Golden rules of psychology that change lives and make us happier. Golden rules of psychology that change lives and make us happier New day - new chance

1. Mirror Rule.

The people around me are my mirrors. They reflect features of my own personality, often unconscious to me. For example, if someone is rude to me, it means that I want it that way, I allow it. If someone deceives me again and again, then I have a tendency to believe anyone. So there is no one to be offended by.

2. Rule of Selection.

I realize that everything that happens in my life is the result of my own choice. And if today I communicate with a boring person, does it mean that I am the same boring and boring person? There are no bad and evil people - there are unhappy ones. If I solve their problems, it means I like it. So, there is no one to complain to. I am the reason for everything that happens to me. The authors and creators of our own destiny are ourselves.

3. Rule of Error.

I will accept that I may be wrong. Other people should not always consider my opinion or my actions correct. The real world is not only black and white, there is also light gray and dark white. I'm not an IDEAL, I'm just a good person and I have the right to make mistakes. The main thing is to be able to recognize it and correct it in time.

4. Rule of Correspondence.

I have exactly what I correspond to, what I deserve, no more, no less, whether it concerns relationships with people, work or money. If I cannot love a person to the fullest, it is ridiculous to demand that this person love me THAT much. So all my complaints are meaningless. And at the same time, when I decide to change, the people around me change (for the better).

5. Rule of Dependency.

Nobody owes me anything. I can selflessly help everyone I can. And it makes me happy. To become kind, you need to become strong. To become strong, you need to believe that I can do anything. And I believe! But you also need to be able to say “NO!”

6. Rule of Presence.

I live here and now. There is no past, because every next second the present comes. There is no future because it doesn't exist yet. Attachment to the past leads to depression, preoccupation with the future creates anxiety. As long as I live in the present, I am REAL. There is reason to rejoice.

7. The rule of optimism.

While we criticize life, it passes by. The eyes see, the legs walk, the ears hear, the heart works, the soul rejoices. My fitness is sunny summer, meadow and river. While I move, while the wind blows my skin, I live. When I watch TV, lying on the couch, or chat with friends on the Internet, I am not in this world, but in the other world.

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Ecology of consciousness: The people around me are my mirrors. They reflect features of my own personality, often unconscious to me. For example, if someone is rude to me, it means that I want it that way, I allow it.

1. Mirror Rule

The people around me are my mirrors. They reflect features of my own personality, often unconscious to me. For example, if someone is rude to me, it means that I want it that way, I allow it. If someone deceives me again and again, it means that I have a tendency to believe anyone. So there is no one to be offended by.

2. Rule of Selection

I realize that everything that happens in my life is the result of my own choice. And if today I communicate with a boring person, does it mean that I am the same boring and boring person? There are no bad and evil people - there are unhappy ones.

If I solve their problems, it means I like it. So there is no one to complain to. I am the reason for everything that happens to me. The author and creator of our destiny is ourselves.

3. Rule of Error

I will accept that I may be wrong. Other people should not always consider my opinion or my actions correct. The real world is not only black and white, there is also light gray and dark white. I'm not an IDEAL, I'm just a good person and I have the right to make mistakes. The main thing is to be able to admit it and correct it in time.

4. Rule of Correspondence

I have exactly what I correspond to, what I deserve, no more, no less, whether it concerns relationships with people, work or money. If I cannot love a person to the fullest, it is ridiculous to demand that this person love me THAT much.

So all my complaints are meaningless. And at the same time, when I decide to change, the people around me change (for the better)

5. Rule of Dependency

Nobody owes me anything. I can selflessly help everyone I can. And this makes me happy. To become kind, you need to become strong. To become strong, you need to believe that I can do anything. And I believe! But you also need to be able to say “NO!”

6. Rule of Presence

I live here and now. There is no past, because every next second the present comes.

There is no future because it doesn't exist yet.

Attachment to the past leads to depression, concern for the future creates anxiety. As long as I live in the present, I am REAL. There is reason to rejoice.

7. Rule of Optimism

While we criticize life, it passes by. The eyes see, the legs walk, the ears hear, the heart works, the soul rejoices. My fitness is sunny summer, meadow and river.

While I move, while the wind blows my skin, I live. When I watch TV, lying on the couch, or chat with friends on the Internet, I am not in this world, but in the other world. published

The people around me are my mirrors. They reflect features of my own personality, often unconscious to me. For example, if someone is rude to me, it means that I want it that way, I allow it. If someone deceives me again and again, then I have a tendency to believe anyone. So there is no one to be offended by.

2. Rule of Selection

I realize that everything that happens in my life is the result of my own choice. And if today I communicate with a boring person, does it mean that I am the same boring and boring person? There are no bad and evil people - there are unhappy ones. If I solve their problems, it means I like it. So, there is no one to complain to. I am the reason for everything that happens to me. The authors and creators of our own destiny are ourselves.

3. Rule of Error

I will accept that I may be wrong. Other people should not always consider my opinion or my actions correct. The real world is not only black and white, there is also light gray and dark white. I'm not an IDEAL, I'm just a good person and I have the right to make mistakes. The main thing is to be able to recognize it and correct it in time.

4. Rule of Correspondence

I have exactly what I correspond to, what I deserve, no more, no less, whether it concerns relationships with people, work or money. If I cannot love a person to the fullest, it is ridiculous to demand that this person love me THAT much. So all my complaints are meaningless. And at the same time, when I decide to change, the people around me change (for the better).

5. Rule of Dependency

Nobody owes me anything. I can selflessly help everyone I can. And it makes me happy. To become kind, you need to become strong. To become strong, you need to believe that I can do anything. And I believe! But you also need to be able to say “NO!”

6. Rule of Presence

I live here and now. There is no past, because every next second the present comes. There is no future because it doesn't exist yet. Attachment to the past leads to depression, preoccupation with the future creates anxiety. As long as I live in the present, I am REAL. There is reason to rejoice.

7. The Rule of Optimism

While we criticize life, it passes by. The eyes see, the legs walk, the ears hear, the heart works, the soul rejoices. My fitness is sunny summer, meadow and river. While I move, while the wind blows my skin, I live. When I watch TV, lying on the couch, or chat with friends on the Internet, I am not in this world, but in the other world.

Simple but very effective rules of psychology that can change your perception of the world!

Rules of psychology that can make your life brighter, more positive, more exciting. Fill it with special meaning, wisdom and love.

Read and delve into it - these tips will be useful to each of us:

1. Mirror Rule

The people around me are my mirrors. They reflect features of my own personality, often unconscious to me. For example, if someone is rude to me, it means that I want it that way, I allow it. If someone deceives me again and again, then I have a tendency to believe anyone. So there is no one to be offended by.

2. Rule of Selection

I realize that everything that happens in my life is the result of my own choice. And if today I communicate with a boring person, does it mean that I am the same boring and boring person? There are no bad and evil people - there are unhappy ones. If I solve their problems, it means I like it. So there is no one to complain to. I am the reason for everything that happens to me. The author and creator of our own destiny is ourselves.

3. Rule of Error

I will accept that I may be wrong. Other people should not always consider my opinion or my actions correct. The real world is not only black and white, there is also light gray and dark white. I'm not an IDEAL, I'm just a good person and I have the right to make mistakes. The main thing is to be able to recognize it and correct it in time.

4. Rule of Correspondence

I have exactly what I correspond to, what I deserve, no more, no less, whether it concerns relationships with people, work or money. If I cannot love a person to the fullest, it is ridiculous to demand that this person love me THAT much. So all my complaints are meaningless. And at the same time, when I decide to change, the people around me change (for the better)

5. Rule of Dependency

Nobody owes me anything. I can selflessly help everyone I can. And it makes me happy. To become kind, you need to become strong. To become strong, you need to believe that I can do anything. And I believe! But you also need to be able to say “NO!”

6. Rule of Presence

I live here and now. There is no past, because every next second the present comes. There is no future because it doesn't exist yet. Attachment to the past leads to depression, preoccupation with the future creates anxiety. As long as I live in the present, I am REAL. There is reason to rejoice.

7. Rule of Optimism

While we criticize life, it passes by. The eyes see, the legs walk, the ears hear, the heart works, the soul rejoices. My fitness is sunny summer, meadow and river. While I move, while the wind blows my skin, I live. When I watch TV, lying on the couch, or chat with friends on the Internet, I am not in this world, but in the other world.

Rules of psychology that can make your life brighter, more positive, more exciting. Fill it with special meaning, wisdom and love. Read and delve into it - these tips will be useful to each of us:

1. Mirror Rule

The people around me are my mirrors. They reflect features of my own personality, often unconscious to me. For example, if someone is rude to me, it means that I want it that way, I allow it. If someone deceives me again and again, then I have a tendency to believe anyone. So there is no one to be offended by.

2. Rule of Selection

I realize that everything that happens in my life is the result of my own choice. And if today I communicate with a boring person, does it mean that I am the same boring and boring person? There are no bad and evil people - there are unhappy ones. If I solve their problems, it means I like it. So there is no one to complain to. I am the reason for everything that happens to me. The author and creator of our destiny is ourselves.

3. Rule of Error

I will accept that I may be wrong. Other people should not always consider my opinion or my actions correct. The real world is not only black and white, there is also light gray and dark white. I'm not an IDEAL, I'm just a good person and I have the right to make mistakes. The main thing is to be able to recognize it and correct it in time.

4. Rule of Correspondence

I have exactly what I correspond to, what I deserve, no more, no less, whether it concerns relationships with people, work or money. If I cannot love a person to the fullest, it is ridiculous to demand that this person love me THAT much. So all my complaints are meaningless. And at the same time, when I decide to change, the people around me change (for the better)

5. Rule of Dependency

Nobody owes me anything. I can selflessly help everyone I can. And it makes me happy. To become kind, you need to become strong. To become strong, you need to believe that I can do anything. And I believe! But you also need to be able to say “NO!”

6. Rule of Presence

I live here and now. There is no past, because every next second the present comes. There is no future because it doesn't exist yet. Attachment to the past leads to depression, preoccupation with the future creates anxiety. As long as I live in the present, I am REAL. There is reason to rejoice.

7. Rule of Optimism

While we criticize life, it passes by. The eyes see, the legs walk, the ears hear, the heart works, the soul rejoices.