1 yarn over] at the end of the row purl 3.

Repeat from the 1st row!