Stars who took it and became younger. What is their secret? Secrets of ageless Russian stars Radio wave facial skin tightening

The idea that stars are some kind of ideal handsome men and beauties with the correct proportions of the figure is firmly rooted in the minds of ordinary people. They cannot have a tummy, “ears” on the hips and cellulite! To meet the demands of their fans, many celebrities have to put in a lot of effort, go on diets all their lives, and go to gyms. If you have already achieved fame, be kind, improve your body.

Moreover, many stars manage to get themselves in order in record time, quickly losing tens of kilograms. Not long ago, athlete Alina Kabaeva showed off her slender figure. Singer Polina Gagarina was able to lose 40 kilograms in just six months. The star of the Comedy club show Andrei Averin got rid of excess weight, and ex-participant of “House-2” Yegor Kholyavin created a real sensation when he lost 40 kilograms. The StarHit selection includes the fastest stellar metamorphoses, reports

Andrey Averin

Until recently, the father of two children and resident of the Comedy club Andrei Averin, whose humorous songs everyone knows, was a man in the body. With a height of 186 cm, he weighed 132 kilograms! And suddenly the artist began to rapidly lose weight. Comedy club fans remember how with each appearance of Averin, he took up less and less space on the stage. In less than a year, the comedian lost over 30 kilograms and outwardly became a completely different person.

The new image of a slender and noticeably younger man, according to Andrei Averin, did not so much surprise his loved ones as frighten them. Relatives, friends and acquaintances vying with each other called and asked how he was doing and if he was sick.

“There were even provocative questions about whether I was using anything forbidden,” Averin said in an interview. - They suspected all sins, no one could believe that this was food. When they themselves saw that I was fine - cheerful and cheerful - they were happy: they said that it suits me very well.”

Averin formulated the main secret of his fantastic transformation simply: you need to eat less. “I wouldn’t call it a diet - I ate fried and floury foods, but a minimum of floury and sweet foods,” the artist shared. – I tried not to eat after six. As a last resort – cucumbers.”

Inna Volovicheva

The star of the reality show “Dom-2” Inna Volovicheva shocked viewers with her new figure in the summer of 2010. Then, in just a few months, from a plump, albeit young lady, she turned into a slender girl. Behind short term Inna lost weight in order to appear in a photo shoot for Dom-2 magazine. The fans were shocked: Volovicheva did what thousands of women dream of - she lost her excess weight quickly and without unnecessary conversations on this topic.

Moreover, Inna repeated her feat twice. After Volovicheva became a mother, half of the lost kilograms returned to her, and the star, demonstrating remarkable willpower, again entered the battle for harmony. And she won! With a height of 180 centimeters, the ex-participant of “House-2” weighs 75 kilograms, having lost 40 extra kilos.

Moreover, Volovicheva has become a real guru in matters of weight loss. She wrote a book and blogs on Instagram, where she talks about her experience in detail. Inna's page is full of interesting recipes, workouts, and tips on how to healthy image life.

“The main thing is to stay away from the refrigerator,” advises Inna Volovicheva. - In order not to eat at night, you need to do something very interesting in the evening, for example, take a walk with your boyfriend, or watch a movie with him, or do oriental dancing. Be sure to eat breakfast, drink more water and eat throughout the day, otherwise you will not be able to control your hunger pangs in the evening. If all else fails and the feeling of hunger just drills into your brain, eat a cucumber or nibble on a carrot.”

Anastasia Denisova

The star of the series “Deffchonki” Anastasia Denisova amazed everyone with her appearance at the film festival in Crimea a year ago. At one of the social events, Denisova appeared in a tight-fitting green floor-length dress, which emphasized her slender figure. The actress, known to viewers for her role as plump Palna, lost weight in record time. In just a month and a half, Anastasia got rid of 15 extra pounds, which she gained specifically for filming the series. The actress admitted that she decided to lose weight in order to try herself in other roles in cinema.

To find harmony, 30-year-old Denisova turned to a nutritionist for help and joined classes in the gym. “I added workouts twice a week to my diet, and recently I became interested in the new fitness trend Fit-n-go,” said the actress. As a result, the actress returned to her “pre-serial” weight - 55 kilograms. At the same time, Anastasia does not hide the fact that it was very difficult for her to do this, because sweets, flour, soda, packaged juices, pasta and potatoes were included in the black list. “The first week was so angry that I was climbing the wall. It was a constant struggle with myself, especially at night,” Denisova admitted in an interview.

True, having gained weight, the actress faced a problem: for the role of Palma in the new season of “Deffchonok”, the producers of the series asked her to gain weight again. After all, they never expected that Anastasia, who was given the go-ahead to lose weight, would do it so quickly and radically. So far, she has not been able to gain weight, and the filmmakers are turning the slender beauty Denisova into the charming plump Palma with the help of makeup, clothes and lighting.

Alina Kabaeva

As it became known, not only willpower and desire helped the Olympic champion transform into a girl with model parameters. “They told me that Alina lost weight fractional meals“The method was personally developed for her by nutritionist Margarita Koroleva,” one of Kabaeva’s colleagues shared with StarHit. – She is the best specialist in the field of healthy, proper nutrition. It’s not for nothing that many celebrities lose weight with her.”


Singer Pelageya surprised the public three times during the year with dramatic changes in her appearance. The first to see Pelageya’s new image were fans of the “Voice” project, where she occupied the mentor’s chair. By the start of filming the third season, the star had noticeably lost weight and began to appear in tight-fitting outfits that emphasized her slimness. As it turned out, the singer took a health course in one of the clinics, where she had the opportunity to completely cleanse her body and look at the nutrition system in a new way. Even during the break between filming, which required a lot of strength, Pelageya did not allow herself to eat anything other than buckwheat porridge. However, not all fans liked the new image of the vocalist. Many found that along with the kilograms, Pelageya lost some of her charm.

The star seemed to hear her fans, and this summer she appeared at the Voting KiViN-2015 festival with very appetizing cheeks on her face. “Pelageya has gained weight again!” gasped both those who had managed to get used to her thinness, and those who could not come to terms with her image as a catwalk model.

But already in September, the singer again showed off her slender figure, having lost those extra pounds in just two months. In a new image, Pelageya, together with Dima Bilan, will appear before the audience on the big screen. Former mentors of the popular show “The Voice” are taking part in a new project. The stars are starring together in a feature film called “Voices of a Big Country.”

Egor Kholyavin

Former participant of the popular project “Dom-2” Yegor Kholyavin managed to lose 40 kilograms in a short time. On June 22 of this year, the young man demonstrated a stunning result - on his Instagram page, Kholyavin published a photo of a very attractive man, in whom it was difficult to discern the well-fed guy who once came to Dom-2. The nickname “Bubble”, which he was given on the project, is very discordant with Kholyavin’s current image. After all, now he is a slender and stylish macho, who has many fans and subscribers who turn to him for advice on losing weight. In addition, the young man even opened his own business based on the use of a special drug for weight loss. Plus, Egor is actively involved in sports - he goes to the gym and swimming pool, and regularly goes to the bathhouse. But he considers motivation to be the determining factor on the path to achieving a slim figure.

“We, all of us losing weight, make the same mistakes,” said the slimmer Kholyavin in an interview with Dom-2 magazine. - I also woke up in the morning with the right attitude, lost weight all day, and ate up in the evening. You can not do it this way. I understand that not everyone is ready to lose 40 kilograms in eight months. This is difficult daily work on yourself. As soon as you see the first results, and they will come very soon if you follow all the instructions, you will already have the right attitude.”

Cornelia Mango

Singer Cornelia Mango was able to lose ten kilograms in just three months. The star volunteered to fight excess weight in the fall of 2012, in the company of other famous ladies, taking part in the second season of the “Lose Weight with StarHit” project. Way to slim figure It was not easy for Cornelia. Due to changes in diet and physical activity, it even came to the point of fainting. But in the end, the singer was still able to achieve her goal.

“I realized that I have unrealistic willpower. This wasn't the first time I tried to lose weight. Why, my whole life is a struggle with excess weight,” admitted Cornelia Mango in an interview with StarHit after the end of the project. But losing 10 kilograms in three months is the first time this has happened to me. The problem is that before I achieved results, was happy and... started eating cakes at night again. But this time, I promise, everything will be different – ​​so much effort has been put into the result!”

Cornelia kept her promise. She still keeps herself in shape to this day. True, a little more than a year ago, the singer became very interested in using fat burners, which is why her health was in jeopardy. Cornelia ended up in intensive care. The singer learned a lesson from this bitter experience, and now her slim formula is proper nutrition and physical activity. And Cornelia has great motivation - in the near future she plans to get married and become a mother.

Polina Gagarina

A few years ago, singer Polina Gagarina was able to get rid of an extra forty kilograms of weight in just six months. The current, spectacular and slender Polina Gagarina bears little resemblance to the girl with cheeks that she came to the “Star Factory” in 2003. Then the aspiring singer weighed 57-58 kilograms. In 2007, Gagarina gave birth to a son, gaining 30 seconds during pregnancy. extra pounds. However, now hardly anyone will remember Gagarina as a plump lady - the image of a thin, fragile girl has long been firmly associated with her name. After all, she manages to maintain her ideal 47 kilograms for several years.

“I went on a strict diet,” Polina Gagarina said about her experience of losing weight in an interview. - I alternated: one day I eat only rice, another day - chicken, the third - only vegetables or light vegetable soup. And strictly until six o'clock in the evening! At first it was hard, I was hungry all the time, but then I got into it. I even started to like watching my diet and choosing foods for my diet.”

Now the singer does not adhere to diets, just trying to eat right. There is no flour, sweet or fatty foods on her menu. And in your daily schedule, visiting the gym is a must. Only this summer, after taking second place at the Eurovision Song Contest 2015, did the singer give up and, while vacationing in Greece, allowed herself to eat a few kilograms. However, by the beginning of the fourth season of the “Voice” project, where Polina Gagarina is busy as a mentor, she was already back in her previous form.

Irina Agibalova

Ex-participant of the reality show “Dom-2” Irina Agibalova was able to noticeably become prettier during her stay on the project. And it’s not just about visits to a cosmetologist and plastic surgeon. The most famous TV granny also became slimmer, reducing her weight from 106 to 68 kilograms. It took the “House-2” star a year to do this. According to Agibalova, surgeons who performed laparoscopic gastric banding helped her lose weight, reducing its volume. Irina Aleksandrovna kept the procedure secret from her loved ones, because when she began to rapidly lose weight, their surprise knew no bounds.

“I monitored my diet very carefully and regularly visited my doctors, I was extremely pleased that they were proud of me and how I began to look!.. I will immediately dispel all the rumors about numerous operations, liposuction, removal of ribs, breast surgery, etc. . This didn't happen! I hope you can trust my words, I share all my secrets with you quite openly and would not hide it!” - Irina Agibalova wrote in the microblog.

Now Agibalova does not have any diets, she just eats little and plays sports.

Hello fashionistas! Have you noticed that some people “deflate” over the years (or, on the contrary, become too inflated - depending on your luck), while others, as if against all the laws of nature, flourish. One classmate was a “star” at graduation, and now she’s a “auntie” with a dull look and swollen sides. The other one was considered a gray mouse, but she – hop! – and now you can’t take your eyes off. Among celebrities there are a dime a dozen of them. You've all probably seen this one joke about Tom Cruise in his youth:

I’m not sure that the left photo is the original, because it can’t be found on the English-language Internet. In any case, thank you, Tom, it was a pleasure.

You, too, probably sometimes laugh at your “young” photos. “Well, how could you dress like that? Well, why did I paint such a ton of plaster on my face?!” And if at the same time you say: “How beautiful I am now, I look much better now than then!”, then, as the young people say, respect to you.

You have defeated the effect of gravity, merciless time and lazy metabolism combined. And this is a very strong army, what can I say.

Demi Moore, born Demetria Jean Harmon, who will soon turn 52 years old, was born into a not very prosperous family.

Her father, Charles Harmon, left her mother, Victoria, before her daughter was born. Her mother and stepfather abused alcohol and were not particularly involved in raising Demi, as the actress said, and often changed their place of residence. At 16, Moore dropped out of school to work for a modeling agency. On the advice of a neighbor, aspiring actress Nastassja Kinski, she also decided to try herself in cinema.

In the early 1990s, she became the first actress in Hollywood to earn more than 10 million per film, but in subsequent years, due to the commercial failures of her films, Demi's career began to decline. But married to a “tough nut” Bruce Willis Moore gave birth to three daughters.

In 2000, the family broke up. Five years later, Moore had a young husband Ashton Kutcher and with it - a stunning “new appearance”. Not an ounce of excess, long shiny hair, a constant smile and girlish enthusiasm in the eyes.

Last year, amid universal female whistles, Kutcher left the beautiful Demi for the young Mile Kunis, which does not yet look as impressive as Moore.

Demi has something to cover:

However, the divorce was painful. Demi has lost weight - skin to bone. They say she drank. My daughters sounded the alarm: she was behaving inappropriately. Thank God, she recovered. She is 52, her height is only 165 cm (and not 175, as one might assume - with such and such a figure)...

And she has a young lover again. Bravo!

Stay young forever, Demi! And Kutcher will soon grow old and grow a belly!

Demi Moore with 25-year-old daughter Rumer Willis

My favorite chapter! This is the 62-year-old TV presenter, producer, writer and wife of the famous British rock musician Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon.

She is poorly known in Russia, who knows - mainly thanks to the reality show “The Osborne Family”. The show ran on MTV for three years, won several awards and had high ratings in the US and UK.

We met this rock family when they were like the photo above. A little over ten years earlier, the picture looked like this:

Sharon met her future husband Ozzy at age 18. She then helped her father, who was the manager of the Black Sabbath group, and Ozzy was its member. When Ozzy was fired from the band for heavy drinking, Sharon began dating him and took the guy's musical career into her own hands.

In 1982, Ozzy and Sharon got married, in 1983 they had a daughter, Aimee, the following year, Kelly, and a year later, a son, Jack.

Sharon, who did not have time to get into shape after three births, began to gain weight from stress - in addition to alcohol, Ozzy became addicted to drugs. The family was crumbling, Sharon fought as best she could.

Later, in order to overcome a new crisis and distract her husband from his fans, she came up with a new vector for family development - a television project appeared in which all members of the large Osborne family agreed to participate, including a bunch of dogs, except for the eldest daughter Aimee.

In 2002, Sharon was diagnosed with colon cancer. Then the tumor was found on the lymph nodes. However, Sharon insisted on continuing filming the show “Keeping Up with the Osbournes.” The woman managed to defeat cancer, which doctors assessed as fatal.

Later in an interview, Ozzy admitted that times were so difficult that due to Sharon's health, their son Jack tried to commit suicide.

Kelly, Ozzy, Sharon and Jack

In November 2012, Sharon Osbourne underwent breast removal surgery due to the high risk of recurrence.

In 2005, Osbourne released an autobiographical book, which she called “Extreme, or My Autobiography,” in which Sharon talked about her difficult childhood, ups, downs and difficult life with an alcoholic rock musician and drug addict. The book became a worldwide bestseller, selling more than 621,000 copies in 15 weeks.

Ten very difficult years have passed. Sharon beat cancer and never aged. Still as fervently following his eternally young rocker and lilac-haired daughter - to all the red carpets. She released another autobiography - now called “Unbreakable”. I think he has the right!

Photo sources: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images North America,,, FameFlynet Pictures,,,, GETTY/ GALLO,,,,,,

It's a strange thing, it seems that Hollywood stars have no age. Brad Pitt 50 years, who can even believe it!? Hollywood stars always remain beautiful, young and successful in our eyes, as if they were preserved so that we could enjoy and admire their beauty. But we can’t even imagine what kind of work and trials it takes them to maintain their brand and always look as if they are 25 years old. website I tried to look behind closed doors and find out some of the secrets of the forever young.

Everyone knows that there are such blood-sucking creatures as leeches, but few people know that Demmy Moor uses them for rejuvenation. She admitted this herself on the show. David Letterman. There is a whole branch in medicine - hirudotherapy, where leeches are used for the purpose of lifting - tightening the skin. Metabolism in tissues improves significantly, and this affects both skin tone and complexion.

Kate Hudson uses an old proven method to keep her skin radiant - an “ice bath”, a little water and ice, and the result is obvious, and there are a lot of ways to prepare the so-called “glacier water”, you just need to choose the right one. And it’s not for nothing that cosmetologists have long advised women to wipe their faces with a piece of ice every morning.

Hemorrhoid cream can be used for a completely different purpose. For example, as a face cream. And if you look at Sandra Bullock who uses this product, we can say with confidence that it works.

Tom Cruise, as well as Victoria Beckham uses a product called Geisha Facial. And from the name you can’t tell that this is actually powder from nightingale droppings, but this product works well, thanks to the nightingales.

Eva Longoria Placental cosmetics are used to maintain facial skin in ideal condition. The emergence of placental cosmetics was a significant breakthrough in the future of biocosmetics. Today, various creams, lotions, masks, balms and even shampoos are made based on the placenta. So the star of “Desperate Housewives” does not hesitate to use this kind cosmetics.

Model Cindy Crawford uses food to maintain her youth, she mixes some milk with water and sprays it on her face throughout the day. And judging by her ageless skin, this method is worthy of being included in books on cosmetology.

Kim Kardashian uses a rather strange procedure for rejuvenation - “Vampire Facial”. The procedure involves doctors drawing blood from a patient's vein, then placing the vial of blood into a special machine to remove platelets. Then a small amount of the patient’s blood is injected into the facial skin using special needles. This painful procedure is aimed at facial rejuvenation. Very bold, even too bold.

But as you know, not only the face should be beautiful, but also the teeth. Of course, many stars use special ceramic onlays - veneers. Thanks to them, teeth look snow-white and very beautiful. But not Catherine Zeta Jones, to keep her teeth white, she periodically brushes her teeth with strawberry or pineapple pulp, and no veneers are needed.

And this is only a small part of what stars go to in order to look at the highest level. But the good news is that they put off surgical intervention on their appearance until the last minute, and by what means they do it, it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is that the result is obvious.

Time is a merciless thing. It spares no one, not even the brightest stars of domestic show business. However, it seems that some people easily manage to weaken its destructive power and thereby surprise all their fans and not only others.
We have made a selection of secrets of the youth of celebrities for whom time seems to have stood still.
It was not for nothing that the People’s Artist of the USSR and Russia played the role of the Witch in the video for one of her songs, because at 67 years old she looks no worse than any young Hollywood actress. Indeed, a Witch, you might think. What's the secret? The secret elixir of youth? No, the singer simply uses one of Maya Plisetskaya’s tips - “don’t eat.” Always relevant and very simple.
Rotaru most often goes on a diet based on eating boiled rice without salt for three days, then the same amount of vegetables in any form, and finally for another three days she eats only fruits. She also divides products into those that are healthy for the skin - natural, and unhealthy - of course, no fast food!
But this could not have happened without plastic surgery. The artist, according to Ukrainian plastic surgeon Van Maniero, had her cheeks lifted. There were also procedures in the neck area. But these parts of the body primarily give away age.

Actress, journalist, host of the information program “Time” and, finally, just a beauty! The face of Channel One does not hide her age or the secrets of how she manages to maintain her youth. On November 27, 2014, she turned 53 years old.
What secrets are hidden in Catherine’s closet and how does she manage to look so young and fresh at 53? Everything is very simple.
20 secrets of eternal youth by Ekaterina Andreeva:
- you need to sleep in the dark and cold,
- be sure to drink only clean water,
- get up in stages (wake up no later than 8 am),
- choose the right tea,
- have breakfast only with porridge,
- healthy menu (Ekaterina does not eat meat, she only eats vegetables, fish, cereals and fruits in small quantities),
- environmentally friendly raw foods(it’s better to spend a little more on food, but then spend a little less on treatment),
- cook correctly (when cooking, never bring the oil to a boil, as it begins to release harmful components, it is also worth abandoning the high fire),
- salt - yes, sugar - no (salt is necessary for our body, but it must be consumed in minimal quantities, but Ekaterina completely replaced sugar with healthy and no less tasty dried fruits, honey and fructose),
- weigh yourself and fast, walk a lot and quickly,
- go in for sports (after all, any diet without sports will not give good results),
- do not sunbathe (ultraviolet radiation causes early aging of the skin),
- minimum cosmetics,
- take care of your skin,
- don’t smoke and drink wine (of course, you should drink wine in reasonable quantities, without getting drunk until you lose consciousness, Georgian, Portuguese and Spanish are best),
- don’t be angry and don’t be jealous,
- re-educate your relatives (it is very difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle if there are no like-minded people, so slowly involve your relatives in this matter),
- and most importantly, work and don’t rush to retire!
But the best cure not only for aging, but also for any adversity is, of course, love! Ekaterina Andreeva has been happily married for many years.

Looking at the People's Artist of the USSR, actress, Soviet and Russian pop singer, the standard of a Russian woman - Edita Piekha, you might think that time has no power over her. Her secret to beauty and youth at 77 years old is very simple: you need to spend at least two hours a day walking and then you won’t need any gym. Although a little exercise in the morning will definitely not be superfluous! The artist is completely satisfied with her figure. She doesn’t forbid herself to eat much, but she still needs to eat right, 4-6 times a day in small portions. However, Edita Stanislavovna gave up meat, fried meat and salt a long time ago.

At 54 years old, theater and film actress Vera Sotnikova obviously does not look her passport age. How does the artist manage to preserve youth and beauty?
According to Sotnikova, the main secret of eternal youth is love. Not a single day in Vera's life is complete without love - literally and figuratively. What else, if not falling in love, gives sparkle and radiance to the eyes?
Secret number two: physical activity. In 2013, the actress gained as much as 10 kilograms for the role of Lyudmila Zykina. However, through active recreation and morning exercises She successfully lost the excess weight she had gained.
Secret number three: adequate makeup. You can’t go against nature, and after 50 years old, no matter how you look at it, you won’t be able to look 20. Correct makeup- this is 50% success. In addition to makeup, you should pay attention to comprehensive facial care: creams, scrubs, and so on.
Secret four: sound and healthy sleep.
Secret five: follow fashion! After all, even at 20, if you choose the wrong clothes, you can look 50.

The main secret of the singer Valeria’s youth is to believe in her irresistibility and always feel beautiful! If you are confident in yourself, then you can easily make others believe in your beauty.
Valeria also does not forget about sports, healthy eating And proper care behind the face. Therefore, at 46 years old, the mother of three children looks simply wonderful: well-groomed, slim, without an ounce of excess weight.

The secret of her youth is that she turns out to be a big sleeper.
The famous singer Anzhelika Varum miraculously, at 45, looks at most 30. The secret of her youth is that she, it turns out, is a big fan of sleep. In addition, she resorts to simple physical activity to keep your body in good shape, and also adheres to separate nutrition.
Varum also often visits a cosmetologist. Massages, rejuvenating masks, steaming allow her to be a real beauty.

Surprisingly, it seems that singer Kristina Orbakaite becomes even more beautiful over the years! At 43 years old, the artist looks fresh and young. Healthy sleep and baths with sea salt help her maintain her beauty.
But what are we all about the fair sex? Our men in no way lag behind the beautiful ladies and also try in every possible way to keep themselves in good shape.

Malikov claims that he is not a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, but he could not do without sports in his life.
Shiny Thick hair, a pleasant smile, a toned torso and a soft look - all this has been retained by Dmitry Malikov over the years. Composer, producer, pianist and TV presenter, after all, People's Artist Russian Federation recently celebrated its 45th anniversary. Looking at Dmitry, you find it hard to believe in these numbers. Malikov claims that he is not a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, but he couldn’t do without sports in his life: running, push-ups. But main secret Dmitry is in spiritual harmony. To look good, you cannot keep bad thoughts and resentments inside yourself.

The famous stylist Sergei Zverev does not hide his positive attitude towards plastic surgery. It's no secret that Zverev used to look completely different. The secret of Sergei’s youth, undoubtedly, lies in the constant adjustments to his face and body. It is known that Zverev performed operations such as rhinoplasty (change in the shape of the nose), change in the shape of the chin, cheiloplasty (correction of the shape and size of the lips) and correction of the cheekbones. But this man is an integral part of the Russian elite, so it would be difficult to imagine him with a less bright, simply put, ordinary appearance.

What allows him to look the same at 48 as he did at 30? It’s very simple, Dmitry is a master of sports in sambo.
The main character of the acclaimed TV series “Fizruk”, Dmitry Nagiyev, remains a sex symbol of Russian show business, regardless of his age. What allows him to look the same at 48 as he did at 30? It’s very simple, Dmitry is a master of sports in sambo. He exercises regularly. Since Nagiyev is an officially unmarried man, he is a tasty morsel for most single ladies. In order to remain forever young and handsome, you need to constantly keep yourself in good shape and not give up. Sports, sports, sports and more sports!

Gone are the days when cosmetic procedures were divided into those accessible to mere mortals and elite ones, intended only for the rich and famous. Today, women in St. Petersburg have the opportunity to undergo the same procedures as Hollywood stars in Los Angeles salons! All that remains is to find out what techniques they use and how they achieve such excellent results!

Charlize Theron – mesotherapy

The famous Hollywood actress Charlize Theron, who turned 37 years old, recently admitted that she has been trying to maintain her skin in perfect condition for the past three years. The result is quite noticeable - there are no facial wrinkles or other age-related changes on her face.

It is known that many Russian stars regularly resort to “beauty injections.” Thus, TV presenter Victoria Bonya calls mesotherapy the best remedy for weight loss. TV presenter Yulia Bordovskikh resorts to the same procedure, but to tighten her face shape. Fashion designer Alena Akhmadulina, TV presenter Ekaterina Strizhenova and many others are also fans of mesotherapy.

Kim Kardashian – glycolic peeling, gold therapy and fractional laser rejuvenation

Actress, fashion model and socialite Kim Kardashian does not hide the fact that at 32 years old she regularly resorts to salon cosmetology procedures. Twice a week she goes for anti-aging peeling with glycolic acid, and once a month she undergoes gold therapy (which contains 24-karat gold). Thanks to these procedures, Kim's skin remains smooth and velvety. As needed (two to three times a year), she also undergoes several fractional laser rejuvenation procedures. Needless to say, she looks amazing?! By the way, our TV presenter Oksana Lavrentieva also liked fractional rejuvenation.

Ekaterina Semenova – botox, mesotherapy

One of the few Russian celebrities who openly admits that she is no stranger to anti-aging cosmetic procedures is Ekaterina Semenova. She is sure that every woman should start using the benefits of modern cosmetology as soon as she notices the first signs of wrinkles - after all, the sooner you seek help, the more you will be able to prolong your youth. The actress herself is not shy to admit that she regularly does, uses mesotherapy, and loves to do various peelings, masks, and spa treatments.

Madonna – non-injection biorevitalization

At 54 years old, American singer Madonna looks simply brilliant. She has been repeatedly accused of using plastic surgery, but, as it turned out, the celebrity’s favorite procedure is. It is absolutely painless, non-traumatic and very effective. No wonder this procedure has gained such popularity around the world!

Jennifer Aniston - face masks

Jennifer Aniston is an icon of style and beauty for many. At 44 years old, she looks amazing, boasts an excellent figure and beautiful hair. Her secrets, which she willingly reveals to fans, are a balanced diet, regular yoga classes, the use of expensive, high-quality cosmetics and the mandatory use of face masks based on natural products. Although many skeptics claim that plastic surgeons worked on her appearance, the actress herself denies this.

Kim Basinger - collagen injections

Actress Kim Basinger constantly states that she is an opponent of radical methods of rejuvenation and has never resorted to the services of plastic surgeons or injected Botox. However, rumors persist on the Internet that for many years she has been using collagen injections for rejuvenation, which provide the 59-year-old actress with such stunning appearance. It’s hard to believe that she achieves this result through vegetarianism, regular gymnastics, etc.

Jessica Simpson - contouring

33-year-old actress Jessica Simpson was accused by the media of surgical breast augmentation and rhinoplasty, using Botox and regularly using anti-aging procedures. Jessica herself admits only that she did it to give them greater expressiveness and sexuality. This procedure clearly benefited the actress’s appearance!

Of course, Hollywood beauties They do not always admit that they use anti-aging cosmetic procedures to maintain beauty. But upon reasonable reflection, it becomes clear that it is unlikely that smooth, toned skin and the absence of wrinkles at 45 years old can be the merit of an exclusively healthy lifestyle and successful makeup!