Attention! How to increase efficiency - Laziness goes away forever. How to increase physical performance? Natural remedies Improving human performance drugs

Sometimes emotions overwhelm you so much that instead of a thousand necessary phrases, you say a short one: “Words are not enough.” The fact is that the brain does not have time to generate enough images that can be quickly and easily translated into verbal form. Linguists believe that one of the reasons why this happens is the lack of words. Today we’ll talk about how to increase your vocabulary in communication and shine in any dialogue.

General cleaning

To understand the cuisine of quick reading, a few articles are not enough. We recommend turning to books: this is a source of concentrated information, written in chronological order.

Purchase or download:

  • "The art of reading. How to Understand Books" Thomas Foster. Read before you start speed reading. Using the example of classic works, the author teaches to understand the meaning between the lines and perceive information from a different angle. “Memories, symbols, parallels—that’s what separates the professional reader from the amateur,” says Foster. Adopting a different model of reading books will help you better remember information, which will now be based on associative thinking and connected to experiences.
  • “Speed ​​reading in practice. How to read quickly and remember what you read well” Pavel Palagin. The book was recognized by millions of book lovers and received good reviews. The methods are simple and understandable, allowing you to master the technique of fast reading in a few weeks. The author harshly criticizes slow readers, thereby motivating them to quickly finish studying the issue. At seminars, Palagin does not hesitate to advise reading only 25% of the book and discarding the rest as unnecessary. This statement fuels the interest of the public, seeking to refute the words of the author.
  • "The Development of Memory" by Harry Lorraine. An ideal book for training your memory and imagination. After reading, you will begin to better perceive information, remember dates and large numbers, and playfully continue the storyline of any story.
Marina Nikitina

The pace and rhythm of life oblige a person to work hard and productively if he wants. We need to get things done in a short period of time. You need to work quickly and avoid making mistakes both at work and at home.

How to manage everything without getting tired? How to stay productive throughout the day?

What is performance

Human performance is the potential ability to perform purposeful activities effectively over a certain period of time.

External and internal mental and physiological factors influence performance.

Types of performance according to efficiency:

maximum, the highest possible,
optimal, acceptable,
reduced, insufficient.

A periodic decrease and increase in performance occurs during the working day at different intervals and speeds, depending on the character, temperament, health of the employee and the work he performs.

Types of performance according to the nature of work:

Physical performance is the ability to perform the maximum possible amount of mechanical work without failure.
Mental performance the ability to perceive and process information at a certain speed, without making mistakes.

Performance phases:

Working in. Gradual increase in efficiency and productivity.
Sustainable performance. Maintaining the level of performance over a long period of time.
Decline. Gradual decrease in performance, development of fatigue.

These three phases take place in the first half of the day, until the lunch break, and then repeat. In the second half of the day, high performance is observed less frequently than in the first half.

The phases of mental and physical performance coincide, but the dynamics are different and depend on the severity of the work performed.

Work motivation

A person’s performance depends on his interest in work. Interest depends on the benefit that the employee will receive and the needs that will be satisfied. In other words, performance depends on motivation.

Motive is a personal need in the form of an image of a material or intangible benefit. Motivation is an impulse based on the desire to satisfy a need or achieve a goal.

Work motivation is an incentive to labor activity. This is also a process of conscious choice of the type of activity under the influence of an internal or external stimulus.

If the job is too hard or too easy, . A person is interested in work only when he can do it and like it.

High performance is observed when work motivation is strong. The sooner the employee wants to achieve the goal of work, the better and faster he will work.

Types of work motives:

Biological. These are motives derived from physiological, primary needs and the need for safety. The proverb “You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without work” is interpreted in the context of a biological labor motive: if there is a need for food, you will have to work hard.
Social. These motives are based on the needs for love, belonging, respect, self-realization:

self-expression, desire to successfully realize labor potential in specific activities;
independence, desire for moral and material independence;
stability, in future well-being;
competition, the desire to be successful among many;
involvement with the team, desire to work with a group of people;
gaining new knowledge and experience;
the desire to establish justice: to revive, rebuild, correct;
to society.

If one day an employee satisfies a need through work, he will develop a model of behavior that he recognizes as effective. He will want to continue to work the same way.

If the result of work does not partially or completely satisfy the employee, he will take measures to change behavior or stop acting.

Ways to improve performance

In addition to motivation, performance is influenced by the individual’s lifestyle and type of work activity.

You can increase productivity and efficiency in the following ways:

Analysis. Identify factors that interfere or distract and those that help you work and take steps to eliminate the former and reinforce the latter.
Planning. Schedules and daily routines organize activities. Daily planning of tasks helps punctual people to keep up with everything and is an additional incentive for activity. It is better to write down plans for the day and week in a diary, indicating the deadlines for completing tasks and the necessary resources.

Goal setting. When, for which he works, it is easier and more pleasant to do it. To motivate yourself to work better, you need to more often imagine an image of a goal and be able to set achievable life goals.
Nutrition. Physical and mental performance depends on nutrition, since the nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body come from food. Correctly, it will increase performance. Overeating and starvation negatively affect the ability to think and work.
Physical activity. In order not to overload the brain with work, you need to switch from mental to physical activity from time to time, do physical education, gymnastics, including for the eyes. The activity of people who work physically is limited in time to avoid injury and overwork.
Massage. Self-massage of the head, neck, shoulders invigorates and improves blood circulation, relaxes tense muscles.

Rest. To work effectively, you need to rest before and after work, and on weekends. Take breaks during the workday to unwind and recharge. Active rest energizes and inspires, passive rest relaxes and restores.
Reading. This is a “charger” for the brain. It is recommended to spend at least thirty minutes reading per day. Reading classical world literature, popular science publications and teaching aids expands vocabulary, horizons, increases the volume of general and specialized knowledge, improves personal culture.
Smell, hearing, vision. Performance is enhanced by pleasant and special smells, sounds, and colors. It has been proven that yellow tones. Citrus scents and classical music help.
Creation. Creative activity is pleasant and useful. This is both a way to relax, relax and train the right, creative hemisphere of the brain. Creativity develops imaginative thinking, creativity and a sense of beauty.

If you use equipment without interruption, it will soon fail. Is it worth talking about the human body?

To work effectively, you need not only to work, but also to relax, enjoy your personal life, hobbies, and creativity.

28 March 2014, 17:46

We live in a constantly changing world.

Daily stress and the frantic pace of life increasingly knock us out of our usual rut.

In this regard, performance more often begins to decline, lethargy, apathy and indifference to what is happening appear.

If performance decreases mainly in the evening, do not worry.

During the night, the body will recharge and by the morning it will be full of strength.

You should only start worrying if you feel a loss of strength in the morning. It is at this moment that it is worth thinking about the question - how to improve performance?

Reasons for decreased performance

If you notice the slightest signs of decreased performance, do not sit idly by.

After all, how does it usually happen?

At first we attribute everything to fatigue, then to laziness, and when fatigue and laziness begin to take over, we become depressed.

And not every person can identify it at first.

And then it starts: I don’t want to go to the cinema, I don’t want to go to a party, I don’t want to visit - I haven’t washed my hair, etc.

At work, attention is scattered, all tasks seem meaningless, and favorite things only bring irritability.

Therefore, as soon as you notice that your performance has dropped and your attention has begun to dissipate, start analyzing and increase efficiency!

Fatigue can set in at the beginning of spring.

At this time, the body is seriously weakened after winter, and there is a lack of vitamins and physical activity.

You may be weighed down by unfinished tasks that you constantly put off and that do not give you peace.

IN in this case The solution is elementary - gather all your strength into a fist and hit the problem!

The longer you delay the inevitable, the faster the cuckoo will move.

Do you need it?

Sometimes the reason for decreased performance lies in setting the wrong life goals.

And if your goals are not true, then achieving them will simply be a waste!

Among other things, performance may be at zero due to bad or good weather.

On a rainy autumn day you don’t want to work because the weather is cloudy.

In winter, you want to curl up and spend the whole day in a warm bed.

In the summer, you want to go for walks, sunbathe on the beach, but certainly not spend warm days in a stuffy office!

Having delved a little into our own brains and identified the causes of idleness and apathy, we begin treatment.

Below we will give you some tips to help improve performance.

By applying at least a couple of tips, you will notice significant changes in your life.

So, let's start the treatment!

  1. Tip 1. Before increasing your performance, let's rest

    “Relaxation is an art. Rest is a job no less responsible than the work itself, and there are exactly the same number of people who know how to relax as there are who know how to work well: both skills always coincide. The most difficult thing, as in everything, is to overcome internal inertia, to jump from one “wave” to another.”
    Vladimir Levi. The art of being yourself

    No matter how stupid it may sound, without proper rest there is no proper work.

    Memorize this statement as an axiom and start with rest!

    This weekend, turn off your phone and sleep until 12 noon.

    Then lie in the bath, go shopping, go to the movies, bowling, etc.

    In general, do something that you have been thinking about for a long time, but still don’t dare to do.

    After all, you must admit that if you went to bed at 2 am and jumped up at 6 am, then there can be no question of any efficiency.

    Therefore, rest today, you will work tomorrow!

  2. Tip 2. Let's start planning

    Know that without planning you will never have increased performance.

    You can go to the store for it right now.

    And come back and find out what it is for.

    So, every evening you will need to write down all your planned activities for tomorrow.

    This should be done in the evening, since in the morning the brain is in a sleepy state and does not want to think about anything at all.

    In the evening, you can calmly think and make a work plan for the coming day.

    You should not write down only 3 things in your diary, as in this case you will not be productive.

    In addition, a person has one peculiarity - he does not like to do all the tasks.

    If you set yourself only 3 tasks for the day, then complete only two, or even one at all.

    Therefore, write yourself 20 tasks, if you complete 15, nothing - it’s much better than two!

    Tip 3. Set priorities and determine your productive time

    Every person is different, which means that each person performs best at different times.

    Some people work productively at 7 am, while others only start their engines at 7 pm.

    Therefore, determine the time of your greatest productivity.

    Now let's start setting priorities.

    Once you've created a to-do list for yourself, look at which tasks require you to be most productive.

    Write these things down for your active time.

    Small tasks can always be done in the morning.

    And you can leave the not particularly important ones for the evening.

    And by the way, try not to sit during your productive time, because you can do this in the morning with a cup of coffee or in the evening after dinner.

    Tip 4. Concentrate on work

    During work moments, try to concentrate only on work.

    Disable Skype, ICQ and other programs.

    Set yourself a schedule!

    For example, you work on a press release for 2 hours and are not distracted by anything.

    If you work in an office, ask the secretary to connect with you only in case of emergency.

    Otherwise, have the secretary write down the contacts.

    If the matter is not urgent, after another hour you will call the client back and resolve all issues.

    After all, as it happens: we’ve just sat down to work, we’ve just started swinging, and then Svetka writes on Skype and cries that Mishka is a goat.

    Well, what's the job in this case?!

    We need to find out what Mishka did again and help his friend.

    And after Svetka, Katka appeared in ICQ with her love experiences.

    As a result, a 2-hour press release can take 3 days.

    Assignment: from today, try to concentrate on work and be distracted only by vital problems.

    Tip 5. Switch

    Once you have mastered one thing, try to switch to something completely different.

    If you have been doing mental work for 2 hours, then for the next 30-60 minutes you can do sports, routine or household chores.

    After brain activity, the body needs rest and switching.

    This is the only way he can continue further brain activity.

    For example: you write a press release for 2 hours, communicate with clients for 30 minutes, take a smoke break for 30 minutes and return to finalizing the press release.

    Tip 6. Fight laziness

    If you really want improve performance, That .

    Don't put off everything until later.

    When you see a whiny message on Skype from Svetka, don’t run headlong to solve her problems.

    Do your chores first, and then calmly chat with your friend.

    If you put everything off until later, you will end up with disappointing results at the end of the day.

    The day seems to be over, but you still haven’t done anything.

    Tip 7. Delegate authority

    Don't try to do everything yourself.

    If you can shift some tasks onto the shoulders of others, shift them!

    A secretary can buy printer paper, a son can buy bread, a courier can deliver a parcel.

    By delegating some tasks to others, you can better concentrate on more important tasks.

    Tip 8. Don’t slow down – grab a sneaker!

    Take note of this striking slogan from a chocolate advertisement.

    At moments when the brain is tired and refuses to do what you tell it, it’s time to take a break and eat a piece of chocolate that is so necessary for the brain!

And a few more tips on how to improve your performance,

in the following video:

And finally...

Each of us has those days when any work falls through the cracks.

At such moments we get nervous and angry, which makes things even worse.

So maybe you shouldn’t mock yourself?

Maybe it’s worth using the proverb “harnesses slowly, but goes quickly.”

If something doesn’t work out for you at the moment, don’t do it.

Better go have some coffee or take a walk in the nearest park.

Maybe at such moments your brain needs a switch?

After switching for some time, the brain itself will find a solution to the problem assigned to it.

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To maintain performance and accelerate recovery processes after heavy loads, in case of acute and chronic fatigue, overwork, and painful conditions, various pharmacological agents are used in modern sports.

Particular attention is paid to pharmacological preparations of plant origin. In each specific case, the doctor decides on the use of certain restorative agents.

Specific substances with antihypoxic properties must satisfy three basic requirements:

  1. Increase the body's resistance to acute hypoxia, including extreme hypoxia;
  2. Do not significantly change the activity of the central nervous system,
    cardiovascular and other systems;
  3. Do not reduce the physical and mental performance of the body with the usual supply of oxygen and contribute to its preservation in hypoxic conditions.

Many substances meet these requirements: cytochrome-c, glutamic, ascorbic, aspartic, folic, pantothenic acids, gutimin, etc. These drugs have a positive effect on the body during the development of oxygen deficiency. Under their influence, general well-being improves, the intensity of hypoxia symptoms decreases, and physical performance increases.

Bemitil- helps speed up recovery and improve performance. Use 0.25 g for 2-3 weeks or 0.5 g for 10 days.

Glutamic acid (monosodium glutamate)- stimulates oxidative processes. Take 1-2
pills after training or competitions.

Gutimin- increases the intensity of glycolysis, saves consumption during physical activity glycogen, limits the accumulation of excess lactate. Take 1-2 tablets after training, 2-3 tablets 1-1.5 hours before competitions.

Cytamak (cytochrome-c)- electron carrier, acts during hypoxia. 1 ampoule is administered intramuscularly after training as a means of recovery, especially with high lactate, and also before starting in cyclic sports. Often gives an allergic reaction!

Drugs that affect energy and metabolic processes.

Cernilton- contains microelements and vitamins, has a general strengthening effect, increases
the body's resistance to infections and inflammation. Indications: frequent recurrences of colds,
inflammatory processes (bronchitis, prostatitis, urethritis, etc.). It is used as a prophylactic agent, as well as when changing time zones. Dose: 2-4 tablets per day.

Picamilon- is a derivative of nicotinic and y-aminobutyric acids. Relieves psycho-emotional excitability, a feeling of fatigue, increases self-confidence, improves mood, creates the impression of a “clear head”, makes you want to train, has an anti-stress effect, relieves pre-start stress, accelerates recovery processes, improves sleep. Dose: 1-2 tablets 2 times a day.

Asparkam- contains potassium aspartate. magnesium aspartate. Corrects electrolyte imbalance in
body, promotes the penetration of potassium and magnesium ions into the intracellular space, has
antiarrhythmic properties, reducing myocardial excitability. Used for prevention
overwork (overexertion), when losing weight, when training in a hot climate. Dose: 1-2
tablets 3 times a day.

succinic acid- improves metabolic processes. Dose: 1-2 tablets after a training session.

Safinor- used during periods of intense exercise, fatigue, changes in the ECG. Dose: 1 each
tablet 3 times a day (course 10-15 days).

Carnitine chloride- an anabolic agent of non-hormonal nature. Helps improve appetite, increase body weight, and normalize basal metabolism. Indications: diseases and conditions,
accompanied by decreased appetite, decreased body weight, physical exhaustion, traumatic
encephalopathy. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day.

Cobamamide- is a natural coenzyme form of vitamin Bia, which determines its activity in
various metabolic processes; necessary for many enzyme reactions that provide
vital activity of the body, plays a large role in the absorption and biosynthesis of protein, amino acid metabolism,
carbohydrates and lipids, as well as a number of other processes.

Indications: anemia, peripheral diseases nervous system, asthenic conditions, etc. Dose: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. Cobamamide is often used together with carnitine, washed down with boiled water with holosas (or a solution
rose hips with vitamin C).

Benfotiamine- its pharmacological properties are close to thiamine and cocarboxylase. Indications: group B hypovitaminosis, asthenoneurotic syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, liver disease, ECG changes (impaired repolarization, etc.). Dose: 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.

Phosphaden- used for heart strain. Dose: up to 100 mg per day for 7-10 days in combination with Riboxin. In case of an overdose, muscle “clogging” often occurs. In this case, you need to reduce the dose, take a hyperthermic bath and massage at night.

Complamine- increases blood flow in capillaries, resulting in improved tissue supply
oxygen; accelerates oxidative processes in tissues. Indications: traumatic brain injuries (concussion, bruises), migraines, muscle congestion, tissue anoxia. Dose: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Pantocrine- liquid alcohol extract from deer antlers, red deer and sika deer. It is used as a tonic for fatigue, neurasthenia, asthenic conditions, weakness of the heart muscle, and hypotension. Dose: 30-40 drops before meals 2-3 times a day or subcutaneously 1 ml per day (course 10-12 days). If you have high blood pressure, pantocrine should not be used.

Riboxin (inosie-f)- takes a direct part in glucose metabolism, activates pyruvic acid enzymes, which ensures normal respiration; enhances the effect of potassium orotate, especially during endurance training. Indications: acute and chronic cardiac overstrain, the possibility of painful liver syndrome, heart rhythm disturbances, intense training, etc. Dose: 1 tablet 4-6 times a day, depending on the type of sport and the weight of the athlete (course 10-20 days).

Adenosine triphosphoric acid- formed during oxidation reactions and in the process of glycolytic breakdown of carbohydrates. It is especially important for the contractile activity of skeletal and cardiac muscles. Under the influence of ATP, coronary and cerebral circulation increases. Dose: intramuscularly, 1 ml of a 1% solution daily (course of 20 injections).

Potassium orotate- has an antidystrophic effect, so it can be prescribed for prophylactic purposes during heavy physical exertion. Indications: acute and chronic cardiac overstrain, liver pain syndrome, liver and biliary tract diseases, heart rhythm disturbances. Dose: 0.5 g 2-3 times a day. With prolonged use, allergic reactions are observed.

Cocarboxylase- participates in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, reduces acidosis, normalizes heart rate. Indications: myocardial overstrain after heavy physical exertion, heart rhythm disturbances, coronary circulatory failure. Dose: intramuscularly 0.05-0.1 g daily (usually together with ATP), for cardiac overstrain - 0.1-1 g. Course - 10-15 days.

Panangin- its action is based on the ability to conduct potassium and magnesium ions intracellularly and thereby eliminate their deficiency. It is used for cardiac arrhythmias and myocardial strain syndrome. Dose: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day (course 10-15 days).

Glutamic acid- participates in metabolic reactions (transamination), in oxidative processes in brain cells, increases the body’s resistance to hypoxia, has a beneficial effect on recovery processes during physical activity, and improves heart function. Indications: heavy physical and mental stress. Dose: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day after meals (course 10-15 days).

Aminalon (gammalon)- takes part in metabolic processes of the brain. Indications:
previous traumatic brain injuries, headaches, insomnia, dizziness associated with high blood pressure. Dose: 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The course for injuries is 200-300 tablets. In order to restore performance, the dose is reduced to 2-3 tablets per day (course 10-15 days).

Calcium glycerophosphate- affects metabolism, enhancing analobic processes. Indications: intense training loads, overtraining, recovery after heavy physical exertion, fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system. Dose: 0.1-0.3 g 2-3 times a day (often in combination with iron supplements).

Ferroplex- includes ascorbic acid, ferrous sulfate. Indications: intense training, anemia, etc. Dose: 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals.

Lipocerebrin- contains phospholipid substances extracted from the brain tissue of cattle. It is used during intense training and competitions, during overtraining, fatigue, loss of strength, anemia, hypotension. Dose: 1 tablet 3 times a day (course 10-5 days).

Phosphrene- used for overwork, anemia, neurasthenia, during training in the mountains. Dose: 1-2 tablets 2 times a day (course 2 weeks).

Fitin- contains phosphorus and a mixture of calcium and magnesium salts of various inositol phosphoric acids, 36% organically bound phosphoric acid. It is used during intense training and competitions, overtraining, functional disorders of the nervous system, and vascular hypotension.

Russia Moscow

TOP 20 drugs to improve memory and brain

In contact with

We present to you the TOP 20 drugs to improve memory and brain function.

The article is a review of the most popular remedies recommended by doctors and pharmacists to improve brain function and memory.

Did you learn from the article?

  • Over-the-counter medications
    • Glycine
    • Vitrum memory
  • Undevit
  • Aminalon
  • Bilobil
  • Intellan
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Glycine D3
  • Divaza
  • BrainRush
  • BrainBoosterX
  • Prescription drugs
    • Thiocetam
    • Fezam
    • Piracetam
    • Nootropil
    • Fenotropil
    • Encephabol
    • Cavinton
    • Picamilon
    • Cerebrolysin
  • Medicines to improve memory for children
  • Do medications help improve memory?
  • Are drugs harmful to memory?
  • What drugs to choose to improve memory and brain activity?

    We highlight the following selection criteria:

    • age category (child, schoolchild, student, adult, elderly)
    • side effects (minor, not detected, significant)
    • effectiveness based on reviews and research

    Based on these parameters, we have compiled a table with a rating of drugs to improve mental performance, which includes medications, dietary supplements, vitamins and nootropics.

    TOP 20 drugs to improve the brain 2019

    Drug name Age restrictions Doctor's prescription price, rub. Rating*
    (Editor's Choice) up to 18 years oldnot needed880 — 1140 9,5
    up to 18 years oldneeded500 — 550 9
    up to 3 yearsneeded130 — 330 8,5
    up to 18 years oldnot needed600 — 1200 8
    up to 18 years oldneeded170 — 730 8
    Nonot needed120 — 230 8
    up to 18 years oldnot needed260 — 1000 7,5
    up to 18 years oldnot needed260 — 350 7,5
    Noneeded30 — 140 7,5
    Noneeded650 — 1000 7,5
    Nonot needed530 — 2200 7,5
    Nonot needed30 — 90 7
    up to 18 years oldnot needed100 — 2000 7
    Nonot needed180 — 500 7
    Noneeded70 — 170 7
    Noneeded660 — 1500 7
    Nonot needed50 — 200 6,5
    Nonot needed180 — 230 6,5
    up to 8 yearsnot needed70 — 470 6,5
    up to 5 yearsneeded240 — 360 6

    The best drugs to improve brain activity for different age categories

    For children and schoolchildren For students For adults For pensioners and the elderly

    Over-the-counter medications


    The most popular drug in Russia. Often used for stress and increased nervous excitement, psycho-emotionallym voltage. Very common among students during a session when preparing for exams. The main purpose is to increase mental performance.

    Application form: 1 tablet 3 times a day.

    Side effects: .

    Vitrum memory

    It is recommended to take this drug if there is a decrease in attention, speed of thinking, or deterioration of intelligence. Herbal preparation. Improves oxygen supply to the brain and improves cerebral circulation. Prevents hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Available in tablet form.

    Application form: 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 months

    Side effects: headache, dizziness, dyspepsia, allergic skin reactions.

    Herbal German preparation with ginkgo biloba extract EGb761®. It differs from similar extracts in its high degree of purification due to 27-stage production in Germany, during which carcinogenic ginkgolic acids are removed from the medicine.

    Used to improve memory and concentration, and to treat dizziness and tinnitus or head noise. Improves microcirculation in the brain. Increases neuroplasticity and neurotransmission. Has a long-term effect.

    Application form: 1 tablet 1-2 times a day.


    It is a pill containing a complex of vitamins A, B, C, E and P, which, when combined in the correct proportions, give a synergistic effect. Recommended for metabolism in old age, as well as after illnesses during the recovery period.

    Application form: 2-3 tablets per day for 20-30 days

    Side effects: allergic reactions are possible


    Restores the dynamics of nervous processes, removes toxins formed during metabolism in the brain. In patients diabetes mellitus helps reduce glucose levels. Recommended after traumatic brain injury

    Application form: 1/3 of the daily dose 3 times a day before meals. Daily dose: children 1-3 years old 1-2g, children 4-6 years old - 2-3g, children over 7 years old - 3g. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 4 months.

    Side effects: nausea, vomiting, blood pressure lability, dyspepsia, increased body temperature, sleep disturbance.


    It is recommended for problems with intellectual abilities and sleep, as well as for those who experience anxiety and fear. Microcirculation and oxygen supply to peripheral brain tissues improves. Contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age.

    Application form: 1 capsule 3 times daily for at least 3 months

    Side effects: redness, skin rash, swelling, itching, dyspepsia, headache, insomnia, decreased blood clotting.


    Application form: 1 capsule 2 times a day after meals, morning and evening for 4 weeks

    Side effects: allergic reactions are possible

    Ginko biloba

    The drug contains extract of leaves of the flexible biloba tree. Recommended for dizziness, sleep disorders, ringing in the ears, decreased attention and memory. Not recommended for persons under 18 years of age or during pregnancy. Renders
    antihypoxic effect and improves tissue metabolism.

    Application form:

    Side effects: allergic reactions are possible


    It is used for disorders of the central nervous system (CNS), including those caused by traumatic brain injury. Restores interhemispheric connections of the brain. The synergism of the components has positive influence on neuronal plasticity - this increases the brain’s resistance to toxic influences. Not recommended for people under 18 years of age and pregnant women.

    Application form: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.

    Glycine D3

    Glycine D3 is a dietary supplement that combines glycine and vitamin D3. These components reinforce each other, activating the central nervous system. Recommended for stimulating brain function and normalizing metabolism in the brain.

    Application form: 1 effervescent tablet 1 time per day.

    Side effects: not detected.

    Prescription drugs

    Attention! Before using medications, be sure to consult your doctor.


    Thiocetam has a triple effect on nerve cells: antioxidant, antihypoxic and nootropic.

    Contains piracetam and thiotriazoline, which mutually enhance each other's effects. Improves long- and short-term memory, promotes the learning process, eliminates amnesia. The drug is also used to treat headaches arising from chronic cerebral ischemia

    Application form: There are two forms of release of Thiocetam.

    • Pills. Use 2 tablets 3 times a day. The recommended course is 25-30 days, but sometimes extended to 4 months.
    • Injections for intravenous administration. Course 2 weeks.

    To increase the effectiveness of treatment, step-by-step therapy is prescribed: first injections, then switching to tablet form.


    Recommended for the prevention of migraines, kinetosis, decreased intellectual functions (memory, attention, mood), as well as intoxication. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 5 years of age. Improves blood circulation and brain metabolism.

    Application form: 1 capsule (80 mg) 2 times a day for 6-8 weeks

    Side effects: allergic reactions are possible


    It is used for dizziness, decreased attention, Alzheimer's disease, in old age and cerebral circulatory disorders due to injuries. Popular among students during the session.

    Application form: 150 mg/kg per day in 2-4 doses. The duration of treatment is 8 weeks.

    Side effects: headache, tremor, in some cases - weakness, drowsiness.


    The drug contains the active substance - piracetam. Improves the functions of attention, concentration, memory without having a psychostimulating effect. Recommended for children with dyslexia. Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

    Application form: to be confirmed by a doctor

    Side effects: increased sexual activity. Rarely - abdominal pain, nervousness, agitation, irritability.


    Tablets with a yellowish tint increase the content of norepinephrine and serotonin in the blood. Improves
    blood supply to the lower extremities. Increases energy levels in the body and oxygen levels in the brain. The effect is evident even after a single dose. Drug dependence does not develop.

    Application form: 2 doses of 100-200 mg for 30 days.

    Side effects: insomnia (when taking the drug after 15 hours).


    Improves blood circulation in the brain, memory indicators and restores impaired metabolic processes in nervous tissue. Recommended for mental impairment, childhood encephalopathy and cerebral atherosclerosis.

    Application form: determined by the doctor individually.

    Side effects: hypersensitivity to pyritinol.


    A drug that improves brain metabolism. It is used for insufficient blood circulation in the brain vessels, for example: vascular atherosclerosis, after a stroke, hypertensive encephalopathy. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 18 years of age.

    Application form: 5-10 mg 3 times a day for 3 months.

    Side effects: allergic skin reactions, increased sweating.


    With long-term use it improves mental capacity, helps reduce anxiety, improve
    attention and memory, normalizes sleep. It is also recommended for people suffering from neuropsychiatric diseases.

    Application form: 60 mg per day for 1.5-3 months.

    Side effects: nausea, headache, dizziness, irritability, agitation, anxiety, allergic reactions (rash, itching).


    Available in the form of ampoules. Protects against the formation of free radicals, reduces the harmful effects of glutamate. Recommended for Alzheimer's disease, ischemic stroke, attention deficit and hyperactivity in children.

    Application form: 60 mg per day for 1.5-3 months

    Side effects: rarely - itching and burning at the injection site, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, confusion, insomnia.


    Side effects: headaches, drowsiness, attacks of nausea.

    Before using medications, carefully weigh the PROS and CONS of using such products. Almost everyone has side effects that are not necessarily reflected externally on the body, but can negatively affect the condition of the internal organs.

    Medicines to improve memory for children

    Some of the above drugs can also be used by children, but very carefully.

    Regarding improving memory for children with the help of drugs, there is a very interesting video - watch:

    In situations with children, the problem may not be with memory and brain.

    If a child cannot remember information for a long time, perhaps this is not his strong point. Maybe he likes music or dancing better, think about it before next time you force him to remember something.

    Do medications help improve memory?

    As neuroscientist K.V. Anokhin: " There are currently no drugs that would actually improve memory.”

    All (including those listed above in the article) drugs have psychotropic functions, not mnemotropic ones. This means that such drugs affect blood circulation and processes associated with attention, perception, and concentration. But they do not directly affect memory.

    People want a magic pill, an analogue of NZT from the movie "Dark Areas", but there is none.

    In addition, think about what you are risking by trying different modern drugs...

    Are drugs harmful to memory?

    If you have a problem with memory, attention, sleep, mood, then pills will under no circumstances remove the causes of these problems. All they can do is, in some cases, reduce the symptoms of problems. At the same time, they can add a lot of negative side effects to your body.

    Understand the causes of memory and brain problems.

    Most often this is:

    • poor nutrition;
    • lack of physical activity;
    • lack of oxygen;
    • irregular sleep;
    • psychological trauma.

    Find out why you may have problems and start dealing with them!

    But if you suddenly still want to help yourself with drugs, then information has recently appeared about new drugs that are even used by intelligence officers.


    The following is written about this drug:

    • improving cerebral circulation, improving the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain;
    • improving the functioning of all parts of the brain - the cerebellum;
    • improving synaptic communication between neurons;